/* * Copyright (C) 2021 revenmartin * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 by Eike Hein * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.12 import Cutefish.FileManager 1.0 import FishUI 1.0 as FishUI GridView { id: control property bool isDesktopView: false property Item rubberBand: null property Item hoveredItem: null property Item pressedItem: null property alias positions: positioner.positions property alias positioner: positioner property int verticalDropHitscanOffset: 0 property int pressX: -1 property int pressY: -1 property int dragX: -1 property int dragY: -1 property bool ctrlPressed: false property bool shiftPressed: false property int previouslySelectedItemIndex: -1 property variant cPress: null property Item editor: null property int anchorIndex: 0 property var iconSize: settings.gridIconSize property var maximumIconSize: settings.maximumIconSize property var minimumIconSize: settings.minimumIconSize property variant cachedRectangleSelection: null property bool scrollLeft: false property bool scrollRight: false property bool scrollUp: false property bool scrollDown: false signal keyPress(var event) cacheBuffer: Math.max(0, control.height * 1.5) onIconSizeChanged: { // 图标大小改变时需要重置状态,否则选中定位不准确 positioner.reset() } function effectiveNavDirection(flow, layoutDirection, direction) { if (direction === Qt.LeftArrow) { if (flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight) { if (layoutDirection === Qt.LeftToRight) { return Qt.LeftArrow; } else { return Qt.RightArrow; } } else { if (layoutDirection === Qt.LeftToRight) { return Qt.UpArrow; } else { return Qt.DownArrow; } } } else if (direction === Qt.RightArrow) { if (flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight) { if (layoutDirection === Qt.LeftToRight) { return Qt.RightArrow; } else { return Qt.LeftArrow; } } else { if (layoutDirection === Qt.LeftToRight) { return Qt.DownArrow; } else { return Qt.UpArrow; } } } else if (direction === Qt.UpArrow) { if (flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight) { return Qt.UpArrow; } else { return Qt.LeftArrow; } } else if (direction === Qt.DownArrow) { if (flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight) { return Qt.DownArrow; } else { return Qt.RightArrow } } } function rename() { if (control.currentIndex != -1) { var renameAction = control.model.action("rename") if (renameAction && !renameAction.enabled) return if (!editor) editor = editorComponent.createObject(control) editor.targetItem = control.currentItem } } function cancelRename() { if (editor) { editor.cancel() editor.targetItem = null; } } function reset() { currentIndex = -1 anchorIndex = 0 previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1 cancelRename() hoveredItem = null pressedItem = null cPress = null } highlightMoveDuration: 0 keyNavigationEnabled : true keyNavigationWraps : true Keys.onPressed: { control.keyPress(event) if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) { ctrlPressed = true } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { shiftPressed = true if (currentIndex != -1) anchorIndex = currentIndex } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Equal && event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { control.increaseIconSize() } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Minus && event.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { control.decreaseIconSize() } } Keys.onReleased: { if (event.key === Qt.Key_Control) { ctrlPressed = false } else if (event.key === Qt.Key_Shift) { shiftPressed = false anchorIndex = 0 } } Keys.onEscapePressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1 dirModel.clearSelection() event.accepted = false } } Keys.onUpPressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, effectiveNavDirection(control.flow, control.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.UpArrow)) if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex updateSelection(event.modifiers) } } } Keys.onDownPressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, effectiveNavDirection(control.flow, control.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.DownArrow)) if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex updateSelection(event.modifiers) } } } Keys.onLeftPressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, effectiveNavDirection(control.flow, control.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.LeftArrow)) if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers) } } } Keys.onRightPressed: { if (!editor || !editor.targetItem) { var newIndex = positioner.nearestItem(currentIndex, effectiveNavDirection(control.flow, control.effectiveLayoutDirection, Qt.RightArrow)) if (newIndex !== -1) { currentIndex = newIndex; updateSelection(event.modifiers) } } } cellHeight: { var iconHeight = iconSize + (FishUI.Units.fontMetrics.height * 2) + FishUI.Units.largeSpacing * 2 if (isDesktopView) { var extraHeight = calcExtraSpacing(iconHeight, control.height - topMargin - bottomMargin) return iconHeight + extraHeight } return iconHeight } cellWidth: { var iconWidth = iconSize + FishUI.Units.largeSpacing * 4 var extraWidth = calcExtraSpacing(iconWidth, control.width - leftMargin - rightMargin) return iconWidth + extraWidth } clip: true currentIndex: -1 ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar { } FishUI.WheelHandler { target: control } onPressXChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(control.contentItem, pressX, pressY) } onPressYChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(control.contentItem, pressX, pressY) } onContentXChanged: { cancelRename() } onContentYChanged: { cancelRename() } onCachedRectangleSelectionChanged: { if (cachedRectangleSelection === null) return if (cachedRectangleSelection.length) control.currentIndex[0] dirModel.updateSelection(cachedRectangleSelection, control.ctrlPressed) } Positioner { id: positioner enabled: true folderModel: dirModel perStripe: Math.floor(((control.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? control.width : control.height) / ((control.flow == GridView.FlowLeftToRight) ? control.cellWidth : control.cellHeight)); } DropArea { id: _dropArea anchors.fill: parent onDropped: { var dropPos = mapToItem(control.contentItem, drop.x, drop.y) var dropIndex = control.indexAt(drop.x, drop.y) var dragPos = mapToItem(control.contentItem, control.dragX, control.dragY) var dragIndex = control.indexAt(dragPos.x, dragPos.y) if (control.dragX == -1 || dragIndex !== dropIndex) { } } } MouseArea { id: _mouseArea anchors.fill: parent propagateComposedEvents: true preventStealing: true acceptedButtons: Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton hoverEnabled: true enabled: true z: -1 onPressed: { control.forceActiveFocus() if (control.editor && childAt(mouse.x, mouse.y) !== control.editor) control.editor.commit() pressX = mouse.x pressY = mouse.y // 如果找到 hoveredItem 则点击后设置成为 pressedItem if (hoveredItem) { pressedItem = hoveredItem // 这里更改 currentIndex 会影响到范围选择 if (!control.shiftPressed) currentIndex = pressedItem.index // Shift 处理, 选择区域 if (control.shiftPressed && control.currentIndex !== -1) { dirModel.setRangeSelected(control.anchorIndex, hoveredItem.index) } else { // Ctrl 处理 if (!control.ctrlPressed && !dirModel.isSelected(hoveredItem.index)) { dirModel.clearSelection() } // Item 选择 if (control.ctrlPressed) { dirModel.toggleSelected(hoveredItem.index) } else { dirModel.setSelected(hoveredItem.index) } } // 弹出 Item 菜单 if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { clearPressState() dirModel.openContextMenu(null, mouse.modifiers) mouse.accepted = true } } else { // 处理空白区域点击 if (!control.ctrlPressed) { control.currentIndex = -1 dirModel.clearSelection() } // 弹出文件夹菜单 if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { clearPressState() dirModel.openContextMenu(null, mouse.modifiers) mouse.accepted = true } } } onPositionChanged: { control.ctrlPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) control.shiftPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier) var index = control.indexAt(mouse.x + control.contentX, mouse.y + control.contentY) var indexItem = control.itemAtIndex(index) // Set hoveredItem. if (indexItem) { var fPos = mapToItem(indexItem.background, mouse.x, mouse.y) if (fPos.x < 0 || fPos.y < 0 || fPos.x > indexItem.background.width || fPos.y > indexItem.background.height) { control.hoveredItem = null } else { control.hoveredItem = indexItem } } else { control.hoveredItem = null } // Update rubberband geometry. if (control.rubberBand) { var cPos = mapToItem(control.contentItem, mouse.x, mouse.y) var leftEdge = Math.min(control.contentX, control.originX) var rB = control.rubberBand if (cPos.x < cPress.x) { rB.x = Math.max(leftEdge, cPos.x) rB.width = Math.abs(rB.x - cPress.x) } else { rB.x = cPress.x const ceil = Math.max(control.width, control.contentItem.width) + leftEdge rB.width = Math.min(ceil - rB.x, Math.abs(rB.x - cPos.x)) } if (cPos.y < cPress.y) { rB.y = Math.max(0, cPos.y) rB.height = Math.abs(rB.y - cPress.y) } else { rB.y = cPress.y const ceil = Math.max(control.height, control.contentItem.height) rB.height = Math.min(ceil - rB.y, Math.abs(rB.y - cPos.y)) } // Ensure rubberband is at least 1px in size or else it will become // invisible and not match any items. rB.width = Math.max(1, rB.width) rB.height = Math.max(1, rB.height) control.rectangleSelect(rB.x, rB.y, rB.width, rB.height) return } if (pressX != -1) { if (pressedItem != null && dirModel.isSelected(pressedItem.index)) { control.dragX = mouse.x control.dragY = mouse.y control.verticalDropHitscanOffset = pressedItem.y + (pressedItem.height / 2) dirModel.dragSelected(mouse.x, mouse.y) control.dragX = -1 control.dragY = -1 clearPressState() } else { if (control.editor && control.editor.targetItem) return; dirModel.pinSelection() control.rubberBand = rubberBandObject.createObject(control.contentItem, {x: cPress.x, y: cPress.y}) control.interactive = false } } } onClicked: { clearPressState() if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { dirModel.openContextMenu(null, mouse.modifiers) } } onDoubleClicked: { if (mouse.button === Qt.LeftButton && control.pressedItem) dirModel.openSelected() } onReleased: { // 当选择多个文件的时候,在这选择里的文件中点击 if (pressedItem != null && !control.rubberBand && !control.shiftPressed && !control.ctrlPressed && !dirModel.dragging) { dirModel.clearSelection() dirModel.setSelected(pressedItem.index) } dirModel.updateSelectedItemsSize() pressCanceled() } onCanceled: pressCanceled() onWheel: { if (wheel.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier) { if (wheel.angleDelta.y > 0) control.increaseIconSize() else control.decreaseIconSize() } else { wheel.accepted = false } } } function clearPressState() { pressedItem = null pressX = -1 pressY = -1 } function pressCanceled() { if (control.rubberBand) { control.rubberBand.close() control.rubberBand = null control.interactive = true control.cachedRectangleSelection = null dirModel.unpinSelection() } clearPressState() } function rectangleSelect(x, y, width, height) { var rows = (control.flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight) var axis = rows ? control.width : control.height var step = rows ? cellWidth : cellHeight var perStripe = Math.floor(axis / step) var stripes = Math.ceil(control.count / perStripe) var cWidth = control.cellWidth - (2 * FishUI.Units.smallSpacing) var cHeight = control.cellHeight - (2 * FishUI.Units.smallSpacing) var midWidth = control.cellWidth / 2 var midHeight = control.cellHeight / 2 var indices = [] for (var s = 0; s < stripes; s++) { for (var i = 0; i < perStripe; i++) { var index = (s * perStripe) + i if (index >= control.count) { break } if (dirModel.isBlank(index)) { continue } var itemX = ((rows ? i : s) * control.cellWidth) var itemY = ((rows ? s : i) * control.cellHeight) if (control.effectiveLayoutDirection === Qt.RightToLeft) { itemX -= (rows ? control.contentX : control.originX) itemX += cWidth itemX = (rows ? control.width : control.contentItem.width) - itemX } // Check if the rubberband intersects this cell first to avoid doing more // expensive work. if (control.rubberBand.intersects(Qt.rect(itemX + FishUI.Units.smallSpacing, itemY + FishUI.Units.smallSpacing, cWidth, cHeight))) { var item = control.contentItem.childAt(itemX + midWidth, itemY + midHeight) // If this is a visible item, check for intersection with the actual // icon or label rects for better feel. if (item && item.iconArea) { var iconRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.iconArea.x, itemY + item.iconArea.y, item.iconArea.width, item.iconArea.height) if (control.rubberBand.intersects(iconRect)) { indices.push(index) continue } var labelRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.labelArea.x, itemY + item.labelArea.y, item.labelArea.width, item.labelArea.height) if (control.rubberBand.intersects(labelRect)) { indices.push(index) continue } } else { // Otherwise be content with the cell intersection. indices.push(index) } } } } control.cachedRectangleSelection = indices } function calcExtraSpacing(cellSize, containerSize) { var availableColumns = Math.floor(containerSize / cellSize) var extraSpacing = 0 if (availableColumns > 0) { var allColumnSize = availableColumns * cellSize var extraSpace = Math.max(containerSize - allColumnSize, 0) extraSpacing = extraSpace / availableColumns } return Math.floor(extraSpacing) } function increaseIconSize() { if (iconSize >= control.maximumIconSize) { iconSize = control.maximumIconSize return } iconSize += (iconSize * 0.1) } function decreaseIconSize() { if (iconSize <= control.minimumIconSize) { iconSize = control.minimumIconSize return } iconSize -= (iconSize * 0.1) } function updateSelection(modifier) { if (modifier & Qt.ShiftModifier) { dirModel.setRangeSelected(anchorIndex, currentIndex) } else { dirModel.clearSelection() dirModel.setSelected(currentIndex) if (currentIndex == -1) previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1 previouslySelectedItemIndex = currentIndex } } Component { id: editorComponent TextField { id: _editor visible: false wrapMode: TextEdit.Wrap horizontalAlignment: TextEdit.AlignHCenter topPadding: FishUI.Units.smallSpacing bottomPadding: FishUI.Units.smallSpacing z: 999 property Item targetItem: null onTargetItemChanged: { if (targetItem != null) { var pos = control.mapFromItem(targetItem, targetItem.labelArea.x, targetItem.labelArea.y) width = targetItem.width - FishUI.Units.smallSpacing height = targetItem.labelArea.paintedHeight + FishUI.Units.largeSpacing * 2 x = targetItem.x + Math.abs(Math.min(control.contentX, control.originX)) y = pos.y - FishUI.Units.largeSpacing text = targetItem.labelArea.text targetItem.labelArea.visible = false _editor.select(0, dirModel.fileExtensionBoundary(targetItem.index)) visible = true control.interactive = false } else { x = 0 y = 0 width = 0 height = 0 visible = false control.interactive = true } } Keys.onPressed: { switch (event.key) { case Qt.Key_Return: case Qt.Key_Enter: commit() event.accepted = true break case Qt.Key_Escape: cancel() event.accepted = true break } } onVisibleChanged: { if (visible) _editor.forceActiveFocus() else control.forceActiveFocus() } function commit() { if (targetItem) { targetItem.labelArea.visible = true dirModel.rename(targetItem.index, text) control.currentIndex = targetItem.index targetItem = null control.editor.destroy() } } function cancel() { if (targetItem) { targetItem.labelArea.visible = true control.currentIndex = targetItem.index targetItem = null control.editor.destroy() } } } } }