import QtQuick 2.12 import QtQuick.Controls 2.12 import MeuiKit 1.0 as Meui import Cutefish.FileManager 1.0 as FM GridView { id: control // XXXX property var iconSize: 130 + Meui.Units.largeSpacing cellWidth: { var extraWidth = calcExtraSpacing(iconSize, control.width - leftMargin - rightMargin); return iconSize + extraWidth; } cellHeight: { var extraHeight = calcExtraSpacing(iconSize, control.height - topMargin - bottomMargin); return iconSize + extraHeight; } ScrollBar.vertical: ScrollBar {} clip: true property Item rubberBand: null property Item hoveredItem: null property Item pressedItem: null property int pressX: -1 property int pressY: -1 property int dragX: -1 property int dragY: -1 property variant cPress: null property bool doubleClickInProgress: false property int anchorIndex: 0 property bool ctrlPressed: false property bool shiftPressed: false property bool overflowing: (visibleArea.heightRatio < 1.0 || visibleArea.widthRatio < 1.0) property bool scrollLeft: false property bool scrollRight: false property bool scrollUp: false property bool scrollDown: false property variant cachedRectangleSelection: null property int previouslySelectedItemIndex: -1 property int verticalDropHitscanOffset: 0 flow: GridView.FlowLeftToRight currentIndex: -1 onPressXChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(control.contentItem, pressX, pressY); } onPressYChanged: { cPress = mapToItem(control.contentItem, pressX, pressY); } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent acceptedButtons: Qt.LeftButton | Qt.RightButton // propagateComposedEvents: true hoverEnabled: true z: -1 onPressed: { control.forceActiveFocus() if (mouse.source === Qt.MouseEventSynthesizedByQt) { var index = control.indexAt(mouse.x, mouse.y) var indexItem = control.itemAtIndex(index) if (indexItem && indexItem.iconArea) { control.currentIndex = index hoveredItem = indexItem } else { hoveredItem = null } } pressX = mouse.x pressY = mouse.y if (!hoveredItem || hoveredItem.blank) { if (!control.ctrlPressed) { control.currentIndex = -1; previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dirModel.clearSelection(); } if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { clearPressState() dirModel.openContextMenu(null, mouse.modifiers) mouse.accepted = true } } else { pressedItem = hoveredItem; if (control.shiftPressed && control.currentIndex !== -1) { positioner.setRangeSelected(control.anchorIndex, hoveredItem.index); } else { if (!control.ctrlPressed && !dirModel.isSelected( { previouslySelectedItemIndex = -1; dirModel.clearSelection(); } if (control.ctrlPressed) { dirModel.toggleSelected(; } else { dirModel.setSelected(; } control.currentIndex = hoveredItem.index; if (mouse.buttons & Qt.RightButton) { clearPressState(); dirModel.openContextMenu(null, mouse.modifiers); mouse.accepted = true; } } } } onPositionChanged: { control.ctrlPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ControlModifier); control.shiftPressed = (mouse.modifiers & Qt.ShiftModifier); var cPos = mapToItem(control.contentItem, mouse.x, mouse.y); var item = control.itemAt(cPos.x, cPos.y); var leftEdge = Math.min(control.contentX, control.originX); if (!item || item.blank) { if (control.hoveredItem && !root.containsDrag) { control.hoveredItem = null; } } else { var fPos = mapToItem(item, mouse.x, mouse.y); if (fPos.x < 0 || fPos.y < 0 || fPos.x > item.width || fPos.y > item.height) { control.hoveredItem = null; } else { control.hoveredItem = item } } // Trigger autoscroll. if (pressX != -1) { control.scrollLeft = (mouse.x <= 0 && control.contentX > leftEdge); control.scrollRight = (mouse.x >= control.width && control.contentX < control.contentItem.width - control.width); control.scrollUp = (mouse.y <= 0 && control.contentY > 0); control.scrollDown = (mouse.y >= control.height && control.contentY < control.contentItem.height - control.height); } // Update rubberband geometry. if (control.rubberBand) { var rB = control.rubberBand; if (cPos.x < cPress.x) { rB.x = Math.max(leftEdge, cPos.x); rB.width = Math.abs(rB.x - cPress.x); } else { rB.x = cPress.x; var ceil = Math.max(control.width, control.contentItem.width) + leftEdge; rB.width = Math.min(ceil - rB.x, Math.abs(rB.x - cPos.x)); } if (cPos.y < cPress.y) { rB.y = Math.max(0, cPos.y); rB.height = Math.abs(rB.y - cPress.y); } else { rB.y = cPress.y; var ceil = Math.max(control.height, control.contentItem.height); rB.height = Math.min(ceil - rB.y, Math.abs(rB.y - cPos.y)); } // Ensure rubberband is at least 1px in size or else it will become // invisible and not match any items. rB.width = Math.max(1, rB.width); rB.height = Math.max(1, rB.height); control.rectangleSelect(rB.x, rB.y, rB.width, rB.height); return; } // Drag initiation. if (pressX != -1 /*&& root.isDrag(pressX, pressY, mouse.x, mouse.y)*/) { if (pressedItem != null && dirModel.isSelected( { dragX = mouse.x; dragY = mouse.y; control.verticalDropHitscanOffset = pressedItem.iconArea.y + (pressedItem.iconArea.height / 2) dirModel.dragSelected(mouse.x, mouse.y); dragX = -1; dragY = -1; clearPressState(); } else { dirModel.pinSelection(); control.rubberBand = rubberBandObject.createObject(control.contentItem, {x: cPress.x, y: cPress.y}) control.interactive = false; } } } onContainsMouseChanged: { if (!containsMouse && !control.rubberBand) { clearPressState(); if (control.hoveredItem) { control.hoveredItem = null; } } } onCanceled: pressCanceled() onReleased: pressCanceled() } function calcExtraSpacing(cellSize, containerSize) { var availableColumns = Math.floor(containerSize / cellSize); var extraSpacing = 0; if (availableColumns > 0) { var allColumnSize = availableColumns * cellSize; var extraSpace = Math.max(containerSize - allColumnSize, 0); extraSpacing = extraSpace / availableColumns; } return Math.floor(extraSpacing); } function clearPressState() { pressedItem = null; pressX = -1; pressY = -1; } function rectangleSelect(x, y, width, height) { var rows = (control.flow === GridView.FlowLeftToRight); var axis = rows ? control.width : control.height; var step = rows ? cellWidth : cellHeight; var perStripe = Math.floor(axis / step); var stripes = Math.ceil(control.count / perStripe); var cWidth = control.cellWidth - (2 * Meui.Units.smallSpacing); var cHeight = control.cellHeight - (2 * Meui.Units.smallSpacing); var midWidth = control.cellWidth / 2; var midHeight = control.cellHeight / 2; var indices = []; for (var s = 0; s < stripes; s++) { for (var i = 0; i < perStripe; i++) { var index = (s * perStripe) + i; if (index >= control.count) { break; } if (positioner.isBlank(index)) { continue; } var itemX = ((rows ? i : s) * control.cellWidth); var itemY = ((rows ? s : i) * control.cellHeight); if (control.effectiveLayoutDirection == Qt.RightToLeft) { itemX -= (rows ? control.contentX : control.originX); itemX += cWidth; itemX = (rows ? control.width : control.contentItem.width) - itemX; } // Check if the rubberband intersects this cell first to avoid doing more // expensive work. if (control.rubberBand.intersects(Qt.rect(itemX + Meui.Units.smallSpacing, itemY + Meui.Units.smallSpacing, cWidth, cHeight))) { var item = control.contentItem.childAt(itemX + midWidth, itemY + midHeight); // If this is a visible item, check for intersection with the actual // icon or label rects for better feel. if (item && item.iconArea) { var iconRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.iconArea.x, itemY + item.iconArea.y, item.iconArea.width, item.iconArea.height); if (control.rubberBand.intersects(iconRect)) { indices.push(index); continue; } var labelRect = Qt.rect(itemX + item.labelArea.x, itemY + item.labelArea.y, item.labelArea.width, item.labelArea.height); if (control.rubberBand.intersects(labelRect)) { indices.push(index); continue; } } else { // Otherwise be content with the cell intersection. indices.push(index); } } } } control.cachedRectangleSelection = indices; } onCachedRectangleSelectionChanged: { if (cachedRectangleSelection == null) { return; } if (cachedRectangleSelection.length) { // Set current index to start of selection. // cachedRectangleSelection is pre-sorted. currentIndex = cachedRectangleSelection[0]; } dirModel.updateSelection(, control.ctrlPressed); } function pressCanceled() { if (control.rubberBand) { control.rubberBand.close() control.rubberBand = null control.interactive = true; control.cachedRectangleSelection = null; dirModel.unpinSelection(); } clearPressState(); control.cancelAutoscroll(); } function cancelAutoscroll() { scrollLeft = false; scrollRight = false; scrollUp = false; scrollDown = false; } Component { id: rubberBandObject FM.RubberBand { id: rubberBand width: 0 height: 0 z: 99999 color: Meui.Theme.highlightColor function close() { opacityAnimation.restart() } OpacityAnimator { id: opacityAnimation target: rubberBand to: 0 from: 1 duration: 150 easing { bezierCurve: [0.4, 0.0, 1, 1] type: Easing.Bezier } onFinished: { rubberBand.visible = false rubberBand.enabled = false rubberBand.destroy() } } } } }