UI backends, DBus interface, port to CMake build system
This commit is contained in:
323 changed files with 161715 additions and 665 deletions
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
[submodule "IconFontCppHeaders"]
path = IconFontCppHeaders
[submodule "backends/imgui/IconFontCppHeaders"]
path = backends/imgui/IconFontCppHeaders
url = https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders.git
[submodule "imgui"]
path = imgui
[submodule "backends/imgui/imgui"]
path = backends/imgui/imgui
url = https://github.com/ocornut/imgui.git
[submodule "subprojects/SDL-Mixer-X"]
path = subprojects/SDL-Mixer-X
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.28)
project(looper VERSION 1.0.0 LANGUAGES C CXX)
option(USE_VGMSTREAM "Enable using the VGMStream libraries (Unimplemented)" OFF)
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
find_package(sdbus-c++ REQUIRED)
set(SDL_MIXER_X_TARGET SDL2_mixer_ext_Static)
set(SDL_MIXER_X_TARGET SDL2_mixer_ext)
pkg_check_modules(SoundTouch IMPORTED_TARGET soundtouch)
add_custom_target(looper_assets COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/assets/update_assets.py WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR})
if (Git_FOUND)
message("" ${TAG})
set(TAG "unknown")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/meson2cmake_cfg.py ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.meson.h.in ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/config.cmake.h.in)
configure_file(config.cmake.h.in config.h)
warning(MESSAGE "No prefix specified for reading thie PKGConfig variable to. Attempting to guess it from the library specification...")
fatal(MESSAGE "... But it turns out no library specification was specified. Giving up.")
warning(MESSAGE "No library name was specified. Assuming it is the same as the prefix.")
target_link_libraries(${TARGET} ${PARSED_ARGS_PUBLICITY} PkgConfig::${PARSED_ARGS_PREFIX})
option(USE_PORTALS "Enable libportal support if available" ON)
set(ARGS ${ARGV})
set(${OUT_VAR} )
foreach(ARG IN ITEMS ${ARGS})
prefix_all(LIBRARY_SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ backend.cpp options.cpp playback.cpp util.cpp log.cpp dbus.cpp)
add_library(liblooper STATIC ${LIBRARY_SOURCES})
target_include_directories(liblooper PUBLIC ${INC})
target_link_libraries(liblooper PUBLIC SDL2::SDL2 ${SDL_MIXER_X_TARGET} PkgConfig::SoundTouch SDBusCpp::sdbus-c++)
set(ARGS ${ARGV})
list(POP_FRONT ARGS target)
add_library(${target} STATIC ${ARGS})
message("Enabling UI backend '" ${target} "'...")
list(APPEND UI_BACKENDS ${target})
add_dependencies(${target} looper_assets)
target_include_directories(${target} PRIVATE ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR} ${INC})
target_link_libraries(${target} PRIVATE liblooper)
target_pkgconfig(TARGETS imgui_ui PRIVATE PREFIX libPortal LIBRARIES libportal)
if (NOT ${libPortal_FOUND} EQUAL "1")
info("Enabling libportal support...")
target_compile_definitions(imgui_ui PRIVATE "PORTALS")
option(DISABLE_GTK_UI "Disables the GTK+ UI" OFF)
option(DISABLE_IMGUI_UI "Disables the Dear ImGui UI" OFF)
list(APPEND ENABLED_UIS "imgui")
execute_process(COMMAND ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gen_ui_backend_inc.py ${ENABLED_UIS})
prefix_all(SOURCES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/ backend_glue.cpp main.cpp)
add_executable(looper ${SOURCES})
add_dependencies(looper looper_assets ${UI_BACKENDS})
target_compile_definitions(looper PRIVATE "IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2")
find_program(ASCLI_EXE NAMES "appstreamcli" NO_CACHE)
message("Cannot verify Appstream Metadata.")
add_test(NAME "verify appstream metadata" COMMAND ${ASCLI_EXE} validate --no-net --pedantic "assets/com.experimentalcraft.Looper.metainfo.xml")
target_link_libraries(looper PRIVATE liblooper libvgmstream jsoncpp ${UI_BACKENDS})
install(TARGETS looper ${EXTRA_LIBS})
install(FILES assets/icon.svg DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/)
install(FILES assets/looper.desktop DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/applications)
install(FILES assets/com.experimentalcraft.Looper.metainfo.xml DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR}/metainfo)
install(DIRECTORY assets/translations/ TYPE LOCALE PATTERN "*" EXCLUDE PATTERN "looper.pot")
@ -1 +0,0 @@
Subproject commit 321a095aa2704fa8b8c3a2b366eeca247a9825a5
@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
pushd "$(dirname "$0")"
if [ -z "$CXX" ]; then
export CXX=g++
declare -a ASSETS
add_basic() {
./btcc -nocompress $1 $2 > $2.h
add_base85() {
./btcc -base85 $1 $2 > $2.h
$CXX ../imgui/misc/fonts/binary_to_compressed_c.cpp -o btcc
add_base85 forkawesome-webfont.ttf forkawesome
for i in Noto_Sans/*.ttf; do
FONT="$(echo -n "$i" | sed 's/^.*\///g' | sed 's/.ttf$//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/-/_/g')"
add_base85 "$i" "$FONT"
for i in Noto_Sans_JP/*.ttf; do
FONT="$(echo -n "$i" | sed 's/^.*\///g' | sed 's/.ttf$//' | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/-/_/g')"
add_base85 "$i" "$FONT"
add_base85 'icon.png' 'icon'
add_basic 'Noto_Sans/OFL.txt' 'notosans_license'
add_basic 'Noto_Sans_JP/OFL.txt' 'notosansjp_license'
add_basic '../LICENSE' 'looper_license'
add_basic '../subprojects/jsoncpp/LICENSE' 'jsoncpp_license'
add_basic '../subprojects/SDL-Mixer-X/COPYING.txt' 'sdl_mixer_x_license'
add_basic '../imgui-filebrowser/LICENSE' 'imgui_filebrowser_license'
add_basic '../imgui/LICENSE.txt' 'imgui_license'
add_basic 'licenses/SoundTouch.txt' 'soundtouch_license'
add_basic 'licenses/libportal.txt' 'libportal_license'
add_basic 'licenses/ForkAwesome.txt' 'forkawesome_license'
add_basic 'licenses/libintl.txt' 'libintl_license'
add_basic 'licenses/cli11.txt' 'cli11_license'
add_basic 'licenses/TomlPlusPlus.txt' 'tomlplusplus_license'
add_basic '../IconFontCppHeaders/licence.txt' 'icnfntcpphdrs_license'
echo '#pragma once' > 'assets.h'
for i in "${ASSETS[@]}"; do
echo "#include \"$i\"" >> 'assets.h'
rm btcc
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import os.path as path
import shutil
from glob import glob
olddir = os.curdir
print("Entering assets directory to begin asset conversion...")
def run_btcc(args: list[str], outpath: str):
with open(outpath + ".h", "wt+") as f:
actual_args = ["./btcc"]
for arg in args:
actual_args += [arg]
actual_args += [outpath]
subprocess.call(actual_args, stdout=f)
def add_basic(input: str, output: str, ASSETS = ASSETS):
ASSETS += [output + ".h"]
run_btcc(["-nocompress", input], output)
def add_base85(input: str, output: str, ASSETS = ASSETS):
ASSETS += [output + ".h"]
run_btcc(["-base85", input], output)
def add_font(input: str, output: str|None = None):
if output == None:
FONT=path.basename(input).removesuffix(".ttf").lower().replace('-', '_')
print("Adding font '%s' from file '%s'" % (FONT, path.abspath(input)))
add_base85(input, FONT)
def add_graphic(input: str):
GRAPHIC=path.basename(input).removesuffix(".png").lower().replace('-', '_')
print("Adding graphic '%s' from file '%s'" % (GRAPHIC, input))
add_base85(input, GRAPHIC)
def add_license(input: str, output: str):
LICENSE = output + "_license"
print("Adding license '%s' (C identifier: '%s') from file '%s'" % (output, LICENSE, input))
add_basic(input, LICENSE)
def compile_program(file: str, output: str):
print("Compiling file '%s' to '%s'" % (path.abspath(file), path.abspath(output)))
subprocess.call([os.environ.get("CXX", "c++"), file, "-o", output])
compile_program("../backends/ui/imgui/imgui/misc/fonts/binary_to_compressed_c.cpp", "btcc")
for i in glob("Noto_Sans/*.ttf"):
for i in glob("Noto_Sans_JP/*.ttf"):
add_font("forkawesome-webfont.ttf", "forkawesome")
add_license("Noto_Sans/OFL.txt", "notosans")
add_license("Noto_Sans_JP/OFL.txt", "notosansjp")
add_license("../LICENSE", "looper")
add_license("../subprojects/jsoncpp/LICENSE", "jsoncpp")
add_license("../subprojects/SDL-Mixer-X/COPYING.txt", "sdl_mixer_x")
add_license("../backends/ui/imgui/imgui-filebrowser/LICENSE", "imgui_filebrowser")
add_license("../backends/ui/imgui/imgui/LICENSE.txt", "imgui")
add_license("licenses/SoundTouch.txt", "soundtouch")
add_license("licenses/libportal.txt", "libportal")
add_license("licenses/ForkAwesome.txt", "forkawesome")
add_license("licenses/libintl.txt", "libintl")
add_license("licenses/cli11.txt", "cli11")
add_license("licenses/TomlPlusPlus.txt", "tomlplusplus")
add_license("../backends/ui/imgui/IconFontCppHeaders/licence.txt", "icnfntcpphdrs")
def finalize(output: str, ASSETS = ASSETS):
print("Writing a header including all previous asset headers and writing it to '%s'..." % output)
with open(output, "wt+") as f:
f.write("#pragma once\n")
for asset in ASSETS:
print("Adding include for '%s'..." % (asset))
f.write("#include \"%s\"\n" % asset)
print("Returning to previous directory, now that we're done!")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
#include "backend.hpp"
#include <glib-object.h>
#include "data.h"
#include "thirdparty/CLI11.hpp"
std::map<std::string, UIBackend*> UIBackend::backends;
std::string UIBackend::get_id() {
return "";
int UIBackend::run(std::vector<std::string> realArgs, int argc, char **argv) {
args = realArgs;
playback = new Playback();
std::string filename = "";
DBusAPISender sender;
double new_speed = 1.0;
double new_tempo = 1.0;
double new_pitch = 1.0;
auto speed_opt = app.add_option("-s,--speed", new_speed, "Set the initial speed of the playback.")->default_val(1.0);
auto tempo_opt = app.add_option("-t,--tempo", new_tempo, "Set the initial tempo of the playback.")->default_val(1.0);
auto pitch_opt = app.add_option("-p,--pitch", new_pitch, "Set the initial pitch of the playback.")->default_val(1.0);
try {
} catch (const CLI::ParseError &e) {
throw app.exit(e);
playback->speed = new_speed;
playback->tempo = new_tempo;
playback->pitch = new_pitch;
args = app.remaining();
if (!sender.isOnlyInstance()) {
if (args.size() > 0) {
if (!speed_opt->empty()) {
if (!tempo_opt->empty()) {
if (!pitch_opt->empty()) {
throw 0;
} else {
dbus_api = new DBusAPI(playback);
if (args.size() > 0) {
return 0;
void UIBackend::deinit_backends() {
for (auto &kv : backends) {
delete kv.second;
std::string UIBackend::get_name() {
return "Unknown frontend";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <optional>
#include "playback.h"
#include "dbus.hpp"
class UIBackend {
std::vector<std::string> args;
Playback *playback;
DBusAPI *dbus_api;
virtual std::string get_id();
virtual std::string get_name();
UIBackend() = default;
virtual int run(std::vector<std::string> realArgs, int argc, char **argv);
static std::map<std::string, UIBackend*> backends;
static inline std::optional<UIBackend*> get_backend(std::string id) {
if (backends.contains(id)) {
return backends[id];
} else {
return {};
static inline UIBackend* get_first_backend() {
if (backends.empty()) {
return nullptr;
return (*backends.begin()).second;
template<class T>
static void register_backend() {
UIBackend *backend = new T();
std::string backend_id = backend->get_id();
if (backends.contains(backend_id)) { // Guard against potential memory leak due to reassigning a new pointer without deallocating the previous one
delete backend;
backends[backend_id] = backend;
static void deinit_backends();
void init_backends();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
#include "backend.hpp"
#include "backends/ui/imgui/ui_backend.hpp"
#include "backends/ui/gtk/main.h"
void init_backends() {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
set(BACKEND_GTK_SRC_BASE main.cpp main_window.cpp my_slider.cpp options_window.cpp)
pkg_check_modules(GTK4 IMPORTED_TARGET gtk4)
pkg_check_modules(gtkmm4 IMPORTED_TARGET gtkmm-4.0)
if (GTK4_FOUND AND gtkmm4_FOUND)
add_ui_backend(gtk_ui ${BACKEND_GTK_SRC})
target_link_libraries(gtk_ui PRIVATE PkgConfig::GTK4 PkgConfig::gtkmm4)
target_include_directories(gtk_ui PRIVATE ${BACKEND_GTK_INC})
message("Gtkmm-4.0 not found - Not enabling GTK backend.")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
#include "main.h"
#include "main_window.hpp"
std::string GtkBackend::get_id() {
return "gtk";
std::string GtkBackend::get_name() {
return "GTK frontend";
int GtkBackend::run(std::vector<std::string> realArgs, int argc, char **argv) {
int ret = UIBackend::run(realArgs, argc, argv);
if (ret != 0) {
return ret;
auto app = Gtk::Application::create("com.experimentalcraft.Looper");
auto *win = new MainWindow(playback);
app->signal_startup().connect([=]() {
return app->run(argc, argv);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#pragma once
#include <backend.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class GtkBackend : public UIBackend {
std::string get_id() override;
std::string get_name() override;
int run(std::vector<std::string> realArgs, int argc, char **argv) override;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
#include "main_window.hpp"
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include "my_slider.hpp"
#include <filesystem>
#include <util.hpp>
void MainWindow::set_song_loaded(bool loaded) {
bool unloaded = !loaded;
void MainWindow::update_file(optional<std::string> new_file) {
playback_file = new_file;
bool song_loaded = new_file.has_value();
if (song_loaded) {
length = playback->GetLength();
length_component_count = TimeToComponentCount(length);
length_label.set_text(TimeToString(length, length_component_count).c_str());
std::filesystem::path file_path(new_file.value());
song_name = file_path.stem().string();
set_title((song_name + std::string(" - Looper")).c_str());
seek_bar.set_range(0, length);
} else {
length = 0;
length_component_count = 2;
song_name = "";
bool length_valid = length > 0;
struct signals_split_by_expected {
uint16_t expected;
uint16_t unexpected;
inline uint16_t all_signals() {
return expected|unexpected;
inline uint16_t filter(uint16_t signal) {
return all_signals() & signal;
inline bool emitted(uint16_t signal) {
return filter(signal) != 0;
inline uint16_t filter_expected(uint16_t signal) {
return expected & signal;
inline uint16_t filter_unexpected(uint16_t signal) {
return unexpected & signal;
inline bool signal_expected(uint16_t signal) {
return filter_expected(signal) == filter(signal);
inline bool signal_unexpected(uint16_t signal) {
return filter_unexpected(signal) == filter(signal);
signals_split_by_expected(uint16_t expected, uint16_t unexpected)
: expected(expected)
, unexpected(unexpected)
bool MainWindow::update() {
uint16_t signals_expected_and_emitted = playback->handle_signals(expected_signals);
uint16_t unexpected_signals = PlaybackSignalNone;
expected_signals &= ~signals_expected_and_emitted;
auto handle_signal = [this,signals_expected_and_emitted,&unexpected_signals](uint16_t signals) {
uint16_t output = signals_expected_and_emitted & signals;
uint16_t unexpected_output = PlaybackSignalNone;
uint16_t remaining_signals = signals & ~output;
if (remaining_signals != PlaybackSignalNone) {
unexpected_output |= playback->handle_signals(remaining_signals);
unexpected_signals |= unexpected_output;
return signals_split_by_expected(output, unexpected_output);
auto signals_handleable = handle_signal(PlaybackSignalFileChanged|PlaybackSignalErrorOccurred|PlaybackSignalPaused|PlaybackSignalResumed|PlaybackSignalPitchChanged|PlaybackSignalSeeked|PlaybackSignalSpeedChanged|PlaybackSignalStarted|PlaybackSignalStopped|PlaybackSignalTempoChanged);
if (signals_handleable.emitted(PlaybackSignalFileChanged)) {
auto new_file = playback->get_current_file();
if (new_file != playback_file) {
bool disambiguate_running = false;
bool stopped = signals_handleable.emitted(PlaybackSignalStopped);
bool started = signals_handleable.emitted(PlaybackSignalStarted);
if (stopped && started) {
disambiguate_running = true;
started = playback->get_current_file().has_value();
stopped = !started;
if (stopped) {
double position = playback->GetPosition();
if (!signals_handleable.emitted(PlaybackSignalSeeked) || signals_handleable.signal_unexpected(PlaybackSignalSeeked)) {
time_label.set_text(TimeToString(position, length_component_count));
pause_btn.set_icon_name(playback->IsPaused() ? "media-playback-start-symbolic" : "media-playback-pause-symbolic");
if (signals_handleable.signal_unexpected(PlaybackSignalPitchChanged)) {
if (signals_handleable.signal_unexpected(PlaybackSignalSpeedChanged)) {
if (signals_handleable.signal_unexpected(PlaybackSignalTempoChanged)) {
if (!running) {
timer_stopped = true;
return false;
} else {
return true;
void MainWindow::expect_signal(uint16_t signal) {
expected_signals |= signal;
MainWindow::MainWindow(Playback *playback)
: playback(playback),
open_dialog("Open some music...")
open_dialog.signal_response().connect([this](int response) {
if (response == Gtk::ResponseType::OK) {
open_dialog.add_button("_Cancel", Gtk::ResponseType::CANCEL);
open_dialog.add_button("_Open", Gtk::ResponseType::OK);
auto filter_text = Gtk::FileFilter::create();
filter_text->set_name("Music files");
set_default_size(400, 400);
openBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
running = true;
timer_stopped = false;
timer_stopped_condition = (GCond*)malloc(sizeof(GCond));
timer_mutex = (GMutex*)malloc(sizeof(GMutex));
pause_btn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
this->expect_signal((this->playback->IsPaused() ? PlaybackSignalResumed : PlaybackSignalPaused));
restart_btn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
seek_bar.signal_value_changed().connect([this]() {
stop_btn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
volume_slider.set_prefix("Volume: ");
volume_slider.value_changed.connect([this](double value) {
this->playback->volume = value;
speed_slider.set_prefix("Speed: ");
speed_slider.value_changed.connect([this](double value) {
this->playback->speed = value;
tempo_slider.set_prefix("Tempo: ");
tempo_slider.value_changed.connect([this](double value) {
this->playback->tempo = value;
pitch_slider.set_prefix("Pitch: ");
pitch_slider.value_changed.connect([this](double value) {
this->playback->pitch = value;
dropSpaceLabel.set_text("Drop a music file here to play it...");
dropTarget = Gtk::DropTarget::create(G_TYPE_FILE, Gdk::DragAction::LINK);
dropTarget->signal_drop().connect([this](const Glib::ValueBase &value, double a, double b) {
auto obj = g_value_get_object(value.gobj());
Gio::File file((GFile*)obj);
return false;
}, false);
settingsBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
Glib::signal_timeout().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MainWindow::update), 20);
MainWindow::~MainWindow() {
running = false;
while (!timer_stopped) {
g_cond_wait(timer_stopped_condition, timer_mutex);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#pragma once
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include "my_slider.hpp"
#include "options_window.hpp"
#include <playback.h>
class MainWindow : public Gtk::ApplicationWindow {
Gtk::Button openBtn;
Gtk::Button settingsBtn;
OptionsWindow optionsWindow;
Gtk::HeaderBar headerBar;
Gtk::Box topToolbar;
Gtk::Frame dropSpace;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::DropTarget> dropTarget;
Gtk::Label dropSpaceLabel;
Gtk::Button pause_btn;
Gtk::Button restart_btn;
Gtk::Label time_label;
Gtk::Scale seek_bar;
Gtk::Label seek_indeterminate;
Gtk::Label length_label;
Gtk::Button stop_btn;
Gtk::FileChooserDialog open_dialog;
MySlider volume_slider;
MySlider speed_slider;
MySlider tempo_slider;
MySlider pitch_slider;
Gtk::Box top_box;
Gtk::Box bottom_box;
Gtk::Box main_box;
bool paused;
std::optional<std::string> playback_file;
double length;
uint8_t length_component_count;
std::string song_name;
void update_file(optional<std::string> new_file);
bool update();
void set_song_loaded(bool loaded);
uint16_t expected_signals = PlaybackSignalNone;
void expect_signal(uint16_t signal);
Playback *playback;
bool running;
bool timer_stopped;
GCond *timer_stopped_condition;
GMutex *timer_mutex;
MainWindow(Playback *playback);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
#include "my_slider.hpp"
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <util.hpp>
double MySlider::get_value() {
return value;
void MySlider::update(bool force) {
if (update_occurring) {
update_occurring = true;
std::string value_str = to_string_with_decimals(value, digits_after_decimal);
try {
value = std::stod(value_str);
} catch (std::out_of_range) {
} catch (std::invalid_argument) {
if (force || text_editing) {
if (force || !text_editing) {
if (text_editing) {
} else {
slider.set_range(min_value, max_value);
update_occurring = false;
void MySlider::set_value(double value) {
this->value = value;
Glib::ustring MySlider::get_prefix() {
return prefix;
void MySlider::set_prefix(Glib::ustring value) {
prefix = value;
Glib::ustring MySlider::get_suffix() {
return suffix;
void MySlider::set_suffix(Glib::ustring value) {
suffix = value;
unsigned MySlider::get_digits_after_decimal() {
return digits_after_decimal;
void MySlider::set_digits_after_decimal(unsigned value) {
digits_after_decimal = value;
void MySlider::update_text_entry(std::string text) {
text_entry.delete_text(0, text_entry.get_text_length());
int pos = 0;
text_entry.insert_text(text.c_str(), text.size(), pos);
void MySlider::update_slider(double value) {
double MySlider::get_min_value() {
return min_value;
void MySlider::set_min_value(double value) {
min_value = value;
double MySlider::get_max_value() {
return max_value;
void MySlider::set_max_value(double value) {
max_value = value;
MySlider::MySlider() {
edit_btn.signal_clicked().connect([=]() {
text_editing = !text_editing;
text_entry.signal_changed().connect([=]() {
try {
value = std::stod(text_entry.get_text().c_str());
text_valid = true;
} catch(std::out_of_range) {
text_valid = false;
} catch (std::invalid_argument) {
text_valid = false;
if (text_valid) {
slider.signal_value_changed().connect([=]() {
value = slider.get_value();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
#pragma once
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <glibmm.h>
class MySlider : public Gtk::Box {
double value;
double max_value;
double min_value;
bool text_valid = true;
bool text_editing;
Gtk::Button edit_btn;
Gtk::Entry text_entry;
Gtk::Scale slider;
Gtk::Label prefix_label;
Gtk::Label value_label;
Gtk::Label suffix_label;
bool update_occurring = false;
void update(bool force = false);
void update_text_entry(std::string text);
void update_slider(double value);
Glib::ustring prefix;
Glib::ustring suffix;
unsigned digits_after_decimal;
double get_value();
void set_value(double value);
sigc::signal<void(double)> value_changed;
double get_max_value();
void set_max_value(double value);
double get_min_value();
void set_min_value(double value);
Glib::ustring get_prefix();
void set_prefix(Glib::ustring value);
Glib::ustring get_suffix();
void set_suffix(Glib::ustring value);
unsigned get_digits_after_decimal();
void set_digits_after_decimal(unsigned value);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
#include "options_window.hpp"
#include <backend.hpp>
#include <options.hpp>
#include <optional>
Glib::RefPtr<UIBackendColumns> UIBackendColumns::create(const Glib::ustring &id, const Glib::ustring &name) {
return Glib::make_refptr_for_instance<UIBackendColumns>(new UIBackendColumns(id, name));
UIBackendColumns::UIBackendColumns(const Glib::ustring &id, const Glib::ustring &name)
: backendId(id),
{ }
void OptionsWindow::add_option(Glib::ustring title, Gtk::Widget *widget, std::string key) {
Gtk::Label *label = new Gtk::Label();
mainBox.attach(*label, 0, mainBoxRow);
mainBox.attach(*widget, 1, mainBoxRow);
void OptionsWindow::revert() {
for (auto option : modifiableOptions) {
void OptionsWindow::save() {
savedOptionRequiresRestart = needsRestartLabel.get_visible();
OptionsWindow::OptionsWindow() {
needsRestartLabel.set_text("A restart is needed to apply some changes.");
Gtk::DropDown *uiBackendBox = new Gtk::DropDown();
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::ListStore<UIBackendColumns>> listStore = Gio::ListStore<UIBackendColumns>::create();
for (auto kv : UIBackend::backends) {
auto backend = kv.second;
Glib::ustring id(backend->get_id().c_str());
Glib::ustring name(backend->get_name().c_str());
listStore->append(UIBackendColumns::create(id, name));
auto factory = Gtk::SignalListItemFactory::create();
factory->signal_setup().connect([this](const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListItem>& list_item) {
auto box = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::Box>(Gtk::Orientation::HORIZONTAL, 10);
factory->signal_bind().connect([this](const Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListItem>& list_item) {
auto col = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<UIBackendColumns>(list_item->get_item());
if (!col) return;
auto box = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Box*>(list_item->get_child());
if (!box) return;
auto name_label = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Label*>(box->get_first_child());
if (!name_label) return;
auto id_label = dynamic_cast<Gtk::Label*>(name_label->get_next_sibling());
if (!id_label) return;
uiBackendBox->property_selected().signal_changed().connect([uiBackendBox, listStore, this]() {
std::string backendId = listStore->get_item(uiBackendBox->get_selected())->backendId;
this->change_option("ui.frontend", backendId);
add_option("UI frontend", uiBackendBox, "ui.frontend");
optionChanged.connect([this, uiBackendBox, listStore](std::string key) {
if (key == "ui.frontend") {
std::string frontend = Looper::Options::get_option<std::string>("ui.frontend");
for (int i = 0; i < listStore->get_n_items(); i++) {
if (std::string(listStore->get_item(i)->backendId.c_str()) == frontend) {
okBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
cancelBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
revertBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
saveBtn.signal_clicked().connect([this]() {
OptionsWindow::~OptionsWindow() {
for (auto widget : optionWidgets) {
delete widget;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#pragma once
#include <gtkmm.h>
#include <any>
#include <typeindex>
#include <set>
#include <options.hpp>
class UIBackendColumns : public Glib::Object {
Glib::ustring backendId;
Glib::ustring backendName;
static Glib::RefPtr<UIBackendColumns> create(const Glib::ustring &id, const Glib::ustring &name);
UIBackendColumns(const Glib::ustring &id, const Glib::ustring &name);
class OptionsWindow : public Gtk::Window {
int mainBoxRow = 0;
Gtk::Box rootBox;
Gtk::Box btnBox;
Gtk::Button okBtn;
Gtk::Button cancelBtn;
Gtk::Button saveBtn;
Gtk::Button revertBtn;
Gtk::Label needsRestartLabel;
Gtk::Grid mainBox;
std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> optionWidgets;
std::set<std::string> modifiableOptions;
sigc::signal<void(std::string)> optionChanged;
bool savedOptionRequiresRestart = false;
void revert();
void save();
void add_option(Glib::ustring title, Gtk::Widget *widget, std::string key);
template<class T>
void change_option(std::string key, T value) {
Looper::Options::set_option<T>(key, value);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"class_name": "GtkBackend",
"include_path": "main.h"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE cambalache-project SYSTEM "cambalache-project.dtd">
<cambalache-project version="0.13.1" target_tk="gtk-4.0">
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
set(IMGUI_SRC imgui_demo.cpp imgui_draw.cpp imgui_tables.cpp imgui_widgets.cpp imgui.cpp misc/cpp/imgui_stdlib.cpp)
set(IMGUI_BACKEND_SRC imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp imgui_impl_sdl2.cpp)
set(BACKEND_IMGUI_SRC_BASE main.cpp base85.cpp file_browser.cpp main.cpp RendererBackend.cpp theme.cpp translation.cpp)
list(APPEND IMGUI_SRC backends/${SRC})
set(BACKEND_IMGUI_INC_BASE imgui imgui/backends imgui/misc/cpp IconFontCppHeaders assets imgui-filebrowser)
find_package(SDL2 REQUIRED)
find_package(SDL2_image REQUIRED)
set(GLComponents GLES2)
set(GLTarget GLES2)
set(GLComponents OpenGL)
set(GLTarget GL)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED COMPONENTS ${GLComponents})
add_ui_backend(imgui_ui ${BACKEND_IMGUI_SRC})
target_link_libraries(imgui_ui PRIVATE OpenGL::${GLTarget} SDL2::SDL2 SDL2_image::SDL2_image)
target_include_directories(imgui_ui PRIVATE ${BACKEND_IMGUI_INC})
target_compile_definitions(imgui_ui PRIVATE IMGUI_USER_CONFIG="imgui_config.h")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
@ -0,0 +1,776 @@
# Convert Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Google Material Design, Kenney Game, Fontaudio and Codicons
# icon font parameters to C, C++, C#, Python, Rust and Go compatible formats.
# 1 - Source material
# 1.1 - Font Awesome
# 1.1.1 - version 4
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/src/icons.yml
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
# 1.1.2 - version 5 Free
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
# 1.1.3 - version 5 Pro
# Download files from https://fontawesome.com
# \fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\metadata\icons.yml
# \fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-brands-400.ttf
# \fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-light-300.ttf
# \fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-regular-400.ttf
# \fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-solid-900.ttf
# 1.1.4 - version 6 Free
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/metadata/icons.yml
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf
# https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf
# 1.2 - Fork Awesome
# https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/icons.yml
# https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
# 1.3 - Google Material Design
# https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.codepoints
# https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf
# 1.4 - Kenney Game icons
# https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/css/kenney-icons.css
# https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
# 1.5 - Fontaudio
# https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.css
# https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
# 1.6 - Codicons
# https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.css
# https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
# 2 - Data sample
# Font Awesome 4 example:
# - input: music:
# changes:
# - '1'
# - 5.0.0
# label: Music
# search:
# terms:
# - note
# - sound
# styles:
# - solid
# unicode: f001
# - output C and C++: #define ICON_FA_MUSIC "\xef\x80\x81" // U+f001
# - output C#: public const string Music = "\uf001";
# - output Python: ICON_MUSIC = '\uf001'
# - output Rust: pub const ICON_MUSIC: char = '\u{f001}';
# - output Go: "Music": "\xef\x80\x81", // U+f001
# All fonts have computed min, max_16 and max unicode fonts.
# The min excludes the ASCII characters code points.
# The max_16 is for use with libraries that only support 16 bit code points.
# - output C and C++: #define ICON_MIN_FA 0xf000
# #define ICON_MAX_16_FA 0xf2e0
# #define ICON_MAX_FA 0xf2e0
# Exception for Font Awesome brands: we use ICON_MIN_FAB, ICON_MAX_16_FAB and ICON_MAX_FAB
# to differentiate between brand and non-brand icons so they can be used together
# (the defines must be unique in C and C++).
# - output C#: public const int IconMin = 0xf000;
# public const int IconMax16 = 0xf2e0;
# public const int IconMax = 0xf2e0;
# - output Python: ICON_MIN = 0xf000
# ICON_MAX_16 = 0xf2e0
# ICON_MAX = 0xf2e0
# - output Rust: pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{f000}';
# pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f2e0}';
# pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f2e0}';
# - output Go: Min: 0xf000,
# Max16: 0xf2e0,
# Max: 0xf2e0,
# 3 - Script dependencies
# 3.1 - Fonts source material online
# 3.2 - Python 3 - https://www.python.org/downloads/
# 3.3 - Requests - https://pypi.org/project/requests/
# 3.4 - PyYAML - https://pypi.org/project/PyYAML/
# 4 - References
# GitHub repository: https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders/
import requests
import yaml
import os
import sys
import logging
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
raise Exception( "Python 3 or a more recent version is required." )
# Fonts
class Font:
font_name = '[ ERROR - Missing font name ]'
font_abbr = '[ ERROR - Mssing font abbreviation ]'
font_minmax_abbr = '' # optional - use if min and max defines must be differentiated. See Font Awesome Brand for example.
font_data = '[ ERROR - Missing font data file or url ]'
ttfs = '[ ERROR - Missing ttf ]'
def get_icons( cls, input_data ):
# intermediate representation of the fonts data, identify the min and max
logging.error( 'Missing implementation of class method get_icons for {!s} ]'.format( cls.font_name ))
icons_data = {}
icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : '[ ERROR - Missing font min ]',
'font_max' : '[ ERROR - Missing font max ]',
'icons' : '[ ERROR - Missing list of pairs [ font icon name, code ]]' })
return icons_data
def get_intermediate_representation( cls ):
font_ir = {}
if 'http' in cls.font_data: # if url, download data
response = requests.get( cls.font_data, timeout = 2 )
if response.status_code == 200:
input_raw = response.text
logging.info( 'Downloaded - ' + cls.font_name )
raise Exception( 'Download failed - ' + cls.font_name )
else: # read data from file if present
if os.path.isfile( cls.font_data ):
with open( cls.font_data, 'r' ) as f:
input_raw = f.read()
logging.info( 'File read - ' + cls.font_name )
raise Exception( 'File ' + cls.font_name + ' missing - ' + cls.font_data )
if input_raw:
icons_data = cls.get_icons( input_raw )
font_ir.update( icons_data )
font_ir.update({ 'font_data' : cls.font_data,
'font_name' : cls.font_name,
'font_abbr' : cls.font_abbr,
'font_minmax_abbr' : cls.font_minmax_abbr,
'ttfs' : cls.ttfs, })
logging.info( 'Generated intermediate data - ' + cls.font_name )
return font_ir
class FontFA4( Font ): # legacy Font Awesome version 4
font_name = 'Font Awesome 4'
font_abbr = 'FA'
font_data = 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'fontawesome-webfont.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf' ]]
def get_icons( cls, input_data ):
icons_data = { }
data = yaml.safe_load( input_data )
font_min = '0x10ffff'
font_min_int = int( font_min, 16 )
font_max_16 = '0x0' # 16 bit max
font_max_16_int = int( font_max_16, 16 )
font_max = '0x0'
font_max_int = int( font_max, 16 )
icons = []
for item in data[ 'icons' ]:
item_unicode = item[ 'unicode' ].zfill( 4 )
item_int = int( item_unicode, 16 )
if item_int < font_min_int and item_int > 0x0127 : # exclude ASCII characters code points
font_min = item_unicode
font_min_int = item_int
if item_int > font_max_16_int and item_int <= 0xffff: # exclude code points > 16 bits
font_max_16 = item_unicode
font_max_16_int = item_int
if item_int > font_max_int:
font_max = item_unicode
font_max_int = item_int
icons.append([ item[ 'id' ], item_unicode ])
icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
'font_max_16' : font_max_16,
'font_max' : font_max,
'icons' : icons })
return icons_data
class FontFK( FontFA4 ): # Fork Awesome, based on Font Awesome 4
font_name = 'Fork Awesome'
font_abbr = 'FK'
font_data = 'https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/raw/master/src/icons/icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'forkawesome-webfont.ttf', 'https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf' ]]
class FontFA5( Font ): # Font Awesome version 5 - Regular and Solid styles
font_name = 'Font Awesome 5'
font_abbr = 'FA'
font_data = 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ 'FAR', 'fa-regular-400.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf' ],
[ 'FAS', 'fa-solid-900.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf' ]]
font_fa_style = [ 'regular', 'solid' ]
def get_icons( cls, input_data ):
icons_data = { }
data = yaml.safe_load( input_data )
if data:
font_min = '0x10ffff'
font_min_int = int( font_min, 16 )
font_max_16 = '0x0' # 16 bit max
font_max_16_int = int( font_max_16, 16 )
font_max = '0x0'
font_max_int = int( font_max, 16 )
icons = []
for key in data:
item = data[ key ]
for style in item[ 'styles' ]:
if style in cls.font_fa_style:
item_unicode = item[ 'unicode' ].zfill( 4 )
if [ key, item_unicode ] not in icons:
item_int = int( item_unicode, 16 )
if item_int < font_min_int and item_int > 0x0127 : # exclude ASCII characters code points
font_min = item_unicode
font_min_int = item_int
if item_int > font_max_16_int and item_int <= 0xffff: # exclude code points > 16 bits
font_max_16 = item_unicode
font_max_16_int = item_int
if item_int > font_max_int:
font_max = item_unicode
font_max_int = item_int
icons.append([ key, item_unicode ])
icons_data.update({ 'font_min':font_min,
'font_max_16' : font_max_16,
'icons':icons })
return icons_data
class FontFA5Brands( FontFA5 ): # Font Awesome version 5 - Brand style
font_name = 'Font Awesome 5 Brands'
font_minmax_abbr = 'FAB'
ttfs = [[ 'FAB', 'fa-brands-400.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf' ]]
font_fa_style = [ 'brands' ]
class FontFA5Pro( FontFA5 ): # Font Awesome version 5 Pro - Light, Regular and Solid styles
font_name = 'Font Awesome 5 Pro'
font_data = 'icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ 'FAL', 'fa-light-300.ttf', 'fa-light-300.ttf' ],
[ 'FAR', 'fa-regular-400.ttf', 'fa-regular-400.ttf' ],
[ 'FAS', 'fa-solid-900.ttf', 'fa-solid-900.ttf' ]]
font_fa_style = [ 'light', 'regular', 'solid' ]
class FontFA5ProBrands( FontFA5Brands ): # Font Awesome version 5 Pro - Brand style
font_name = 'Font Awesome 5 Pro Brands'
font_data = 'icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ 'FAB', 'fa-brands-400.ttf', 'fa-brands-400.ttf' ]]
class FontFA6( FontFA5 ): # Font Awesome version 6 - Regular and Solid styles
font_name = 'Font Awesome 6'
font_data = 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ 'FAR', 'fa-regular-400.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf' ],
[ 'FAS', 'fa-solid-900.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf' ]]
class FontFA6Brands( FontFA5Brands ): # Font Awesome version 6 - Brand style
font_name = 'Font Awesome 6 Brands'
font_data = 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml'
ttfs = [[ 'FAB', 'fa-brands-400.ttf', 'https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf' ]]
class FontMD( Font ): # Material Design
font_name = 'Material Design'
font_abbr = 'MD'
font_data = 'https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/raw/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.codepoints'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf', 'https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf' ]]
def get_icons( cls, input_data ):
icons_data = {}
lines = str.split( input_data, '\n' )
if lines:
font_min = '0x10ffff'
font_min_int = int( font_min, 16 )
font_max_16 = '0x0' # 16 bit max
font_max_16_int = int( font_max_16, 16 )
font_max = '0x0'
font_max_int = int( font_max, 16 )
icons = []
for line in lines :
if line == 'flourescent ec31': # Issue #27 workaround: exclude duplicate Material Design 'flourescent ec31'. https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders/issues/27
logging.warning( "Issue #27 workaround: exclude duplicate Material Design 'flourescent ec31'. https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders/issues/27" )
words = str.split(line)
if words and len( words ) >= 2:
word_unicode = words[ 1 ].zfill( 4 )
word_int = int( word_unicode, 16 )
if word_int < font_min_int and word_int > 0x0127 : # exclude ASCII characters code points
font_min = word_unicode
font_min_int = word_int
if word_int > font_max_16_int and word_int <= 0xffff: # exclude code points > 16 bits
font_max_16 = word_unicode
font_max_16_int = word_int
if word_int > font_max_int:
font_max = word_unicode
font_max_int = word_int
icons.append( words )
icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
'font_max_16' : font_max_16,
'font_max' : font_max,
'icons' : icons })
return icons_data
class FontKI( Font ): # Kenney Game icons
font_name = 'Kenney'
font_abbr = 'KI'
font_data_prefix = '.ki-'
font_data = 'https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'kenney-icon-font.ttf', 'https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf' ]]
def get_icons( cls, input_data ):
icons_data = {}
lines = str.split( input_data, '}\n' )
if lines:
font_min = '0x10ffff'
font_min_int = int( font_min, 16 )
font_max_16 = '0x0' # 16 bit max
font_max_16_int = int( font_max_16, 16 )
font_max = '0x0'
font_max_int = int( font_max, 16 )
icons = []
for line in lines :
if cls.font_data_prefix in line and ':before' in line:
font_id = line.partition( cls.font_data_prefix )[ 2 ].partition( ':before' )[ 0 ]
font_code = line.partition( '"\\' )[ 2 ].partition( '"' )[ 0 ].zfill( 4 )
font_code_int = int( font_code, 16 )
if font_code_int < font_min_int and font_code_int > 0x0127 : # exclude ASCII characters code points
font_min = font_code
font_min_int = font_code_int
if font_code_int > font_max_16_int and font_code_int <= 0xffff: # exclude code points > 16 bits
font_max_16 = font_code
font_max_16_int = font_code_int
if font_code_int > font_max_int:
font_max = font_code
font_max_int = font_code_int
icons.append([ font_id, font_code ])
icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
'font_max_16' : font_max_16,
'font_max' : font_max,
'icons' : icons })
return icons_data
class FontFAD( FontKI ): # Fontaudio
font_name = 'Fontaudio'
font_abbr = 'FAD'
font_data_prefix = '.icon-fad-'
font_data = 'https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'fontaudio.ttf', 'https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf' ]]
class FontCI( FontKI ): # Codicons
font_name = 'Codicons'
font_abbr = 'CI'
font_data_prefix = '.codicon-'
font_data = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css'
ttfs = [[ font_abbr, 'codicon.ttf', 'https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf' ]]
# Languages
class Language:
language_name = '[ ERROR - Missing language name ]'
file_name = '[ ERROR - Missing file name ]'
intermediate = {}
def __init__( self, intermediate ):
self.intermediate = intermediate
def prelude( cls ):
logging.error( 'Missing implementation of class method prelude for {!s}'.format( cls.language_name ))
return ''
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
logging.error( 'Missing implementation of class method line_icon for {!s}'.format( cls.language_name ))
return ''
def epilogue( cls ):
return ''
def convert( cls ):
result = cls.prelude()
for icon in cls.intermediate.get( 'icons' ):
line_icon = cls.line_icon( icon )
result += line_icon
result += cls.epilogue()
logging.info( 'Converted - {!s} for {!s}'.format( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ), cls.language_name ))
return result
def save_to_file( cls ):
filename = cls.file_name.format( name = str( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' )).replace( ' ', '' ))
converted = cls.convert()
with open( filename, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( converted )
logging.info( 'Saved - {!s}'.format( filename ))
class LanguageC( Language ):
language_name = 'C and C++'
file_name = 'Icons{name}.h'
def prelude( cls ):
tmpl_prelude = '// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages {lang}\n' + \
'// from {font_data}\n' + \
'// for use with {ttf_files}\n' + \
'#pragma once\n\n'
ttf_files = []
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
ttf_files.append( ttf[ 2 ])
result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
font_data = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_data' ),
ttf_files = ', '.join( ttf_files ))
tmpl_prelude_define_file_name = '#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_{font_abbr} "{file_name_ttf}"\n'
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
result += tmpl_prelude_define_file_name.format( font_abbr = ttf[ 0 ], file_name_ttf = ttf[ 1 ])
result += '\n'
# min/max
tmpl_line_minmax = '#define ICON_{minmax}_{abbr} 0x{val}\n'
abbreviation = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_minmax_abbr' ) if cls.intermediate.get( 'font_minmax_abbr' ) else cls.intermediate.get('font_abbr')
result += tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MIN',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX_16',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max_16' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
return result
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
tmpl_line_icon = '#define ICON_{abbr}_{icon} "{code}"\t// U+{unicode}\n'
icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' )
icon_code = repr( chr( int( icon[ 1 ], 16 )).encode( 'utf-8' ))[ 2:-1 ]
result = tmpl_line_icon.format( abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ),
icon = icon_name,
code = icon_code,
unicode =icon[ 1 ] )
return result
def convert_ttf_to_header( cls ):
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
# retrieve and read ttf file
if 'http' in ttf[ 2 ]:
# download and read (if file is on GitHub, add '?raw=true')
response = requests.get( ttf[ 2 ] + '?raw=true' if 'github.com' in ttf[ 2 ] else ttf[ 2 ], timeout = 2 )
if response.status_code == 200:
ttf_data = response.content
logging.info( 'ttf file downloaded - ' + ttf[ 1 ] )
raise Exception( 'ttf file missing - ' + ttf[ 2 ])
# open from disk and read
if os.path.isfile( ttf[ 2 ] ):
with open( ttf[ 2 ], 'rb' ) as f:
ttf_data = f.read()
logging.info( 'ttf file read - ' + ttf[ 1 ])
raise Exception( 'ttf file missing - ' + ttf[ 2 ])
# convert to header and save to disk
if ttf_data:
# convert ttf to header
tmpl_prelude_ttf = '// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages {lang}\n' + \
'// from {ttf_file}\n' + \
'// Requires #include <stdint.h>\n' + \
'#pragma once\n\n' + \
'static const uint8_t s_{name}_ttf[{size}] = \n{{'
result = tmpl_prelude_ttf.format( lang = cls.language_name,
ttf_file = ttf[ 2 ],
name = str( ttf[ 1 ][ :-len('.ttf') ].replace( '-', '_' ).replace( ' ', '' )),
size = str( len( ttf_data )))
n = 0
for byte in ttf_data:
if (n % 16) == 0:
result += '\n\t'
result += "0x" + str( hex( int( byte / 16 ))[ 2: ]) + str( hex( byte % 16 )[ 2: ]) + ", "
n += 1
result += '\n};\n\n'
# save to disk
ttf_header_file_name = cls.file_name.format( name = str( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' )).replace( ' ', '' )) + '_' + ttf[ 1 ] + '.h'
with open( ttf_header_file_name, 'w' ) as f:
f.write( result )
logging.info( 'ttf File Saved - {!s}'.format( ttf_header_file_name ))
raise Exception( 'Failed ttf to header conversion' + ttf[ 1 ] )
class LanguageCSharp( Language ):
language_name = "C#"
file_name = 'Icons{name}.cs'
def prelude( cls ):
tmpl_prelude = '// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language {lang}\n' + \
'// from {font_data}\n' + \
'// for use with {ttf_files}\n' + \
'namespace IconFonts\n' + \
'{{\n' + \
' public class {font_name}\n' + \
' {{\n'
ttf_files = []
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
ttf_files.append( ttf[ 2])
result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
font_data = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_data' ),
ttf_files = ', '.join( ttf_files ),
font_name = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ).replace( ' ', '' ))
tmpl_prelude_define_file_name = ' public const string FontIconFileName{font_abbr} = "{file_name_ttf}";\n'
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
result += tmpl_prelude_define_file_name.format( font_abbr = ttf[ 0 ], file_name_ttf = ttf[ 1 ])
result += '\n'
# min/max
tmpl_line_minmax = ' public const int Icon{minmax} = 0x{val};\n'
result += tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Min',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Max16',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max_16' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Max',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
return result
def epilogue( cls ):
return ' }\n' + \
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
tmpl_line_icon = ' public const string {icon} = "\\u{code}";\n'
icon_name = cls.to_camelcase( icon[ 0 ])
icon_code = icon[ 1 ]
if icon_name[ 0 ].isdigit():
# Variable may not start with a digit
icon_name = 'Num' + icon_name
if icon_name == cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ).replace( ' ', '' ):
# Member may not have same name as enclosing class
icon_name += 'Icon'
result = tmpl_line_icon.format( icon = icon_name, code = icon_code )
return result
def to_camelcase( cls, text ):
parts = text.split( '-' )
for i in range( len( parts ) ):
p = parts[i]
parts[ i ] = p[ 0 ].upper() + p[ 1: ].lower()
return ''.join( parts )
class LanguagePython( Language ):
language_name = "Python"
file_name = 'Icons{name}.py'
def prelude( cls ):
tmpl_prelude = '# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language {lang}\n' + \
'# from {font_data}\n' + \
'# for use with {ttf_files}\n' + \
'class Icons{font_name}:\n'
ttf_files = []
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
ttf_files.append( ttf[ 2] )
result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
font_data = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_data' ),
ttf_files = ', '.join( ttf_files ),
font_name = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ).replace( ' ', '' ))
tmpl_prelude_define_file_name = " FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_{font_abbr} = '{file_name_ttf}'\n"
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
result += tmpl_prelude_define_file_name.format(font_abbr = ttf[ 0 ], file_name_ttf = ttf[ 1 ])
result += '\n'
# min/max
tmpl_line_minmax = ' ICON_{minmax} = 0x{val}\n'
result += tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MIN',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX_16',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max_16' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
return result
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
tmpl_line_icon = " ICON_{icon} = '\\u{code}'\n"
icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' )
icon_code = icon[ 1 ]
result = tmpl_line_icon.format( icon = icon_name, code = icon_code )
return result
class LanguageRust( Language ):
language_name = "Rust"
file_name = 'Icons{name}.rs'
def prelude( cls ):
tmpl_prelude = '//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language {lang}\n' + \
'//! from {font_data}\n' + \
'//! for use with {ttf_files}\n'
ttf_files = []
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
ttf_files.append( ttf[ 2] )
result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
font_data = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_data' ),
ttf_files = ', '.join( ttf_files ),
font_name = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ).replace( ' ', '' ))
tmpl_prelude_define_file_name = "pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_{font_abbr}: &str = \"{file_name_ttf}\";\n"
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
result += tmpl_prelude_define_file_name.format(font_abbr = ttf[ 0 ], file_name_ttf = ttf[ 1 ])
result += '\n'
# min/max
tmpl_line_minmax = "pub const ICON_{minmax}: char = '\\u{{{val}}}';\n"
result += tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MIN',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX_16',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max_16' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'MAX',
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
return result
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
tmpl_line_icon = "pub const ICON_{icon}: char = '\\u{{{code}}}';\n"
icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' )
icon_code = icon[ 1 ]
result = tmpl_line_icon.format( icon = icon_name, code = icon_code )
return result
class LanguageGo( Language ):
language_name = 'Go'
file_name = 'Icons{name}.go'
def prelude( cls ):
tmpl_prelude = '// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages {lang}\n' + \
'// from {font_data}\n' + \
'// for use with {ttf_files}\n\n' + \
'package IconFontCppHeaders\n\n'
ttf_files = []
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
ttf_files.append( ttf[ 2 ])
result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
font_data = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_data' ),
ttf_files = ', '.join( ttf_files ),
package_name = str( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' )).replace( ' ', '' ) )
result += 'var Icons{name} = Font'.format( name = str( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' )).replace( ' ', '' ) )
result += '{\n'
result += '\tFilenames: [][2]string{\n'
for ttf in cls.intermediate.get( 'ttfs' ):
entry = '"{font_abbr}", "{file_name_ttf}"'
result += '\t\t{' + entry.format( font_abbr = ttf[ 0 ], file_name_ttf = ttf[ 1 ]) + '},\n'
result += '\t},\n'
# min/max
tmpl_line_minmax = '\t{minmax}: 0x{val},\n'
abbreviation = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_minmax_abbr' ) if cls.intermediate.get( 'font_minmax_abbr' ) else cls.intermediate.get('font_abbr')
result += tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Min',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Max16',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max_16' )) + \
tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'Max',
abbr = abbreviation,
val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
result += '\tIcons: map[string]string{\n'
return result
def line_icon( cls, icon ):
icon_name = cls.to_camelcase( icon[ 0 ])
tmpl_line_icon = '\t\t"{icon}":\t"{code}", \t// U+{unicode}\n'
icon_code = repr( chr( int( icon[ 1 ], 16 )).encode( 'utf-8' ))[ 2:-1 ]
result = tmpl_line_icon.format( abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ),
icon = icon_name,
code = icon_code,
unicode =icon[ 1 ])
return result
def epilogue( cls ):
return '\t},\n}\n'
def to_camelcase( cls, text ):
parts = text.split( '-' )
for i in range( len( parts )):
p = parts[i]
parts[ i ] = p[ 0 ].upper() + p[ 1: ].lower()
return ''.join( parts )
# Main
fonts = [ FontFA4, FontFA5, FontFA5Brands, FontFA5Pro, FontFA5ProBrands, FontFA6, FontFA6Brands, FontFK, FontMD, FontKI, FontFAD, FontCI ]
languages = [ LanguageC, LanguageCSharp, LanguagePython, LanguageRust, LanguageGo ]
ttf2headerC = False # convert ttf files to C and C++ headers
logging.basicConfig( format='%(levelname)s : %(message)s', level = logging.INFO )
intermediates = []
for font in fonts:
font_intermediate = font.get_intermediate_representation()
if font_intermediate:
intermediates.append( font_intermediate )
except Exception as e:
logging.error( e )
if intermediates:
for interm in intermediates:
Language.intermediate = interm
for lang in languages:
if lang:
if ttf2headerC and lang == LanguageC:
except Exception as e:
logging.error( e )
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css
// for use with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class Codicons
public const string FontIconFileNameCI = "codicon.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xea60;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xec11;
public const int IconMax = 0xec11;
public const string Add = "\uea60";
public const string Plus = "\uea60";
public const string GistNew = "\uea60";
public const string RepoCreate = "\uea60";
public const string Lightbulb = "\uea61";
public const string LightBulb = "\uea61";
public const string Repo = "\uea62";
public const string RepoDelete = "\uea62";
public const string GistFork = "\uea63";
public const string RepoForked = "\uea63";
public const string GitPullRequest = "\uea64";
public const string GitPullRequestAbandoned = "\uea64";
public const string RecordKeys = "\uea65";
public const string Keyboard = "\uea65";
public const string Tag = "\uea66";
public const string TagAdd = "\uea66";
public const string TagRemove = "\uea66";
public const string Person = "\uea67";
public const string PersonFollow = "\uea67";
public const string PersonOutline = "\uea67";
public const string PersonFilled = "\uea67";
public const string GitBranch = "\uea68";
public const string GitBranchCreate = "\uea68";
public const string GitBranchDelete = "\uea68";
public const string SourceControl = "\uea68";
public const string Mirror = "\uea69";
public const string MirrorPublic = "\uea69";
public const string Star = "\uea6a";
public const string StarAdd = "\uea6a";
public const string StarDelete = "\uea6a";
public const string StarEmpty = "\uea6a";
public const string Comment = "\uea6b";
public const string CommentAdd = "\uea6b";
public const string Alert = "\uea6c";
public const string Warning = "\uea6c";
public const string Search = "\uea6d";
public const string SearchSave = "\uea6d";
public const string LogOut = "\uea6e";
public const string SignOut = "\uea6e";
public const string LogIn = "\uea6f";
public const string SignIn = "\uea6f";
public const string Eye = "\uea70";
public const string EyeUnwatch = "\uea70";
public const string EyeWatch = "\uea70";
public const string CircleFilled = "\uea71";
public const string PrimitiveDot = "\uea71";
public const string CloseDirty = "\uea71";
public const string DebugBreakpoint = "\uea71";
public const string DebugBreakpointDisabled = "\uea71";
public const string DebugHint = "\uea71";
public const string TerminalDecorationSuccess = "\uea71";
public const string PrimitiveSquare = "\uea72";
public const string Edit = "\uea73";
public const string Pencil = "\uea73";
public const string Info = "\uea74";
public const string IssueOpened = "\uea74";
public const string GistPrivate = "\uea75";
public const string GitForkPrivate = "\uea75";
public const string Lock = "\uea75";
public const string MirrorPrivate = "\uea75";
public const string Close = "\uea76";
public const string RemoveClose = "\uea76";
public const string X = "\uea76";
public const string RepoSync = "\uea77";
public const string Sync = "\uea77";
public const string Clone = "\uea78";
public const string DesktopDownload = "\uea78";
public const string Beaker = "\uea79";
public const string Microscope = "\uea79";
public const string Vm = "\uea7a";
public const string DeviceDesktop = "\uea7a";
public const string File = "\uea7b";
public const string FileText = "\uea7b";
public const string More = "\uea7c";
public const string Ellipsis = "\uea7c";
public const string KebabHorizontal = "\uea7c";
public const string MailReply = "\uea7d";
public const string Reply = "\uea7d";
public const string Organization = "\uea7e";
public const string OrganizationFilled = "\uea7e";
public const string OrganizationOutline = "\uea7e";
public const string NewFile = "\uea7f";
public const string FileAdd = "\uea7f";
public const string NewFolder = "\uea80";
public const string FileDirectoryCreate = "\uea80";
public const string Trash = "\uea81";
public const string Trashcan = "\uea81";
public const string History = "\uea82";
public const string Clock = "\uea82";
public const string Folder = "\uea83";
public const string FileDirectory = "\uea83";
public const string SymbolFolder = "\uea83";
public const string LogoGithub = "\uea84";
public const string MarkGithub = "\uea84";
public const string Github = "\uea84";
public const string Terminal = "\uea85";
public const string Console = "\uea85";
public const string Repl = "\uea85";
public const string Zap = "\uea86";
public const string SymbolEvent = "\uea86";
public const string Error = "\uea87";
public const string Stop = "\uea87";
public const string Variable = "\uea88";
public const string SymbolVariable = "\uea88";
public const string Array = "\uea8a";
public const string SymbolArray = "\uea8a";
public const string SymbolModule = "\uea8b";
public const string SymbolPackage = "\uea8b";
public const string SymbolNamespace = "\uea8b";
public const string SymbolObject = "\uea8b";
public const string SymbolMethod = "\uea8c";
public const string SymbolFunction = "\uea8c";
public const string SymbolConstructor = "\uea8c";
public const string SymbolBoolean = "\uea8f";
public const string SymbolNull = "\uea8f";
public const string SymbolNumeric = "\uea90";
public const string SymbolNumber = "\uea90";
public const string SymbolStructure = "\uea91";
public const string SymbolStruct = "\uea91";
public const string SymbolParameter = "\uea92";
public const string SymbolTypeParameter = "\uea92";
public const string SymbolKey = "\uea93";
public const string SymbolText = "\uea93";
public const string SymbolReference = "\uea94";
public const string GoToFile = "\uea94";
public const string SymbolEnum = "\uea95";
public const string SymbolValue = "\uea95";
public const string SymbolRuler = "\uea96";
public const string SymbolUnit = "\uea96";
public const string ActivateBreakpoints = "\uea97";
public const string Archive = "\uea98";
public const string ArrowBoth = "\uea99";
public const string ArrowDown = "\uea9a";
public const string ArrowLeft = "\uea9b";
public const string ArrowRight = "\uea9c";
public const string ArrowSmallDown = "\uea9d";
public const string ArrowSmallLeft = "\uea9e";
public const string ArrowSmallRight = "\uea9f";
public const string ArrowSmallUp = "\ueaa0";
public const string ArrowUp = "\ueaa1";
public const string Bell = "\ueaa2";
public const string Bold = "\ueaa3";
public const string Book = "\ueaa4";
public const string Bookmark = "\ueaa5";
public const string DebugBreakpointConditionalUnverified = "\ueaa6";
public const string DebugBreakpointConditional = "\ueaa7";
public const string DebugBreakpointConditionalDisabled = "\ueaa7";
public const string DebugBreakpointDataUnverified = "\ueaa8";
public const string DebugBreakpointData = "\ueaa9";
public const string DebugBreakpointDataDisabled = "\ueaa9";
public const string DebugBreakpointLogUnverified = "\ueaaa";
public const string DebugBreakpointLog = "\ueaab";
public const string DebugBreakpointLogDisabled = "\ueaab";
public const string Briefcase = "\ueaac";
public const string Broadcast = "\ueaad";
public const string Browser = "\ueaae";
public const string Bug = "\ueaaf";
public const string Calendar = "\ueab0";
public const string CaseSensitive = "\ueab1";
public const string Check = "\ueab2";
public const string Checklist = "\ueab3";
public const string ChevronDown = "\ueab4";
public const string ChevronLeft = "\ueab5";
public const string ChevronRight = "\ueab6";
public const string ChevronUp = "\ueab7";
public const string ChromeClose = "\ueab8";
public const string ChromeMaximize = "\ueab9";
public const string ChromeMinimize = "\ueaba";
public const string ChromeRestore = "\ueabb";
public const string CircleOutline = "\ueabc";
public const string Circle = "\ueabc";
public const string DebugBreakpointUnverified = "\ueabc";
public const string TerminalDecorationIncomplete = "\ueabc";
public const string CircleSlash = "\ueabd";
public const string CircuitBoard = "\ueabe";
public const string ClearAll = "\ueabf";
public const string Clippy = "\ueac0";
public const string CloseAll = "\ueac1";
public const string CloudDownload = "\ueac2";
public const string CloudUpload = "\ueac3";
public const string Code = "\ueac4";
public const string CollapseAll = "\ueac5";
public const string ColorMode = "\ueac6";
public const string CommentDiscussion = "\ueac7";
public const string CreditCard = "\ueac9";
public const string Dash = "\ueacc";
public const string Dashboard = "\ueacd";
public const string Database = "\ueace";
public const string DebugContinue = "\ueacf";
public const string DebugDisconnect = "\uead0";
public const string DebugPause = "\uead1";
public const string DebugRestart = "\uead2";
public const string DebugStart = "\uead3";
public const string DebugStepInto = "\uead4";
public const string DebugStepOut = "\uead5";
public const string DebugStepOver = "\uead6";
public const string DebugStop = "\uead7";
public const string Debug = "\uead8";
public const string DeviceCameraVideo = "\uead9";
public const string DeviceCamera = "\ueada";
public const string DeviceMobile = "\ueadb";
public const string DiffAdded = "\ueadc";
public const string DiffIgnored = "\ueadd";
public const string DiffModified = "\ueade";
public const string DiffRemoved = "\ueadf";
public const string DiffRenamed = "\ueae0";
public const string Diff = "\ueae1";
public const string Discard = "\ueae2";
public const string EditorLayout = "\ueae3";
public const string EmptyWindow = "\ueae4";
public const string Exclude = "\ueae5";
public const string Extensions = "\ueae6";
public const string EyeClosed = "\ueae7";
public const string FileBinary = "\ueae8";
public const string FileCode = "\ueae9";
public const string FileMedia = "\ueaea";
public const string FilePdf = "\ueaeb";
public const string FileSubmodule = "\ueaec";
public const string FileSymlinkDirectory = "\ueaed";
public const string FileSymlinkFile = "\ueaee";
public const string FileZip = "\ueaef";
public const string Files = "\ueaf0";
public const string Filter = "\ueaf1";
public const string Flame = "\ueaf2";
public const string FoldDown = "\ueaf3";
public const string FoldUp = "\ueaf4";
public const string Fold = "\ueaf5";
public const string FolderActive = "\ueaf6";
public const string FolderOpened = "\ueaf7";
public const string Gear = "\ueaf8";
public const string Gift = "\ueaf9";
public const string GistSecret = "\ueafa";
public const string Gist = "\ueafb";
public const string GitCommit = "\ueafc";
public const string GitCompare = "\ueafd";
public const string CompareChanges = "\ueafd";
public const string GitMerge = "\ueafe";
public const string GithubAction = "\ueaff";
public const string GithubAlt = "\ueb00";
public const string Globe = "\ueb01";
public const string Grabber = "\ueb02";
public const string Graph = "\ueb03";
public const string Gripper = "\ueb04";
public const string Heart = "\ueb05";
public const string Home = "\ueb06";
public const string HorizontalRule = "\ueb07";
public const string Hubot = "\ueb08";
public const string Inbox = "\ueb09";
public const string IssueReopened = "\ueb0b";
public const string Issues = "\ueb0c";
public const string Italic = "\ueb0d";
public const string Jersey = "\ueb0e";
public const string Json = "\ueb0f";
public const string KebabVertical = "\ueb10";
public const string Key = "\ueb11";
public const string Law = "\ueb12";
public const string LightbulbAutofix = "\ueb13";
public const string LinkExternal = "\ueb14";
public const string Link = "\ueb15";
public const string ListOrdered = "\ueb16";
public const string ListUnordered = "\ueb17";
public const string LiveShare = "\ueb18";
public const string Loading = "\ueb19";
public const string Location = "\ueb1a";
public const string MailRead = "\ueb1b";
public const string Mail = "\ueb1c";
public const string Markdown = "\ueb1d";
public const string Megaphone = "\ueb1e";
public const string Mention = "\ueb1f";
public const string Milestone = "\ueb20";
public const string MortarBoard = "\ueb21";
public const string Move = "\ueb22";
public const string MultipleWindows = "\ueb23";
public const string Mute = "\ueb24";
public const string NoNewline = "\ueb25";
public const string Note = "\ueb26";
public const string Octoface = "\ueb27";
public const string OpenPreview = "\ueb28";
public const string Package = "\ueb29";
public const string Paintcan = "\ueb2a";
public const string Pin = "\ueb2b";
public const string Play = "\ueb2c";
public const string Run = "\ueb2c";
public const string Plug = "\ueb2d";
public const string PreserveCase = "\ueb2e";
public const string Preview = "\ueb2f";
public const string Project = "\ueb30";
public const string Pulse = "\ueb31";
public const string Question = "\ueb32";
public const string Quote = "\ueb33";
public const string RadioTower = "\ueb34";
public const string Reactions = "\ueb35";
public const string References = "\ueb36";
public const string Refresh = "\ueb37";
public const string Regex = "\ueb38";
public const string RemoteExplorer = "\ueb39";
public const string Remote = "\ueb3a";
public const string Remove = "\ueb3b";
public const string ReplaceAll = "\ueb3c";
public const string Replace = "\ueb3d";
public const string RepoClone = "\ueb3e";
public const string RepoForcePush = "\ueb3f";
public const string RepoPull = "\ueb40";
public const string RepoPush = "\ueb41";
public const string Report = "\ueb42";
public const string RequestChanges = "\ueb43";
public const string Rocket = "\ueb44";
public const string RootFolderOpened = "\ueb45";
public const string RootFolder = "\ueb46";
public const string Rss = "\ueb47";
public const string Ruby = "\ueb48";
public const string SaveAll = "\ueb49";
public const string SaveAs = "\ueb4a";
public const string Save = "\ueb4b";
public const string ScreenFull = "\ueb4c";
public const string ScreenNormal = "\ueb4d";
public const string SearchStop = "\ueb4e";
public const string Server = "\ueb50";
public const string SettingsGear = "\ueb51";
public const string Settings = "\ueb52";
public const string Shield = "\ueb53";
public const string Smiley = "\ueb54";
public const string SortPrecedence = "\ueb55";
public const string SplitHorizontal = "\ueb56";
public const string SplitVertical = "\ueb57";
public const string Squirrel = "\ueb58";
public const string StarFull = "\ueb59";
public const string StarHalf = "\ueb5a";
public const string SymbolClass = "\ueb5b";
public const string SymbolColor = "\ueb5c";
public const string SymbolConstant = "\ueb5d";
public const string SymbolEnumMember = "\ueb5e";
public const string SymbolField = "\ueb5f";
public const string SymbolFile = "\ueb60";
public const string SymbolInterface = "\ueb61";
public const string SymbolKeyword = "\ueb62";
public const string SymbolMisc = "\ueb63";
public const string SymbolOperator = "\ueb64";
public const string SymbolProperty = "\ueb65";
public const string Wrench = "\ueb65";
public const string WrenchSubaction = "\ueb65";
public const string SymbolSnippet = "\ueb66";
public const string Tasklist = "\ueb67";
public const string Telescope = "\ueb68";
public const string TextSize = "\ueb69";
public const string ThreeBars = "\ueb6a";
public const string Thumbsdown = "\ueb6b";
public const string Thumbsup = "\ueb6c";
public const string Tools = "\ueb6d";
public const string TriangleDown = "\ueb6e";
public const string TriangleLeft = "\ueb6f";
public const string TriangleRight = "\ueb70";
public const string TriangleUp = "\ueb71";
public const string Twitter = "\ueb72";
public const string Unfold = "\ueb73";
public const string Unlock = "\ueb74";
public const string Unmute = "\ueb75";
public const string Unverified = "\ueb76";
public const string Verified = "\ueb77";
public const string Versions = "\ueb78";
public const string VmActive = "\ueb79";
public const string VmOutline = "\ueb7a";
public const string VmRunning = "\ueb7b";
public const string Watch = "\ueb7c";
public const string Whitespace = "\ueb7d";
public const string WholeWord = "\ueb7e";
public const string Window = "\ueb7f";
public const string WordWrap = "\ueb80";
public const string ZoomIn = "\ueb81";
public const string ZoomOut = "\ueb82";
public const string ListFilter = "\ueb83";
public const string ListFlat = "\ueb84";
public const string ListSelection = "\ueb85";
public const string Selection = "\ueb85";
public const string ListTree = "\ueb86";
public const string DebugBreakpointFunctionUnverified = "\ueb87";
public const string DebugBreakpointFunction = "\ueb88";
public const string DebugBreakpointFunctionDisabled = "\ueb88";
public const string DebugStackframeActive = "\ueb89";
public const string CircleSmallFilled = "\ueb8a";
public const string DebugStackframeDot = "\ueb8a";
public const string TerminalDecorationMark = "\ueb8a";
public const string DebugStackframe = "\ueb8b";
public const string DebugStackframeFocused = "\ueb8b";
public const string DebugBreakpointUnsupported = "\ueb8c";
public const string SymbolString = "\ueb8d";
public const string DebugReverseContinue = "\ueb8e";
public const string DebugStepBack = "\ueb8f";
public const string DebugRestartFrame = "\ueb90";
public const string DebugAlt = "\ueb91";
public const string CallIncoming = "\ueb92";
public const string CallOutgoing = "\ueb93";
public const string Menu = "\ueb94";
public const string ExpandAll = "\ueb95";
public const string Feedback = "\ueb96";
public const string GroupByRefType = "\ueb97";
public const string UngroupByRefType = "\ueb98";
public const string Account = "\ueb99";
public const string BellDot = "\ueb9a";
public const string DebugConsole = "\ueb9b";
public const string Library = "\ueb9c";
public const string Output = "\ueb9d";
public const string RunAll = "\ueb9e";
public const string SyncIgnored = "\ueb9f";
public const string Pinned = "\ueba0";
public const string GithubInverted = "\ueba1";
public const string ServerProcess = "\ueba2";
public const string ServerEnvironment = "\ueba3";
public const string Pass = "\ueba4";
public const string IssueClosed = "\ueba4";
public const string StopCircle = "\ueba5";
public const string PlayCircle = "\ueba6";
public const string Record = "\ueba7";
public const string DebugAltSmall = "\ueba8";
public const string VmConnect = "\ueba9";
public const string Cloud = "\uebaa";
public const string Merge = "\uebab";
public const string Export = "\uebac";
public const string GraphLeft = "\uebad";
public const string Magnet = "\uebae";
public const string Notebook = "\uebaf";
public const string Redo = "\uebb0";
public const string CheckAll = "\uebb1";
public const string PinnedDirty = "\uebb2";
public const string PassFilled = "\uebb3";
public const string CircleLargeFilled = "\uebb4";
public const string CircleLarge = "\uebb5";
public const string CircleLargeOutline = "\uebb5";
public const string Combine = "\uebb6";
public const string Gather = "\uebb6";
public const string Table = "\uebb7";
public const string VariableGroup = "\uebb8";
public const string TypeHierarchy = "\uebb9";
public const string TypeHierarchySub = "\uebba";
public const string TypeHierarchySuper = "\uebbb";
public const string GitPullRequestCreate = "\uebbc";
public const string RunAbove = "\uebbd";
public const string RunBelow = "\uebbe";
public const string NotebookTemplate = "\uebbf";
public const string DebugRerun = "\uebc0";
public const string WorkspaceTrusted = "\uebc1";
public const string WorkspaceUntrusted = "\uebc2";
public const string WorkspaceUnknown = "\uebc3";
public const string TerminalCmd = "\uebc4";
public const string TerminalDebian = "\uebc5";
public const string TerminalLinux = "\uebc6";
public const string TerminalPowershell = "\uebc7";
public const string TerminalTmux = "\uebc8";
public const string TerminalUbuntu = "\uebc9";
public const string TerminalBash = "\uebca";
public const string ArrowSwap = "\uebcb";
public const string Copy = "\uebcc";
public const string PersonAdd = "\uebcd";
public const string FilterFilled = "\uebce";
public const string Wand = "\uebcf";
public const string DebugLineByLine = "\uebd0";
public const string Inspect = "\uebd1";
public const string Layers = "\uebd2";
public const string LayersDot = "\uebd3";
public const string LayersActive = "\uebd4";
public const string Compass = "\uebd5";
public const string CompassDot = "\uebd6";
public const string CompassActive = "\uebd7";
public const string Azure = "\uebd8";
public const string IssueDraft = "\uebd9";
public const string GitPullRequestClosed = "\uebda";
public const string GitPullRequestDraft = "\uebdb";
public const string DebugAll = "\uebdc";
public const string DebugCoverage = "\uebdd";
public const string RunErrors = "\uebde";
public const string FolderLibrary = "\uebdf";
public const string DebugContinueSmall = "\uebe0";
public const string BeakerStop = "\uebe1";
public const string GraphLine = "\uebe2";
public const string GraphScatter = "\uebe3";
public const string PieChart = "\uebe4";
public const string Bracket = "\ueb0f";
public const string BracketDot = "\uebe5";
public const string BracketError = "\uebe6";
public const string LockSmall = "\uebe7";
public const string AzureDevops = "\uebe8";
public const string VerifiedFilled = "\uebe9";
public const string Newline = "\uebea";
public const string Layout = "\uebeb";
public const string LayoutActivitybarLeft = "\uebec";
public const string LayoutActivitybarRight = "\uebed";
public const string LayoutPanelLeft = "\uebee";
public const string LayoutPanelCenter = "\uebef";
public const string LayoutPanelJustify = "\uebf0";
public const string LayoutPanelRight = "\uebf1";
public const string LayoutPanel = "\uebf2";
public const string LayoutSidebarLeft = "\uebf3";
public const string LayoutSidebarRight = "\uebf4";
public const string LayoutStatusbar = "\uebf5";
public const string LayoutMenubar = "\uebf6";
public const string LayoutCentered = "\uebf7";
public const string Target = "\uebf8";
public const string Indent = "\uebf9";
public const string RecordSmall = "\uebfa";
public const string ErrorSmall = "\uebfb";
public const string TerminalDecorationError = "\uebfb";
public const string ArrowCircleDown = "\uebfc";
public const string ArrowCircleLeft = "\uebfd";
public const string ArrowCircleRight = "\uebfe";
public const string ArrowCircleUp = "\uebff";
public const string LayoutSidebarRightOff = "\uec00";
public const string LayoutPanelOff = "\uec01";
public const string LayoutSidebarLeftOff = "\uec02";
public const string Blank = "\uec03";
public const string HeartFilled = "\uec04";
public const string Map = "\uec05";
public const string MapFilled = "\uec06";
public const string CircleSmall = "\uec07";
public const string BellSlash = "\uec08";
public const string BellSlashDot = "\uec09";
public const string CommentUnresolved = "\uec0a";
public const string GitPullRequestGoToChanges = "\uec0b";
public const string GitPullRequestNewChanges = "\uec0c";
public const string SearchFuzzy = "\uec0d";
public const string CommentDraft = "\uec0e";
public const string Send = "\uec0f";
public const string Sparkle = "\uec10";
public const string Insert = "\uec11";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css
// for use with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsCodicons = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"CI", "codicon.ttf"},
Min: 0xea60,
Max16: 0xec11,
Max: 0xec11,
Icons: map[string]string{
"Add": "\xee\xa9\xa0", // U+ea60
"Plus": "\xee\xa9\xa0", // U+ea60
"GistNew": "\xee\xa9\xa0", // U+ea60
"RepoCreate": "\xee\xa9\xa0", // U+ea60
"Lightbulb": "\xee\xa9\xa1", // U+ea61
"LightBulb": "\xee\xa9\xa1", // U+ea61
"Repo": "\xee\xa9\xa2", // U+ea62
"RepoDelete": "\xee\xa9\xa2", // U+ea62
"GistFork": "\xee\xa9\xa3", // U+ea63
"RepoForked": "\xee\xa9\xa3", // U+ea63
"GitPullRequest": "\xee\xa9\xa4", // U+ea64
"GitPullRequestAbandoned": "\xee\xa9\xa4", // U+ea64
"RecordKeys": "\xee\xa9\xa5", // U+ea65
"Keyboard": "\xee\xa9\xa5", // U+ea65
"Tag": "\xee\xa9\xa6", // U+ea66
"TagAdd": "\xee\xa9\xa6", // U+ea66
"TagRemove": "\xee\xa9\xa6", // U+ea66
"Person": "\xee\xa9\xa7", // U+ea67
"PersonFollow": "\xee\xa9\xa7", // U+ea67
"PersonOutline": "\xee\xa9\xa7", // U+ea67
"PersonFilled": "\xee\xa9\xa7", // U+ea67
"GitBranch": "\xee\xa9\xa8", // U+ea68
"GitBranchCreate": "\xee\xa9\xa8", // U+ea68
"GitBranchDelete": "\xee\xa9\xa8", // U+ea68
"SourceControl": "\xee\xa9\xa8", // U+ea68
"Mirror": "\xee\xa9\xa9", // U+ea69
"MirrorPublic": "\xee\xa9\xa9", // U+ea69
"Star": "\xee\xa9\xaa", // U+ea6a
"StarAdd": "\xee\xa9\xaa", // U+ea6a
"StarDelete": "\xee\xa9\xaa", // U+ea6a
"StarEmpty": "\xee\xa9\xaa", // U+ea6a
"Comment": "\xee\xa9\xab", // U+ea6b
"CommentAdd": "\xee\xa9\xab", // U+ea6b
"Alert": "\xee\xa9\xac", // U+ea6c
"Warning": "\xee\xa9\xac", // U+ea6c
"Search": "\xee\xa9\xad", // U+ea6d
"SearchSave": "\xee\xa9\xad", // U+ea6d
"LogOut": "\xee\xa9\xae", // U+ea6e
"SignOut": "\xee\xa9\xae", // U+ea6e
"LogIn": "\xee\xa9\xaf", // U+ea6f
"SignIn": "\xee\xa9\xaf", // U+ea6f
"Eye": "\xee\xa9\xb0", // U+ea70
"EyeUnwatch": "\xee\xa9\xb0", // U+ea70
"EyeWatch": "\xee\xa9\xb0", // U+ea70
"CircleFilled": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"PrimitiveDot": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"CloseDirty": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"DebugBreakpoint": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"DebugBreakpointDisabled": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"DebugHint": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"TerminalDecorationSuccess": "\xee\xa9\xb1", // U+ea71
"PrimitiveSquare": "\xee\xa9\xb2", // U+ea72
"Edit": "\xee\xa9\xb3", // U+ea73
"Pencil": "\xee\xa9\xb3", // U+ea73
"Info": "\xee\xa9\xb4", // U+ea74
"IssueOpened": "\xee\xa9\xb4", // U+ea74
"GistPrivate": "\xee\xa9\xb5", // U+ea75
"GitForkPrivate": "\xee\xa9\xb5", // U+ea75
"Lock": "\xee\xa9\xb5", // U+ea75
"MirrorPrivate": "\xee\xa9\xb5", // U+ea75
"Close": "\xee\xa9\xb6", // U+ea76
"RemoveClose": "\xee\xa9\xb6", // U+ea76
"X": "\xee\xa9\xb6", // U+ea76
"RepoSync": "\xee\xa9\xb7", // U+ea77
"Sync": "\xee\xa9\xb7", // U+ea77
"Clone": "\xee\xa9\xb8", // U+ea78
"DesktopDownload": "\xee\xa9\xb8", // U+ea78
"Beaker": "\xee\xa9\xb9", // U+ea79
"Microscope": "\xee\xa9\xb9", // U+ea79
"Vm": "\xee\xa9\xba", // U+ea7a
"DeviceDesktop": "\xee\xa9\xba", // U+ea7a
"File": "\xee\xa9\xbb", // U+ea7b
"FileText": "\xee\xa9\xbb", // U+ea7b
"More": "\xee\xa9\xbc", // U+ea7c
"Ellipsis": "\xee\xa9\xbc", // U+ea7c
"KebabHorizontal": "\xee\xa9\xbc", // U+ea7c
"MailReply": "\xee\xa9\xbd", // U+ea7d
"Reply": "\xee\xa9\xbd", // U+ea7d
"Organization": "\xee\xa9\xbe", // U+ea7e
"OrganizationFilled": "\xee\xa9\xbe", // U+ea7e
"OrganizationOutline": "\xee\xa9\xbe", // U+ea7e
"NewFile": "\xee\xa9\xbf", // U+ea7f
"FileAdd": "\xee\xa9\xbf", // U+ea7f
"NewFolder": "\xee\xaa\x80", // U+ea80
"FileDirectoryCreate": "\xee\xaa\x80", // U+ea80
"Trash": "\xee\xaa\x81", // U+ea81
"Trashcan": "\xee\xaa\x81", // U+ea81
"History": "\xee\xaa\x82", // U+ea82
"Clock": "\xee\xaa\x82", // U+ea82
"Folder": "\xee\xaa\x83", // U+ea83
"FileDirectory": "\xee\xaa\x83", // U+ea83
"SymbolFolder": "\xee\xaa\x83", // U+ea83
"LogoGithub": "\xee\xaa\x84", // U+ea84
"MarkGithub": "\xee\xaa\x84", // U+ea84
"Github": "\xee\xaa\x84", // U+ea84
"Terminal": "\xee\xaa\x85", // U+ea85
"Console": "\xee\xaa\x85", // U+ea85
"Repl": "\xee\xaa\x85", // U+ea85
"Zap": "\xee\xaa\x86", // U+ea86
"SymbolEvent": "\xee\xaa\x86", // U+ea86
"Error": "\xee\xaa\x87", // U+ea87
"Stop": "\xee\xaa\x87", // U+ea87
"Variable": "\xee\xaa\x88", // U+ea88
"SymbolVariable": "\xee\xaa\x88", // U+ea88
"Array": "\xee\xaa\x8a", // U+ea8a
"SymbolArray": "\xee\xaa\x8a", // U+ea8a
"SymbolModule": "\xee\xaa\x8b", // U+ea8b
"SymbolPackage": "\xee\xaa\x8b", // U+ea8b
"SymbolNamespace": "\xee\xaa\x8b", // U+ea8b
"SymbolObject": "\xee\xaa\x8b", // U+ea8b
"SymbolMethod": "\xee\xaa\x8c", // U+ea8c
"SymbolFunction": "\xee\xaa\x8c", // U+ea8c
"SymbolConstructor": "\xee\xaa\x8c", // U+ea8c
"SymbolBoolean": "\xee\xaa\x8f", // U+ea8f
"SymbolNull": "\xee\xaa\x8f", // U+ea8f
"SymbolNumeric": "\xee\xaa\x90", // U+ea90
"SymbolNumber": "\xee\xaa\x90", // U+ea90
"SymbolStructure": "\xee\xaa\x91", // U+ea91
"SymbolStruct": "\xee\xaa\x91", // U+ea91
"SymbolParameter": "\xee\xaa\x92", // U+ea92
"SymbolTypeParameter": "\xee\xaa\x92", // U+ea92
"SymbolKey": "\xee\xaa\x93", // U+ea93
"SymbolText": "\xee\xaa\x93", // U+ea93
"SymbolReference": "\xee\xaa\x94", // U+ea94
"GoToFile": "\xee\xaa\x94", // U+ea94
"SymbolEnum": "\xee\xaa\x95", // U+ea95
"SymbolValue": "\xee\xaa\x95", // U+ea95
"SymbolRuler": "\xee\xaa\x96", // U+ea96
"SymbolUnit": "\xee\xaa\x96", // U+ea96
"ActivateBreakpoints": "\xee\xaa\x97", // U+ea97
"Archive": "\xee\xaa\x98", // U+ea98
"ArrowBoth": "\xee\xaa\x99", // U+ea99
"ArrowDown": "\xee\xaa\x9a", // U+ea9a
"ArrowLeft": "\xee\xaa\x9b", // U+ea9b
"ArrowRight": "\xee\xaa\x9c", // U+ea9c
"ArrowSmallDown": "\xee\xaa\x9d", // U+ea9d
"ArrowSmallLeft": "\xee\xaa\x9e", // U+ea9e
"ArrowSmallRight": "\xee\xaa\x9f", // U+ea9f
"ArrowSmallUp": "\xee\xaa\xa0", // U+eaa0
"ArrowUp": "\xee\xaa\xa1", // U+eaa1
"Bell": "\xee\xaa\xa2", // U+eaa2
"Bold": "\xee\xaa\xa3", // U+eaa3
"Book": "\xee\xaa\xa4", // U+eaa4
"Bookmark": "\xee\xaa\xa5", // U+eaa5
"DebugBreakpointConditionalUnverified": "\xee\xaa\xa6", // U+eaa6
"DebugBreakpointConditional": "\xee\xaa\xa7", // U+eaa7
"DebugBreakpointConditionalDisabled": "\xee\xaa\xa7", // U+eaa7
"DebugBreakpointDataUnverified": "\xee\xaa\xa8", // U+eaa8
"DebugBreakpointData": "\xee\xaa\xa9", // U+eaa9
"DebugBreakpointDataDisabled": "\xee\xaa\xa9", // U+eaa9
"DebugBreakpointLogUnverified": "\xee\xaa\xaa", // U+eaaa
"DebugBreakpointLog": "\xee\xaa\xab", // U+eaab
"DebugBreakpointLogDisabled": "\xee\xaa\xab", // U+eaab
"Briefcase": "\xee\xaa\xac", // U+eaac
"Broadcast": "\xee\xaa\xad", // U+eaad
"Browser": "\xee\xaa\xae", // U+eaae
"Bug": "\xee\xaa\xaf", // U+eaaf
"Calendar": "\xee\xaa\xb0", // U+eab0
"CaseSensitive": "\xee\xaa\xb1", // U+eab1
"Check": "\xee\xaa\xb2", // U+eab2
"Checklist": "\xee\xaa\xb3", // U+eab3
"ChevronDown": "\xee\xaa\xb4", // U+eab4
"ChevronLeft": "\xee\xaa\xb5", // U+eab5
"ChevronRight": "\xee\xaa\xb6", // U+eab6
"ChevronUp": "\xee\xaa\xb7", // U+eab7
"ChromeClose": "\xee\xaa\xb8", // U+eab8
"ChromeMaximize": "\xee\xaa\xb9", // U+eab9
"ChromeMinimize": "\xee\xaa\xba", // U+eaba
"ChromeRestore": "\xee\xaa\xbb", // U+eabb
"CircleOutline": "\xee\xaa\xbc", // U+eabc
"Circle": "\xee\xaa\xbc", // U+eabc
"DebugBreakpointUnverified": "\xee\xaa\xbc", // U+eabc
"TerminalDecorationIncomplete": "\xee\xaa\xbc", // U+eabc
"CircleSlash": "\xee\xaa\xbd", // U+eabd
"CircuitBoard": "\xee\xaa\xbe", // U+eabe
"ClearAll": "\xee\xaa\xbf", // U+eabf
"Clippy": "\xee\xab\x80", // U+eac0
"CloseAll": "\xee\xab\x81", // U+eac1
"CloudDownload": "\xee\xab\x82", // U+eac2
"CloudUpload": "\xee\xab\x83", // U+eac3
"Code": "\xee\xab\x84", // U+eac4
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"DebugPause": "\xee\xab\x91", // U+ead1
"DebugRestart": "\xee\xab\x92", // U+ead2
"DebugStart": "\xee\xab\x93", // U+ead3
"DebugStepInto": "\xee\xab\x94", // U+ead4
"DebugStepOut": "\xee\xab\x95", // U+ead5
"DebugStepOver": "\xee\xab\x96", // U+ead6
"DebugStop": "\xee\xab\x97", // U+ead7
"Debug": "\xee\xab\x98", // U+ead8
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"DeviceCamera": "\xee\xab\x9a", // U+eada
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"RepoPush": "\xee\xad\x81", // U+eb41
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"DebugRestartFrame": "\xee\xae\x90", // U+eb90
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"Output": "\xee\xae\x9d", // U+eb9d
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"GithubInverted": "\xee\xae\xa1", // U+eba1
"ServerProcess": "\xee\xae\xa2", // U+eba2
"ServerEnvironment": "\xee\xae\xa3", // U+eba3
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"IssueClosed": "\xee\xae\xa4", // U+eba4
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"PlayCircle": "\xee\xae\xa6", // U+eba6
"Record": "\xee\xae\xa7", // U+eba7
"DebugAltSmall": "\xee\xae\xa8", // U+eba8
"VmConnect": "\xee\xae\xa9", // U+eba9
"Cloud": "\xee\xae\xaa", // U+ebaa
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"CheckAll": "\xee\xae\xb1", // U+ebb1
"PinnedDirty": "\xee\xae\xb2", // U+ebb2
"PassFilled": "\xee\xae\xb3", // U+ebb3
"CircleLargeFilled": "\xee\xae\xb4", // U+ebb4
"CircleLarge": "\xee\xae\xb5", // U+ebb5
"CircleLargeOutline": "\xee\xae\xb5", // U+ebb5
"Combine": "\xee\xae\xb6", // U+ebb6
"Gather": "\xee\xae\xb6", // U+ebb6
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"VariableGroup": "\xee\xae\xb8", // U+ebb8
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"TypeHierarchySub": "\xee\xae\xba", // U+ebba
"TypeHierarchySuper": "\xee\xae\xbb", // U+ebbb
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"RunBelow": "\xee\xae\xbe", // U+ebbe
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"DebugRerun": "\xee\xaf\x80", // U+ebc0
"WorkspaceTrusted": "\xee\xaf\x81", // U+ebc1
"WorkspaceUntrusted": "\xee\xaf\x82", // U+ebc2
"WorkspaceUnknown": "\xee\xaf\x83", // U+ebc3
"TerminalCmd": "\xee\xaf\x84", // U+ebc4
"TerminalDebian": "\xee\xaf\x85", // U+ebc5
"TerminalLinux": "\xee\xaf\x86", // U+ebc6
"TerminalPowershell": "\xee\xaf\x87", // U+ebc7
"TerminalTmux": "\xee\xaf\x88", // U+ebc8
"TerminalUbuntu": "\xee\xaf\x89", // U+ebc9
"TerminalBash": "\xee\xaf\x8a", // U+ebca
"ArrowSwap": "\xee\xaf\x8b", // U+ebcb
"Copy": "\xee\xaf\x8c", // U+ebcc
"PersonAdd": "\xee\xaf\x8d", // U+ebcd
"FilterFilled": "\xee\xaf\x8e", // U+ebce
"Wand": "\xee\xaf\x8f", // U+ebcf
"DebugLineByLine": "\xee\xaf\x90", // U+ebd0
"Inspect": "\xee\xaf\x91", // U+ebd1
"Layers": "\xee\xaf\x92", // U+ebd2
"LayersDot": "\xee\xaf\x93", // U+ebd3
"LayersActive": "\xee\xaf\x94", // U+ebd4
"Compass": "\xee\xaf\x95", // U+ebd5
"CompassDot": "\xee\xaf\x96", // U+ebd6
"CompassActive": "\xee\xaf\x97", // U+ebd7
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"GitPullRequestClosed": "\xee\xaf\x9a", // U+ebda
"GitPullRequestDraft": "\xee\xaf\x9b", // U+ebdb
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"RunErrors": "\xee\xaf\x9e", // U+ebde
"FolderLibrary": "\xee\xaf\x9f", // U+ebdf
"DebugContinueSmall": "\xee\xaf\xa0", // U+ebe0
"BeakerStop": "\xee\xaf\xa1", // U+ebe1
"GraphLine": "\xee\xaf\xa2", // U+ebe2
"GraphScatter": "\xee\xaf\xa3", // U+ebe3
"PieChart": "\xee\xaf\xa4", // U+ebe4
"Bracket": "\xee\xac\x8f", // U+eb0f
"BracketDot": "\xee\xaf\xa5", // U+ebe5
"BracketError": "\xee\xaf\xa6", // U+ebe6
"LockSmall": "\xee\xaf\xa7", // U+ebe7
"AzureDevops": "\xee\xaf\xa8", // U+ebe8
"VerifiedFilled": "\xee\xaf\xa9", // U+ebe9
"Newline": "\xee\xaf\xaa", // U+ebea
"Layout": "\xee\xaf\xab", // U+ebeb
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"LayoutActivitybarRight": "\xee\xaf\xad", // U+ebed
"LayoutPanelLeft": "\xee\xaf\xae", // U+ebee
"LayoutPanelCenter": "\xee\xaf\xaf", // U+ebef
"LayoutPanelJustify": "\xee\xaf\xb0", // U+ebf0
"LayoutPanelRight": "\xee\xaf\xb1", // U+ebf1
"LayoutPanel": "\xee\xaf\xb2", // U+ebf2
"LayoutSidebarLeft": "\xee\xaf\xb3", // U+ebf3
"LayoutSidebarRight": "\xee\xaf\xb4", // U+ebf4
"LayoutStatusbar": "\xee\xaf\xb5", // U+ebf5
"LayoutMenubar": "\xee\xaf\xb6", // U+ebf6
"LayoutCentered": "\xee\xaf\xb7", // U+ebf7
"Target": "\xee\xaf\xb8", // U+ebf8
"Indent": "\xee\xaf\xb9", // U+ebf9
"RecordSmall": "\xee\xaf\xba", // U+ebfa
"ErrorSmall": "\xee\xaf\xbb", // U+ebfb
"TerminalDecorationError": "\xee\xaf\xbb", // U+ebfb
"ArrowCircleDown": "\xee\xaf\xbc", // U+ebfc
"ArrowCircleLeft": "\xee\xaf\xbd", // U+ebfd
"ArrowCircleRight": "\xee\xaf\xbe", // U+ebfe
"ArrowCircleUp": "\xee\xaf\xbf", // U+ebff
"LayoutSidebarRightOff": "\xee\xb0\x80", // U+ec00
"LayoutPanelOff": "\xee\xb0\x81", // U+ec01
"LayoutSidebarLeftOff": "\xee\xb0\x82", // U+ec02
"Blank": "\xee\xb0\x83", // U+ec03
"HeartFilled": "\xee\xb0\x84", // U+ec04
"Map": "\xee\xb0\x85", // U+ec05
"MapFilled": "\xee\xb0\x86", // U+ec06
"CircleSmall": "\xee\xb0\x87", // U+ec07
"BellSlash": "\xee\xb0\x88", // U+ec08
"BellSlashDot": "\xee\xb0\x89", // U+ec09
"CommentUnresolved": "\xee\xb0\x8a", // U+ec0a
"GitPullRequestGoToChanges": "\xee\xb0\x8b", // U+ec0b
"GitPullRequestNewChanges": "\xee\xb0\x8c", // U+ec0c
"SearchFuzzy": "\xee\xb0\x8d", // U+ec0d
"CommentDraft": "\xee\xb0\x8e", // U+ec0e
"Send": "\xee\xb0\x8f", // U+ec0f
"Sparkle": "\xee\xb0\x90", // U+ec10
"Insert": "\xee\xb0\x91", // U+ec11
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css
// for use with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
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#define ICON_MAX_16_CI 0xec11
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#define ICON_CI_ADD "\xee\xa9\xa0" // U+ea60
#define ICON_CI_PLUS "\xee\xa9\xa0" // U+ea60
#define ICON_CI_GIST_NEW "\xee\xa9\xa0" // U+ea60
#define ICON_CI_REPO_CREATE "\xee\xa9\xa0" // U+ea60
#define ICON_CI_LIGHTBULB "\xee\xa9\xa1" // U+ea61
#define ICON_CI_LIGHT_BULB "\xee\xa9\xa1" // U+ea61
#define ICON_CI_REPO "\xee\xa9\xa2" // U+ea62
#define ICON_CI_REPO_DELETE "\xee\xa9\xa2" // U+ea62
#define ICON_CI_GIST_FORK "\xee\xa9\xa3" // U+ea63
#define ICON_CI_REPO_FORKED "\xee\xa9\xa3" // U+ea63
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST "\xee\xa9\xa4" // U+ea64
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ABANDONED "\xee\xa9\xa4" // U+ea64
#define ICON_CI_RECORD_KEYS "\xee\xa9\xa5" // U+ea65
#define ICON_CI_KEYBOARD "\xee\xa9\xa5" // U+ea65
#define ICON_CI_TAG "\xee\xa9\xa6" // U+ea66
#define ICON_CI_TAG_ADD "\xee\xa9\xa6" // U+ea66
#define ICON_CI_TAG_REMOVE "\xee\xa9\xa6" // U+ea66
#define ICON_CI_PERSON "\xee\xa9\xa7" // U+ea67
#define ICON_CI_PERSON_FOLLOW "\xee\xa9\xa7" // U+ea67
#define ICON_CI_PERSON_OUTLINE "\xee\xa9\xa7" // U+ea67
#define ICON_CI_PERSON_FILLED "\xee\xa9\xa7" // U+ea67
#define ICON_CI_GIT_BRANCH "\xee\xa9\xa8" // U+ea68
#define ICON_CI_GIT_BRANCH_CREATE "\xee\xa9\xa8" // U+ea68
#define ICON_CI_GIT_BRANCH_DELETE "\xee\xa9\xa8" // U+ea68
#define ICON_CI_SOURCE_CONTROL "\xee\xa9\xa8" // U+ea68
#define ICON_CI_MIRROR "\xee\xa9\xa9" // U+ea69
#define ICON_CI_MIRROR_PUBLIC "\xee\xa9\xa9" // U+ea69
#define ICON_CI_STAR "\xee\xa9\xaa" // U+ea6a
#define ICON_CI_STAR_ADD "\xee\xa9\xaa" // U+ea6a
#define ICON_CI_STAR_DELETE "\xee\xa9\xaa" // U+ea6a
#define ICON_CI_STAR_EMPTY "\xee\xa9\xaa" // U+ea6a
#define ICON_CI_COMMENT "\xee\xa9\xab" // U+ea6b
#define ICON_CI_COMMENT_ADD "\xee\xa9\xab" // U+ea6b
#define ICON_CI_ALERT "\xee\xa9\xac" // U+ea6c
#define ICON_CI_WARNING "\xee\xa9\xac" // U+ea6c
#define ICON_CI_SEARCH "\xee\xa9\xad" // U+ea6d
#define ICON_CI_SEARCH_SAVE "\xee\xa9\xad" // U+ea6d
#define ICON_CI_LOG_OUT "\xee\xa9\xae" // U+ea6e
#define ICON_CI_SIGN_OUT "\xee\xa9\xae" // U+ea6e
#define ICON_CI_LOG_IN "\xee\xa9\xaf" // U+ea6f
#define ICON_CI_SIGN_IN "\xee\xa9\xaf" // U+ea6f
#define ICON_CI_EYE "\xee\xa9\xb0" // U+ea70
#define ICON_CI_EYE_UNWATCH "\xee\xa9\xb0" // U+ea70
#define ICON_CI_EYE_WATCH "\xee\xa9\xb0" // U+ea70
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_FILLED "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_PRIMITIVE_DOT "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_CLOSE_DIRTY "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_HINT "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_DECORATION_SUCCESS "\xee\xa9\xb1" // U+ea71
#define ICON_CI_PRIMITIVE_SQUARE "\xee\xa9\xb2" // U+ea72
#define ICON_CI_EDIT "\xee\xa9\xb3" // U+ea73
#define ICON_CI_PENCIL "\xee\xa9\xb3" // U+ea73
#define ICON_CI_INFO "\xee\xa9\xb4" // U+ea74
#define ICON_CI_ISSUE_OPENED "\xee\xa9\xb4" // U+ea74
#define ICON_CI_GIST_PRIVATE "\xee\xa9\xb5" // U+ea75
#define ICON_CI_GIT_FORK_PRIVATE "\xee\xa9\xb5" // U+ea75
#define ICON_CI_LOCK "\xee\xa9\xb5" // U+ea75
#define ICON_CI_MIRROR_PRIVATE "\xee\xa9\xb5" // U+ea75
#define ICON_CI_CLOSE "\xee\xa9\xb6" // U+ea76
#define ICON_CI_REMOVE_CLOSE "\xee\xa9\xb6" // U+ea76
#define ICON_CI_X "\xee\xa9\xb6" // U+ea76
#define ICON_CI_REPO_SYNC "\xee\xa9\xb7" // U+ea77
#define ICON_CI_SYNC "\xee\xa9\xb7" // U+ea77
#define ICON_CI_CLONE "\xee\xa9\xb8" // U+ea78
#define ICON_CI_DESKTOP_DOWNLOAD "\xee\xa9\xb8" // U+ea78
#define ICON_CI_BEAKER "\xee\xa9\xb9" // U+ea79
#define ICON_CI_MICROSCOPE "\xee\xa9\xb9" // U+ea79
#define ICON_CI_VM "\xee\xa9\xba" // U+ea7a
#define ICON_CI_DEVICE_DESKTOP "\xee\xa9\xba" // U+ea7a
#define ICON_CI_FILE "\xee\xa9\xbb" // U+ea7b
#define ICON_CI_FILE_TEXT "\xee\xa9\xbb" // U+ea7b
#define ICON_CI_MORE "\xee\xa9\xbc" // U+ea7c
#define ICON_CI_ELLIPSIS "\xee\xa9\xbc" // U+ea7c
#define ICON_CI_KEBAB_HORIZONTAL "\xee\xa9\xbc" // U+ea7c
#define ICON_CI_MAIL_REPLY "\xee\xa9\xbd" // U+ea7d
#define ICON_CI_REPLY "\xee\xa9\xbd" // U+ea7d
#define ICON_CI_ORGANIZATION "\xee\xa9\xbe" // U+ea7e
#define ICON_CI_ORGANIZATION_FILLED "\xee\xa9\xbe" // U+ea7e
#define ICON_CI_ORGANIZATION_OUTLINE "\xee\xa9\xbe" // U+ea7e
#define ICON_CI_NEW_FILE "\xee\xa9\xbf" // U+ea7f
#define ICON_CI_FILE_ADD "\xee\xa9\xbf" // U+ea7f
#define ICON_CI_NEW_FOLDER "\xee\xaa\x80" // U+ea80
#define ICON_CI_FILE_DIRECTORY_CREATE "\xee\xaa\x80" // U+ea80
#define ICON_CI_TRASH "\xee\xaa\x81" // U+ea81
#define ICON_CI_TRASHCAN "\xee\xaa\x81" // U+ea81
#define ICON_CI_HISTORY "\xee\xaa\x82" // U+ea82
#define ICON_CI_CLOCK "\xee\xaa\x82" // U+ea82
#define ICON_CI_FOLDER "\xee\xaa\x83" // U+ea83
#define ICON_CI_FILE_DIRECTORY "\xee\xaa\x83" // U+ea83
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_FOLDER "\xee\xaa\x83" // U+ea83
#define ICON_CI_LOGO_GITHUB "\xee\xaa\x84" // U+ea84
#define ICON_CI_MARK_GITHUB "\xee\xaa\x84" // U+ea84
#define ICON_CI_GITHUB "\xee\xaa\x84" // U+ea84
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL "\xee\xaa\x85" // U+ea85
#define ICON_CI_CONSOLE "\xee\xaa\x85" // U+ea85
#define ICON_CI_REPL "\xee\xaa\x85" // U+ea85
#define ICON_CI_ZAP "\xee\xaa\x86" // U+ea86
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_EVENT "\xee\xaa\x86" // U+ea86
#define ICON_CI_ERROR "\xee\xaa\x87" // U+ea87
#define ICON_CI_STOP "\xee\xaa\x87" // U+ea87
#define ICON_CI_VARIABLE "\xee\xaa\x88" // U+ea88
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_VARIABLE "\xee\xaa\x88" // U+ea88
#define ICON_CI_ARRAY "\xee\xaa\x8a" // U+ea8a
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_ARRAY "\xee\xaa\x8a" // U+ea8a
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_MODULE "\xee\xaa\x8b" // U+ea8b
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_PACKAGE "\xee\xaa\x8b" // U+ea8b
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_NAMESPACE "\xee\xaa\x8b" // U+ea8b
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_OBJECT "\xee\xaa\x8b" // U+ea8b
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_METHOD "\xee\xaa\x8c" // U+ea8c
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_FUNCTION "\xee\xaa\x8c" // U+ea8c
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_CONSTRUCTOR "\xee\xaa\x8c" // U+ea8c
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_BOOLEAN "\xee\xaa\x8f" // U+ea8f
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_NULL "\xee\xaa\x8f" // U+ea8f
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_NUMERIC "\xee\xaa\x90" // U+ea90
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_NUMBER "\xee\xaa\x90" // U+ea90
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_STRUCTURE "\xee\xaa\x91" // U+ea91
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_STRUCT "\xee\xaa\x91" // U+ea91
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_PARAMETER "\xee\xaa\x92" // U+ea92
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_TYPE_PARAMETER "\xee\xaa\x92" // U+ea92
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_KEY "\xee\xaa\x93" // U+ea93
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_TEXT "\xee\xaa\x93" // U+ea93
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_REFERENCE "\xee\xaa\x94" // U+ea94
#define ICON_CI_GO_TO_FILE "\xee\xaa\x94" // U+ea94
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_ENUM "\xee\xaa\x95" // U+ea95
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_VALUE "\xee\xaa\x95" // U+ea95
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_RULER "\xee\xaa\x96" // U+ea96
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_UNIT "\xee\xaa\x96" // U+ea96
#define ICON_CI_ACTIVATE_BREAKPOINTS "\xee\xaa\x97" // U+ea97
#define ICON_CI_ARCHIVE "\xee\xaa\x98" // U+ea98
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_BOTH "\xee\xaa\x99" // U+ea99
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_DOWN "\xee\xaa\x9a" // U+ea9a
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_LEFT "\xee\xaa\x9b" // U+ea9b
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_RIGHT "\xee\xaa\x9c" // U+ea9c
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_SMALL_DOWN "\xee\xaa\x9d" // U+ea9d
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_SMALL_LEFT "\xee\xaa\x9e" // U+ea9e
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_SMALL_RIGHT "\xee\xaa\x9f" // U+ea9f
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_SMALL_UP "\xee\xaa\xa0" // U+eaa0
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_UP "\xee\xaa\xa1" // U+eaa1
#define ICON_CI_BELL "\xee\xaa\xa2" // U+eaa2
#define ICON_CI_BOLD "\xee\xaa\xa3" // U+eaa3
#define ICON_CI_BOOK "\xee\xaa\xa4" // U+eaa4
#define ICON_CI_BOOKMARK "\xee\xaa\xa5" // U+eaa5
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CONDITIONAL "\xee\xaa\xa7" // U+eaa7
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA_UNVERIFIED "\xee\xaa\xa8" // U+eaa8
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA "\xee\xaa\xa9" // U+eaa9
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA_DISABLED "\xee\xaa\xa9" // U+eaa9
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG_UNVERIFIED "\xee\xaa\xaa" // U+eaaa
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG "\xee\xaa\xab" // U+eaab
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG_DISABLED "\xee\xaa\xab" // U+eaab
#define ICON_CI_BRIEFCASE "\xee\xaa\xac" // U+eaac
#define ICON_CI_BROADCAST "\xee\xaa\xad" // U+eaad
#define ICON_CI_BROWSER "\xee\xaa\xae" // U+eaae
#define ICON_CI_BUG "\xee\xaa\xaf" // U+eaaf
#define ICON_CI_CALENDAR "\xee\xaa\xb0" // U+eab0
#define ICON_CI_CASE_SENSITIVE "\xee\xaa\xb1" // U+eab1
#define ICON_CI_CHECK "\xee\xaa\xb2" // U+eab2
#define ICON_CI_CHECKLIST "\xee\xaa\xb3" // U+eab3
#define ICON_CI_CHEVRON_DOWN "\xee\xaa\xb4" // U+eab4
#define ICON_CI_CHEVRON_LEFT "\xee\xaa\xb5" // U+eab5
#define ICON_CI_CHEVRON_RIGHT "\xee\xaa\xb6" // U+eab6
#define ICON_CI_CHEVRON_UP "\xee\xaa\xb7" // U+eab7
#define ICON_CI_CHROME_CLOSE "\xee\xaa\xb8" // U+eab8
#define ICON_CI_CHROME_MAXIMIZE "\xee\xaa\xb9" // U+eab9
#define ICON_CI_CHROME_MINIMIZE "\xee\xaa\xba" // U+eaba
#define ICON_CI_CHROME_RESTORE "\xee\xaa\xbb" // U+eabb
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_OUTLINE "\xee\xaa\xbc" // U+eabc
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE "\xee\xaa\xbc" // U+eabc
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_UNVERIFIED "\xee\xaa\xbc" // U+eabc
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_DECORATION_INCOMPLETE "\xee\xaa\xbc" // U+eabc
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_SLASH "\xee\xaa\xbd" // U+eabd
#define ICON_CI_CIRCUIT_BOARD "\xee\xaa\xbe" // U+eabe
#define ICON_CI_CLEAR_ALL "\xee\xaa\xbf" // U+eabf
#define ICON_CI_CLIPPY "\xee\xab\x80" // U+eac0
#define ICON_CI_CLOSE_ALL "\xee\xab\x81" // U+eac1
#define ICON_CI_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD "\xee\xab\x82" // U+eac2
#define ICON_CI_CLOUD_UPLOAD "\xee\xab\x83" // U+eac3
#define ICON_CI_CODE "\xee\xab\x84" // U+eac4
#define ICON_CI_COLLAPSE_ALL "\xee\xab\x85" // U+eac5
#define ICON_CI_COLOR_MODE "\xee\xab\x86" // U+eac6
#define ICON_CI_COMMENT_DISCUSSION "\xee\xab\x87" // U+eac7
#define ICON_CI_CREDIT_CARD "\xee\xab\x89" // U+eac9
#define ICON_CI_DASH "\xee\xab\x8c" // U+eacc
#define ICON_CI_DASHBOARD "\xee\xab\x8d" // U+eacd
#define ICON_CI_DATABASE "\xee\xab\x8e" // U+eace
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_CONTINUE "\xee\xab\x8f" // U+eacf
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_DISCONNECT "\xee\xab\x90" // U+ead0
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_PAUSE "\xee\xab\x91" // U+ead1
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_RESTART "\xee\xab\x92" // U+ead2
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_START "\xee\xab\x93" // U+ead3
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STEP_INTO "\xee\xab\x94" // U+ead4
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STEP_OUT "\xee\xab\x95" // U+ead5
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STEP_OVER "\xee\xab\x96" // U+ead6
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STOP "\xee\xab\x97" // U+ead7
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG "\xee\xab\x98" // U+ead8
#define ICON_CI_DEVICE_CAMERA_VIDEO "\xee\xab\x99" // U+ead9
#define ICON_CI_DEVICE_CAMERA "\xee\xab\x9a" // U+eada
#define ICON_CI_DEVICE_MOBILE "\xee\xab\x9b" // U+eadb
#define ICON_CI_DIFF_ADDED "\xee\xab\x9c" // U+eadc
#define ICON_CI_DIFF_IGNORED "\xee\xab\x9d" // U+eadd
#define ICON_CI_DIFF_MODIFIED "\xee\xab\x9e" // U+eade
#define ICON_CI_DIFF_REMOVED "\xee\xab\x9f" // U+eadf
#define ICON_CI_DIFF_RENAMED "\xee\xab\xa0" // U+eae0
#define ICON_CI_DIFF "\xee\xab\xa1" // U+eae1
#define ICON_CI_DISCARD "\xee\xab\xa2" // U+eae2
#define ICON_CI_EDITOR_LAYOUT "\xee\xab\xa3" // U+eae3
#define ICON_CI_EMPTY_WINDOW "\xee\xab\xa4" // U+eae4
#define ICON_CI_EXCLUDE "\xee\xab\xa5" // U+eae5
#define ICON_CI_EXTENSIONS "\xee\xab\xa6" // U+eae6
#define ICON_CI_EYE_CLOSED "\xee\xab\xa7" // U+eae7
#define ICON_CI_FILE_BINARY "\xee\xab\xa8" // U+eae8
#define ICON_CI_FILE_CODE "\xee\xab\xa9" // U+eae9
#define ICON_CI_FILE_MEDIA "\xee\xab\xaa" // U+eaea
#define ICON_CI_FILE_PDF "\xee\xab\xab" // U+eaeb
#define ICON_CI_FILE_SUBMODULE "\xee\xab\xac" // U+eaec
#define ICON_CI_FILE_SYMLINK_DIRECTORY "\xee\xab\xad" // U+eaed
#define ICON_CI_FILE_SYMLINK_FILE "\xee\xab\xae" // U+eaee
#define ICON_CI_FILE_ZIP "\xee\xab\xaf" // U+eaef
#define ICON_CI_FILES "\xee\xab\xb0" // U+eaf0
#define ICON_CI_FILTER "\xee\xab\xb1" // U+eaf1
#define ICON_CI_FLAME "\xee\xab\xb2" // U+eaf2
#define ICON_CI_FOLD_DOWN "\xee\xab\xb3" // U+eaf3
#define ICON_CI_FOLD_UP "\xee\xab\xb4" // U+eaf4
#define ICON_CI_FOLD "\xee\xab\xb5" // U+eaf5
#define ICON_CI_FOLDER_ACTIVE "\xee\xab\xb6" // U+eaf6
#define ICON_CI_FOLDER_OPENED "\xee\xab\xb7" // U+eaf7
#define ICON_CI_GEAR "\xee\xab\xb8" // U+eaf8
#define ICON_CI_GIFT "\xee\xab\xb9" // U+eaf9
#define ICON_CI_GIST_SECRET "\xee\xab\xba" // U+eafa
#define ICON_CI_GIST "\xee\xab\xbb" // U+eafb
#define ICON_CI_GIT_COMMIT "\xee\xab\xbc" // U+eafc
#define ICON_CI_GIT_COMPARE "\xee\xab\xbd" // U+eafd
#define ICON_CI_COMPARE_CHANGES "\xee\xab\xbd" // U+eafd
#define ICON_CI_GIT_MERGE "\xee\xab\xbe" // U+eafe
#define ICON_CI_GITHUB_ACTION "\xee\xab\xbf" // U+eaff
#define ICON_CI_GITHUB_ALT "\xee\xac\x80" // U+eb00
#define ICON_CI_GLOBE "\xee\xac\x81" // U+eb01
#define ICON_CI_GRABBER "\xee\xac\x82" // U+eb02
#define ICON_CI_GRAPH "\xee\xac\x83" // U+eb03
#define ICON_CI_GRIPPER "\xee\xac\x84" // U+eb04
#define ICON_CI_HEART "\xee\xac\x85" // U+eb05
#define ICON_CI_HOME "\xee\xac\x86" // U+eb06
#define ICON_CI_HORIZONTAL_RULE "\xee\xac\x87" // U+eb07
#define ICON_CI_HUBOT "\xee\xac\x88" // U+eb08
#define ICON_CI_INBOX "\xee\xac\x89" // U+eb09
#define ICON_CI_ISSUE_REOPENED "\xee\xac\x8b" // U+eb0b
#define ICON_CI_ISSUES "\xee\xac\x8c" // U+eb0c
#define ICON_CI_ITALIC "\xee\xac\x8d" // U+eb0d
#define ICON_CI_JERSEY "\xee\xac\x8e" // U+eb0e
#define ICON_CI_JSON "\xee\xac\x8f" // U+eb0f
#define ICON_CI_KEBAB_VERTICAL "\xee\xac\x90" // U+eb10
#define ICON_CI_KEY "\xee\xac\x91" // U+eb11
#define ICON_CI_LAW "\xee\xac\x92" // U+eb12
#define ICON_CI_LIGHTBULB_AUTOFIX "\xee\xac\x93" // U+eb13
#define ICON_CI_LINK_EXTERNAL "\xee\xac\x94" // U+eb14
#define ICON_CI_LINK "\xee\xac\x95" // U+eb15
#define ICON_CI_LIST_ORDERED "\xee\xac\x96" // U+eb16
#define ICON_CI_LIST_UNORDERED "\xee\xac\x97" // U+eb17
#define ICON_CI_LIVE_SHARE "\xee\xac\x98" // U+eb18
#define ICON_CI_LOADING "\xee\xac\x99" // U+eb19
#define ICON_CI_LOCATION "\xee\xac\x9a" // U+eb1a
#define ICON_CI_MAIL_READ "\xee\xac\x9b" // U+eb1b
#define ICON_CI_MAIL "\xee\xac\x9c" // U+eb1c
#define ICON_CI_MARKDOWN "\xee\xac\x9d" // U+eb1d
#define ICON_CI_MEGAPHONE "\xee\xac\x9e" // U+eb1e
#define ICON_CI_MENTION "\xee\xac\x9f" // U+eb1f
#define ICON_CI_MILESTONE "\xee\xac\xa0" // U+eb20
#define ICON_CI_MORTAR_BOARD "\xee\xac\xa1" // U+eb21
#define ICON_CI_MOVE "\xee\xac\xa2" // U+eb22
#define ICON_CI_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS "\xee\xac\xa3" // U+eb23
#define ICON_CI_MUTE "\xee\xac\xa4" // U+eb24
#define ICON_CI_NO_NEWLINE "\xee\xac\xa5" // U+eb25
#define ICON_CI_NOTE "\xee\xac\xa6" // U+eb26
#define ICON_CI_OCTOFACE "\xee\xac\xa7" // U+eb27
#define ICON_CI_OPEN_PREVIEW "\xee\xac\xa8" // U+eb28
#define ICON_CI_PACKAGE "\xee\xac\xa9" // U+eb29
#define ICON_CI_PAINTCAN "\xee\xac\xaa" // U+eb2a
#define ICON_CI_PIN "\xee\xac\xab" // U+eb2b
#define ICON_CI_PLAY "\xee\xac\xac" // U+eb2c
#define ICON_CI_RUN "\xee\xac\xac" // U+eb2c
#define ICON_CI_PLUG "\xee\xac\xad" // U+eb2d
#define ICON_CI_PRESERVE_CASE "\xee\xac\xae" // U+eb2e
#define ICON_CI_PREVIEW "\xee\xac\xaf" // U+eb2f
#define ICON_CI_PROJECT "\xee\xac\xb0" // U+eb30
#define ICON_CI_PULSE "\xee\xac\xb1" // U+eb31
#define ICON_CI_QUESTION "\xee\xac\xb2" // U+eb32
#define ICON_CI_QUOTE "\xee\xac\xb3" // U+eb33
#define ICON_CI_RADIO_TOWER "\xee\xac\xb4" // U+eb34
#define ICON_CI_REACTIONS "\xee\xac\xb5" // U+eb35
#define ICON_CI_REFERENCES "\xee\xac\xb6" // U+eb36
#define ICON_CI_REFRESH "\xee\xac\xb7" // U+eb37
#define ICON_CI_REGEX "\xee\xac\xb8" // U+eb38
#define ICON_CI_REMOTE_EXPLORER "\xee\xac\xb9" // U+eb39
#define ICON_CI_REMOTE "\xee\xac\xba" // U+eb3a
#define ICON_CI_REMOVE "\xee\xac\xbb" // U+eb3b
#define ICON_CI_REPLACE_ALL "\xee\xac\xbc" // U+eb3c
#define ICON_CI_REPLACE "\xee\xac\xbd" // U+eb3d
#define ICON_CI_REPO_CLONE "\xee\xac\xbe" // U+eb3e
#define ICON_CI_REPO_FORCE_PUSH "\xee\xac\xbf" // U+eb3f
#define ICON_CI_REPO_PULL "\xee\xad\x80" // U+eb40
#define ICON_CI_REPO_PUSH "\xee\xad\x81" // U+eb41
#define ICON_CI_REPORT "\xee\xad\x82" // U+eb42
#define ICON_CI_REQUEST_CHANGES "\xee\xad\x83" // U+eb43
#define ICON_CI_ROCKET "\xee\xad\x84" // U+eb44
#define ICON_CI_ROOT_FOLDER_OPENED "\xee\xad\x85" // U+eb45
#define ICON_CI_ROOT_FOLDER "\xee\xad\x86" // U+eb46
#define ICON_CI_RSS "\xee\xad\x87" // U+eb47
#define ICON_CI_RUBY "\xee\xad\x88" // U+eb48
#define ICON_CI_SAVE_ALL "\xee\xad\x89" // U+eb49
#define ICON_CI_SAVE_AS "\xee\xad\x8a" // U+eb4a
#define ICON_CI_SAVE "\xee\xad\x8b" // U+eb4b
#define ICON_CI_SCREEN_FULL "\xee\xad\x8c" // U+eb4c
#define ICON_CI_SCREEN_NORMAL "\xee\xad\x8d" // U+eb4d
#define ICON_CI_SEARCH_STOP "\xee\xad\x8e" // U+eb4e
#define ICON_CI_SERVER "\xee\xad\x90" // U+eb50
#define ICON_CI_SETTINGS_GEAR "\xee\xad\x91" // U+eb51
#define ICON_CI_SETTINGS "\xee\xad\x92" // U+eb52
#define ICON_CI_SHIELD "\xee\xad\x93" // U+eb53
#define ICON_CI_SMILEY "\xee\xad\x94" // U+eb54
#define ICON_CI_SORT_PRECEDENCE "\xee\xad\x95" // U+eb55
#define ICON_CI_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL "\xee\xad\x96" // U+eb56
#define ICON_CI_SPLIT_VERTICAL "\xee\xad\x97" // U+eb57
#define ICON_CI_SQUIRREL "\xee\xad\x98" // U+eb58
#define ICON_CI_STAR_FULL "\xee\xad\x99" // U+eb59
#define ICON_CI_STAR_HALF "\xee\xad\x9a" // U+eb5a
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_CLASS "\xee\xad\x9b" // U+eb5b
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_COLOR "\xee\xad\x9c" // U+eb5c
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_CONSTANT "\xee\xad\x9d" // U+eb5d
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_ENUM_MEMBER "\xee\xad\x9e" // U+eb5e
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_FIELD "\xee\xad\x9f" // U+eb5f
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_FILE "\xee\xad\xa0" // U+eb60
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_INTERFACE "\xee\xad\xa1" // U+eb61
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_KEYWORD "\xee\xad\xa2" // U+eb62
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_MISC "\xee\xad\xa3" // U+eb63
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_OPERATOR "\xee\xad\xa4" // U+eb64
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_PROPERTY "\xee\xad\xa5" // U+eb65
#define ICON_CI_WRENCH "\xee\xad\xa5" // U+eb65
#define ICON_CI_WRENCH_SUBACTION "\xee\xad\xa5" // U+eb65
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_SNIPPET "\xee\xad\xa6" // U+eb66
#define ICON_CI_TASKLIST "\xee\xad\xa7" // U+eb67
#define ICON_CI_TELESCOPE "\xee\xad\xa8" // U+eb68
#define ICON_CI_TEXT_SIZE "\xee\xad\xa9" // U+eb69
#define ICON_CI_THREE_BARS "\xee\xad\xaa" // U+eb6a
#define ICON_CI_THUMBSDOWN "\xee\xad\xab" // U+eb6b
#define ICON_CI_THUMBSUP "\xee\xad\xac" // U+eb6c
#define ICON_CI_TOOLS "\xee\xad\xad" // U+eb6d
#define ICON_CI_TRIANGLE_DOWN "\xee\xad\xae" // U+eb6e
#define ICON_CI_TRIANGLE_LEFT "\xee\xad\xaf" // U+eb6f
#define ICON_CI_TRIANGLE_RIGHT "\xee\xad\xb0" // U+eb70
#define ICON_CI_TRIANGLE_UP "\xee\xad\xb1" // U+eb71
#define ICON_CI_TWITTER "\xee\xad\xb2" // U+eb72
#define ICON_CI_UNFOLD "\xee\xad\xb3" // U+eb73
#define ICON_CI_UNLOCK "\xee\xad\xb4" // U+eb74
#define ICON_CI_UNMUTE "\xee\xad\xb5" // U+eb75
#define ICON_CI_UNVERIFIED "\xee\xad\xb6" // U+eb76
#define ICON_CI_VERIFIED "\xee\xad\xb7" // U+eb77
#define ICON_CI_VERSIONS "\xee\xad\xb8" // U+eb78
#define ICON_CI_VM_ACTIVE "\xee\xad\xb9" // U+eb79
#define ICON_CI_VM_OUTLINE "\xee\xad\xba" // U+eb7a
#define ICON_CI_VM_RUNNING "\xee\xad\xbb" // U+eb7b
#define ICON_CI_WATCH "\xee\xad\xbc" // U+eb7c
#define ICON_CI_WHITESPACE "\xee\xad\xbd" // U+eb7d
#define ICON_CI_WHOLE_WORD "\xee\xad\xbe" // U+eb7e
#define ICON_CI_WINDOW "\xee\xad\xbf" // U+eb7f
#define ICON_CI_WORD_WRAP "\xee\xae\x80" // U+eb80
#define ICON_CI_ZOOM_IN "\xee\xae\x81" // U+eb81
#define ICON_CI_ZOOM_OUT "\xee\xae\x82" // U+eb82
#define ICON_CI_LIST_FILTER "\xee\xae\x83" // U+eb83
#define ICON_CI_LIST_FLAT "\xee\xae\x84" // U+eb84
#define ICON_CI_LIST_SELECTION "\xee\xae\x85" // U+eb85
#define ICON_CI_SELECTION "\xee\xae\x85" // U+eb85
#define ICON_CI_LIST_TREE "\xee\xae\x86" // U+eb86
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_FUNCTION "\xee\xae\x88" // U+eb88
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_ACTIVE "\xee\xae\x89" // U+eb89
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_SMALL_FILLED "\xee\xae\x8a" // U+eb8a
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_DOT "\xee\xae\x8a" // U+eb8a
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_DECORATION_MARK "\xee\xae\x8a" // U+eb8a
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STACKFRAME "\xee\xae\x8b" // U+eb8b
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_FOCUSED "\xee\xae\x8b" // U+eb8b
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_UNSUPPORTED "\xee\xae\x8c" // U+eb8c
#define ICON_CI_SYMBOL_STRING "\xee\xae\x8d" // U+eb8d
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_REVERSE_CONTINUE "\xee\xae\x8e" // U+eb8e
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_STEP_BACK "\xee\xae\x8f" // U+eb8f
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_RESTART_FRAME "\xee\xae\x90" // U+eb90
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_ALT "\xee\xae\x91" // U+eb91
#define ICON_CI_CALL_INCOMING "\xee\xae\x92" // U+eb92
#define ICON_CI_CALL_OUTGOING "\xee\xae\x93" // U+eb93
#define ICON_CI_MENU "\xee\xae\x94" // U+eb94
#define ICON_CI_EXPAND_ALL "\xee\xae\x95" // U+eb95
#define ICON_CI_FEEDBACK "\xee\xae\x96" // U+eb96
#define ICON_CI_GROUP_BY_REF_TYPE "\xee\xae\x97" // U+eb97
#define ICON_CI_UNGROUP_BY_REF_TYPE "\xee\xae\x98" // U+eb98
#define ICON_CI_ACCOUNT "\xee\xae\x99" // U+eb99
#define ICON_CI_BELL_DOT "\xee\xae\x9a" // U+eb9a
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_CONSOLE "\xee\xae\x9b" // U+eb9b
#define ICON_CI_LIBRARY "\xee\xae\x9c" // U+eb9c
#define ICON_CI_OUTPUT "\xee\xae\x9d" // U+eb9d
#define ICON_CI_RUN_ALL "\xee\xae\x9e" // U+eb9e
#define ICON_CI_SYNC_IGNORED "\xee\xae\x9f" // U+eb9f
#define ICON_CI_PINNED "\xee\xae\xa0" // U+eba0
#define ICON_CI_GITHUB_INVERTED "\xee\xae\xa1" // U+eba1
#define ICON_CI_SERVER_PROCESS "\xee\xae\xa2" // U+eba2
#define ICON_CI_SERVER_ENVIRONMENT "\xee\xae\xa3" // U+eba3
#define ICON_CI_PASS "\xee\xae\xa4" // U+eba4
#define ICON_CI_ISSUE_CLOSED "\xee\xae\xa4" // U+eba4
#define ICON_CI_STOP_CIRCLE "\xee\xae\xa5" // U+eba5
#define ICON_CI_PLAY_CIRCLE "\xee\xae\xa6" // U+eba6
#define ICON_CI_RECORD "\xee\xae\xa7" // U+eba7
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_ALT_SMALL "\xee\xae\xa8" // U+eba8
#define ICON_CI_VM_CONNECT "\xee\xae\xa9" // U+eba9
#define ICON_CI_CLOUD "\xee\xae\xaa" // U+ebaa
#define ICON_CI_MERGE "\xee\xae\xab" // U+ebab
#define ICON_CI_EXPORT "\xee\xae\xac" // U+ebac
#define ICON_CI_GRAPH_LEFT "\xee\xae\xad" // U+ebad
#define ICON_CI_MAGNET "\xee\xae\xae" // U+ebae
#define ICON_CI_NOTEBOOK "\xee\xae\xaf" // U+ebaf
#define ICON_CI_REDO "\xee\xae\xb0" // U+ebb0
#define ICON_CI_CHECK_ALL "\xee\xae\xb1" // U+ebb1
#define ICON_CI_PINNED_DIRTY "\xee\xae\xb2" // U+ebb2
#define ICON_CI_PASS_FILLED "\xee\xae\xb3" // U+ebb3
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_LARGE_FILLED "\xee\xae\xb4" // U+ebb4
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_LARGE "\xee\xae\xb5" // U+ebb5
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_LARGE_OUTLINE "\xee\xae\xb5" // U+ebb5
#define ICON_CI_COMBINE "\xee\xae\xb6" // U+ebb6
#define ICON_CI_GATHER "\xee\xae\xb6" // U+ebb6
#define ICON_CI_TABLE "\xee\xae\xb7" // U+ebb7
#define ICON_CI_VARIABLE_GROUP "\xee\xae\xb8" // U+ebb8
#define ICON_CI_TYPE_HIERARCHY "\xee\xae\xb9" // U+ebb9
#define ICON_CI_TYPE_HIERARCHY_SUB "\xee\xae\xba" // U+ebba
#define ICON_CI_TYPE_HIERARCHY_SUPER "\xee\xae\xbb" // U+ebbb
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_CREATE "\xee\xae\xbc" // U+ebbc
#define ICON_CI_RUN_ABOVE "\xee\xae\xbd" // U+ebbd
#define ICON_CI_RUN_BELOW "\xee\xae\xbe" // U+ebbe
#define ICON_CI_NOTEBOOK_TEMPLATE "\xee\xae\xbf" // U+ebbf
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_RERUN "\xee\xaf\x80" // U+ebc0
#define ICON_CI_WORKSPACE_TRUSTED "\xee\xaf\x81" // U+ebc1
#define ICON_CI_WORKSPACE_UNTRUSTED "\xee\xaf\x82" // U+ebc2
#define ICON_CI_WORKSPACE_UNKNOWN "\xee\xaf\x83" // U+ebc3
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_CMD "\xee\xaf\x84" // U+ebc4
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_DEBIAN "\xee\xaf\x85" // U+ebc5
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_LINUX "\xee\xaf\x86" // U+ebc6
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_POWERSHELL "\xee\xaf\x87" // U+ebc7
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_TMUX "\xee\xaf\x88" // U+ebc8
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_UBUNTU "\xee\xaf\x89" // U+ebc9
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_BASH "\xee\xaf\x8a" // U+ebca
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_SWAP "\xee\xaf\x8b" // U+ebcb
#define ICON_CI_COPY "\xee\xaf\x8c" // U+ebcc
#define ICON_CI_PERSON_ADD "\xee\xaf\x8d" // U+ebcd
#define ICON_CI_FILTER_FILLED "\xee\xaf\x8e" // U+ebce
#define ICON_CI_WAND "\xee\xaf\x8f" // U+ebcf
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_LINE_BY_LINE "\xee\xaf\x90" // U+ebd0
#define ICON_CI_INSPECT "\xee\xaf\x91" // U+ebd1
#define ICON_CI_LAYERS "\xee\xaf\x92" // U+ebd2
#define ICON_CI_LAYERS_DOT "\xee\xaf\x93" // U+ebd3
#define ICON_CI_LAYERS_ACTIVE "\xee\xaf\x94" // U+ebd4
#define ICON_CI_COMPASS "\xee\xaf\x95" // U+ebd5
#define ICON_CI_COMPASS_DOT "\xee\xaf\x96" // U+ebd6
#define ICON_CI_COMPASS_ACTIVE "\xee\xaf\x97" // U+ebd7
#define ICON_CI_AZURE "\xee\xaf\x98" // U+ebd8
#define ICON_CI_ISSUE_DRAFT "\xee\xaf\x99" // U+ebd9
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED "\xee\xaf\x9a" // U+ebda
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_DRAFT "\xee\xaf\x9b" // U+ebdb
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_ALL "\xee\xaf\x9c" // U+ebdc
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_COVERAGE "\xee\xaf\x9d" // U+ebdd
#define ICON_CI_RUN_ERRORS "\xee\xaf\x9e" // U+ebde
#define ICON_CI_FOLDER_LIBRARY "\xee\xaf\x9f" // U+ebdf
#define ICON_CI_DEBUG_CONTINUE_SMALL "\xee\xaf\xa0" // U+ebe0
#define ICON_CI_BEAKER_STOP "\xee\xaf\xa1" // U+ebe1
#define ICON_CI_GRAPH_LINE "\xee\xaf\xa2" // U+ebe2
#define ICON_CI_GRAPH_SCATTER "\xee\xaf\xa3" // U+ebe3
#define ICON_CI_PIE_CHART "\xee\xaf\xa4" // U+ebe4
#define ICON_CI_BRACKET "\xee\xac\x8f" // U+eb0f
#define ICON_CI_BRACKET_DOT "\xee\xaf\xa5" // U+ebe5
#define ICON_CI_BRACKET_ERROR "\xee\xaf\xa6" // U+ebe6
#define ICON_CI_LOCK_SMALL "\xee\xaf\xa7" // U+ebe7
#define ICON_CI_AZURE_DEVOPS "\xee\xaf\xa8" // U+ebe8
#define ICON_CI_VERIFIED_FILLED "\xee\xaf\xa9" // U+ebe9
#define ICON_CI_NEWLINE "\xee\xaf\xaa" // U+ebea
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT "\xee\xaf\xab" // U+ebeb
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_ACTIVITYBAR_LEFT "\xee\xaf\xac" // U+ebec
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_ACTIVITYBAR_RIGHT "\xee\xaf\xad" // U+ebed
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL_LEFT "\xee\xaf\xae" // U+ebee
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL_CENTER "\xee\xaf\xaf" // U+ebef
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL_JUSTIFY "\xee\xaf\xb0" // U+ebf0
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL_RIGHT "\xee\xaf\xb1" // U+ebf1
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL "\xee\xaf\xb2" // U+ebf2
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_LEFT "\xee\xaf\xb3" // U+ebf3
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_RIGHT "\xee\xaf\xb4" // U+ebf4
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_STATUSBAR "\xee\xaf\xb5" // U+ebf5
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_MENUBAR "\xee\xaf\xb6" // U+ebf6
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_CENTERED "\xee\xaf\xb7" // U+ebf7
#define ICON_CI_TARGET "\xee\xaf\xb8" // U+ebf8
#define ICON_CI_INDENT "\xee\xaf\xb9" // U+ebf9
#define ICON_CI_RECORD_SMALL "\xee\xaf\xba" // U+ebfa
#define ICON_CI_ERROR_SMALL "\xee\xaf\xbb" // U+ebfb
#define ICON_CI_TERMINAL_DECORATION_ERROR "\xee\xaf\xbb" // U+ebfb
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN "\xee\xaf\xbc" // U+ebfc
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT "\xee\xaf\xbd" // U+ebfd
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT "\xee\xaf\xbe" // U+ebfe
#define ICON_CI_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP "\xee\xaf\xbf" // U+ebff
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_RIGHT_OFF "\xee\xb0\x80" // U+ec00
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_PANEL_OFF "\xee\xb0\x81" // U+ec01
#define ICON_CI_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_LEFT_OFF "\xee\xb0\x82" // U+ec02
#define ICON_CI_BLANK "\xee\xb0\x83" // U+ec03
#define ICON_CI_HEART_FILLED "\xee\xb0\x84" // U+ec04
#define ICON_CI_MAP "\xee\xb0\x85" // U+ec05
#define ICON_CI_MAP_FILLED "\xee\xb0\x86" // U+ec06
#define ICON_CI_CIRCLE_SMALL "\xee\xb0\x87" // U+ec07
#define ICON_CI_BELL_SLASH "\xee\xb0\x88" // U+ec08
#define ICON_CI_BELL_SLASH_DOT "\xee\xb0\x89" // U+ec09
#define ICON_CI_COMMENT_UNRESOLVED "\xee\xb0\x8a" // U+ec0a
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_GO_TO_CHANGES "\xee\xb0\x8b" // U+ec0b
#define ICON_CI_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_NEW_CHANGES "\xee\xb0\x8c" // U+ec0c
#define ICON_CI_SEARCH_FUZZY "\xee\xb0\x8d" // U+ec0d
#define ICON_CI_COMMENT_DRAFT "\xee\xb0\x8e" // U+ec0e
#define ICON_CI_SEND "\xee\xb0\x8f" // U+ec0f
#define ICON_CI_SPARKLE "\xee\xb0\x90" // U+ec10
#define ICON_CI_INSERT "\xee\xb0\x91" // U+ec11
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css
# for use with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
class IconsCodicons:
FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_CI = 'codicon.ttf'
ICON_MIN = 0xea60
ICON_MAX_16 = 0xec11
ICON_MAX = 0xec11
ICON_ADD = '\uea60'
ICON_PLUS = '\uea60'
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ICON_LIGHT_BULB = '\uea61'
ICON_REPO = '\uea62'
ICON_GIST_FORK = '\uea63'
ICON_KEYBOARD = '\uea65'
ICON_TAG = '\uea66'
ICON_TAG_ADD = '\uea66'
ICON_TAG_REMOVE = '\uea66'
ICON_PERSON = '\uea67'
ICON_GIT_BRANCH = '\uea68'
ICON_MIRROR = '\uea69'
ICON_STAR = '\uea6a'
ICON_STAR_ADD = '\uea6a'
ICON_STAR_EMPTY = '\uea6a'
ICON_COMMENT = '\uea6b'
ICON_ALERT = '\uea6c'
ICON_WARNING = '\uea6c'
ICON_SEARCH = '\uea6d'
ICON_LOG_OUT = '\uea6e'
ICON_SIGN_OUT = '\uea6e'
ICON_LOG_IN = '\uea6f'
ICON_SIGN_IN = '\uea6f'
ICON_EYE = '\uea70'
ICON_EYE_WATCH = '\uea70'
ICON_DEBUG_HINT = '\uea71'
ICON_EDIT = '\uea73'
ICON_PENCIL = '\uea73'
ICON_INFO = '\uea74'
ICON_LOCK = '\uea75'
ICON_CLOSE = '\uea76'
ICON_X = '\uea76'
ICON_REPO_SYNC = '\uea77'
ICON_SYNC = '\uea77'
ICON_CLONE = '\uea78'
ICON_BEAKER = '\uea79'
ICON_VM = '\uea7a'
ICON_FILE = '\uea7b'
ICON_FILE_TEXT = '\uea7b'
ICON_MORE = '\uea7c'
ICON_ELLIPSIS = '\uea7c'
ICON_MAIL_REPLY = '\uea7d'
ICON_REPLY = '\uea7d'
ICON_NEW_FILE = '\uea7f'
ICON_FILE_ADD = '\uea7f'
ICON_NEW_FOLDER = '\uea80'
ICON_TRASH = '\uea81'
ICON_TRASHCAN = '\uea81'
ICON_HISTORY = '\uea82'
ICON_CLOCK = '\uea82'
ICON_FOLDER = '\uea83'
ICON_GITHUB = '\uea84'
ICON_TERMINAL = '\uea85'
ICON_CONSOLE = '\uea85'
ICON_REPL = '\uea85'
ICON_ZAP = '\uea86'
ICON_ERROR = '\uea87'
ICON_STOP = '\uea87'
ICON_VARIABLE = '\uea88'
ICON_ARRAY = '\uea8a'
ICON_SYMBOL_KEY = '\uea93'
ICON_GO_TO_FILE = '\uea94'
ICON_ARCHIVE = '\uea98'
ICON_ARROW_BOTH = '\uea99'
ICON_ARROW_DOWN = '\uea9a'
ICON_ARROW_LEFT = '\uea9b'
ICON_ARROW_UP = '\ueaa1'
ICON_BELL = '\ueaa2'
ICON_BOLD = '\ueaa3'
ICON_BOOK = '\ueaa4'
ICON_BOOKMARK = '\ueaa5'
ICON_BROWSER = '\ueaae'
ICON_BUG = '\ueaaf'
ICON_CALENDAR = '\ueab0'
ICON_CHECK = '\ueab2'
ICON_CHEVRON_UP = '\ueab7'
ICON_CIRCLE = '\ueabc'
ICON_CLEAR_ALL = '\ueabf'
ICON_CLIPPY = '\ueac0'
ICON_CLOSE_ALL = '\ueac1'
ICON_CODE = '\ueac4'
ICON_COLOR_MODE = '\ueac6'
ICON_DASH = '\ueacc'
ICON_DATABASE = '\ueace'
ICON_DEBUG_STOP = '\uead7'
ICON_DEBUG = '\uead8'
ICON_DIFF_ADDED = '\ueadc'
ICON_DIFF = '\ueae1'
ICON_DISCARD = '\ueae2'
ICON_EXCLUDE = '\ueae5'
ICON_EYE_CLOSED = '\ueae7'
ICON_FILE_CODE = '\ueae9'
ICON_FILE_MEDIA = '\ueaea'
ICON_FILE_PDF = '\ueaeb'
ICON_FILE_ZIP = '\ueaef'
ICON_FILES = '\ueaf0'
ICON_FILTER = '\ueaf1'
ICON_FLAME = '\ueaf2'
ICON_FOLD_DOWN = '\ueaf3'
ICON_FOLD_UP = '\ueaf4'
ICON_FOLD = '\ueaf5'
ICON_GEAR = '\ueaf8'
ICON_GIFT = '\ueaf9'
ICON_GIST = '\ueafb'
ICON_GIT_COMMIT = '\ueafc'
ICON_GIT_MERGE = '\ueafe'
ICON_GITHUB_ALT = '\ueb00'
ICON_GLOBE = '\ueb01'
ICON_GRABBER = '\ueb02'
ICON_GRAPH = '\ueb03'
ICON_GRIPPER = '\ueb04'
ICON_HEART = '\ueb05'
ICON_HOME = '\ueb06'
ICON_HUBOT = '\ueb08'
ICON_INBOX = '\ueb09'
ICON_ISSUES = '\ueb0c'
ICON_ITALIC = '\ueb0d'
ICON_JERSEY = '\ueb0e'
ICON_JSON = '\ueb0f'
ICON_KEY = '\ueb11'
ICON_LAW = '\ueb12'
ICON_LINK = '\ueb15'
ICON_LIVE_SHARE = '\ueb18'
ICON_LOADING = '\ueb19'
ICON_LOCATION = '\ueb1a'
ICON_MAIL_READ = '\ueb1b'
ICON_MAIL = '\ueb1c'
ICON_MARKDOWN = '\ueb1d'
ICON_MENTION = '\ueb1f'
ICON_MOVE = '\ueb22'
ICON_MUTE = '\ueb24'
ICON_NO_NEWLINE = '\ueb25'
ICON_NOTE = '\ueb26'
ICON_OCTOFACE = '\ueb27'
ICON_PACKAGE = '\ueb29'
ICON_PAINTCAN = '\ueb2a'
ICON_PIN = '\ueb2b'
ICON_PLAY = '\ueb2c'
ICON_RUN = '\ueb2c'
ICON_PLUG = '\ueb2d'
ICON_PREVIEW = '\ueb2f'
ICON_PROJECT = '\ueb30'
ICON_PULSE = '\ueb31'
ICON_QUESTION = '\ueb32'
ICON_QUOTE = '\ueb33'
ICON_REFRESH = '\ueb37'
ICON_REGEX = '\ueb38'
ICON_REMOTE = '\ueb3a'
ICON_REMOVE = '\ueb3b'
ICON_REPLACE = '\ueb3d'
ICON_REPO_CLONE = '\ueb3e'
ICON_REPO_PULL = '\ueb40'
ICON_REPO_PUSH = '\ueb41'
ICON_REPORT = '\ueb42'
ICON_ROCKET = '\ueb44'
ICON_RSS = '\ueb47'
ICON_RUBY = '\ueb48'
ICON_SAVE_ALL = '\ueb49'
ICON_SAVE_AS = '\ueb4a'
ICON_SAVE = '\ueb4b'
ICON_SERVER = '\ueb50'
ICON_SETTINGS = '\ueb52'
ICON_SHIELD = '\ueb53'
ICON_SMILEY = '\ueb54'
ICON_SQUIRREL = '\ueb58'
ICON_STAR_FULL = '\ueb59'
ICON_STAR_HALF = '\ueb5a'
ICON_WRENCH = '\ueb65'
ICON_TASKLIST = '\ueb67'
ICON_TEXT_SIZE = '\ueb69'
ICON_THREE_BARS = '\ueb6a'
ICON_THUMBSUP = '\ueb6c'
ICON_TOOLS = '\ueb6d'
ICON_TWITTER = '\ueb72'
ICON_UNFOLD = '\ueb73'
ICON_UNLOCK = '\ueb74'
ICON_UNMUTE = '\ueb75'
ICON_VERIFIED = '\ueb77'
ICON_VERSIONS = '\ueb78'
ICON_VM_ACTIVE = '\ueb79'
ICON_VM_OUTLINE = '\ueb7a'
ICON_VM_RUNNING = '\ueb7b'
ICON_WATCH = '\ueb7c'
ICON_WHOLE_WORD = '\ueb7e'
ICON_WINDOW = '\ueb7f'
ICON_WORD_WRAP = '\ueb80'
ICON_ZOOM_IN = '\ueb81'
ICON_ZOOM_OUT = '\ueb82'
ICON_LIST_FLAT = '\ueb84'
ICON_LIST_TREE = '\ueb86'
ICON_DEBUG_ALT = '\ueb91'
ICON_MENU = '\ueb94'
ICON_EXPAND_ALL = '\ueb95'
ICON_FEEDBACK = '\ueb96'
ICON_ACCOUNT = '\ueb99'
ICON_BELL_DOT = '\ueb9a'
ICON_LIBRARY = '\ueb9c'
ICON_OUTPUT = '\ueb9d'
ICON_RUN_ALL = '\ueb9e'
ICON_PINNED = '\ueba0'
ICON_PASS = '\ueba4'
ICON_RECORD = '\ueba7'
ICON_VM_CONNECT = '\ueba9'
ICON_CLOUD = '\uebaa'
ICON_MERGE = '\uebab'
ICON_EXPORT = '\uebac'
ICON_GRAPH_LEFT = '\uebad'
ICON_MAGNET = '\uebae'
ICON_NOTEBOOK = '\uebaf'
ICON_REDO = '\uebb0'
ICON_CHECK_ALL = '\uebb1'
ICON_COMBINE = '\uebb6'
ICON_GATHER = '\uebb6'
ICON_TABLE = '\uebb7'
ICON_RUN_ABOVE = '\uebbd'
ICON_RUN_BELOW = '\uebbe'
ICON_ARROW_SWAP = '\uebcb'
ICON_COPY = '\uebcc'
ICON_PERSON_ADD = '\uebcd'
ICON_WAND = '\uebcf'
ICON_INSPECT = '\uebd1'
ICON_LAYERS = '\uebd2'
ICON_LAYERS_DOT = '\uebd3'
ICON_COMPASS = '\uebd5'
ICON_AZURE = '\uebd8'
ICON_DEBUG_ALL = '\uebdc'
ICON_RUN_ERRORS = '\uebde'
ICON_GRAPH_LINE = '\uebe2'
ICON_PIE_CHART = '\uebe4'
ICON_BRACKET = '\ueb0f'
ICON_LOCK_SMALL = '\uebe7'
ICON_NEWLINE = '\uebea'
ICON_LAYOUT = '\uebeb'
ICON_TARGET = '\uebf8'
ICON_INDENT = '\uebf9'
ICON_BLANK = '\uec03'
ICON_MAP = '\uec05'
ICON_MAP_FILLED = '\uec06'
ICON_BELL_SLASH = '\uec08'
ICON_SEND = '\uec0f'
ICON_SPARKLE = '\uec10'
ICON_INSERT = '\uec11'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/main/dist/codicon.css
//! for use with https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_CI: &str = "codicon.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{ea60}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{ec11}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{ec11}';
pub const ICON_ADD: char = '\u{ea60}';
pub const ICON_PLUS: char = '\u{ea60}';
pub const ICON_GIST_NEW: char = '\u{ea60}';
pub const ICON_REPO_CREATE: char = '\u{ea60}';
pub const ICON_LIGHTBULB: char = '\u{ea61}';
pub const ICON_LIGHT_BULB: char = '\u{ea61}';
pub const ICON_REPO: char = '\u{ea62}';
pub const ICON_REPO_DELETE: char = '\u{ea62}';
pub const ICON_GIST_FORK: char = '\u{ea63}';
pub const ICON_REPO_FORKED: char = '\u{ea63}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST: char = '\u{ea64}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_ABANDONED: char = '\u{ea64}';
pub const ICON_RECORD_KEYS: char = '\u{ea65}';
pub const ICON_KEYBOARD: char = '\u{ea65}';
pub const ICON_TAG: char = '\u{ea66}';
pub const ICON_TAG_ADD: char = '\u{ea66}';
pub const ICON_TAG_REMOVE: char = '\u{ea66}';
pub const ICON_PERSON: char = '\u{ea67}';
pub const ICON_PERSON_FOLLOW: char = '\u{ea67}';
pub const ICON_PERSON_OUTLINE: char = '\u{ea67}';
pub const ICON_PERSON_FILLED: char = '\u{ea67}';
pub const ICON_GIT_BRANCH: char = '\u{ea68}';
pub const ICON_GIT_BRANCH_CREATE: char = '\u{ea68}';
pub const ICON_GIT_BRANCH_DELETE: char = '\u{ea68}';
pub const ICON_SOURCE_CONTROL: char = '\u{ea68}';
pub const ICON_MIRROR: char = '\u{ea69}';
pub const ICON_MIRROR_PUBLIC: char = '\u{ea69}';
pub const ICON_STAR: char = '\u{ea6a}';
pub const ICON_STAR_ADD: char = '\u{ea6a}';
pub const ICON_STAR_DELETE: char = '\u{ea6a}';
pub const ICON_STAR_EMPTY: char = '\u{ea6a}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT: char = '\u{ea6b}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_ADD: char = '\u{ea6b}';
pub const ICON_ALERT: char = '\u{ea6c}';
pub const ICON_WARNING: char = '\u{ea6c}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH: char = '\u{ea6d}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_SAVE: char = '\u{ea6d}';
pub const ICON_LOG_OUT: char = '\u{ea6e}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_OUT: char = '\u{ea6e}';
pub const ICON_LOG_IN: char = '\u{ea6f}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_IN: char = '\u{ea6f}';
pub const ICON_EYE: char = '\u{ea70}';
pub const ICON_EYE_UNWATCH: char = '\u{ea70}';
pub const ICON_EYE_WATCH: char = '\u{ea70}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_FILLED: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_PRIMITIVE_DOT: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_CLOSE_DIRTY: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DISABLED: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_HINT: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_DECORATION_SUCCESS: char = '\u{ea71}';
pub const ICON_PRIMITIVE_SQUARE: char = '\u{ea72}';
pub const ICON_EDIT: char = '\u{ea73}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL: char = '\u{ea73}';
pub const ICON_INFO: char = '\u{ea74}';
pub const ICON_ISSUE_OPENED: char = '\u{ea74}';
pub const ICON_GIST_PRIVATE: char = '\u{ea75}';
pub const ICON_GIT_FORK_PRIVATE: char = '\u{ea75}';
pub const ICON_LOCK: char = '\u{ea75}';
pub const ICON_MIRROR_PRIVATE: char = '\u{ea75}';
pub const ICON_CLOSE: char = '\u{ea76}';
pub const ICON_REMOVE_CLOSE: char = '\u{ea76}';
pub const ICON_X: char = '\u{ea76}';
pub const ICON_REPO_SYNC: char = '\u{ea77}';
pub const ICON_SYNC: char = '\u{ea77}';
pub const ICON_CLONE: char = '\u{ea78}';
pub const ICON_DESKTOP_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{ea78}';
pub const ICON_BEAKER: char = '\u{ea79}';
pub const ICON_MICROSCOPE: char = '\u{ea79}';
pub const ICON_VM: char = '\u{ea7a}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_DESKTOP: char = '\u{ea7a}';
pub const ICON_FILE: char = '\u{ea7b}';
pub const ICON_FILE_TEXT: char = '\u{ea7b}';
pub const ICON_MORE: char = '\u{ea7c}';
pub const ICON_ELLIPSIS: char = '\u{ea7c}';
pub const ICON_KEBAB_HORIZONTAL: char = '\u{ea7c}';
pub const ICON_MAIL_REPLY: char = '\u{ea7d}';
pub const ICON_REPLY: char = '\u{ea7d}';
pub const ICON_ORGANIZATION: char = '\u{ea7e}';
pub const ICON_ORGANIZATION_FILLED: char = '\u{ea7e}';
pub const ICON_ORGANIZATION_OUTLINE: char = '\u{ea7e}';
pub const ICON_NEW_FILE: char = '\u{ea7f}';
pub const ICON_FILE_ADD: char = '\u{ea7f}';
pub const ICON_NEW_FOLDER: char = '\u{ea80}';
pub const ICON_FILE_DIRECTORY_CREATE: char = '\u{ea80}';
pub const ICON_TRASH: char = '\u{ea81}';
pub const ICON_TRASHCAN: char = '\u{ea81}';
pub const ICON_HISTORY: char = '\u{ea82}';
pub const ICON_CLOCK: char = '\u{ea82}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER: char = '\u{ea83}';
pub const ICON_FILE_DIRECTORY: char = '\u{ea83}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_FOLDER: char = '\u{ea83}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_GITHUB: char = '\u{ea84}';
pub const ICON_MARK_GITHUB: char = '\u{ea84}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{ea84}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL: char = '\u{ea85}';
pub const ICON_CONSOLE: char = '\u{ea85}';
pub const ICON_REPL: char = '\u{ea85}';
pub const ICON_ZAP: char = '\u{ea86}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_EVENT: char = '\u{ea86}';
pub const ICON_ERROR: char = '\u{ea87}';
pub const ICON_STOP: char = '\u{ea87}';
pub const ICON_VARIABLE: char = '\u{ea88}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_VARIABLE: char = '\u{ea88}';
pub const ICON_ARRAY: char = '\u{ea8a}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_ARRAY: char = '\u{ea8a}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_MODULE: char = '\u{ea8b}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_PACKAGE: char = '\u{ea8b}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_NAMESPACE: char = '\u{ea8b}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_OBJECT: char = '\u{ea8b}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_METHOD: char = '\u{ea8c}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_FUNCTION: char = '\u{ea8c}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_CONSTRUCTOR: char = '\u{ea8c}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_BOOLEAN: char = '\u{ea8f}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_NULL: char = '\u{ea8f}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_NUMERIC: char = '\u{ea90}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_NUMBER: char = '\u{ea90}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_STRUCTURE: char = '\u{ea91}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_STRUCT: char = '\u{ea91}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_PARAMETER: char = '\u{ea92}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_TYPE_PARAMETER: char = '\u{ea92}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_KEY: char = '\u{ea93}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_TEXT: char = '\u{ea93}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_REFERENCE: char = '\u{ea94}';
pub const ICON_GO_TO_FILE: char = '\u{ea94}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_ENUM: char = '\u{ea95}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_VALUE: char = '\u{ea95}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_RULER: char = '\u{ea96}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_UNIT: char = '\u{ea96}';
pub const ICON_ACTIVATE_BREAKPOINTS: char = '\u{ea97}';
pub const ICON_ARCHIVE: char = '\u{ea98}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_BOTH: char = '\u{ea99}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{ea9a}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{ea9b}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{ea9c}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_SMALL_DOWN: char = '\u{ea9d}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_SMALL_LEFT: char = '\u{ea9e}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_SMALL_RIGHT: char = '\u{ea9f}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_SMALL_UP: char = '\u{eaa0}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_UP: char = '\u{eaa1}';
pub const ICON_BELL: char = '\u{eaa2}';
pub const ICON_BOLD: char = '\u{eaa3}';
pub const ICON_BOOK: char = '\u{eaa4}';
pub const ICON_BOOKMARK: char = '\u{eaa5}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_CONDITIONAL: char = '\u{eaa7}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA_UNVERIFIED: char = '\u{eaa8}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA: char = '\u{eaa9}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_DATA_DISABLED: char = '\u{eaa9}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG_UNVERIFIED: char = '\u{eaaa}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG: char = '\u{eaab}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_LOG_DISABLED: char = '\u{eaab}';
pub const ICON_BRIEFCASE: char = '\u{eaac}';
pub const ICON_BROADCAST: char = '\u{eaad}';
pub const ICON_BROWSER: char = '\u{eaae}';
pub const ICON_BUG: char = '\u{eaaf}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR: char = '\u{eab0}';
pub const ICON_CASE_SENSITIVE: char = '\u{eab1}';
pub const ICON_CHECK: char = '\u{eab2}';
pub const ICON_CHECKLIST: char = '\u{eab3}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_DOWN: char = '\u{eab4}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_LEFT: char = '\u{eab5}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT: char = '\u{eab6}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_UP: char = '\u{eab7}';
pub const ICON_CHROME_CLOSE: char = '\u{eab8}';
pub const ICON_CHROME_MAXIMIZE: char = '\u{eab9}';
pub const ICON_CHROME_MINIMIZE: char = '\u{eaba}';
pub const ICON_CHROME_RESTORE: char = '\u{eabb}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_OUTLINE: char = '\u{eabc}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{eabc}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_UNVERIFIED: char = '\u{eabc}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_DECORATION_INCOMPLETE: char = '\u{eabc}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_SLASH: char = '\u{eabd}';
pub const ICON_CIRCUIT_BOARD: char = '\u{eabe}';
pub const ICON_CLEAR_ALL: char = '\u{eabf}';
pub const ICON_CLIPPY: char = '\u{eac0}';
pub const ICON_CLOSE_ALL: char = '\u{eac1}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{eac2}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD: char = '\u{eac3}';
pub const ICON_CODE: char = '\u{eac4}';
pub const ICON_COLLAPSE_ALL: char = '\u{eac5}';
pub const ICON_COLOR_MODE: char = '\u{eac6}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_DISCUSSION: char = '\u{eac7}';
pub const ICON_CREDIT_CARD: char = '\u{eac9}';
pub const ICON_DASH: char = '\u{eacc}';
pub const ICON_DASHBOARD: char = '\u{eacd}';
pub const ICON_DATABASE: char = '\u{eace}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_CONTINUE: char = '\u{eacf}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_DISCONNECT: char = '\u{ead0}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_PAUSE: char = '\u{ead1}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_RESTART: char = '\u{ead2}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_START: char = '\u{ead3}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STEP_INTO: char = '\u{ead4}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STEP_OUT: char = '\u{ead5}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STEP_OVER: char = '\u{ead6}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STOP: char = '\u{ead7}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG: char = '\u{ead8}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_CAMERA_VIDEO: char = '\u{ead9}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_CAMERA: char = '\u{eada}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_MOBILE: char = '\u{eadb}';
pub const ICON_DIFF_ADDED: char = '\u{eadc}';
pub const ICON_DIFF_IGNORED: char = '\u{eadd}';
pub const ICON_DIFF_MODIFIED: char = '\u{eade}';
pub const ICON_DIFF_REMOVED: char = '\u{eadf}';
pub const ICON_DIFF_RENAMED: char = '\u{eae0}';
pub const ICON_DIFF: char = '\u{eae1}';
pub const ICON_DISCARD: char = '\u{eae2}';
pub const ICON_EDITOR_LAYOUT: char = '\u{eae3}';
pub const ICON_EMPTY_WINDOW: char = '\u{eae4}';
pub const ICON_EXCLUDE: char = '\u{eae5}';
pub const ICON_EXTENSIONS: char = '\u{eae6}';
pub const ICON_EYE_CLOSED: char = '\u{eae7}';
pub const ICON_FILE_BINARY: char = '\u{eae8}';
pub const ICON_FILE_CODE: char = '\u{eae9}';
pub const ICON_FILE_MEDIA: char = '\u{eaea}';
pub const ICON_FILE_PDF: char = '\u{eaeb}';
pub const ICON_FILE_SUBMODULE: char = '\u{eaec}';
pub const ICON_FILE_SYMLINK_DIRECTORY: char = '\u{eaed}';
pub const ICON_FILE_SYMLINK_FILE: char = '\u{eaee}';
pub const ICON_FILE_ZIP: char = '\u{eaef}';
pub const ICON_FILES: char = '\u{eaf0}';
pub const ICON_FILTER: char = '\u{eaf1}';
pub const ICON_FLAME: char = '\u{eaf2}';
pub const ICON_FOLD_DOWN: char = '\u{eaf3}';
pub const ICON_FOLD_UP: char = '\u{eaf4}';
pub const ICON_FOLD: char = '\u{eaf5}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_ACTIVE: char = '\u{eaf6}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_OPENED: char = '\u{eaf7}';
pub const ICON_GEAR: char = '\u{eaf8}';
pub const ICON_GIFT: char = '\u{eaf9}';
pub const ICON_GIST_SECRET: char = '\u{eafa}';
pub const ICON_GIST: char = '\u{eafb}';
pub const ICON_GIT_COMMIT: char = '\u{eafc}';
pub const ICON_GIT_COMPARE: char = '\u{eafd}';
pub const ICON_COMPARE_CHANGES: char = '\u{eafd}';
pub const ICON_GIT_MERGE: char = '\u{eafe}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ACTION: char = '\u{eaff}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{eb00}';
pub const ICON_GLOBE: char = '\u{eb01}';
pub const ICON_GRABBER: char = '\u{eb02}';
pub const ICON_GRAPH: char = '\u{eb03}';
pub const ICON_GRIPPER: char = '\u{eb04}';
pub const ICON_HEART: char = '\u{eb05}';
pub const ICON_HOME: char = '\u{eb06}';
pub const ICON_HORIZONTAL_RULE: char = '\u{eb07}';
pub const ICON_HUBOT: char = '\u{eb08}';
pub const ICON_INBOX: char = '\u{eb09}';
pub const ICON_ISSUE_REOPENED: char = '\u{eb0b}';
pub const ICON_ISSUES: char = '\u{eb0c}';
pub const ICON_ITALIC: char = '\u{eb0d}';
pub const ICON_JERSEY: char = '\u{eb0e}';
pub const ICON_JSON: char = '\u{eb0f}';
pub const ICON_KEBAB_VERTICAL: char = '\u{eb10}';
pub const ICON_KEY: char = '\u{eb11}';
pub const ICON_LAW: char = '\u{eb12}';
pub const ICON_LIGHTBULB_AUTOFIX: char = '\u{eb13}';
pub const ICON_LINK_EXTERNAL: char = '\u{eb14}';
pub const ICON_LINK: char = '\u{eb15}';
pub const ICON_LIST_ORDERED: char = '\u{eb16}';
pub const ICON_LIST_UNORDERED: char = '\u{eb17}';
pub const ICON_LIVE_SHARE: char = '\u{eb18}';
pub const ICON_LOADING: char = '\u{eb19}';
pub const ICON_LOCATION: char = '\u{eb1a}';
pub const ICON_MAIL_READ: char = '\u{eb1b}';
pub const ICON_MAIL: char = '\u{eb1c}';
pub const ICON_MARKDOWN: char = '\u{eb1d}';
pub const ICON_MEGAPHONE: char = '\u{eb1e}';
pub const ICON_MENTION: char = '\u{eb1f}';
pub const ICON_MILESTONE: char = '\u{eb20}';
pub const ICON_MORTAR_BOARD: char = '\u{eb21}';
pub const ICON_MOVE: char = '\u{eb22}';
pub const ICON_MULTIPLE_WINDOWS: char = '\u{eb23}';
pub const ICON_MUTE: char = '\u{eb24}';
pub const ICON_NO_NEWLINE: char = '\u{eb25}';
pub const ICON_NOTE: char = '\u{eb26}';
pub const ICON_OCTOFACE: char = '\u{eb27}';
pub const ICON_OPEN_PREVIEW: char = '\u{eb28}';
pub const ICON_PACKAGE: char = '\u{eb29}';
pub const ICON_PAINTCAN: char = '\u{eb2a}';
pub const ICON_PIN: char = '\u{eb2b}';
pub const ICON_PLAY: char = '\u{eb2c}';
pub const ICON_RUN: char = '\u{eb2c}';
pub const ICON_PLUG: char = '\u{eb2d}';
pub const ICON_PRESERVE_CASE: char = '\u{eb2e}';
pub const ICON_PREVIEW: char = '\u{eb2f}';
pub const ICON_PROJECT: char = '\u{eb30}';
pub const ICON_PULSE: char = '\u{eb31}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION: char = '\u{eb32}';
pub const ICON_QUOTE: char = '\u{eb33}';
pub const ICON_RADIO_TOWER: char = '\u{eb34}';
pub const ICON_REACTIONS: char = '\u{eb35}';
pub const ICON_REFERENCES: char = '\u{eb36}';
pub const ICON_REFRESH: char = '\u{eb37}';
pub const ICON_REGEX: char = '\u{eb38}';
pub const ICON_REMOTE_EXPLORER: char = '\u{eb39}';
pub const ICON_REMOTE: char = '\u{eb3a}';
pub const ICON_REMOVE: char = '\u{eb3b}';
pub const ICON_REPLACE_ALL: char = '\u{eb3c}';
pub const ICON_REPLACE: char = '\u{eb3d}';
pub const ICON_REPO_CLONE: char = '\u{eb3e}';
pub const ICON_REPO_FORCE_PUSH: char = '\u{eb3f}';
pub const ICON_REPO_PULL: char = '\u{eb40}';
pub const ICON_REPO_PUSH: char = '\u{eb41}';
pub const ICON_REPORT: char = '\u{eb42}';
pub const ICON_REQUEST_CHANGES: char = '\u{eb43}';
pub const ICON_ROCKET: char = '\u{eb44}';
pub const ICON_ROOT_FOLDER_OPENED: char = '\u{eb45}';
pub const ICON_ROOT_FOLDER: char = '\u{eb46}';
pub const ICON_RSS: char = '\u{eb47}';
pub const ICON_RUBY: char = '\u{eb48}';
pub const ICON_SAVE_ALL: char = '\u{eb49}';
pub const ICON_SAVE_AS: char = '\u{eb4a}';
pub const ICON_SAVE: char = '\u{eb4b}';
pub const ICON_SCREEN_FULL: char = '\u{eb4c}';
pub const ICON_SCREEN_NORMAL: char = '\u{eb4d}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_STOP: char = '\u{eb4e}';
pub const ICON_SERVER: char = '\u{eb50}';
pub const ICON_SETTINGS_GEAR: char = '\u{eb51}';
pub const ICON_SETTINGS: char = '\u{eb52}';
pub const ICON_SHIELD: char = '\u{eb53}';
pub const ICON_SMILEY: char = '\u{eb54}';
pub const ICON_SORT_PRECEDENCE: char = '\u{eb55}';
pub const ICON_SPLIT_HORIZONTAL: char = '\u{eb56}';
pub const ICON_SPLIT_VERTICAL: char = '\u{eb57}';
pub const ICON_SQUIRREL: char = '\u{eb58}';
pub const ICON_STAR_FULL: char = '\u{eb59}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF: char = '\u{eb5a}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_CLASS: char = '\u{eb5b}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_COLOR: char = '\u{eb5c}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_CONSTANT: char = '\u{eb5d}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_ENUM_MEMBER: char = '\u{eb5e}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_FIELD: char = '\u{eb5f}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_FILE: char = '\u{eb60}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_INTERFACE: char = '\u{eb61}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_KEYWORD: char = '\u{eb62}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_MISC: char = '\u{eb63}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_OPERATOR: char = '\u{eb64}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_PROPERTY: char = '\u{eb65}';
pub const ICON_WRENCH: char = '\u{eb65}';
pub const ICON_WRENCH_SUBACTION: char = '\u{eb65}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_SNIPPET: char = '\u{eb66}';
pub const ICON_TASKLIST: char = '\u{eb67}';
pub const ICON_TELESCOPE: char = '\u{eb68}';
pub const ICON_TEXT_SIZE: char = '\u{eb69}';
pub const ICON_THREE_BARS: char = '\u{eb6a}';
pub const ICON_THUMBSDOWN: char = '\u{eb6b}';
pub const ICON_THUMBSUP: char = '\u{eb6c}';
pub const ICON_TOOLS: char = '\u{eb6d}';
pub const ICON_TRIANGLE_DOWN: char = '\u{eb6e}';
pub const ICON_TRIANGLE_LEFT: char = '\u{eb6f}';
pub const ICON_TRIANGLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{eb70}';
pub const ICON_TRIANGLE_UP: char = '\u{eb71}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{eb72}';
pub const ICON_UNFOLD: char = '\u{eb73}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK: char = '\u{eb74}';
pub const ICON_UNMUTE: char = '\u{eb75}';
pub const ICON_UNVERIFIED: char = '\u{eb76}';
pub const ICON_VERIFIED: char = '\u{eb77}';
pub const ICON_VERSIONS: char = '\u{eb78}';
pub const ICON_VM_ACTIVE: char = '\u{eb79}';
pub const ICON_VM_OUTLINE: char = '\u{eb7a}';
pub const ICON_VM_RUNNING: char = '\u{eb7b}';
pub const ICON_WATCH: char = '\u{eb7c}';
pub const ICON_WHITESPACE: char = '\u{eb7d}';
pub const ICON_WHOLE_WORD: char = '\u{eb7e}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW: char = '\u{eb7f}';
pub const ICON_WORD_WRAP: char = '\u{eb80}';
pub const ICON_ZOOM_IN: char = '\u{eb81}';
pub const ICON_ZOOM_OUT: char = '\u{eb82}';
pub const ICON_LIST_FILTER: char = '\u{eb83}';
pub const ICON_LIST_FLAT: char = '\u{eb84}';
pub const ICON_LIST_SELECTION: char = '\u{eb85}';
pub const ICON_SELECTION: char = '\u{eb85}';
pub const ICON_LIST_TREE: char = '\u{eb86}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_FUNCTION: char = '\u{eb88}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_ACTIVE: char = '\u{eb89}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_SMALL_FILLED: char = '\u{eb8a}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_DOT: char = '\u{eb8a}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_DECORATION_MARK: char = '\u{eb8a}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STACKFRAME: char = '\u{eb8b}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STACKFRAME_FOCUSED: char = '\u{eb8b}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_BREAKPOINT_UNSUPPORTED: char = '\u{eb8c}';
pub const ICON_SYMBOL_STRING: char = '\u{eb8d}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_REVERSE_CONTINUE: char = '\u{eb8e}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_STEP_BACK: char = '\u{eb8f}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_RESTART_FRAME: char = '\u{eb90}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_ALT: char = '\u{eb91}';
pub const ICON_CALL_INCOMING: char = '\u{eb92}';
pub const ICON_CALL_OUTGOING: char = '\u{eb93}';
pub const ICON_MENU: char = '\u{eb94}';
pub const ICON_EXPAND_ALL: char = '\u{eb95}';
pub const ICON_FEEDBACK: char = '\u{eb96}';
pub const ICON_GROUP_BY_REF_TYPE: char = '\u{eb97}';
pub const ICON_UNGROUP_BY_REF_TYPE: char = '\u{eb98}';
pub const ICON_ACCOUNT: char = '\u{eb99}';
pub const ICON_BELL_DOT: char = '\u{eb9a}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_CONSOLE: char = '\u{eb9b}';
pub const ICON_LIBRARY: char = '\u{eb9c}';
pub const ICON_OUTPUT: char = '\u{eb9d}';
pub const ICON_RUN_ALL: char = '\u{eb9e}';
pub const ICON_SYNC_IGNORED: char = '\u{eb9f}';
pub const ICON_PINNED: char = '\u{eba0}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_INVERTED: char = '\u{eba1}';
pub const ICON_SERVER_PROCESS: char = '\u{eba2}';
pub const ICON_SERVER_ENVIRONMENT: char = '\u{eba3}';
pub const ICON_PASS: char = '\u{eba4}';
pub const ICON_ISSUE_CLOSED: char = '\u{eba4}';
pub const ICON_STOP_CIRCLE: char = '\u{eba5}';
pub const ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE: char = '\u{eba6}';
pub const ICON_RECORD: char = '\u{eba7}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_ALT_SMALL: char = '\u{eba8}';
pub const ICON_VM_CONNECT: char = '\u{eba9}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD: char = '\u{ebaa}';
pub const ICON_MERGE: char = '\u{ebab}';
pub const ICON_EXPORT: char = '\u{ebac}';
pub const ICON_GRAPH_LEFT: char = '\u{ebad}';
pub const ICON_MAGNET: char = '\u{ebae}';
pub const ICON_NOTEBOOK: char = '\u{ebaf}';
pub const ICON_REDO: char = '\u{ebb0}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_ALL: char = '\u{ebb1}';
pub const ICON_PINNED_DIRTY: char = '\u{ebb2}';
pub const ICON_PASS_FILLED: char = '\u{ebb3}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_LARGE_FILLED: char = '\u{ebb4}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_LARGE: char = '\u{ebb5}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_LARGE_OUTLINE: char = '\u{ebb5}';
pub const ICON_COMBINE: char = '\u{ebb6}';
pub const ICON_GATHER: char = '\u{ebb6}';
pub const ICON_TABLE: char = '\u{ebb7}';
pub const ICON_VARIABLE_GROUP: char = '\u{ebb8}';
pub const ICON_TYPE_HIERARCHY: char = '\u{ebb9}';
pub const ICON_TYPE_HIERARCHY_SUB: char = '\u{ebba}';
pub const ICON_TYPE_HIERARCHY_SUPER: char = '\u{ebbb}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_CREATE: char = '\u{ebbc}';
pub const ICON_RUN_ABOVE: char = '\u{ebbd}';
pub const ICON_RUN_BELOW: char = '\u{ebbe}';
pub const ICON_NOTEBOOK_TEMPLATE: char = '\u{ebbf}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_RERUN: char = '\u{ebc0}';
pub const ICON_WORKSPACE_TRUSTED: char = '\u{ebc1}';
pub const ICON_WORKSPACE_UNTRUSTED: char = '\u{ebc2}';
pub const ICON_WORKSPACE_UNKNOWN: char = '\u{ebc3}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_CMD: char = '\u{ebc4}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_DEBIAN: char = '\u{ebc5}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_LINUX: char = '\u{ebc6}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_POWERSHELL: char = '\u{ebc7}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_TMUX: char = '\u{ebc8}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_UBUNTU: char = '\u{ebc9}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_BASH: char = '\u{ebca}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_SWAP: char = '\u{ebcb}';
pub const ICON_COPY: char = '\u{ebcc}';
pub const ICON_PERSON_ADD: char = '\u{ebcd}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_FILLED: char = '\u{ebce}';
pub const ICON_WAND: char = '\u{ebcf}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_LINE_BY_LINE: char = '\u{ebd0}';
pub const ICON_INSPECT: char = '\u{ebd1}';
pub const ICON_LAYERS: char = '\u{ebd2}';
pub const ICON_LAYERS_DOT: char = '\u{ebd3}';
pub const ICON_LAYERS_ACTIVE: char = '\u{ebd4}';
pub const ICON_COMPASS: char = '\u{ebd5}';
pub const ICON_COMPASS_DOT: char = '\u{ebd6}';
pub const ICON_COMPASS_ACTIVE: char = '\u{ebd7}';
pub const ICON_AZURE: char = '\u{ebd8}';
pub const ICON_ISSUE_DRAFT: char = '\u{ebd9}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_CLOSED: char = '\u{ebda}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_DRAFT: char = '\u{ebdb}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_ALL: char = '\u{ebdc}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_COVERAGE: char = '\u{ebdd}';
pub const ICON_RUN_ERRORS: char = '\u{ebde}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_LIBRARY: char = '\u{ebdf}';
pub const ICON_DEBUG_CONTINUE_SMALL: char = '\u{ebe0}';
pub const ICON_BEAKER_STOP: char = '\u{ebe1}';
pub const ICON_GRAPH_LINE: char = '\u{ebe2}';
pub const ICON_GRAPH_SCATTER: char = '\u{ebe3}';
pub const ICON_PIE_CHART: char = '\u{ebe4}';
pub const ICON_BRACKET: char = '\u{eb0f}';
pub const ICON_BRACKET_DOT: char = '\u{ebe5}';
pub const ICON_BRACKET_ERROR: char = '\u{ebe6}';
pub const ICON_LOCK_SMALL: char = '\u{ebe7}';
pub const ICON_AZURE_DEVOPS: char = '\u{ebe8}';
pub const ICON_VERIFIED_FILLED: char = '\u{ebe9}';
pub const ICON_NEWLINE: char = '\u{ebea}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT: char = '\u{ebeb}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_ACTIVITYBAR_LEFT: char = '\u{ebec}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_ACTIVITYBAR_RIGHT: char = '\u{ebed}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL_LEFT: char = '\u{ebee}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL_CENTER: char = '\u{ebef}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL_JUSTIFY: char = '\u{ebf0}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL_RIGHT: char = '\u{ebf1}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL: char = '\u{ebf2}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_LEFT: char = '\u{ebf3}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_RIGHT: char = '\u{ebf4}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_STATUSBAR: char = '\u{ebf5}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_MENUBAR: char = '\u{ebf6}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_CENTERED: char = '\u{ebf7}';
pub const ICON_TARGET: char = '\u{ebf8}';
pub const ICON_INDENT: char = '\u{ebf9}';
pub const ICON_RECORD_SMALL: char = '\u{ebfa}';
pub const ICON_ERROR_SMALL: char = '\u{ebfb}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL_DECORATION_ERROR: char = '\u{ebfb}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN: char = '\u{ebfc}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT: char = '\u{ebfd}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{ebfe}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP: char = '\u{ebff}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_RIGHT_OFF: char = '\u{ec00}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_PANEL_OFF: char = '\u{ec01}';
pub const ICON_LAYOUT_SIDEBAR_LEFT_OFF: char = '\u{ec02}';
pub const ICON_BLANK: char = '\u{ec03}';
pub const ICON_HEART_FILLED: char = '\u{ec04}';
pub const ICON_MAP: char = '\u{ec05}';
pub const ICON_MAP_FILLED: char = '\u{ec06}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_SMALL: char = '\u{ec07}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH: char = '\u{ec08}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH_DOT: char = '\u{ec09}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_UNRESOLVED: char = '\u{ec0a}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_GO_TO_CHANGES: char = '\u{ec0b}';
pub const ICON_GIT_PULL_REQUEST_NEW_CHANGES: char = '\u{ec0c}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_FUZZY: char = '\u{ec0d}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_DRAFT: char = '\u{ec0e}';
pub const ICON_SEND: char = '\u{ec0f}';
pub const ICON_SPARKLE: char = '\u{ec10}';
pub const ICON_INSERT: char = '\u{ec11}';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class FontAwesome4
public const string FontIconFileNameFA = "fontawesome-webfont.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xf000;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf2e0;
public const int IconMax = 0xf2e0;
public const string Glass = "\uf000";
public const string Music = "\uf001";
public const string Search = "\uf002";
public const string EnvelopeO = "\uf003";
public const string Heart = "\uf004";
public const string Star = "\uf005";
public const string StarO = "\uf006";
public const string User = "\uf007";
public const string Film = "\uf008";
public const string ThLarge = "\uf009";
public const string Th = "\uf00a";
public const string ThList = "\uf00b";
public const string Check = "\uf00c";
public const string Times = "\uf00d";
public const string SearchPlus = "\uf00e";
public const string SearchMinus = "\uf010";
public const string PowerOff = "\uf011";
public const string Signal = "\uf012";
public const string Cog = "\uf013";
public const string TrashO = "\uf014";
public const string Home = "\uf015";
public const string FileO = "\uf016";
public const string ClockO = "\uf017";
public const string Road = "\uf018";
public const string Download = "\uf019";
public const string ArrowCircleODown = "\uf01a";
public const string ArrowCircleOUp = "\uf01b";
public const string Inbox = "\uf01c";
public const string PlayCircleO = "\uf01d";
public const string Repeat = "\uf01e";
public const string Refresh = "\uf021";
public const string ListAlt = "\uf022";
public const string Lock = "\uf023";
public const string Flag = "\uf024";
public const string Headphones = "\uf025";
public const string VolumeOff = "\uf026";
public const string VolumeDown = "\uf027";
public const string VolumeUp = "\uf028";
public const string Qrcode = "\uf029";
public const string Barcode = "\uf02a";
public const string Tag = "\uf02b";
public const string Tags = "\uf02c";
public const string Book = "\uf02d";
public const string Bookmark = "\uf02e";
public const string Print = "\uf02f";
public const string Camera = "\uf030";
public const string Font = "\uf031";
public const string Bold = "\uf032";
public const string Italic = "\uf033";
public const string TextHeight = "\uf034";
public const string TextWidth = "\uf035";
public const string AlignLeft = "\uf036";
public const string AlignCenter = "\uf037";
public const string AlignRight = "\uf038";
public const string AlignJustify = "\uf039";
public const string List = "\uf03a";
public const string Outdent = "\uf03b";
public const string Indent = "\uf03c";
public const string VideoCamera = "\uf03d";
public const string PictureO = "\uf03e";
public const string Pencil = "\uf040";
public const string MapMarker = "\uf041";
public const string Adjust = "\uf042";
public const string Tint = "\uf043";
public const string PencilSquareO = "\uf044";
public const string ShareSquareO = "\uf045";
public const string CheckSquareO = "\uf046";
public const string Arrows = "\uf047";
public const string StepBackward = "\uf048";
public const string FastBackward = "\uf049";
public const string Backward = "\uf04a";
public const string Play = "\uf04b";
public const string Pause = "\uf04c";
public const string Stop = "\uf04d";
public const string Forward = "\uf04e";
public const string FastForward = "\uf050";
public const string StepForward = "\uf051";
public const string Eject = "\uf052";
public const string ChevronLeft = "\uf053";
public const string ChevronRight = "\uf054";
public const string PlusCircle = "\uf055";
public const string MinusCircle = "\uf056";
public const string TimesCircle = "\uf057";
public const string CheckCircle = "\uf058";
public const string QuestionCircle = "\uf059";
public const string InfoCircle = "\uf05a";
public const string Crosshairs = "\uf05b";
public const string TimesCircleO = "\uf05c";
public const string CheckCircleO = "\uf05d";
public const string Ban = "\uf05e";
public const string ArrowLeft = "\uf060";
public const string ArrowRight = "\uf061";
public const string ArrowUp = "\uf062";
public const string ArrowDown = "\uf063";
public const string Share = "\uf064";
public const string Expand = "\uf065";
public const string Compress = "\uf066";
public const string Plus = "\uf067";
public const string Minus = "\uf068";
public const string Asterisk = "\uf069";
public const string ExclamationCircle = "\uf06a";
public const string Gift = "\uf06b";
public const string Leaf = "\uf06c";
public const string Fire = "\uf06d";
public const string Eye = "\uf06e";
public const string EyeSlash = "\uf070";
public const string ExclamationTriangle = "\uf071";
public const string Plane = "\uf072";
public const string Calendar = "\uf073";
public const string Random = "\uf074";
public const string Comment = "\uf075";
public const string Magnet = "\uf076";
public const string ChevronUp = "\uf077";
public const string ChevronDown = "\uf078";
public const string Retweet = "\uf079";
public const string ShoppingCart = "\uf07a";
public const string Folder = "\uf07b";
public const string FolderOpen = "\uf07c";
public const string ArrowsV = "\uf07d";
public const string ArrowsH = "\uf07e";
public const string BarChart = "\uf080";
public const string TwitterSquare = "\uf081";
public const string FacebookSquare = "\uf082";
public const string CameraRetro = "\uf083";
public const string Key = "\uf084";
public const string Cogs = "\uf085";
public const string Comments = "\uf086";
public const string ThumbsOUp = "\uf087";
public const string ThumbsODown = "\uf088";
public const string StarHalf = "\uf089";
public const string HeartO = "\uf08a";
public const string SignOut = "\uf08b";
public const string LinkedinSquare = "\uf08c";
public const string ThumbTack = "\uf08d";
public const string ExternalLink = "\uf08e";
public const string SignIn = "\uf090";
public const string Trophy = "\uf091";
public const string GithubSquare = "\uf092";
public const string Upload = "\uf093";
public const string LemonO = "\uf094";
public const string Phone = "\uf095";
public const string SquareO = "\uf096";
public const string BookmarkO = "\uf097";
public const string PhoneSquare = "\uf098";
public const string Twitter = "\uf099";
public const string Facebook = "\uf09a";
public const string Github = "\uf09b";
public const string Unlock = "\uf09c";
public const string CreditCard = "\uf09d";
public const string Rss = "\uf09e";
public const string HddO = "\uf0a0";
public const string Bullhorn = "\uf0a1";
public const string Bell = "\uf0f3";
public const string Certificate = "\uf0a3";
public const string HandORight = "\uf0a4";
public const string HandOLeft = "\uf0a5";
public const string HandOUp = "\uf0a6";
public const string HandODown = "\uf0a7";
public const string ArrowCircleLeft = "\uf0a8";
public const string ArrowCircleRight = "\uf0a9";
public const string ArrowCircleUp = "\uf0aa";
public const string ArrowCircleDown = "\uf0ab";
public const string Globe = "\uf0ac";
public const string Wrench = "\uf0ad";
public const string Tasks = "\uf0ae";
public const string Filter = "\uf0b0";
public const string Briefcase = "\uf0b1";
public const string ArrowsAlt = "\uf0b2";
public const string Users = "\uf0c0";
public const string Link = "\uf0c1";
public const string Cloud = "\uf0c2";
public const string Flask = "\uf0c3";
public const string Scissors = "\uf0c4";
public const string FilesO = "\uf0c5";
public const string Paperclip = "\uf0c6";
public const string FloppyO = "\uf0c7";
public const string Square = "\uf0c8";
public const string Bars = "\uf0c9";
public const string ListUl = "\uf0ca";
public const string ListOl = "\uf0cb";
public const string Strikethrough = "\uf0cc";
public const string Underline = "\uf0cd";
public const string Table = "\uf0ce";
public const string Magic = "\uf0d0";
public const string Truck = "\uf0d1";
public const string Pinterest = "\uf0d2";
public const string PinterestSquare = "\uf0d3";
public const string GooglePlusSquare = "\uf0d4";
public const string GooglePlus = "\uf0d5";
public const string Money = "\uf0d6";
public const string CaretDown = "\uf0d7";
public const string CaretUp = "\uf0d8";
public const string CaretLeft = "\uf0d9";
public const string CaretRight = "\uf0da";
public const string Columns = "\uf0db";
public const string Sort = "\uf0dc";
public const string SortDesc = "\uf0dd";
public const string SortAsc = "\uf0de";
public const string Envelope = "\uf0e0";
public const string Linkedin = "\uf0e1";
public const string Undo = "\uf0e2";
public const string Gavel = "\uf0e3";
public const string Tachometer = "\uf0e4";
public const string CommentO = "\uf0e5";
public const string CommentsO = "\uf0e6";
public const string Bolt = "\uf0e7";
public const string Sitemap = "\uf0e8";
public const string Umbrella = "\uf0e9";
public const string Clipboard = "\uf0ea";
public const string LightbulbO = "\uf0eb";
public const string Exchange = "\uf0ec";
public const string CloudDownload = "\uf0ed";
public const string CloudUpload = "\uf0ee";
public const string UserMd = "\uf0f0";
public const string Stethoscope = "\uf0f1";
public const string Suitcase = "\uf0f2";
public const string BellO = "\uf0a2";
public const string Coffee = "\uf0f4";
public const string Cutlery = "\uf0f5";
public const string FileTextO = "\uf0f6";
public const string BuildingO = "\uf0f7";
public const string HospitalO = "\uf0f8";
public const string Ambulance = "\uf0f9";
public const string Medkit = "\uf0fa";
public const string FighterJet = "\uf0fb";
public const string Beer = "\uf0fc";
public const string HSquare = "\uf0fd";
public const string PlusSquare = "\uf0fe";
public const string AngleDoubleLeft = "\uf100";
public const string AngleDoubleRight = "\uf101";
public const string AngleDoubleUp = "\uf102";
public const string AngleDoubleDown = "\uf103";
public const string AngleLeft = "\uf104";
public const string AngleRight = "\uf105";
public const string AngleUp = "\uf106";
public const string AngleDown = "\uf107";
public const string Desktop = "\uf108";
public const string Laptop = "\uf109";
public const string Tablet = "\uf10a";
public const string Mobile = "\uf10b";
public const string CircleO = "\uf10c";
public const string QuoteLeft = "\uf10d";
public const string QuoteRight = "\uf10e";
public const string Spinner = "\uf110";
public const string Circle = "\uf111";
public const string Reply = "\uf112";
public const string GithubAlt = "\uf113";
public const string FolderO = "\uf114";
public const string FolderOpenO = "\uf115";
public const string SmileO = "\uf118";
public const string FrownO = "\uf119";
public const string MehO = "\uf11a";
public const string Gamepad = "\uf11b";
public const string KeyboardO = "\uf11c";
public const string FlagO = "\uf11d";
public const string FlagCheckered = "\uf11e";
public const string Terminal = "\uf120";
public const string Code = "\uf121";
public const string ReplyAll = "\uf122";
public const string StarHalfO = "\uf123";
public const string LocationArrow = "\uf124";
public const string Crop = "\uf125";
public const string CodeFork = "\uf126";
public const string ChainBroken = "\uf127";
public const string Question = "\uf128";
public const string Info = "\uf129";
public const string Exclamation = "\uf12a";
public const string Superscript = "\uf12b";
public const string Subscript = "\uf12c";
public const string Eraser = "\uf12d";
public const string PuzzlePiece = "\uf12e";
public const string Microphone = "\uf130";
public const string MicrophoneSlash = "\uf131";
public const string Shield = "\uf132";
public const string CalendarO = "\uf133";
public const string FireExtinguisher = "\uf134";
public const string Rocket = "\uf135";
public const string Maxcdn = "\uf136";
public const string ChevronCircleLeft = "\uf137";
public const string ChevronCircleRight = "\uf138";
public const string ChevronCircleUp = "\uf139";
public const string ChevronCircleDown = "\uf13a";
public const string Html5 = "\uf13b";
public const string Css3 = "\uf13c";
public const string Anchor = "\uf13d";
public const string UnlockAlt = "\uf13e";
public const string Bullseye = "\uf140";
public const string EllipsisH = "\uf141";
public const string EllipsisV = "\uf142";
public const string RssSquare = "\uf143";
public const string PlayCircle = "\uf144";
public const string Ticket = "\uf145";
public const string MinusSquare = "\uf146";
public const string MinusSquareO = "\uf147";
public const string LevelUp = "\uf148";
public const string LevelDown = "\uf149";
public const string CheckSquare = "\uf14a";
public const string PencilSquare = "\uf14b";
public const string ExternalLinkSquare = "\uf14c";
public const string ShareSquare = "\uf14d";
public const string Compass = "\uf14e";
public const string CaretSquareODown = "\uf150";
public const string CaretSquareOUp = "\uf151";
public const string CaretSquareORight = "\uf152";
public const string Eur = "\uf153";
public const string Gbp = "\uf154";
public const string Usd = "\uf155";
public const string Inr = "\uf156";
public const string Jpy = "\uf157";
public const string Rub = "\uf158";
public const string Krw = "\uf159";
public const string Btc = "\uf15a";
public const string File = "\uf15b";
public const string FileText = "\uf15c";
public const string SortAlphaAsc = "\uf15d";
public const string SortAlphaDesc = "\uf15e";
public const string SortAmountAsc = "\uf160";
public const string SortAmountDesc = "\uf161";
public const string SortNumericAsc = "\uf162";
public const string SortNumericDesc = "\uf163";
public const string ThumbsUp = "\uf164";
public const string ThumbsDown = "\uf165";
public const string YoutubeSquare = "\uf166";
public const string Youtube = "\uf167";
public const string Xing = "\uf168";
public const string XingSquare = "\uf169";
public const string YoutubePlay = "\uf16a";
public const string Dropbox = "\uf16b";
public const string StackOverflow = "\uf16c";
public const string Instagram = "\uf16d";
public const string Flickr = "\uf16e";
public const string Adn = "\uf170";
public const string Bitbucket = "\uf171";
public const string BitbucketSquare = "\uf172";
public const string Tumblr = "\uf173";
public const string TumblrSquare = "\uf174";
public const string LongArrowDown = "\uf175";
public const string LongArrowUp = "\uf176";
public const string LongArrowLeft = "\uf177";
public const string LongArrowRight = "\uf178";
public const string Apple = "\uf179";
public const string Windows = "\uf17a";
public const string Android = "\uf17b";
public const string Linux = "\uf17c";
public const string Dribbble = "\uf17d";
public const string Skype = "\uf17e";
public const string Foursquare = "\uf180";
public const string Trello = "\uf181";
public const string Female = "\uf182";
public const string Male = "\uf183";
public const string Gratipay = "\uf184";
public const string SunO = "\uf185";
public const string MoonO = "\uf186";
public const string Archive = "\uf187";
public const string Bug = "\uf188";
public const string Vk = "\uf189";
public const string Weibo = "\uf18a";
public const string Renren = "\uf18b";
public const string Pagelines = "\uf18c";
public const string StackExchange = "\uf18d";
public const string ArrowCircleORight = "\uf18e";
public const string ArrowCircleOLeft = "\uf190";
public const string CaretSquareOLeft = "\uf191";
public const string DotCircleO = "\uf192";
public const string Wheelchair = "\uf193";
public const string VimeoSquare = "\uf194";
public const string Try = "\uf195";
public const string PlusSquareO = "\uf196";
public const string SpaceShuttle = "\uf197";
public const string Slack = "\uf198";
public const string EnvelopeSquare = "\uf199";
public const string Wordpress = "\uf19a";
public const string Openid = "\uf19b";
public const string University = "\uf19c";
public const string GraduationCap = "\uf19d";
public const string Yahoo = "\uf19e";
public const string Google = "\uf1a0";
public const string Reddit = "\uf1a1";
public const string RedditSquare = "\uf1a2";
public const string StumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3";
public const string Stumbleupon = "\uf1a4";
public const string Delicious = "\uf1a5";
public const string Digg = "\uf1a6";
public const string PiedPiperPp = "\uf1a7";
public const string PiedPiperAlt = "\uf1a8";
public const string Drupal = "\uf1a9";
public const string Joomla = "\uf1aa";
public const string Language = "\uf1ab";
public const string Fax = "\uf1ac";
public const string Building = "\uf1ad";
public const string Child = "\uf1ae";
public const string Paw = "\uf1b0";
public const string Spoon = "\uf1b1";
public const string Cube = "\uf1b2";
public const string Cubes = "\uf1b3";
public const string Behance = "\uf1b4";
public const string BehanceSquare = "\uf1b5";
public const string Steam = "\uf1b6";
public const string SteamSquare = "\uf1b7";
public const string Recycle = "\uf1b8";
public const string Car = "\uf1b9";
public const string Taxi = "\uf1ba";
public const string Tree = "\uf1bb";
public const string Spotify = "\uf1bc";
public const string Deviantart = "\uf1bd";
public const string Soundcloud = "\uf1be";
public const string Database = "\uf1c0";
public const string FilePdfO = "\uf1c1";
public const string FileWordO = "\uf1c2";
public const string FileExcelO = "\uf1c3";
public const string FilePowerpointO = "\uf1c4";
public const string FileImageO = "\uf1c5";
public const string FileArchiveO = "\uf1c6";
public const string FileAudioO = "\uf1c7";
public const string FileVideoO = "\uf1c8";
public const string FileCodeO = "\uf1c9";
public const string Vine = "\uf1ca";
public const string Codepen = "\uf1cb";
public const string Jsfiddle = "\uf1cc";
public const string LifeRing = "\uf1cd";
public const string CircleONotch = "\uf1ce";
public const string Rebel = "\uf1d0";
public const string Empire = "\uf1d1";
public const string GitSquare = "\uf1d2";
public const string Git = "\uf1d3";
public const string HackerNews = "\uf1d4";
public const string TencentWeibo = "\uf1d5";
public const string Qq = "\uf1d6";
public const string Weixin = "\uf1d7";
public const string PaperPlane = "\uf1d8";
public const string PaperPlaneO = "\uf1d9";
public const string History = "\uf1da";
public const string CircleThin = "\uf1db";
public const string Header = "\uf1dc";
public const string Paragraph = "\uf1dd";
public const string Sliders = "\uf1de";
public const string ShareAlt = "\uf1e0";
public const string ShareAltSquare = "\uf1e1";
public const string Bomb = "\uf1e2";
public const string FutbolO = "\uf1e3";
public const string Tty = "\uf1e4";
public const string Binoculars = "\uf1e5";
public const string Plug = "\uf1e6";
public const string Slideshare = "\uf1e7";
public const string Twitch = "\uf1e8";
public const string Yelp = "\uf1e9";
public const string NewspaperO = "\uf1ea";
public const string Wifi = "\uf1eb";
public const string Calculator = "\uf1ec";
public const string Paypal = "\uf1ed";
public const string GoogleWallet = "\uf1ee";
public const string CcVisa = "\uf1f0";
public const string CcMastercard = "\uf1f1";
public const string CcDiscover = "\uf1f2";
public const string CcAmex = "\uf1f3";
public const string CcPaypal = "\uf1f4";
public const string CcStripe = "\uf1f5";
public const string BellSlash = "\uf1f6";
public const string BellSlashO = "\uf1f7";
public const string Trash = "\uf1f8";
public const string Copyright = "\uf1f9";
public const string At = "\uf1fa";
public const string Eyedropper = "\uf1fb";
public const string PaintBrush = "\uf1fc";
public const string BirthdayCake = "\uf1fd";
public const string AreaChart = "\uf1fe";
public const string PieChart = "\uf200";
public const string LineChart = "\uf201";
public const string Lastfm = "\uf202";
public const string LastfmSquare = "\uf203";
public const string ToggleOff = "\uf204";
public const string ToggleOn = "\uf205";
public const string Bicycle = "\uf206";
public const string Bus = "\uf207";
public const string Ioxhost = "\uf208";
public const string Angellist = "\uf209";
public const string Cc = "\uf20a";
public const string Ils = "\uf20b";
public const string Meanpath = "\uf20c";
public const string Buysellads = "\uf20d";
public const string Connectdevelop = "\uf20e";
public const string Dashcube = "\uf210";
public const string Forumbee = "\uf211";
public const string Leanpub = "\uf212";
public const string Sellsy = "\uf213";
public const string Shirtsinbulk = "\uf214";
public const string Simplybuilt = "\uf215";
public const string Skyatlas = "\uf216";
public const string CartPlus = "\uf217";
public const string CartArrowDown = "\uf218";
public const string Diamond = "\uf219";
public const string Ship = "\uf21a";
public const string UserSecret = "\uf21b";
public const string Motorcycle = "\uf21c";
public const string StreetView = "\uf21d";
public const string Heartbeat = "\uf21e";
public const string Venus = "\uf221";
public const string Mars = "\uf222";
public const string Mercury = "\uf223";
public const string Transgender = "\uf224";
public const string TransgenderAlt = "\uf225";
public const string VenusDouble = "\uf226";
public const string MarsDouble = "\uf227";
public const string VenusMars = "\uf228";
public const string MarsStroke = "\uf229";
public const string MarsStrokeV = "\uf22a";
public const string MarsStrokeH = "\uf22b";
public const string Neuter = "\uf22c";
public const string Genderless = "\uf22d";
public const string FacebookOfficial = "\uf230";
public const string PinterestP = "\uf231";
public const string Whatsapp = "\uf232";
public const string Server = "\uf233";
public const string UserPlus = "\uf234";
public const string UserTimes = "\uf235";
public const string Bed = "\uf236";
public const string Viacoin = "\uf237";
public const string Train = "\uf238";
public const string Subway = "\uf239";
public const string Medium = "\uf23a";
public const string YCombinator = "\uf23b";
public const string OptinMonster = "\uf23c";
public const string Opencart = "\uf23d";
public const string Expeditedssl = "\uf23e";
public const string BatteryFull = "\uf240";
public const string BatteryThreeQuarters = "\uf241";
public const string BatteryHalf = "\uf242";
public const string BatteryQuarter = "\uf243";
public const string BatteryEmpty = "\uf244";
public const string MousePointer = "\uf245";
public const string ICursor = "\uf246";
public const string ObjectGroup = "\uf247";
public const string ObjectUngroup = "\uf248";
public const string StickyNote = "\uf249";
public const string StickyNoteO = "\uf24a";
public const string CcJcb = "\uf24b";
public const string CcDinersClub = "\uf24c";
public const string Clone = "\uf24d";
public const string BalanceScale = "\uf24e";
public const string HourglassO = "\uf250";
public const string HourglassStart = "\uf251";
public const string HourglassHalf = "\uf252";
public const string HourglassEnd = "\uf253";
public const string Hourglass = "\uf254";
public const string HandRockO = "\uf255";
public const string HandPaperO = "\uf256";
public const string HandScissorsO = "\uf257";
public const string HandLizardO = "\uf258";
public const string HandSpockO = "\uf259";
public const string HandPointerO = "\uf25a";
public const string HandPeaceO = "\uf25b";
public const string Trademark = "\uf25c";
public const string Registered = "\uf25d";
public const string CreativeCommons = "\uf25e";
public const string Gg = "\uf260";
public const string GgCircle = "\uf261";
public const string Tripadvisor = "\uf262";
public const string Odnoklassniki = "\uf263";
public const string OdnoklassnikiSquare = "\uf264";
public const string GetPocket = "\uf265";
public const string WikipediaW = "\uf266";
public const string Safari = "\uf267";
public const string Chrome = "\uf268";
public const string Firefox = "\uf269";
public const string Opera = "\uf26a";
public const string InternetExplorer = "\uf26b";
public const string Television = "\uf26c";
public const string Contao = "\uf26d";
public const string Num500px = "\uf26e";
public const string Amazon = "\uf270";
public const string CalendarPlusO = "\uf271";
public const string CalendarMinusO = "\uf272";
public const string CalendarTimesO = "\uf273";
public const string CalendarCheckO = "\uf274";
public const string Industry = "\uf275";
public const string MapPin = "\uf276";
public const string MapSigns = "\uf277";
public const string MapO = "\uf278";
public const string Map = "\uf279";
public const string Commenting = "\uf27a";
public const string CommentingO = "\uf27b";
public const string Houzz = "\uf27c";
public const string Vimeo = "\uf27d";
public const string BlackTie = "\uf27e";
public const string Fonticons = "\uf280";
public const string RedditAlien = "\uf281";
public const string Edge = "\uf282";
public const string CreditCardAlt = "\uf283";
public const string Codiepie = "\uf284";
public const string Modx = "\uf285";
public const string FortAwesome = "\uf286";
public const string Usb = "\uf287";
public const string ProductHunt = "\uf288";
public const string Mixcloud = "\uf289";
public const string Scribd = "\uf28a";
public const string PauseCircle = "\uf28b";
public const string PauseCircleO = "\uf28c";
public const string StopCircle = "\uf28d";
public const string StopCircleO = "\uf28e";
public const string ShoppingBag = "\uf290";
public const string ShoppingBasket = "\uf291";
public const string Hashtag = "\uf292";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf293";
public const string BluetoothB = "\uf294";
public const string Percent = "\uf295";
public const string Gitlab = "\uf296";
public const string Wpbeginner = "\uf297";
public const string Wpforms = "\uf298";
public const string Envira = "\uf299";
public const string UniversalAccess = "\uf29a";
public const string WheelchairAlt = "\uf29b";
public const string QuestionCircleO = "\uf29c";
public const string Blind = "\uf29d";
public const string AudioDescription = "\uf29e";
public const string VolumeControlPhone = "\uf2a0";
public const string Braille = "\uf2a1";
public const string AssistiveListeningSystems = "\uf2a2";
public const string AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting = "\uf2a3";
public const string Deaf = "\uf2a4";
public const string Glide = "\uf2a5";
public const string GlideG = "\uf2a6";
public const string SignLanguage = "\uf2a7";
public const string LowVision = "\uf2a8";
public const string Viadeo = "\uf2a9";
public const string ViadeoSquare = "\uf2aa";
public const string Snapchat = "\uf2ab";
public const string SnapchatGhost = "\uf2ac";
public const string SnapchatSquare = "\uf2ad";
public const string PiedPiper = "\uf2ae";
public const string FirstOrder = "\uf2b0";
public const string Yoast = "\uf2b1";
public const string Themeisle = "\uf2b2";
public const string GooglePlusOfficial = "\uf2b3";
public const string FontAwesome = "\uf2b4";
public const string HandshakeO = "\uf2b5";
public const string EnvelopeOpen = "\uf2b6";
public const string EnvelopeOpenO = "\uf2b7";
public const string Linode = "\uf2b8";
public const string AddressBook = "\uf2b9";
public const string AddressBookO = "\uf2ba";
public const string AddressCard = "\uf2bb";
public const string AddressCardO = "\uf2bc";
public const string UserCircle = "\uf2bd";
public const string UserCircleO = "\uf2be";
public const string UserO = "\uf2c0";
public const string IdBadge = "\uf2c1";
public const string IdCard = "\uf2c2";
public const string IdCardO = "\uf2c3";
public const string Quora = "\uf2c4";
public const string FreeCodeCamp = "\uf2c5";
public const string Telegram = "\uf2c6";
public const string ThermometerFull = "\uf2c7";
public const string ThermometerThreeQuarters = "\uf2c8";
public const string ThermometerHalf = "\uf2c9";
public const string ThermometerQuarter = "\uf2ca";
public const string ThermometerEmpty = "\uf2cb";
public const string Shower = "\uf2cc";
public const string Bath = "\uf2cd";
public const string Podcast = "\uf2ce";
public const string WindowMaximize = "\uf2d0";
public const string WindowMinimize = "\uf2d1";
public const string WindowRestore = "\uf2d2";
public const string WindowClose = "\uf2d3";
public const string WindowCloseO = "\uf2d4";
public const string Bandcamp = "\uf2d5";
public const string Grav = "\uf2d6";
public const string Etsy = "\uf2d7";
public const string Imdb = "\uf2d8";
public const string Ravelry = "\uf2d9";
public const string Eercast = "\uf2da";
public const string Microchip = "\uf2db";
public const string SnowflakeO = "\uf2dc";
public const string Superpowers = "\uf2dd";
public const string Wpexplorer = "\uf2de";
public const string Meetup = "\uf2e0";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
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"Glass": "\xef\x80\x80", // U+f000
"Music": "\xef\x80\x81", // U+f001
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"ArrowCircleOUp": "\xef\x80\x9b", // U+f01b
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"PlayCircleO": "\xef\x80\x9d", // U+f01d
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"VolumeUp": "\xef\x80\xa8", // U+f028
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"PictureO": "\xef\x80\xbe", // U+f03e
"Pencil": "\xef\x81\x80", // U+f040
"MapMarker": "\xef\x81\x81", // U+f041
"Adjust": "\xef\x81\x82", // U+f042
"Tint": "\xef\x81\x83", // U+f043
"PencilSquareO": "\xef\x81\x84", // U+f044
"ShareSquareO": "\xef\x81\x85", // U+f045
"CheckSquareO": "\xef\x81\x86", // U+f046
"Arrows": "\xef\x81\x87", // U+f047
"StepBackward": "\xef\x81\x88", // U+f048
"FastBackward": "\xef\x81\x89", // U+f049
"Backward": "\xef\x81\x8a", // U+f04a
"Play": "\xef\x81\x8b", // U+f04b
"Pause": "\xef\x81\x8c", // U+f04c
"Stop": "\xef\x81\x8d", // U+f04d
"Forward": "\xef\x81\x8e", // U+f04e
"FastForward": "\xef\x81\x90", // U+f050
"StepForward": "\xef\x81\x91", // U+f051
"Eject": "\xef\x81\x92", // U+f052
"ChevronLeft": "\xef\x81\x93", // U+f053
"ChevronRight": "\xef\x81\x94", // U+f054
"PlusCircle": "\xef\x81\x95", // U+f055
"MinusCircle": "\xef\x81\x96", // U+f056
"TimesCircle": "\xef\x81\x97", // U+f057
"CheckCircle": "\xef\x81\x98", // U+f058
"QuestionCircle": "\xef\x81\x99", // U+f059
"InfoCircle": "\xef\x81\x9a", // U+f05a
"Crosshairs": "\xef\x81\x9b", // U+f05b
"TimesCircleO": "\xef\x81\x9c", // U+f05c
"CheckCircleO": "\xef\x81\x9d", // U+f05d
"Ban": "\xef\x81\x9e", // U+f05e
"ArrowLeft": "\xef\x81\xa0", // U+f060
"ArrowRight": "\xef\x81\xa1", // U+f061
"ArrowUp": "\xef\x81\xa2", // U+f062
"ArrowDown": "\xef\x81\xa3", // U+f063
"Share": "\xef\x81\xa4", // U+f064
"Expand": "\xef\x81\xa5", // U+f065
"Compress": "\xef\x81\xa6", // U+f066
"Plus": "\xef\x81\xa7", // U+f067
"Minus": "\xef\x81\xa8", // U+f068
"Asterisk": "\xef\x81\xa9", // U+f069
"ExclamationCircle": "\xef\x81\xaa", // U+f06a
"Gift": "\xef\x81\xab", // U+f06b
"Leaf": "\xef\x81\xac", // U+f06c
"Fire": "\xef\x81\xad", // U+f06d
"Eye": "\xef\x81\xae", // U+f06e
"EyeSlash": "\xef\x81\xb0", // U+f070
"ExclamationTriangle": "\xef\x81\xb1", // U+f071
"Plane": "\xef\x81\xb2", // U+f072
"Calendar": "\xef\x81\xb3", // U+f073
"Random": "\xef\x81\xb4", // U+f074
"Comment": "\xef\x81\xb5", // U+f075
"Magnet": "\xef\x81\xb6", // U+f076
"ChevronUp": "\xef\x81\xb7", // U+f077
"ChevronDown": "\xef\x81\xb8", // U+f078
"Retweet": "\xef\x81\xb9", // U+f079
"ShoppingCart": "\xef\x81\xba", // U+f07a
"Folder": "\xef\x81\xbb", // U+f07b
"FolderOpen": "\xef\x81\xbc", // U+f07c
"ArrowsV": "\xef\x81\xbd", // U+f07d
"ArrowsH": "\xef\x81\xbe", // U+f07e
"BarChart": "\xef\x82\x80", // U+f080
"TwitterSquare": "\xef\x82\x81", // U+f081
"FacebookSquare": "\xef\x82\x82", // U+f082
"CameraRetro": "\xef\x82\x83", // U+f083
"Key": "\xef\x82\x84", // U+f084
"Cogs": "\xef\x82\x85", // U+f085
"Comments": "\xef\x82\x86", // U+f086
"ThumbsOUp": "\xef\x82\x87", // U+f087
"ThumbsODown": "\xef\x82\x88", // U+f088
"StarHalf": "\xef\x82\x89", // U+f089
"HeartO": "\xef\x82\x8a", // U+f08a
"SignOut": "\xef\x82\x8b", // U+f08b
"LinkedinSquare": "\xef\x82\x8c", // U+f08c
"ThumbTack": "\xef\x82\x8d", // U+f08d
"ExternalLink": "\xef\x82\x8e", // U+f08e
"SignIn": "\xef\x82\x90", // U+f090
"Trophy": "\xef\x82\x91", // U+f091
"GithubSquare": "\xef\x82\x92", // U+f092
"Upload": "\xef\x82\x93", // U+f093
"LemonO": "\xef\x82\x94", // U+f094
"Phone": "\xef\x82\x95", // U+f095
"SquareO": "\xef\x82\x96", // U+f096
"BookmarkO": "\xef\x82\x97", // U+f097
"PhoneSquare": "\xef\x82\x98", // U+f098
"Twitter": "\xef\x82\x99", // U+f099
"Facebook": "\xef\x82\x9a", // U+f09a
"Github": "\xef\x82\x9b", // U+f09b
"Unlock": "\xef\x82\x9c", // U+f09c
"CreditCard": "\xef\x82\x9d", // U+f09d
"Rss": "\xef\x82\x9e", // U+f09e
"HddO": "\xef\x82\xa0", // U+f0a0
"Bullhorn": "\xef\x82\xa1", // U+f0a1
"Bell": "\xef\x83\xb3", // U+f0f3
"Certificate": "\xef\x82\xa3", // U+f0a3
"HandORight": "\xef\x82\xa4", // U+f0a4
"HandOLeft": "\xef\x82\xa5", // U+f0a5
"HandOUp": "\xef\x82\xa6", // U+f0a6
"HandODown": "\xef\x82\xa7", // U+f0a7
"ArrowCircleLeft": "\xef\x82\xa8", // U+f0a8
"ArrowCircleRight": "\xef\x82\xa9", // U+f0a9
"ArrowCircleUp": "\xef\x82\xaa", // U+f0aa
"ArrowCircleDown": "\xef\x82\xab", // U+f0ab
"Globe": "\xef\x82\xac", // U+f0ac
"Wrench": "\xef\x82\xad", // U+f0ad
"Tasks": "\xef\x82\xae", // U+f0ae
"Filter": "\xef\x82\xb0", // U+f0b0
"Briefcase": "\xef\x82\xb1", // U+f0b1
"ArrowsAlt": "\xef\x82\xb2", // U+f0b2
"Users": "\xef\x83\x80", // U+f0c0
"Link": "\xef\x83\x81", // U+f0c1
"Cloud": "\xef\x83\x82", // U+f0c2
"Flask": "\xef\x83\x83", // U+f0c3
"Scissors": "\xef\x83\x84", // U+f0c4
"FilesO": "\xef\x83\x85", // U+f0c5
"Paperclip": "\xef\x83\x86", // U+f0c6
"FloppyO": "\xef\x83\x87", // U+f0c7
"Square": "\xef\x83\x88", // U+f0c8
"Bars": "\xef\x83\x89", // U+f0c9
"ListUl": "\xef\x83\x8a", // U+f0ca
"ListOl": "\xef\x83\x8b", // U+f0cb
"Strikethrough": "\xef\x83\x8c", // U+f0cc
"Underline": "\xef\x83\x8d", // U+f0cd
"Table": "\xef\x83\x8e", // U+f0ce
"Magic": "\xef\x83\x90", // U+f0d0
"Truck": "\xef\x83\x91", // U+f0d1
"Pinterest": "\xef\x83\x92", // U+f0d2
"PinterestSquare": "\xef\x83\x93", // U+f0d3
"GooglePlusSquare": "\xef\x83\x94", // U+f0d4
"GooglePlus": "\xef\x83\x95", // U+f0d5
"Money": "\xef\x83\x96", // U+f0d6
"CaretDown": "\xef\x83\x97", // U+f0d7
"CaretUp": "\xef\x83\x98", // U+f0d8
"CaretLeft": "\xef\x83\x99", // U+f0d9
"CaretRight": "\xef\x83\x9a", // U+f0da
"Columns": "\xef\x83\x9b", // U+f0db
"Sort": "\xef\x83\x9c", // U+f0dc
"SortDesc": "\xef\x83\x9d", // U+f0dd
"SortAsc": "\xef\x83\x9e", // U+f0de
"Envelope": "\xef\x83\xa0", // U+f0e0
"Linkedin": "\xef\x83\xa1", // U+f0e1
"Undo": "\xef\x83\xa2", // U+f0e2
"Gavel": "\xef\x83\xa3", // U+f0e3
"Tachometer": "\xef\x83\xa4", // U+f0e4
"CommentO": "\xef\x83\xa5", // U+f0e5
"CommentsO": "\xef\x83\xa6", // U+f0e6
"Bolt": "\xef\x83\xa7", // U+f0e7
"Sitemap": "\xef\x83\xa8", // U+f0e8
"Umbrella": "\xef\x83\xa9", // U+f0e9
"Clipboard": "\xef\x83\xaa", // U+f0ea
"LightbulbO": "\xef\x83\xab", // U+f0eb
"Exchange": "\xef\x83\xac", // U+f0ec
"CloudDownload": "\xef\x83\xad", // U+f0ed
"CloudUpload": "\xef\x83\xae", // U+f0ee
"UserMd": "\xef\x83\xb0", // U+f0f0
"Stethoscope": "\xef\x83\xb1", // U+f0f1
"Suitcase": "\xef\x83\xb2", // U+f0f2
"BellO": "\xef\x82\xa2", // U+f0a2
"Coffee": "\xef\x83\xb4", // U+f0f4
"Cutlery": "\xef\x83\xb5", // U+f0f5
"FileTextO": "\xef\x83\xb6", // U+f0f6
"BuildingO": "\xef\x83\xb7", // U+f0f7
"HospitalO": "\xef\x83\xb8", // U+f0f8
"Ambulance": "\xef\x83\xb9", // U+f0f9
"Medkit": "\xef\x83\xba", // U+f0fa
"FighterJet": "\xef\x83\xbb", // U+f0fb
"Beer": "\xef\x83\xbc", // U+f0fc
"HSquare": "\xef\x83\xbd", // U+f0fd
"PlusSquare": "\xef\x83\xbe", // U+f0fe
"AngleDoubleLeft": "\xef\x84\x80", // U+f100
"AngleDoubleRight": "\xef\x84\x81", // U+f101
"AngleDoubleUp": "\xef\x84\x82", // U+f102
"AngleDoubleDown": "\xef\x84\x83", // U+f103
"AngleLeft": "\xef\x84\x84", // U+f104
"AngleRight": "\xef\x84\x85", // U+f105
"AngleUp": "\xef\x84\x86", // U+f106
"AngleDown": "\xef\x84\x87", // U+f107
"Desktop": "\xef\x84\x88", // U+f108
"Laptop": "\xef\x84\x89", // U+f109
"Tablet": "\xef\x84\x8a", // U+f10a
"Mobile": "\xef\x84\x8b", // U+f10b
"CircleO": "\xef\x84\x8c", // U+f10c
"QuoteLeft": "\xef\x84\x8d", // U+f10d
"QuoteRight": "\xef\x84\x8e", // U+f10e
"Spinner": "\xef\x84\x90", // U+f110
"Circle": "\xef\x84\x91", // U+f111
"Reply": "\xef\x84\x92", // U+f112
"GithubAlt": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"FolderO": "\xef\x84\x94", // U+f114
"FolderOpenO": "\xef\x84\x95", // U+f115
"SmileO": "\xef\x84\x98", // U+f118
"FrownO": "\xef\x84\x99", // U+f119
"MehO": "\xef\x84\x9a", // U+f11a
"Gamepad": "\xef\x84\x9b", // U+f11b
"KeyboardO": "\xef\x84\x9c", // U+f11c
"FlagO": "\xef\x84\x9d", // U+f11d
"FlagCheckered": "\xef\x84\x9e", // U+f11e
"Terminal": "\xef\x84\xa0", // U+f120
"Code": "\xef\x84\xa1", // U+f121
"ReplyAll": "\xef\x84\xa2", // U+f122
"StarHalfO": "\xef\x84\xa3", // U+f123
"LocationArrow": "\xef\x84\xa4", // U+f124
"Crop": "\xef\x84\xa5", // U+f125
"CodeFork": "\xef\x84\xa6", // U+f126
"ChainBroken": "\xef\x84\xa7", // U+f127
"Question": "\xef\x84\xa8", // U+f128
"Info": "\xef\x84\xa9", // U+f129
"Exclamation": "\xef\x84\xaa", // U+f12a
"Superscript": "\xef\x84\xab", // U+f12b
"Subscript": "\xef\x84\xac", // U+f12c
"Eraser": "\xef\x84\xad", // U+f12d
"PuzzlePiece": "\xef\x84\xae", // U+f12e
"Microphone": "\xef\x84\xb0", // U+f130
"MicrophoneSlash": "\xef\x84\xb1", // U+f131
"Shield": "\xef\x84\xb2", // U+f132
"CalendarO": "\xef\x84\xb3", // U+f133
"FireExtinguisher": "\xef\x84\xb4", // U+f134
"Rocket": "\xef\x84\xb5", // U+f135
"Maxcdn": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"ChevronCircleLeft": "\xef\x84\xb7", // U+f137
"ChevronCircleRight": "\xef\x84\xb8", // U+f138
"ChevronCircleUp": "\xef\x84\xb9", // U+f139
"ChevronCircleDown": "\xef\x84\xba", // U+f13a
"Html5": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Css3": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Anchor": "\xef\x84\xbd", // U+f13d
"UnlockAlt": "\xef\x84\xbe", // U+f13e
"Bullseye": "\xef\x85\x80", // U+f140
"EllipsisH": "\xef\x85\x81", // U+f141
"EllipsisV": "\xef\x85\x82", // U+f142
"RssSquare": "\xef\x85\x83", // U+f143
"PlayCircle": "\xef\x85\x84", // U+f144
"Ticket": "\xef\x85\x85", // U+f145
"MinusSquare": "\xef\x85\x86", // U+f146
"MinusSquareO": "\xef\x85\x87", // U+f147
"LevelUp": "\xef\x85\x88", // U+f148
"LevelDown": "\xef\x85\x89", // U+f149
"CheckSquare": "\xef\x85\x8a", // U+f14a
"PencilSquare": "\xef\x85\x8b", // U+f14b
"ExternalLinkSquare": "\xef\x85\x8c", // U+f14c
"ShareSquare": "\xef\x85\x8d", // U+f14d
"Compass": "\xef\x85\x8e", // U+f14e
"CaretSquareODown": "\xef\x85\x90", // U+f150
"CaretSquareOUp": "\xef\x85\x91", // U+f151
"CaretSquareORight": "\xef\x85\x92", // U+f152
"Eur": "\xef\x85\x93", // U+f153
"Gbp": "\xef\x85\x94", // U+f154
"Usd": "\xef\x85\x95", // U+f155
"Inr": "\xef\x85\x96", // U+f156
"Jpy": "\xef\x85\x97", // U+f157
"Rub": "\xef\x85\x98", // U+f158
"Krw": "\xef\x85\x99", // U+f159
"Btc": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
"File": "\xef\x85\x9b", // U+f15b
"FileText": "\xef\x85\x9c", // U+f15c
"SortAlphaAsc": "\xef\x85\x9d", // U+f15d
"SortAlphaDesc": "\xef\x85\x9e", // U+f15e
"SortAmountAsc": "\xef\x85\xa0", // U+f160
"SortAmountDesc": "\xef\x85\xa1", // U+f161
"SortNumericAsc": "\xef\x85\xa2", // U+f162
"SortNumericDesc": "\xef\x85\xa3", // U+f163
"ThumbsUp": "\xef\x85\xa4", // U+f164
"ThumbsDown": "\xef\x85\xa5", // U+f165
"YoutubeSquare": "\xef\x85\xa6", // U+f166
"Youtube": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"Xing": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"XingSquare": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"YoutubePlay": "\xef\x85\xaa", // U+f16a
"Dropbox": "\xef\x85\xab", // U+f16b
"StackOverflow": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"Instagram": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"Flickr": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"Adn": "\xef\x85\xb0", // U+f170
"Bitbucket": "\xef\x85\xb1", // U+f171
"BitbucketSquare": "\xef\x85\xb2", // U+f172
"Tumblr": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"TumblrSquare": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"LongArrowDown": "\xef\x85\xb5", // U+f175
"LongArrowUp": "\xef\x85\xb6", // U+f176
"LongArrowLeft": "\xef\x85\xb7", // U+f177
"LongArrowRight": "\xef\x85\xb8", // U+f178
"Apple": "\xef\x85\xb9", // U+f179
"Windows": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"Android": "\xef\x85\xbb", // U+f17b
"Linux": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Dribbble": "\xef\x85\xbd", // U+f17d
"Skype": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Foursquare": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"Trello": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"Female": "\xef\x86\x82", // U+f182
"Male": "\xef\x86\x83", // U+f183
"Gratipay": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"SunO": "\xef\x86\x85", // U+f185
"MoonO": "\xef\x86\x86", // U+f186
"Archive": "\xef\x86\x87", // U+f187
"Bug": "\xef\x86\x88", // U+f188
"Vk": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"Weibo": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"Renren": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Pagelines": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"StackExchange": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"ArrowCircleORight": "\xef\x86\x8e", // U+f18e
"ArrowCircleOLeft": "\xef\x86\x90", // U+f190
"CaretSquareOLeft": "\xef\x86\x91", // U+f191
"DotCircleO": "\xef\x86\x92", // U+f192
"Wheelchair": "\xef\x86\x93", // U+f193
"VimeoSquare": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"Try": "\xef\x86\x95", // U+f195
"PlusSquareO": "\xef\x86\x96", // U+f196
"SpaceShuttle": "\xef\x86\x97", // U+f197
"Slack": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"EnvelopeSquare": "\xef\x86\x99", // U+f199
"Wordpress": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"Openid": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
"University": "\xef\x86\x9c", // U+f19c
"GraduationCap": "\xef\x86\x9d", // U+f19d
"Yahoo": "\xef\x86\x9e", // U+f19e
"Google": "\xef\x86\xa0", // U+f1a0
"Reddit": "\xef\x86\xa1", // U+f1a1
"RedditSquare": "\xef\x86\xa2", // U+f1a2
"StumbleuponCircle": "\xef\x86\xa3", // U+f1a3
"Stumbleupon": "\xef\x86\xa4", // U+f1a4
"Delicious": "\xef\x86\xa5", // U+f1a5
"Digg": "\xef\x86\xa6", // U+f1a6
"PiedPiperPp": "\xef\x86\xa7", // U+f1a7
"PiedPiperAlt": "\xef\x86\xa8", // U+f1a8
"Drupal": "\xef\x86\xa9", // U+f1a9
"Joomla": "\xef\x86\xaa", // U+f1aa
"Language": "\xef\x86\xab", // U+f1ab
"Fax": "\xef\x86\xac", // U+f1ac
"Building": "\xef\x86\xad", // U+f1ad
"Child": "\xef\x86\xae", // U+f1ae
"Paw": "\xef\x86\xb0", // U+f1b0
"Spoon": "\xef\x86\xb1", // U+f1b1
"Cube": "\xef\x86\xb2", // U+f1b2
"Cubes": "\xef\x86\xb3", // U+f1b3
"Behance": "\xef\x86\xb4", // U+f1b4
"BehanceSquare": "\xef\x86\xb5", // U+f1b5
"Steam": "\xef\x86\xb6", // U+f1b6
"SteamSquare": "\xef\x86\xb7", // U+f1b7
"Recycle": "\xef\x86\xb8", // U+f1b8
"Car": "\xef\x86\xb9", // U+f1b9
"Taxi": "\xef\x86\xba", // U+f1ba
"Tree": "\xef\x86\xbb", // U+f1bb
"Spotify": "\xef\x86\xbc", // U+f1bc
"Deviantart": "\xef\x86\xbd", // U+f1bd
"Soundcloud": "\xef\x86\xbe", // U+f1be
"Database": "\xef\x87\x80", // U+f1c0
"FilePdfO": "\xef\x87\x81", // U+f1c1
"FileWordO": "\xef\x87\x82", // U+f1c2
"FileExcelO": "\xef\x87\x83", // U+f1c3
"FilePowerpointO": "\xef\x87\x84", // U+f1c4
"FileImageO": "\xef\x87\x85", // U+f1c5
"FileArchiveO": "\xef\x87\x86", // U+f1c6
"FileAudioO": "\xef\x87\x87", // U+f1c7
"FileVideoO": "\xef\x87\x88", // U+f1c8
"FileCodeO": "\xef\x87\x89", // U+f1c9
"Vine": "\xef\x87\x8a", // U+f1ca
"Codepen": "\xef\x87\x8b", // U+f1cb
"Jsfiddle": "\xef\x87\x8c", // U+f1cc
"LifeRing": "\xef\x87\x8d", // U+f1cd
"CircleONotch": "\xef\x87\x8e", // U+f1ce
"Rebel": "\xef\x87\x90", // U+f1d0
"Empire": "\xef\x87\x91", // U+f1d1
"GitSquare": "\xef\x87\x92", // U+f1d2
"Git": "\xef\x87\x93", // U+f1d3
"HackerNews": "\xef\x87\x94", // U+f1d4
"TencentWeibo": "\xef\x87\x95", // U+f1d5
"Qq": "\xef\x87\x96", // U+f1d6
"Weixin": "\xef\x87\x97", // U+f1d7
"PaperPlane": "\xef\x87\x98", // U+f1d8
"PaperPlaneO": "\xef\x87\x99", // U+f1d9
"History": "\xef\x87\x9a", // U+f1da
"CircleThin": "\xef\x87\x9b", // U+f1db
"Header": "\xef\x87\x9c", // U+f1dc
"Paragraph": "\xef\x87\x9d", // U+f1dd
"Sliders": "\xef\x87\x9e", // U+f1de
"ShareAlt": "\xef\x87\xa0", // U+f1e0
"ShareAltSquare": "\xef\x87\xa1", // U+f1e1
"Bomb": "\xef\x87\xa2", // U+f1e2
"FutbolO": "\xef\x87\xa3", // U+f1e3
"Tty": "\xef\x87\xa4", // U+f1e4
"Binoculars": "\xef\x87\xa5", // U+f1e5
"Plug": "\xef\x87\xa6", // U+f1e6
"Slideshare": "\xef\x87\xa7", // U+f1e7
"Twitch": "\xef\x87\xa8", // U+f1e8
"Yelp": "\xef\x87\xa9", // U+f1e9
"NewspaperO": "\xef\x87\xaa", // U+f1ea
"Wifi": "\xef\x87\xab", // U+f1eb
"Calculator": "\xef\x87\xac", // U+f1ec
"Paypal": "\xef\x87\xad", // U+f1ed
"GoogleWallet": "\xef\x87\xae", // U+f1ee
"CcVisa": "\xef\x87\xb0", // U+f1f0
"CcMastercard": "\xef\x87\xb1", // U+f1f1
"CcDiscover": "\xef\x87\xb2", // U+f1f2
"CcAmex": "\xef\x87\xb3", // U+f1f3
"CcPaypal": "\xef\x87\xb4", // U+f1f4
"CcStripe": "\xef\x87\xb5", // U+f1f5
"BellSlash": "\xef\x87\xb6", // U+f1f6
"BellSlashO": "\xef\x87\xb7", // U+f1f7
"Trash": "\xef\x87\xb8", // U+f1f8
"Copyright": "\xef\x87\xb9", // U+f1f9
"At": "\xef\x87\xba", // U+f1fa
"Eyedropper": "\xef\x87\xbb", // U+f1fb
"PaintBrush": "\xef\x87\xbc", // U+f1fc
"BirthdayCake": "\xef\x87\xbd", // U+f1fd
"AreaChart": "\xef\x87\xbe", // U+f1fe
"PieChart": "\xef\x88\x80", // U+f200
"LineChart": "\xef\x88\x81", // U+f201
"Lastfm": "\xef\x88\x82", // U+f202
"LastfmSquare": "\xef\x88\x83", // U+f203
"ToggleOff": "\xef\x88\x84", // U+f204
"ToggleOn": "\xef\x88\x85", // U+f205
"Bicycle": "\xef\x88\x86", // U+f206
"Bus": "\xef\x88\x87", // U+f207
"Ioxhost": "\xef\x88\x88", // U+f208
"Angellist": "\xef\x88\x89", // U+f209
"Cc": "\xef\x88\x8a", // U+f20a
"Ils": "\xef\x88\x8b", // U+f20b
"Meanpath": "\xef\x88\x8c", // U+f20c
"Buysellads": "\xef\x88\x8d", // U+f20d
"Connectdevelop": "\xef\x88\x8e", // U+f20e
"Dashcube": "\xef\x88\x90", // U+f210
"Forumbee": "\xef\x88\x91", // U+f211
"Leanpub": "\xef\x88\x92", // U+f212
"Sellsy": "\xef\x88\x93", // U+f213
"Shirtsinbulk": "\xef\x88\x94", // U+f214
"Simplybuilt": "\xef\x88\x95", // U+f215
"Skyatlas": "\xef\x88\x96", // U+f216
"CartPlus": "\xef\x88\x97", // U+f217
"CartArrowDown": "\xef\x88\x98", // U+f218
"Diamond": "\xef\x88\x99", // U+f219
"Ship": "\xef\x88\x9a", // U+f21a
"UserSecret": "\xef\x88\x9b", // U+f21b
"Motorcycle": "\xef\x88\x9c", // U+f21c
"StreetView": "\xef\x88\x9d", // U+f21d
"Heartbeat": "\xef\x88\x9e", // U+f21e
"Venus": "\xef\x88\xa1", // U+f221
"Mars": "\xef\x88\xa2", // U+f222
"Mercury": "\xef\x88\xa3", // U+f223
"Transgender": "\xef\x88\xa4", // U+f224
"TransgenderAlt": "\xef\x88\xa5", // U+f225
"VenusDouble": "\xef\x88\xa6", // U+f226
"MarsDouble": "\xef\x88\xa7", // U+f227
"VenusMars": "\xef\x88\xa8", // U+f228
"MarsStroke": "\xef\x88\xa9", // U+f229
"MarsStrokeV": "\xef\x88\xaa", // U+f22a
"MarsStrokeH": "\xef\x88\xab", // U+f22b
"Neuter": "\xef\x88\xac", // U+f22c
"Genderless": "\xef\x88\xad", // U+f22d
"FacebookOfficial": "\xef\x88\xb0", // U+f230
"PinterestP": "\xef\x88\xb1", // U+f231
"Whatsapp": "\xef\x88\xb2", // U+f232
"Server": "\xef\x88\xb3", // U+f233
"UserPlus": "\xef\x88\xb4", // U+f234
"UserTimes": "\xef\x88\xb5", // U+f235
"Bed": "\xef\x88\xb6", // U+f236
"Viacoin": "\xef\x88\xb7", // U+f237
"Train": "\xef\x88\xb8", // U+f238
"Subway": "\xef\x88\xb9", // U+f239
"Medium": "\xef\x88\xba", // U+f23a
"YCombinator": "\xef\x88\xbb", // U+f23b
"OptinMonster": "\xef\x88\xbc", // U+f23c
"Opencart": "\xef\x88\xbd", // U+f23d
"Expeditedssl": "\xef\x88\xbe", // U+f23e
"BatteryFull": "\xef\x89\x80", // U+f240
"BatteryThreeQuarters": "\xef\x89\x81", // U+f241
"BatteryHalf": "\xef\x89\x82", // U+f242
"BatteryQuarter": "\xef\x89\x83", // U+f243
"BatteryEmpty": "\xef\x89\x84", // U+f244
"MousePointer": "\xef\x89\x85", // U+f245
"ICursor": "\xef\x89\x86", // U+f246
"ObjectGroup": "\xef\x89\x87", // U+f247
"ObjectUngroup": "\xef\x89\x88", // U+f248
"StickyNote": "\xef\x89\x89", // U+f249
"StickyNoteO": "\xef\x89\x8a", // U+f24a
"CcJcb": "\xef\x89\x8b", // U+f24b
"CcDinersClub": "\xef\x89\x8c", // U+f24c
"Clone": "\xef\x89\x8d", // U+f24d
"BalanceScale": "\xef\x89\x8e", // U+f24e
"HourglassO": "\xef\x89\x90", // U+f250
"HourglassStart": "\xef\x89\x91", // U+f251
"HourglassHalf": "\xef\x89\x92", // U+f252
"HourglassEnd": "\xef\x89\x93", // U+f253
"Hourglass": "\xef\x89\x94", // U+f254
"HandRockO": "\xef\x89\x95", // U+f255
"HandPaperO": "\xef\x89\x96", // U+f256
"HandScissorsO": "\xef\x89\x97", // U+f257
"HandLizardO": "\xef\x89\x98", // U+f258
"HandSpockO": "\xef\x89\x99", // U+f259
"HandPointerO": "\xef\x89\x9a", // U+f25a
"HandPeaceO": "\xef\x89\x9b", // U+f25b
"Trademark": "\xef\x89\x9c", // U+f25c
"Registered": "\xef\x89\x9d", // U+f25d
"CreativeCommons": "\xef\x89\x9e", // U+f25e
"Gg": "\xef\x89\xa0", // U+f260
"GgCircle": "\xef\x89\xa1", // U+f261
"Tripadvisor": "\xef\x89\xa2", // U+f262
"Odnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa3", // U+f263
"OdnoklassnikiSquare": "\xef\x89\xa4", // U+f264
"GetPocket": "\xef\x89\xa5", // U+f265
"WikipediaW": "\xef\x89\xa6", // U+f266
"Safari": "\xef\x89\xa7", // U+f267
"Chrome": "\xef\x89\xa8", // U+f268
"Firefox": "\xef\x89\xa9", // U+f269
"Opera": "\xef\x89\xaa", // U+f26a
"InternetExplorer": "\xef\x89\xab", // U+f26b
"Television": "\xef\x89\xac", // U+f26c
"Contao": "\xef\x89\xad", // U+f26d
"500px": "\xef\x89\xae", // U+f26e
"Amazon": "\xef\x89\xb0", // U+f270
"CalendarPlusO": "\xef\x89\xb1", // U+f271
"CalendarMinusO": "\xef\x89\xb2", // U+f272
"CalendarTimesO": "\xef\x89\xb3", // U+f273
"CalendarCheckO": "\xef\x89\xb4", // U+f274
"Industry": "\xef\x89\xb5", // U+f275
"MapPin": "\xef\x89\xb6", // U+f276
"MapSigns": "\xef\x89\xb7", // U+f277
"MapO": "\xef\x89\xb8", // U+f278
"Map": "\xef\x89\xb9", // U+f279
"Commenting": "\xef\x89\xba", // U+f27a
"CommentingO": "\xef\x89\xbb", // U+f27b
"Houzz": "\xef\x89\xbc", // U+f27c
"Vimeo": "\xef\x89\xbd", // U+f27d
"BlackTie": "\xef\x89\xbe", // U+f27e
"Fonticons": "\xef\x8a\x80", // U+f280
"RedditAlien": "\xef\x8a\x81", // U+f281
"Edge": "\xef\x8a\x82", // U+f282
"CreditCardAlt": "\xef\x8a\x83", // U+f283
"Codiepie": "\xef\x8a\x84", // U+f284
"Modx": "\xef\x8a\x85", // U+f285
"FortAwesome": "\xef\x8a\x86", // U+f286
"Usb": "\xef\x8a\x87", // U+f287
"ProductHunt": "\xef\x8a\x88", // U+f288
"Mixcloud": "\xef\x8a\x89", // U+f289
"Scribd": "\xef\x8a\x8a", // U+f28a
"PauseCircle": "\xef\x8a\x8b", // U+f28b
"PauseCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x8c", // U+f28c
"StopCircle": "\xef\x8a\x8d", // U+f28d
"StopCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x8e", // U+f28e
"ShoppingBag": "\xef\x8a\x90", // U+f290
"ShoppingBasket": "\xef\x8a\x91", // U+f291
"Hashtag": "\xef\x8a\x92", // U+f292
"Bluetooth": "\xef\x8a\x93", // U+f293
"BluetoothB": "\xef\x8a\x94", // U+f294
"Percent": "\xef\x8a\x95", // U+f295
"Gitlab": "\xef\x8a\x96", // U+f296
"Wpbeginner": "\xef\x8a\x97", // U+f297
"Wpforms": "\xef\x8a\x98", // U+f298
"Envira": "\xef\x8a\x99", // U+f299
"UniversalAccess": "\xef\x8a\x9a", // U+f29a
"WheelchairAlt": "\xef\x8a\x9b", // U+f29b
"QuestionCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x9c", // U+f29c
"Blind": "\xef\x8a\x9d", // U+f29d
"AudioDescription": "\xef\x8a\x9e", // U+f29e
"VolumeControlPhone": "\xef\x8a\xa0", // U+f2a0
"Braille": "\xef\x8a\xa1", // U+f2a1
"AssistiveListeningSystems": "\xef\x8a\xa2", // U+f2a2
"AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting": "\xef\x8a\xa3", // U+f2a3
"Deaf": "\xef\x8a\xa4", // U+f2a4
"Glide": "\xef\x8a\xa5", // U+f2a5
"GlideG": "\xef\x8a\xa6", // U+f2a6
"SignLanguage": "\xef\x8a\xa7", // U+f2a7
"LowVision": "\xef\x8a\xa8", // U+f2a8
"Viadeo": "\xef\x8a\xa9", // U+f2a9
"ViadeoSquare": "\xef\x8a\xaa", // U+f2aa
"Snapchat": "\xef\x8a\xab", // U+f2ab
"SnapchatGhost": "\xef\x8a\xac", // U+f2ac
"SnapchatSquare": "\xef\x8a\xad", // U+f2ad
"PiedPiper": "\xef\x8a\xae", // U+f2ae
"FirstOrder": "\xef\x8a\xb0", // U+f2b0
"Yoast": "\xef\x8a\xb1", // U+f2b1
"Themeisle": "\xef\x8a\xb2", // U+f2b2
"GooglePlusOfficial": "\xef\x8a\xb3", // U+f2b3
"FontAwesome": "\xef\x8a\xb4", // U+f2b4
"HandshakeO": "\xef\x8a\xb5", // U+f2b5
"EnvelopeOpen": "\xef\x8a\xb6", // U+f2b6
"EnvelopeOpenO": "\xef\x8a\xb7", // U+f2b7
"Linode": "\xef\x8a\xb8", // U+f2b8
"AddressBook": "\xef\x8a\xb9", // U+f2b9
"AddressBookO": "\xef\x8a\xba", // U+f2ba
"AddressCard": "\xef\x8a\xbb", // U+f2bb
"AddressCardO": "\xef\x8a\xbc", // U+f2bc
"UserCircle": "\xef\x8a\xbd", // U+f2bd
"UserCircleO": "\xef\x8a\xbe", // U+f2be
"UserO": "\xef\x8b\x80", // U+f2c0
"IdBadge": "\xef\x8b\x81", // U+f2c1
"IdCard": "\xef\x8b\x82", // U+f2c2
"IdCardO": "\xef\x8b\x83", // U+f2c3
"Quora": "\xef\x8b\x84", // U+f2c4
"FreeCodeCamp": "\xef\x8b\x85", // U+f2c5
"Telegram": "\xef\x8b\x86", // U+f2c6
"ThermometerFull": "\xef\x8b\x87", // U+f2c7
"ThermometerThreeQuarters": "\xef\x8b\x88", // U+f2c8
"ThermometerHalf": "\xef\x8b\x89", // U+f2c9
"ThermometerQuarter": "\xef\x8b\x8a", // U+f2ca
"ThermometerEmpty": "\xef\x8b\x8b", // U+f2cb
"Shower": "\xef\x8b\x8c", // U+f2cc
"Bath": "\xef\x8b\x8d", // U+f2cd
"Podcast": "\xef\x8b\x8e", // U+f2ce
"WindowMaximize": "\xef\x8b\x90", // U+f2d0
"WindowMinimize": "\xef\x8b\x91", // U+f2d1
"WindowRestore": "\xef\x8b\x92", // U+f2d2
"WindowClose": "\xef\x8b\x93", // U+f2d3
"WindowCloseO": "\xef\x8b\x94", // U+f2d4
"Bandcamp": "\xef\x8b\x95", // U+f2d5
"Grav": "\xef\x8b\x96", // U+f2d6
"Etsy": "\xef\x8b\x97", // U+f2d7
"Imdb": "\xef\x8b\x98", // U+f2d8
"Ravelry": "\xef\x8b\x99", // U+f2d9
"Eercast": "\xef\x8b\x9a", // U+f2da
"Microchip": "\xef\x8b\x9b", // U+f2db
"SnowflakeO": "\xef\x8b\x9c", // U+f2dc
"Superpowers": "\xef\x8b\x9d", // U+f2dd
"Wpexplorer": "\xef\x8b\x9e", // U+f2de
"Meetup": "\xef\x8b\xa0", // U+f2e0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,685 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FA "fontawesome-webfont.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FA 0xf000
#define ICON_MAX_16_FA 0xf2e0
#define ICON_MAX_FA 0xf2e0
#define ICON_FA_GLASS "\xef\x80\x80" // U+f000
#define ICON_FA_MUSIC "\xef\x80\x81" // U+f001
#define ICON_FA_SEARCH "\xef\x80\x82" // U+f002
#define ICON_FA_ENVELOPE_O "\xef\x80\x83" // U+f003
#define ICON_FA_HEART "\xef\x80\x84" // U+f004
#define ICON_FA_STAR "\xef\x80\x85" // U+f005
#define ICON_FA_STAR_O "\xef\x80\x86" // U+f006
#define ICON_FA_USER "\xef\x80\x87" // U+f007
#define ICON_FA_FILM "\xef\x80\x88" // U+f008
#define ICON_FA_TH_LARGE "\xef\x80\x89" // U+f009
#define ICON_FA_TH "\xef\x80\x8a" // U+f00a
#define ICON_FA_TH_LIST "\xef\x80\x8b" // U+f00b
#define ICON_FA_CHECK "\xef\x80\x8c" // U+f00c
#define ICON_FA_TIMES "\xef\x80\x8d" // U+f00d
#define ICON_FA_SEARCH_PLUS "\xef\x80\x8e" // U+f00e
#define ICON_FA_SEARCH_MINUS "\xef\x80\x90" // U+f010
#define ICON_FA_POWER_OFF "\xef\x80\x91" // U+f011
#define ICON_FA_SIGNAL "\xef\x80\x92" // U+f012
#define ICON_FA_COG "\xef\x80\x93" // U+f013
#define ICON_FA_TRASH_O "\xef\x80\x94" // U+f014
#define ICON_FA_HOME "\xef\x80\x95" // U+f015
#define ICON_FA_FILE_O "\xef\x80\x96" // U+f016
#define ICON_FA_CLOCK_O "\xef\x80\x97" // U+f017
#define ICON_FA_ROAD "\xef\x80\x98" // U+f018
#define ICON_FA_DOWNLOAD "\xef\x80\x99" // U+f019
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN "\xef\x80\x9a" // U+f01a
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_UP "\xef\x80\x9b" // U+f01b
#define ICON_FA_INBOX "\xef\x80\x9c" // U+f01c
#define ICON_FA_PLAY_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x80\x9d" // U+f01d
#define ICON_FA_REPEAT "\xef\x80\x9e" // U+f01e
#define ICON_FA_REFRESH "\xef\x80\xa1" // U+f021
#define ICON_FA_LIST_ALT "\xef\x80\xa2" // U+f022
#define ICON_FA_LOCK "\xef\x80\xa3" // U+f023
#define ICON_FA_FLAG "\xef\x80\xa4" // U+f024
#define ICON_FA_HEADPHONES "\xef\x80\xa5" // U+f025
#define ICON_FA_VOLUME_OFF "\xef\x80\xa6" // U+f026
#define ICON_FA_VOLUME_DOWN "\xef\x80\xa7" // U+f027
#define ICON_FA_VOLUME_UP "\xef\x80\xa8" // U+f028
#define ICON_FA_QRCODE "\xef\x80\xa9" // U+f029
#define ICON_FA_BARCODE "\xef\x80\xaa" // U+f02a
#define ICON_FA_TAG "\xef\x80\xab" // U+f02b
#define ICON_FA_TAGS "\xef\x80\xac" // U+f02c
#define ICON_FA_BOOK "\xef\x80\xad" // U+f02d
#define ICON_FA_BOOKMARK "\xef\x80\xae" // U+f02e
#define ICON_FA_PRINT "\xef\x80\xaf" // U+f02f
#define ICON_FA_CAMERA "\xef\x80\xb0" // U+f030
#define ICON_FA_FONT "\xef\x80\xb1" // U+f031
#define ICON_FA_BOLD "\xef\x80\xb2" // U+f032
#define ICON_FA_ITALIC "\xef\x80\xb3" // U+f033
#define ICON_FA_TEXT_HEIGHT "\xef\x80\xb4" // U+f034
#define ICON_FA_TEXT_WIDTH "\xef\x80\xb5" // U+f035
#define ICON_FA_ALIGN_LEFT "\xef\x80\xb6" // U+f036
#define ICON_FA_ALIGN_CENTER "\xef\x80\xb7" // U+f037
#define ICON_FA_ALIGN_RIGHT "\xef\x80\xb8" // U+f038
#define ICON_FA_ALIGN_JUSTIFY "\xef\x80\xb9" // U+f039
#define ICON_FA_LIST "\xef\x80\xba" // U+f03a
#define ICON_FA_OUTDENT "\xef\x80\xbb" // U+f03b
#define ICON_FA_INDENT "\xef\x80\xbc" // U+f03c
#define ICON_FA_VIDEO_CAMERA "\xef\x80\xbd" // U+f03d
#define ICON_FA_PICTURE_O "\xef\x80\xbe" // U+f03e
#define ICON_FA_PENCIL "\xef\x81\x80" // U+f040
#define ICON_FA_MAP_MARKER "\xef\x81\x81" // U+f041
#define ICON_FA_ADJUST "\xef\x81\x82" // U+f042
#define ICON_FA_TINT "\xef\x81\x83" // U+f043
#define ICON_FA_PENCIL_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x84" // U+f044
#define ICON_FA_SHARE_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x85" // U+f045
#define ICON_FA_CHECK_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x86" // U+f046
#define ICON_FA_ARROWS "\xef\x81\x87" // U+f047
#define ICON_FA_STEP_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x88" // U+f048
#define ICON_FA_FAST_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x89" // U+f049
#define ICON_FA_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x8a" // U+f04a
#define ICON_FA_PLAY "\xef\x81\x8b" // U+f04b
#define ICON_FA_PAUSE "\xef\x81\x8c" // U+f04c
#define ICON_FA_STOP "\xef\x81\x8d" // U+f04d
#define ICON_FA_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x8e" // U+f04e
#define ICON_FA_FAST_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x90" // U+f050
#define ICON_FA_STEP_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x91" // U+f051
#define ICON_FA_EJECT "\xef\x81\x92" // U+f052
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_LEFT "\xef\x81\x93" // U+f053
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_RIGHT "\xef\x81\x94" // U+f054
#define ICON_FA_PLUS_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x95" // U+f055
#define ICON_FA_MINUS_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x96" // U+f056
#define ICON_FA_TIMES_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x97" // U+f057
#define ICON_FA_CHECK_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x98" // U+f058
#define ICON_FA_QUESTION_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x99" // U+f059
#define ICON_FA_INFO_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x9a" // U+f05a
#define ICON_FA_CROSSHAIRS "\xef\x81\x9b" // U+f05b
#define ICON_FA_TIMES_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x81\x9c" // U+f05c
#define ICON_FA_CHECK_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x81\x9d" // U+f05d
#define ICON_FA_BAN "\xef\x81\x9e" // U+f05e
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_LEFT "\xef\x81\xa0" // U+f060
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_RIGHT "\xef\x81\xa1" // U+f061
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_UP "\xef\x81\xa2" // U+f062
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x81\xa3" // U+f063
#define ICON_FA_SHARE "\xef\x81\xa4" // U+f064
#define ICON_FA_EXPAND "\xef\x81\xa5" // U+f065
#define ICON_FA_COMPRESS "\xef\x81\xa6" // U+f066
#define ICON_FA_PLUS "\xef\x81\xa7" // U+f067
#define ICON_FA_MINUS "\xef\x81\xa8" // U+f068
#define ICON_FA_ASTERISK "\xef\x81\xa9" // U+f069
#define ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\xaa" // U+f06a
#define ICON_FA_GIFT "\xef\x81\xab" // U+f06b
#define ICON_FA_LEAF "\xef\x81\xac" // U+f06c
#define ICON_FA_FIRE "\xef\x81\xad" // U+f06d
#define ICON_FA_EYE "\xef\x81\xae" // U+f06e
#define ICON_FA_EYE_SLASH "\xef\x81\xb0" // U+f070
#define ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE "\xef\x81\xb1" // U+f071
#define ICON_FA_PLANE "\xef\x81\xb2" // U+f072
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR "\xef\x81\xb3" // U+f073
#define ICON_FA_RANDOM "\xef\x81\xb4" // U+f074
#define ICON_FA_COMMENT "\xef\x81\xb5" // U+f075
#define ICON_FA_MAGNET "\xef\x81\xb6" // U+f076
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_UP "\xef\x81\xb7" // U+f077
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_DOWN "\xef\x81\xb8" // U+f078
#define ICON_FA_RETWEET "\xef\x81\xb9" // U+f079
#define ICON_FA_SHOPPING_CART "\xef\x81\xba" // U+f07a
#define ICON_FA_FOLDER "\xef\x81\xbb" // U+f07b
#define ICON_FA_FOLDER_OPEN "\xef\x81\xbc" // U+f07c
#define ICON_FA_ARROWS_V "\xef\x81\xbd" // U+f07d
#define ICON_FA_ARROWS_H "\xef\x81\xbe" // U+f07e
#define ICON_FA_BAR_CHART "\xef\x82\x80" // U+f080
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x81" // U+f081
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x82" // U+f082
#define ICON_FA_CAMERA_RETRO "\xef\x82\x83" // U+f083
#define ICON_FA_KEY "\xef\x82\x84" // U+f084
#define ICON_FA_COGS "\xef\x82\x85" // U+f085
#define ICON_FA_COMMENTS "\xef\x82\x86" // U+f086
#define ICON_FA_THUMBS_O_UP "\xef\x82\x87" // U+f087
#define ICON_FA_THUMBS_O_DOWN "\xef\x82\x88" // U+f088
#define ICON_FA_STAR_HALF "\xef\x82\x89" // U+f089
#define ICON_FA_HEART_O "\xef\x82\x8a" // U+f08a
#define ICON_FA_SIGN_OUT "\xef\x82\x8b" // U+f08b
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x8c" // U+f08c
#define ICON_FA_THUMB_TACK "\xef\x82\x8d" // U+f08d
#define ICON_FA_EXTERNAL_LINK "\xef\x82\x8e" // U+f08e
#define ICON_FA_SIGN_IN "\xef\x82\x90" // U+f090
#define ICON_FA_TROPHY "\xef\x82\x91" // U+f091
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x92" // U+f092
#define ICON_FA_UPLOAD "\xef\x82\x93" // U+f093
#define ICON_FA_LEMON_O "\xef\x82\x94" // U+f094
#define ICON_FA_PHONE "\xef\x82\x95" // U+f095
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_O "\xef\x82\x96" // U+f096
#define ICON_FA_BOOKMARK_O "\xef\x82\x97" // U+f097
#define ICON_FA_PHONE_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x98" // U+f098
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x99" // U+f099
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x9a" // U+f09a
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x9b" // U+f09b
#define ICON_FA_UNLOCK "\xef\x82\x9c" // U+f09c
#define ICON_FA_CREDIT_CARD "\xef\x82\x9d" // U+f09d
#define ICON_FA_RSS "\xef\x82\x9e" // U+f09e
#define ICON_FA_HDD_O "\xef\x82\xa0" // U+f0a0
#define ICON_FA_BULLHORN "\xef\x82\xa1" // U+f0a1
#define ICON_FA_BELL "\xef\x83\xb3" // U+f0f3
#define ICON_FA_CERTIFICATE "\xef\x82\xa3" // U+f0a3
#define ICON_FA_HAND_O_RIGHT "\xef\x82\xa4" // U+f0a4
#define ICON_FA_HAND_O_LEFT "\xef\x82\xa5" // U+f0a5
#define ICON_FA_HAND_O_UP "\xef\x82\xa6" // U+f0a6
#define ICON_FA_HAND_O_DOWN "\xef\x82\xa7" // U+f0a7
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT "\xef\x82\xa8" // U+f0a8
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT "\xef\x82\xa9" // U+f0a9
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP "\xef\x82\xaa" // U+f0aa
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN "\xef\x82\xab" // U+f0ab
#define ICON_FA_GLOBE "\xef\x82\xac" // U+f0ac
#define ICON_FA_WRENCH "\xef\x82\xad" // U+f0ad
#define ICON_FA_TASKS "\xef\x82\xae" // U+f0ae
#define ICON_FA_FILTER "\xef\x82\xb0" // U+f0b0
#define ICON_FA_BRIEFCASE "\xef\x82\xb1" // U+f0b1
#define ICON_FA_ARROWS_ALT "\xef\x82\xb2" // U+f0b2
#define ICON_FA_USERS "\xef\x83\x80" // U+f0c0
#define ICON_FA_LINK "\xef\x83\x81" // U+f0c1
#define ICON_FA_CLOUD "\xef\x83\x82" // U+f0c2
#define ICON_FA_FLASK "\xef\x83\x83" // U+f0c3
#define ICON_FA_SCISSORS "\xef\x83\x84" // U+f0c4
#define ICON_FA_FILES_O "\xef\x83\x85" // U+f0c5
#define ICON_FA_PAPERCLIP "\xef\x83\x86" // U+f0c6
#define ICON_FA_FLOPPY_O "\xef\x83\x87" // U+f0c7
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x88" // U+f0c8
#define ICON_FA_BARS "\xef\x83\x89" // U+f0c9
#define ICON_FA_LIST_UL "\xef\x83\x8a" // U+f0ca
#define ICON_FA_LIST_OL "\xef\x83\x8b" // U+f0cb
#define ICON_FA_STRIKETHROUGH "\xef\x83\x8c" // U+f0cc
#define ICON_FA_UNDERLINE "\xef\x83\x8d" // U+f0cd
#define ICON_FA_TABLE "\xef\x83\x8e" // U+f0ce
#define ICON_FA_MAGIC "\xef\x83\x90" // U+f0d0
#define ICON_FA_TRUCK "\xef\x83\x91" // U+f0d1
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x92" // U+f0d2
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x93" // U+f0d3
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x94" // U+f0d4
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x83\x95" // U+f0d5
#define ICON_FA_MONEY "\xef\x83\x96" // U+f0d6
#define ICON_FA_CARET_DOWN "\xef\x83\x97" // U+f0d7
#define ICON_FA_CARET_UP "\xef\x83\x98" // U+f0d8
#define ICON_FA_CARET_LEFT "\xef\x83\x99" // U+f0d9
#define ICON_FA_CARET_RIGHT "\xef\x83\x9a" // U+f0da
#define ICON_FA_COLUMNS "\xef\x83\x9b" // U+f0db
#define ICON_FA_SORT "\xef\x83\x9c" // U+f0dc
#define ICON_FA_SORT_DESC "\xef\x83\x9d" // U+f0dd
#define ICON_FA_SORT_ASC "\xef\x83\x9e" // U+f0de
#define ICON_FA_ENVELOPE "\xef\x83\xa0" // U+f0e0
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN "\xef\x83\xa1" // U+f0e1
#define ICON_FA_UNDO "\xef\x83\xa2" // U+f0e2
#define ICON_FA_GAVEL "\xef\x83\xa3" // U+f0e3
#define ICON_FA_TACHOMETER "\xef\x83\xa4" // U+f0e4
#define ICON_FA_COMMENT_O "\xef\x83\xa5" // U+f0e5
#define ICON_FA_COMMENTS_O "\xef\x83\xa6" // U+f0e6
#define ICON_FA_BOLT "\xef\x83\xa7" // U+f0e7
#define ICON_FA_SITEMAP "\xef\x83\xa8" // U+f0e8
#define ICON_FA_UMBRELLA "\xef\x83\xa9" // U+f0e9
#define ICON_FA_CLIPBOARD "\xef\x83\xaa" // U+f0ea
#define ICON_FA_LIGHTBULB_O "\xef\x83\xab" // U+f0eb
#define ICON_FA_EXCHANGE "\xef\x83\xac" // U+f0ec
#define ICON_FA_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD "\xef\x83\xad" // U+f0ed
#define ICON_FA_CLOUD_UPLOAD "\xef\x83\xae" // U+f0ee
#define ICON_FA_USER_MD "\xef\x83\xb0" // U+f0f0
#define ICON_FA_STETHOSCOPE "\xef\x83\xb1" // U+f0f1
#define ICON_FA_SUITCASE "\xef\x83\xb2" // U+f0f2
#define ICON_FA_BELL_O "\xef\x82\xa2" // U+f0a2
#define ICON_FA_COFFEE "\xef\x83\xb4" // U+f0f4
#define ICON_FA_CUTLERY "\xef\x83\xb5" // U+f0f5
#define ICON_FA_FILE_TEXT_O "\xef\x83\xb6" // U+f0f6
#define ICON_FA_BUILDING_O "\xef\x83\xb7" // U+f0f7
#define ICON_FA_HOSPITAL_O "\xef\x83\xb8" // U+f0f8
#define ICON_FA_AMBULANCE "\xef\x83\xb9" // U+f0f9
#define ICON_FA_MEDKIT "\xef\x83\xba" // U+f0fa
#define ICON_FA_FIGHTER_JET "\xef\x83\xbb" // U+f0fb
#define ICON_FA_BEER "\xef\x83\xbc" // U+f0fc
#define ICON_FA_H_SQUARE "\xef\x83\xbd" // U+f0fd
#define ICON_FA_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\xbe" // U+f0fe
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_DOUBLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x80" // U+f100
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_DOUBLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x81" // U+f101
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_DOUBLE_UP "\xef\x84\x82" // U+f102
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_DOUBLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\x83" // U+f103
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x84" // U+f104
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x85" // U+f105
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_UP "\xef\x84\x86" // U+f106
#define ICON_FA_ANGLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\x87" // U+f107
#define ICON_FA_DESKTOP "\xef\x84\x88" // U+f108
#define ICON_FA_LAPTOP "\xef\x84\x89" // U+f109
#define ICON_FA_TABLET "\xef\x84\x8a" // U+f10a
#define ICON_FA_MOBILE "\xef\x84\x8b" // U+f10b
#define ICON_FA_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x84\x8c" // U+f10c
#define ICON_FA_QUOTE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x8d" // U+f10d
#define ICON_FA_QUOTE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x8e" // U+f10e
#define ICON_FA_SPINNER "\xef\x84\x90" // U+f110
#define ICON_FA_CIRCLE "\xef\x84\x91" // U+f111
#define ICON_FA_REPLY "\xef\x84\x92" // U+f112
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_ALT "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FA_FOLDER_O "\xef\x84\x94" // U+f114
#define ICON_FA_FOLDER_OPEN_O "\xef\x84\x95" // U+f115
#define ICON_FA_SMILE_O "\xef\x84\x98" // U+f118
#define ICON_FA_FROWN_O "\xef\x84\x99" // U+f119
#define ICON_FA_MEH_O "\xef\x84\x9a" // U+f11a
#define ICON_FA_GAMEPAD "\xef\x84\x9b" // U+f11b
#define ICON_FA_KEYBOARD_O "\xef\x84\x9c" // U+f11c
#define ICON_FA_FLAG_O "\xef\x84\x9d" // U+f11d
#define ICON_FA_FLAG_CHECKERED "\xef\x84\x9e" // U+f11e
#define ICON_FA_TERMINAL "\xef\x84\xa0" // U+f120
#define ICON_FA_CODE "\xef\x84\xa1" // U+f121
#define ICON_FA_REPLY_ALL "\xef\x84\xa2" // U+f122
#define ICON_FA_STAR_HALF_O "\xef\x84\xa3" // U+f123
#define ICON_FA_LOCATION_ARROW "\xef\x84\xa4" // U+f124
#define ICON_FA_CROP "\xef\x84\xa5" // U+f125
#define ICON_FA_CODE_FORK "\xef\x84\xa6" // U+f126
#define ICON_FA_CHAIN_BROKEN "\xef\x84\xa7" // U+f127
#define ICON_FA_QUESTION "\xef\x84\xa8" // U+f128
#define ICON_FA_INFO "\xef\x84\xa9" // U+f129
#define ICON_FA_EXCLAMATION "\xef\x84\xaa" // U+f12a
#define ICON_FA_SUPERSCRIPT "\xef\x84\xab" // U+f12b
#define ICON_FA_SUBSCRIPT "\xef\x84\xac" // U+f12c
#define ICON_FA_ERASER "\xef\x84\xad" // U+f12d
#define ICON_FA_PUZZLE_PIECE "\xef\x84\xae" // U+f12e
#define ICON_FA_MICROPHONE "\xef\x84\xb0" // U+f130
#define ICON_FA_MICROPHONE_SLASH "\xef\x84\xb1" // U+f131
#define ICON_FA_SHIELD "\xef\x84\xb2" // U+f132
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR_O "\xef\x84\xb3" // U+f133
#define ICON_FA_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER "\xef\x84\xb4" // U+f134
#define ICON_FA_ROCKET "\xef\x84\xb5" // U+f135
#define ICON_FA_MAXCDN "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\xb7" // U+f137
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\xb8" // U+f138
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_UP "\xef\x84\xb9" // U+f139
#define ICON_FA_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\xba" // U+f13a
#define ICON_FA_HTML5 "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FA_CSS3 "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FA_ANCHOR "\xef\x84\xbd" // U+f13d
#define ICON_FA_UNLOCK_ALT "\xef\x84\xbe" // U+f13e
#define ICON_FA_BULLSEYE "\xef\x85\x80" // U+f140
#define ICON_FA_ELLIPSIS_H "\xef\x85\x81" // U+f141
#define ICON_FA_ELLIPSIS_V "\xef\x85\x82" // U+f142
#define ICON_FA_RSS_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x83" // U+f143
#define ICON_FA_PLAY_CIRCLE "\xef\x85\x84" // U+f144
#define ICON_FA_TICKET "\xef\x85\x85" // U+f145
#define ICON_FA_MINUS_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x86" // U+f146
#define ICON_FA_MINUS_SQUARE_O "\xef\x85\x87" // U+f147
#define ICON_FA_LEVEL_UP "\xef\x85\x88" // U+f148
#define ICON_FA_LEVEL_DOWN "\xef\x85\x89" // U+f149
#define ICON_FA_CHECK_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8a" // U+f14a
#define ICON_FA_PENCIL_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8b" // U+f14b
#define ICON_FA_EXTERNAL_LINK_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8c" // U+f14c
#define ICON_FA_SHARE_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8d" // U+f14d
#define ICON_FA_COMPASS "\xef\x85\x8e" // U+f14e
#define ICON_FA_CARET_SQUARE_O_DOWN "\xef\x85\x90" // U+f150
#define ICON_FA_CARET_SQUARE_O_UP "\xef\x85\x91" // U+f151
#define ICON_FA_CARET_SQUARE_O_RIGHT "\xef\x85\x92" // U+f152
#define ICON_FA_EUR "\xef\x85\x93" // U+f153
#define ICON_FA_GBP "\xef\x85\x94" // U+f154
#define ICON_FA_USD "\xef\x85\x95" // U+f155
#define ICON_FA_INR "\xef\x85\x96" // U+f156
#define ICON_FA_JPY "\xef\x85\x97" // U+f157
#define ICON_FA_RUB "\xef\x85\x98" // U+f158
#define ICON_FA_KRW "\xef\x85\x99" // U+f159
#define ICON_FA_BTC "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FA_FILE "\xef\x85\x9b" // U+f15b
#define ICON_FA_FILE_TEXT "\xef\x85\x9c" // U+f15c
#define ICON_FA_SORT_ALPHA_ASC "\xef\x85\x9d" // U+f15d
#define ICON_FA_SORT_ALPHA_DESC "\xef\x85\x9e" // U+f15e
#define ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_ASC "\xef\x85\xa0" // U+f160
#define ICON_FA_SORT_AMOUNT_DESC "\xef\x85\xa1" // U+f161
#define ICON_FA_SORT_NUMERIC_ASC "\xef\x85\xa2" // U+f162
#define ICON_FA_SORT_NUMERIC_DESC "\xef\x85\xa3" // U+f163
#define ICON_FA_THUMBS_UP "\xef\x85\xa4" // U+f164
#define ICON_FA_THUMBS_DOWN "\xef\x85\xa5" // U+f165
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa6" // U+f166
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FA_XING "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FA_XING_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE_PLAY "\xef\x85\xaa" // U+f16a
#define ICON_FA_DROPBOX "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FA_STACK_OVERFLOW "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FA_FLICKR "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FA_ADN "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FA_BITBUCKET "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FA_BITBUCKET_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb2" // U+f172
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x85\xb5" // U+f175
#define ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_UP "\xef\x85\xb6" // U+f176
#define ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_LEFT "\xef\x85\xb7" // U+f177
#define ICON_FA_LONG_ARROW_RIGHT "\xef\x85\xb8" // U+f178
#define ICON_FA_APPLE "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FA_WINDOWS "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FA_ANDROID "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FA_LINUX "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FA_SKYPE "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FA_FOURSQUARE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FA_TRELLO "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FA_FEMALE "\xef\x86\x82" // U+f182
#define ICON_FA_MALE "\xef\x86\x83" // U+f183
#define ICON_FA_GRATIPAY "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FA_SUN_O "\xef\x86\x85" // U+f185
#define ICON_FA_MOON_O "\xef\x86\x86" // U+f186
#define ICON_FA_ARCHIVE "\xef\x86\x87" // U+f187
#define ICON_FA_BUG "\xef\x86\x88" // U+f188
#define ICON_FA_VK "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FA_WEIBO "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FA_RENREN "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FA_PAGELINES "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FA_STACK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_RIGHT "\xef\x86\x8e" // U+f18e
#define ICON_FA_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_LEFT "\xef\x86\x90" // U+f190
#define ICON_FA_CARET_SQUARE_O_LEFT "\xef\x86\x91" // U+f191
#define ICON_FA_DOT_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x86\x92" // U+f192
#define ICON_FA_WHEELCHAIR "\xef\x86\x93" // U+f193
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FA_TRY "\xef\x86\x95" // U+f195
#define ICON_FA_PLUS_SQUARE_O "\xef\x86\x96" // U+f196
#define ICON_FA_SPACE_SHUTTLE "\xef\x86\x97" // U+f197
#define ICON_FA_SLACK "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FA_ENVELOPE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x99" // U+f199
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FA_OPENID "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
#define ICON_FA_UNIVERSITY "\xef\x86\x9c" // U+f19c
#define ICON_FA_GRADUATION_CAP "\xef\x86\x9d" // U+f19d
#define ICON_FA_YAHOO "\xef\x86\x9e" // U+f19e
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE "\xef\x86\xa0" // U+f1a0
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa1" // U+f1a1
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xa2" // U+f1a2
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE "\xef\x86\xa3" // U+f1a3
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON "\xef\x86\xa4" // U+f1a4
#define ICON_FA_DELICIOUS "\xef\x86\xa5" // U+f1a5
#define ICON_FA_DIGG "\xef\x86\xa6" // U+f1a6
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_PP "\xef\x86\xa7" // U+f1a7
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_ALT "\xef\x86\xa8" // U+f1a8
#define ICON_FA_DRUPAL "\xef\x86\xa9" // U+f1a9
#define ICON_FA_JOOMLA "\xef\x86\xaa" // U+f1aa
#define ICON_FA_LANGUAGE "\xef\x86\xab" // U+f1ab
#define ICON_FA_FAX "\xef\x86\xac" // U+f1ac
#define ICON_FA_BUILDING "\xef\x86\xad" // U+f1ad
#define ICON_FA_CHILD "\xef\x86\xae" // U+f1ae
#define ICON_FA_PAW "\xef\x86\xb0" // U+f1b0
#define ICON_FA_SPOON "\xef\x86\xb1" // U+f1b1
#define ICON_FA_CUBE "\xef\x86\xb2" // U+f1b2
#define ICON_FA_CUBES "\xef\x86\xb3" // U+f1b3
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb4" // U+f1b4
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb5" // U+f1b5
#define ICON_FA_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb6" // U+f1b6
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb7" // U+f1b7
#define ICON_FA_RECYCLE "\xef\x86\xb8" // U+f1b8
#define ICON_FA_CAR "\xef\x86\xb9" // U+f1b9
#define ICON_FA_TAXI "\xef\x86\xba" // U+f1ba
#define ICON_FA_TREE "\xef\x86\xbb" // U+f1bb
#define ICON_FA_SPOTIFY "\xef\x86\xbc" // U+f1bc
#define ICON_FA_DEVIANTART "\xef\x86\xbd" // U+f1bd
#define ICON_FA_SOUNDCLOUD "\xef\x86\xbe" // U+f1be
#define ICON_FA_DATABASE "\xef\x87\x80" // U+f1c0
#define ICON_FA_FILE_PDF_O "\xef\x87\x81" // U+f1c1
#define ICON_FA_FILE_WORD_O "\xef\x87\x82" // U+f1c2
#define ICON_FA_FILE_EXCEL_O "\xef\x87\x83" // U+f1c3
#define ICON_FA_FILE_POWERPOINT_O "\xef\x87\x84" // U+f1c4
#define ICON_FA_FILE_IMAGE_O "\xef\x87\x85" // U+f1c5
#define ICON_FA_FILE_ARCHIVE_O "\xef\x87\x86" // U+f1c6
#define ICON_FA_FILE_AUDIO_O "\xef\x87\x87" // U+f1c7
#define ICON_FA_FILE_VIDEO_O "\xef\x87\x88" // U+f1c8
#define ICON_FA_FILE_CODE_O "\xef\x87\x89" // U+f1c9
#define ICON_FA_VINE "\xef\x87\x8a" // U+f1ca
#define ICON_FA_CODEPEN "\xef\x87\x8b" // U+f1cb
#define ICON_FA_JSFIDDLE "\xef\x87\x8c" // U+f1cc
#define ICON_FA_LIFE_RING "\xef\x87\x8d" // U+f1cd
#define ICON_FA_CIRCLE_O_NOTCH "\xef\x87\x8e" // U+f1ce
#define ICON_FA_REBEL "\xef\x87\x90" // U+f1d0
#define ICON_FA_EMPIRE "\xef\x87\x91" // U+f1d1
#define ICON_FA_GIT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\x92" // U+f1d2
#define ICON_FA_GIT "\xef\x87\x93" // U+f1d3
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x87\x94" // U+f1d4
#define ICON_FA_TENCENT_WEIBO "\xef\x87\x95" // U+f1d5
#define ICON_FA_QQ "\xef\x87\x96" // U+f1d6
#define ICON_FA_WEIXIN "\xef\x87\x97" // U+f1d7
#define ICON_FA_PAPER_PLANE "\xef\x87\x98" // U+f1d8
#define ICON_FA_PAPER_PLANE_O "\xef\x87\x99" // U+f1d9
#define ICON_FA_HISTORY "\xef\x87\x9a" // U+f1da
#define ICON_FA_CIRCLE_THIN "\xef\x87\x9b" // U+f1db
#define ICON_FA_HEADER "\xef\x87\x9c" // U+f1dc
#define ICON_FA_PARAGRAPH "\xef\x87\x9d" // U+f1dd
#define ICON_FA_SLIDERS "\xef\x87\x9e" // U+f1de
#define ICON_FA_SHARE_ALT "\xef\x87\xa0" // U+f1e0
#define ICON_FA_SHARE_ALT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\xa1" // U+f1e1
#define ICON_FA_BOMB "\xef\x87\xa2" // U+f1e2
#define ICON_FA_FUTBOL_O "\xef\x87\xa3" // U+f1e3
#define ICON_FA_TTY "\xef\x87\xa4" // U+f1e4
#define ICON_FA_BINOCULARS "\xef\x87\xa5" // U+f1e5
#define ICON_FA_PLUG "\xef\x87\xa6" // U+f1e6
#define ICON_FA_SLIDESHARE "\xef\x87\xa7" // U+f1e7
#define ICON_FA_TWITCH "\xef\x87\xa8" // U+f1e8
#define ICON_FA_YELP "\xef\x87\xa9" // U+f1e9
#define ICON_FA_NEWSPAPER_O "\xef\x87\xaa" // U+f1ea
#define ICON_FA_WIFI "\xef\x87\xab" // U+f1eb
#define ICON_FA_CALCULATOR "\xef\x87\xac" // U+f1ec
#define ICON_FA_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xad" // U+f1ed
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_WALLET "\xef\x87\xae" // U+f1ee
#define ICON_FA_CC_VISA "\xef\x87\xb0" // U+f1f0
#define ICON_FA_CC_MASTERCARD "\xef\x87\xb1" // U+f1f1
#define ICON_FA_CC_DISCOVER "\xef\x87\xb2" // U+f1f2
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMEX "\xef\x87\xb3" // U+f1f3
#define ICON_FA_CC_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xb4" // U+f1f4
#define ICON_FA_CC_STRIPE "\xef\x87\xb5" // U+f1f5
#define ICON_FA_BELL_SLASH "\xef\x87\xb6" // U+f1f6
#define ICON_FA_BELL_SLASH_O "\xef\x87\xb7" // U+f1f7
#define ICON_FA_TRASH "\xef\x87\xb8" // U+f1f8
#define ICON_FA_COPYRIGHT "\xef\x87\xb9" // U+f1f9
#define ICON_FA_AT "\xef\x87\xba" // U+f1fa
#define ICON_FA_EYEDROPPER "\xef\x87\xbb" // U+f1fb
#define ICON_FA_PAINT_BRUSH "\xef\x87\xbc" // U+f1fc
#define ICON_FA_BIRTHDAY_CAKE "\xef\x87\xbd" // U+f1fd
#define ICON_FA_AREA_CHART "\xef\x87\xbe" // U+f1fe
#define ICON_FA_PIE_CHART "\xef\x88\x80" // U+f200
#define ICON_FA_LINE_CHART "\xef\x88\x81" // U+f201
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x82" // U+f202
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM_SQUARE "\xef\x88\x83" // U+f203
#define ICON_FA_TOGGLE_OFF "\xef\x88\x84" // U+f204
#define ICON_FA_TOGGLE_ON "\xef\x88\x85" // U+f205
#define ICON_FA_BICYCLE "\xef\x88\x86" // U+f206
#define ICON_FA_BUS "\xef\x88\x87" // U+f207
#define ICON_FA_IOXHOST "\xef\x88\x88" // U+f208
#define ICON_FA_ANGELLIST "\xef\x88\x89" // U+f209
#define ICON_FA_CC "\xef\x88\x8a" // U+f20a
#define ICON_FA_ILS "\xef\x88\x8b" // U+f20b
#define ICON_FA_MEANPATH "\xef\x88\x8c" // U+f20c
#define ICON_FA_BUYSELLADS "\xef\x88\x8d" // U+f20d
#define ICON_FA_CONNECTDEVELOP "\xef\x88\x8e" // U+f20e
#define ICON_FA_DASHCUBE "\xef\x88\x90" // U+f210
#define ICON_FA_FORUMBEE "\xef\x88\x91" // U+f211
#define ICON_FA_LEANPUB "\xef\x88\x92" // U+f212
#define ICON_FA_SELLSY "\xef\x88\x93" // U+f213
#define ICON_FA_SHIRTSINBULK "\xef\x88\x94" // U+f214
#define ICON_FA_SIMPLYBUILT "\xef\x88\x95" // U+f215
#define ICON_FA_SKYATLAS "\xef\x88\x96" // U+f216
#define ICON_FA_CART_PLUS "\xef\x88\x97" // U+f217
#define ICON_FA_CART_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x88\x98" // U+f218
#define ICON_FA_DIAMOND "\xef\x88\x99" // U+f219
#define ICON_FA_SHIP "\xef\x88\x9a" // U+f21a
#define ICON_FA_USER_SECRET "\xef\x88\x9b" // U+f21b
#define ICON_FA_MOTORCYCLE "\xef\x88\x9c" // U+f21c
#define ICON_FA_STREET_VIEW "\xef\x88\x9d" // U+f21d
#define ICON_FA_HEARTBEAT "\xef\x88\x9e" // U+f21e
#define ICON_FA_VENUS "\xef\x88\xa1" // U+f221
#define ICON_FA_MARS "\xef\x88\xa2" // U+f222
#define ICON_FA_MERCURY "\xef\x88\xa3" // U+f223
#define ICON_FA_TRANSGENDER "\xef\x88\xa4" // U+f224
#define ICON_FA_TRANSGENDER_ALT "\xef\x88\xa5" // U+f225
#define ICON_FA_VENUS_DOUBLE "\xef\x88\xa6" // U+f226
#define ICON_FA_MARS_DOUBLE "\xef\x88\xa7" // U+f227
#define ICON_FA_VENUS_MARS "\xef\x88\xa8" // U+f228
#define ICON_FA_MARS_STROKE "\xef\x88\xa9" // U+f229
#define ICON_FA_MARS_STROKE_V "\xef\x88\xaa" // U+f22a
#define ICON_FA_MARS_STROKE_H "\xef\x88\xab" // U+f22b
#define ICON_FA_NEUTER "\xef\x88\xac" // U+f22c
#define ICON_FA_GENDERLESS "\xef\x88\xad" // U+f22d
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_OFFICIAL "\xef\x88\xb0" // U+f230
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_P "\xef\x88\xb1" // U+f231
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP "\xef\x88\xb2" // U+f232
#define ICON_FA_SERVER "\xef\x88\xb3" // U+f233
#define ICON_FA_USER_PLUS "\xef\x88\xb4" // U+f234
#define ICON_FA_USER_TIMES "\xef\x88\xb5" // U+f235
#define ICON_FA_BED "\xef\x88\xb6" // U+f236
#define ICON_FA_VIACOIN "\xef\x88\xb7" // U+f237
#define ICON_FA_TRAIN "\xef\x88\xb8" // U+f238
#define ICON_FA_SUBWAY "\xef\x88\xb9" // U+f239
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM "\xef\x88\xba" // U+f23a
#define ICON_FA_Y_COMBINATOR "\xef\x88\xbb" // U+f23b
#define ICON_FA_OPTIN_MONSTER "\xef\x88\xbc" // U+f23c
#define ICON_FA_OPENCART "\xef\x88\xbd" // U+f23d
#define ICON_FA_EXPEDITEDSSL "\xef\x88\xbe" // U+f23e
#define ICON_FA_BATTERY_FULL "\xef\x89\x80" // U+f240
#define ICON_FA_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS "\xef\x89\x81" // U+f241
#define ICON_FA_BATTERY_HALF "\xef\x89\x82" // U+f242
#define ICON_FA_BATTERY_QUARTER "\xef\x89\x83" // U+f243
#define ICON_FA_BATTERY_EMPTY "\xef\x89\x84" // U+f244
#define ICON_FA_MOUSE_POINTER "\xef\x89\x85" // U+f245
#define ICON_FA_I_CURSOR "\xef\x89\x86" // U+f246
#define ICON_FA_OBJECT_GROUP "\xef\x89\x87" // U+f247
#define ICON_FA_OBJECT_UNGROUP "\xef\x89\x88" // U+f248
#define ICON_FA_STICKY_NOTE "\xef\x89\x89" // U+f249
#define ICON_FA_STICKY_NOTE_O "\xef\x89\x8a" // U+f24a
#define ICON_FA_CC_JCB "\xef\x89\x8b" // U+f24b
#define ICON_FA_CC_DINERS_CLUB "\xef\x89\x8c" // U+f24c
#define ICON_FA_CLONE "\xef\x89\x8d" // U+f24d
#define ICON_FA_BALANCE_SCALE "\xef\x89\x8e" // U+f24e
#define ICON_FA_HOURGLASS_O "\xef\x89\x90" // U+f250
#define ICON_FA_HOURGLASS_START "\xef\x89\x91" // U+f251
#define ICON_FA_HOURGLASS_HALF "\xef\x89\x92" // U+f252
#define ICON_FA_HOURGLASS_END "\xef\x89\x93" // U+f253
#define ICON_FA_HOURGLASS "\xef\x89\x94" // U+f254
#define ICON_FA_HAND_ROCK_O "\xef\x89\x95" // U+f255
#define ICON_FA_HAND_PAPER_O "\xef\x89\x96" // U+f256
#define ICON_FA_HAND_SCISSORS_O "\xef\x89\x97" // U+f257
#define ICON_FA_HAND_LIZARD_O "\xef\x89\x98" // U+f258
#define ICON_FA_HAND_SPOCK_O "\xef\x89\x99" // U+f259
#define ICON_FA_HAND_POINTER_O "\xef\x89\x9a" // U+f25a
#define ICON_FA_HAND_PEACE_O "\xef\x89\x9b" // U+f25b
#define ICON_FA_TRADEMARK "\xef\x89\x9c" // U+f25c
#define ICON_FA_REGISTERED "\xef\x89\x9d" // U+f25d
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS "\xef\x89\x9e" // U+f25e
#define ICON_FA_GG "\xef\x89\xa0" // U+f260
#define ICON_FA_GG_CIRCLE "\xef\x89\xa1" // U+f261
#define ICON_FA_TRIPADVISOR "\xef\x89\xa2" // U+f262
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa3" // U+f263
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE "\xef\x89\xa4" // U+f264
#define ICON_FA_GET_POCKET "\xef\x89\xa5" // U+f265
#define ICON_FA_WIKIPEDIA_W "\xef\x89\xa6" // U+f266
#define ICON_FA_SAFARI "\xef\x89\xa7" // U+f267
#define ICON_FA_CHROME "\xef\x89\xa8" // U+f268
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX "\xef\x89\xa9" // U+f269
#define ICON_FA_OPERA "\xef\x89\xaa" // U+f26a
#define ICON_FA_INTERNET_EXPLORER "\xef\x89\xab" // U+f26b
#define ICON_FA_TELEVISION "\xef\x89\xac" // U+f26c
#define ICON_FA_CONTAO "\xef\x89\xad" // U+f26d
#define ICON_FA_500PX "\xef\x89\xae" // U+f26e
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON "\xef\x89\xb0" // U+f270
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR_PLUS_O "\xef\x89\xb1" // U+f271
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR_MINUS_O "\xef\x89\xb2" // U+f272
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR_TIMES_O "\xef\x89\xb3" // U+f273
#define ICON_FA_CALENDAR_CHECK_O "\xef\x89\xb4" // U+f274
#define ICON_FA_INDUSTRY "\xef\x89\xb5" // U+f275
#define ICON_FA_MAP_PIN "\xef\x89\xb6" // U+f276
#define ICON_FA_MAP_SIGNS "\xef\x89\xb7" // U+f277
#define ICON_FA_MAP_O "\xef\x89\xb8" // U+f278
#define ICON_FA_MAP "\xef\x89\xb9" // U+f279
#define ICON_FA_COMMENTING "\xef\x89\xba" // U+f27a
#define ICON_FA_COMMENTING_O "\xef\x89\xbb" // U+f27b
#define ICON_FA_HOUZZ "\xef\x89\xbc" // U+f27c
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO "\xef\x89\xbd" // U+f27d
#define ICON_FA_BLACK_TIE "\xef\x89\xbe" // U+f27e
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS "\xef\x8a\x80" // U+f280
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_ALIEN "\xef\x8a\x81" // U+f281
#define ICON_FA_EDGE "\xef\x8a\x82" // U+f282
#define ICON_FA_CREDIT_CARD_ALT "\xef\x8a\x83" // U+f283
#define ICON_FA_CODIEPIE "\xef\x8a\x84" // U+f284
#define ICON_FA_MODX "\xef\x8a\x85" // U+f285
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\x86" // U+f286
#define ICON_FA_USB "\xef\x8a\x87" // U+f287
#define ICON_FA_PRODUCT_HUNT "\xef\x8a\x88" // U+f288
#define ICON_FA_MIXCLOUD "\xef\x8a\x89" // U+f289
#define ICON_FA_SCRIBD "\xef\x8a\x8a" // U+f28a
#define ICON_FA_PAUSE_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\x8b" // U+f28b
#define ICON_FA_PAUSE_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x8c" // U+f28c
#define ICON_FA_STOP_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\x8d" // U+f28d
#define ICON_FA_STOP_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x8e" // U+f28e
#define ICON_FA_SHOPPING_BAG "\xef\x8a\x90" // U+f290
#define ICON_FA_SHOPPING_BASKET "\xef\x8a\x91" // U+f291
#define ICON_FA_HASHTAG "\xef\x8a\x92" // U+f292
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x8a\x93" // U+f293
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH_B "\xef\x8a\x94" // U+f294
#define ICON_FA_PERCENT "\xef\x8a\x95" // U+f295
#define ICON_FA_GITLAB "\xef\x8a\x96" // U+f296
#define ICON_FA_WPBEGINNER "\xef\x8a\x97" // U+f297
#define ICON_FA_WPFORMS "\xef\x8a\x98" // U+f298
#define ICON_FA_ENVIRA "\xef\x8a\x99" // U+f299
#define ICON_FA_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS "\xef\x8a\x9a" // U+f29a
#define ICON_FA_WHEELCHAIR_ALT "\xef\x8a\x9b" // U+f29b
#define ICON_FA_QUESTION_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x9c" // U+f29c
#define ICON_FA_BLIND "\xef\x8a\x9d" // U+f29d
#define ICON_FA_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION "\xef\x8a\x9e" // U+f29e
#define ICON_FA_VOLUME_CONTROL_PHONE "\xef\x8a\xa0" // U+f2a0
#define ICON_FA_BRAILLE "\xef\x8a\xa1" // U+f2a1
#define ICON_FA_ASSISTIVE_LISTENING_SYSTEMS "\xef\x8a\xa2" // U+f2a2
#define ICON_FA_DEAF "\xef\x8a\xa4" // U+f2a4
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE "\xef\x8a\xa5" // U+f2a5
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE_G "\xef\x8a\xa6" // U+f2a6
#define ICON_FA_SIGN_LANGUAGE "\xef\x8a\xa7" // U+f2a7
#define ICON_FA_LOW_VISION "\xef\x8a\xa8" // U+f2a8
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xa9" // U+f2a9
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xaa" // U+f2aa
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xab" // U+f2ab
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_GHOST "\xef\x8a\xac" // U+f2ac
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xad" // U+f2ad
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER "\xef\x8a\xae" // U+f2ae
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER "\xef\x8a\xb0" // U+f2b0
#define ICON_FA_YOAST "\xef\x8a\xb1" // U+f2b1
#define ICON_FA_THEMEISLE "\xef\x8a\xb2" // U+f2b2
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_OFFICIAL "\xef\x8a\xb3" // U+f2b3
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\xb4" // U+f2b4
#define ICON_FA_HANDSHAKE_O "\xef\x8a\xb5" // U+f2b5
#define ICON_FA_ENVELOPE_OPEN "\xef\x8a\xb6" // U+f2b6
#define ICON_FA_ENVELOPE_OPEN_O "\xef\x8a\xb7" // U+f2b7
#define ICON_FA_LINODE "\xef\x8a\xb8" // U+f2b8
#define ICON_FA_ADDRESS_BOOK "\xef\x8a\xb9" // U+f2b9
#define ICON_FA_ADDRESS_BOOK_O "\xef\x8a\xba" // U+f2ba
#define ICON_FA_ADDRESS_CARD "\xef\x8a\xbb" // U+f2bb
#define ICON_FA_ADDRESS_CARD_O "\xef\x8a\xbc" // U+f2bc
#define ICON_FA_USER_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\xbd" // U+f2bd
#define ICON_FA_USER_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\xbe" // U+f2be
#define ICON_FA_USER_O "\xef\x8b\x80" // U+f2c0
#define ICON_FA_ID_BADGE "\xef\x8b\x81" // U+f2c1
#define ICON_FA_ID_CARD "\xef\x8b\x82" // U+f2c2
#define ICON_FA_ID_CARD_O "\xef\x8b\x83" // U+f2c3
#define ICON_FA_QUORA "\xef\x8b\x84" // U+f2c4
#define ICON_FA_FREE_CODE_CAMP "\xef\x8b\x85" // U+f2c5
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM "\xef\x8b\x86" // U+f2c6
#define ICON_FA_THERMOMETER_FULL "\xef\x8b\x87" // U+f2c7
#define ICON_FA_THERMOMETER_THREE_QUARTERS "\xef\x8b\x88" // U+f2c8
#define ICON_FA_THERMOMETER_HALF "\xef\x8b\x89" // U+f2c9
#define ICON_FA_THERMOMETER_QUARTER "\xef\x8b\x8a" // U+f2ca
#define ICON_FA_THERMOMETER_EMPTY "\xef\x8b\x8b" // U+f2cb
#define ICON_FA_SHOWER "\xef\x8b\x8c" // U+f2cc
#define ICON_FA_BATH "\xef\x8b\x8d" // U+f2cd
#define ICON_FA_PODCAST "\xef\x8b\x8e" // U+f2ce
#define ICON_FA_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE "\xef\x8b\x90" // U+f2d0
#define ICON_FA_WINDOW_MINIMIZE "\xef\x8b\x91" // U+f2d1
#define ICON_FA_WINDOW_RESTORE "\xef\x8b\x92" // U+f2d2
#define ICON_FA_WINDOW_CLOSE "\xef\x8b\x93" // U+f2d3
#define ICON_FA_WINDOW_CLOSE_O "\xef\x8b\x94" // U+f2d4
#define ICON_FA_BANDCAMP "\xef\x8b\x95" // U+f2d5
#define ICON_FA_GRAV "\xef\x8b\x96" // U+f2d6
#define ICON_FA_ETSY "\xef\x8b\x97" // U+f2d7
#define ICON_FA_IMDB "\xef\x8b\x98" // U+f2d8
#define ICON_FA_RAVELRY "\xef\x8b\x99" // U+f2d9
#define ICON_FA_EERCAST "\xef\x8b\x9a" // U+f2da
#define ICON_FA_MICROCHIP "\xef\x8b\x9b" // U+f2db
#define ICON_FA_SNOWFLAKE_O "\xef\x8b\x9c" // U+f2dc
#define ICON_FA_SUPERPOWERS "\xef\x8b\x9d" // U+f2dd
#define ICON_FA_WPEXPLORER "\xef\x8b\x9e" // U+f2de
#define ICON_FA_MEETUP "\xef\x8b\xa0" // U+f2e0
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml
# for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
class IconsFontAwesome4:
FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FA = 'fontawesome-webfont.ttf'
ICON_MIN = 0xf000
ICON_MAX_16 = 0xf2e0
ICON_MAX = 0xf2e0
ICON_GLASS = '\uf000'
ICON_MUSIC = '\uf001'
ICON_SEARCH = '\uf002'
ICON_ENVELOPE_O = '\uf003'
ICON_HEART = '\uf004'
ICON_STAR = '\uf005'
ICON_STAR_O = '\uf006'
ICON_USER = '\uf007'
ICON_FILM = '\uf008'
ICON_TH_LARGE = '\uf009'
ICON_TH = '\uf00a'
ICON_TH_LIST = '\uf00b'
ICON_CHECK = '\uf00c'
ICON_TIMES = '\uf00d'
ICON_POWER_OFF = '\uf011'
ICON_SIGNAL = '\uf012'
ICON_COG = '\uf013'
ICON_TRASH_O = '\uf014'
ICON_HOME = '\uf015'
ICON_FILE_O = '\uf016'
ICON_CLOCK_O = '\uf017'
ICON_ROAD = '\uf018'
ICON_DOWNLOAD = '\uf019'
ICON_INBOX = '\uf01c'
ICON_REPEAT = '\uf01e'
ICON_REFRESH = '\uf021'
ICON_LIST_ALT = '\uf022'
ICON_LOCK = '\uf023'
ICON_FLAG = '\uf024'
ICON_VOLUME_OFF = '\uf026'
ICON_VOLUME_UP = '\uf028'
ICON_QRCODE = '\uf029'
ICON_BARCODE = '\uf02a'
ICON_TAG = '\uf02b'
ICON_TAGS = '\uf02c'
ICON_BOOK = '\uf02d'
ICON_BOOKMARK = '\uf02e'
ICON_PRINT = '\uf02f'
ICON_CAMERA = '\uf030'
ICON_FONT = '\uf031'
ICON_BOLD = '\uf032'
ICON_ITALIC = '\uf033'
ICON_TEXT_WIDTH = '\uf035'
ICON_ALIGN_LEFT = '\uf036'
ICON_LIST = '\uf03a'
ICON_OUTDENT = '\uf03b'
ICON_INDENT = '\uf03c'
ICON_PICTURE_O = '\uf03e'
ICON_PENCIL = '\uf040'
ICON_MAP_MARKER = '\uf041'
ICON_ADJUST = '\uf042'
ICON_TINT = '\uf043'
ICON_ARROWS = '\uf047'
ICON_BACKWARD = '\uf04a'
ICON_PLAY = '\uf04b'
ICON_PAUSE = '\uf04c'
ICON_STOP = '\uf04d'
ICON_FORWARD = '\uf04e'
ICON_EJECT = '\uf052'
ICON_BAN = '\uf05e'
ICON_ARROW_LEFT = '\uf060'
ICON_ARROW_UP = '\uf062'
ICON_ARROW_DOWN = '\uf063'
ICON_SHARE = '\uf064'
ICON_EXPAND = '\uf065'
ICON_COMPRESS = '\uf066'
ICON_PLUS = '\uf067'
ICON_MINUS = '\uf068'
ICON_ASTERISK = '\uf069'
ICON_GIFT = '\uf06b'
ICON_LEAF = '\uf06c'
ICON_FIRE = '\uf06d'
ICON_EYE = '\uf06e'
ICON_EYE_SLASH = '\uf070'
ICON_PLANE = '\uf072'
ICON_CALENDAR = '\uf073'
ICON_RANDOM = '\uf074'
ICON_COMMENT = '\uf075'
ICON_MAGNET = '\uf076'
ICON_CHEVRON_UP = '\uf077'
ICON_RETWEET = '\uf079'
ICON_FOLDER = '\uf07b'
ICON_ARROWS_V = '\uf07d'
ICON_ARROWS_H = '\uf07e'
ICON_BAR_CHART = '\uf080'
ICON_KEY = '\uf084'
ICON_COGS = '\uf085'
ICON_COMMENTS = '\uf086'
ICON_THUMBS_O_UP = '\uf087'
ICON_STAR_HALF = '\uf089'
ICON_HEART_O = '\uf08a'
ICON_SIGN_OUT = '\uf08b'
ICON_THUMB_TACK = '\uf08d'
ICON_SIGN_IN = '\uf090'
ICON_TROPHY = '\uf091'
ICON_UPLOAD = '\uf093'
ICON_LEMON_O = '\uf094'
ICON_PHONE = '\uf095'
ICON_SQUARE_O = '\uf096'
ICON_BOOKMARK_O = '\uf097'
ICON_TWITTER = '\uf099'
ICON_FACEBOOK = '\uf09a'
ICON_GITHUB = '\uf09b'
ICON_UNLOCK = '\uf09c'
ICON_RSS = '\uf09e'
ICON_HDD_O = '\uf0a0'
ICON_BULLHORN = '\uf0a1'
ICON_BELL = '\uf0f3'
ICON_HAND_O_RIGHT = '\uf0a4'
ICON_HAND_O_LEFT = '\uf0a5'
ICON_HAND_O_UP = '\uf0a6'
ICON_HAND_O_DOWN = '\uf0a7'
ICON_GLOBE = '\uf0ac'
ICON_WRENCH = '\uf0ad'
ICON_TASKS = '\uf0ae'
ICON_FILTER = '\uf0b0'
ICON_ARROWS_ALT = '\uf0b2'
ICON_USERS = '\uf0c0'
ICON_LINK = '\uf0c1'
ICON_CLOUD = '\uf0c2'
ICON_FLASK = '\uf0c3'
ICON_SCISSORS = '\uf0c4'
ICON_FILES_O = '\uf0c5'
ICON_FLOPPY_O = '\uf0c7'
ICON_SQUARE = '\uf0c8'
ICON_BARS = '\uf0c9'
ICON_LIST_UL = '\uf0ca'
ICON_LIST_OL = '\uf0cb'
ICON_TABLE = '\uf0ce'
ICON_MAGIC = '\uf0d0'
ICON_TRUCK = '\uf0d1'
ICON_MONEY = '\uf0d6'
ICON_CARET_DOWN = '\uf0d7'
ICON_CARET_UP = '\uf0d8'
ICON_CARET_LEFT = '\uf0d9'
ICON_COLUMNS = '\uf0db'
ICON_SORT = '\uf0dc'
ICON_SORT_DESC = '\uf0dd'
ICON_SORT_ASC = '\uf0de'
ICON_ENVELOPE = '\uf0e0'
ICON_LINKEDIN = '\uf0e1'
ICON_UNDO = '\uf0e2'
ICON_GAVEL = '\uf0e3'
ICON_COMMENT_O = '\uf0e5'
ICON_COMMENTS_O = '\uf0e6'
ICON_BOLT = '\uf0e7'
ICON_SITEMAP = '\uf0e8'
ICON_UMBRELLA = '\uf0e9'
ICON_EXCHANGE = '\uf0ec'
ICON_USER_MD = '\uf0f0'
ICON_SUITCASE = '\uf0f2'
ICON_BELL_O = '\uf0a2'
ICON_COFFEE = '\uf0f4'
ICON_CUTLERY = '\uf0f5'
ICON_FILE_TEXT_O = '\uf0f6'
ICON_BUILDING_O = '\uf0f7'
ICON_HOSPITAL_O = '\uf0f8'
ICON_MEDKIT = '\uf0fa'
ICON_BEER = '\uf0fc'
ICON_H_SQUARE = '\uf0fd'
ICON_ANGLE_LEFT = '\uf104'
ICON_ANGLE_UP = '\uf106'
ICON_ANGLE_DOWN = '\uf107'
ICON_DESKTOP = '\uf108'
ICON_LAPTOP = '\uf109'
ICON_TABLET = '\uf10a'
ICON_MOBILE = '\uf10b'
ICON_CIRCLE_O = '\uf10c'
ICON_QUOTE_LEFT = '\uf10d'
ICON_SPINNER = '\uf110'
ICON_CIRCLE = '\uf111'
ICON_REPLY = '\uf112'
ICON_GITHUB_ALT = '\uf113'
ICON_FOLDER_O = '\uf114'
ICON_SMILE_O = '\uf118'
ICON_FROWN_O = '\uf119'
ICON_MEH_O = '\uf11a'
ICON_GAMEPAD = '\uf11b'
ICON_KEYBOARD_O = '\uf11c'
ICON_FLAG_O = '\uf11d'
ICON_TERMINAL = '\uf120'
ICON_CODE = '\uf121'
ICON_REPLY_ALL = '\uf122'
ICON_STAR_HALF_O = '\uf123'
ICON_CROP = '\uf125'
ICON_CODE_FORK = '\uf126'
ICON_QUESTION = '\uf128'
ICON_INFO = '\uf129'
ICON_ERASER = '\uf12d'
ICON_SHIELD = '\uf132'
ICON_CALENDAR_O = '\uf133'
ICON_ROCKET = '\uf135'
ICON_MAXCDN = '\uf136'
ICON_HTML5 = '\uf13b'
ICON_CSS3 = '\uf13c'
ICON_ANCHOR = '\uf13d'
ICON_UNLOCK_ALT = '\uf13e'
ICON_BULLSEYE = '\uf140'
ICON_ELLIPSIS_H = '\uf141'
ICON_ELLIPSIS_V = '\uf142'
ICON_RSS_SQUARE = '\uf143'
ICON_TICKET = '\uf145'
ICON_LEVEL_UP = '\uf148'
ICON_LEVEL_DOWN = '\uf149'
ICON_COMPASS = '\uf14e'
ICON_EUR = '\uf153'
ICON_GBP = '\uf154'
ICON_USD = '\uf155'
ICON_INR = '\uf156'
ICON_JPY = '\uf157'
ICON_RUB = '\uf158'
ICON_KRW = '\uf159'
ICON_BTC = '\uf15a'
ICON_FILE = '\uf15b'
ICON_FILE_TEXT = '\uf15c'
ICON_THUMBS_UP = '\uf164'
ICON_YOUTUBE = '\uf167'
ICON_XING = '\uf168'
ICON_DROPBOX = '\uf16b'
ICON_FLICKR = '\uf16e'
ICON_ADN = '\uf170'
ICON_TUMBLR = '\uf173'
ICON_APPLE = '\uf179'
ICON_WINDOWS = '\uf17a'
ICON_ANDROID = '\uf17b'
ICON_LINUX = '\uf17c'
ICON_DRIBBBLE = '\uf17d'
ICON_SKYPE = '\uf17e'
ICON_TRELLO = '\uf181'
ICON_FEMALE = '\uf182'
ICON_MALE = '\uf183'
ICON_GRATIPAY = '\uf184'
ICON_SUN_O = '\uf185'
ICON_MOON_O = '\uf186'
ICON_ARCHIVE = '\uf187'
ICON_BUG = '\uf188'
ICON_VK = '\uf189'
ICON_WEIBO = '\uf18a'
ICON_RENREN = '\uf18b'
ICON_DOT_CIRCLE_O = '\uf192'
ICON_TRY = '\uf195'
ICON_SLACK = '\uf198'
ICON_OPENID = '\uf19b'
ICON_YAHOO = '\uf19e'
ICON_GOOGLE = '\uf1a0'
ICON_REDDIT = '\uf1a1'
ICON_DIGG = '\uf1a6'
ICON_DRUPAL = '\uf1a9'
ICON_JOOMLA = '\uf1aa'
ICON_LANGUAGE = '\uf1ab'
ICON_FAX = '\uf1ac'
ICON_BUILDING = '\uf1ad'
ICON_CHILD = '\uf1ae'
ICON_PAW = '\uf1b0'
ICON_SPOON = '\uf1b1'
ICON_CUBE = '\uf1b2'
ICON_CUBES = '\uf1b3'
ICON_BEHANCE = '\uf1b4'
ICON_STEAM = '\uf1b6'
ICON_RECYCLE = '\uf1b8'
ICON_CAR = '\uf1b9'
ICON_TAXI = '\uf1ba'
ICON_TREE = '\uf1bb'
ICON_SPOTIFY = '\uf1bc'
ICON_DATABASE = '\uf1c0'
ICON_FILE_PDF_O = '\uf1c1'
ICON_FILE_WORD_O = '\uf1c2'
ICON_FILE_EXCEL_O = '\uf1c3'
ICON_FILE_IMAGE_O = '\uf1c5'
ICON_FILE_AUDIO_O = '\uf1c7'
ICON_FILE_VIDEO_O = '\uf1c8'
ICON_FILE_CODE_O = '\uf1c9'
ICON_VINE = '\uf1ca'
ICON_CODEPEN = '\uf1cb'
ICON_JSFIDDLE = '\uf1cc'
ICON_LIFE_RING = '\uf1cd'
ICON_REBEL = '\uf1d0'
ICON_EMPIRE = '\uf1d1'
ICON_GIT_SQUARE = '\uf1d2'
ICON_GIT = '\uf1d3'
ICON_QQ = '\uf1d6'
ICON_WEIXIN = '\uf1d7'
ICON_HISTORY = '\uf1da'
ICON_HEADER = '\uf1dc'
ICON_SLIDERS = '\uf1de'
ICON_SHARE_ALT = '\uf1e0'
ICON_BOMB = '\uf1e2'
ICON_FUTBOL_O = '\uf1e3'
ICON_TTY = '\uf1e4'
ICON_PLUG = '\uf1e6'
ICON_TWITCH = '\uf1e8'
ICON_YELP = '\uf1e9'
ICON_WIFI = '\uf1eb'
ICON_PAYPAL = '\uf1ed'
ICON_CC_VISA = '\uf1f0'
ICON_CC_AMEX = '\uf1f3'
ICON_CC_PAYPAL = '\uf1f4'
ICON_CC_STRIPE = '\uf1f5'
ICON_BELL_SLASH = '\uf1f6'
ICON_BELL_SLASH_O = '\uf1f7'
ICON_TRASH = '\uf1f8'
ICON_AT = '\uf1fa'
ICON_AREA_CHART = '\uf1fe'
ICON_PIE_CHART = '\uf200'
ICON_LINE_CHART = '\uf201'
ICON_LASTFM = '\uf202'
ICON_TOGGLE_OFF = '\uf204'
ICON_TOGGLE_ON = '\uf205'
ICON_BICYCLE = '\uf206'
ICON_BUS = '\uf207'
ICON_IOXHOST = '\uf208'
ICON_CC = '\uf20a'
ICON_ILS = '\uf20b'
ICON_MEANPATH = '\uf20c'
ICON_DASHCUBE = '\uf210'
ICON_FORUMBEE = '\uf211'
ICON_LEANPUB = '\uf212'
ICON_SELLSY = '\uf213'
ICON_SKYATLAS = '\uf216'
ICON_CART_PLUS = '\uf217'
ICON_DIAMOND = '\uf219'
ICON_SHIP = '\uf21a'
ICON_VENUS = '\uf221'
ICON_MARS = '\uf222'
ICON_MERCURY = '\uf223'
ICON_VENUS_MARS = '\uf228'
ICON_NEUTER = '\uf22c'
ICON_WHATSAPP = '\uf232'
ICON_SERVER = '\uf233'
ICON_USER_PLUS = '\uf234'
ICON_USER_TIMES = '\uf235'
ICON_BED = '\uf236'
ICON_VIACOIN = '\uf237'
ICON_TRAIN = '\uf238'
ICON_SUBWAY = '\uf239'
ICON_MEDIUM = '\uf23a'
ICON_OPENCART = '\uf23d'
ICON_I_CURSOR = '\uf246'
ICON_CC_JCB = '\uf24b'
ICON_CLONE = '\uf24d'
ICON_HAND_ROCK_O = '\uf255'
ICON_HAND_PAPER_O = '\uf256'
ICON_HAND_SPOCK_O = '\uf259'
ICON_HAND_PEACE_O = '\uf25b'
ICON_GG = '\uf260'
ICON_GG_CIRCLE = '\uf261'
ICON_GET_POCKET = '\uf265'
ICON_SAFARI = '\uf267'
ICON_CHROME = '\uf268'
ICON_FIREFOX = '\uf269'
ICON_OPERA = '\uf26a'
ICON_CONTAO = '\uf26d'
ICON_500PX = '\uf26e'
ICON_AMAZON = '\uf270'
ICON_INDUSTRY = '\uf275'
ICON_MAP_PIN = '\uf276'
ICON_MAP_SIGNS = '\uf277'
ICON_MAP_O = '\uf278'
ICON_MAP = '\uf279'
ICON_HOUZZ = '\uf27c'
ICON_VIMEO = '\uf27d'
ICON_BLACK_TIE = '\uf27e'
ICON_EDGE = '\uf282'
ICON_CODIEPIE = '\uf284'
ICON_MODX = '\uf285'
ICON_USB = '\uf287'
ICON_MIXCLOUD = '\uf289'
ICON_SCRIBD = '\uf28a'
ICON_HASHTAG = '\uf292'
ICON_PERCENT = '\uf295'
ICON_GITLAB = '\uf296'
ICON_WPFORMS = '\uf298'
ICON_ENVIRA = '\uf299'
ICON_BLIND = '\uf29d'
ICON_BRAILLE = '\uf2a1'
ICON_DEAF = '\uf2a4'
ICON_GLIDE = '\uf2a5'
ICON_GLIDE_G = '\uf2a6'
ICON_LOW_VISION = '\uf2a8'
ICON_VIADEO = '\uf2a9'
ICON_SNAPCHAT = '\uf2ab'
ICON_PIED_PIPER = '\uf2ae'
ICON_YOAST = '\uf2b1'
ICON_LINODE = '\uf2b8'
ICON_USER_O = '\uf2c0'
ICON_ID_BADGE = '\uf2c1'
ICON_ID_CARD = '\uf2c2'
ICON_ID_CARD_O = '\uf2c3'
ICON_QUORA = '\uf2c4'
ICON_TELEGRAM = '\uf2c6'
ICON_SHOWER = '\uf2cc'
ICON_BATH = '\uf2cd'
ICON_PODCAST = '\uf2ce'
ICON_BANDCAMP = '\uf2d5'
ICON_GRAV = '\uf2d6'
ICON_ETSY = '\uf2d7'
ICON_IMDB = '\uf2d8'
ICON_RAVELRY = '\uf2d9'
ICON_EERCAST = '\uf2da'
ICON_MEETUP = '\uf2e0'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,683 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/4.x/src/icons.yml
//! for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FA: &str = "fontawesome-webfont.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{f000}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_GLASS: char = '\u{f000}';
pub const ICON_MUSIC: char = '\u{f001}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH: char = '\u{f002}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_O: char = '\u{f003}';
pub const ICON_HEART: char = '\u{f004}';
pub const ICON_STAR: char = '\u{f005}';
pub const ICON_STAR_O: char = '\u{f006}';
pub const ICON_USER: char = '\u{f007}';
pub const ICON_FILM: char = '\u{f008}';
pub const ICON_TH_LARGE: char = '\u{f009}';
pub const ICON_TH: char = '\u{f00a}';
pub const ICON_TH_LIST: char = '\u{f00b}';
pub const ICON_CHECK: char = '\u{f00c}';
pub const ICON_TIMES: char = '\u{f00d}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_PLUS: char = '\u{f00e}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_MINUS: char = '\u{f010}';
pub const ICON_POWER_OFF: char = '\u{f011}';
pub const ICON_SIGNAL: char = '\u{f012}';
pub const ICON_COG: char = '\u{f013}';
pub const ICON_TRASH_O: char = '\u{f014}';
pub const ICON_HOME: char = '\u{f015}';
pub const ICON_FILE_O: char = '\u{f016}';
pub const ICON_CLOCK_O: char = '\u{f017}';
pub const ICON_ROAD: char = '\u{f018}';
pub const ICON_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{f019}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f01a}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_UP: char = '\u{f01b}';
pub const ICON_INBOX: char = '\u{f01c}';
pub const ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f01d}';
pub const ICON_REPEAT: char = '\u{f01e}';
pub const ICON_REFRESH: char = '\u{f021}';
pub const ICON_LIST_ALT: char = '\u{f022}';
pub const ICON_LOCK: char = '\u{f023}';
pub const ICON_FLAG: char = '\u{f024}';
pub const ICON_HEADPHONES: char = '\u{f025}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_OFF: char = '\u{f026}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_DOWN: char = '\u{f027}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_UP: char = '\u{f028}';
pub const ICON_QRCODE: char = '\u{f029}';
pub const ICON_BARCODE: char = '\u{f02a}';
pub const ICON_TAG: char = '\u{f02b}';
pub const ICON_TAGS: char = '\u{f02c}';
pub const ICON_BOOK: char = '\u{f02d}';
pub const ICON_BOOKMARK: char = '\u{f02e}';
pub const ICON_PRINT: char = '\u{f02f}';
pub const ICON_CAMERA: char = '\u{f030}';
pub const ICON_FONT: char = '\u{f031}';
pub const ICON_BOLD: char = '\u{f032}';
pub const ICON_ITALIC: char = '\u{f033}';
pub const ICON_TEXT_HEIGHT: char = '\u{f034}';
pub const ICON_TEXT_WIDTH: char = '\u{f035}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_LEFT: char = '\u{f036}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_CENTER: char = '\u{f037}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_RIGHT: char = '\u{f038}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_JUSTIFY: char = '\u{f039}';
pub const ICON_LIST: char = '\u{f03a}';
pub const ICON_OUTDENT: char = '\u{f03b}';
pub const ICON_INDENT: char = '\u{f03c}';
pub const ICON_VIDEO_CAMERA: char = '\u{f03d}';
pub const ICON_PICTURE_O: char = '\u{f03e}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL: char = '\u{f040}';
pub const ICON_MAP_MARKER: char = '\u{f041}';
pub const ICON_ADJUST: char = '\u{f042}';
pub const ICON_TINT: char = '\u{f043}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f044}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f045}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f046}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS: char = '\u{f047}';
pub const ICON_STEP_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f048}';
pub const ICON_FAST_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f049}';
pub const ICON_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f04a}';
pub const ICON_PLAY: char = '\u{f04b}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE: char = '\u{f04c}';
pub const ICON_STOP: char = '\u{f04d}';
pub const ICON_FORWARD: char = '\u{f04e}';
pub const ICON_FAST_FORWARD: char = '\u{f050}';
pub const ICON_STEP_FORWARD: char = '\u{f051}';
pub const ICON_EJECT: char = '\u{f052}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_LEFT: char = '\u{f053}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT: char = '\u{f054}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f055}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f056}';
pub const ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f057}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f058}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f059}';
pub const ICON_INFO_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f05a}';
pub const ICON_CROSSHAIRS: char = '\u{f05b}';
pub const ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f05c}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f05d}';
pub const ICON_BAN: char = '\u{f05e}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{f060}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{f061}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_UP: char = '\u{f062}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f063}';
pub const ICON_SHARE: char = '\u{f064}';
pub const ICON_EXPAND: char = '\u{f065}';
pub const ICON_COMPRESS: char = '\u{f066}';
pub const ICON_PLUS: char = '\u{f067}';
pub const ICON_MINUS: char = '\u{f068}';
pub const ICON_ASTERISK: char = '\u{f069}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f06a}';
pub const ICON_GIFT: char = '\u{f06b}';
pub const ICON_LEAF: char = '\u{f06c}';
pub const ICON_FIRE: char = '\u{f06d}';
pub const ICON_EYE: char = '\u{f06e}';
pub const ICON_EYE_SLASH: char = '\u{f070}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE: char = '\u{f071}';
pub const ICON_PLANE: char = '\u{f072}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR: char = '\u{f073}';
pub const ICON_RANDOM: char = '\u{f074}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT: char = '\u{f075}';
pub const ICON_MAGNET: char = '\u{f076}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_UP: char = '\u{f077}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_DOWN: char = '\u{f078}';
pub const ICON_RETWEET: char = '\u{f079}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_CART: char = '\u{f07a}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER: char = '\u{f07b}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_OPEN: char = '\u{f07c}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_V: char = '\u{f07d}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_H: char = '\u{f07e}';
pub const ICON_BAR_CHART: char = '\u{f080}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER_SQUARE: char = '\u{f081}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f082}';
pub const ICON_CAMERA_RETRO: char = '\u{f083}';
pub const ICON_KEY: char = '\u{f084}';
pub const ICON_COGS: char = '\u{f085}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTS: char = '\u{f086}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_O_UP: char = '\u{f087}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f088}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF: char = '\u{f089}';
pub const ICON_HEART_O: char = '\u{f08a}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_OUT: char = '\u{f08b}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN_SQUARE: char = '\u{f08c}';
pub const ICON_THUMB_TACK: char = '\u{f08d}';
pub const ICON_EXTERNAL_LINK: char = '\u{f08e}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_IN: char = '\u{f090}';
pub const ICON_TROPHY: char = '\u{f091}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_SQUARE: char = '\u{f092}';
pub const ICON_UPLOAD: char = '\u{f093}';
pub const ICON_LEMON_O: char = '\u{f094}';
pub const ICON_PHONE: char = '\u{f095}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f096}';
pub const ICON_BOOKMARK_O: char = '\u{f097}';
pub const ICON_PHONE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f098}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{f099}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f09a}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{f09b}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK: char = '\u{f09c}';
pub const ICON_CREDIT_CARD: char = '\u{f09d}';
pub const ICON_RSS: char = '\u{f09e}';
pub const ICON_HDD_O: char = '\u{f0a0}';
pub const ICON_BULLHORN: char = '\u{f0a1}';
pub const ICON_BELL: char = '\u{f0f3}';
pub const ICON_CERTIFICATE: char = '\u{f0a3}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0a4}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f0a5}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_UP: char = '\u{f0a6}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f0a7}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f0a8}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0a9}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP: char = '\u{f0aa}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f0ab}';
pub const ICON_GLOBE: char = '\u{f0ac}';
pub const ICON_WRENCH: char = '\u{f0ad}';
pub const ICON_TASKS: char = '\u{f0ae}';
pub const ICON_FILTER: char = '\u{f0b0}';
pub const ICON_BRIEFCASE: char = '\u{f0b1}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_ALT: char = '\u{f0b2}';
pub const ICON_USERS: char = '\u{f0c0}';
pub const ICON_LINK: char = '\u{f0c1}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD: char = '\u{f0c2}';
pub const ICON_FLASK: char = '\u{f0c3}';
pub const ICON_SCISSORS: char = '\u{f0c4}';
pub const ICON_FILES_O: char = '\u{f0c5}';
pub const ICON_PAPERCLIP: char = '\u{f0c6}';
pub const ICON_FLOPPY_O: char = '\u{f0c7}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0c8}';
pub const ICON_BARS: char = '\u{f0c9}';
pub const ICON_LIST_UL: char = '\u{f0ca}';
pub const ICON_LIST_OL: char = '\u{f0cb}';
pub const ICON_STRIKETHROUGH: char = '\u{f0cc}';
pub const ICON_UNDERLINE: char = '\u{f0cd}';
pub const ICON_TABLE: char = '\u{f0ce}';
pub const ICON_MAGIC: char = '\u{f0d0}';
pub const ICON_TRUCK: char = '\u{f0d1}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d2}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d3}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d4}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f0d5}';
pub const ICON_MONEY: char = '\u{f0d6}';
pub const ICON_CARET_DOWN: char = '\u{f0d7}';
pub const ICON_CARET_UP: char = '\u{f0d8}';
pub const ICON_CARET_LEFT: char = '\u{f0d9}';
pub const ICON_CARET_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0da}';
pub const ICON_COLUMNS: char = '\u{f0db}';
pub const ICON_SORT: char = '\u{f0dc}';
pub const ICON_SORT_DESC: char = '\u{f0dd}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ASC: char = '\u{f0de}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE: char = '\u{f0e0}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN: char = '\u{f0e1}';
pub const ICON_UNDO: char = '\u{f0e2}';
pub const ICON_GAVEL: char = '\u{f0e3}';
pub const ICON_TACHOMETER: char = '\u{f0e4}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_O: char = '\u{f0e5}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTS_O: char = '\u{f0e6}';
pub const ICON_BOLT: char = '\u{f0e7}';
pub const ICON_SITEMAP: char = '\u{f0e8}';
pub const ICON_UMBRELLA: char = '\u{f0e9}';
pub const ICON_CLIPBOARD: char = '\u{f0ea}';
pub const ICON_LIGHTBULB_O: char = '\u{f0eb}';
pub const ICON_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f0ec}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{f0ed}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD: char = '\u{f0ee}';
pub const ICON_USER_MD: char = '\u{f0f0}';
pub const ICON_STETHOSCOPE: char = '\u{f0f1}';
pub const ICON_SUITCASE: char = '\u{f0f2}';
pub const ICON_BELL_O: char = '\u{f0a2}';
pub const ICON_COFFEE: char = '\u{f0f4}';
pub const ICON_CUTLERY: char = '\u{f0f5}';
pub const ICON_FILE_TEXT_O: char = '\u{f0f6}';
pub const ICON_BUILDING_O: char = '\u{f0f7}';
pub const ICON_HOSPITAL_O: char = '\u{f0f8}';
pub const ICON_AMBULANCE: char = '\u{f0f9}';
pub const ICON_MEDKIT: char = '\u{f0fa}';
pub const ICON_FIGHTER_JET: char = '\u{f0fb}';
pub const ICON_BEER: char = '\u{f0fc}';
pub const ICON_H_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0fd}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0fe}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f100}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f101}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_UP: char = '\u{f102}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f103}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f104}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f105}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_UP: char = '\u{f106}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f107}';
pub const ICON_DESKTOP: char = '\u{f108}';
pub const ICON_LAPTOP: char = '\u{f109}';
pub const ICON_TABLET: char = '\u{f10a}';
pub const ICON_MOBILE: char = '\u{f10b}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f10c}';
pub const ICON_QUOTE_LEFT: char = '\u{f10d}';
pub const ICON_QUOTE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f10e}';
pub const ICON_SPINNER: char = '\u{f110}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f111}';
pub const ICON_REPLY: char = '\u{f112}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_O: char = '\u{f114}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_OPEN_O: char = '\u{f115}';
pub const ICON_SMILE_O: char = '\u{f118}';
pub const ICON_FROWN_O: char = '\u{f119}';
pub const ICON_MEH_O: char = '\u{f11a}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD: char = '\u{f11b}';
pub const ICON_KEYBOARD_O: char = '\u{f11c}';
pub const ICON_FLAG_O: char = '\u{f11d}';
pub const ICON_FLAG_CHECKERED: char = '\u{f11e}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL: char = '\u{f120}';
pub const ICON_CODE: char = '\u{f121}';
pub const ICON_REPLY_ALL: char = '\u{f122}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF_O: char = '\u{f123}';
pub const ICON_LOCATION_ARROW: char = '\u{f124}';
pub const ICON_CROP: char = '\u{f125}';
pub const ICON_CODE_FORK: char = '\u{f126}';
pub const ICON_CHAIN_BROKEN: char = '\u{f127}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION: char = '\u{f128}';
pub const ICON_INFO: char = '\u{f129}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION: char = '\u{f12a}';
pub const ICON_SUPERSCRIPT: char = '\u{f12b}';
pub const ICON_SUBSCRIPT: char = '\u{f12c}';
pub const ICON_ERASER: char = '\u{f12d}';
pub const ICON_PUZZLE_PIECE: char = '\u{f12e}';
pub const ICON_MICROPHONE: char = '\u{f130}';
pub const ICON_MICROPHONE_SLASH: char = '\u{f131}';
pub const ICON_SHIELD: char = '\u{f132}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_O: char = '\u{f133}';
pub const ICON_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER: char = '\u{f134}';
pub const ICON_ROCKET: char = '\u{f135}';
pub const ICON_MAXCDN: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f137}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f138}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_UP: char = '\u{f139}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f13a}';
pub const ICON_HTML5: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_CSS3: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_ANCHOR: char = '\u{f13d}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK_ALT: char = '\u{f13e}';
pub const ICON_BULLSEYE: char = '\u{f140}';
pub const ICON_ELLIPSIS_H: char = '\u{f141}';
pub const ICON_ELLIPSIS_V: char = '\u{f142}';
pub const ICON_RSS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f143}';
pub const ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f144}';
pub const ICON_TICKET: char = '\u{f145}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f146}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f147}';
pub const ICON_LEVEL_UP: char = '\u{f148}';
pub const ICON_LEVEL_DOWN: char = '\u{f149}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14a}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14b}';
pub const ICON_EXTERNAL_LINK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14c}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14d}';
pub const ICON_COMPASS: char = '\u{f14e}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f150}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_UP: char = '\u{f151}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f152}';
pub const ICON_EUR: char = '\u{f153}';
pub const ICON_GBP: char = '\u{f154}';
pub const ICON_USD: char = '\u{f155}';
pub const ICON_INR: char = '\u{f156}';
pub const ICON_JPY: char = '\u{f157}';
pub const ICON_RUB: char = '\u{f158}';
pub const ICON_KRW: char = '\u{f159}';
pub const ICON_BTC: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_FILE: char = '\u{f15b}';
pub const ICON_FILE_TEXT: char = '\u{f15c}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ALPHA_ASC: char = '\u{f15d}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ALPHA_DESC: char = '\u{f15e}';
pub const ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_ASC: char = '\u{f160}';
pub const ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_DESC: char = '\u{f161}';
pub const ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_ASC: char = '\u{f162}';
pub const ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_DESC: char = '\u{f163}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_UP: char = '\u{f164}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_DOWN: char = '\u{f165}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f166}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_XING: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_XING_SQUARE: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_PLAY: char = '\u{f16a}';
pub const ICON_DROPBOX: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_FLICKR: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_ADN: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET_SQUARE: char = '\u{f172}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR_SQUARE: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f175}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_UP: char = '\u{f176}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{f177}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{f178}';
pub const ICON_APPLE: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_WINDOWS: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_ANDROID: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_LINUX: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_SKYPE: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_FOURSQUARE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_TRELLO: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_FEMALE: char = '\u{f182}';
pub const ICON_MALE: char = '\u{f183}';
pub const ICON_GRATIPAY: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_SUN_O: char = '\u{f185}';
pub const ICON_MOON_O: char = '\u{f186}';
pub const ICON_ARCHIVE: char = '\u{f187}';
pub const ICON_BUG: char = '\u{f188}';
pub const ICON_VK: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_WEIBO: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_RENREN: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_PAGELINES: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f18e}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f190}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f191}';
pub const ICON_DOT_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f192}';
pub const ICON_WHEELCHAIR: char = '\u{f193}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_TRY: char = '\u{f195}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f196}';
pub const ICON_SPACE_SHUTTLE: char = '\u{f197}';
pub const ICON_SLACK: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f199}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_OPENID: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_UNIVERSITY: char = '\u{f19c}';
pub const ICON_GRADUATION_CAP: char = '\u{f19d}';
pub const ICON_YAHOO: char = '\u{f19e}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE: char = '\u{f1a0}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a1}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1a2}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f1a3}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON: char = '\u{f1a4}';
pub const ICON_DELICIOUS: char = '\u{f1a5}';
pub const ICON_DIGG: char = '\u{f1a6}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_PP: char = '\u{f1a7}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_ALT: char = '\u{f1a8}';
pub const ICON_DRUPAL: char = '\u{f1a9}';
pub const ICON_JOOMLA: char = '\u{f1aa}';
pub const ICON_LANGUAGE: char = '\u{f1ab}';
pub const ICON_FAX: char = '\u{f1ac}';
pub const ICON_BUILDING: char = '\u{f1ad}';
pub const ICON_CHILD: char = '\u{f1ae}';
pub const ICON_PAW: char = '\u{f1b0}';
pub const ICON_SPOON: char = '\u{f1b1}';
pub const ICON_CUBE: char = '\u{f1b2}';
pub const ICON_CUBES: char = '\u{f1b3}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b4}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b5}';
pub const ICON_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b6}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b7}';
pub const ICON_RECYCLE: char = '\u{f1b8}';
pub const ICON_CAR: char = '\u{f1b9}';
pub const ICON_TAXI: char = '\u{f1ba}';
pub const ICON_TREE: char = '\u{f1bb}';
pub const ICON_SPOTIFY: char = '\u{f1bc}';
pub const ICON_DEVIANTART: char = '\u{f1bd}';
pub const ICON_SOUNDCLOUD: char = '\u{f1be}';
pub const ICON_DATABASE: char = '\u{f1c0}';
pub const ICON_FILE_PDF_O: char = '\u{f1c1}';
pub const ICON_FILE_WORD_O: char = '\u{f1c2}';
pub const ICON_FILE_EXCEL_O: char = '\u{f1c3}';
pub const ICON_FILE_POWERPOINT_O: char = '\u{f1c4}';
pub const ICON_FILE_IMAGE_O: char = '\u{f1c5}';
pub const ICON_FILE_ARCHIVE_O: char = '\u{f1c6}';
pub const ICON_FILE_AUDIO_O: char = '\u{f1c7}';
pub const ICON_FILE_VIDEO_O: char = '\u{f1c8}';
pub const ICON_FILE_CODE_O: char = '\u{f1c9}';
pub const ICON_VINE: char = '\u{f1ca}';
pub const ICON_CODEPEN: char = '\u{f1cb}';
pub const ICON_JSFIDDLE: char = '\u{f1cc}';
pub const ICON_LIFE_RING: char = '\u{f1cd}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_O_NOTCH: char = '\u{f1ce}';
pub const ICON_REBEL: char = '\u{f1d0}';
pub const ICON_EMPIRE: char = '\u{f1d1}';
pub const ICON_GIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1d2}';
pub const ICON_GIT: char = '\u{f1d3}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f1d4}';
pub const ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO: char = '\u{f1d5}';
pub const ICON_QQ: char = '\u{f1d6}';
pub const ICON_WEIXIN: char = '\u{f1d7}';
pub const ICON_PAPER_PLANE: char = '\u{f1d8}';
pub const ICON_PAPER_PLANE_O: char = '\u{f1d9}';
pub const ICON_HISTORY: char = '\u{f1da}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_THIN: char = '\u{f1db}';
pub const ICON_HEADER: char = '\u{f1dc}';
pub const ICON_PARAGRAPH: char = '\u{f1dd}';
pub const ICON_SLIDERS: char = '\u{f1de}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_ALT: char = '\u{f1e0}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_ALT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1e1}';
pub const ICON_BOMB: char = '\u{f1e2}';
pub const ICON_FUTBOL_O: char = '\u{f1e3}';
pub const ICON_TTY: char = '\u{f1e4}';
pub const ICON_BINOCULARS: char = '\u{f1e5}';
pub const ICON_PLUG: char = '\u{f1e6}';
pub const ICON_SLIDESHARE: char = '\u{f1e7}';
pub const ICON_TWITCH: char = '\u{f1e8}';
pub const ICON_YELP: char = '\u{f1e9}';
pub const ICON_NEWSPAPER_O: char = '\u{f1ea}';
pub const ICON_WIFI: char = '\u{f1eb}';
pub const ICON_CALCULATOR: char = '\u{f1ec}';
pub const ICON_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1ed}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET: char = '\u{f1ee}';
pub const ICON_CC_VISA: char = '\u{f1f0}';
pub const ICON_CC_MASTERCARD: char = '\u{f1f1}';
pub const ICON_CC_DISCOVER: char = '\u{f1f2}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMEX: char = '\u{f1f3}';
pub const ICON_CC_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1f4}';
pub const ICON_CC_STRIPE: char = '\u{f1f5}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH: char = '\u{f1f6}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH_O: char = '\u{f1f7}';
pub const ICON_TRASH: char = '\u{f1f8}';
pub const ICON_COPYRIGHT: char = '\u{f1f9}';
pub const ICON_AT: char = '\u{f1fa}';
pub const ICON_EYEDROPPER: char = '\u{f1fb}';
pub const ICON_PAINT_BRUSH: char = '\u{f1fc}';
pub const ICON_BIRTHDAY_CAKE: char = '\u{f1fd}';
pub const ICON_AREA_CHART: char = '\u{f1fe}';
pub const ICON_PIE_CHART: char = '\u{f200}';
pub const ICON_LINE_CHART: char = '\u{f201}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM: char = '\u{f202}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f203}';
pub const ICON_TOGGLE_OFF: char = '\u{f204}';
pub const ICON_TOGGLE_ON: char = '\u{f205}';
pub const ICON_BICYCLE: char = '\u{f206}';
pub const ICON_BUS: char = '\u{f207}';
pub const ICON_IOXHOST: char = '\u{f208}';
pub const ICON_ANGELLIST: char = '\u{f209}';
pub const ICON_CC: char = '\u{f20a}';
pub const ICON_ILS: char = '\u{f20b}';
pub const ICON_MEANPATH: char = '\u{f20c}';
pub const ICON_BUYSELLADS: char = '\u{f20d}';
pub const ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP: char = '\u{f20e}';
pub const ICON_DASHCUBE: char = '\u{f210}';
pub const ICON_FORUMBEE: char = '\u{f211}';
pub const ICON_LEANPUB: char = '\u{f212}';
pub const ICON_SELLSY: char = '\u{f213}';
pub const ICON_SHIRTSINBULK: char = '\u{f214}';
pub const ICON_SIMPLYBUILT: char = '\u{f215}';
pub const ICON_SKYATLAS: char = '\u{f216}';
pub const ICON_CART_PLUS: char = '\u{f217}';
pub const ICON_CART_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f218}';
pub const ICON_DIAMOND: char = '\u{f219}';
pub const ICON_SHIP: char = '\u{f21a}';
pub const ICON_USER_SECRET: char = '\u{f21b}';
pub const ICON_MOTORCYCLE: char = '\u{f21c}';
pub const ICON_STREET_VIEW: char = '\u{f21d}';
pub const ICON_HEARTBEAT: char = '\u{f21e}';
pub const ICON_VENUS: char = '\u{f221}';
pub const ICON_MARS: char = '\u{f222}';
pub const ICON_MERCURY: char = '\u{f223}';
pub const ICON_TRANSGENDER: char = '\u{f224}';
pub const ICON_TRANSGENDER_ALT: char = '\u{f225}';
pub const ICON_VENUS_DOUBLE: char = '\u{f226}';
pub const ICON_MARS_DOUBLE: char = '\u{f227}';
pub const ICON_VENUS_MARS: char = '\u{f228}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE: char = '\u{f229}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE_V: char = '\u{f22a}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE_H: char = '\u{f22b}';
pub const ICON_NEUTER: char = '\u{f22c}';
pub const ICON_GENDERLESS: char = '\u{f22d}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_OFFICIAL: char = '\u{f230}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_P: char = '\u{f231}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f232}';
pub const ICON_SERVER: char = '\u{f233}';
pub const ICON_USER_PLUS: char = '\u{f234}';
pub const ICON_USER_TIMES: char = '\u{f235}';
pub const ICON_BED: char = '\u{f236}';
pub const ICON_VIACOIN: char = '\u{f237}';
pub const ICON_TRAIN: char = '\u{f238}';
pub const ICON_SUBWAY: char = '\u{f239}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM: char = '\u{f23a}';
pub const ICON_Y_COMBINATOR: char = '\u{f23b}';
pub const ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER: char = '\u{f23c}';
pub const ICON_OPENCART: char = '\u{f23d}';
pub const ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL: char = '\u{f23e}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_FULL: char = '\u{f240}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS: char = '\u{f241}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_HALF: char = '\u{f242}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_QUARTER: char = '\u{f243}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_EMPTY: char = '\u{f244}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE_POINTER: char = '\u{f245}';
pub const ICON_I_CURSOR: char = '\u{f246}';
pub const ICON_OBJECT_GROUP: char = '\u{f247}';
pub const ICON_OBJECT_UNGROUP: char = '\u{f248}';
pub const ICON_STICKY_NOTE: char = '\u{f249}';
pub const ICON_STICKY_NOTE_O: char = '\u{f24a}';
pub const ICON_CC_JCB: char = '\u{f24b}';
pub const ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB: char = '\u{f24c}';
pub const ICON_CLONE: char = '\u{f24d}';
pub const ICON_BALANCE_SCALE: char = '\u{f24e}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_O: char = '\u{f250}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_START: char = '\u{f251}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_HALF: char = '\u{f252}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_END: char = '\u{f253}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS: char = '\u{f254}';
pub const ICON_HAND_ROCK_O: char = '\u{f255}';
pub const ICON_HAND_PAPER_O: char = '\u{f256}';
pub const ICON_HAND_SCISSORS_O: char = '\u{f257}';
pub const ICON_HAND_LIZARD_O: char = '\u{f258}';
pub const ICON_HAND_SPOCK_O: char = '\u{f259}';
pub const ICON_HAND_POINTER_O: char = '\u{f25a}';
pub const ICON_HAND_PEACE_O: char = '\u{f25b}';
pub const ICON_TRADEMARK: char = '\u{f25c}';
pub const ICON_REGISTERED: char = '\u{f25d}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS: char = '\u{f25e}';
pub const ICON_GG: char = '\u{f260}';
pub const ICON_GG_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f261}';
pub const ICON_TRIPADVISOR: char = '\u{f262}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f263}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE: char = '\u{f264}';
pub const ICON_GET_POCKET: char = '\u{f265}';
pub const ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W: char = '\u{f266}';
pub const ICON_SAFARI: char = '\u{f267}';
pub const ICON_CHROME: char = '\u{f268}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX: char = '\u{f269}';
pub const ICON_OPERA: char = '\u{f26a}';
pub const ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER: char = '\u{f26b}';
pub const ICON_TELEVISION: char = '\u{f26c}';
pub const ICON_CONTAO: char = '\u{f26d}';
pub const ICON_500PX: char = '\u{f26e}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON: char = '\u{f270}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_PLUS_O: char = '\u{f271}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_MINUS_O: char = '\u{f272}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_TIMES_O: char = '\u{f273}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_CHECK_O: char = '\u{f274}';
pub const ICON_INDUSTRY: char = '\u{f275}';
pub const ICON_MAP_PIN: char = '\u{f276}';
pub const ICON_MAP_SIGNS: char = '\u{f277}';
pub const ICON_MAP_O: char = '\u{f278}';
pub const ICON_MAP: char = '\u{f279}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTING: char = '\u{f27a}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTING_O: char = '\u{f27b}';
pub const ICON_HOUZZ: char = '\u{f27c}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO: char = '\u{f27d}';
pub const ICON_BLACK_TIE: char = '\u{f27e}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS: char = '\u{f280}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN: char = '\u{f281}';
pub const ICON_EDGE: char = '\u{f282}';
pub const ICON_CREDIT_CARD_ALT: char = '\u{f283}';
pub const ICON_CODIEPIE: char = '\u{f284}';
pub const ICON_MODX: char = '\u{f285}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f286}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f287}';
pub const ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT: char = '\u{f288}';
pub const ICON_MIXCLOUD: char = '\u{f289}';
pub const ICON_SCRIBD: char = '\u{f28a}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f28b}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f28c}';
pub const ICON_STOP_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f28d}';
pub const ICON_STOP_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f28e}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_BAG: char = '\u{f290}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_BASKET: char = '\u{f291}';
pub const ICON_HASHTAG: char = '\u{f292}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f293}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH_B: char = '\u{f294}';
pub const ICON_PERCENT: char = '\u{f295}';
pub const ICON_GITLAB: char = '\u{f296}';
pub const ICON_WPBEGINNER: char = '\u{f297}';
pub const ICON_WPFORMS: char = '\u{f298}';
pub const ICON_ENVIRA: char = '\u{f299}';
pub const ICON_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS: char = '\u{f29a}';
pub const ICON_WHEELCHAIR_ALT: char = '\u{f29b}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f29c}';
pub const ICON_BLIND: char = '\u{f29d}';
pub const ICON_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION: char = '\u{f29e}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_CONTROL_PHONE: char = '\u{f2a0}';
pub const ICON_BRAILLE: char = '\u{f2a1}';
pub const ICON_ASSISTIVE_LISTENING_SYSTEMS: char = '\u{f2a2}';
pub const ICON_DEAF: char = '\u{f2a4}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE: char = '\u{f2a5}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE_G: char = '\u{f2a6}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_LANGUAGE: char = '\u{f2a7}';
pub const ICON_LOW_VISION: char = '\u{f2a8}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2a9}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2aa}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ab}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_GHOST: char = '\u{f2ac}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2ad}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER: char = '\u{f2ae}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER: char = '\u{f2b0}';
pub const ICON_YOAST: char = '\u{f2b1}';
pub const ICON_THEMEISLE: char = '\u{f2b2}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_OFFICIAL: char = '\u{f2b3}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2b4}';
pub const ICON_HANDSHAKE_O: char = '\u{f2b5}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN: char = '\u{f2b6}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN_O: char = '\u{f2b7}';
pub const ICON_LINODE: char = '\u{f2b8}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK: char = '\u{f2b9}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK_O: char = '\u{f2ba}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_CARD: char = '\u{f2bb}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_CARD_O: char = '\u{f2bc}';
pub const ICON_USER_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f2bd}';
pub const ICON_USER_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f2be}';
pub const ICON_USER_O: char = '\u{f2c0}';
pub const ICON_ID_BADGE: char = '\u{f2c1}';
pub const ICON_ID_CARD: char = '\u{f2c2}';
pub const ICON_ID_CARD_O: char = '\u{f2c3}';
pub const ICON_QUORA: char = '\u{f2c4}';
pub const ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP: char = '\u{f2c5}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM: char = '\u{f2c6}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_FULL: char = '\u{f2c7}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_THREE_QUARTERS: char = '\u{f2c8}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_HALF: char = '\u{f2c9}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_QUARTER: char = '\u{f2ca}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_EMPTY: char = '\u{f2cb}';
pub const ICON_SHOWER: char = '\u{f2cc}';
pub const ICON_BATH: char = '\u{f2cd}';
pub const ICON_PODCAST: char = '\u{f2ce}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE: char = '\u{f2d0}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE: char = '\u{f2d1}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_RESTORE: char = '\u{f2d2}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE: char = '\u{f2d3}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE_O: char = '\u{f2d4}';
pub const ICON_BANDCAMP: char = '\u{f2d5}';
pub const ICON_GRAV: char = '\u{f2d6}';
pub const ICON_ETSY: char = '\u{f2d7}';
pub const ICON_IMDB: char = '\u{f2d8}';
pub const ICON_RAVELRY: char = '\u{f2d9}';
pub const ICON_EERCAST: char = '\u{f2da}';
pub const ICON_MICROCHIP: char = '\u{f2db}';
pub const ICON_SNOWFLAKE_O: char = '\u{f2dc}';
pub const ICON_SUPERPOWERS: char = '\u{f2dd}';
pub const ICON_WPEXPLORER: char = '\u{f2de}';
pub const ICON_MEETUP: char = '\u{f2e0}';
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// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class FontAwesome5Brands
public const string FontIconFileNameFAB = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xe007;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf8e8;
public const int IconMax = 0xf8e8;
public const string Num500px = "\uf26e";
public const string AccessibleIcon = "\uf368";
public const string Accusoft = "\uf369";
public const string AcquisitionsIncorporated = "\uf6af";
public const string Adn = "\uf170";
public const string Adversal = "\uf36a";
public const string Affiliatetheme = "\uf36b";
public const string Airbnb = "\uf834";
public const string Algolia = "\uf36c";
public const string Alipay = "\uf642";
public const string Amazon = "\uf270";
public const string AmazonPay = "\uf42c";
public const string Amilia = "\uf36d";
public const string Android = "\uf17b";
public const string Angellist = "\uf209";
public const string Angrycreative = "\uf36e";
public const string Angular = "\uf420";
public const string AppStore = "\uf36f";
public const string AppStoreIos = "\uf370";
public const string Apper = "\uf371";
public const string Apple = "\uf179";
public const string ApplePay = "\uf415";
public const string Artstation = "\uf77a";
public const string Asymmetrik = "\uf372";
public const string Atlassian = "\uf77b";
public const string Audible = "\uf373";
public const string Autoprefixer = "\uf41c";
public const string Avianex = "\uf374";
public const string Aviato = "\uf421";
public const string Aws = "\uf375";
public const string Bandcamp = "\uf2d5";
public const string BattleNet = "\uf835";
public const string Behance = "\uf1b4";
public const string BehanceSquare = "\uf1b5";
public const string Bimobject = "\uf378";
public const string Bitbucket = "\uf171";
public const string Bitcoin = "\uf379";
public const string Bity = "\uf37a";
public const string BlackTie = "\uf27e";
public const string Blackberry = "\uf37b";
public const string Blogger = "\uf37c";
public const string BloggerB = "\uf37d";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf293";
public const string BluetoothB = "\uf294";
public const string Bootstrap = "\uf836";
public const string Btc = "\uf15a";
public const string Buffer = "\uf837";
public const string Buromobelexperte = "\uf37f";
public const string BuyNLarge = "\uf8a6";
public const string Buysellads = "\uf20d";
public const string CanadianMapleLeaf = "\uf785";
public const string CcAmazonPay = "\uf42d";
public const string CcAmex = "\uf1f3";
public const string CcApplePay = "\uf416";
public const string CcDinersClub = "\uf24c";
public const string CcDiscover = "\uf1f2";
public const string CcJcb = "\uf24b";
public const string CcMastercard = "\uf1f1";
public const string CcPaypal = "\uf1f4";
public const string CcStripe = "\uf1f5";
public const string CcVisa = "\uf1f0";
public const string Centercode = "\uf380";
public const string Centos = "\uf789";
public const string Chrome = "\uf268";
public const string Chromecast = "\uf838";
public const string Cloudflare = "\ue07d";
public const string Cloudscale = "\uf383";
public const string Cloudsmith = "\uf384";
public const string Cloudversify = "\uf385";
public const string Codepen = "\uf1cb";
public const string Codiepie = "\uf284";
public const string Confluence = "\uf78d";
public const string Connectdevelop = "\uf20e";
public const string Contao = "\uf26d";
public const string CottonBureau = "\uf89e";
public const string Cpanel = "\uf388";
public const string CreativeCommons = "\uf25e";
public const string CreativeCommonsBy = "\uf4e7";
public const string CreativeCommonsNc = "\uf4e8";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcEu = "\uf4e9";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcJp = "\uf4ea";
public const string CreativeCommonsNd = "\uf4eb";
public const string CreativeCommonsPd = "\uf4ec";
public const string CreativeCommonsPdAlt = "\uf4ed";
public const string CreativeCommonsRemix = "\uf4ee";
public const string CreativeCommonsSa = "\uf4ef";
public const string CreativeCommonsSampling = "\uf4f0";
public const string CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus = "\uf4f1";
public const string CreativeCommonsShare = "\uf4f2";
public const string CreativeCommonsZero = "\uf4f3";
public const string CriticalRole = "\uf6c9";
public const string Css3 = "\uf13c";
public const string Css3Alt = "\uf38b";
public const string Cuttlefish = "\uf38c";
public const string DAndD = "\uf38d";
public const string DAndDBeyond = "\uf6ca";
public const string Dailymotion = "\ue052";
public const string Dashcube = "\uf210";
public const string Deezer = "\ue077";
public const string Delicious = "\uf1a5";
public const string Deploydog = "\uf38e";
public const string Deskpro = "\uf38f";
public const string Dev = "\uf6cc";
public const string Deviantart = "\uf1bd";
public const string Dhl = "\uf790";
public const string Diaspora = "\uf791";
public const string Digg = "\uf1a6";
public const string DigitalOcean = "\uf391";
public const string Discord = "\uf392";
public const string Discourse = "\uf393";
public const string Dochub = "\uf394";
public const string Docker = "\uf395";
public const string Draft2digital = "\uf396";
public const string Dribbble = "\uf17d";
public const string DribbbleSquare = "\uf397";
public const string Dropbox = "\uf16b";
public const string Drupal = "\uf1a9";
public const string Dyalog = "\uf399";
public const string Earlybirds = "\uf39a";
public const string Ebay = "\uf4f4";
public const string Edge = "\uf282";
public const string EdgeLegacy = "\ue078";
public const string Elementor = "\uf430";
public const string Ello = "\uf5f1";
public const string Ember = "\uf423";
public const string Empire = "\uf1d1";
public const string Envira = "\uf299";
public const string Erlang = "\uf39d";
public const string Ethereum = "\uf42e";
public const string Etsy = "\uf2d7";
public const string Evernote = "\uf839";
public const string Expeditedssl = "\uf23e";
public const string Facebook = "\uf09a";
public const string FacebookF = "\uf39e";
public const string FacebookMessenger = "\uf39f";
public const string FacebookSquare = "\uf082";
public const string FantasyFlightGames = "\uf6dc";
public const string Fedex = "\uf797";
public const string Fedora = "\uf798";
public const string Figma = "\uf799";
public const string Firefox = "\uf269";
public const string FirefoxBrowser = "\ue007";
public const string FirstOrder = "\uf2b0";
public const string FirstOrderAlt = "\uf50a";
public const string Firstdraft = "\uf3a1";
public const string Flickr = "\uf16e";
public const string Flipboard = "\uf44d";
public const string Fly = "\uf417";
public const string FontAwesome = "\uf2b4";
public const string FontAwesomeAlt = "\uf35c";
public const string FontAwesomeFlag = "\uf425";
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public const string Fonticons = "\uf280";
public const string FonticonsFi = "\uf3a2";
public const string FortAwesome = "\uf286";
public const string FortAwesomeAlt = "\uf3a3";
public const string Forumbee = "\uf211";
public const string Foursquare = "\uf180";
public const string FreeCodeCamp = "\uf2c5";
public const string Freebsd = "\uf3a4";
public const string Fulcrum = "\uf50b";
public const string GalacticRepublic = "\uf50c";
public const string GalacticSenate = "\uf50d";
public const string GetPocket = "\uf265";
public const string Gg = "\uf260";
public const string GgCircle = "\uf261";
public const string Git = "\uf1d3";
public const string GitAlt = "\uf841";
public const string GitSquare = "\uf1d2";
public const string Github = "\uf09b";
public const string GithubAlt = "\uf113";
public const string GithubSquare = "\uf092";
public const string Gitkraken = "\uf3a6";
public const string Gitlab = "\uf296";
public const string Gitter = "\uf426";
public const string Glide = "\uf2a5";
public const string GlideG = "\uf2a6";
public const string Gofore = "\uf3a7";
public const string Goodreads = "\uf3a8";
public const string GoodreadsG = "\uf3a9";
public const string Google = "\uf1a0";
public const string GoogleDrive = "\uf3aa";
public const string GooglePay = "\ue079";
public const string GooglePlay = "\uf3ab";
public const string GooglePlus = "\uf2b3";
public const string GooglePlusG = "\uf0d5";
public const string GooglePlusSquare = "\uf0d4";
public const string GoogleWallet = "\uf1ee";
public const string Gratipay = "\uf184";
public const string Grav = "\uf2d6";
public const string Gripfire = "\uf3ac";
public const string Grunt = "\uf3ad";
public const string Guilded = "\ue07e";
public const string Gulp = "\uf3ae";
public const string HackerNews = "\uf1d4";
public const string HackerNewsSquare = "\uf3af";
public const string Hackerrank = "\uf5f7";
public const string Hips = "\uf452";
public const string HireAHelper = "\uf3b0";
public const string Hive = "\ue07f";
public const string Hooli = "\uf427";
public const string Hornbill = "\uf592";
public const string Hotjar = "\uf3b1";
public const string Houzz = "\uf27c";
public const string Html5 = "\uf13b";
public const string Hubspot = "\uf3b2";
public const string Ideal = "\ue013";
public const string Imdb = "\uf2d8";
public const string Innosoft = "\ue080";
public const string Instagram = "\uf16d";
public const string InstagramSquare = "\ue055";
public const string Instalod = "\ue081";
public const string Intercom = "\uf7af";
public const string InternetExplorer = "\uf26b";
public const string Invision = "\uf7b0";
public const string Ioxhost = "\uf208";
public const string ItchIo = "\uf83a";
public const string Itunes = "\uf3b4";
public const string ItunesNote = "\uf3b5";
public const string Java = "\uf4e4";
public const string JediOrder = "\uf50e";
public const string Jenkins = "\uf3b6";
public const string Jira = "\uf7b1";
public const string Joget = "\uf3b7";
public const string Joomla = "\uf1aa";
public const string Js = "\uf3b8";
public const string JsSquare = "\uf3b9";
public const string Jsfiddle = "\uf1cc";
public const string Kaggle = "\uf5fa";
public const string Keybase = "\uf4f5";
public const string Keycdn = "\uf3ba";
public const string Kickstarter = "\uf3bb";
public const string KickstarterK = "\uf3bc";
public const string Korvue = "\uf42f";
public const string Laravel = "\uf3bd";
public const string Lastfm = "\uf202";
public const string LastfmSquare = "\uf203";
public const string Leanpub = "\uf212";
public const string Less = "\uf41d";
public const string Line = "\uf3c0";
public const string Linkedin = "\uf08c";
public const string LinkedinIn = "\uf0e1";
public const string Linode = "\uf2b8";
public const string Linux = "\uf17c";
public const string Lyft = "\uf3c3";
public const string Magento = "\uf3c4";
public const string Mailchimp = "\uf59e";
public const string Mandalorian = "\uf50f";
public const string Markdown = "\uf60f";
public const string Mastodon = "\uf4f6";
public const string Maxcdn = "\uf136";
public const string Mdb = "\uf8ca";
public const string Medapps = "\uf3c6";
public const string Medium = "\uf23a";
public const string MediumM = "\uf3c7";
public const string Medrt = "\uf3c8";
public const string Meetup = "\uf2e0";
public const string Megaport = "\uf5a3";
public const string Mendeley = "\uf7b3";
public const string Microblog = "\ue01a";
public const string Microsoft = "\uf3ca";
public const string Mix = "\uf3cb";
public const string Mixcloud = "\uf289";
public const string Mixer = "\ue056";
public const string Mizuni = "\uf3cc";
public const string Modx = "\uf285";
public const string Monero = "\uf3d0";
public const string Napster = "\uf3d2";
public const string Neos = "\uf612";
public const string Nimblr = "\uf5a8";
public const string Node = "\uf419";
public const string NodeJs = "\uf3d3";
public const string Npm = "\uf3d4";
public const string Ns8 = "\uf3d5";
public const string Nutritionix = "\uf3d6";
public const string OctopusDeploy = "\ue082";
public const string Odnoklassniki = "\uf263";
public const string OdnoklassnikiSquare = "\uf264";
public const string OldRepublic = "\uf510";
public const string Opencart = "\uf23d";
public const string Openid = "\uf19b";
public const string Opera = "\uf26a";
public const string OptinMonster = "\uf23c";
public const string Orcid = "\uf8d2";
public const string Osi = "\uf41a";
public const string Page4 = "\uf3d7";
public const string Pagelines = "\uf18c";
public const string Palfed = "\uf3d8";
public const string Patreon = "\uf3d9";
public const string Paypal = "\uf1ed";
public const string PennyArcade = "\uf704";
public const string Perbyte = "\ue083";
public const string Periscope = "\uf3da";
public const string Phabricator = "\uf3db";
public const string PhoenixFramework = "\uf3dc";
public const string PhoenixSquadron = "\uf511";
public const string Php = "\uf457";
public const string PiedPiper = "\uf2ae";
public const string PiedPiperAlt = "\uf1a8";
public const string PiedPiperHat = "\uf4e5";
public const string PiedPiperPp = "\uf1a7";
public const string PiedPiperSquare = "\ue01e";
public const string Pinterest = "\uf0d2";
public const string PinterestP = "\uf231";
public const string PinterestSquare = "\uf0d3";
public const string Playstation = "\uf3df";
public const string ProductHunt = "\uf288";
public const string Pushed = "\uf3e1";
public const string Python = "\uf3e2";
public const string Qq = "\uf1d6";
public const string Quinscape = "\uf459";
public const string Quora = "\uf2c4";
public const string RProject = "\uf4f7";
public const string RaspberryPi = "\uf7bb";
public const string Ravelry = "\uf2d9";
public const string React = "\uf41b";
public const string Reacteurope = "\uf75d";
public const string Readme = "\uf4d5";
public const string Rebel = "\uf1d0";
public const string RedRiver = "\uf3e3";
public const string Reddit = "\uf1a1";
public const string RedditAlien = "\uf281";
public const string RedditSquare = "\uf1a2";
public const string Redhat = "\uf7bc";
public const string Renren = "\uf18b";
public const string Replyd = "\uf3e6";
public const string Researchgate = "\uf4f8";
public const string Resolving = "\uf3e7";
public const string Rev = "\uf5b2";
public const string Rocketchat = "\uf3e8";
public const string Rockrms = "\uf3e9";
public const string Rust = "\ue07a";
public const string Safari = "\uf267";
public const string Salesforce = "\uf83b";
public const string Sass = "\uf41e";
public const string Schlix = "\uf3ea";
public const string Scribd = "\uf28a";
public const string Searchengin = "\uf3eb";
public const string Sellcast = "\uf2da";
public const string Sellsy = "\uf213";
public const string Servicestack = "\uf3ec";
public const string Shirtsinbulk = "\uf214";
public const string Shopify = "\ue057";
public const string Shopware = "\uf5b5";
public const string Simplybuilt = "\uf215";
public const string Sistrix = "\uf3ee";
public const string Sith = "\uf512";
public const string Sketch = "\uf7c6";
public const string Skyatlas = "\uf216";
public const string Skype = "\uf17e";
public const string Slack = "\uf198";
public const string SlackHash = "\uf3ef";
public const string Slideshare = "\uf1e7";
public const string Snapchat = "\uf2ab";
public const string SnapchatGhost = "\uf2ac";
public const string SnapchatSquare = "\uf2ad";
public const string Soundcloud = "\uf1be";
public const string Sourcetree = "\uf7d3";
public const string Speakap = "\uf3f3";
public const string SpeakerDeck = "\uf83c";
public const string Spotify = "\uf1bc";
public const string Squarespace = "\uf5be";
public const string StackExchange = "\uf18d";
public const string StackOverflow = "\uf16c";
public const string Stackpath = "\uf842";
public const string Staylinked = "\uf3f5";
public const string Steam = "\uf1b6";
public const string SteamSquare = "\uf1b7";
public const string SteamSymbol = "\uf3f6";
public const string StickerMule = "\uf3f7";
public const string Strava = "\uf428";
public const string Stripe = "\uf429";
public const string StripeS = "\uf42a";
public const string Studiovinari = "\uf3f8";
public const string Stumbleupon = "\uf1a4";
public const string StumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3";
public const string Superpowers = "\uf2dd";
public const string Supple = "\uf3f9";
public const string Suse = "\uf7d6";
public const string Swift = "\uf8e1";
public const string Symfony = "\uf83d";
public const string Teamspeak = "\uf4f9";
public const string Telegram = "\uf2c6";
public const string TelegramPlane = "\uf3fe";
public const string TencentWeibo = "\uf1d5";
public const string TheRedYeti = "\uf69d";
public const string Themeco = "\uf5c6";
public const string Themeisle = "\uf2b2";
public const string ThinkPeaks = "\uf731";
public const string Tiktok = "\ue07b";
public const string TradeFederation = "\uf513";
public const string Trello = "\uf181";
public const string Tumblr = "\uf173";
public const string TumblrSquare = "\uf174";
public const string Twitch = "\uf1e8";
public const string Twitter = "\uf099";
public const string TwitterSquare = "\uf081";
public const string Typo3 = "\uf42b";
public const string Uber = "\uf402";
public const string Ubuntu = "\uf7df";
public const string Uikit = "\uf403";
public const string Umbraco = "\uf8e8";
public const string Uncharted = "\ue084";
public const string Uniregistry = "\uf404";
public const string Unity = "\ue049";
public const string Unsplash = "\ue07c";
public const string Untappd = "\uf405";
public const string Ups = "\uf7e0";
public const string Usb = "\uf287";
public const string Usps = "\uf7e1";
public const string Ussunnah = "\uf407";
public const string Vaadin = "\uf408";
public const string Viacoin = "\uf237";
public const string Viadeo = "\uf2a9";
public const string ViadeoSquare = "\uf2aa";
public const string Viber = "\uf409";
public const string Vimeo = "\uf40a";
public const string VimeoSquare = "\uf194";
public const string VimeoV = "\uf27d";
public const string Vine = "\uf1ca";
public const string Vk = "\uf189";
public const string Vnv = "\uf40b";
public const string Vuejs = "\uf41f";
public const string WatchmanMonitoring = "\ue087";
public const string Waze = "\uf83f";
public const string Weebly = "\uf5cc";
public const string Weibo = "\uf18a";
public const string Weixin = "\uf1d7";
public const string Whatsapp = "\uf232";
public const string WhatsappSquare = "\uf40c";
public const string Whmcs = "\uf40d";
public const string WikipediaW = "\uf266";
public const string Windows = "\uf17a";
public const string Wix = "\uf5cf";
public const string WizardsOfTheCoast = "\uf730";
public const string Wodu = "\ue088";
public const string WolfPackBattalion = "\uf514";
public const string Wordpress = "\uf19a";
public const string WordpressSimple = "\uf411";
public const string Wpbeginner = "\uf297";
public const string Wpexplorer = "\uf2de";
public const string Wpforms = "\uf298";
public const string Wpressr = "\uf3e4";
public const string Xbox = "\uf412";
public const string Xing = "\uf168";
public const string XingSquare = "\uf169";
public const string YCombinator = "\uf23b";
public const string Yahoo = "\uf19e";
public const string Yammer = "\uf840";
public const string Yandex = "\uf413";
public const string YandexInternational = "\uf414";
public const string Yarn = "\uf7e3";
public const string Yelp = "\uf1e9";
public const string Yoast = "\uf2b1";
public const string Youtube = "\uf167";
public const string YoutubeSquare = "\uf431";
public const string Zhihu = "\uf63f";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
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"500px": "\xef\x89\xae", // U+f26e
"AccessibleIcon": "\xef\x8d\xa8", // U+f368
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"Algolia": "\xef\x8d\xac", // U+f36c
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"BloggerB": "\xef\x8d\xbd", // U+f37d
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"BluetoothB": "\xef\x8a\x94", // U+f294
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"Btc": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
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"CcDinersClub": "\xef\x89\x8c", // U+f24c
"CcDiscover": "\xef\x87\xb2", // U+f1f2
"CcJcb": "\xef\x89\x8b", // U+f24b
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"CcPaypal": "\xef\x87\xb4", // U+f1f4
"CcStripe": "\xef\x87\xb5", // U+f1f5
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"Chromecast": "\xef\xa0\xb8", // U+f838
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"Cloudsmith": "\xef\x8e\x84", // U+f384
"Cloudversify": "\xef\x8e\x85", // U+f385
"Codepen": "\xef\x87\x8b", // U+f1cb
"Codiepie": "\xef\x8a\x84", // U+f284
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"Connectdevelop": "\xef\x88\x8e", // U+f20e
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"CottonBureau": "\xef\xa2\x9e", // U+f89e
"Cpanel": "\xef\x8e\x88", // U+f388
"CreativeCommons": "\xef\x89\x9e", // U+f25e
"CreativeCommonsBy": "\xef\x93\xa7", // U+f4e7
"CreativeCommonsNc": "\xef\x93\xa8", // U+f4e8
"CreativeCommonsNcEu": "\xef\x93\xa9", // U+f4e9
"CreativeCommonsNcJp": "\xef\x93\xaa", // U+f4ea
"CreativeCommonsNd": "\xef\x93\xab", // U+f4eb
"CreativeCommonsPd": "\xef\x93\xac", // U+f4ec
"CreativeCommonsPdAlt": "\xef\x93\xad", // U+f4ed
"CreativeCommonsRemix": "\xef\x93\xae", // U+f4ee
"CreativeCommonsSa": "\xef\x93\xaf", // U+f4ef
"CreativeCommonsSampling": "\xef\x93\xb0", // U+f4f0
"CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus": "\xef\x93\xb1", // U+f4f1
"CreativeCommonsShare": "\xef\x93\xb2", // U+f4f2
"CreativeCommonsZero": "\xef\x93\xb3", // U+f4f3
"CriticalRole": "\xef\x9b\x89", // U+f6c9
"Css3": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Css3Alt": "\xef\x8e\x8b", // U+f38b
"Cuttlefish": "\xef\x8e\x8c", // U+f38c
"DAndD": "\xef\x8e\x8d", // U+f38d
"DAndDBeyond": "\xef\x9b\x8a", // U+f6ca
"Dailymotion": "\xee\x81\x92", // U+e052
"Dashcube": "\xef\x88\x90", // U+f210
"Deezer": "\xee\x81\xb7", // U+e077
"Delicious": "\xef\x86\xa5", // U+f1a5
"Deploydog": "\xef\x8e\x8e", // U+f38e
"Deskpro": "\xef\x8e\x8f", // U+f38f
"Dev": "\xef\x9b\x8c", // U+f6cc
"Deviantart": "\xef\x86\xbd", // U+f1bd
"Dhl": "\xef\x9e\x90", // U+f790
"Diaspora": "\xef\x9e\x91", // U+f791
"Digg": "\xef\x86\xa6", // U+f1a6
"DigitalOcean": "\xef\x8e\x91", // U+f391
"Discord": "\xef\x8e\x92", // U+f392
"Discourse": "\xef\x8e\x93", // U+f393
"Dochub": "\xef\x8e\x94", // U+f394
"Docker": "\xef\x8e\x95", // U+f395
"Draft2digital": "\xef\x8e\x96", // U+f396
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"Ebay": "\xef\x93\xb4", // U+f4f4
"Edge": "\xef\x8a\x82", // U+f282
"EdgeLegacy": "\xee\x81\xb8", // U+e078
"Elementor": "\xef\x90\xb0", // U+f430
"Ello": "\xef\x97\xb1", // U+f5f1
"Ember": "\xef\x90\xa3", // U+f423
"Empire": "\xef\x87\x91", // U+f1d1
"Envira": "\xef\x8a\x99", // U+f299
"Erlang": "\xef\x8e\x9d", // U+f39d
"Ethereum": "\xef\x90\xae", // U+f42e
"Etsy": "\xef\x8b\x97", // U+f2d7
"Evernote": "\xef\xa0\xb9", // U+f839
"Expeditedssl": "\xef\x88\xbe", // U+f23e
"Facebook": "\xef\x82\x9a", // U+f09a
"FacebookF": "\xef\x8e\x9e", // U+f39e
"FacebookMessenger": "\xef\x8e\x9f", // U+f39f
"FacebookSquare": "\xef\x82\x82", // U+f082
"FantasyFlightGames": "\xef\x9b\x9c", // U+f6dc
"Fedex": "\xef\x9e\x97", // U+f797
"Fedora": "\xef\x9e\x98", // U+f798
"Figma": "\xef\x9e\x99", // U+f799
"Firefox": "\xef\x89\xa9", // U+f269
"FirefoxBrowser": "\xee\x80\x87", // U+e007
"FirstOrder": "\xef\x8a\xb0", // U+f2b0
"FirstOrderAlt": "\xef\x94\x8a", // U+f50a
"Firstdraft": "\xef\x8e\xa1", // U+f3a1
"Flickr": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"Flipboard": "\xef\x91\x8d", // U+f44d
"Fly": "\xef\x90\x97", // U+f417
"FontAwesome": "\xef\x8a\xb4", // U+f2b4
"FontAwesomeAlt": "\xef\x8d\x9c", // U+f35c
"FontAwesomeFlag": "\xef\x90\xa5", // U+f425
"FontAwesomeLogoFull": "\xef\x93\xa6", // U+f4e6
"Fonticons": "\xef\x8a\x80", // U+f280
"FonticonsFi": "\xef\x8e\xa2", // U+f3a2
"FortAwesome": "\xef\x8a\x86", // U+f286
"FortAwesomeAlt": "\xef\x8e\xa3", // U+f3a3
"Forumbee": "\xef\x88\x91", // U+f211
"Foursquare": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"FreeCodeCamp": "\xef\x8b\x85", // U+f2c5
"Freebsd": "\xef\x8e\xa4", // U+f3a4
"Fulcrum": "\xef\x94\x8b", // U+f50b
"GalacticRepublic": "\xef\x94\x8c", // U+f50c
"GalacticSenate": "\xef\x94\x8d", // U+f50d
"GetPocket": "\xef\x89\xa5", // U+f265
"Gg": "\xef\x89\xa0", // U+f260
"GgCircle": "\xef\x89\xa1", // U+f261
"Git": "\xef\x87\x93", // U+f1d3
"GitAlt": "\xef\xa1\x81", // U+f841
"GitSquare": "\xef\x87\x92", // U+f1d2
"Github": "\xef\x82\x9b", // U+f09b
"GithubAlt": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"GithubSquare": "\xef\x82\x92", // U+f092
"Gitkraken": "\xef\x8e\xa6", // U+f3a6
"Gitlab": "\xef\x8a\x96", // U+f296
"Gitter": "\xef\x90\xa6", // U+f426
"Glide": "\xef\x8a\xa5", // U+f2a5
"GlideG": "\xef\x8a\xa6", // U+f2a6
"Gofore": "\xef\x8e\xa7", // U+f3a7
"Goodreads": "\xef\x8e\xa8", // U+f3a8
"GoodreadsG": "\xef\x8e\xa9", // U+f3a9
"Google": "\xef\x86\xa0", // U+f1a0
"GoogleDrive": "\xef\x8e\xaa", // U+f3aa
"GooglePay": "\xee\x81\xb9", // U+e079
"GooglePlay": "\xef\x8e\xab", // U+f3ab
"GooglePlus": "\xef\x8a\xb3", // U+f2b3
"GooglePlusG": "\xef\x83\x95", // U+f0d5
"GooglePlusSquare": "\xef\x83\x94", // U+f0d4
"GoogleWallet": "\xef\x87\xae", // U+f1ee
"Gratipay": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"Grav": "\xef\x8b\x96", // U+f2d6
"Gripfire": "\xef\x8e\xac", // U+f3ac
"Grunt": "\xef\x8e\xad", // U+f3ad
"Guilded": "\xee\x81\xbe", // U+e07e
"Gulp": "\xef\x8e\xae", // U+f3ae
"HackerNews": "\xef\x87\x94", // U+f1d4
"HackerNewsSquare": "\xef\x8e\xaf", // U+f3af
"Hackerrank": "\xef\x97\xb7", // U+f5f7
"Hips": "\xef\x91\x92", // U+f452
"HireAHelper": "\xef\x8e\xb0", // U+f3b0
"Hive": "\xee\x81\xbf", // U+e07f
"Hooli": "\xef\x90\xa7", // U+f427
"Hornbill": "\xef\x96\x92", // U+f592
"Hotjar": "\xef\x8e\xb1", // U+f3b1
"Houzz": "\xef\x89\xbc", // U+f27c
"Html5": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Hubspot": "\xef\x8e\xb2", // U+f3b2
"Ideal": "\xee\x80\x93", // U+e013
"Imdb": "\xef\x8b\x98", // U+f2d8
"Innosoft": "\xee\x82\x80", // U+e080
"Instagram": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"InstagramSquare": "\xee\x81\x95", // U+e055
"Instalod": "\xee\x82\x81", // U+e081
"Intercom": "\xef\x9e\xaf", // U+f7af
"InternetExplorer": "\xef\x89\xab", // U+f26b
"Invision": "\xef\x9e\xb0", // U+f7b0
"Ioxhost": "\xef\x88\x88", // U+f208
"ItchIo": "\xef\xa0\xba", // U+f83a
"Itunes": "\xef\x8e\xb4", // U+f3b4
"ItunesNote": "\xef\x8e\xb5", // U+f3b5
"Java": "\xef\x93\xa4", // U+f4e4
"JediOrder": "\xef\x94\x8e", // U+f50e
"Jenkins": "\xef\x8e\xb6", // U+f3b6
"Jira": "\xef\x9e\xb1", // U+f7b1
"Joget": "\xef\x8e\xb7", // U+f3b7
"Joomla": "\xef\x86\xaa", // U+f1aa
"Js": "\xef\x8e\xb8", // U+f3b8
"JsSquare": "\xef\x8e\xb9", // U+f3b9
"Jsfiddle": "\xef\x87\x8c", // U+f1cc
"Kaggle": "\xef\x97\xba", // U+f5fa
"Keybase": "\xef\x93\xb5", // U+f4f5
"Keycdn": "\xef\x8e\xba", // U+f3ba
"Kickstarter": "\xef\x8e\xbb", // U+f3bb
"KickstarterK": "\xef\x8e\xbc", // U+f3bc
"Korvue": "\xef\x90\xaf", // U+f42f
"Laravel": "\xef\x8e\xbd", // U+f3bd
"Lastfm": "\xef\x88\x82", // U+f202
"LastfmSquare": "\xef\x88\x83", // U+f203
"Leanpub": "\xef\x88\x92", // U+f212
"Less": "\xef\x90\x9d", // U+f41d
"Line": "\xef\x8f\x80", // U+f3c0
"Linkedin": "\xef\x82\x8c", // U+f08c
"LinkedinIn": "\xef\x83\xa1", // U+f0e1
"Linode": "\xef\x8a\xb8", // U+f2b8
"Linux": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Lyft": "\xef\x8f\x83", // U+f3c3
"Magento": "\xef\x8f\x84", // U+f3c4
"Mailchimp": "\xef\x96\x9e", // U+f59e
"Mandalorian": "\xef\x94\x8f", // U+f50f
"Markdown": "\xef\x98\x8f", // U+f60f
"Mastodon": "\xef\x93\xb6", // U+f4f6
"Maxcdn": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"Mdb": "\xef\xa3\x8a", // U+f8ca
"Medapps": "\xef\x8f\x86", // U+f3c6
"Medium": "\xef\x88\xba", // U+f23a
"MediumM": "\xef\x8f\x87", // U+f3c7
"Medrt": "\xef\x8f\x88", // U+f3c8
"Meetup": "\xef\x8b\xa0", // U+f2e0
"Megaport": "\xef\x96\xa3", // U+f5a3
"Mendeley": "\xef\x9e\xb3", // U+f7b3
"Microblog": "\xee\x80\x9a", // U+e01a
"Microsoft": "\xef\x8f\x8a", // U+f3ca
"Mix": "\xef\x8f\x8b", // U+f3cb
"Mixcloud": "\xef\x8a\x89", // U+f289
"Mixer": "\xee\x81\x96", // U+e056
"Mizuni": "\xef\x8f\x8c", // U+f3cc
"Modx": "\xef\x8a\x85", // U+f285
"Monero": "\xef\x8f\x90", // U+f3d0
"Napster": "\xef\x8f\x92", // U+f3d2
"Neos": "\xef\x98\x92", // U+f612
"Nimblr": "\xef\x96\xa8", // U+f5a8
"Node": "\xef\x90\x99", // U+f419
"NodeJs": "\xef\x8f\x93", // U+f3d3
"Npm": "\xef\x8f\x94", // U+f3d4
"Ns8": "\xef\x8f\x95", // U+f3d5
"Nutritionix": "\xef\x8f\x96", // U+f3d6
"OctopusDeploy": "\xee\x82\x82", // U+e082
"Odnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa3", // U+f263
"OdnoklassnikiSquare": "\xef\x89\xa4", // U+f264
"OldRepublic": "\xef\x94\x90", // U+f510
"Opencart": "\xef\x88\xbd", // U+f23d
"Openid": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
"Opera": "\xef\x89\xaa", // U+f26a
"OptinMonster": "\xef\x88\xbc", // U+f23c
"Orcid": "\xef\xa3\x92", // U+f8d2
"Osi": "\xef\x90\x9a", // U+f41a
"Page4": "\xef\x8f\x97", // U+f3d7
"Pagelines": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"Palfed": "\xef\x8f\x98", // U+f3d8
"Patreon": "\xef\x8f\x99", // U+f3d9
"Paypal": "\xef\x87\xad", // U+f1ed
"PennyArcade": "\xef\x9c\x84", // U+f704
"Perbyte": "\xee\x82\x83", // U+e083
"Periscope": "\xef\x8f\x9a", // U+f3da
"Phabricator": "\xef\x8f\x9b", // U+f3db
"PhoenixFramework": "\xef\x8f\x9c", // U+f3dc
"PhoenixSquadron": "\xef\x94\x91", // U+f511
"Php": "\xef\x91\x97", // U+f457
"PiedPiper": "\xef\x8a\xae", // U+f2ae
"PiedPiperAlt": "\xef\x86\xa8", // U+f1a8
"PiedPiperHat": "\xef\x93\xa5", // U+f4e5
"PiedPiperPp": "\xef\x86\xa7", // U+f1a7
"PiedPiperSquare": "\xee\x80\x9e", // U+e01e
"Pinterest": "\xef\x83\x92", // U+f0d2
"PinterestP": "\xef\x88\xb1", // U+f231
"PinterestSquare": "\xef\x83\x93", // U+f0d3
"Playstation": "\xef\x8f\x9f", // U+f3df
"ProductHunt": "\xef\x8a\x88", // U+f288
"Pushed": "\xef\x8f\xa1", // U+f3e1
"Python": "\xef\x8f\xa2", // U+f3e2
"Qq": "\xef\x87\x96", // U+f1d6
"Quinscape": "\xef\x91\x99", // U+f459
"Quora": "\xef\x8b\x84", // U+f2c4
"RProject": "\xef\x93\xb7", // U+f4f7
"RaspberryPi": "\xef\x9e\xbb", // U+f7bb
"Ravelry": "\xef\x8b\x99", // U+f2d9
"React": "\xef\x90\x9b", // U+f41b
"Reacteurope": "\xef\x9d\x9d", // U+f75d
"Readme": "\xef\x93\x95", // U+f4d5
"Rebel": "\xef\x87\x90", // U+f1d0
"RedRiver": "\xef\x8f\xa3", // U+f3e3
"Reddit": "\xef\x86\xa1", // U+f1a1
"RedditAlien": "\xef\x8a\x81", // U+f281
"RedditSquare": "\xef\x86\xa2", // U+f1a2
"Redhat": "\xef\x9e\xbc", // U+f7bc
"Renren": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Replyd": "\xef\x8f\xa6", // U+f3e6
"Researchgate": "\xef\x93\xb8", // U+f4f8
"Resolving": "\xef\x8f\xa7", // U+f3e7
"Rev": "\xef\x96\xb2", // U+f5b2
"Rocketchat": "\xef\x8f\xa8", // U+f3e8
"Rockrms": "\xef\x8f\xa9", // U+f3e9
"Rust": "\xee\x81\xba", // U+e07a
"Safari": "\xef\x89\xa7", // U+f267
"Salesforce": "\xef\xa0\xbb", // U+f83b
"Sass": "\xef\x90\x9e", // U+f41e
"Schlix": "\xef\x8f\xaa", // U+f3ea
"Scribd": "\xef\x8a\x8a", // U+f28a
"Searchengin": "\xef\x8f\xab", // U+f3eb
"Sellcast": "\xef\x8b\x9a", // U+f2da
"Sellsy": "\xef\x88\x93", // U+f213
"Servicestack": "\xef\x8f\xac", // U+f3ec
"Shirtsinbulk": "\xef\x88\x94", // U+f214
"Shopify": "\xee\x81\x97", // U+e057
"Shopware": "\xef\x96\xb5", // U+f5b5
"Simplybuilt": "\xef\x88\x95", // U+f215
"Sistrix": "\xef\x8f\xae", // U+f3ee
"Sith": "\xef\x94\x92", // U+f512
"Sketch": "\xef\x9f\x86", // U+f7c6
"Skyatlas": "\xef\x88\x96", // U+f216
"Skype": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Slack": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"SlackHash": "\xef\x8f\xaf", // U+f3ef
"Slideshare": "\xef\x87\xa7", // U+f1e7
"Snapchat": "\xef\x8a\xab", // U+f2ab
"SnapchatGhost": "\xef\x8a\xac", // U+f2ac
"SnapchatSquare": "\xef\x8a\xad", // U+f2ad
"Soundcloud": "\xef\x86\xbe", // U+f1be
"Sourcetree": "\xef\x9f\x93", // U+f7d3
"Speakap": "\xef\x8f\xb3", // U+f3f3
"SpeakerDeck": "\xef\xa0\xbc", // U+f83c
"Spotify": "\xef\x86\xbc", // U+f1bc
"Squarespace": "\xef\x96\xbe", // U+f5be
"StackExchange": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"StackOverflow": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"Stackpath": "\xef\xa1\x82", // U+f842
"Staylinked": "\xef\x8f\xb5", // U+f3f5
"Steam": "\xef\x86\xb6", // U+f1b6
"SteamSquare": "\xef\x86\xb7", // U+f1b7
"SteamSymbol": "\xef\x8f\xb6", // U+f3f6
"StickerMule": "\xef\x8f\xb7", // U+f3f7
"Strava": "\xef\x90\xa8", // U+f428
"Stripe": "\xef\x90\xa9", // U+f429
"StripeS": "\xef\x90\xaa", // U+f42a
"Studiovinari": "\xef\x8f\xb8", // U+f3f8
"Stumbleupon": "\xef\x86\xa4", // U+f1a4
"StumbleuponCircle": "\xef\x86\xa3", // U+f1a3
"Superpowers": "\xef\x8b\x9d", // U+f2dd
"Supple": "\xef\x8f\xb9", // U+f3f9
"Suse": "\xef\x9f\x96", // U+f7d6
"Swift": "\xef\xa3\xa1", // U+f8e1
"Symfony": "\xef\xa0\xbd", // U+f83d
"Teamspeak": "\xef\x93\xb9", // U+f4f9
"Telegram": "\xef\x8b\x86", // U+f2c6
"TelegramPlane": "\xef\x8f\xbe", // U+f3fe
"TencentWeibo": "\xef\x87\x95", // U+f1d5
"TheRedYeti": "\xef\x9a\x9d", // U+f69d
"Themeco": "\xef\x97\x86", // U+f5c6
"Themeisle": "\xef\x8a\xb2", // U+f2b2
"ThinkPeaks": "\xef\x9c\xb1", // U+f731
"Tiktok": "\xee\x81\xbb", // U+e07b
"TradeFederation": "\xef\x94\x93", // U+f513
"Trello": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"Tumblr": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"TumblrSquare": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"Twitch": "\xef\x87\xa8", // U+f1e8
"Twitter": "\xef\x82\x99", // U+f099
"TwitterSquare": "\xef\x82\x81", // U+f081
"Typo3": "\xef\x90\xab", // U+f42b
"Uber": "\xef\x90\x82", // U+f402
"Ubuntu": "\xef\x9f\x9f", // U+f7df
"Uikit": "\xef\x90\x83", // U+f403
"Umbraco": "\xef\xa3\xa8", // U+f8e8
"Uncharted": "\xee\x82\x84", // U+e084
"Uniregistry": "\xef\x90\x84", // U+f404
"Unity": "\xee\x81\x89", // U+e049
"Unsplash": "\xee\x81\xbc", // U+e07c
"Untappd": "\xef\x90\x85", // U+f405
"Ups": "\xef\x9f\xa0", // U+f7e0
"Usb": "\xef\x8a\x87", // U+f287
"Usps": "\xef\x9f\xa1", // U+f7e1
"Ussunnah": "\xef\x90\x87", // U+f407
"Vaadin": "\xef\x90\x88", // U+f408
"Viacoin": "\xef\x88\xb7", // U+f237
"Viadeo": "\xef\x8a\xa9", // U+f2a9
"ViadeoSquare": "\xef\x8a\xaa", // U+f2aa
"Viber": "\xef\x90\x89", // U+f409
"Vimeo": "\xef\x90\x8a", // U+f40a
"VimeoSquare": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"VimeoV": "\xef\x89\xbd", // U+f27d
"Vine": "\xef\x87\x8a", // U+f1ca
"Vk": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"Vnv": "\xef\x90\x8b", // U+f40b
"Vuejs": "\xef\x90\x9f", // U+f41f
"WatchmanMonitoring": "\xee\x82\x87", // U+e087
"Waze": "\xef\xa0\xbf", // U+f83f
"Weebly": "\xef\x97\x8c", // U+f5cc
"Weibo": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"Weixin": "\xef\x87\x97", // U+f1d7
"Whatsapp": "\xef\x88\xb2", // U+f232
"WhatsappSquare": "\xef\x90\x8c", // U+f40c
"Whmcs": "\xef\x90\x8d", // U+f40d
"WikipediaW": "\xef\x89\xa6", // U+f266
"Windows": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"Wix": "\xef\x97\x8f", // U+f5cf
"WizardsOfTheCoast": "\xef\x9c\xb0", // U+f730
"Wodu": "\xee\x82\x88", // U+e088
"WolfPackBattalion": "\xef\x94\x94", // U+f514
"Wordpress": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"WordpressSimple": "\xef\x90\x91", // U+f411
"Wpbeginner": "\xef\x8a\x97", // U+f297
"Wpexplorer": "\xef\x8b\x9e", // U+f2de
"Wpforms": "\xef\x8a\x98", // U+f298
"Wpressr": "\xef\x8f\xa4", // U+f3e4
"Xbox": "\xef\x90\x92", // U+f412
"Xing": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"XingSquare": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"YCombinator": "\xef\x88\xbb", // U+f23b
"Yahoo": "\xef\x86\x9e", // U+f19e
"Yammer": "\xef\xa1\x80", // U+f840
"Yandex": "\xef\x90\x93", // U+f413
"YandexInternational": "\xef\x90\x94", // U+f414
"Yarn": "\xef\x9f\xa3", // U+f7e3
"Yelp": "\xef\x87\xa9", // U+f1e9
"Yoast": "\xef\x8a\xb1", // U+f2b1
"Youtube": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"YoutubeSquare": "\xef\x90\xb1", // U+f431
"Zhihu": "\xef\x98\xbf", // U+f63f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB "fa-brands-400.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FAB 0xe007
#define ICON_MAX_16_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_MAX_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_FA_500PX "\xef\x89\xae" // U+f26e
#define ICON_FA_ACCESSIBLE_ICON "\xef\x8d\xa8" // U+f368
#define ICON_FA_ACCUSOFT "\xef\x8d\xa9" // U+f369
#define ICON_FA_ACQUISITIONS_INCORPORATED "\xef\x9a\xaf" // U+f6af
#define ICON_FA_ADN "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FA_ADVERSAL "\xef\x8d\xaa" // U+f36a
#define ICON_FA_AFFILIATETHEME "\xef\x8d\xab" // U+f36b
#define ICON_FA_AIRBNB "\xef\xa0\xb4" // U+f834
#define ICON_FA_ALGOLIA "\xef\x8d\xac" // U+f36c
#define ICON_FA_ALIPAY "\xef\x99\x82" // U+f642
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON "\xef\x89\xb0" // U+f270
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xac" // U+f42c
#define ICON_FA_AMILIA "\xef\x8d\xad" // U+f36d
#define ICON_FA_ANDROID "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FA_ANGELLIST "\xef\x88\x89" // U+f209
#define ICON_FA_ANGRYCREATIVE "\xef\x8d\xae" // U+f36e
#define ICON_FA_ANGULAR "\xef\x90\xa0" // U+f420
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE "\xef\x8d\xaf" // U+f36f
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE_IOS "\xef\x8d\xb0" // U+f370
#define ICON_FA_APPER "\xef\x8d\xb1" // U+f371
#define ICON_FA_APPLE "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FA_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x95" // U+f415
#define ICON_FA_ARTSTATION "\xef\x9d\xba" // U+f77a
#define ICON_FA_ASYMMETRIK "\xef\x8d\xb2" // U+f372
#define ICON_FA_ATLASSIAN "\xef\x9d\xbb" // U+f77b
#define ICON_FA_AUDIBLE "\xef\x8d\xb3" // U+f373
#define ICON_FA_AUTOPREFIXER "\xef\x90\x9c" // U+f41c
#define ICON_FA_AVIANEX "\xef\x8d\xb4" // U+f374
#define ICON_FA_AVIATO "\xef\x90\xa1" // U+f421
#define ICON_FA_AWS "\xef\x8d\xb5" // U+f375
#define ICON_FA_BANDCAMP "\xef\x8b\x95" // U+f2d5
#define ICON_FA_BATTLE_NET "\xef\xa0\xb5" // U+f835
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb4" // U+f1b4
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb5" // U+f1b5
#define ICON_FA_BIMOBJECT "\xef\x8d\xb8" // U+f378
#define ICON_FA_BITBUCKET "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FA_BITCOIN "\xef\x8d\xb9" // U+f379
#define ICON_FA_BITY "\xef\x8d\xba" // U+f37a
#define ICON_FA_BLACK_TIE "\xef\x89\xbe" // U+f27e
#define ICON_FA_BLACKBERRY "\xef\x8d\xbb" // U+f37b
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER "\xef\x8d\xbc" // U+f37c
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER_B "\xef\x8d\xbd" // U+f37d
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x8a\x93" // U+f293
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH_B "\xef\x8a\x94" // U+f294
#define ICON_FA_BOOTSTRAP "\xef\xa0\xb6" // U+f836
#define ICON_FA_BTC "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FA_BUFFER "\xef\xa0\xb7" // U+f837
#define ICON_FA_BUROMOBELEXPERTE "\xef\x8d\xbf" // U+f37f
#define ICON_FA_BUY_N_LARGE "\xef\xa2\xa6" // U+f8a6
#define ICON_FA_BUYSELLADS "\xef\x88\x8d" // U+f20d
#define ICON_FA_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF "\xef\x9e\x85" // U+f785
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xad" // U+f42d
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMEX "\xef\x87\xb3" // U+f1f3
#define ICON_FA_CC_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x96" // U+f416
#define ICON_FA_CC_DINERS_CLUB "\xef\x89\x8c" // U+f24c
#define ICON_FA_CC_DISCOVER "\xef\x87\xb2" // U+f1f2
#define ICON_FA_CC_JCB "\xef\x89\x8b" // U+f24b
#define ICON_FA_CC_MASTERCARD "\xef\x87\xb1" // U+f1f1
#define ICON_FA_CC_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xb4" // U+f1f4
#define ICON_FA_CC_STRIPE "\xef\x87\xb5" // U+f1f5
#define ICON_FA_CC_VISA "\xef\x87\xb0" // U+f1f0
#define ICON_FA_CENTERCODE "\xef\x8e\x80" // U+f380
#define ICON_FA_CENTOS "\xef\x9e\x89" // U+f789
#define ICON_FA_CHROME "\xef\x89\xa8" // U+f268
#define ICON_FA_CHROMECAST "\xef\xa0\xb8" // U+f838
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDFLARE "\xee\x81\xbd" // U+e07d
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSCALE "\xef\x8e\x83" // U+f383
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSMITH "\xef\x8e\x84" // U+f384
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDVERSIFY "\xef\x8e\x85" // U+f385
#define ICON_FA_CODEPEN "\xef\x87\x8b" // U+f1cb
#define ICON_FA_CODIEPIE "\xef\x8a\x84" // U+f284
#define ICON_FA_CONFLUENCE "\xef\x9e\x8d" // U+f78d
#define ICON_FA_CONNECTDEVELOP "\xef\x88\x8e" // U+f20e
#define ICON_FA_CONTAO "\xef\x89\xad" // U+f26d
#define ICON_FA_COTTON_BUREAU "\xef\xa2\x9e" // U+f89e
#define ICON_FA_CPANEL "\xef\x8e\x88" // U+f388
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS "\xef\x89\x9e" // U+f25e
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY "\xef\x93\xa7" // U+f4e7
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC "\xef\x93\xa8" // U+f4e8
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU "\xef\x93\xa9" // U+f4e9
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP "\xef\x93\xaa" // U+f4ea
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND "\xef\x93\xab" // U+f4eb
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD "\xef\x93\xac" // U+f4ec
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT "\xef\x93\xad" // U+f4ed
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX "\xef\x93\xae" // U+f4ee
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA "\xef\x93\xaf" // U+f4ef
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING "\xef\x93\xb0" // U+f4f0
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS "\xef\x93\xb1" // U+f4f1
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE "\xef\x93\xb2" // U+f4f2
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO "\xef\x93\xb3" // U+f4f3
#define ICON_FA_CRITICAL_ROLE "\xef\x9b\x89" // U+f6c9
#define ICON_FA_CSS3 "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FA_CSS3_ALT "\xef\x8e\x8b" // U+f38b
#define ICON_FA_CUTTLEFISH "\xef\x8e\x8c" // U+f38c
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D "\xef\x8e\x8d" // U+f38d
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D_BEYOND "\xef\x9b\x8a" // U+f6ca
#define ICON_FA_DAILYMOTION "\xee\x81\x92" // U+e052
#define ICON_FA_DASHCUBE "\xef\x88\x90" // U+f210
#define ICON_FA_DEEZER "\xee\x81\xb7" // U+e077
#define ICON_FA_DELICIOUS "\xef\x86\xa5" // U+f1a5
#define ICON_FA_DEPLOYDOG "\xef\x8e\x8e" // U+f38e
#define ICON_FA_DESKPRO "\xef\x8e\x8f" // U+f38f
#define ICON_FA_DEV "\xef\x9b\x8c" // U+f6cc
#define ICON_FA_DEVIANTART "\xef\x86\xbd" // U+f1bd
#define ICON_FA_DHL "\xef\x9e\x90" // U+f790
#define ICON_FA_DIASPORA "\xef\x9e\x91" // U+f791
#define ICON_FA_DIGG "\xef\x86\xa6" // U+f1a6
#define ICON_FA_DIGITAL_OCEAN "\xef\x8e\x91" // U+f391
#define ICON_FA_DISCORD "\xef\x8e\x92" // U+f392
#define ICON_FA_DISCOURSE "\xef\x8e\x93" // U+f393
#define ICON_FA_DOCHUB "\xef\x8e\x94" // U+f394
#define ICON_FA_DOCKER "\xef\x8e\x95" // U+f395
#define ICON_FA_DRAFT2DIGITAL "\xef\x8e\x96" // U+f396
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\x97" // U+f397
#define ICON_FA_DROPBOX "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FA_DRUPAL "\xef\x86\xa9" // U+f1a9
#define ICON_FA_DYALOG "\xef\x8e\x99" // U+f399
#define ICON_FA_EARLYBIRDS "\xef\x8e\x9a" // U+f39a
#define ICON_FA_EBAY "\xef\x93\xb4" // U+f4f4
#define ICON_FA_EDGE "\xef\x8a\x82" // U+f282
#define ICON_FA_EDGE_LEGACY "\xee\x81\xb8" // U+e078
#define ICON_FA_ELEMENTOR "\xef\x90\xb0" // U+f430
#define ICON_FA_ELLO "\xef\x97\xb1" // U+f5f1
#define ICON_FA_EMBER "\xef\x90\xa3" // U+f423
#define ICON_FA_EMPIRE "\xef\x87\x91" // U+f1d1
#define ICON_FA_ENVIRA "\xef\x8a\x99" // U+f299
#define ICON_FA_ERLANG "\xef\x8e\x9d" // U+f39d
#define ICON_FA_ETHEREUM "\xef\x90\xae" // U+f42e
#define ICON_FA_ETSY "\xef\x8b\x97" // U+f2d7
#define ICON_FA_EVERNOTE "\xef\xa0\xb9" // U+f839
#define ICON_FA_EXPEDITEDSSL "\xef\x88\xbe" // U+f23e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x9a" // U+f09a
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_F "\xef\x8e\x9e" // U+f39e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER "\xef\x8e\x9f" // U+f39f
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x82" // U+f082
#define ICON_FA_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES "\xef\x9b\x9c" // U+f6dc
#define ICON_FA_FEDEX "\xef\x9e\x97" // U+f797
#define ICON_FA_FEDORA "\xef\x9e\x98" // U+f798
#define ICON_FA_FIGMA "\xef\x9e\x99" // U+f799
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX "\xef\x89\xa9" // U+f269
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX_BROWSER "\xee\x80\x87" // U+e007
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER "\xef\x8a\xb0" // U+f2b0
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER_ALT "\xef\x94\x8a" // U+f50a
#define ICON_FA_FIRSTDRAFT "\xef\x8e\xa1" // U+f3a1
#define ICON_FA_FLICKR "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FA_FLIPBOARD "\xef\x91\x8d" // U+f44d
#define ICON_FA_FLY "\xef\x90\x97" // U+f417
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\xb4" // U+f2b4
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_ALT "\xef\x8d\x9c" // U+f35c
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_FLAG "\xef\x90\xa5" // U+f425
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_LOGO_FULL "\xef\x93\xa6" // U+f4e6
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS "\xef\x8a\x80" // U+f280
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS_FI "\xef\x8e\xa2" // U+f3a2
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\x86" // U+f286
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME_ALT "\xef\x8e\xa3" // U+f3a3
#define ICON_FA_FORUMBEE "\xef\x88\x91" // U+f211
#define ICON_FA_FOURSQUARE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FA_FREE_CODE_CAMP "\xef\x8b\x85" // U+f2c5
#define ICON_FA_FREEBSD "\xef\x8e\xa4" // U+f3a4
#define ICON_FA_FULCRUM "\xef\x94\x8b" // U+f50b
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x8c" // U+f50c
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_SENATE "\xef\x94\x8d" // U+f50d
#define ICON_FA_GET_POCKET "\xef\x89\xa5" // U+f265
#define ICON_FA_GG "\xef\x89\xa0" // U+f260
#define ICON_FA_GG_CIRCLE "\xef\x89\xa1" // U+f261
#define ICON_FA_GIT "\xef\x87\x93" // U+f1d3
#define ICON_FA_GIT_ALT "\xef\xa1\x81" // U+f841
#define ICON_FA_GIT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\x92" // U+f1d2
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x9b" // U+f09b
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_ALT "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x92" // U+f092
#define ICON_FA_GITKRAKEN "\xef\x8e\xa6" // U+f3a6
#define ICON_FA_GITLAB "\xef\x8a\x96" // U+f296
#define ICON_FA_GITTER "\xef\x90\xa6" // U+f426
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE "\xef\x8a\xa5" // U+f2a5
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE_G "\xef\x8a\xa6" // U+f2a6
#define ICON_FA_GOFORE "\xef\x8e\xa7" // U+f3a7
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS "\xef\x8e\xa8" // U+f3a8
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS_G "\xef\x8e\xa9" // U+f3a9
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE "\xef\x86\xa0" // U+f1a0
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_DRIVE "\xef\x8e\xaa" // U+f3aa
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PAY "\xee\x81\xb9" // U+e079
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLAY "\xef\x8e\xab" // U+f3ab
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x8a\xb3" // U+f2b3
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_G "\xef\x83\x95" // U+f0d5
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x94" // U+f0d4
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_WALLET "\xef\x87\xae" // U+f1ee
#define ICON_FA_GRATIPAY "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FA_GRAV "\xef\x8b\x96" // U+f2d6
#define ICON_FA_GRIPFIRE "\xef\x8e\xac" // U+f3ac
#define ICON_FA_GRUNT "\xef\x8e\xad" // U+f3ad
#define ICON_FA_GUILDED "\xee\x81\xbe" // U+e07e
#define ICON_FA_GULP "\xef\x8e\xae" // U+f3ae
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x87\x94" // U+f1d4
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\xaf" // U+f3af
#define ICON_FA_HACKERRANK "\xef\x97\xb7" // U+f5f7
#define ICON_FA_HIPS "\xef\x91\x92" // U+f452
#define ICON_FA_HIRE_A_HELPER "\xef\x8e\xb0" // U+f3b0
#define ICON_FA_HIVE "\xee\x81\xbf" // U+e07f
#define ICON_FA_HOOLI "\xef\x90\xa7" // U+f427
#define ICON_FA_HORNBILL "\xef\x96\x92" // U+f592
#define ICON_FA_HOTJAR "\xef\x8e\xb1" // U+f3b1
#define ICON_FA_HOUZZ "\xef\x89\xbc" // U+f27c
#define ICON_FA_HTML5 "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FA_HUBSPOT "\xef\x8e\xb2" // U+f3b2
#define ICON_FA_IDEAL "\xee\x80\x93" // U+e013
#define ICON_FA_IMDB "\xef\x8b\x98" // U+f2d8
#define ICON_FA_INNOSOFT "\xee\x82\x80" // U+e080
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM_SQUARE "\xee\x81\x95" // U+e055
#define ICON_FA_INSTALOD "\xee\x82\x81" // U+e081
#define ICON_FA_INTERCOM "\xef\x9e\xaf" // U+f7af
#define ICON_FA_INTERNET_EXPLORER "\xef\x89\xab" // U+f26b
#define ICON_FA_INVISION "\xef\x9e\xb0" // U+f7b0
#define ICON_FA_IOXHOST "\xef\x88\x88" // U+f208
#define ICON_FA_ITCH_IO "\xef\xa0\xba" // U+f83a
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES "\xef\x8e\xb4" // U+f3b4
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES_NOTE "\xef\x8e\xb5" // U+f3b5
#define ICON_FA_JAVA "\xef\x93\xa4" // U+f4e4
#define ICON_FA_JEDI_ORDER "\xef\x94\x8e" // U+f50e
#define ICON_FA_JENKINS "\xef\x8e\xb6" // U+f3b6
#define ICON_FA_JIRA "\xef\x9e\xb1" // U+f7b1
#define ICON_FA_JOGET "\xef\x8e\xb7" // U+f3b7
#define ICON_FA_JOOMLA "\xef\x86\xaa" // U+f1aa
#define ICON_FA_JS "\xef\x8e\xb8" // U+f3b8
#define ICON_FA_JS_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\xb9" // U+f3b9
#define ICON_FA_JSFIDDLE "\xef\x87\x8c" // U+f1cc
#define ICON_FA_KAGGLE "\xef\x97\xba" // U+f5fa
#define ICON_FA_KEYBASE "\xef\x93\xb5" // U+f4f5
#define ICON_FA_KEYCDN "\xef\x8e\xba" // U+f3ba
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER "\xef\x8e\xbb" // U+f3bb
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER_K "\xef\x8e\xbc" // U+f3bc
#define ICON_FA_KORVUE "\xef\x90\xaf" // U+f42f
#define ICON_FA_LARAVEL "\xef\x8e\xbd" // U+f3bd
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x82" // U+f202
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM_SQUARE "\xef\x88\x83" // U+f203
#define ICON_FA_LEANPUB "\xef\x88\x92" // U+f212
#define ICON_FA_LESS "\xef\x90\x9d" // U+f41d
#define ICON_FA_LINE "\xef\x8f\x80" // U+f3c0
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN "\xef\x82\x8c" // U+f08c
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN_IN "\xef\x83\xa1" // U+f0e1
#define ICON_FA_LINODE "\xef\x8a\xb8" // U+f2b8
#define ICON_FA_LINUX "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FA_LYFT "\xef\x8f\x83" // U+f3c3
#define ICON_FA_MAGENTO "\xef\x8f\x84" // U+f3c4
#define ICON_FA_MAILCHIMP "\xef\x96\x9e" // U+f59e
#define ICON_FA_MANDALORIAN "\xef\x94\x8f" // U+f50f
#define ICON_FA_MARKDOWN "\xef\x98\x8f" // U+f60f
#define ICON_FA_MASTODON "\xef\x93\xb6" // U+f4f6
#define ICON_FA_MAXCDN "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FA_MDB "\xef\xa3\x8a" // U+f8ca
#define ICON_FA_MEDAPPS "\xef\x8f\x86" // U+f3c6
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM "\xef\x88\xba" // U+f23a
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM_M "\xef\x8f\x87" // U+f3c7
#define ICON_FA_MEDRT "\xef\x8f\x88" // U+f3c8
#define ICON_FA_MEETUP "\xef\x8b\xa0" // U+f2e0
#define ICON_FA_MEGAPORT "\xef\x96\xa3" // U+f5a3
#define ICON_FA_MENDELEY "\xef\x9e\xb3" // U+f7b3
#define ICON_FA_MICROBLOG "\xee\x80\x9a" // U+e01a
#define ICON_FA_MICROSOFT "\xef\x8f\x8a" // U+f3ca
#define ICON_FA_MIX "\xef\x8f\x8b" // U+f3cb
#define ICON_FA_MIXCLOUD "\xef\x8a\x89" // U+f289
#define ICON_FA_MIXER "\xee\x81\x96" // U+e056
#define ICON_FA_MIZUNI "\xef\x8f\x8c" // U+f3cc
#define ICON_FA_MODX "\xef\x8a\x85" // U+f285
#define ICON_FA_MONERO "\xef\x8f\x90" // U+f3d0
#define ICON_FA_NAPSTER "\xef\x8f\x92" // U+f3d2
#define ICON_FA_NEOS "\xef\x98\x92" // U+f612
#define ICON_FA_NIMBLR "\xef\x96\xa8" // U+f5a8
#define ICON_FA_NODE "\xef\x90\x99" // U+f419
#define ICON_FA_NODE_JS "\xef\x8f\x93" // U+f3d3
#define ICON_FA_NPM "\xef\x8f\x94" // U+f3d4
#define ICON_FA_NS8 "\xef\x8f\x95" // U+f3d5
#define ICON_FA_NUTRITIONIX "\xef\x8f\x96" // U+f3d6
#define ICON_FA_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY "\xee\x82\x82" // U+e082
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa3" // U+f263
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE "\xef\x89\xa4" // U+f264
#define ICON_FA_OLD_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x90" // U+f510
#define ICON_FA_OPENCART "\xef\x88\xbd" // U+f23d
#define ICON_FA_OPENID "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
#define ICON_FA_OPERA "\xef\x89\xaa" // U+f26a
#define ICON_FA_OPTIN_MONSTER "\xef\x88\xbc" // U+f23c
#define ICON_FA_ORCID "\xef\xa3\x92" // U+f8d2
#define ICON_FA_OSI "\xef\x90\x9a" // U+f41a
#define ICON_FA_PAGE4 "\xef\x8f\x97" // U+f3d7
#define ICON_FA_PAGELINES "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FA_PALFED "\xef\x8f\x98" // U+f3d8
#define ICON_FA_PATREON "\xef\x8f\x99" // U+f3d9
#define ICON_FA_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xad" // U+f1ed
#define ICON_FA_PENNY_ARCADE "\xef\x9c\x84" // U+f704
#define ICON_FA_PERBYTE "\xee\x82\x83" // U+e083
#define ICON_FA_PERISCOPE "\xef\x8f\x9a" // U+f3da
#define ICON_FA_PHABRICATOR "\xef\x8f\x9b" // U+f3db
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK "\xef\x8f\x9c" // U+f3dc
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_SQUADRON "\xef\x94\x91" // U+f511
#define ICON_FA_PHP "\xef\x91\x97" // U+f457
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER "\xef\x8a\xae" // U+f2ae
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_ALT "\xef\x86\xa8" // U+f1a8
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_HAT "\xef\x93\xa5" // U+f4e5
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_PP "\xef\x86\xa7" // U+f1a7
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_SQUARE "\xee\x80\x9e" // U+e01e
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x92" // U+f0d2
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_P "\xef\x88\xb1" // U+f231
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x93" // U+f0d3
#define ICON_FA_PLAYSTATION "\xef\x8f\x9f" // U+f3df
#define ICON_FA_PRODUCT_HUNT "\xef\x8a\x88" // U+f288
#define ICON_FA_PUSHED "\xef\x8f\xa1" // U+f3e1
#define ICON_FA_PYTHON "\xef\x8f\xa2" // U+f3e2
#define ICON_FA_QQ "\xef\x87\x96" // U+f1d6
#define ICON_FA_QUINSCAPE "\xef\x91\x99" // U+f459
#define ICON_FA_QUORA "\xef\x8b\x84" // U+f2c4
#define ICON_FA_R_PROJECT "\xef\x93\xb7" // U+f4f7
#define ICON_FA_RASPBERRY_PI "\xef\x9e\xbb" // U+f7bb
#define ICON_FA_RAVELRY "\xef\x8b\x99" // U+f2d9
#define ICON_FA_REACT "\xef\x90\x9b" // U+f41b
#define ICON_FA_REACTEUROPE "\xef\x9d\x9d" // U+f75d
#define ICON_FA_README "\xef\x93\x95" // U+f4d5
#define ICON_FA_REBEL "\xef\x87\x90" // U+f1d0
#define ICON_FA_RED_RIVER "\xef\x8f\xa3" // U+f3e3
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa1" // U+f1a1
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_ALIEN "\xef\x8a\x81" // U+f281
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xa2" // U+f1a2
#define ICON_FA_REDHAT "\xef\x9e\xbc" // U+f7bc
#define ICON_FA_RENREN "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FA_REPLYD "\xef\x8f\xa6" // U+f3e6
#define ICON_FA_RESEARCHGATE "\xef\x93\xb8" // U+f4f8
#define ICON_FA_RESOLVING "\xef\x8f\xa7" // U+f3e7
#define ICON_FA_REV "\xef\x96\xb2" // U+f5b2
#define ICON_FA_ROCKETCHAT "\xef\x8f\xa8" // U+f3e8
#define ICON_FA_ROCKRMS "\xef\x8f\xa9" // U+f3e9
#define ICON_FA_RUST "\xee\x81\xba" // U+e07a
#define ICON_FA_SAFARI "\xef\x89\xa7" // U+f267
#define ICON_FA_SALESFORCE "\xef\xa0\xbb" // U+f83b
#define ICON_FA_SASS "\xef\x90\x9e" // U+f41e
#define ICON_FA_SCHLIX "\xef\x8f\xaa" // U+f3ea
#define ICON_FA_SCRIBD "\xef\x8a\x8a" // U+f28a
#define ICON_FA_SEARCHENGIN "\xef\x8f\xab" // U+f3eb
#define ICON_FA_SELLCAST "\xef\x8b\x9a" // U+f2da
#define ICON_FA_SELLSY "\xef\x88\x93" // U+f213
#define ICON_FA_SERVICESTACK "\xef\x8f\xac" // U+f3ec
#define ICON_FA_SHIRTSINBULK "\xef\x88\x94" // U+f214
#define ICON_FA_SHOPIFY "\xee\x81\x97" // U+e057
#define ICON_FA_SHOPWARE "\xef\x96\xb5" // U+f5b5
#define ICON_FA_SIMPLYBUILT "\xef\x88\x95" // U+f215
#define ICON_FA_SISTRIX "\xef\x8f\xae" // U+f3ee
#define ICON_FA_SITH "\xef\x94\x92" // U+f512
#define ICON_FA_SKETCH "\xef\x9f\x86" // U+f7c6
#define ICON_FA_SKYATLAS "\xef\x88\x96" // U+f216
#define ICON_FA_SKYPE "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FA_SLACK "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FA_SLACK_HASH "\xef\x8f\xaf" // U+f3ef
#define ICON_FA_SLIDESHARE "\xef\x87\xa7" // U+f1e7
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xab" // U+f2ab
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_GHOST "\xef\x8a\xac" // U+f2ac
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xad" // U+f2ad
#define ICON_FA_SOUNDCLOUD "\xef\x86\xbe" // U+f1be
#define ICON_FA_SOURCETREE "\xef\x9f\x93" // U+f7d3
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKAP "\xef\x8f\xb3" // U+f3f3
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKER_DECK "\xef\xa0\xbc" // U+f83c
#define ICON_FA_SPOTIFY "\xef\x86\xbc" // U+f1bc
#define ICON_FA_SQUARESPACE "\xef\x96\xbe" // U+f5be
#define ICON_FA_STACK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FA_STACK_OVERFLOW "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FA_STACKPATH "\xef\xa1\x82" // U+f842
#define ICON_FA_STAYLINKED "\xef\x8f\xb5" // U+f3f5
#define ICON_FA_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb6" // U+f1b6
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb7" // U+f1b7
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SYMBOL "\xef\x8f\xb6" // U+f3f6
#define ICON_FA_STICKER_MULE "\xef\x8f\xb7" // U+f3f7
#define ICON_FA_STRAVA "\xef\x90\xa8" // U+f428
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE "\xef\x90\xa9" // U+f429
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE_S "\xef\x90\xaa" // U+f42a
#define ICON_FA_STUDIOVINARI "\xef\x8f\xb8" // U+f3f8
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON "\xef\x86\xa4" // U+f1a4
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE "\xef\x86\xa3" // U+f1a3
#define ICON_FA_SUPERPOWERS "\xef\x8b\x9d" // U+f2dd
#define ICON_FA_SUPPLE "\xef\x8f\xb9" // U+f3f9
#define ICON_FA_SUSE "\xef\x9f\x96" // U+f7d6
#define ICON_FA_SWIFT "\xef\xa3\xa1" // U+f8e1
#define ICON_FA_SYMFONY "\xef\xa0\xbd" // U+f83d
#define ICON_FA_TEAMSPEAK "\xef\x93\xb9" // U+f4f9
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM "\xef\x8b\x86" // U+f2c6
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM_PLANE "\xef\x8f\xbe" // U+f3fe
#define ICON_FA_TENCENT_WEIBO "\xef\x87\x95" // U+f1d5
#define ICON_FA_THE_RED_YETI "\xef\x9a\x9d" // U+f69d
#define ICON_FA_THEMECO "\xef\x97\x86" // U+f5c6
#define ICON_FA_THEMEISLE "\xef\x8a\xb2" // U+f2b2
#define ICON_FA_THINK_PEAKS "\xef\x9c\xb1" // U+f731
#define ICON_FA_TIKTOK "\xee\x81\xbb" // U+e07b
#define ICON_FA_TRADE_FEDERATION "\xef\x94\x93" // U+f513
#define ICON_FA_TRELLO "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FA_TWITCH "\xef\x87\xa8" // U+f1e8
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x99" // U+f099
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x81" // U+f081
#define ICON_FA_TYPO3 "\xef\x90\xab" // U+f42b
#define ICON_FA_UBER "\xef\x90\x82" // U+f402
#define ICON_FA_UBUNTU "\xef\x9f\x9f" // U+f7df
#define ICON_FA_UIKIT "\xef\x90\x83" // U+f403
#define ICON_FA_UMBRACO "\xef\xa3\xa8" // U+f8e8
#define ICON_FA_UNCHARTED "\xee\x82\x84" // U+e084
#define ICON_FA_UNIREGISTRY "\xef\x90\x84" // U+f404
#define ICON_FA_UNITY "\xee\x81\x89" // U+e049
#define ICON_FA_UNSPLASH "\xee\x81\xbc" // U+e07c
#define ICON_FA_UNTAPPD "\xef\x90\x85" // U+f405
#define ICON_FA_UPS "\xef\x9f\xa0" // U+f7e0
#define ICON_FA_USB "\xef\x8a\x87" // U+f287
#define ICON_FA_USPS "\xef\x9f\xa1" // U+f7e1
#define ICON_FA_USSUNNAH "\xef\x90\x87" // U+f407
#define ICON_FA_VAADIN "\xef\x90\x88" // U+f408
#define ICON_FA_VIACOIN "\xef\x88\xb7" // U+f237
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xa9" // U+f2a9
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xaa" // U+f2aa
#define ICON_FA_VIBER "\xef\x90\x89" // U+f409
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO "\xef\x90\x8a" // U+f40a
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_V "\xef\x89\xbd" // U+f27d
#define ICON_FA_VINE "\xef\x87\x8a" // U+f1ca
#define ICON_FA_VK "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FA_VNV "\xef\x90\x8b" // U+f40b
#define ICON_FA_VUEJS "\xef\x90\x9f" // U+f41f
#define ICON_FA_WATCHMAN_MONITORING "\xee\x82\x87" // U+e087
#define ICON_FA_WAZE "\xef\xa0\xbf" // U+f83f
#define ICON_FA_WEEBLY "\xef\x97\x8c" // U+f5cc
#define ICON_FA_WEIBO "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FA_WEIXIN "\xef\x87\x97" // U+f1d7
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP "\xef\x88\xb2" // U+f232
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP_SQUARE "\xef\x90\x8c" // U+f40c
#define ICON_FA_WHMCS "\xef\x90\x8d" // U+f40d
#define ICON_FA_WIKIPEDIA_W "\xef\x89\xa6" // U+f266
#define ICON_FA_WINDOWS "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FA_WIX "\xef\x97\x8f" // U+f5cf
#define ICON_FA_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST "\xef\x9c\xb0" // U+f730
#define ICON_FA_WODU "\xee\x82\x88" // U+e088
#define ICON_FA_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION "\xef\x94\x94" // U+f514
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE "\xef\x90\x91" // U+f411
#define ICON_FA_WPBEGINNER "\xef\x8a\x97" // U+f297
#define ICON_FA_WPEXPLORER "\xef\x8b\x9e" // U+f2de
#define ICON_FA_WPFORMS "\xef\x8a\x98" // U+f298
#define ICON_FA_WPRESSR "\xef\x8f\xa4" // U+f3e4
#define ICON_FA_XBOX "\xef\x90\x92" // U+f412
#define ICON_FA_XING "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FA_XING_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FA_Y_COMBINATOR "\xef\x88\xbb" // U+f23b
#define ICON_FA_YAHOO "\xef\x86\x9e" // U+f19e
#define ICON_FA_YAMMER "\xef\xa1\x80" // U+f840
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX "\xef\x90\x93" // U+f413
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL "\xef\x90\x94" // U+f414
#define ICON_FA_YARN "\xef\x9f\xa3" // U+f7e3
#define ICON_FA_YELP "\xef\x87\xa9" // U+f1e9
#define ICON_FA_YOAST "\xef\x8a\xb1" // U+f2b1
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE_SQUARE "\xef\x90\xb1" // U+f431
#define ICON_FA_ZHIHU "\xef\x98\xbf" // U+f63f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
# for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
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ICON_GUILDED = '\ue07e'
ICON_GULP = '\uf3ae'
ICON_HIPS = '\uf452'
ICON_HIVE = '\ue07f'
ICON_HOOLI = '\uf427'
ICON_HORNBILL = '\uf592'
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ICON_HOUZZ = '\uf27c'
ICON_HTML5 = '\uf13b'
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ICON_INSTALOD = '\ue081'
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ICON_INVISION = '\uf7b0'
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ICON_ITCH_IO = '\uf83a'
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ICON_JENKINS = '\uf3b6'
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ICON_JOGET = '\uf3b7'
ICON_JOOMLA = '\uf1aa'
ICON_JS = '\uf3b8'
ICON_JS_SQUARE = '\uf3b9'
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ICON_MASTODON = '\uf4f6'
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ICON_MEDRT = '\uf3c8'
ICON_MEETUP = '\uf2e0'
ICON_MEGAPORT = '\uf5a3'
ICON_MENDELEY = '\uf7b3'
ICON_MIX = '\uf3cb'
ICON_MIXCLOUD = '\uf289'
ICON_MIXER = '\ue056'
ICON_MIZUNI = '\uf3cc'
ICON_MODX = '\uf285'
ICON_MONERO = '\uf3d0'
ICON_NAPSTER = '\uf3d2'
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ICON_NIMBLR = '\uf5a8'
ICON_NODE = '\uf419'
ICON_NODE_JS = '\uf3d3'
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ICON_OPERA = '\uf26a'
ICON_ORCID = '\uf8d2'
ICON_OSI = '\uf41a'
ICON_PAGE4 = '\uf3d7'
ICON_PALFED = '\uf3d8'
ICON_PATREON = '\uf3d9'
ICON_PAYPAL = '\uf1ed'
ICON_PERBYTE = '\ue083'
ICON_PHP = '\uf457'
ICON_PIED_PIPER = '\uf2ae'
ICON_PUSHED = '\uf3e1'
ICON_PYTHON = '\uf3e2'
ICON_QQ = '\uf1d6'
ICON_QUORA = '\uf2c4'
ICON_R_PROJECT = '\uf4f7'
ICON_RAVELRY = '\uf2d9'
ICON_REACT = '\uf41b'
ICON_README = '\uf4d5'
ICON_REBEL = '\uf1d0'
ICON_RED_RIVER = '\uf3e3'
ICON_REDDIT = '\uf1a1'
ICON_REDHAT = '\uf7bc'
ICON_RENREN = '\uf18b'
ICON_REPLYD = '\uf3e6'
ICON_REV = '\uf5b2'
ICON_ROCKRMS = '\uf3e9'
ICON_RUST = '\ue07a'
ICON_SAFARI = '\uf267'
ICON_SASS = '\uf41e'
ICON_SCHLIX = '\uf3ea'
ICON_SCRIBD = '\uf28a'
ICON_SELLCAST = '\uf2da'
ICON_SELLSY = '\uf213'
ICON_SHOPIFY = '\ue057'
ICON_SHOPWARE = '\uf5b5'
ICON_SISTRIX = '\uf3ee'
ICON_SITH = '\uf512'
ICON_SKETCH = '\uf7c6'
ICON_SKYATLAS = '\uf216'
ICON_SKYPE = '\uf17e'
ICON_SLACK = '\uf198'
ICON_SLACK_HASH = '\uf3ef'
ICON_SNAPCHAT = '\uf2ab'
ICON_SPEAKAP = '\uf3f3'
ICON_SPOTIFY = '\uf1bc'
ICON_STEAM = '\uf1b6'
ICON_STRAVA = '\uf428'
ICON_STRIPE = '\uf429'
ICON_STRIPE_S = '\uf42a'
ICON_SUPPLE = '\uf3f9'
ICON_SUSE = '\uf7d6'
ICON_SWIFT = '\uf8e1'
ICON_SYMFONY = '\uf83d'
ICON_TELEGRAM = '\uf2c6'
ICON_THE_RED_YETI = '\uf69d'
ICON_THEMECO = '\uf5c6'
ICON_TIKTOK = '\ue07b'
ICON_TRELLO = '\uf181'
ICON_TUMBLR = '\uf173'
ICON_TWITCH = '\uf1e8'
ICON_TWITTER = '\uf099'
ICON_TYPO3 = '\uf42b'
ICON_UBER = '\uf402'
ICON_UBUNTU = '\uf7df'
ICON_UIKIT = '\uf403'
ICON_UMBRACO = '\uf8e8'
ICON_UNITY = '\ue049'
ICON_UNSPLASH = '\ue07c'
ICON_UNTAPPD = '\uf405'
ICON_UPS = '\uf7e0'
ICON_USB = '\uf287'
ICON_USPS = '\uf7e1'
ICON_USSUNNAH = '\uf407'
ICON_VAADIN = '\uf408'
ICON_VIACOIN = '\uf237'
ICON_VIADEO = '\uf2a9'
ICON_VIBER = '\uf409'
ICON_VIMEO = '\uf40a'
ICON_VIMEO_V = '\uf27d'
ICON_VINE = '\uf1ca'
ICON_VK = '\uf189'
ICON_VNV = '\uf40b'
ICON_VUEJS = '\uf41f'
ICON_WAZE = '\uf83f'
ICON_WEEBLY = '\uf5cc'
ICON_WEIBO = '\uf18a'
ICON_WEIXIN = '\uf1d7'
ICON_WHATSAPP = '\uf232'
ICON_WHMCS = '\uf40d'
ICON_WINDOWS = '\uf17a'
ICON_WIX = '\uf5cf'
ICON_WODU = '\ue088'
ICON_WPFORMS = '\uf298'
ICON_WPRESSR = '\uf3e4'
ICON_XBOX = '\uf412'
ICON_XING = '\uf168'
ICON_YAHOO = '\uf19e'
ICON_YAMMER = '\uf840'
ICON_YANDEX = '\uf413'
ICON_YARN = '\uf7e3'
ICON_YELP = '\uf1e9'
ICON_YOAST = '\uf2b1'
ICON_YOUTUBE = '\uf167'
ICON_ZHIHU = '\uf63f'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/5.x/metadata/icons.yml
//! for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB: &str = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_500PX: char = '\u{f26e}';
pub const ICON_ACCESSIBLE_ICON: char = '\u{f368}';
pub const ICON_ACCUSOFT: char = '\u{f369}';
pub const ICON_ACQUISITIONS_INCORPORATED: char = '\u{f6af}';
pub const ICON_ADN: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_ADVERSAL: char = '\u{f36a}';
pub const ICON_AFFILIATETHEME: char = '\u{f36b}';
pub const ICON_AIRBNB: char = '\u{f834}';
pub const ICON_ALGOLIA: char = '\u{f36c}';
pub const ICON_ALIPAY: char = '\u{f642}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON: char = '\u{f270}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42c}';
pub const ICON_AMILIA: char = '\u{f36d}';
pub const ICON_ANDROID: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_ANGELLIST: char = '\u{f209}';
pub const ICON_ANGRYCREATIVE: char = '\u{f36e}';
pub const ICON_ANGULAR: char = '\u{f420}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE: char = '\u{f36f}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE_IOS: char = '\u{f370}';
pub const ICON_APPER: char = '\u{f371}';
pub const ICON_APPLE: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f415}';
pub const ICON_ARTSTATION: char = '\u{f77a}';
pub const ICON_ASYMMETRIK: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_ATLASSIAN: char = '\u{f77b}';
pub const ICON_AUDIBLE: char = '\u{f373}';
pub const ICON_AUTOPREFIXER: char = '\u{f41c}';
pub const ICON_AVIANEX: char = '\u{f374}';
pub const ICON_AVIATO: char = '\u{f421}';
pub const ICON_AWS: char = '\u{f375}';
pub const ICON_BANDCAMP: char = '\u{f2d5}';
pub const ICON_BATTLE_NET: char = '\u{f835}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b4}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b5}';
pub const ICON_BIMOBJECT: char = '\u{f378}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_BITCOIN: char = '\u{f379}';
pub const ICON_BITY: char = '\u{f37a}';
pub const ICON_BLACK_TIE: char = '\u{f27e}';
pub const ICON_BLACKBERRY: char = '\u{f37b}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER: char = '\u{f37c}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER_B: char = '\u{f37d}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f293}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH_B: char = '\u{f294}';
pub const ICON_BOOTSTRAP: char = '\u{f836}';
pub const ICON_BTC: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_BUFFER: char = '\u{f837}';
pub const ICON_BUROMOBELEXPERTE: char = '\u{f37f}';
pub const ICON_BUY_N_LARGE: char = '\u{f8a6}';
pub const ICON_BUYSELLADS: char = '\u{f20d}';
pub const ICON_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF: char = '\u{f785}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42d}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMEX: char = '\u{f1f3}';
pub const ICON_CC_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f416}';
pub const ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB: char = '\u{f24c}';
pub const ICON_CC_DISCOVER: char = '\u{f1f2}';
pub const ICON_CC_JCB: char = '\u{f24b}';
pub const ICON_CC_MASTERCARD: char = '\u{f1f1}';
pub const ICON_CC_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1f4}';
pub const ICON_CC_STRIPE: char = '\u{f1f5}';
pub const ICON_CC_VISA: char = '\u{f1f0}';
pub const ICON_CENTERCODE: char = '\u{f380}';
pub const ICON_CENTOS: char = '\u{f789}';
pub const ICON_CHROME: char = '\u{f268}';
pub const ICON_CHROMECAST: char = '\u{f838}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDFLARE: char = '\u{e07d}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSCALE: char = '\u{f383}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSMITH: char = '\u{f384}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDVERSIFY: char = '\u{f385}';
pub const ICON_CODEPEN: char = '\u{f1cb}';
pub const ICON_CODIEPIE: char = '\u{f284}';
pub const ICON_CONFLUENCE: char = '\u{f78d}';
pub const ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP: char = '\u{f20e}';
pub const ICON_CONTAO: char = '\u{f26d}';
pub const ICON_COTTON_BUREAU: char = '\u{f89e}';
pub const ICON_CPANEL: char = '\u{f388}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS: char = '\u{f25e}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY: char = '\u{f4e7}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC: char = '\u{f4e8}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU: char = '\u{f4e9}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP: char = '\u{f4ea}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND: char = '\u{f4eb}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD: char = '\u{f4ec}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT: char = '\u{f4ed}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX: char = '\u{f4ee}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA: char = '\u{f4ef}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING: char = '\u{f4f0}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS: char = '\u{f4f1}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE: char = '\u{f4f2}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO: char = '\u{f4f3}';
pub const ICON_CRITICAL_ROLE: char = '\u{f6c9}';
pub const ICON_CSS3: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_CSS3_ALT: char = '\u{f38b}';
pub const ICON_CUTTLEFISH: char = '\u{f38c}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D: char = '\u{f38d}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D_BEYOND: char = '\u{f6ca}';
pub const ICON_DAILYMOTION: char = '\u{e052}';
pub const ICON_DASHCUBE: char = '\u{f210}';
pub const ICON_DEEZER: char = '\u{e077}';
pub const ICON_DELICIOUS: char = '\u{f1a5}';
pub const ICON_DEPLOYDOG: char = '\u{f38e}';
pub const ICON_DESKPRO: char = '\u{f38f}';
pub const ICON_DEV: char = '\u{f6cc}';
pub const ICON_DEVIANTART: char = '\u{f1bd}';
pub const ICON_DHL: char = '\u{f790}';
pub const ICON_DIASPORA: char = '\u{f791}';
pub const ICON_DIGG: char = '\u{f1a6}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL_OCEAN: char = '\u{f391}';
pub const ICON_DISCORD: char = '\u{f392}';
pub const ICON_DISCOURSE: char = '\u{f393}';
pub const ICON_DOCHUB: char = '\u{f394}';
pub const ICON_DOCKER: char = '\u{f395}';
pub const ICON_DRAFT2DIGITAL: char = '\u{f396}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f397}';
pub const ICON_DROPBOX: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_DRUPAL: char = '\u{f1a9}';
pub const ICON_DYALOG: char = '\u{f399}';
pub const ICON_EARLYBIRDS: char = '\u{f39a}';
pub const ICON_EBAY: char = '\u{f4f4}';
pub const ICON_EDGE: char = '\u{f282}';
pub const ICON_EDGE_LEGACY: char = '\u{e078}';
pub const ICON_ELEMENTOR: char = '\u{f430}';
pub const ICON_ELLO: char = '\u{f5f1}';
pub const ICON_EMBER: char = '\u{f423}';
pub const ICON_EMPIRE: char = '\u{f1d1}';
pub const ICON_ENVIRA: char = '\u{f299}';
pub const ICON_ERLANG: char = '\u{f39d}';
pub const ICON_ETHEREUM: char = '\u{f42e}';
pub const ICON_ETSY: char = '\u{f2d7}';
pub const ICON_EVERNOTE: char = '\u{f839}';
pub const ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL: char = '\u{f23e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f09a}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_F: char = '\u{f39e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER: char = '\u{f39f}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f082}';
pub const ICON_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES: char = '\u{f6dc}';
pub const ICON_FEDEX: char = '\u{f797}';
pub const ICON_FEDORA: char = '\u{f798}';
pub const ICON_FIGMA: char = '\u{f799}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX: char = '\u{f269}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX_BROWSER: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER: char = '\u{f2b0}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER_ALT: char = '\u{f50a}';
pub const ICON_FIRSTDRAFT: char = '\u{f3a1}';
pub const ICON_FLICKR: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_FLIPBOARD: char = '\u{f44d}';
pub const ICON_FLY: char = '\u{f417}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2b4}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_ALT: char = '\u{f35c}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_FLAG: char = '\u{f425}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_LOGO_FULL: char = '\u{f4e6}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS: char = '\u{f280}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS_FI: char = '\u{f3a2}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f286}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME_ALT: char = '\u{f3a3}';
pub const ICON_FORUMBEE: char = '\u{f211}';
pub const ICON_FOURSQUARE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP: char = '\u{f2c5}';
pub const ICON_FREEBSD: char = '\u{f3a4}';
pub const ICON_FULCRUM: char = '\u{f50b}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f50c}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_SENATE: char = '\u{f50d}';
pub const ICON_GET_POCKET: char = '\u{f265}';
pub const ICON_GG: char = '\u{f260}';
pub const ICON_GG_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f261}';
pub const ICON_GIT: char = '\u{f1d3}';
pub const ICON_GIT_ALT: char = '\u{f841}';
pub const ICON_GIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1d2}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{f09b}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_SQUARE: char = '\u{f092}';
pub const ICON_GITKRAKEN: char = '\u{f3a6}';
pub const ICON_GITLAB: char = '\u{f296}';
pub const ICON_GITTER: char = '\u{f426}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE: char = '\u{f2a5}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE_G: char = '\u{f2a6}';
pub const ICON_GOFORE: char = '\u{f3a7}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS: char = '\u{f3a8}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS_G: char = '\u{f3a9}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE: char = '\u{f1a0}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_DRIVE: char = '\u{f3aa}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PAY: char = '\u{e079}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLAY: char = '\u{f3ab}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f2b3}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_G: char = '\u{f0d5}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d4}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET: char = '\u{f1ee}';
pub const ICON_GRATIPAY: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_GRAV: char = '\u{f2d6}';
pub const ICON_GRIPFIRE: char = '\u{f3ac}';
pub const ICON_GRUNT: char = '\u{f3ad}';
pub const ICON_GUILDED: char = '\u{e07e}';
pub const ICON_GULP: char = '\u{f3ae}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f1d4}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f3af}';
pub const ICON_HACKERRANK: char = '\u{f5f7}';
pub const ICON_HIPS: char = '\u{f452}';
pub const ICON_HIRE_A_HELPER: char = '\u{f3b0}';
pub const ICON_HIVE: char = '\u{e07f}';
pub const ICON_HOOLI: char = '\u{f427}';
pub const ICON_HORNBILL: char = '\u{f592}';
pub const ICON_HOTJAR: char = '\u{f3b1}';
pub const ICON_HOUZZ: char = '\u{f27c}';
pub const ICON_HTML5: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_HUBSPOT: char = '\u{f3b2}';
pub const ICON_IDEAL: char = '\u{e013}';
pub const ICON_IMDB: char = '\u{f2d8}';
pub const ICON_INNOSOFT: char = '\u{e080}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{e055}';
pub const ICON_INSTALOD: char = '\u{e081}';
pub const ICON_INTERCOM: char = '\u{f7af}';
pub const ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER: char = '\u{f26b}';
pub const ICON_INVISION: char = '\u{f7b0}';
pub const ICON_IOXHOST: char = '\u{f208}';
pub const ICON_ITCH_IO: char = '\u{f83a}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES: char = '\u{f3b4}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES_NOTE: char = '\u{f3b5}';
pub const ICON_JAVA: char = '\u{f4e4}';
pub const ICON_JEDI_ORDER: char = '\u{f50e}';
pub const ICON_JENKINS: char = '\u{f3b6}';
pub const ICON_JIRA: char = '\u{f7b1}';
pub const ICON_JOGET: char = '\u{f3b7}';
pub const ICON_JOOMLA: char = '\u{f1aa}';
pub const ICON_JS: char = '\u{f3b8}';
pub const ICON_JS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f3b9}';
pub const ICON_JSFIDDLE: char = '\u{f1cc}';
pub const ICON_KAGGLE: char = '\u{f5fa}';
pub const ICON_KEYBASE: char = '\u{f4f5}';
pub const ICON_KEYCDN: char = '\u{f3ba}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER: char = '\u{f3bb}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER_K: char = '\u{f3bc}';
pub const ICON_KORVUE: char = '\u{f42f}';
pub const ICON_LARAVEL: char = '\u{f3bd}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM: char = '\u{f202}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f203}';
pub const ICON_LEANPUB: char = '\u{f212}';
pub const ICON_LESS: char = '\u{f41d}';
pub const ICON_LINE: char = '\u{f3c0}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN: char = '\u{f08c}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN_IN: char = '\u{f0e1}';
pub const ICON_LINODE: char = '\u{f2b8}';
pub const ICON_LINUX: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_LYFT: char = '\u{f3c3}';
pub const ICON_MAGENTO: char = '\u{f3c4}';
pub const ICON_MAILCHIMP: char = '\u{f59e}';
pub const ICON_MANDALORIAN: char = '\u{f50f}';
pub const ICON_MARKDOWN: char = '\u{f60f}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON: char = '\u{f4f6}';
pub const ICON_MAXCDN: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_MDB: char = '\u{f8ca}';
pub const ICON_MEDAPPS: char = '\u{f3c6}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM: char = '\u{f23a}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM_M: char = '\u{f3c7}';
pub const ICON_MEDRT: char = '\u{f3c8}';
pub const ICON_MEETUP: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_MEGAPORT: char = '\u{f5a3}';
pub const ICON_MENDELEY: char = '\u{f7b3}';
pub const ICON_MICROBLOG: char = '\u{e01a}';
pub const ICON_MICROSOFT: char = '\u{f3ca}';
pub const ICON_MIX: char = '\u{f3cb}';
pub const ICON_MIXCLOUD: char = '\u{f289}';
pub const ICON_MIXER: char = '\u{e056}';
pub const ICON_MIZUNI: char = '\u{f3cc}';
pub const ICON_MODX: char = '\u{f285}';
pub const ICON_MONERO: char = '\u{f3d0}';
pub const ICON_NAPSTER: char = '\u{f3d2}';
pub const ICON_NEOS: char = '\u{f612}';
pub const ICON_NIMBLR: char = '\u{f5a8}';
pub const ICON_NODE: char = '\u{f419}';
pub const ICON_NODE_JS: char = '\u{f3d3}';
pub const ICON_NPM: char = '\u{f3d4}';
pub const ICON_NS8: char = '\u{f3d5}';
pub const ICON_NUTRITIONIX: char = '\u{f3d6}';
pub const ICON_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY: char = '\u{e082}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f263}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE: char = '\u{f264}';
pub const ICON_OLD_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f510}';
pub const ICON_OPENCART: char = '\u{f23d}';
pub const ICON_OPENID: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_OPERA: char = '\u{f26a}';
pub const ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER: char = '\u{f23c}';
pub const ICON_ORCID: char = '\u{f8d2}';
pub const ICON_OSI: char = '\u{f41a}';
pub const ICON_PAGE4: char = '\u{f3d7}';
pub const ICON_PAGELINES: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_PALFED: char = '\u{f3d8}';
pub const ICON_PATREON: char = '\u{f3d9}';
pub const ICON_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1ed}';
pub const ICON_PENNY_ARCADE: char = '\u{f704}';
pub const ICON_PERBYTE: char = '\u{e083}';
pub const ICON_PERISCOPE: char = '\u{f3da}';
pub const ICON_PHABRICATOR: char = '\u{f3db}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK: char = '\u{f3dc}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_SQUADRON: char = '\u{f511}';
pub const ICON_PHP: char = '\u{f457}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER: char = '\u{f2ae}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_ALT: char = '\u{f1a8}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_HAT: char = '\u{f4e5}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_PP: char = '\u{f1a7}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_SQUARE: char = '\u{e01e}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d2}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_P: char = '\u{f231}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d3}';
pub const ICON_PLAYSTATION: char = '\u{f3df}';
pub const ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT: char = '\u{f288}';
pub const ICON_PUSHED: char = '\u{f3e1}';
pub const ICON_PYTHON: char = '\u{f3e2}';
pub const ICON_QQ: char = '\u{f1d6}';
pub const ICON_QUINSCAPE: char = '\u{f459}';
pub const ICON_QUORA: char = '\u{f2c4}';
pub const ICON_R_PROJECT: char = '\u{f4f7}';
pub const ICON_RASPBERRY_PI: char = '\u{f7bb}';
pub const ICON_RAVELRY: char = '\u{f2d9}';
pub const ICON_REACT: char = '\u{f41b}';
pub const ICON_REACTEUROPE: char = '\u{f75d}';
pub const ICON_README: char = '\u{f4d5}';
pub const ICON_REBEL: char = '\u{f1d0}';
pub const ICON_RED_RIVER: char = '\u{f3e3}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a1}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN: char = '\u{f281}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1a2}';
pub const ICON_REDHAT: char = '\u{f7bc}';
pub const ICON_RENREN: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_REPLYD: char = '\u{f3e6}';
pub const ICON_RESEARCHGATE: char = '\u{f4f8}';
pub const ICON_RESOLVING: char = '\u{f3e7}';
pub const ICON_REV: char = '\u{f5b2}';
pub const ICON_ROCKETCHAT: char = '\u{f3e8}';
pub const ICON_ROCKRMS: char = '\u{f3e9}';
pub const ICON_RUST: char = '\u{e07a}';
pub const ICON_SAFARI: char = '\u{f267}';
pub const ICON_SALESFORCE: char = '\u{f83b}';
pub const ICON_SASS: char = '\u{f41e}';
pub const ICON_SCHLIX: char = '\u{f3ea}';
pub const ICON_SCRIBD: char = '\u{f28a}';
pub const ICON_SEARCHENGIN: char = '\u{f3eb}';
pub const ICON_SELLCAST: char = '\u{f2da}';
pub const ICON_SELLSY: char = '\u{f213}';
pub const ICON_SERVICESTACK: char = '\u{f3ec}';
pub const ICON_SHIRTSINBULK: char = '\u{f214}';
pub const ICON_SHOPIFY: char = '\u{e057}';
pub const ICON_SHOPWARE: char = '\u{f5b5}';
pub const ICON_SIMPLYBUILT: char = '\u{f215}';
pub const ICON_SISTRIX: char = '\u{f3ee}';
pub const ICON_SITH: char = '\u{f512}';
pub const ICON_SKETCH: char = '\u{f7c6}';
pub const ICON_SKYATLAS: char = '\u{f216}';
pub const ICON_SKYPE: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_SLACK: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_SLACK_HASH: char = '\u{f3ef}';
pub const ICON_SLIDESHARE: char = '\u{f1e7}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ab}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_GHOST: char = '\u{f2ac}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2ad}';
pub const ICON_SOUNDCLOUD: char = '\u{f1be}';
pub const ICON_SOURCETREE: char = '\u{f7d3}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKAP: char = '\u{f3f3}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKER_DECK: char = '\u{f83c}';
pub const ICON_SPOTIFY: char = '\u{f1bc}';
pub const ICON_SQUARESPACE: char = '\u{f5be}';
pub const ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_STACKPATH: char = '\u{f842}';
pub const ICON_STAYLINKED: char = '\u{f3f5}';
pub const ICON_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b6}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b7}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SYMBOL: char = '\u{f3f6}';
pub const ICON_STICKER_MULE: char = '\u{f3f7}';
pub const ICON_STRAVA: char = '\u{f428}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE: char = '\u{f429}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE_S: char = '\u{f42a}';
pub const ICON_STUDIOVINARI: char = '\u{f3f8}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON: char = '\u{f1a4}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f1a3}';
pub const ICON_SUPERPOWERS: char = '\u{f2dd}';
pub const ICON_SUPPLE: char = '\u{f3f9}';
pub const ICON_SUSE: char = '\u{f7d6}';
pub const ICON_SWIFT: char = '\u{f8e1}';
pub const ICON_SYMFONY: char = '\u{f83d}';
pub const ICON_TEAMSPEAK: char = '\u{f4f9}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM: char = '\u{f2c6}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM_PLANE: char = '\u{f3fe}';
pub const ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO: char = '\u{f1d5}';
pub const ICON_THE_RED_YETI: char = '\u{f69d}';
pub const ICON_THEMECO: char = '\u{f5c6}';
pub const ICON_THEMEISLE: char = '\u{f2b2}';
pub const ICON_THINK_PEAKS: char = '\u{f731}';
pub const ICON_TIKTOK: char = '\u{e07b}';
pub const ICON_TRADE_FEDERATION: char = '\u{f513}';
pub const ICON_TRELLO: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR_SQUARE: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_TWITCH: char = '\u{f1e8}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{f099}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER_SQUARE: char = '\u{f081}';
pub const ICON_TYPO3: char = '\u{f42b}';
pub const ICON_UBER: char = '\u{f402}';
pub const ICON_UBUNTU: char = '\u{f7df}';
pub const ICON_UIKIT: char = '\u{f403}';
pub const ICON_UMBRACO: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_UNCHARTED: char = '\u{e084}';
pub const ICON_UNIREGISTRY: char = '\u{f404}';
pub const ICON_UNITY: char = '\u{e049}';
pub const ICON_UNSPLASH: char = '\u{e07c}';
pub const ICON_UNTAPPD: char = '\u{f405}';
pub const ICON_UPS: char = '\u{f7e0}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f287}';
pub const ICON_USPS: char = '\u{f7e1}';
pub const ICON_USSUNNAH: char = '\u{f407}';
pub const ICON_VAADIN: char = '\u{f408}';
pub const ICON_VIACOIN: char = '\u{f237}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2a9}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2aa}';
pub const ICON_VIBER: char = '\u{f409}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO: char = '\u{f40a}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_V: char = '\u{f27d}';
pub const ICON_VINE: char = '\u{f1ca}';
pub const ICON_VK: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_VNV: char = '\u{f40b}';
pub const ICON_VUEJS: char = '\u{f41f}';
pub const ICON_WATCHMAN_MONITORING: char = '\u{e087}';
pub const ICON_WAZE: char = '\u{f83f}';
pub const ICON_WEEBLY: char = '\u{f5cc}';
pub const ICON_WEIBO: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_WEIXIN: char = '\u{f1d7}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f232}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP_SQUARE: char = '\u{f40c}';
pub const ICON_WHMCS: char = '\u{f40d}';
pub const ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W: char = '\u{f266}';
pub const ICON_WINDOWS: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_WIX: char = '\u{f5cf}';
pub const ICON_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST: char = '\u{f730}';
pub const ICON_WODU: char = '\u{e088}';
pub const ICON_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION: char = '\u{f514}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE: char = '\u{f411}';
pub const ICON_WPBEGINNER: char = '\u{f297}';
pub const ICON_WPEXPLORER: char = '\u{f2de}';
pub const ICON_WPFORMS: char = '\u{f298}';
pub const ICON_WPRESSR: char = '\u{f3e4}';
pub const ICON_XBOX: char = '\u{f412}';
pub const ICON_XING: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_XING_SQUARE: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_Y_COMBINATOR: char = '\u{f23b}';
pub const ICON_YAHOO: char = '\u{f19e}';
pub const ICON_YAMMER: char = '\u{f840}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX: char = '\u{f413}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL: char = '\u{f414}';
pub const ICON_YARN: char = '\u{f7e3}';
pub const ICON_YELP: char = '\u{f1e9}';
pub const ICON_YOAST: char = '\u{f2b1}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f431}';
pub const ICON_ZHIHU: char = '\u{f63f}';
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// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from icons.yml
// for use with fa-brands-400.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class FontAwesome5ProBrands
public const string FontIconFileNameFAB = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xe007;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf8e8;
public const int IconMax = 0xf8e8;
public const string Num500px = "\uf26e";
public const string AccessibleIcon = "\uf368";
public const string Accusoft = "\uf369";
public const string AcquisitionsIncorporated = "\uf6af";
public const string Adn = "\uf170";
public const string Adversal = "\uf36a";
public const string Affiliatetheme = "\uf36b";
public const string Airbnb = "\uf834";
public const string Algolia = "\uf36c";
public const string Alipay = "\uf642";
public const string Amazon = "\uf270";
public const string AmazonPay = "\uf42c";
public const string Amilia = "\uf36d";
public const string Android = "\uf17b";
public const string Angellist = "\uf209";
public const string Angrycreative = "\uf36e";
public const string Angular = "\uf420";
public const string AppStore = "\uf36f";
public const string AppStoreIos = "\uf370";
public const string Apper = "\uf371";
public const string Apple = "\uf179";
public const string ApplePay = "\uf415";
public const string Artstation = "\uf77a";
public const string Asymmetrik = "\uf372";
public const string Atlassian = "\uf77b";
public const string Audible = "\uf373";
public const string Autoprefixer = "\uf41c";
public const string Avianex = "\uf374";
public const string Aviato = "\uf421";
public const string Aws = "\uf375";
public const string Bandcamp = "\uf2d5";
public const string BattleNet = "\uf835";
public const string Behance = "\uf1b4";
public const string BehanceSquare = "\uf1b5";
public const string Bimobject = "\uf378";
public const string Bitbucket = "\uf171";
public const string Bitcoin = "\uf379";
public const string Bity = "\uf37a";
public const string BlackTie = "\uf27e";
public const string Blackberry = "\uf37b";
public const string Blogger = "\uf37c";
public const string BloggerB = "\uf37d";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf293";
public const string BluetoothB = "\uf294";
public const string Bootstrap = "\uf836";
public const string Btc = "\uf15a";
public const string Buffer = "\uf837";
public const string Buromobelexperte = "\uf37f";
public const string BuyNLarge = "\uf8a6";
public const string Buysellads = "\uf20d";
public const string CanadianMapleLeaf = "\uf785";
public const string CcAmazonPay = "\uf42d";
public const string CcAmex = "\uf1f3";
public const string CcApplePay = "\uf416";
public const string CcDinersClub = "\uf24c";
public const string CcDiscover = "\uf1f2";
public const string CcJcb = "\uf24b";
public const string CcMastercard = "\uf1f1";
public const string CcPaypal = "\uf1f4";
public const string CcStripe = "\uf1f5";
public const string CcVisa = "\uf1f0";
public const string Centercode = "\uf380";
public const string Centos = "\uf789";
public const string Chrome = "\uf268";
public const string Chromecast = "\uf838";
public const string Cloudflare = "\ue07d";
public const string Cloudscale = "\uf383";
public const string Cloudsmith = "\uf384";
public const string Cloudversify = "\uf385";
public const string Codepen = "\uf1cb";
public const string Codiepie = "\uf284";
public const string Confluence = "\uf78d";
public const string Connectdevelop = "\uf20e";
public const string Contao = "\uf26d";
public const string CottonBureau = "\uf89e";
public const string Cpanel = "\uf388";
public const string CreativeCommons = "\uf25e";
public const string CreativeCommonsBy = "\uf4e7";
public const string CreativeCommonsNc = "\uf4e8";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcEu = "\uf4e9";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcJp = "\uf4ea";
public const string CreativeCommonsNd = "\uf4eb";
public const string CreativeCommonsPd = "\uf4ec";
public const string CreativeCommonsPdAlt = "\uf4ed";
public const string CreativeCommonsRemix = "\uf4ee";
public const string CreativeCommonsSa = "\uf4ef";
public const string CreativeCommonsSampling = "\uf4f0";
public const string CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus = "\uf4f1";
public const string CreativeCommonsShare = "\uf4f2";
public const string CreativeCommonsZero = "\uf4f3";
public const string CriticalRole = "\uf6c9";
public const string Css3 = "\uf13c";
public const string Css3Alt = "\uf38b";
public const string Cuttlefish = "\uf38c";
public const string DAndD = "\uf38d";
public const string DAndDBeyond = "\uf6ca";
public const string Dailymotion = "\ue052";
public const string Dashcube = "\uf210";
public const string Deezer = "\ue077";
public const string Delicious = "\uf1a5";
public const string Deploydog = "\uf38e";
public const string Deskpro = "\uf38f";
public const string Dev = "\uf6cc";
public const string Deviantart = "\uf1bd";
public const string Dhl = "\uf790";
public const string Diaspora = "\uf791";
public const string Digg = "\uf1a6";
public const string DigitalOcean = "\uf391";
public const string Discord = "\uf392";
public const string Discourse = "\uf393";
public const string Dochub = "\uf394";
public const string Docker = "\uf395";
public const string Draft2digital = "\uf396";
public const string Dribbble = "\uf17d";
public const string DribbbleSquare = "\uf397";
public const string Dropbox = "\uf16b";
public const string Drupal = "\uf1a9";
public const string Dyalog = "\uf399";
public const string Earlybirds = "\uf39a";
public const string Ebay = "\uf4f4";
public const string Edge = "\uf282";
public const string EdgeLegacy = "\ue078";
public const string Elementor = "\uf430";
public const string Ello = "\uf5f1";
public const string Ember = "\uf423";
public const string Empire = "\uf1d1";
public const string Envira = "\uf299";
public const string Erlang = "\uf39d";
public const string Ethereum = "\uf42e";
public const string Etsy = "\uf2d7";
public const string Evernote = "\uf839";
public const string Expeditedssl = "\uf23e";
public const string Facebook = "\uf09a";
public const string FacebookF = "\uf39e";
public const string FacebookMessenger = "\uf39f";
public const string FacebookSquare = "\uf082";
public const string FantasyFlightGames = "\uf6dc";
public const string Fedex = "\uf797";
public const string Fedora = "\uf798";
public const string Figma = "\uf799";
public const string Firefox = "\uf269";
public const string FirefoxBrowser = "\ue007";
public const string FirstOrder = "\uf2b0";
public const string FirstOrderAlt = "\uf50a";
public const string Firstdraft = "\uf3a1";
public const string Flickr = "\uf16e";
public const string Flipboard = "\uf44d";
public const string Fly = "\uf417";
public const string FontAwesome = "\uf2b4";
public const string FontAwesomeAlt = "\uf35c";
public const string FontAwesomeFlag = "\uf425";
public const string FontAwesomeLogoFull = "\uf4e6";
public const string Fonticons = "\uf280";
public const string FonticonsFi = "\uf3a2";
public const string FortAwesome = "\uf286";
public const string FortAwesomeAlt = "\uf3a3";
public const string Forumbee = "\uf211";
public const string Foursquare = "\uf180";
public const string FreeCodeCamp = "\uf2c5";
public const string Freebsd = "\uf3a4";
public const string Fulcrum = "\uf50b";
public const string GalacticRepublic = "\uf50c";
public const string GalacticSenate = "\uf50d";
public const string GetPocket = "\uf265";
public const string Gg = "\uf260";
public const string GgCircle = "\uf261";
public const string Git = "\uf1d3";
public const string GitAlt = "\uf841";
public const string GitSquare = "\uf1d2";
public const string Github = "\uf09b";
public const string GithubAlt = "\uf113";
public const string GithubSquare = "\uf092";
public const string Gitkraken = "\uf3a6";
public const string Gitlab = "\uf296";
public const string Gitter = "\uf426";
public const string Glide = "\uf2a5";
public const string GlideG = "\uf2a6";
public const string Gofore = "\uf3a7";
public const string Goodreads = "\uf3a8";
public const string GoodreadsG = "\uf3a9";
public const string Google = "\uf1a0";
public const string GoogleDrive = "\uf3aa";
public const string GooglePay = "\ue079";
public const string GooglePlay = "\uf3ab";
public const string GooglePlus = "\uf2b3";
public const string GooglePlusG = "\uf0d5";
public const string GooglePlusSquare = "\uf0d4";
public const string GoogleWallet = "\uf1ee";
public const string Gratipay = "\uf184";
public const string Grav = "\uf2d6";
public const string Gripfire = "\uf3ac";
public const string Grunt = "\uf3ad";
public const string Guilded = "\ue07e";
public const string Gulp = "\uf3ae";
public const string HackerNews = "\uf1d4";
public const string HackerNewsSquare = "\uf3af";
public const string Hackerrank = "\uf5f7";
public const string Hips = "\uf452";
public const string HireAHelper = "\uf3b0";
public const string Hive = "\ue07f";
public const string Hooli = "\uf427";
public const string Hornbill = "\uf592";
public const string Hotjar = "\uf3b1";
public const string Houzz = "\uf27c";
public const string Html5 = "\uf13b";
public const string Hubspot = "\uf3b2";
public const string Ideal = "\ue013";
public const string Imdb = "\uf2d8";
public const string Innosoft = "\ue080";
public const string Instagram = "\uf16d";
public const string InstagramSquare = "\ue055";
public const string Instalod = "\ue081";
public const string Intercom = "\uf7af";
public const string InternetExplorer = "\uf26b";
public const string Invision = "\uf7b0";
public const string Ioxhost = "\uf208";
public const string ItchIo = "\uf83a";
public const string Itunes = "\uf3b4";
public const string ItunesNote = "\uf3b5";
public const string Java = "\uf4e4";
public const string JediOrder = "\uf50e";
public const string Jenkins = "\uf3b6";
public const string Jira = "\uf7b1";
public const string Joget = "\uf3b7";
public const string Joomla = "\uf1aa";
public const string Js = "\uf3b8";
public const string JsSquare = "\uf3b9";
public const string Jsfiddle = "\uf1cc";
public const string Kaggle = "\uf5fa";
public const string Keybase = "\uf4f5";
public const string Keycdn = "\uf3ba";
public const string Kickstarter = "\uf3bb";
public const string KickstarterK = "\uf3bc";
public const string Korvue = "\uf42f";
public const string Laravel = "\uf3bd";
public const string Lastfm = "\uf202";
public const string LastfmSquare = "\uf203";
public const string Leanpub = "\uf212";
public const string Less = "\uf41d";
public const string Line = "\uf3c0";
public const string Linkedin = "\uf08c";
public const string LinkedinIn = "\uf0e1";
public const string Linode = "\uf2b8";
public const string Linux = "\uf17c";
public const string Lyft = "\uf3c3";
public const string Magento = "\uf3c4";
public const string Mailchimp = "\uf59e";
public const string Mandalorian = "\uf50f";
public const string Markdown = "\uf60f";
public const string Mastodon = "\uf4f6";
public const string Maxcdn = "\uf136";
public const string Mdb = "\uf8ca";
public const string Medapps = "\uf3c6";
public const string Medium = "\uf23a";
public const string MediumM = "\uf3c7";
public const string Medrt = "\uf3c8";
public const string Meetup = "\uf2e0";
public const string Megaport = "\uf5a3";
public const string Mendeley = "\uf7b3";
public const string Microblog = "\ue01a";
public const string Microsoft = "\uf3ca";
public const string Mix = "\uf3cb";
public const string Mixcloud = "\uf289";
public const string Mixer = "\ue056";
public const string Mizuni = "\uf3cc";
public const string Modx = "\uf285";
public const string Monero = "\uf3d0";
public const string Napster = "\uf3d2";
public const string Neos = "\uf612";
public const string Nimblr = "\uf5a8";
public const string Node = "\uf419";
public const string NodeJs = "\uf3d3";
public const string Npm = "\uf3d4";
public const string Ns8 = "\uf3d5";
public const string Nutritionix = "\uf3d6";
public const string OctopusDeploy = "\ue082";
public const string Odnoklassniki = "\uf263";
public const string OdnoklassnikiSquare = "\uf264";
public const string OldRepublic = "\uf510";
public const string Opencart = "\uf23d";
public const string Openid = "\uf19b";
public const string Opera = "\uf26a";
public const string OptinMonster = "\uf23c";
public const string Orcid = "\uf8d2";
public const string Osi = "\uf41a";
public const string Page4 = "\uf3d7";
public const string Pagelines = "\uf18c";
public const string Palfed = "\uf3d8";
public const string Patreon = "\uf3d9";
public const string Paypal = "\uf1ed";
public const string PennyArcade = "\uf704";
public const string Perbyte = "\ue083";
public const string Periscope = "\uf3da";
public const string Phabricator = "\uf3db";
public const string PhoenixFramework = "\uf3dc";
public const string PhoenixSquadron = "\uf511";
public const string Php = "\uf457";
public const string PiedPiper = "\uf2ae";
public const string PiedPiperAlt = "\uf1a8";
public const string PiedPiperHat = "\uf4e5";
public const string PiedPiperPp = "\uf1a7";
public const string PiedPiperSquare = "\ue01e";
public const string Pinterest = "\uf0d2";
public const string PinterestP = "\uf231";
public const string PinterestSquare = "\uf0d3";
public const string Playstation = "\uf3df";
public const string ProductHunt = "\uf288";
public const string Pushed = "\uf3e1";
public const string Python = "\uf3e2";
public const string Qq = "\uf1d6";
public const string Quinscape = "\uf459";
public const string Quora = "\uf2c4";
public const string RProject = "\uf4f7";
public const string RaspberryPi = "\uf7bb";
public const string Ravelry = "\uf2d9";
public const string React = "\uf41b";
public const string Reacteurope = "\uf75d";
public const string Readme = "\uf4d5";
public const string Rebel = "\uf1d0";
public const string RedRiver = "\uf3e3";
public const string Reddit = "\uf1a1";
public const string RedditAlien = "\uf281";
public const string RedditSquare = "\uf1a2";
public const string Redhat = "\uf7bc";
public const string Renren = "\uf18b";
public const string Replyd = "\uf3e6";
public const string Researchgate = "\uf4f8";
public const string Resolving = "\uf3e7";
public const string Rev = "\uf5b2";
public const string Rocketchat = "\uf3e8";
public const string Rockrms = "\uf3e9";
public const string Rust = "\ue07a";
public const string Safari = "\uf267";
public const string Salesforce = "\uf83b";
public const string Sass = "\uf41e";
public const string Schlix = "\uf3ea";
public const string Scribd = "\uf28a";
public const string Searchengin = "\uf3eb";
public const string Sellcast = "\uf2da";
public const string Sellsy = "\uf213";
public const string Servicestack = "\uf3ec";
public const string Shirtsinbulk = "\uf214";
public const string Shopify = "\ue057";
public const string Shopware = "\uf5b5";
public const string Simplybuilt = "\uf215";
public const string Sistrix = "\uf3ee";
public const string Sith = "\uf512";
public const string Sketch = "\uf7c6";
public const string Skyatlas = "\uf216";
public const string Skype = "\uf17e";
public const string Slack = "\uf198";
public const string SlackHash = "\uf3ef";
public const string Slideshare = "\uf1e7";
public const string Snapchat = "\uf2ab";
public const string SnapchatGhost = "\uf2ac";
public const string SnapchatSquare = "\uf2ad";
public const string Soundcloud = "\uf1be";
public const string Sourcetree = "\uf7d3";
public const string Speakap = "\uf3f3";
public const string SpeakerDeck = "\uf83c";
public const string Spotify = "\uf1bc";
public const string Squarespace = "\uf5be";
public const string StackExchange = "\uf18d";
public const string StackOverflow = "\uf16c";
public const string Stackpath = "\uf842";
public const string Staylinked = "\uf3f5";
public const string Steam = "\uf1b6";
public const string SteamSquare = "\uf1b7";
public const string SteamSymbol = "\uf3f6";
public const string StickerMule = "\uf3f7";
public const string Strava = "\uf428";
public const string Stripe = "\uf429";
public const string StripeS = "\uf42a";
public const string Studiovinari = "\uf3f8";
public const string Stumbleupon = "\uf1a4";
public const string StumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3";
public const string Superpowers = "\uf2dd";
public const string Supple = "\uf3f9";
public const string Suse = "\uf7d6";
public const string Swift = "\uf8e1";
public const string Symfony = "\uf83d";
public const string Teamspeak = "\uf4f9";
public const string Telegram = "\uf2c6";
public const string TelegramPlane = "\uf3fe";
public const string TencentWeibo = "\uf1d5";
public const string TheRedYeti = "\uf69d";
public const string Themeco = "\uf5c6";
public const string Themeisle = "\uf2b2";
public const string ThinkPeaks = "\uf731";
public const string Tiktok = "\ue07b";
public const string TradeFederation = "\uf513";
public const string Trello = "\uf181";
public const string Tumblr = "\uf173";
public const string TumblrSquare = "\uf174";
public const string Twitch = "\uf1e8";
public const string Twitter = "\uf099";
public const string TwitterSquare = "\uf081";
public const string Typo3 = "\uf42b";
public const string Uber = "\uf402";
public const string Ubuntu = "\uf7df";
public const string Uikit = "\uf403";
public const string Umbraco = "\uf8e8";
public const string Uncharted = "\ue084";
public const string Uniregistry = "\uf404";
public const string Unity = "\ue049";
public const string Unsplash = "\ue07c";
public const string Untappd = "\uf405";
public const string Ups = "\uf7e0";
public const string Usb = "\uf287";
public const string Usps = "\uf7e1";
public const string Ussunnah = "\uf407";
public const string Vaadin = "\uf408";
public const string Viacoin = "\uf237";
public const string Viadeo = "\uf2a9";
public const string ViadeoSquare = "\uf2aa";
public const string Viber = "\uf409";
public const string Vimeo = "\uf40a";
public const string VimeoSquare = "\uf194";
public const string VimeoV = "\uf27d";
public const string Vine = "\uf1ca";
public const string Vk = "\uf189";
public const string Vnv = "\uf40b";
public const string Vuejs = "\uf41f";
public const string WatchmanMonitoring = "\ue087";
public const string Waze = "\uf83f";
public const string Weebly = "\uf5cc";
public const string Weibo = "\uf18a";
public const string Weixin = "\uf1d7";
public const string Whatsapp = "\uf232";
public const string WhatsappSquare = "\uf40c";
public const string Whmcs = "\uf40d";
public const string WikipediaW = "\uf266";
public const string Windows = "\uf17a";
public const string Wix = "\uf5cf";
public const string WizardsOfTheCoast = "\uf730";
public const string Wodu = "\ue088";
public const string WolfPackBattalion = "\uf514";
public const string Wordpress = "\uf19a";
public const string WordpressSimple = "\uf411";
public const string Wpbeginner = "\uf297";
public const string Wpexplorer = "\uf2de";
public const string Wpforms = "\uf298";
public const string Wpressr = "\uf3e4";
public const string Xbox = "\uf412";
public const string Xing = "\uf168";
public const string XingSquare = "\uf169";
public const string YCombinator = "\uf23b";
public const string Yahoo = "\uf19e";
public const string Yammer = "\uf840";
public const string Yandex = "\uf413";
public const string YandexInternational = "\uf414";
public const string Yarn = "\uf7e3";
public const string Yelp = "\uf1e9";
public const string Yoast = "\uf2b1";
public const string Youtube = "\uf167";
public const string YoutubeSquare = "\uf431";
public const string Zhihu = "\uf63f";
@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from icons.yml
// for use with fa-brands-400.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsFontAwesome5ProBrands = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"FAB", "fa-brands-400.ttf"},
Min: 0xe007,
Max16: 0xf8e8,
Max: 0xf8e8,
Icons: map[string]string{
"500px": "\xef\x89\xae", // U+f26e
"AccessibleIcon": "\xef\x8d\xa8", // U+f368
"Accusoft": "\xef\x8d\xa9", // U+f369
"AcquisitionsIncorporated": "\xef\x9a\xaf", // U+f6af
"Adn": "\xef\x85\xb0", // U+f170
"Adversal": "\xef\x8d\xaa", // U+f36a
"Affiliatetheme": "\xef\x8d\xab", // U+f36b
"Airbnb": "\xef\xa0\xb4", // U+f834
"Algolia": "\xef\x8d\xac", // U+f36c
"Alipay": "\xef\x99\x82", // U+f642
"Amazon": "\xef\x89\xb0", // U+f270
"AmazonPay": "\xef\x90\xac", // U+f42c
"Amilia": "\xef\x8d\xad", // U+f36d
"Android": "\xef\x85\xbb", // U+f17b
"Angellist": "\xef\x88\x89", // U+f209
"Angrycreative": "\xef\x8d\xae", // U+f36e
"Angular": "\xef\x90\xa0", // U+f420
"AppStore": "\xef\x8d\xaf", // U+f36f
"AppStoreIos": "\xef\x8d\xb0", // U+f370
"Apper": "\xef\x8d\xb1", // U+f371
"Apple": "\xef\x85\xb9", // U+f179
"ApplePay": "\xef\x90\x95", // U+f415
"Artstation": "\xef\x9d\xba", // U+f77a
"Asymmetrik": "\xef\x8d\xb2", // U+f372
"Atlassian": "\xef\x9d\xbb", // U+f77b
"Audible": "\xef\x8d\xb3", // U+f373
"Autoprefixer": "\xef\x90\x9c", // U+f41c
"Avianex": "\xef\x8d\xb4", // U+f374
"Aviato": "\xef\x90\xa1", // U+f421
"Aws": "\xef\x8d\xb5", // U+f375
"Bandcamp": "\xef\x8b\x95", // U+f2d5
"BattleNet": "\xef\xa0\xb5", // U+f835
"Behance": "\xef\x86\xb4", // U+f1b4
"BehanceSquare": "\xef\x86\xb5", // U+f1b5
"Bimobject": "\xef\x8d\xb8", // U+f378
"Bitbucket": "\xef\x85\xb1", // U+f171
"Bitcoin": "\xef\x8d\xb9", // U+f379
"Bity": "\xef\x8d\xba", // U+f37a
"BlackTie": "\xef\x89\xbe", // U+f27e
"Blackberry": "\xef\x8d\xbb", // U+f37b
"Blogger": "\xef\x8d\xbc", // U+f37c
"BloggerB": "\xef\x8d\xbd", // U+f37d
"Bluetooth": "\xef\x8a\x93", // U+f293
"BluetoothB": "\xef\x8a\x94", // U+f294
"Bootstrap": "\xef\xa0\xb6", // U+f836
"Btc": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
"Buffer": "\xef\xa0\xb7", // U+f837
"Buromobelexperte": "\xef\x8d\xbf", // U+f37f
"BuyNLarge": "\xef\xa2\xa6", // U+f8a6
"Buysellads": "\xef\x88\x8d", // U+f20d
"CanadianMapleLeaf": "\xef\x9e\x85", // U+f785
"CcAmazonPay": "\xef\x90\xad", // U+f42d
"CcAmex": "\xef\x87\xb3", // U+f1f3
"CcApplePay": "\xef\x90\x96", // U+f416
"CcDinersClub": "\xef\x89\x8c", // U+f24c
"CcDiscover": "\xef\x87\xb2", // U+f1f2
"CcJcb": "\xef\x89\x8b", // U+f24b
"CcMastercard": "\xef\x87\xb1", // U+f1f1
"CcPaypal": "\xef\x87\xb4", // U+f1f4
"CcStripe": "\xef\x87\xb5", // U+f1f5
"CcVisa": "\xef\x87\xb0", // U+f1f0
"Centercode": "\xef\x8e\x80", // U+f380
"Centos": "\xef\x9e\x89", // U+f789
"Chrome": "\xef\x89\xa8", // U+f268
"Chromecast": "\xef\xa0\xb8", // U+f838
"Cloudflare": "\xee\x81\xbd", // U+e07d
"Cloudscale": "\xef\x8e\x83", // U+f383
"Cloudsmith": "\xef\x8e\x84", // U+f384
"Cloudversify": "\xef\x8e\x85", // U+f385
"Codepen": "\xef\x87\x8b", // U+f1cb
"Codiepie": "\xef\x8a\x84", // U+f284
"Confluence": "\xef\x9e\x8d", // U+f78d
"Connectdevelop": "\xef\x88\x8e", // U+f20e
"Contao": "\xef\x89\xad", // U+f26d
"CottonBureau": "\xef\xa2\x9e", // U+f89e
"Cpanel": "\xef\x8e\x88", // U+f388
"CreativeCommons": "\xef\x89\x9e", // U+f25e
"CreativeCommonsBy": "\xef\x93\xa7", // U+f4e7
"CreativeCommonsNc": "\xef\x93\xa8", // U+f4e8
"CreativeCommonsNcEu": "\xef\x93\xa9", // U+f4e9
"CreativeCommonsNcJp": "\xef\x93\xaa", // U+f4ea
"CreativeCommonsNd": "\xef\x93\xab", // U+f4eb
"CreativeCommonsPd": "\xef\x93\xac", // U+f4ec
"CreativeCommonsPdAlt": "\xef\x93\xad", // U+f4ed
"CreativeCommonsRemix": "\xef\x93\xae", // U+f4ee
"CreativeCommonsSa": "\xef\x93\xaf", // U+f4ef
"CreativeCommonsSampling": "\xef\x93\xb0", // U+f4f0
"CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus": "\xef\x93\xb1", // U+f4f1
"CreativeCommonsShare": "\xef\x93\xb2", // U+f4f2
"CreativeCommonsZero": "\xef\x93\xb3", // U+f4f3
"CriticalRole": "\xef\x9b\x89", // U+f6c9
"Css3": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Css3Alt": "\xef\x8e\x8b", // U+f38b
"Cuttlefish": "\xef\x8e\x8c", // U+f38c
"DAndD": "\xef\x8e\x8d", // U+f38d
"DAndDBeyond": "\xef\x9b\x8a", // U+f6ca
"Dailymotion": "\xee\x81\x92", // U+e052
"Dashcube": "\xef\x88\x90", // U+f210
"Deezer": "\xee\x81\xb7", // U+e077
"Delicious": "\xef\x86\xa5", // U+f1a5
"Deploydog": "\xef\x8e\x8e", // U+f38e
"Deskpro": "\xef\x8e\x8f", // U+f38f
"Dev": "\xef\x9b\x8c", // U+f6cc
"Deviantart": "\xef\x86\xbd", // U+f1bd
"Dhl": "\xef\x9e\x90", // U+f790
"Diaspora": "\xef\x9e\x91", // U+f791
"Digg": "\xef\x86\xa6", // U+f1a6
"DigitalOcean": "\xef\x8e\x91", // U+f391
"Discord": "\xef\x8e\x92", // U+f392
"Discourse": "\xef\x8e\x93", // U+f393
"Dochub": "\xef\x8e\x94", // U+f394
"Docker": "\xef\x8e\x95", // U+f395
"Draft2digital": "\xef\x8e\x96", // U+f396
"Dribbble": "\xef\x85\xbd", // U+f17d
"DribbbleSquare": "\xef\x8e\x97", // U+f397
"Dropbox": "\xef\x85\xab", // U+f16b
"Drupal": "\xef\x86\xa9", // U+f1a9
"Dyalog": "\xef\x8e\x99", // U+f399
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"Ebay": "\xef\x93\xb4", // U+f4f4
"Edge": "\xef\x8a\x82", // U+f282
"EdgeLegacy": "\xee\x81\xb8", // U+e078
"Elementor": "\xef\x90\xb0", // U+f430
"Ello": "\xef\x97\xb1", // U+f5f1
"Ember": "\xef\x90\xa3", // U+f423
"Empire": "\xef\x87\x91", // U+f1d1
"Envira": "\xef\x8a\x99", // U+f299
"Erlang": "\xef\x8e\x9d", // U+f39d
"Ethereum": "\xef\x90\xae", // U+f42e
"Etsy": "\xef\x8b\x97", // U+f2d7
"Evernote": "\xef\xa0\xb9", // U+f839
"Expeditedssl": "\xef\x88\xbe", // U+f23e
"Facebook": "\xef\x82\x9a", // U+f09a
"FacebookF": "\xef\x8e\x9e", // U+f39e
"FacebookMessenger": "\xef\x8e\x9f", // U+f39f
"FacebookSquare": "\xef\x82\x82", // U+f082
"FantasyFlightGames": "\xef\x9b\x9c", // U+f6dc
"Fedex": "\xef\x9e\x97", // U+f797
"Fedora": "\xef\x9e\x98", // U+f798
"Figma": "\xef\x9e\x99", // U+f799
"Firefox": "\xef\x89\xa9", // U+f269
"FirefoxBrowser": "\xee\x80\x87", // U+e007
"FirstOrder": "\xef\x8a\xb0", // U+f2b0
"FirstOrderAlt": "\xef\x94\x8a", // U+f50a
"Firstdraft": "\xef\x8e\xa1", // U+f3a1
"Flickr": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"Flipboard": "\xef\x91\x8d", // U+f44d
"Fly": "\xef\x90\x97", // U+f417
"FontAwesome": "\xef\x8a\xb4", // U+f2b4
"FontAwesomeAlt": "\xef\x8d\x9c", // U+f35c
"FontAwesomeFlag": "\xef\x90\xa5", // U+f425
"FontAwesomeLogoFull": "\xef\x93\xa6", // U+f4e6
"Fonticons": "\xef\x8a\x80", // U+f280
"FonticonsFi": "\xef\x8e\xa2", // U+f3a2
"FortAwesome": "\xef\x8a\x86", // U+f286
"FortAwesomeAlt": "\xef\x8e\xa3", // U+f3a3
"Forumbee": "\xef\x88\x91", // U+f211
"Foursquare": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"FreeCodeCamp": "\xef\x8b\x85", // U+f2c5
"Freebsd": "\xef\x8e\xa4", // U+f3a4
"Fulcrum": "\xef\x94\x8b", // U+f50b
"GalacticRepublic": "\xef\x94\x8c", // U+f50c
"GalacticSenate": "\xef\x94\x8d", // U+f50d
"GetPocket": "\xef\x89\xa5", // U+f265
"Gg": "\xef\x89\xa0", // U+f260
"GgCircle": "\xef\x89\xa1", // U+f261
"Git": "\xef\x87\x93", // U+f1d3
"GitAlt": "\xef\xa1\x81", // U+f841
"GitSquare": "\xef\x87\x92", // U+f1d2
"Github": "\xef\x82\x9b", // U+f09b
"GithubAlt": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"GithubSquare": "\xef\x82\x92", // U+f092
"Gitkraken": "\xef\x8e\xa6", // U+f3a6
"Gitlab": "\xef\x8a\x96", // U+f296
"Gitter": "\xef\x90\xa6", // U+f426
"Glide": "\xef\x8a\xa5", // U+f2a5
"GlideG": "\xef\x8a\xa6", // U+f2a6
"Gofore": "\xef\x8e\xa7", // U+f3a7
"Goodreads": "\xef\x8e\xa8", // U+f3a8
"GoodreadsG": "\xef\x8e\xa9", // U+f3a9
"Google": "\xef\x86\xa0", // U+f1a0
"GoogleDrive": "\xef\x8e\xaa", // U+f3aa
"GooglePay": "\xee\x81\xb9", // U+e079
"GooglePlay": "\xef\x8e\xab", // U+f3ab
"GooglePlus": "\xef\x8a\xb3", // U+f2b3
"GooglePlusG": "\xef\x83\x95", // U+f0d5
"GooglePlusSquare": "\xef\x83\x94", // U+f0d4
"GoogleWallet": "\xef\x87\xae", // U+f1ee
"Gratipay": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"Grav": "\xef\x8b\x96", // U+f2d6
"Gripfire": "\xef\x8e\xac", // U+f3ac
"Grunt": "\xef\x8e\xad", // U+f3ad
"Guilded": "\xee\x81\xbe", // U+e07e
"Gulp": "\xef\x8e\xae", // U+f3ae
"HackerNews": "\xef\x87\x94", // U+f1d4
"HackerNewsSquare": "\xef\x8e\xaf", // U+f3af
"Hackerrank": "\xef\x97\xb7", // U+f5f7
"Hips": "\xef\x91\x92", // U+f452
"HireAHelper": "\xef\x8e\xb0", // U+f3b0
"Hive": "\xee\x81\xbf", // U+e07f
"Hooli": "\xef\x90\xa7", // U+f427
"Hornbill": "\xef\x96\x92", // U+f592
"Hotjar": "\xef\x8e\xb1", // U+f3b1
"Houzz": "\xef\x89\xbc", // U+f27c
"Html5": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Hubspot": "\xef\x8e\xb2", // U+f3b2
"Ideal": "\xee\x80\x93", // U+e013
"Imdb": "\xef\x8b\x98", // U+f2d8
"Innosoft": "\xee\x82\x80", // U+e080
"Instagram": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"InstagramSquare": "\xee\x81\x95", // U+e055
"Instalod": "\xee\x82\x81", // U+e081
"Intercom": "\xef\x9e\xaf", // U+f7af
"InternetExplorer": "\xef\x89\xab", // U+f26b
"Invision": "\xef\x9e\xb0", // U+f7b0
"Ioxhost": "\xef\x88\x88", // U+f208
"ItchIo": "\xef\xa0\xba", // U+f83a
"Itunes": "\xef\x8e\xb4", // U+f3b4
"ItunesNote": "\xef\x8e\xb5", // U+f3b5
"Java": "\xef\x93\xa4", // U+f4e4
"JediOrder": "\xef\x94\x8e", // U+f50e
"Jenkins": "\xef\x8e\xb6", // U+f3b6
"Jira": "\xef\x9e\xb1", // U+f7b1
"Joget": "\xef\x8e\xb7", // U+f3b7
"Joomla": "\xef\x86\xaa", // U+f1aa
"Js": "\xef\x8e\xb8", // U+f3b8
"JsSquare": "\xef\x8e\xb9", // U+f3b9
"Jsfiddle": "\xef\x87\x8c", // U+f1cc
"Kaggle": "\xef\x97\xba", // U+f5fa
"Keybase": "\xef\x93\xb5", // U+f4f5
"Keycdn": "\xef\x8e\xba", // U+f3ba
"Kickstarter": "\xef\x8e\xbb", // U+f3bb
"KickstarterK": "\xef\x8e\xbc", // U+f3bc
"Korvue": "\xef\x90\xaf", // U+f42f
"Laravel": "\xef\x8e\xbd", // U+f3bd
"Lastfm": "\xef\x88\x82", // U+f202
"LastfmSquare": "\xef\x88\x83", // U+f203
"Leanpub": "\xef\x88\x92", // U+f212
"Less": "\xef\x90\x9d", // U+f41d
"Line": "\xef\x8f\x80", // U+f3c0
"Linkedin": "\xef\x82\x8c", // U+f08c
"LinkedinIn": "\xef\x83\xa1", // U+f0e1
"Linode": "\xef\x8a\xb8", // U+f2b8
"Linux": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Lyft": "\xef\x8f\x83", // U+f3c3
"Magento": "\xef\x8f\x84", // U+f3c4
"Mailchimp": "\xef\x96\x9e", // U+f59e
"Mandalorian": "\xef\x94\x8f", // U+f50f
"Markdown": "\xef\x98\x8f", // U+f60f
"Mastodon": "\xef\x93\xb6", // U+f4f6
"Maxcdn": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"Mdb": "\xef\xa3\x8a", // U+f8ca
"Medapps": "\xef\x8f\x86", // U+f3c6
"Medium": "\xef\x88\xba", // U+f23a
"MediumM": "\xef\x8f\x87", // U+f3c7
"Medrt": "\xef\x8f\x88", // U+f3c8
"Meetup": "\xef\x8b\xa0", // U+f2e0
"Megaport": "\xef\x96\xa3", // U+f5a3
"Mendeley": "\xef\x9e\xb3", // U+f7b3
"Microblog": "\xee\x80\x9a", // U+e01a
"Microsoft": "\xef\x8f\x8a", // U+f3ca
"Mix": "\xef\x8f\x8b", // U+f3cb
"Mixcloud": "\xef\x8a\x89", // U+f289
"Mixer": "\xee\x81\x96", // U+e056
"Mizuni": "\xef\x8f\x8c", // U+f3cc
"Modx": "\xef\x8a\x85", // U+f285
"Monero": "\xef\x8f\x90", // U+f3d0
"Napster": "\xef\x8f\x92", // U+f3d2
"Neos": "\xef\x98\x92", // U+f612
"Nimblr": "\xef\x96\xa8", // U+f5a8
"Node": "\xef\x90\x99", // U+f419
"NodeJs": "\xef\x8f\x93", // U+f3d3
"Npm": "\xef\x8f\x94", // U+f3d4
"Ns8": "\xef\x8f\x95", // U+f3d5
"Nutritionix": "\xef\x8f\x96", // U+f3d6
"OctopusDeploy": "\xee\x82\x82", // U+e082
"Odnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa3", // U+f263
"OdnoklassnikiSquare": "\xef\x89\xa4", // U+f264
"OldRepublic": "\xef\x94\x90", // U+f510
"Opencart": "\xef\x88\xbd", // U+f23d
"Openid": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
"Opera": "\xef\x89\xaa", // U+f26a
"OptinMonster": "\xef\x88\xbc", // U+f23c
"Orcid": "\xef\xa3\x92", // U+f8d2
"Osi": "\xef\x90\x9a", // U+f41a
"Page4": "\xef\x8f\x97", // U+f3d7
"Pagelines": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"Palfed": "\xef\x8f\x98", // U+f3d8
"Patreon": "\xef\x8f\x99", // U+f3d9
"Paypal": "\xef\x87\xad", // U+f1ed
"PennyArcade": "\xef\x9c\x84", // U+f704
"Perbyte": "\xee\x82\x83", // U+e083
"Periscope": "\xef\x8f\x9a", // U+f3da
"Phabricator": "\xef\x8f\x9b", // U+f3db
"PhoenixFramework": "\xef\x8f\x9c", // U+f3dc
"PhoenixSquadron": "\xef\x94\x91", // U+f511
"Php": "\xef\x91\x97", // U+f457
"PiedPiper": "\xef\x8a\xae", // U+f2ae
"PiedPiperAlt": "\xef\x86\xa8", // U+f1a8
"PiedPiperHat": "\xef\x93\xa5", // U+f4e5
"PiedPiperPp": "\xef\x86\xa7", // U+f1a7
"PiedPiperSquare": "\xee\x80\x9e", // U+e01e
"Pinterest": "\xef\x83\x92", // U+f0d2
"PinterestP": "\xef\x88\xb1", // U+f231
"PinterestSquare": "\xef\x83\x93", // U+f0d3
"Playstation": "\xef\x8f\x9f", // U+f3df
"ProductHunt": "\xef\x8a\x88", // U+f288
"Pushed": "\xef\x8f\xa1", // U+f3e1
"Python": "\xef\x8f\xa2", // U+f3e2
"Qq": "\xef\x87\x96", // U+f1d6
"Quinscape": "\xef\x91\x99", // U+f459
"Quora": "\xef\x8b\x84", // U+f2c4
"RProject": "\xef\x93\xb7", // U+f4f7
"RaspberryPi": "\xef\x9e\xbb", // U+f7bb
"Ravelry": "\xef\x8b\x99", // U+f2d9
"React": "\xef\x90\x9b", // U+f41b
"Reacteurope": "\xef\x9d\x9d", // U+f75d
"Readme": "\xef\x93\x95", // U+f4d5
"Rebel": "\xef\x87\x90", // U+f1d0
"RedRiver": "\xef\x8f\xa3", // U+f3e3
"Reddit": "\xef\x86\xa1", // U+f1a1
"RedditAlien": "\xef\x8a\x81", // U+f281
"RedditSquare": "\xef\x86\xa2", // U+f1a2
"Redhat": "\xef\x9e\xbc", // U+f7bc
"Renren": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Replyd": "\xef\x8f\xa6", // U+f3e6
"Researchgate": "\xef\x93\xb8", // U+f4f8
"Resolving": "\xef\x8f\xa7", // U+f3e7
"Rev": "\xef\x96\xb2", // U+f5b2
"Rocketchat": "\xef\x8f\xa8", // U+f3e8
"Rockrms": "\xef\x8f\xa9", // U+f3e9
"Rust": "\xee\x81\xba", // U+e07a
"Safari": "\xef\x89\xa7", // U+f267
"Salesforce": "\xef\xa0\xbb", // U+f83b
"Sass": "\xef\x90\x9e", // U+f41e
"Schlix": "\xef\x8f\xaa", // U+f3ea
"Scribd": "\xef\x8a\x8a", // U+f28a
"Searchengin": "\xef\x8f\xab", // U+f3eb
"Sellcast": "\xef\x8b\x9a", // U+f2da
"Sellsy": "\xef\x88\x93", // U+f213
"Servicestack": "\xef\x8f\xac", // U+f3ec
"Shirtsinbulk": "\xef\x88\x94", // U+f214
"Shopify": "\xee\x81\x97", // U+e057
"Shopware": "\xef\x96\xb5", // U+f5b5
"Simplybuilt": "\xef\x88\x95", // U+f215
"Sistrix": "\xef\x8f\xae", // U+f3ee
"Sith": "\xef\x94\x92", // U+f512
"Sketch": "\xef\x9f\x86", // U+f7c6
"Skyatlas": "\xef\x88\x96", // U+f216
"Skype": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Slack": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"SlackHash": "\xef\x8f\xaf", // U+f3ef
"Slideshare": "\xef\x87\xa7", // U+f1e7
"Snapchat": "\xef\x8a\xab", // U+f2ab
"SnapchatGhost": "\xef\x8a\xac", // U+f2ac
"SnapchatSquare": "\xef\x8a\xad", // U+f2ad
"Soundcloud": "\xef\x86\xbe", // U+f1be
"Sourcetree": "\xef\x9f\x93", // U+f7d3
"Speakap": "\xef\x8f\xb3", // U+f3f3
"SpeakerDeck": "\xef\xa0\xbc", // U+f83c
"Spotify": "\xef\x86\xbc", // U+f1bc
"Squarespace": "\xef\x96\xbe", // U+f5be
"StackExchange": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"StackOverflow": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"Stackpath": "\xef\xa1\x82", // U+f842
"Staylinked": "\xef\x8f\xb5", // U+f3f5
"Steam": "\xef\x86\xb6", // U+f1b6
"SteamSquare": "\xef\x86\xb7", // U+f1b7
"SteamSymbol": "\xef\x8f\xb6", // U+f3f6
"StickerMule": "\xef\x8f\xb7", // U+f3f7
"Strava": "\xef\x90\xa8", // U+f428
"Stripe": "\xef\x90\xa9", // U+f429
"StripeS": "\xef\x90\xaa", // U+f42a
"Studiovinari": "\xef\x8f\xb8", // U+f3f8
"Stumbleupon": "\xef\x86\xa4", // U+f1a4
"StumbleuponCircle": "\xef\x86\xa3", // U+f1a3
"Superpowers": "\xef\x8b\x9d", // U+f2dd
"Supple": "\xef\x8f\xb9", // U+f3f9
"Suse": "\xef\x9f\x96", // U+f7d6
"Swift": "\xef\xa3\xa1", // U+f8e1
"Symfony": "\xef\xa0\xbd", // U+f83d
"Teamspeak": "\xef\x93\xb9", // U+f4f9
"Telegram": "\xef\x8b\x86", // U+f2c6
"TelegramPlane": "\xef\x8f\xbe", // U+f3fe
"TencentWeibo": "\xef\x87\x95", // U+f1d5
"TheRedYeti": "\xef\x9a\x9d", // U+f69d
"Themeco": "\xef\x97\x86", // U+f5c6
"Themeisle": "\xef\x8a\xb2", // U+f2b2
"ThinkPeaks": "\xef\x9c\xb1", // U+f731
"Tiktok": "\xee\x81\xbb", // U+e07b
"TradeFederation": "\xef\x94\x93", // U+f513
"Trello": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"Tumblr": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"TumblrSquare": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"Twitch": "\xef\x87\xa8", // U+f1e8
"Twitter": "\xef\x82\x99", // U+f099
"TwitterSquare": "\xef\x82\x81", // U+f081
"Typo3": "\xef\x90\xab", // U+f42b
"Uber": "\xef\x90\x82", // U+f402
"Ubuntu": "\xef\x9f\x9f", // U+f7df
"Uikit": "\xef\x90\x83", // U+f403
"Umbraco": "\xef\xa3\xa8", // U+f8e8
"Uncharted": "\xee\x82\x84", // U+e084
"Uniregistry": "\xef\x90\x84", // U+f404
"Unity": "\xee\x81\x89", // U+e049
"Unsplash": "\xee\x81\xbc", // U+e07c
"Untappd": "\xef\x90\x85", // U+f405
"Ups": "\xef\x9f\xa0", // U+f7e0
"Usb": "\xef\x8a\x87", // U+f287
"Usps": "\xef\x9f\xa1", // U+f7e1
"Ussunnah": "\xef\x90\x87", // U+f407
"Vaadin": "\xef\x90\x88", // U+f408
"Viacoin": "\xef\x88\xb7", // U+f237
"Viadeo": "\xef\x8a\xa9", // U+f2a9
"ViadeoSquare": "\xef\x8a\xaa", // U+f2aa
"Viber": "\xef\x90\x89", // U+f409
"Vimeo": "\xef\x90\x8a", // U+f40a
"VimeoSquare": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"VimeoV": "\xef\x89\xbd", // U+f27d
"Vine": "\xef\x87\x8a", // U+f1ca
"Vk": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"Vnv": "\xef\x90\x8b", // U+f40b
"Vuejs": "\xef\x90\x9f", // U+f41f
"WatchmanMonitoring": "\xee\x82\x87", // U+e087
"Waze": "\xef\xa0\xbf", // U+f83f
"Weebly": "\xef\x97\x8c", // U+f5cc
"Weibo": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"Weixin": "\xef\x87\x97", // U+f1d7
"Whatsapp": "\xef\x88\xb2", // U+f232
"WhatsappSquare": "\xef\x90\x8c", // U+f40c
"Whmcs": "\xef\x90\x8d", // U+f40d
"WikipediaW": "\xef\x89\xa6", // U+f266
"Windows": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"Wix": "\xef\x97\x8f", // U+f5cf
"WizardsOfTheCoast": "\xef\x9c\xb0", // U+f730
"Wodu": "\xee\x82\x88", // U+e088
"WolfPackBattalion": "\xef\x94\x94", // U+f514
"Wordpress": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"WordpressSimple": "\xef\x90\x91", // U+f411
"Wpbeginner": "\xef\x8a\x97", // U+f297
"Wpexplorer": "\xef\x8b\x9e", // U+f2de
"Wpforms": "\xef\x8a\x98", // U+f298
"Wpressr": "\xef\x8f\xa4", // U+f3e4
"Xbox": "\xef\x90\x92", // U+f412
"Xing": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"XingSquare": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"YCombinator": "\xef\x88\xbb", // U+f23b
"Yahoo": "\xef\x86\x9e", // U+f19e
"Yammer": "\xef\xa1\x80", // U+f840
"Yandex": "\xef\x90\x93", // U+f413
"YandexInternational": "\xef\x90\x94", // U+f414
"Yarn": "\xef\x9f\xa3", // U+f7e3
"Yelp": "\xef\x87\xa9", // U+f1e9
"Yoast": "\xef\x8a\xb1", // U+f2b1
"Youtube": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"YoutubeSquare": "\xef\x90\xb1", // U+f431
"Zhihu": "\xef\x98\xbf", // U+f63f
@ -0,0 +1,467 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from icons.yml
// for use with fa-brands-400.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB "fa-brands-400.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FAB 0xe007
#define ICON_MAX_16_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_MAX_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_FA_500PX "\xef\x89\xae" // U+f26e
#define ICON_FA_ACCESSIBLE_ICON "\xef\x8d\xa8" // U+f368
#define ICON_FA_ACCUSOFT "\xef\x8d\xa9" // U+f369
#define ICON_FA_ACQUISITIONS_INCORPORATED "\xef\x9a\xaf" // U+f6af
#define ICON_FA_ADN "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FA_ADVERSAL "\xef\x8d\xaa" // U+f36a
#define ICON_FA_AFFILIATETHEME "\xef\x8d\xab" // U+f36b
#define ICON_FA_AIRBNB "\xef\xa0\xb4" // U+f834
#define ICON_FA_ALGOLIA "\xef\x8d\xac" // U+f36c
#define ICON_FA_ALIPAY "\xef\x99\x82" // U+f642
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON "\xef\x89\xb0" // U+f270
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xac" // U+f42c
#define ICON_FA_AMILIA "\xef\x8d\xad" // U+f36d
#define ICON_FA_ANDROID "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FA_ANGELLIST "\xef\x88\x89" // U+f209
#define ICON_FA_ANGRYCREATIVE "\xef\x8d\xae" // U+f36e
#define ICON_FA_ANGULAR "\xef\x90\xa0" // U+f420
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE "\xef\x8d\xaf" // U+f36f
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE_IOS "\xef\x8d\xb0" // U+f370
#define ICON_FA_APPER "\xef\x8d\xb1" // U+f371
#define ICON_FA_APPLE "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FA_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x95" // U+f415
#define ICON_FA_ARTSTATION "\xef\x9d\xba" // U+f77a
#define ICON_FA_ASYMMETRIK "\xef\x8d\xb2" // U+f372
#define ICON_FA_ATLASSIAN "\xef\x9d\xbb" // U+f77b
#define ICON_FA_AUDIBLE "\xef\x8d\xb3" // U+f373
#define ICON_FA_AUTOPREFIXER "\xef\x90\x9c" // U+f41c
#define ICON_FA_AVIANEX "\xef\x8d\xb4" // U+f374
#define ICON_FA_AVIATO "\xef\x90\xa1" // U+f421
#define ICON_FA_AWS "\xef\x8d\xb5" // U+f375
#define ICON_FA_BANDCAMP "\xef\x8b\x95" // U+f2d5
#define ICON_FA_BATTLE_NET "\xef\xa0\xb5" // U+f835
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb4" // U+f1b4
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb5" // U+f1b5
#define ICON_FA_BIMOBJECT "\xef\x8d\xb8" // U+f378
#define ICON_FA_BITBUCKET "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FA_BITCOIN "\xef\x8d\xb9" // U+f379
#define ICON_FA_BITY "\xef\x8d\xba" // U+f37a
#define ICON_FA_BLACK_TIE "\xef\x89\xbe" // U+f27e
#define ICON_FA_BLACKBERRY "\xef\x8d\xbb" // U+f37b
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER "\xef\x8d\xbc" // U+f37c
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER_B "\xef\x8d\xbd" // U+f37d
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x8a\x93" // U+f293
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH_B "\xef\x8a\x94" // U+f294
#define ICON_FA_BOOTSTRAP "\xef\xa0\xb6" // U+f836
#define ICON_FA_BTC "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FA_BUFFER "\xef\xa0\xb7" // U+f837
#define ICON_FA_BUROMOBELEXPERTE "\xef\x8d\xbf" // U+f37f
#define ICON_FA_BUY_N_LARGE "\xef\xa2\xa6" // U+f8a6
#define ICON_FA_BUYSELLADS "\xef\x88\x8d" // U+f20d
#define ICON_FA_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF "\xef\x9e\x85" // U+f785
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xad" // U+f42d
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMEX "\xef\x87\xb3" // U+f1f3
#define ICON_FA_CC_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x96" // U+f416
#define ICON_FA_CC_DINERS_CLUB "\xef\x89\x8c" // U+f24c
#define ICON_FA_CC_DISCOVER "\xef\x87\xb2" // U+f1f2
#define ICON_FA_CC_JCB "\xef\x89\x8b" // U+f24b
#define ICON_FA_CC_MASTERCARD "\xef\x87\xb1" // U+f1f1
#define ICON_FA_CC_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xb4" // U+f1f4
#define ICON_FA_CC_STRIPE "\xef\x87\xb5" // U+f1f5
#define ICON_FA_CC_VISA "\xef\x87\xb0" // U+f1f0
#define ICON_FA_CENTERCODE "\xef\x8e\x80" // U+f380
#define ICON_FA_CENTOS "\xef\x9e\x89" // U+f789
#define ICON_FA_CHROME "\xef\x89\xa8" // U+f268
#define ICON_FA_CHROMECAST "\xef\xa0\xb8" // U+f838
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDFLARE "\xee\x81\xbd" // U+e07d
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSCALE "\xef\x8e\x83" // U+f383
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSMITH "\xef\x8e\x84" // U+f384
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDVERSIFY "\xef\x8e\x85" // U+f385
#define ICON_FA_CODEPEN "\xef\x87\x8b" // U+f1cb
#define ICON_FA_CODIEPIE "\xef\x8a\x84" // U+f284
#define ICON_FA_CONFLUENCE "\xef\x9e\x8d" // U+f78d
#define ICON_FA_CONNECTDEVELOP "\xef\x88\x8e" // U+f20e
#define ICON_FA_CONTAO "\xef\x89\xad" // U+f26d
#define ICON_FA_COTTON_BUREAU "\xef\xa2\x9e" // U+f89e
#define ICON_FA_CPANEL "\xef\x8e\x88" // U+f388
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS "\xef\x89\x9e" // U+f25e
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY "\xef\x93\xa7" // U+f4e7
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC "\xef\x93\xa8" // U+f4e8
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU "\xef\x93\xa9" // U+f4e9
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP "\xef\x93\xaa" // U+f4ea
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND "\xef\x93\xab" // U+f4eb
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD "\xef\x93\xac" // U+f4ec
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT "\xef\x93\xad" // U+f4ed
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX "\xef\x93\xae" // U+f4ee
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA "\xef\x93\xaf" // U+f4ef
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING "\xef\x93\xb0" // U+f4f0
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS "\xef\x93\xb1" // U+f4f1
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE "\xef\x93\xb2" // U+f4f2
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO "\xef\x93\xb3" // U+f4f3
#define ICON_FA_CRITICAL_ROLE "\xef\x9b\x89" // U+f6c9
#define ICON_FA_CSS3 "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FA_CSS3_ALT "\xef\x8e\x8b" // U+f38b
#define ICON_FA_CUTTLEFISH "\xef\x8e\x8c" // U+f38c
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D "\xef\x8e\x8d" // U+f38d
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D_BEYOND "\xef\x9b\x8a" // U+f6ca
#define ICON_FA_DAILYMOTION "\xee\x81\x92" // U+e052
#define ICON_FA_DASHCUBE "\xef\x88\x90" // U+f210
#define ICON_FA_DEEZER "\xee\x81\xb7" // U+e077
#define ICON_FA_DELICIOUS "\xef\x86\xa5" // U+f1a5
#define ICON_FA_DEPLOYDOG "\xef\x8e\x8e" // U+f38e
#define ICON_FA_DESKPRO "\xef\x8e\x8f" // U+f38f
#define ICON_FA_DEV "\xef\x9b\x8c" // U+f6cc
#define ICON_FA_DEVIANTART "\xef\x86\xbd" // U+f1bd
#define ICON_FA_DHL "\xef\x9e\x90" // U+f790
#define ICON_FA_DIASPORA "\xef\x9e\x91" // U+f791
#define ICON_FA_DIGG "\xef\x86\xa6" // U+f1a6
#define ICON_FA_DIGITAL_OCEAN "\xef\x8e\x91" // U+f391
#define ICON_FA_DISCORD "\xef\x8e\x92" // U+f392
#define ICON_FA_DISCOURSE "\xef\x8e\x93" // U+f393
#define ICON_FA_DOCHUB "\xef\x8e\x94" // U+f394
#define ICON_FA_DOCKER "\xef\x8e\x95" // U+f395
#define ICON_FA_DRAFT2DIGITAL "\xef\x8e\x96" // U+f396
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\x97" // U+f397
#define ICON_FA_DROPBOX "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FA_DRUPAL "\xef\x86\xa9" // U+f1a9
#define ICON_FA_DYALOG "\xef\x8e\x99" // U+f399
#define ICON_FA_EARLYBIRDS "\xef\x8e\x9a" // U+f39a
#define ICON_FA_EBAY "\xef\x93\xb4" // U+f4f4
#define ICON_FA_EDGE "\xef\x8a\x82" // U+f282
#define ICON_FA_EDGE_LEGACY "\xee\x81\xb8" // U+e078
#define ICON_FA_ELEMENTOR "\xef\x90\xb0" // U+f430
#define ICON_FA_ELLO "\xef\x97\xb1" // U+f5f1
#define ICON_FA_EMBER "\xef\x90\xa3" // U+f423
#define ICON_FA_EMPIRE "\xef\x87\x91" // U+f1d1
#define ICON_FA_ENVIRA "\xef\x8a\x99" // U+f299
#define ICON_FA_ERLANG "\xef\x8e\x9d" // U+f39d
#define ICON_FA_ETHEREUM "\xef\x90\xae" // U+f42e
#define ICON_FA_ETSY "\xef\x8b\x97" // U+f2d7
#define ICON_FA_EVERNOTE "\xef\xa0\xb9" // U+f839
#define ICON_FA_EXPEDITEDSSL "\xef\x88\xbe" // U+f23e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x9a" // U+f09a
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_F "\xef\x8e\x9e" // U+f39e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER "\xef\x8e\x9f" // U+f39f
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x82" // U+f082
#define ICON_FA_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES "\xef\x9b\x9c" // U+f6dc
#define ICON_FA_FEDEX "\xef\x9e\x97" // U+f797
#define ICON_FA_FEDORA "\xef\x9e\x98" // U+f798
#define ICON_FA_FIGMA "\xef\x9e\x99" // U+f799
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX "\xef\x89\xa9" // U+f269
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX_BROWSER "\xee\x80\x87" // U+e007
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER "\xef\x8a\xb0" // U+f2b0
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER_ALT "\xef\x94\x8a" // U+f50a
#define ICON_FA_FIRSTDRAFT "\xef\x8e\xa1" // U+f3a1
#define ICON_FA_FLICKR "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FA_FLIPBOARD "\xef\x91\x8d" // U+f44d
#define ICON_FA_FLY "\xef\x90\x97" // U+f417
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\xb4" // U+f2b4
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_ALT "\xef\x8d\x9c" // U+f35c
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_FLAG "\xef\x90\xa5" // U+f425
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME_LOGO_FULL "\xef\x93\xa6" // U+f4e6
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS "\xef\x8a\x80" // U+f280
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS_FI "\xef\x8e\xa2" // U+f3a2
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\x86" // U+f286
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME_ALT "\xef\x8e\xa3" // U+f3a3
#define ICON_FA_FORUMBEE "\xef\x88\x91" // U+f211
#define ICON_FA_FOURSQUARE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FA_FREE_CODE_CAMP "\xef\x8b\x85" // U+f2c5
#define ICON_FA_FREEBSD "\xef\x8e\xa4" // U+f3a4
#define ICON_FA_FULCRUM "\xef\x94\x8b" // U+f50b
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x8c" // U+f50c
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_SENATE "\xef\x94\x8d" // U+f50d
#define ICON_FA_GET_POCKET "\xef\x89\xa5" // U+f265
#define ICON_FA_GG "\xef\x89\xa0" // U+f260
#define ICON_FA_GG_CIRCLE "\xef\x89\xa1" // U+f261
#define ICON_FA_GIT "\xef\x87\x93" // U+f1d3
#define ICON_FA_GIT_ALT "\xef\xa1\x81" // U+f841
#define ICON_FA_GIT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\x92" // U+f1d2
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x9b" // U+f09b
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_ALT "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x92" // U+f092
#define ICON_FA_GITKRAKEN "\xef\x8e\xa6" // U+f3a6
#define ICON_FA_GITLAB "\xef\x8a\x96" // U+f296
#define ICON_FA_GITTER "\xef\x90\xa6" // U+f426
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE "\xef\x8a\xa5" // U+f2a5
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE_G "\xef\x8a\xa6" // U+f2a6
#define ICON_FA_GOFORE "\xef\x8e\xa7" // U+f3a7
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS "\xef\x8e\xa8" // U+f3a8
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS_G "\xef\x8e\xa9" // U+f3a9
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE "\xef\x86\xa0" // U+f1a0
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_DRIVE "\xef\x8e\xaa" // U+f3aa
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PAY "\xee\x81\xb9" // U+e079
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLAY "\xef\x8e\xab" // U+f3ab
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x8a\xb3" // U+f2b3
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_G "\xef\x83\x95" // U+f0d5
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x94" // U+f0d4
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_WALLET "\xef\x87\xae" // U+f1ee
#define ICON_FA_GRATIPAY "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FA_GRAV "\xef\x8b\x96" // U+f2d6
#define ICON_FA_GRIPFIRE "\xef\x8e\xac" // U+f3ac
#define ICON_FA_GRUNT "\xef\x8e\xad" // U+f3ad
#define ICON_FA_GUILDED "\xee\x81\xbe" // U+e07e
#define ICON_FA_GULP "\xef\x8e\xae" // U+f3ae
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x87\x94" // U+f1d4
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\xaf" // U+f3af
#define ICON_FA_HACKERRANK "\xef\x97\xb7" // U+f5f7
#define ICON_FA_HIPS "\xef\x91\x92" // U+f452
#define ICON_FA_HIRE_A_HELPER "\xef\x8e\xb0" // U+f3b0
#define ICON_FA_HIVE "\xee\x81\xbf" // U+e07f
#define ICON_FA_HOOLI "\xef\x90\xa7" // U+f427
#define ICON_FA_HORNBILL "\xef\x96\x92" // U+f592
#define ICON_FA_HOTJAR "\xef\x8e\xb1" // U+f3b1
#define ICON_FA_HOUZZ "\xef\x89\xbc" // U+f27c
#define ICON_FA_HTML5 "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FA_HUBSPOT "\xef\x8e\xb2" // U+f3b2
#define ICON_FA_IDEAL "\xee\x80\x93" // U+e013
#define ICON_FA_IMDB "\xef\x8b\x98" // U+f2d8
#define ICON_FA_INNOSOFT "\xee\x82\x80" // U+e080
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM_SQUARE "\xee\x81\x95" // U+e055
#define ICON_FA_INSTALOD "\xee\x82\x81" // U+e081
#define ICON_FA_INTERCOM "\xef\x9e\xaf" // U+f7af
#define ICON_FA_INTERNET_EXPLORER "\xef\x89\xab" // U+f26b
#define ICON_FA_INVISION "\xef\x9e\xb0" // U+f7b0
#define ICON_FA_IOXHOST "\xef\x88\x88" // U+f208
#define ICON_FA_ITCH_IO "\xef\xa0\xba" // U+f83a
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES "\xef\x8e\xb4" // U+f3b4
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES_NOTE "\xef\x8e\xb5" // U+f3b5
#define ICON_FA_JAVA "\xef\x93\xa4" // U+f4e4
#define ICON_FA_JEDI_ORDER "\xef\x94\x8e" // U+f50e
#define ICON_FA_JENKINS "\xef\x8e\xb6" // U+f3b6
#define ICON_FA_JIRA "\xef\x9e\xb1" // U+f7b1
#define ICON_FA_JOGET "\xef\x8e\xb7" // U+f3b7
#define ICON_FA_JOOMLA "\xef\x86\xaa" // U+f1aa
#define ICON_FA_JS "\xef\x8e\xb8" // U+f3b8
#define ICON_FA_JS_SQUARE "\xef\x8e\xb9" // U+f3b9
#define ICON_FA_JSFIDDLE "\xef\x87\x8c" // U+f1cc
#define ICON_FA_KAGGLE "\xef\x97\xba" // U+f5fa
#define ICON_FA_KEYBASE "\xef\x93\xb5" // U+f4f5
#define ICON_FA_KEYCDN "\xef\x8e\xba" // U+f3ba
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER "\xef\x8e\xbb" // U+f3bb
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER_K "\xef\x8e\xbc" // U+f3bc
#define ICON_FA_KORVUE "\xef\x90\xaf" // U+f42f
#define ICON_FA_LARAVEL "\xef\x8e\xbd" // U+f3bd
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x82" // U+f202
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM_SQUARE "\xef\x88\x83" // U+f203
#define ICON_FA_LEANPUB "\xef\x88\x92" // U+f212
#define ICON_FA_LESS "\xef\x90\x9d" // U+f41d
#define ICON_FA_LINE "\xef\x8f\x80" // U+f3c0
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN "\xef\x82\x8c" // U+f08c
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN_IN "\xef\x83\xa1" // U+f0e1
#define ICON_FA_LINODE "\xef\x8a\xb8" // U+f2b8
#define ICON_FA_LINUX "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FA_LYFT "\xef\x8f\x83" // U+f3c3
#define ICON_FA_MAGENTO "\xef\x8f\x84" // U+f3c4
#define ICON_FA_MAILCHIMP "\xef\x96\x9e" // U+f59e
#define ICON_FA_MANDALORIAN "\xef\x94\x8f" // U+f50f
#define ICON_FA_MARKDOWN "\xef\x98\x8f" // U+f60f
#define ICON_FA_MASTODON "\xef\x93\xb6" // U+f4f6
#define ICON_FA_MAXCDN "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FA_MDB "\xef\xa3\x8a" // U+f8ca
#define ICON_FA_MEDAPPS "\xef\x8f\x86" // U+f3c6
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM "\xef\x88\xba" // U+f23a
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM_M "\xef\x8f\x87" // U+f3c7
#define ICON_FA_MEDRT "\xef\x8f\x88" // U+f3c8
#define ICON_FA_MEETUP "\xef\x8b\xa0" // U+f2e0
#define ICON_FA_MEGAPORT "\xef\x96\xa3" // U+f5a3
#define ICON_FA_MENDELEY "\xef\x9e\xb3" // U+f7b3
#define ICON_FA_MICROBLOG "\xee\x80\x9a" // U+e01a
#define ICON_FA_MICROSOFT "\xef\x8f\x8a" // U+f3ca
#define ICON_FA_MIX "\xef\x8f\x8b" // U+f3cb
#define ICON_FA_MIXCLOUD "\xef\x8a\x89" // U+f289
#define ICON_FA_MIXER "\xee\x81\x96" // U+e056
#define ICON_FA_MIZUNI "\xef\x8f\x8c" // U+f3cc
#define ICON_FA_MODX "\xef\x8a\x85" // U+f285
#define ICON_FA_MONERO "\xef\x8f\x90" // U+f3d0
#define ICON_FA_NAPSTER "\xef\x8f\x92" // U+f3d2
#define ICON_FA_NEOS "\xef\x98\x92" // U+f612
#define ICON_FA_NIMBLR "\xef\x96\xa8" // U+f5a8
#define ICON_FA_NODE "\xef\x90\x99" // U+f419
#define ICON_FA_NODE_JS "\xef\x8f\x93" // U+f3d3
#define ICON_FA_NPM "\xef\x8f\x94" // U+f3d4
#define ICON_FA_NS8 "\xef\x8f\x95" // U+f3d5
#define ICON_FA_NUTRITIONIX "\xef\x8f\x96" // U+f3d6
#define ICON_FA_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY "\xee\x82\x82" // U+e082
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa3" // U+f263
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE "\xef\x89\xa4" // U+f264
#define ICON_FA_OLD_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x90" // U+f510
#define ICON_FA_OPENCART "\xef\x88\xbd" // U+f23d
#define ICON_FA_OPENID "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
#define ICON_FA_OPERA "\xef\x89\xaa" // U+f26a
#define ICON_FA_OPTIN_MONSTER "\xef\x88\xbc" // U+f23c
#define ICON_FA_ORCID "\xef\xa3\x92" // U+f8d2
#define ICON_FA_OSI "\xef\x90\x9a" // U+f41a
#define ICON_FA_PAGE4 "\xef\x8f\x97" // U+f3d7
#define ICON_FA_PAGELINES "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FA_PALFED "\xef\x8f\x98" // U+f3d8
#define ICON_FA_PATREON "\xef\x8f\x99" // U+f3d9
#define ICON_FA_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xad" // U+f1ed
#define ICON_FA_PENNY_ARCADE "\xef\x9c\x84" // U+f704
#define ICON_FA_PERBYTE "\xee\x82\x83" // U+e083
#define ICON_FA_PERISCOPE "\xef\x8f\x9a" // U+f3da
#define ICON_FA_PHABRICATOR "\xef\x8f\x9b" // U+f3db
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK "\xef\x8f\x9c" // U+f3dc
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_SQUADRON "\xef\x94\x91" // U+f511
#define ICON_FA_PHP "\xef\x91\x97" // U+f457
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER "\xef\x8a\xae" // U+f2ae
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_ALT "\xef\x86\xa8" // U+f1a8
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_HAT "\xef\x93\xa5" // U+f4e5
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_PP "\xef\x86\xa7" // U+f1a7
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_SQUARE "\xee\x80\x9e" // U+e01e
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x92" // U+f0d2
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_P "\xef\x88\xb1" // U+f231
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x93" // U+f0d3
#define ICON_FA_PLAYSTATION "\xef\x8f\x9f" // U+f3df
#define ICON_FA_PRODUCT_HUNT "\xef\x8a\x88" // U+f288
#define ICON_FA_PUSHED "\xef\x8f\xa1" // U+f3e1
#define ICON_FA_PYTHON "\xef\x8f\xa2" // U+f3e2
#define ICON_FA_QQ "\xef\x87\x96" // U+f1d6
#define ICON_FA_QUINSCAPE "\xef\x91\x99" // U+f459
#define ICON_FA_QUORA "\xef\x8b\x84" // U+f2c4
#define ICON_FA_R_PROJECT "\xef\x93\xb7" // U+f4f7
#define ICON_FA_RASPBERRY_PI "\xef\x9e\xbb" // U+f7bb
#define ICON_FA_RAVELRY "\xef\x8b\x99" // U+f2d9
#define ICON_FA_REACT "\xef\x90\x9b" // U+f41b
#define ICON_FA_REACTEUROPE "\xef\x9d\x9d" // U+f75d
#define ICON_FA_README "\xef\x93\x95" // U+f4d5
#define ICON_FA_REBEL "\xef\x87\x90" // U+f1d0
#define ICON_FA_RED_RIVER "\xef\x8f\xa3" // U+f3e3
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa1" // U+f1a1
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_ALIEN "\xef\x8a\x81" // U+f281
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xa2" // U+f1a2
#define ICON_FA_REDHAT "\xef\x9e\xbc" // U+f7bc
#define ICON_FA_RENREN "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FA_REPLYD "\xef\x8f\xa6" // U+f3e6
#define ICON_FA_RESEARCHGATE "\xef\x93\xb8" // U+f4f8
#define ICON_FA_RESOLVING "\xef\x8f\xa7" // U+f3e7
#define ICON_FA_REV "\xef\x96\xb2" // U+f5b2
#define ICON_FA_ROCKETCHAT "\xef\x8f\xa8" // U+f3e8
#define ICON_FA_ROCKRMS "\xef\x8f\xa9" // U+f3e9
#define ICON_FA_RUST "\xee\x81\xba" // U+e07a
#define ICON_FA_SAFARI "\xef\x89\xa7" // U+f267
#define ICON_FA_SALESFORCE "\xef\xa0\xbb" // U+f83b
#define ICON_FA_SASS "\xef\x90\x9e" // U+f41e
#define ICON_FA_SCHLIX "\xef\x8f\xaa" // U+f3ea
#define ICON_FA_SCRIBD "\xef\x8a\x8a" // U+f28a
#define ICON_FA_SEARCHENGIN "\xef\x8f\xab" // U+f3eb
#define ICON_FA_SELLCAST "\xef\x8b\x9a" // U+f2da
#define ICON_FA_SELLSY "\xef\x88\x93" // U+f213
#define ICON_FA_SERVICESTACK "\xef\x8f\xac" // U+f3ec
#define ICON_FA_SHIRTSINBULK "\xef\x88\x94" // U+f214
#define ICON_FA_SHOPIFY "\xee\x81\x97" // U+e057
#define ICON_FA_SHOPWARE "\xef\x96\xb5" // U+f5b5
#define ICON_FA_SIMPLYBUILT "\xef\x88\x95" // U+f215
#define ICON_FA_SISTRIX "\xef\x8f\xae" // U+f3ee
#define ICON_FA_SITH "\xef\x94\x92" // U+f512
#define ICON_FA_SKETCH "\xef\x9f\x86" // U+f7c6
#define ICON_FA_SKYATLAS "\xef\x88\x96" // U+f216
#define ICON_FA_SKYPE "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FA_SLACK "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FA_SLACK_HASH "\xef\x8f\xaf" // U+f3ef
#define ICON_FA_SLIDESHARE "\xef\x87\xa7" // U+f1e7
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xab" // U+f2ab
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_GHOST "\xef\x8a\xac" // U+f2ac
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xad" // U+f2ad
#define ICON_FA_SOUNDCLOUD "\xef\x86\xbe" // U+f1be
#define ICON_FA_SOURCETREE "\xef\x9f\x93" // U+f7d3
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKAP "\xef\x8f\xb3" // U+f3f3
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKER_DECK "\xef\xa0\xbc" // U+f83c
#define ICON_FA_SPOTIFY "\xef\x86\xbc" // U+f1bc
#define ICON_FA_SQUARESPACE "\xef\x96\xbe" // U+f5be
#define ICON_FA_STACK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FA_STACK_OVERFLOW "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FA_STACKPATH "\xef\xa1\x82" // U+f842
#define ICON_FA_STAYLINKED "\xef\x8f\xb5" // U+f3f5
#define ICON_FA_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb6" // U+f1b6
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb7" // U+f1b7
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SYMBOL "\xef\x8f\xb6" // U+f3f6
#define ICON_FA_STICKER_MULE "\xef\x8f\xb7" // U+f3f7
#define ICON_FA_STRAVA "\xef\x90\xa8" // U+f428
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE "\xef\x90\xa9" // U+f429
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE_S "\xef\x90\xaa" // U+f42a
#define ICON_FA_STUDIOVINARI "\xef\x8f\xb8" // U+f3f8
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON "\xef\x86\xa4" // U+f1a4
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE "\xef\x86\xa3" // U+f1a3
#define ICON_FA_SUPERPOWERS "\xef\x8b\x9d" // U+f2dd
#define ICON_FA_SUPPLE "\xef\x8f\xb9" // U+f3f9
#define ICON_FA_SUSE "\xef\x9f\x96" // U+f7d6
#define ICON_FA_SWIFT "\xef\xa3\xa1" // U+f8e1
#define ICON_FA_SYMFONY "\xef\xa0\xbd" // U+f83d
#define ICON_FA_TEAMSPEAK "\xef\x93\xb9" // U+f4f9
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM "\xef\x8b\x86" // U+f2c6
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM_PLANE "\xef\x8f\xbe" // U+f3fe
#define ICON_FA_TENCENT_WEIBO "\xef\x87\x95" // U+f1d5
#define ICON_FA_THE_RED_YETI "\xef\x9a\x9d" // U+f69d
#define ICON_FA_THEMECO "\xef\x97\x86" // U+f5c6
#define ICON_FA_THEMEISLE "\xef\x8a\xb2" // U+f2b2
#define ICON_FA_THINK_PEAKS "\xef\x9c\xb1" // U+f731
#define ICON_FA_TIKTOK "\xee\x81\xbb" // U+e07b
#define ICON_FA_TRADE_FEDERATION "\xef\x94\x93" // U+f513
#define ICON_FA_TRELLO "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FA_TWITCH "\xef\x87\xa8" // U+f1e8
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x99" // U+f099
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x81" // U+f081
#define ICON_FA_TYPO3 "\xef\x90\xab" // U+f42b
#define ICON_FA_UBER "\xef\x90\x82" // U+f402
#define ICON_FA_UBUNTU "\xef\x9f\x9f" // U+f7df
#define ICON_FA_UIKIT "\xef\x90\x83" // U+f403
#define ICON_FA_UMBRACO "\xef\xa3\xa8" // U+f8e8
#define ICON_FA_UNCHARTED "\xee\x82\x84" // U+e084
#define ICON_FA_UNIREGISTRY "\xef\x90\x84" // U+f404
#define ICON_FA_UNITY "\xee\x81\x89" // U+e049
#define ICON_FA_UNSPLASH "\xee\x81\xbc" // U+e07c
#define ICON_FA_UNTAPPD "\xef\x90\x85" // U+f405
#define ICON_FA_UPS "\xef\x9f\xa0" // U+f7e0
#define ICON_FA_USB "\xef\x8a\x87" // U+f287
#define ICON_FA_USPS "\xef\x9f\xa1" // U+f7e1
#define ICON_FA_USSUNNAH "\xef\x90\x87" // U+f407
#define ICON_FA_VAADIN "\xef\x90\x88" // U+f408
#define ICON_FA_VIACOIN "\xef\x88\xb7" // U+f237
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xa9" // U+f2a9
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xaa" // U+f2aa
#define ICON_FA_VIBER "\xef\x90\x89" // U+f409
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO "\xef\x90\x8a" // U+f40a
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_V "\xef\x89\xbd" // U+f27d
#define ICON_FA_VINE "\xef\x87\x8a" // U+f1ca
#define ICON_FA_VK "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FA_VNV "\xef\x90\x8b" // U+f40b
#define ICON_FA_VUEJS "\xef\x90\x9f" // U+f41f
#define ICON_FA_WATCHMAN_MONITORING "\xee\x82\x87" // U+e087
#define ICON_FA_WAZE "\xef\xa0\xbf" // U+f83f
#define ICON_FA_WEEBLY "\xef\x97\x8c" // U+f5cc
#define ICON_FA_WEIBO "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FA_WEIXIN "\xef\x87\x97" // U+f1d7
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP "\xef\x88\xb2" // U+f232
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP_SQUARE "\xef\x90\x8c" // U+f40c
#define ICON_FA_WHMCS "\xef\x90\x8d" // U+f40d
#define ICON_FA_WIKIPEDIA_W "\xef\x89\xa6" // U+f266
#define ICON_FA_WINDOWS "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FA_WIX "\xef\x97\x8f" // U+f5cf
#define ICON_FA_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST "\xef\x9c\xb0" // U+f730
#define ICON_FA_WODU "\xee\x82\x88" // U+e088
#define ICON_FA_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION "\xef\x94\x94" // U+f514
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE "\xef\x90\x91" // U+f411
#define ICON_FA_WPBEGINNER "\xef\x8a\x97" // U+f297
#define ICON_FA_WPEXPLORER "\xef\x8b\x9e" // U+f2de
#define ICON_FA_WPFORMS "\xef\x8a\x98" // U+f298
#define ICON_FA_WPRESSR "\xef\x8f\xa4" // U+f3e4
#define ICON_FA_XBOX "\xef\x90\x92" // U+f412
#define ICON_FA_XING "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FA_XING_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FA_Y_COMBINATOR "\xef\x88\xbb" // U+f23b
#define ICON_FA_YAHOO "\xef\x86\x9e" // U+f19e
#define ICON_FA_YAMMER "\xef\xa1\x80" // U+f840
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX "\xef\x90\x93" // U+f413
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL "\xef\x90\x94" // U+f414
#define ICON_FA_YARN "\xef\x9f\xa3" // U+f7e3
#define ICON_FA_YELP "\xef\x87\xa9" // U+f1e9
#define ICON_FA_YOAST "\xef\x8a\xb1" // U+f2b1
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE_SQUARE "\xef\x90\xb1" // U+f431
#define ICON_FA_ZHIHU "\xef\x98\xbf" // U+f63f
@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from icons.yml
# for use with fa-brands-400.ttf
class IconsFontAwesome5ProBrands:
FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB = 'fa-brands-400.ttf'
ICON_MIN = 0xe007
ICON_MAX_16 = 0xf8e8
ICON_MAX = 0xf8e8
ICON_500PX = '\uf26e'
ICON_ACCUSOFT = '\uf369'
ICON_ADN = '\uf170'
ICON_ADVERSAL = '\uf36a'
ICON_AIRBNB = '\uf834'
ICON_ALGOLIA = '\uf36c'
ICON_ALIPAY = '\uf642'
ICON_AMAZON = '\uf270'
ICON_AMAZON_PAY = '\uf42c'
ICON_AMILIA = '\uf36d'
ICON_ANDROID = '\uf17b'
ICON_ANGULAR = '\uf420'
ICON_APP_STORE = '\uf36f'
ICON_APPER = '\uf371'
ICON_APPLE = '\uf179'
ICON_APPLE_PAY = '\uf415'
ICON_AUDIBLE = '\uf373'
ICON_AVIANEX = '\uf374'
ICON_AVIATO = '\uf421'
ICON_AWS = '\uf375'
ICON_BANDCAMP = '\uf2d5'
ICON_BATTLE_NET = '\uf835'
ICON_BEHANCE = '\uf1b4'
ICON_BITCOIN = '\uf379'
ICON_BITY = '\uf37a'
ICON_BLACK_TIE = '\uf27e'
ICON_BLOGGER = '\uf37c'
ICON_BLOGGER_B = '\uf37d'
ICON_BTC = '\uf15a'
ICON_BUFFER = '\uf837'
ICON_BUY_N_LARGE = '\uf8a6'
ICON_CC_AMEX = '\uf1f3'
ICON_CC_APPLE_PAY = '\uf416'
ICON_CC_JCB = '\uf24b'
ICON_CC_PAYPAL = '\uf1f4'
ICON_CC_STRIPE = '\uf1f5'
ICON_CC_VISA = '\uf1f0'
ICON_CENTOS = '\uf789'
ICON_CHROME = '\uf268'
ICON_CODEPEN = '\uf1cb'
ICON_CODIEPIE = '\uf284'
ICON_CONTAO = '\uf26d'
ICON_CPANEL = '\uf388'
ICON_CSS3 = '\uf13c'
ICON_CSS3_ALT = '\uf38b'
ICON_D_AND_D = '\uf38d'
ICON_D_AND_D_BEYOND = '\uf6ca'
ICON_DASHCUBE = '\uf210'
ICON_DEEZER = '\ue077'
ICON_DESKPRO = '\uf38f'
ICON_DEV = '\uf6cc'
ICON_DHL = '\uf790'
ICON_DIASPORA = '\uf791'
ICON_DIGG = '\uf1a6'
ICON_DISCORD = '\uf392'
ICON_DOCHUB = '\uf394'
ICON_DOCKER = '\uf395'
ICON_DRIBBBLE = '\uf17d'
ICON_DROPBOX = '\uf16b'
ICON_DRUPAL = '\uf1a9'
ICON_DYALOG = '\uf399'
ICON_EBAY = '\uf4f4'
ICON_EDGE = '\uf282'
ICON_ELLO = '\uf5f1'
ICON_EMBER = '\uf423'
ICON_EMPIRE = '\uf1d1'
ICON_ENVIRA = '\uf299'
ICON_ERLANG = '\uf39d'
ICON_ETHEREUM = '\uf42e'
ICON_ETSY = '\uf2d7'
ICON_EVERNOTE = '\uf839'
ICON_FACEBOOK = '\uf09a'
ICON_FACEBOOK_F = '\uf39e'
ICON_FEDEX = '\uf797'
ICON_FEDORA = '\uf798'
ICON_FIGMA = '\uf799'
ICON_FIREFOX = '\uf269'
ICON_FLICKR = '\uf16e'
ICON_FLY = '\uf417'
ICON_FORUMBEE = '\uf211'
ICON_FREEBSD = '\uf3a4'
ICON_FULCRUM = '\uf50b'
ICON_GET_POCKET = '\uf265'
ICON_GG = '\uf260'
ICON_GG_CIRCLE = '\uf261'
ICON_GIT = '\uf1d3'
ICON_GIT_ALT = '\uf841'
ICON_GIT_SQUARE = '\uf1d2'
ICON_GITHUB = '\uf09b'
ICON_GITHUB_ALT = '\uf113'
ICON_GITLAB = '\uf296'
ICON_GITTER = '\uf426'
ICON_GLIDE = '\uf2a5'
ICON_GLIDE_G = '\uf2a6'
ICON_GOFORE = '\uf3a7'
ICON_GOOGLE = '\uf1a0'
ICON_GOOGLE_PAY = '\ue079'
ICON_GRATIPAY = '\uf184'
ICON_GRAV = '\uf2d6'
ICON_GRIPFIRE = '\uf3ac'
ICON_GRUNT = '\uf3ad'
ICON_GUILDED = '\ue07e'
ICON_GULP = '\uf3ae'
ICON_HIPS = '\uf452'
ICON_HIVE = '\ue07f'
ICON_HOOLI = '\uf427'
ICON_HORNBILL = '\uf592'
ICON_HOTJAR = '\uf3b1'
ICON_HOUZZ = '\uf27c'
ICON_HTML5 = '\uf13b'
ICON_HUBSPOT = '\uf3b2'
ICON_IDEAL = '\ue013'
ICON_IMDB = '\uf2d8'
ICON_INNOSOFT = '\ue080'
ICON_INSTALOD = '\ue081'
ICON_INTERCOM = '\uf7af'
ICON_INVISION = '\uf7b0'
ICON_IOXHOST = '\uf208'
ICON_ITCH_IO = '\uf83a'
ICON_ITUNES = '\uf3b4'
ICON_JAVA = '\uf4e4'
ICON_JEDI_ORDER = '\uf50e'
ICON_JENKINS = '\uf3b6'
ICON_JIRA = '\uf7b1'
ICON_JOGET = '\uf3b7'
ICON_JOOMLA = '\uf1aa'
ICON_JS = '\uf3b8'
ICON_JS_SQUARE = '\uf3b9'
ICON_JSFIDDLE = '\uf1cc'
ICON_KAGGLE = '\uf5fa'
ICON_KEYBASE = '\uf4f5'
ICON_KEYCDN = '\uf3ba'
ICON_KORVUE = '\uf42f'
ICON_LARAVEL = '\uf3bd'
ICON_LASTFM = '\uf202'
ICON_LEANPUB = '\uf212'
ICON_LESS = '\uf41d'
ICON_LINE = '\uf3c0'
ICON_LINKEDIN = '\uf08c'
ICON_LINODE = '\uf2b8'
ICON_LINUX = '\uf17c'
ICON_LYFT = '\uf3c3'
ICON_MAGENTO = '\uf3c4'
ICON_MARKDOWN = '\uf60f'
ICON_MASTODON = '\uf4f6'
ICON_MAXCDN = '\uf136'
ICON_MDB = '\uf8ca'
ICON_MEDAPPS = '\uf3c6'
ICON_MEDIUM = '\uf23a'
ICON_MEDIUM_M = '\uf3c7'
ICON_MEDRT = '\uf3c8'
ICON_MEETUP = '\uf2e0'
ICON_MEGAPORT = '\uf5a3'
ICON_MENDELEY = '\uf7b3'
ICON_MIX = '\uf3cb'
ICON_MIXCLOUD = '\uf289'
ICON_MIXER = '\ue056'
ICON_MIZUNI = '\uf3cc'
ICON_MODX = '\uf285'
ICON_MONERO = '\uf3d0'
ICON_NAPSTER = '\uf3d2'
ICON_NEOS = '\uf612'
ICON_NIMBLR = '\uf5a8'
ICON_NODE = '\uf419'
ICON_NODE_JS = '\uf3d3'
ICON_NPM = '\uf3d4'
ICON_NS8 = '\uf3d5'
ICON_OPENCART = '\uf23d'
ICON_OPENID = '\uf19b'
ICON_OPERA = '\uf26a'
ICON_ORCID = '\uf8d2'
ICON_OSI = '\uf41a'
ICON_PAGE4 = '\uf3d7'
ICON_PALFED = '\uf3d8'
ICON_PATREON = '\uf3d9'
ICON_PAYPAL = '\uf1ed'
ICON_PERBYTE = '\ue083'
ICON_PHP = '\uf457'
ICON_PIED_PIPER = '\uf2ae'
ICON_PUSHED = '\uf3e1'
ICON_PYTHON = '\uf3e2'
ICON_QQ = '\uf1d6'
ICON_QUORA = '\uf2c4'
ICON_R_PROJECT = '\uf4f7'
ICON_RAVELRY = '\uf2d9'
ICON_REACT = '\uf41b'
ICON_README = '\uf4d5'
ICON_REBEL = '\uf1d0'
ICON_RED_RIVER = '\uf3e3'
ICON_REDDIT = '\uf1a1'
ICON_REDHAT = '\uf7bc'
ICON_RENREN = '\uf18b'
ICON_REPLYD = '\uf3e6'
ICON_REV = '\uf5b2'
ICON_ROCKRMS = '\uf3e9'
ICON_RUST = '\ue07a'
ICON_SAFARI = '\uf267'
ICON_SASS = '\uf41e'
ICON_SCHLIX = '\uf3ea'
ICON_SCRIBD = '\uf28a'
ICON_SELLCAST = '\uf2da'
ICON_SELLSY = '\uf213'
ICON_SHOPIFY = '\ue057'
ICON_SHOPWARE = '\uf5b5'
ICON_SISTRIX = '\uf3ee'
ICON_SITH = '\uf512'
ICON_SKETCH = '\uf7c6'
ICON_SKYATLAS = '\uf216'
ICON_SKYPE = '\uf17e'
ICON_SLACK = '\uf198'
ICON_SLACK_HASH = '\uf3ef'
ICON_SNAPCHAT = '\uf2ab'
ICON_SPEAKAP = '\uf3f3'
ICON_SPOTIFY = '\uf1bc'
ICON_STEAM = '\uf1b6'
ICON_STRAVA = '\uf428'
ICON_STRIPE = '\uf429'
ICON_STRIPE_S = '\uf42a'
ICON_SUPPLE = '\uf3f9'
ICON_SUSE = '\uf7d6'
ICON_SWIFT = '\uf8e1'
ICON_SYMFONY = '\uf83d'
ICON_TELEGRAM = '\uf2c6'
ICON_THE_RED_YETI = '\uf69d'
ICON_THEMECO = '\uf5c6'
ICON_TIKTOK = '\ue07b'
ICON_TRELLO = '\uf181'
ICON_TUMBLR = '\uf173'
ICON_TWITCH = '\uf1e8'
ICON_TWITTER = '\uf099'
ICON_TYPO3 = '\uf42b'
ICON_UBER = '\uf402'
ICON_UBUNTU = '\uf7df'
ICON_UIKIT = '\uf403'
ICON_UMBRACO = '\uf8e8'
ICON_UNITY = '\ue049'
ICON_UNSPLASH = '\ue07c'
ICON_UNTAPPD = '\uf405'
ICON_UPS = '\uf7e0'
ICON_USB = '\uf287'
ICON_USPS = '\uf7e1'
ICON_USSUNNAH = '\uf407'
ICON_VAADIN = '\uf408'
ICON_VIACOIN = '\uf237'
ICON_VIADEO = '\uf2a9'
ICON_VIBER = '\uf409'
ICON_VIMEO = '\uf40a'
ICON_VIMEO_V = '\uf27d'
ICON_VINE = '\uf1ca'
ICON_VK = '\uf189'
ICON_VNV = '\uf40b'
ICON_VUEJS = '\uf41f'
ICON_WAZE = '\uf83f'
ICON_WEEBLY = '\uf5cc'
ICON_WEIBO = '\uf18a'
ICON_WEIXIN = '\uf1d7'
ICON_WHATSAPP = '\uf232'
ICON_WHMCS = '\uf40d'
ICON_WINDOWS = '\uf17a'
ICON_WIX = '\uf5cf'
ICON_WODU = '\ue088'
ICON_WPFORMS = '\uf298'
ICON_WPRESSR = '\uf3e4'
ICON_XBOX = '\uf412'
ICON_XING = '\uf168'
ICON_YAHOO = '\uf19e'
ICON_YAMMER = '\uf840'
ICON_YANDEX = '\uf413'
ICON_YARN = '\uf7e3'
ICON_YELP = '\uf1e9'
ICON_YOAST = '\uf2b1'
ICON_YOUTUBE = '\uf167'
ICON_ZHIHU = '\uf63f'
@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from icons.yml
//! for use with fa-brands-400.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB: &str = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_500PX: char = '\u{f26e}';
pub const ICON_ACCESSIBLE_ICON: char = '\u{f368}';
pub const ICON_ACCUSOFT: char = '\u{f369}';
pub const ICON_ACQUISITIONS_INCORPORATED: char = '\u{f6af}';
pub const ICON_ADN: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_ADVERSAL: char = '\u{f36a}';
pub const ICON_AFFILIATETHEME: char = '\u{f36b}';
pub const ICON_AIRBNB: char = '\u{f834}';
pub const ICON_ALGOLIA: char = '\u{f36c}';
pub const ICON_ALIPAY: char = '\u{f642}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON: char = '\u{f270}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42c}';
pub const ICON_AMILIA: char = '\u{f36d}';
pub const ICON_ANDROID: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_ANGELLIST: char = '\u{f209}';
pub const ICON_ANGRYCREATIVE: char = '\u{f36e}';
pub const ICON_ANGULAR: char = '\u{f420}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE: char = '\u{f36f}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE_IOS: char = '\u{f370}';
pub const ICON_APPER: char = '\u{f371}';
pub const ICON_APPLE: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f415}';
pub const ICON_ARTSTATION: char = '\u{f77a}';
pub const ICON_ASYMMETRIK: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_ATLASSIAN: char = '\u{f77b}';
pub const ICON_AUDIBLE: char = '\u{f373}';
pub const ICON_AUTOPREFIXER: char = '\u{f41c}';
pub const ICON_AVIANEX: char = '\u{f374}';
pub const ICON_AVIATO: char = '\u{f421}';
pub const ICON_AWS: char = '\u{f375}';
pub const ICON_BANDCAMP: char = '\u{f2d5}';
pub const ICON_BATTLE_NET: char = '\u{f835}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b4}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b5}';
pub const ICON_BIMOBJECT: char = '\u{f378}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_BITCOIN: char = '\u{f379}';
pub const ICON_BITY: char = '\u{f37a}';
pub const ICON_BLACK_TIE: char = '\u{f27e}';
pub const ICON_BLACKBERRY: char = '\u{f37b}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER: char = '\u{f37c}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER_B: char = '\u{f37d}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f293}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH_B: char = '\u{f294}';
pub const ICON_BOOTSTRAP: char = '\u{f836}';
pub const ICON_BTC: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_BUFFER: char = '\u{f837}';
pub const ICON_BUROMOBELEXPERTE: char = '\u{f37f}';
pub const ICON_BUY_N_LARGE: char = '\u{f8a6}';
pub const ICON_BUYSELLADS: char = '\u{f20d}';
pub const ICON_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF: char = '\u{f785}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42d}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMEX: char = '\u{f1f3}';
pub const ICON_CC_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f416}';
pub const ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB: char = '\u{f24c}';
pub const ICON_CC_DISCOVER: char = '\u{f1f2}';
pub const ICON_CC_JCB: char = '\u{f24b}';
pub const ICON_CC_MASTERCARD: char = '\u{f1f1}';
pub const ICON_CC_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1f4}';
pub const ICON_CC_STRIPE: char = '\u{f1f5}';
pub const ICON_CC_VISA: char = '\u{f1f0}';
pub const ICON_CENTERCODE: char = '\u{f380}';
pub const ICON_CENTOS: char = '\u{f789}';
pub const ICON_CHROME: char = '\u{f268}';
pub const ICON_CHROMECAST: char = '\u{f838}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDFLARE: char = '\u{e07d}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSCALE: char = '\u{f383}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSMITH: char = '\u{f384}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDVERSIFY: char = '\u{f385}';
pub const ICON_CODEPEN: char = '\u{f1cb}';
pub const ICON_CODIEPIE: char = '\u{f284}';
pub const ICON_CONFLUENCE: char = '\u{f78d}';
pub const ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP: char = '\u{f20e}';
pub const ICON_CONTAO: char = '\u{f26d}';
pub const ICON_COTTON_BUREAU: char = '\u{f89e}';
pub const ICON_CPANEL: char = '\u{f388}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS: char = '\u{f25e}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY: char = '\u{f4e7}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC: char = '\u{f4e8}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU: char = '\u{f4e9}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP: char = '\u{f4ea}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND: char = '\u{f4eb}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD: char = '\u{f4ec}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT: char = '\u{f4ed}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX: char = '\u{f4ee}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA: char = '\u{f4ef}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING: char = '\u{f4f0}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS: char = '\u{f4f1}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE: char = '\u{f4f2}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO: char = '\u{f4f3}';
pub const ICON_CRITICAL_ROLE: char = '\u{f6c9}';
pub const ICON_CSS3: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_CSS3_ALT: char = '\u{f38b}';
pub const ICON_CUTTLEFISH: char = '\u{f38c}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D: char = '\u{f38d}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D_BEYOND: char = '\u{f6ca}';
pub const ICON_DAILYMOTION: char = '\u{e052}';
pub const ICON_DASHCUBE: char = '\u{f210}';
pub const ICON_DEEZER: char = '\u{e077}';
pub const ICON_DELICIOUS: char = '\u{f1a5}';
pub const ICON_DEPLOYDOG: char = '\u{f38e}';
pub const ICON_DESKPRO: char = '\u{f38f}';
pub const ICON_DEV: char = '\u{f6cc}';
pub const ICON_DEVIANTART: char = '\u{f1bd}';
pub const ICON_DHL: char = '\u{f790}';
pub const ICON_DIASPORA: char = '\u{f791}';
pub const ICON_DIGG: char = '\u{f1a6}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL_OCEAN: char = '\u{f391}';
pub const ICON_DISCORD: char = '\u{f392}';
pub const ICON_DISCOURSE: char = '\u{f393}';
pub const ICON_DOCHUB: char = '\u{f394}';
pub const ICON_DOCKER: char = '\u{f395}';
pub const ICON_DRAFT2DIGITAL: char = '\u{f396}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f397}';
pub const ICON_DROPBOX: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_DRUPAL: char = '\u{f1a9}';
pub const ICON_DYALOG: char = '\u{f399}';
pub const ICON_EARLYBIRDS: char = '\u{f39a}';
pub const ICON_EBAY: char = '\u{f4f4}';
pub const ICON_EDGE: char = '\u{f282}';
pub const ICON_EDGE_LEGACY: char = '\u{e078}';
pub const ICON_ELEMENTOR: char = '\u{f430}';
pub const ICON_ELLO: char = '\u{f5f1}';
pub const ICON_EMBER: char = '\u{f423}';
pub const ICON_EMPIRE: char = '\u{f1d1}';
pub const ICON_ENVIRA: char = '\u{f299}';
pub const ICON_ERLANG: char = '\u{f39d}';
pub const ICON_ETHEREUM: char = '\u{f42e}';
pub const ICON_ETSY: char = '\u{f2d7}';
pub const ICON_EVERNOTE: char = '\u{f839}';
pub const ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL: char = '\u{f23e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f09a}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_F: char = '\u{f39e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER: char = '\u{f39f}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f082}';
pub const ICON_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES: char = '\u{f6dc}';
pub const ICON_FEDEX: char = '\u{f797}';
pub const ICON_FEDORA: char = '\u{f798}';
pub const ICON_FIGMA: char = '\u{f799}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX: char = '\u{f269}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX_BROWSER: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER: char = '\u{f2b0}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER_ALT: char = '\u{f50a}';
pub const ICON_FIRSTDRAFT: char = '\u{f3a1}';
pub const ICON_FLICKR: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_FLIPBOARD: char = '\u{f44d}';
pub const ICON_FLY: char = '\u{f417}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2b4}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_ALT: char = '\u{f35c}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_FLAG: char = '\u{f425}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME_LOGO_FULL: char = '\u{f4e6}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS: char = '\u{f280}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS_FI: char = '\u{f3a2}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f286}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME_ALT: char = '\u{f3a3}';
pub const ICON_FORUMBEE: char = '\u{f211}';
pub const ICON_FOURSQUARE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP: char = '\u{f2c5}';
pub const ICON_FREEBSD: char = '\u{f3a4}';
pub const ICON_FULCRUM: char = '\u{f50b}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f50c}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_SENATE: char = '\u{f50d}';
pub const ICON_GET_POCKET: char = '\u{f265}';
pub const ICON_GG: char = '\u{f260}';
pub const ICON_GG_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f261}';
pub const ICON_GIT: char = '\u{f1d3}';
pub const ICON_GIT_ALT: char = '\u{f841}';
pub const ICON_GIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1d2}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{f09b}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_SQUARE: char = '\u{f092}';
pub const ICON_GITKRAKEN: char = '\u{f3a6}';
pub const ICON_GITLAB: char = '\u{f296}';
pub const ICON_GITTER: char = '\u{f426}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE: char = '\u{f2a5}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE_G: char = '\u{f2a6}';
pub const ICON_GOFORE: char = '\u{f3a7}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS: char = '\u{f3a8}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS_G: char = '\u{f3a9}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE: char = '\u{f1a0}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_DRIVE: char = '\u{f3aa}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PAY: char = '\u{e079}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLAY: char = '\u{f3ab}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f2b3}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_G: char = '\u{f0d5}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d4}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET: char = '\u{f1ee}';
pub const ICON_GRATIPAY: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_GRAV: char = '\u{f2d6}';
pub const ICON_GRIPFIRE: char = '\u{f3ac}';
pub const ICON_GRUNT: char = '\u{f3ad}';
pub const ICON_GUILDED: char = '\u{e07e}';
pub const ICON_GULP: char = '\u{f3ae}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f1d4}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f3af}';
pub const ICON_HACKERRANK: char = '\u{f5f7}';
pub const ICON_HIPS: char = '\u{f452}';
pub const ICON_HIRE_A_HELPER: char = '\u{f3b0}';
pub const ICON_HIVE: char = '\u{e07f}';
pub const ICON_HOOLI: char = '\u{f427}';
pub const ICON_HORNBILL: char = '\u{f592}';
pub const ICON_HOTJAR: char = '\u{f3b1}';
pub const ICON_HOUZZ: char = '\u{f27c}';
pub const ICON_HTML5: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_HUBSPOT: char = '\u{f3b2}';
pub const ICON_IDEAL: char = '\u{e013}';
pub const ICON_IMDB: char = '\u{f2d8}';
pub const ICON_INNOSOFT: char = '\u{e080}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{e055}';
pub const ICON_INSTALOD: char = '\u{e081}';
pub const ICON_INTERCOM: char = '\u{f7af}';
pub const ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER: char = '\u{f26b}';
pub const ICON_INVISION: char = '\u{f7b0}';
pub const ICON_IOXHOST: char = '\u{f208}';
pub const ICON_ITCH_IO: char = '\u{f83a}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES: char = '\u{f3b4}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES_NOTE: char = '\u{f3b5}';
pub const ICON_JAVA: char = '\u{f4e4}';
pub const ICON_JEDI_ORDER: char = '\u{f50e}';
pub const ICON_JENKINS: char = '\u{f3b6}';
pub const ICON_JIRA: char = '\u{f7b1}';
pub const ICON_JOGET: char = '\u{f3b7}';
pub const ICON_JOOMLA: char = '\u{f1aa}';
pub const ICON_JS: char = '\u{f3b8}';
pub const ICON_JS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f3b9}';
pub const ICON_JSFIDDLE: char = '\u{f1cc}';
pub const ICON_KAGGLE: char = '\u{f5fa}';
pub const ICON_KEYBASE: char = '\u{f4f5}';
pub const ICON_KEYCDN: char = '\u{f3ba}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER: char = '\u{f3bb}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER_K: char = '\u{f3bc}';
pub const ICON_KORVUE: char = '\u{f42f}';
pub const ICON_LARAVEL: char = '\u{f3bd}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM: char = '\u{f202}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f203}';
pub const ICON_LEANPUB: char = '\u{f212}';
pub const ICON_LESS: char = '\u{f41d}';
pub const ICON_LINE: char = '\u{f3c0}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN: char = '\u{f08c}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN_IN: char = '\u{f0e1}';
pub const ICON_LINODE: char = '\u{f2b8}';
pub const ICON_LINUX: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_LYFT: char = '\u{f3c3}';
pub const ICON_MAGENTO: char = '\u{f3c4}';
pub const ICON_MAILCHIMP: char = '\u{f59e}';
pub const ICON_MANDALORIAN: char = '\u{f50f}';
pub const ICON_MARKDOWN: char = '\u{f60f}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON: char = '\u{f4f6}';
pub const ICON_MAXCDN: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_MDB: char = '\u{f8ca}';
pub const ICON_MEDAPPS: char = '\u{f3c6}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM: char = '\u{f23a}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM_M: char = '\u{f3c7}';
pub const ICON_MEDRT: char = '\u{f3c8}';
pub const ICON_MEETUP: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_MEGAPORT: char = '\u{f5a3}';
pub const ICON_MENDELEY: char = '\u{f7b3}';
pub const ICON_MICROBLOG: char = '\u{e01a}';
pub const ICON_MICROSOFT: char = '\u{f3ca}';
pub const ICON_MIX: char = '\u{f3cb}';
pub const ICON_MIXCLOUD: char = '\u{f289}';
pub const ICON_MIXER: char = '\u{e056}';
pub const ICON_MIZUNI: char = '\u{f3cc}';
pub const ICON_MODX: char = '\u{f285}';
pub const ICON_MONERO: char = '\u{f3d0}';
pub const ICON_NAPSTER: char = '\u{f3d2}';
pub const ICON_NEOS: char = '\u{f612}';
pub const ICON_NIMBLR: char = '\u{f5a8}';
pub const ICON_NODE: char = '\u{f419}';
pub const ICON_NODE_JS: char = '\u{f3d3}';
pub const ICON_NPM: char = '\u{f3d4}';
pub const ICON_NS8: char = '\u{f3d5}';
pub const ICON_NUTRITIONIX: char = '\u{f3d6}';
pub const ICON_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY: char = '\u{e082}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f263}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE: char = '\u{f264}';
pub const ICON_OLD_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f510}';
pub const ICON_OPENCART: char = '\u{f23d}';
pub const ICON_OPENID: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_OPERA: char = '\u{f26a}';
pub const ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER: char = '\u{f23c}';
pub const ICON_ORCID: char = '\u{f8d2}';
pub const ICON_OSI: char = '\u{f41a}';
pub const ICON_PAGE4: char = '\u{f3d7}';
pub const ICON_PAGELINES: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_PALFED: char = '\u{f3d8}';
pub const ICON_PATREON: char = '\u{f3d9}';
pub const ICON_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1ed}';
pub const ICON_PENNY_ARCADE: char = '\u{f704}';
pub const ICON_PERBYTE: char = '\u{e083}';
pub const ICON_PERISCOPE: char = '\u{f3da}';
pub const ICON_PHABRICATOR: char = '\u{f3db}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK: char = '\u{f3dc}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_SQUADRON: char = '\u{f511}';
pub const ICON_PHP: char = '\u{f457}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER: char = '\u{f2ae}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_ALT: char = '\u{f1a8}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_HAT: char = '\u{f4e5}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_PP: char = '\u{f1a7}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_SQUARE: char = '\u{e01e}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d2}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_P: char = '\u{f231}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d3}';
pub const ICON_PLAYSTATION: char = '\u{f3df}';
pub const ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT: char = '\u{f288}';
pub const ICON_PUSHED: char = '\u{f3e1}';
pub const ICON_PYTHON: char = '\u{f3e2}';
pub const ICON_QQ: char = '\u{f1d6}';
pub const ICON_QUINSCAPE: char = '\u{f459}';
pub const ICON_QUORA: char = '\u{f2c4}';
pub const ICON_R_PROJECT: char = '\u{f4f7}';
pub const ICON_RASPBERRY_PI: char = '\u{f7bb}';
pub const ICON_RAVELRY: char = '\u{f2d9}';
pub const ICON_REACT: char = '\u{f41b}';
pub const ICON_REACTEUROPE: char = '\u{f75d}';
pub const ICON_README: char = '\u{f4d5}';
pub const ICON_REBEL: char = '\u{f1d0}';
pub const ICON_RED_RIVER: char = '\u{f3e3}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a1}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN: char = '\u{f281}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1a2}';
pub const ICON_REDHAT: char = '\u{f7bc}';
pub const ICON_RENREN: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_REPLYD: char = '\u{f3e6}';
pub const ICON_RESEARCHGATE: char = '\u{f4f8}';
pub const ICON_RESOLVING: char = '\u{f3e7}';
pub const ICON_REV: char = '\u{f5b2}';
pub const ICON_ROCKETCHAT: char = '\u{f3e8}';
pub const ICON_ROCKRMS: char = '\u{f3e9}';
pub const ICON_RUST: char = '\u{e07a}';
pub const ICON_SAFARI: char = '\u{f267}';
pub const ICON_SALESFORCE: char = '\u{f83b}';
pub const ICON_SASS: char = '\u{f41e}';
pub const ICON_SCHLIX: char = '\u{f3ea}';
pub const ICON_SCRIBD: char = '\u{f28a}';
pub const ICON_SEARCHENGIN: char = '\u{f3eb}';
pub const ICON_SELLCAST: char = '\u{f2da}';
pub const ICON_SELLSY: char = '\u{f213}';
pub const ICON_SERVICESTACK: char = '\u{f3ec}';
pub const ICON_SHIRTSINBULK: char = '\u{f214}';
pub const ICON_SHOPIFY: char = '\u{e057}';
pub const ICON_SHOPWARE: char = '\u{f5b5}';
pub const ICON_SIMPLYBUILT: char = '\u{f215}';
pub const ICON_SISTRIX: char = '\u{f3ee}';
pub const ICON_SITH: char = '\u{f512}';
pub const ICON_SKETCH: char = '\u{f7c6}';
pub const ICON_SKYATLAS: char = '\u{f216}';
pub const ICON_SKYPE: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_SLACK: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_SLACK_HASH: char = '\u{f3ef}';
pub const ICON_SLIDESHARE: char = '\u{f1e7}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ab}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_GHOST: char = '\u{f2ac}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2ad}';
pub const ICON_SOUNDCLOUD: char = '\u{f1be}';
pub const ICON_SOURCETREE: char = '\u{f7d3}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKAP: char = '\u{f3f3}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKER_DECK: char = '\u{f83c}';
pub const ICON_SPOTIFY: char = '\u{f1bc}';
pub const ICON_SQUARESPACE: char = '\u{f5be}';
pub const ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_STACKPATH: char = '\u{f842}';
pub const ICON_STAYLINKED: char = '\u{f3f5}';
pub const ICON_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b6}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b7}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SYMBOL: char = '\u{f3f6}';
pub const ICON_STICKER_MULE: char = '\u{f3f7}';
pub const ICON_STRAVA: char = '\u{f428}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE: char = '\u{f429}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE_S: char = '\u{f42a}';
pub const ICON_STUDIOVINARI: char = '\u{f3f8}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON: char = '\u{f1a4}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f1a3}';
pub const ICON_SUPERPOWERS: char = '\u{f2dd}';
pub const ICON_SUPPLE: char = '\u{f3f9}';
pub const ICON_SUSE: char = '\u{f7d6}';
pub const ICON_SWIFT: char = '\u{f8e1}';
pub const ICON_SYMFONY: char = '\u{f83d}';
pub const ICON_TEAMSPEAK: char = '\u{f4f9}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM: char = '\u{f2c6}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM_PLANE: char = '\u{f3fe}';
pub const ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO: char = '\u{f1d5}';
pub const ICON_THE_RED_YETI: char = '\u{f69d}';
pub const ICON_THEMECO: char = '\u{f5c6}';
pub const ICON_THEMEISLE: char = '\u{f2b2}';
pub const ICON_THINK_PEAKS: char = '\u{f731}';
pub const ICON_TIKTOK: char = '\u{e07b}';
pub const ICON_TRADE_FEDERATION: char = '\u{f513}';
pub const ICON_TRELLO: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR_SQUARE: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_TWITCH: char = '\u{f1e8}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{f099}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER_SQUARE: char = '\u{f081}';
pub const ICON_TYPO3: char = '\u{f42b}';
pub const ICON_UBER: char = '\u{f402}';
pub const ICON_UBUNTU: char = '\u{f7df}';
pub const ICON_UIKIT: char = '\u{f403}';
pub const ICON_UMBRACO: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_UNCHARTED: char = '\u{e084}';
pub const ICON_UNIREGISTRY: char = '\u{f404}';
pub const ICON_UNITY: char = '\u{e049}';
pub const ICON_UNSPLASH: char = '\u{e07c}';
pub const ICON_UNTAPPD: char = '\u{f405}';
pub const ICON_UPS: char = '\u{f7e0}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f287}';
pub const ICON_USPS: char = '\u{f7e1}';
pub const ICON_USSUNNAH: char = '\u{f407}';
pub const ICON_VAADIN: char = '\u{f408}';
pub const ICON_VIACOIN: char = '\u{f237}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2a9}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2aa}';
pub const ICON_VIBER: char = '\u{f409}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO: char = '\u{f40a}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_V: char = '\u{f27d}';
pub const ICON_VINE: char = '\u{f1ca}';
pub const ICON_VK: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_VNV: char = '\u{f40b}';
pub const ICON_VUEJS: char = '\u{f41f}';
pub const ICON_WATCHMAN_MONITORING: char = '\u{e087}';
pub const ICON_WAZE: char = '\u{f83f}';
pub const ICON_WEEBLY: char = '\u{f5cc}';
pub const ICON_WEIBO: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_WEIXIN: char = '\u{f1d7}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f232}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP_SQUARE: char = '\u{f40c}';
pub const ICON_WHMCS: char = '\u{f40d}';
pub const ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W: char = '\u{f266}';
pub const ICON_WINDOWS: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_WIX: char = '\u{f5cf}';
pub const ICON_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST: char = '\u{f730}';
pub const ICON_WODU: char = '\u{e088}';
pub const ICON_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION: char = '\u{f514}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE: char = '\u{f411}';
pub const ICON_WPBEGINNER: char = '\u{f297}';
pub const ICON_WPEXPLORER: char = '\u{f2de}';
pub const ICON_WPFORMS: char = '\u{f298}';
pub const ICON_WPRESSR: char = '\u{f3e4}';
pub const ICON_XBOX: char = '\u{f412}';
pub const ICON_XING: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_XING_SQUARE: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_Y_COMBINATOR: char = '\u{f23b}';
pub const ICON_YAHOO: char = '\u{f19e}';
pub const ICON_YAMMER: char = '\u{f840}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX: char = '\u{f413}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL: char = '\u{f414}';
pub const ICON_YARN: char = '\u{f7e3}';
pub const ICON_YELP: char = '\u{f1e9}';
pub const ICON_YOAST: char = '\u{f2b1}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f431}';
pub const ICON_ZHIHU: char = '\u{f63f}';
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Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
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@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class FontAwesome6Brands
public const string FontIconFileNameFAB = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xe007;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf8e8;
public const int IconMax = 0xf8e8;
public const string Num42Group = "\ue080";
public const string Num500px = "\uf26e";
public const string AccessibleIcon = "\uf368";
public const string Accusoft = "\uf369";
public const string Adn = "\uf170";
public const string Adversal = "\uf36a";
public const string Affiliatetheme = "\uf36b";
public const string Airbnb = "\uf834";
public const string Algolia = "\uf36c";
public const string Alipay = "\uf642";
public const string Amazon = "\uf270";
public const string AmazonPay = "\uf42c";
public const string Amilia = "\uf36d";
public const string Android = "\uf17b";
public const string Angellist = "\uf209";
public const string Angrycreative = "\uf36e";
public const string Angular = "\uf420";
public const string AppStore = "\uf36f";
public const string AppStoreIos = "\uf370";
public const string Apper = "\uf371";
public const string Apple = "\uf179";
public const string ApplePay = "\uf415";
public const string Artstation = "\uf77a";
public const string Asymmetrik = "\uf372";
public const string Atlassian = "\uf77b";
public const string Audible = "\uf373";
public const string Autoprefixer = "\uf41c";
public const string Avianex = "\uf374";
public const string Aviato = "\uf421";
public const string Aws = "\uf375";
public const string Bandcamp = "\uf2d5";
public const string BattleNet = "\uf835";
public const string Behance = "\uf1b4";
public const string Bilibili = "\ue3d9";
public const string Bimobject = "\uf378";
public const string Bitbucket = "\uf171";
public const string Bitcoin = "\uf379";
public const string Bity = "\uf37a";
public const string BlackTie = "\uf27e";
public const string Blackberry = "\uf37b";
public const string Blogger = "\uf37c";
public const string BloggerB = "\uf37d";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf293";
public const string BluetoothB = "\uf294";
public const string Bootstrap = "\uf836";
public const string Bots = "\ue340";
public const string Btc = "\uf15a";
public const string Buffer = "\uf837";
public const string Buromobelexperte = "\uf37f";
public const string BuyNLarge = "\uf8a6";
public const string Buysellads = "\uf20d";
public const string CanadianMapleLeaf = "\uf785";
public const string CcAmazonPay = "\uf42d";
public const string CcAmex = "\uf1f3";
public const string CcApplePay = "\uf416";
public const string CcDinersClub = "\uf24c";
public const string CcDiscover = "\uf1f2";
public const string CcJcb = "\uf24b";
public const string CcMastercard = "\uf1f1";
public const string CcPaypal = "\uf1f4";
public const string CcStripe = "\uf1f5";
public const string CcVisa = "\uf1f0";
public const string Centercode = "\uf380";
public const string Centos = "\uf789";
public const string Chrome = "\uf268";
public const string Chromecast = "\uf838";
public const string Cloudflare = "\ue07d";
public const string Cloudscale = "\uf383";
public const string Cloudsmith = "\uf384";
public const string Cloudversify = "\uf385";
public const string Cmplid = "\ue360";
public const string Codepen = "\uf1cb";
public const string Codiepie = "\uf284";
public const string Confluence = "\uf78d";
public const string Connectdevelop = "\uf20e";
public const string Contao = "\uf26d";
public const string CottonBureau = "\uf89e";
public const string Cpanel = "\uf388";
public const string CreativeCommons = "\uf25e";
public const string CreativeCommonsBy = "\uf4e7";
public const string CreativeCommonsNc = "\uf4e8";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcEu = "\uf4e9";
public const string CreativeCommonsNcJp = "\uf4ea";
public const string CreativeCommonsNd = "\uf4eb";
public const string CreativeCommonsPd = "\uf4ec";
public const string CreativeCommonsPdAlt = "\uf4ed";
public const string CreativeCommonsRemix = "\uf4ee";
public const string CreativeCommonsSa = "\uf4ef";
public const string CreativeCommonsSampling = "\uf4f0";
public const string CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus = "\uf4f1";
public const string CreativeCommonsShare = "\uf4f2";
public const string CreativeCommonsZero = "\uf4f3";
public const string CriticalRole = "\uf6c9";
public const string Css3 = "\uf13c";
public const string Css3Alt = "\uf38b";
public const string Cuttlefish = "\uf38c";
public const string DAndD = "\uf38d";
public const string DAndDBeyond = "\uf6ca";
public const string Dailymotion = "\ue052";
public const string Dashcube = "\uf210";
public const string Deezer = "\ue077";
public const string Delicious = "\uf1a5";
public const string Deploydog = "\uf38e";
public const string Deskpro = "\uf38f";
public const string Dev = "\uf6cc";
public const string Deviantart = "\uf1bd";
public const string Dhl = "\uf790";
public const string Diaspora = "\uf791";
public const string Digg = "\uf1a6";
public const string DigitalOcean = "\uf391";
public const string Discord = "\uf392";
public const string Discourse = "\uf393";
public const string Dochub = "\uf394";
public const string Docker = "\uf395";
public const string Draft2digital = "\uf396";
public const string Dribbble = "\uf17d";
public const string Dropbox = "\uf16b";
public const string Drupal = "\uf1a9";
public const string Dyalog = "\uf399";
public const string Earlybirds = "\uf39a";
public const string Ebay = "\uf4f4";
public const string Edge = "\uf282";
public const string EdgeLegacy = "\ue078";
public const string Elementor = "\uf430";
public const string Ello = "\uf5f1";
public const string Ember = "\uf423";
public const string Empire = "\uf1d1";
public const string Envira = "\uf299";
public const string Erlang = "\uf39d";
public const string Ethereum = "\uf42e";
public const string Etsy = "\uf2d7";
public const string Evernote = "\uf839";
public const string Expeditedssl = "\uf23e";
public const string Facebook = "\uf09a";
public const string FacebookF = "\uf39e";
public const string FacebookMessenger = "\uf39f";
public const string FantasyFlightGames = "\uf6dc";
public const string Fedex = "\uf797";
public const string Fedora = "\uf798";
public const string Figma = "\uf799";
public const string Firefox = "\uf269";
public const string FirefoxBrowser = "\ue007";
public const string FirstOrder = "\uf2b0";
public const string FirstOrderAlt = "\uf50a";
public const string Firstdraft = "\uf3a1";
public const string Flickr = "\uf16e";
public const string Flipboard = "\uf44d";
public const string Fly = "\uf417";
public const string FontAwesome = "\uf2b4";
public const string Fonticons = "\uf280";
public const string FonticonsFi = "\uf3a2";
public const string FortAwesome = "\uf286";
public const string FortAwesomeAlt = "\uf3a3";
public const string Forumbee = "\uf211";
public const string Foursquare = "\uf180";
public const string FreeCodeCamp = "\uf2c5";
public const string Freebsd = "\uf3a4";
public const string Fulcrum = "\uf50b";
public const string GalacticRepublic = "\uf50c";
public const string GalacticSenate = "\uf50d";
public const string GetPocket = "\uf265";
public const string Gg = "\uf260";
public const string GgCircle = "\uf261";
public const string Git = "\uf1d3";
public const string GitAlt = "\uf841";
public const string Github = "\uf09b";
public const string GithubAlt = "\uf113";
public const string Gitkraken = "\uf3a6";
public const string Gitlab = "\uf296";
public const string Gitter = "\uf426";
public const string Glide = "\uf2a5";
public const string GlideG = "\uf2a6";
public const string Gofore = "\uf3a7";
public const string Golang = "\ue40f";
public const string Goodreads = "\uf3a8";
public const string GoodreadsG = "\uf3a9";
public const string Google = "\uf1a0";
public const string GoogleDrive = "\uf3aa";
public const string GooglePay = "\ue079";
public const string GooglePlay = "\uf3ab";
public const string GooglePlus = "\uf2b3";
public const string GooglePlusG = "\uf0d5";
public const string GoogleWallet = "\uf1ee";
public const string Gratipay = "\uf184";
public const string Grav = "\uf2d6";
public const string Gripfire = "\uf3ac";
public const string Grunt = "\uf3ad";
public const string Guilded = "\ue07e";
public const string Gulp = "\uf3ae";
public const string HackerNews = "\uf1d4";
public const string Hackerrank = "\uf5f7";
public const string Hashnode = "\ue499";
public const string Hips = "\uf452";
public const string HireAHelper = "\uf3b0";
public const string Hive = "\ue07f";
public const string Hooli = "\uf427";
public const string Hornbill = "\uf592";
public const string Hotjar = "\uf3b1";
public const string Houzz = "\uf27c";
public const string Html5 = "\uf13b";
public const string Hubspot = "\uf3b2";
public const string Ideal = "\ue013";
public const string Imdb = "\uf2d8";
public const string Instagram = "\uf16d";
public const string Instalod = "\ue081";
public const string Intercom = "\uf7af";
public const string InternetExplorer = "\uf26b";
public const string Invision = "\uf7b0";
public const string Ioxhost = "\uf208";
public const string ItchIo = "\uf83a";
public const string Itunes = "\uf3b4";
public const string ItunesNote = "\uf3b5";
public const string Java = "\uf4e4";
public const string JediOrder = "\uf50e";
public const string Jenkins = "\uf3b6";
public const string Jira = "\uf7b1";
public const string Joget = "\uf3b7";
public const string Joomla = "\uf1aa";
public const string Js = "\uf3b8";
public const string Jsfiddle = "\uf1cc";
public const string Kaggle = "\uf5fa";
public const string Keybase = "\uf4f5";
public const string Keycdn = "\uf3ba";
public const string Kickstarter = "\uf3bb";
public const string KickstarterK = "\uf3bc";
public const string Korvue = "\uf42f";
public const string Laravel = "\uf3bd";
public const string Lastfm = "\uf202";
public const string Leanpub = "\uf212";
public const string Less = "\uf41d";
public const string Line = "\uf3c0";
public const string Linkedin = "\uf08c";
public const string LinkedinIn = "\uf0e1";
public const string Linode = "\uf2b8";
public const string Linux = "\uf17c";
public const string Lyft = "\uf3c3";
public const string Magento = "\uf3c4";
public const string Mailchimp = "\uf59e";
public const string Mandalorian = "\uf50f";
public const string Markdown = "\uf60f";
public const string Mastodon = "\uf4f6";
public const string Maxcdn = "\uf136";
public const string Mdb = "\uf8ca";
public const string Medapps = "\uf3c6";
public const string Medium = "\uf23a";
public const string Medrt = "\uf3c8";
public const string Meetup = "\uf2e0";
public const string Megaport = "\uf5a3";
public const string Mendeley = "\uf7b3";
public const string Meta = "\ue49b";
public const string Microblog = "\ue01a";
public const string Microsoft = "\uf3ca";
public const string Mix = "\uf3cb";
public const string Mixcloud = "\uf289";
public const string Mixer = "\ue056";
public const string Mizuni = "\uf3cc";
public const string Modx = "\uf285";
public const string Monero = "\uf3d0";
public const string Napster = "\uf3d2";
public const string Neos = "\uf612";
public const string NfcDirectional = "\ue530";
public const string NfcSymbol = "\ue531";
public const string Nimblr = "\uf5a8";
public const string Node = "\uf419";
public const string NodeJs = "\uf3d3";
public const string Npm = "\uf3d4";
public const string Ns8 = "\uf3d5";
public const string Nutritionix = "\uf3d6";
public const string OctopusDeploy = "\ue082";
public const string Odnoklassniki = "\uf263";
public const string Odysee = "\ue5c6";
public const string OldRepublic = "\uf510";
public const string Opencart = "\uf23d";
public const string Openid = "\uf19b";
public const string Opera = "\uf26a";
public const string OptinMonster = "\uf23c";
public const string Orcid = "\uf8d2";
public const string Osi = "\uf41a";
public const string Padlet = "\ue4a0";
public const string Page4 = "\uf3d7";
public const string Pagelines = "\uf18c";
public const string Palfed = "\uf3d8";
public const string Patreon = "\uf3d9";
public const string Paypal = "\uf1ed";
public const string Perbyte = "\ue083";
public const string Periscope = "\uf3da";
public const string Phabricator = "\uf3db";
public const string PhoenixFramework = "\uf3dc";
public const string PhoenixSquadron = "\uf511";
public const string Php = "\uf457";
public const string PiedPiper = "\uf2ae";
public const string PiedPiperAlt = "\uf1a8";
public const string PiedPiperHat = "\uf4e5";
public const string PiedPiperPp = "\uf1a7";
public const string Pinterest = "\uf0d2";
public const string PinterestP = "\uf231";
public const string Pix = "\ue43a";
public const string Playstation = "\uf3df";
public const string ProductHunt = "\uf288";
public const string Pushed = "\uf3e1";
public const string Python = "\uf3e2";
public const string Qq = "\uf1d6";
public const string Quinscape = "\uf459";
public const string Quora = "\uf2c4";
public const string RProject = "\uf4f7";
public const string RaspberryPi = "\uf7bb";
public const string Ravelry = "\uf2d9";
public const string React = "\uf41b";
public const string Reacteurope = "\uf75d";
public const string Readme = "\uf4d5";
public const string Rebel = "\uf1d0";
public const string RedRiver = "\uf3e3";
public const string Reddit = "\uf1a1";
public const string RedditAlien = "\uf281";
public const string Redhat = "\uf7bc";
public const string Renren = "\uf18b";
public const string Replyd = "\uf3e6";
public const string Researchgate = "\uf4f8";
public const string Resolving = "\uf3e7";
public const string Rev = "\uf5b2";
public const string Rocketchat = "\uf3e8";
public const string Rockrms = "\uf3e9";
public const string Rust = "\ue07a";
public const string Safari = "\uf267";
public const string Salesforce = "\uf83b";
public const string Sass = "\uf41e";
public const string Schlix = "\uf3ea";
public const string Screenpal = "\ue570";
public const string Scribd = "\uf28a";
public const string Searchengin = "\uf3eb";
public const string Sellcast = "\uf2da";
public const string Sellsy = "\uf213";
public const string Servicestack = "\uf3ec";
public const string Shirtsinbulk = "\uf214";
public const string Shopify = "\ue057";
public const string Shopware = "\uf5b5";
public const string Simplybuilt = "\uf215";
public const string Sistrix = "\uf3ee";
public const string Sith = "\uf512";
public const string Sitrox = "\ue44a";
public const string Sketch = "\uf7c6";
public const string Skyatlas = "\uf216";
public const string Skype = "\uf17e";
public const string Slack = "\uf198";
public const string Slideshare = "\uf1e7";
public const string Snapchat = "\uf2ab";
public const string Soundcloud = "\uf1be";
public const string Sourcetree = "\uf7d3";
public const string SpaceAwesome = "\ue5ac";
public const string Speakap = "\uf3f3";
public const string SpeakerDeck = "\uf83c";
public const string Spotify = "\uf1bc";
public const string SquareBehance = "\uf1b5";
public const string SquareDribbble = "\uf397";
public const string SquareFacebook = "\uf082";
public const string SquareFontAwesome = "\ue5ad";
public const string SquareFontAwesomeStroke = "\uf35c";
public const string SquareGit = "\uf1d2";
public const string SquareGithub = "\uf092";
public const string SquareGitlab = "\ue5ae";
public const string SquareGooglePlus = "\uf0d4";
public const string SquareHackerNews = "\uf3af";
public const string SquareInstagram = "\ue055";
public const string SquareJs = "\uf3b9";
public const string SquareLastfm = "\uf203";
public const string SquareOdnoklassniki = "\uf264";
public const string SquarePiedPiper = "\ue01e";
public const string SquarePinterest = "\uf0d3";
public const string SquareReddit = "\uf1a2";
public const string SquareSnapchat = "\uf2ad";
public const string SquareSteam = "\uf1b7";
public const string SquareTumblr = "\uf174";
public const string SquareTwitter = "\uf081";
public const string SquareViadeo = "\uf2aa";
public const string SquareVimeo = "\uf194";
public const string SquareWhatsapp = "\uf40c";
public const string SquareXing = "\uf169";
public const string SquareYoutube = "\uf431";
public const string Squarespace = "\uf5be";
public const string StackExchange = "\uf18d";
public const string StackOverflow = "\uf16c";
public const string Stackpath = "\uf842";
public const string Staylinked = "\uf3f5";
public const string Steam = "\uf1b6";
public const string SteamSymbol = "\uf3f6";
public const string StickerMule = "\uf3f7";
public const string Strava = "\uf428";
public const string Stripe = "\uf429";
public const string StripeS = "\uf42a";
public const string Stubber = "\ue5c7";
public const string Studiovinari = "\uf3f8";
public const string Stumbleupon = "\uf1a4";
public const string StumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3";
public const string Superpowers = "\uf2dd";
public const string Supple = "\uf3f9";
public const string Suse = "\uf7d6";
public const string Swift = "\uf8e1";
public const string Symfony = "\uf83d";
public const string Teamspeak = "\uf4f9";
public const string Telegram = "\uf2c6";
public const string TencentWeibo = "\uf1d5";
public const string TheRedYeti = "\uf69d";
public const string Themeco = "\uf5c6";
public const string Themeisle = "\uf2b2";
public const string ThinkPeaks = "\uf731";
public const string Tiktok = "\ue07b";
public const string TradeFederation = "\uf513";
public const string Trello = "\uf181";
public const string Tumblr = "\uf173";
public const string Twitch = "\uf1e8";
public const string Twitter = "\uf099";
public const string Typo3 = "\uf42b";
public const string Uber = "\uf402";
public const string Ubuntu = "\uf7df";
public const string Uikit = "\uf403";
public const string Umbraco = "\uf8e8";
public const string Uncharted = "\ue084";
public const string Uniregistry = "\uf404";
public const string Unity = "\ue049";
public const string Unsplash = "\ue07c";
public const string Untappd = "\uf405";
public const string Ups = "\uf7e0";
public const string Usb = "\uf287";
public const string Usps = "\uf7e1";
public const string Ussunnah = "\uf407";
public const string Vaadin = "\uf408";
public const string Viacoin = "\uf237";
public const string Viadeo = "\uf2a9";
public const string Viber = "\uf409";
public const string Vimeo = "\uf40a";
public const string VimeoV = "\uf27d";
public const string Vine = "\uf1ca";
public const string Vk = "\uf189";
public const string Vnv = "\uf40b";
public const string Vuejs = "\uf41f";
public const string WatchmanMonitoring = "\ue087";
public const string Waze = "\uf83f";
public const string Weebly = "\uf5cc";
public const string Weibo = "\uf18a";
public const string Weixin = "\uf1d7";
public const string Whatsapp = "\uf232";
public const string Whmcs = "\uf40d";
public const string WikipediaW = "\uf266";
public const string Windows = "\uf17a";
public const string Wirsindhandwerk = "\ue2d0";
public const string Wix = "\uf5cf";
public const string WizardsOfTheCoast = "\uf730";
public const string Wodu = "\ue088";
public const string WolfPackBattalion = "\uf514";
public const string Wordpress = "\uf19a";
public const string WordpressSimple = "\uf411";
public const string Wpbeginner = "\uf297";
public const string Wpexplorer = "\uf2de";
public const string Wpforms = "\uf298";
public const string Wpressr = "\uf3e4";
public const string Xbox = "\uf412";
public const string Xing = "\uf168";
public const string YCombinator = "\uf23b";
public const string Yahoo = "\uf19e";
public const string Yammer = "\uf840";
public const string Yandex = "\uf413";
public const string YandexInternational = "\uf414";
public const string Yarn = "\uf7e3";
public const string Yelp = "\uf1e9";
public const string Yoast = "\uf2b1";
public const string Youtube = "\uf167";
public const string Zhihu = "\uf63f";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsFontAwesome6Brands = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"FAB", "fa-brands-400.ttf"},
Min: 0xe007,
Max16: 0xf8e8,
Max: 0xf8e8,
Icons: map[string]string{
"42Group": "\xee\x82\x80", // U+e080
"500px": "\xef\x89\xae", // U+f26e
"AccessibleIcon": "\xef\x8d\xa8", // U+f368
"Accusoft": "\xef\x8d\xa9", // U+f369
"Adn": "\xef\x85\xb0", // U+f170
"Adversal": "\xef\x8d\xaa", // U+f36a
"Affiliatetheme": "\xef\x8d\xab", // U+f36b
"Airbnb": "\xef\xa0\xb4", // U+f834
"Algolia": "\xef\x8d\xac", // U+f36c
"Alipay": "\xef\x99\x82", // U+f642
"Amazon": "\xef\x89\xb0", // U+f270
"AmazonPay": "\xef\x90\xac", // U+f42c
"Amilia": "\xef\x8d\xad", // U+f36d
"Android": "\xef\x85\xbb", // U+f17b
"Angellist": "\xef\x88\x89", // U+f209
"Angrycreative": "\xef\x8d\xae", // U+f36e
"Angular": "\xef\x90\xa0", // U+f420
"AppStore": "\xef\x8d\xaf", // U+f36f
"AppStoreIos": "\xef\x8d\xb0", // U+f370
"Apper": "\xef\x8d\xb1", // U+f371
"Apple": "\xef\x85\xb9", // U+f179
"ApplePay": "\xef\x90\x95", // U+f415
"Artstation": "\xef\x9d\xba", // U+f77a
"Asymmetrik": "\xef\x8d\xb2", // U+f372
"Atlassian": "\xef\x9d\xbb", // U+f77b
"Audible": "\xef\x8d\xb3", // U+f373
"Autoprefixer": "\xef\x90\x9c", // U+f41c
"Avianex": "\xef\x8d\xb4", // U+f374
"Aviato": "\xef\x90\xa1", // U+f421
"Aws": "\xef\x8d\xb5", // U+f375
"Bandcamp": "\xef\x8b\x95", // U+f2d5
"BattleNet": "\xef\xa0\xb5", // U+f835
"Behance": "\xef\x86\xb4", // U+f1b4
"Bilibili": "\xee\x8f\x99", // U+e3d9
"Bimobject": "\xef\x8d\xb8", // U+f378
"Bitbucket": "\xef\x85\xb1", // U+f171
"Bitcoin": "\xef\x8d\xb9", // U+f379
"Bity": "\xef\x8d\xba", // U+f37a
"BlackTie": "\xef\x89\xbe", // U+f27e
"Blackberry": "\xef\x8d\xbb", // U+f37b
"Blogger": "\xef\x8d\xbc", // U+f37c
"BloggerB": "\xef\x8d\xbd", // U+f37d
"Bluetooth": "\xef\x8a\x93", // U+f293
"BluetoothB": "\xef\x8a\x94", // U+f294
"Bootstrap": "\xef\xa0\xb6", // U+f836
"Bots": "\xee\x8d\x80", // U+e340
"Btc": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
"Buffer": "\xef\xa0\xb7", // U+f837
"Buromobelexperte": "\xef\x8d\xbf", // U+f37f
"BuyNLarge": "\xef\xa2\xa6", // U+f8a6
"Buysellads": "\xef\x88\x8d", // U+f20d
"CanadianMapleLeaf": "\xef\x9e\x85", // U+f785
"CcAmazonPay": "\xef\x90\xad", // U+f42d
"CcAmex": "\xef\x87\xb3", // U+f1f3
"CcApplePay": "\xef\x90\x96", // U+f416
"CcDinersClub": "\xef\x89\x8c", // U+f24c
"CcDiscover": "\xef\x87\xb2", // U+f1f2
"CcJcb": "\xef\x89\x8b", // U+f24b
"CcMastercard": "\xef\x87\xb1", // U+f1f1
"CcPaypal": "\xef\x87\xb4", // U+f1f4
"CcStripe": "\xef\x87\xb5", // U+f1f5
"CcVisa": "\xef\x87\xb0", // U+f1f0
"Centercode": "\xef\x8e\x80", // U+f380
"Centos": "\xef\x9e\x89", // U+f789
"Chrome": "\xef\x89\xa8", // U+f268
"Chromecast": "\xef\xa0\xb8", // U+f838
"Cloudflare": "\xee\x81\xbd", // U+e07d
"Cloudscale": "\xef\x8e\x83", // U+f383
"Cloudsmith": "\xef\x8e\x84", // U+f384
"Cloudversify": "\xef\x8e\x85", // U+f385
"Cmplid": "\xee\x8d\xa0", // U+e360
"Codepen": "\xef\x87\x8b", // U+f1cb
"Codiepie": "\xef\x8a\x84", // U+f284
"Confluence": "\xef\x9e\x8d", // U+f78d
"Connectdevelop": "\xef\x88\x8e", // U+f20e
"Contao": "\xef\x89\xad", // U+f26d
"CottonBureau": "\xef\xa2\x9e", // U+f89e
"Cpanel": "\xef\x8e\x88", // U+f388
"CreativeCommons": "\xef\x89\x9e", // U+f25e
"CreativeCommonsBy": "\xef\x93\xa7", // U+f4e7
"CreativeCommonsNc": "\xef\x93\xa8", // U+f4e8
"CreativeCommonsNcEu": "\xef\x93\xa9", // U+f4e9
"CreativeCommonsNcJp": "\xef\x93\xaa", // U+f4ea
"CreativeCommonsNd": "\xef\x93\xab", // U+f4eb
"CreativeCommonsPd": "\xef\x93\xac", // U+f4ec
"CreativeCommonsPdAlt": "\xef\x93\xad", // U+f4ed
"CreativeCommonsRemix": "\xef\x93\xae", // U+f4ee
"CreativeCommonsSa": "\xef\x93\xaf", // U+f4ef
"CreativeCommonsSampling": "\xef\x93\xb0", // U+f4f0
"CreativeCommonsSamplingPlus": "\xef\x93\xb1", // U+f4f1
"CreativeCommonsShare": "\xef\x93\xb2", // U+f4f2
"CreativeCommonsZero": "\xef\x93\xb3", // U+f4f3
"CriticalRole": "\xef\x9b\x89", // U+f6c9
"Css3": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Css3Alt": "\xef\x8e\x8b", // U+f38b
"Cuttlefish": "\xef\x8e\x8c", // U+f38c
"DAndD": "\xef\x8e\x8d", // U+f38d
"DAndDBeyond": "\xef\x9b\x8a", // U+f6ca
"Dailymotion": "\xee\x81\x92", // U+e052
"Dashcube": "\xef\x88\x90", // U+f210
"Deezer": "\xee\x81\xb7", // U+e077
"Delicious": "\xef\x86\xa5", // U+f1a5
"Deploydog": "\xef\x8e\x8e", // U+f38e
"Deskpro": "\xef\x8e\x8f", // U+f38f
"Dev": "\xef\x9b\x8c", // U+f6cc
"Deviantart": "\xef\x86\xbd", // U+f1bd
"Dhl": "\xef\x9e\x90", // U+f790
"Diaspora": "\xef\x9e\x91", // U+f791
"Digg": "\xef\x86\xa6", // U+f1a6
"DigitalOcean": "\xef\x8e\x91", // U+f391
"Discord": "\xef\x8e\x92", // U+f392
"Discourse": "\xef\x8e\x93", // U+f393
"Dochub": "\xef\x8e\x94", // U+f394
"Docker": "\xef\x8e\x95", // U+f395
"Draft2digital": "\xef\x8e\x96", // U+f396
"Dribbble": "\xef\x85\xbd", // U+f17d
"Dropbox": "\xef\x85\xab", // U+f16b
"Drupal": "\xef\x86\xa9", // U+f1a9
"Dyalog": "\xef\x8e\x99", // U+f399
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"Ebay": "\xef\x93\xb4", // U+f4f4
"Edge": "\xef\x8a\x82", // U+f282
"EdgeLegacy": "\xee\x81\xb8", // U+e078
"Elementor": "\xef\x90\xb0", // U+f430
"Ello": "\xef\x97\xb1", // U+f5f1
"Ember": "\xef\x90\xa3", // U+f423
"Empire": "\xef\x87\x91", // U+f1d1
"Envira": "\xef\x8a\x99", // U+f299
"Erlang": "\xef\x8e\x9d", // U+f39d
"Ethereum": "\xef\x90\xae", // U+f42e
"Etsy": "\xef\x8b\x97", // U+f2d7
"Evernote": "\xef\xa0\xb9", // U+f839
"Expeditedssl": "\xef\x88\xbe", // U+f23e
"Facebook": "\xef\x82\x9a", // U+f09a
"FacebookF": "\xef\x8e\x9e", // U+f39e
"FacebookMessenger": "\xef\x8e\x9f", // U+f39f
"FantasyFlightGames": "\xef\x9b\x9c", // U+f6dc
"Fedex": "\xef\x9e\x97", // U+f797
"Fedora": "\xef\x9e\x98", // U+f798
"Figma": "\xef\x9e\x99", // U+f799
"Firefox": "\xef\x89\xa9", // U+f269
"FirefoxBrowser": "\xee\x80\x87", // U+e007
"FirstOrder": "\xef\x8a\xb0", // U+f2b0
"FirstOrderAlt": "\xef\x94\x8a", // U+f50a
"Firstdraft": "\xef\x8e\xa1", // U+f3a1
"Flickr": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"Flipboard": "\xef\x91\x8d", // U+f44d
"Fly": "\xef\x90\x97", // U+f417
"FontAwesome": "\xef\x8a\xb4", // U+f2b4
"Fonticons": "\xef\x8a\x80", // U+f280
"FonticonsFi": "\xef\x8e\xa2", // U+f3a2
"FortAwesome": "\xef\x8a\x86", // U+f286
"FortAwesomeAlt": "\xef\x8e\xa3", // U+f3a3
"Forumbee": "\xef\x88\x91", // U+f211
"Foursquare": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"FreeCodeCamp": "\xef\x8b\x85", // U+f2c5
"Freebsd": "\xef\x8e\xa4", // U+f3a4
"Fulcrum": "\xef\x94\x8b", // U+f50b
"GalacticRepublic": "\xef\x94\x8c", // U+f50c
"GalacticSenate": "\xef\x94\x8d", // U+f50d
"GetPocket": "\xef\x89\xa5", // U+f265
"Gg": "\xef\x89\xa0", // U+f260
"GgCircle": "\xef\x89\xa1", // U+f261
"Git": "\xef\x87\x93", // U+f1d3
"GitAlt": "\xef\xa1\x81", // U+f841
"Github": "\xef\x82\x9b", // U+f09b
"GithubAlt": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"Gitkraken": "\xef\x8e\xa6", // U+f3a6
"Gitlab": "\xef\x8a\x96", // U+f296
"Gitter": "\xef\x90\xa6", // U+f426
"Glide": "\xef\x8a\xa5", // U+f2a5
"GlideG": "\xef\x8a\xa6", // U+f2a6
"Gofore": "\xef\x8e\xa7", // U+f3a7
"Golang": "\xee\x90\x8f", // U+e40f
"Goodreads": "\xef\x8e\xa8", // U+f3a8
"GoodreadsG": "\xef\x8e\xa9", // U+f3a9
"Google": "\xef\x86\xa0", // U+f1a0
"GoogleDrive": "\xef\x8e\xaa", // U+f3aa
"GooglePay": "\xee\x81\xb9", // U+e079
"GooglePlay": "\xef\x8e\xab", // U+f3ab
"GooglePlus": "\xef\x8a\xb3", // U+f2b3
"GooglePlusG": "\xef\x83\x95", // U+f0d5
"GoogleWallet": "\xef\x87\xae", // U+f1ee
"Gratipay": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"Grav": "\xef\x8b\x96", // U+f2d6
"Gripfire": "\xef\x8e\xac", // U+f3ac
"Grunt": "\xef\x8e\xad", // U+f3ad
"Guilded": "\xee\x81\xbe", // U+e07e
"Gulp": "\xef\x8e\xae", // U+f3ae
"HackerNews": "\xef\x87\x94", // U+f1d4
"Hackerrank": "\xef\x97\xb7", // U+f5f7
"Hashnode": "\xee\x92\x99", // U+e499
"Hips": "\xef\x91\x92", // U+f452
"HireAHelper": "\xef\x8e\xb0", // U+f3b0
"Hive": "\xee\x81\xbf", // U+e07f
"Hooli": "\xef\x90\xa7", // U+f427
"Hornbill": "\xef\x96\x92", // U+f592
"Hotjar": "\xef\x8e\xb1", // U+f3b1
"Houzz": "\xef\x89\xbc", // U+f27c
"Html5": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Hubspot": "\xef\x8e\xb2", // U+f3b2
"Ideal": "\xee\x80\x93", // U+e013
"Imdb": "\xef\x8b\x98", // U+f2d8
"Instagram": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"Instalod": "\xee\x82\x81", // U+e081
"Intercom": "\xef\x9e\xaf", // U+f7af
"InternetExplorer": "\xef\x89\xab", // U+f26b
"Invision": "\xef\x9e\xb0", // U+f7b0
"Ioxhost": "\xef\x88\x88", // U+f208
"ItchIo": "\xef\xa0\xba", // U+f83a
"Itunes": "\xef\x8e\xb4", // U+f3b4
"ItunesNote": "\xef\x8e\xb5", // U+f3b5
"Java": "\xef\x93\xa4", // U+f4e4
"JediOrder": "\xef\x94\x8e", // U+f50e
"Jenkins": "\xef\x8e\xb6", // U+f3b6
"Jira": "\xef\x9e\xb1", // U+f7b1
"Joget": "\xef\x8e\xb7", // U+f3b7
"Joomla": "\xef\x86\xaa", // U+f1aa
"Js": "\xef\x8e\xb8", // U+f3b8
"Jsfiddle": "\xef\x87\x8c", // U+f1cc
"Kaggle": "\xef\x97\xba", // U+f5fa
"Keybase": "\xef\x93\xb5", // U+f4f5
"Keycdn": "\xef\x8e\xba", // U+f3ba
"Kickstarter": "\xef\x8e\xbb", // U+f3bb
"KickstarterK": "\xef\x8e\xbc", // U+f3bc
"Korvue": "\xef\x90\xaf", // U+f42f
"Laravel": "\xef\x8e\xbd", // U+f3bd
"Lastfm": "\xef\x88\x82", // U+f202
"Leanpub": "\xef\x88\x92", // U+f212
"Less": "\xef\x90\x9d", // U+f41d
"Line": "\xef\x8f\x80", // U+f3c0
"Linkedin": "\xef\x82\x8c", // U+f08c
"LinkedinIn": "\xef\x83\xa1", // U+f0e1
"Linode": "\xef\x8a\xb8", // U+f2b8
"Linux": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Lyft": "\xef\x8f\x83", // U+f3c3
"Magento": "\xef\x8f\x84", // U+f3c4
"Mailchimp": "\xef\x96\x9e", // U+f59e
"Mandalorian": "\xef\x94\x8f", // U+f50f
"Markdown": "\xef\x98\x8f", // U+f60f
"Mastodon": "\xef\x93\xb6", // U+f4f6
"Maxcdn": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"Mdb": "\xef\xa3\x8a", // U+f8ca
"Medapps": "\xef\x8f\x86", // U+f3c6
"Medium": "\xef\x88\xba", // U+f23a
"Medrt": "\xef\x8f\x88", // U+f3c8
"Meetup": "\xef\x8b\xa0", // U+f2e0
"Megaport": "\xef\x96\xa3", // U+f5a3
"Mendeley": "\xef\x9e\xb3", // U+f7b3
"Meta": "\xee\x92\x9b", // U+e49b
"Microblog": "\xee\x80\x9a", // U+e01a
"Microsoft": "\xef\x8f\x8a", // U+f3ca
"Mix": "\xef\x8f\x8b", // U+f3cb
"Mixcloud": "\xef\x8a\x89", // U+f289
"Mixer": "\xee\x81\x96", // U+e056
"Mizuni": "\xef\x8f\x8c", // U+f3cc
"Modx": "\xef\x8a\x85", // U+f285
"Monero": "\xef\x8f\x90", // U+f3d0
"Napster": "\xef\x8f\x92", // U+f3d2
"Neos": "\xef\x98\x92", // U+f612
"NfcDirectional": "\xee\x94\xb0", // U+e530
"NfcSymbol": "\xee\x94\xb1", // U+e531
"Nimblr": "\xef\x96\xa8", // U+f5a8
"Node": "\xef\x90\x99", // U+f419
"NodeJs": "\xef\x8f\x93", // U+f3d3
"Npm": "\xef\x8f\x94", // U+f3d4
"Ns8": "\xef\x8f\x95", // U+f3d5
"Nutritionix": "\xef\x8f\x96", // U+f3d6
"OctopusDeploy": "\xee\x82\x82", // U+e082
"Odnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa3", // U+f263
"Odysee": "\xee\x97\x86", // U+e5c6
"OldRepublic": "\xef\x94\x90", // U+f510
"Opencart": "\xef\x88\xbd", // U+f23d
"Openid": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
"Opera": "\xef\x89\xaa", // U+f26a
"OptinMonster": "\xef\x88\xbc", // U+f23c
"Orcid": "\xef\xa3\x92", // U+f8d2
"Osi": "\xef\x90\x9a", // U+f41a
"Padlet": "\xee\x92\xa0", // U+e4a0
"Page4": "\xef\x8f\x97", // U+f3d7
"Pagelines": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"Palfed": "\xef\x8f\x98", // U+f3d8
"Patreon": "\xef\x8f\x99", // U+f3d9
"Paypal": "\xef\x87\xad", // U+f1ed
"Perbyte": "\xee\x82\x83", // U+e083
"Periscope": "\xef\x8f\x9a", // U+f3da
"Phabricator": "\xef\x8f\x9b", // U+f3db
"PhoenixFramework": "\xef\x8f\x9c", // U+f3dc
"PhoenixSquadron": "\xef\x94\x91", // U+f511
"Php": "\xef\x91\x97", // U+f457
"PiedPiper": "\xef\x8a\xae", // U+f2ae
"PiedPiperAlt": "\xef\x86\xa8", // U+f1a8
"PiedPiperHat": "\xef\x93\xa5", // U+f4e5
"PiedPiperPp": "\xef\x86\xa7", // U+f1a7
"Pinterest": "\xef\x83\x92", // U+f0d2
"PinterestP": "\xef\x88\xb1", // U+f231
"Pix": "\xee\x90\xba", // U+e43a
"Playstation": "\xef\x8f\x9f", // U+f3df
"ProductHunt": "\xef\x8a\x88", // U+f288
"Pushed": "\xef\x8f\xa1", // U+f3e1
"Python": "\xef\x8f\xa2", // U+f3e2
"Qq": "\xef\x87\x96", // U+f1d6
"Quinscape": "\xef\x91\x99", // U+f459
"Quora": "\xef\x8b\x84", // U+f2c4
"RProject": "\xef\x93\xb7", // U+f4f7
"RaspberryPi": "\xef\x9e\xbb", // U+f7bb
"Ravelry": "\xef\x8b\x99", // U+f2d9
"React": "\xef\x90\x9b", // U+f41b
"Reacteurope": "\xef\x9d\x9d", // U+f75d
"Readme": "\xef\x93\x95", // U+f4d5
"Rebel": "\xef\x87\x90", // U+f1d0
"RedRiver": "\xef\x8f\xa3", // U+f3e3
"Reddit": "\xef\x86\xa1", // U+f1a1
"RedditAlien": "\xef\x8a\x81", // U+f281
"Redhat": "\xef\x9e\xbc", // U+f7bc
"Renren": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Replyd": "\xef\x8f\xa6", // U+f3e6
"Researchgate": "\xef\x93\xb8", // U+f4f8
"Resolving": "\xef\x8f\xa7", // U+f3e7
"Rev": "\xef\x96\xb2", // U+f5b2
"Rocketchat": "\xef\x8f\xa8", // U+f3e8
"Rockrms": "\xef\x8f\xa9", // U+f3e9
"Rust": "\xee\x81\xba", // U+e07a
"Safari": "\xef\x89\xa7", // U+f267
"Salesforce": "\xef\xa0\xbb", // U+f83b
"Sass": "\xef\x90\x9e", // U+f41e
"Schlix": "\xef\x8f\xaa", // U+f3ea
"Screenpal": "\xee\x95\xb0", // U+e570
"Scribd": "\xef\x8a\x8a", // U+f28a
"Searchengin": "\xef\x8f\xab", // U+f3eb
"Sellcast": "\xef\x8b\x9a", // U+f2da
"Sellsy": "\xef\x88\x93", // U+f213
"Servicestack": "\xef\x8f\xac", // U+f3ec
"Shirtsinbulk": "\xef\x88\x94", // U+f214
"Shopify": "\xee\x81\x97", // U+e057
"Shopware": "\xef\x96\xb5", // U+f5b5
"Simplybuilt": "\xef\x88\x95", // U+f215
"Sistrix": "\xef\x8f\xae", // U+f3ee
"Sith": "\xef\x94\x92", // U+f512
"Sitrox": "\xee\x91\x8a", // U+e44a
"Sketch": "\xef\x9f\x86", // U+f7c6
"Skyatlas": "\xef\x88\x96", // U+f216
"Skype": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Slack": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"Slideshare": "\xef\x87\xa7", // U+f1e7
"Snapchat": "\xef\x8a\xab", // U+f2ab
"Soundcloud": "\xef\x86\xbe", // U+f1be
"Sourcetree": "\xef\x9f\x93", // U+f7d3
"SpaceAwesome": "\xee\x96\xac", // U+e5ac
"Speakap": "\xef\x8f\xb3", // U+f3f3
"SpeakerDeck": "\xef\xa0\xbc", // U+f83c
"Spotify": "\xef\x86\xbc", // U+f1bc
"SquareBehance": "\xef\x86\xb5", // U+f1b5
"SquareDribbble": "\xef\x8e\x97", // U+f397
"SquareFacebook": "\xef\x82\x82", // U+f082
"SquareFontAwesome": "\xee\x96\xad", // U+e5ad
"SquareFontAwesomeStroke": "\xef\x8d\x9c", // U+f35c
"SquareGit": "\xef\x87\x92", // U+f1d2
"SquareGithub": "\xef\x82\x92", // U+f092
"SquareGitlab": "\xee\x96\xae", // U+e5ae
"SquareGooglePlus": "\xef\x83\x94", // U+f0d4
"SquareHackerNews": "\xef\x8e\xaf", // U+f3af
"SquareInstagram": "\xee\x81\x95", // U+e055
"SquareJs": "\xef\x8e\xb9", // U+f3b9
"SquareLastfm": "\xef\x88\x83", // U+f203
"SquareOdnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa4", // U+f264
"SquarePiedPiper": "\xee\x80\x9e", // U+e01e
"SquarePinterest": "\xef\x83\x93", // U+f0d3
"SquareReddit": "\xef\x86\xa2", // U+f1a2
"SquareSnapchat": "\xef\x8a\xad", // U+f2ad
"SquareSteam": "\xef\x86\xb7", // U+f1b7
"SquareTumblr": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"SquareTwitter": "\xef\x82\x81", // U+f081
"SquareViadeo": "\xef\x8a\xaa", // U+f2aa
"SquareVimeo": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"SquareWhatsapp": "\xef\x90\x8c", // U+f40c
"SquareXing": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"SquareYoutube": "\xef\x90\xb1", // U+f431
"Squarespace": "\xef\x96\xbe", // U+f5be
"StackExchange": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"StackOverflow": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"Stackpath": "\xef\xa1\x82", // U+f842
"Staylinked": "\xef\x8f\xb5", // U+f3f5
"Steam": "\xef\x86\xb6", // U+f1b6
"SteamSymbol": "\xef\x8f\xb6", // U+f3f6
"StickerMule": "\xef\x8f\xb7", // U+f3f7
"Strava": "\xef\x90\xa8", // U+f428
"Stripe": "\xef\x90\xa9", // U+f429
"StripeS": "\xef\x90\xaa", // U+f42a
"Stubber": "\xee\x97\x87", // U+e5c7
"Studiovinari": "\xef\x8f\xb8", // U+f3f8
"Stumbleupon": "\xef\x86\xa4", // U+f1a4
"StumbleuponCircle": "\xef\x86\xa3", // U+f1a3
"Superpowers": "\xef\x8b\x9d", // U+f2dd
"Supple": "\xef\x8f\xb9", // U+f3f9
"Suse": "\xef\x9f\x96", // U+f7d6
"Swift": "\xef\xa3\xa1", // U+f8e1
"Symfony": "\xef\xa0\xbd", // U+f83d
"Teamspeak": "\xef\x93\xb9", // U+f4f9
"Telegram": "\xef\x8b\x86", // U+f2c6
"TencentWeibo": "\xef\x87\x95", // U+f1d5
"TheRedYeti": "\xef\x9a\x9d", // U+f69d
"Themeco": "\xef\x97\x86", // U+f5c6
"Themeisle": "\xef\x8a\xb2", // U+f2b2
"ThinkPeaks": "\xef\x9c\xb1", // U+f731
"Tiktok": "\xee\x81\xbb", // U+e07b
"TradeFederation": "\xef\x94\x93", // U+f513
"Trello": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"Tumblr": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"Twitch": "\xef\x87\xa8", // U+f1e8
"Twitter": "\xef\x82\x99", // U+f099
"Typo3": "\xef\x90\xab", // U+f42b
"Uber": "\xef\x90\x82", // U+f402
"Ubuntu": "\xef\x9f\x9f", // U+f7df
"Uikit": "\xef\x90\x83", // U+f403
"Umbraco": "\xef\xa3\xa8", // U+f8e8
"Uncharted": "\xee\x82\x84", // U+e084
"Uniregistry": "\xef\x90\x84", // U+f404
"Unity": "\xee\x81\x89", // U+e049
"Unsplash": "\xee\x81\xbc", // U+e07c
"Untappd": "\xef\x90\x85", // U+f405
"Ups": "\xef\x9f\xa0", // U+f7e0
"Usb": "\xef\x8a\x87", // U+f287
"Usps": "\xef\x9f\xa1", // U+f7e1
"Ussunnah": "\xef\x90\x87", // U+f407
"Vaadin": "\xef\x90\x88", // U+f408
"Viacoin": "\xef\x88\xb7", // U+f237
"Viadeo": "\xef\x8a\xa9", // U+f2a9
"Viber": "\xef\x90\x89", // U+f409
"Vimeo": "\xef\x90\x8a", // U+f40a
"VimeoV": "\xef\x89\xbd", // U+f27d
"Vine": "\xef\x87\x8a", // U+f1ca
"Vk": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"Vnv": "\xef\x90\x8b", // U+f40b
"Vuejs": "\xef\x90\x9f", // U+f41f
"WatchmanMonitoring": "\xee\x82\x87", // U+e087
"Waze": "\xef\xa0\xbf", // U+f83f
"Weebly": "\xef\x97\x8c", // U+f5cc
"Weibo": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"Weixin": "\xef\x87\x97", // U+f1d7
"Whatsapp": "\xef\x88\xb2", // U+f232
"Whmcs": "\xef\x90\x8d", // U+f40d
"WikipediaW": "\xef\x89\xa6", // U+f266
"Windows": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"Wirsindhandwerk": "\xee\x8b\x90", // U+e2d0
"Wix": "\xef\x97\x8f", // U+f5cf
"WizardsOfTheCoast": "\xef\x9c\xb0", // U+f730
"Wodu": "\xee\x82\x88", // U+e088
"WolfPackBattalion": "\xef\x94\x94", // U+f514
"Wordpress": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"WordpressSimple": "\xef\x90\x91", // U+f411
"Wpbeginner": "\xef\x8a\x97", // U+f297
"Wpexplorer": "\xef\x8b\x9e", // U+f2de
"Wpforms": "\xef\x8a\x98", // U+f298
"Wpressr": "\xef\x8f\xa4", // U+f3e4
"Xbox": "\xef\x90\x92", // U+f412
"Xing": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"YCombinator": "\xef\x88\xbb", // U+f23b
"Yahoo": "\xef\x86\x9e", // U+f19e
"Yammer": "\xef\xa1\x80", // U+f840
"Yandex": "\xef\x90\x93", // U+f413
"YandexInternational": "\xef\x90\x94", // U+f414
"Yarn": "\xef\x9f\xa3", // U+f7e3
"Yelp": "\xef\x87\xa9", // U+f1e9
"Yoast": "\xef\x8a\xb1", // U+f2b1
"Youtube": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"Zhihu": "\xef\x98\xbf", // U+f63f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB "fa-brands-400.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FAB 0xe007
#define ICON_MAX_16_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_MAX_FAB 0xf8e8
#define ICON_FA_42_GROUP "\xee\x82\x80" // U+e080
#define ICON_FA_500PX "\xef\x89\xae" // U+f26e
#define ICON_FA_ACCESSIBLE_ICON "\xef\x8d\xa8" // U+f368
#define ICON_FA_ACCUSOFT "\xef\x8d\xa9" // U+f369
#define ICON_FA_ADN "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FA_ADVERSAL "\xef\x8d\xaa" // U+f36a
#define ICON_FA_AFFILIATETHEME "\xef\x8d\xab" // U+f36b
#define ICON_FA_AIRBNB "\xef\xa0\xb4" // U+f834
#define ICON_FA_ALGOLIA "\xef\x8d\xac" // U+f36c
#define ICON_FA_ALIPAY "\xef\x99\x82" // U+f642
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON "\xef\x89\xb0" // U+f270
#define ICON_FA_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xac" // U+f42c
#define ICON_FA_AMILIA "\xef\x8d\xad" // U+f36d
#define ICON_FA_ANDROID "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FA_ANGELLIST "\xef\x88\x89" // U+f209
#define ICON_FA_ANGRYCREATIVE "\xef\x8d\xae" // U+f36e
#define ICON_FA_ANGULAR "\xef\x90\xa0" // U+f420
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE "\xef\x8d\xaf" // U+f36f
#define ICON_FA_APP_STORE_IOS "\xef\x8d\xb0" // U+f370
#define ICON_FA_APPER "\xef\x8d\xb1" // U+f371
#define ICON_FA_APPLE "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FA_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x95" // U+f415
#define ICON_FA_ARTSTATION "\xef\x9d\xba" // U+f77a
#define ICON_FA_ASYMMETRIK "\xef\x8d\xb2" // U+f372
#define ICON_FA_ATLASSIAN "\xef\x9d\xbb" // U+f77b
#define ICON_FA_AUDIBLE "\xef\x8d\xb3" // U+f373
#define ICON_FA_AUTOPREFIXER "\xef\x90\x9c" // U+f41c
#define ICON_FA_AVIANEX "\xef\x8d\xb4" // U+f374
#define ICON_FA_AVIATO "\xef\x90\xa1" // U+f421
#define ICON_FA_AWS "\xef\x8d\xb5" // U+f375
#define ICON_FA_BANDCAMP "\xef\x8b\x95" // U+f2d5
#define ICON_FA_BATTLE_NET "\xef\xa0\xb5" // U+f835
#define ICON_FA_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb4" // U+f1b4
#define ICON_FA_BILIBILI "\xee\x8f\x99" // U+e3d9
#define ICON_FA_BIMOBJECT "\xef\x8d\xb8" // U+f378
#define ICON_FA_BITBUCKET "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FA_BITCOIN "\xef\x8d\xb9" // U+f379
#define ICON_FA_BITY "\xef\x8d\xba" // U+f37a
#define ICON_FA_BLACK_TIE "\xef\x89\xbe" // U+f27e
#define ICON_FA_BLACKBERRY "\xef\x8d\xbb" // U+f37b
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER "\xef\x8d\xbc" // U+f37c
#define ICON_FA_BLOGGER_B "\xef\x8d\xbd" // U+f37d
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x8a\x93" // U+f293
#define ICON_FA_BLUETOOTH_B "\xef\x8a\x94" // U+f294
#define ICON_FA_BOOTSTRAP "\xef\xa0\xb6" // U+f836
#define ICON_FA_BOTS "\xee\x8d\x80" // U+e340
#define ICON_FA_BTC "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FA_BUFFER "\xef\xa0\xb7" // U+f837
#define ICON_FA_BUROMOBELEXPERTE "\xef\x8d\xbf" // U+f37f
#define ICON_FA_BUY_N_LARGE "\xef\xa2\xa6" // U+f8a6
#define ICON_FA_BUYSELLADS "\xef\x88\x8d" // U+f20d
#define ICON_FA_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF "\xef\x9e\x85" // U+f785
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMAZON_PAY "\xef\x90\xad" // U+f42d
#define ICON_FA_CC_AMEX "\xef\x87\xb3" // U+f1f3
#define ICON_FA_CC_APPLE_PAY "\xef\x90\x96" // U+f416
#define ICON_FA_CC_DINERS_CLUB "\xef\x89\x8c" // U+f24c
#define ICON_FA_CC_DISCOVER "\xef\x87\xb2" // U+f1f2
#define ICON_FA_CC_JCB "\xef\x89\x8b" // U+f24b
#define ICON_FA_CC_MASTERCARD "\xef\x87\xb1" // U+f1f1
#define ICON_FA_CC_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xb4" // U+f1f4
#define ICON_FA_CC_STRIPE "\xef\x87\xb5" // U+f1f5
#define ICON_FA_CC_VISA "\xef\x87\xb0" // U+f1f0
#define ICON_FA_CENTERCODE "\xef\x8e\x80" // U+f380
#define ICON_FA_CENTOS "\xef\x9e\x89" // U+f789
#define ICON_FA_CHROME "\xef\x89\xa8" // U+f268
#define ICON_FA_CHROMECAST "\xef\xa0\xb8" // U+f838
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDFLARE "\xee\x81\xbd" // U+e07d
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSCALE "\xef\x8e\x83" // U+f383
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDSMITH "\xef\x8e\x84" // U+f384
#define ICON_FA_CLOUDVERSIFY "\xef\x8e\x85" // U+f385
#define ICON_FA_CMPLID "\xee\x8d\xa0" // U+e360
#define ICON_FA_CODEPEN "\xef\x87\x8b" // U+f1cb
#define ICON_FA_CODIEPIE "\xef\x8a\x84" // U+f284
#define ICON_FA_CONFLUENCE "\xef\x9e\x8d" // U+f78d
#define ICON_FA_CONNECTDEVELOP "\xef\x88\x8e" // U+f20e
#define ICON_FA_CONTAO "\xef\x89\xad" // U+f26d
#define ICON_FA_COTTON_BUREAU "\xef\xa2\x9e" // U+f89e
#define ICON_FA_CPANEL "\xef\x8e\x88" // U+f388
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS "\xef\x89\x9e" // U+f25e
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY "\xef\x93\xa7" // U+f4e7
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC "\xef\x93\xa8" // U+f4e8
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU "\xef\x93\xa9" // U+f4e9
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP "\xef\x93\xaa" // U+f4ea
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND "\xef\x93\xab" // U+f4eb
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD "\xef\x93\xac" // U+f4ec
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT "\xef\x93\xad" // U+f4ed
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX "\xef\x93\xae" // U+f4ee
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA "\xef\x93\xaf" // U+f4ef
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING "\xef\x93\xb0" // U+f4f0
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS "\xef\x93\xb1" // U+f4f1
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE "\xef\x93\xb2" // U+f4f2
#define ICON_FA_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO "\xef\x93\xb3" // U+f4f3
#define ICON_FA_CRITICAL_ROLE "\xef\x9b\x89" // U+f6c9
#define ICON_FA_CSS3 "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FA_CSS3_ALT "\xef\x8e\x8b" // U+f38b
#define ICON_FA_CUTTLEFISH "\xef\x8e\x8c" // U+f38c
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D "\xef\x8e\x8d" // U+f38d
#define ICON_FA_D_AND_D_BEYOND "\xef\x9b\x8a" // U+f6ca
#define ICON_FA_DAILYMOTION "\xee\x81\x92" // U+e052
#define ICON_FA_DASHCUBE "\xef\x88\x90" // U+f210
#define ICON_FA_DEEZER "\xee\x81\xb7" // U+e077
#define ICON_FA_DELICIOUS "\xef\x86\xa5" // U+f1a5
#define ICON_FA_DEPLOYDOG "\xef\x8e\x8e" // U+f38e
#define ICON_FA_DESKPRO "\xef\x8e\x8f" // U+f38f
#define ICON_FA_DEV "\xef\x9b\x8c" // U+f6cc
#define ICON_FA_DEVIANTART "\xef\x86\xbd" // U+f1bd
#define ICON_FA_DHL "\xef\x9e\x90" // U+f790
#define ICON_FA_DIASPORA "\xef\x9e\x91" // U+f791
#define ICON_FA_DIGG "\xef\x86\xa6" // U+f1a6
#define ICON_FA_DIGITAL_OCEAN "\xef\x8e\x91" // U+f391
#define ICON_FA_DISCORD "\xef\x8e\x92" // U+f392
#define ICON_FA_DISCOURSE "\xef\x8e\x93" // U+f393
#define ICON_FA_DOCHUB "\xef\x8e\x94" // U+f394
#define ICON_FA_DOCKER "\xef\x8e\x95" // U+f395
#define ICON_FA_DRAFT2DIGITAL "\xef\x8e\x96" // U+f396
#define ICON_FA_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FA_DROPBOX "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FA_DRUPAL "\xef\x86\xa9" // U+f1a9
#define ICON_FA_DYALOG "\xef\x8e\x99" // U+f399
#define ICON_FA_EARLYBIRDS "\xef\x8e\x9a" // U+f39a
#define ICON_FA_EBAY "\xef\x93\xb4" // U+f4f4
#define ICON_FA_EDGE "\xef\x8a\x82" // U+f282
#define ICON_FA_EDGE_LEGACY "\xee\x81\xb8" // U+e078
#define ICON_FA_ELEMENTOR "\xef\x90\xb0" // U+f430
#define ICON_FA_ELLO "\xef\x97\xb1" // U+f5f1
#define ICON_FA_EMBER "\xef\x90\xa3" // U+f423
#define ICON_FA_EMPIRE "\xef\x87\x91" // U+f1d1
#define ICON_FA_ENVIRA "\xef\x8a\x99" // U+f299
#define ICON_FA_ERLANG "\xef\x8e\x9d" // U+f39d
#define ICON_FA_ETHEREUM "\xef\x90\xae" // U+f42e
#define ICON_FA_ETSY "\xef\x8b\x97" // U+f2d7
#define ICON_FA_EVERNOTE "\xef\xa0\xb9" // U+f839
#define ICON_FA_EXPEDITEDSSL "\xef\x88\xbe" // U+f23e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x9a" // U+f09a
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_F "\xef\x8e\x9e" // U+f39e
#define ICON_FA_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER "\xef\x8e\x9f" // U+f39f
#define ICON_FA_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES "\xef\x9b\x9c" // U+f6dc
#define ICON_FA_FEDEX "\xef\x9e\x97" // U+f797
#define ICON_FA_FEDORA "\xef\x9e\x98" // U+f798
#define ICON_FA_FIGMA "\xef\x9e\x99" // U+f799
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX "\xef\x89\xa9" // U+f269
#define ICON_FA_FIREFOX_BROWSER "\xee\x80\x87" // U+e007
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER "\xef\x8a\xb0" // U+f2b0
#define ICON_FA_FIRST_ORDER_ALT "\xef\x94\x8a" // U+f50a
#define ICON_FA_FIRSTDRAFT "\xef\x8e\xa1" // U+f3a1
#define ICON_FA_FLICKR "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FA_FLIPBOARD "\xef\x91\x8d" // U+f44d
#define ICON_FA_FLY "\xef\x90\x97" // U+f417
#define ICON_FA_FONT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\xb4" // U+f2b4
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS "\xef\x8a\x80" // U+f280
#define ICON_FA_FONTICONS_FI "\xef\x8e\xa2" // U+f3a2
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\x86" // U+f286
#define ICON_FA_FORT_AWESOME_ALT "\xef\x8e\xa3" // U+f3a3
#define ICON_FA_FORUMBEE "\xef\x88\x91" // U+f211
#define ICON_FA_FOURSQUARE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FA_FREE_CODE_CAMP "\xef\x8b\x85" // U+f2c5
#define ICON_FA_FREEBSD "\xef\x8e\xa4" // U+f3a4
#define ICON_FA_FULCRUM "\xef\x94\x8b" // U+f50b
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x8c" // U+f50c
#define ICON_FA_GALACTIC_SENATE "\xef\x94\x8d" // U+f50d
#define ICON_FA_GET_POCKET "\xef\x89\xa5" // U+f265
#define ICON_FA_GG "\xef\x89\xa0" // U+f260
#define ICON_FA_GG_CIRCLE "\xef\x89\xa1" // U+f261
#define ICON_FA_GIT "\xef\x87\x93" // U+f1d3
#define ICON_FA_GIT_ALT "\xef\xa1\x81" // U+f841
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x9b" // U+f09b
#define ICON_FA_GITHUB_ALT "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FA_GITKRAKEN "\xef\x8e\xa6" // U+f3a6
#define ICON_FA_GITLAB "\xef\x8a\x96" // U+f296
#define ICON_FA_GITTER "\xef\x90\xa6" // U+f426
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE "\xef\x8a\xa5" // U+f2a5
#define ICON_FA_GLIDE_G "\xef\x8a\xa6" // U+f2a6
#define ICON_FA_GOFORE "\xef\x8e\xa7" // U+f3a7
#define ICON_FA_GOLANG "\xee\x90\x8f" // U+e40f
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS "\xef\x8e\xa8" // U+f3a8
#define ICON_FA_GOODREADS_G "\xef\x8e\xa9" // U+f3a9
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE "\xef\x86\xa0" // U+f1a0
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_DRIVE "\xef\x8e\xaa" // U+f3aa
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PAY "\xee\x81\xb9" // U+e079
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLAY "\xef\x8e\xab" // U+f3ab
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x8a\xb3" // U+f2b3
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_PLUS_G "\xef\x83\x95" // U+f0d5
#define ICON_FA_GOOGLE_WALLET "\xef\x87\xae" // U+f1ee
#define ICON_FA_GRATIPAY "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FA_GRAV "\xef\x8b\x96" // U+f2d6
#define ICON_FA_GRIPFIRE "\xef\x8e\xac" // U+f3ac
#define ICON_FA_GRUNT "\xef\x8e\xad" // U+f3ad
#define ICON_FA_GUILDED "\xee\x81\xbe" // U+e07e
#define ICON_FA_GULP "\xef\x8e\xae" // U+f3ae
#define ICON_FA_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x87\x94" // U+f1d4
#define ICON_FA_HACKERRANK "\xef\x97\xb7" // U+f5f7
#define ICON_FA_HASHNODE "\xee\x92\x99" // U+e499
#define ICON_FA_HIPS "\xef\x91\x92" // U+f452
#define ICON_FA_HIRE_A_HELPER "\xef\x8e\xb0" // U+f3b0
#define ICON_FA_HIVE "\xee\x81\xbf" // U+e07f
#define ICON_FA_HOOLI "\xef\x90\xa7" // U+f427
#define ICON_FA_HORNBILL "\xef\x96\x92" // U+f592
#define ICON_FA_HOTJAR "\xef\x8e\xb1" // U+f3b1
#define ICON_FA_HOUZZ "\xef\x89\xbc" // U+f27c
#define ICON_FA_HTML5 "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FA_HUBSPOT "\xef\x8e\xb2" // U+f3b2
#define ICON_FA_IDEAL "\xee\x80\x93" // U+e013
#define ICON_FA_IMDB "\xef\x8b\x98" // U+f2d8
#define ICON_FA_INSTAGRAM "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FA_INSTALOD "\xee\x82\x81" // U+e081
#define ICON_FA_INTERCOM "\xef\x9e\xaf" // U+f7af
#define ICON_FA_INTERNET_EXPLORER "\xef\x89\xab" // U+f26b
#define ICON_FA_INVISION "\xef\x9e\xb0" // U+f7b0
#define ICON_FA_IOXHOST "\xef\x88\x88" // U+f208
#define ICON_FA_ITCH_IO "\xef\xa0\xba" // U+f83a
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES "\xef\x8e\xb4" // U+f3b4
#define ICON_FA_ITUNES_NOTE "\xef\x8e\xb5" // U+f3b5
#define ICON_FA_JAVA "\xef\x93\xa4" // U+f4e4
#define ICON_FA_JEDI_ORDER "\xef\x94\x8e" // U+f50e
#define ICON_FA_JENKINS "\xef\x8e\xb6" // U+f3b6
#define ICON_FA_JIRA "\xef\x9e\xb1" // U+f7b1
#define ICON_FA_JOGET "\xef\x8e\xb7" // U+f3b7
#define ICON_FA_JOOMLA "\xef\x86\xaa" // U+f1aa
#define ICON_FA_JS "\xef\x8e\xb8" // U+f3b8
#define ICON_FA_JSFIDDLE "\xef\x87\x8c" // U+f1cc
#define ICON_FA_KAGGLE "\xef\x97\xba" // U+f5fa
#define ICON_FA_KEYBASE "\xef\x93\xb5" // U+f4f5
#define ICON_FA_KEYCDN "\xef\x8e\xba" // U+f3ba
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER "\xef\x8e\xbb" // U+f3bb
#define ICON_FA_KICKSTARTER_K "\xef\x8e\xbc" // U+f3bc
#define ICON_FA_KORVUE "\xef\x90\xaf" // U+f42f
#define ICON_FA_LARAVEL "\xef\x8e\xbd" // U+f3bd
#define ICON_FA_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x82" // U+f202
#define ICON_FA_LEANPUB "\xef\x88\x92" // U+f212
#define ICON_FA_LESS "\xef\x90\x9d" // U+f41d
#define ICON_FA_LINE "\xef\x8f\x80" // U+f3c0
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN "\xef\x82\x8c" // U+f08c
#define ICON_FA_LINKEDIN_IN "\xef\x83\xa1" // U+f0e1
#define ICON_FA_LINODE "\xef\x8a\xb8" // U+f2b8
#define ICON_FA_LINUX "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FA_LYFT "\xef\x8f\x83" // U+f3c3
#define ICON_FA_MAGENTO "\xef\x8f\x84" // U+f3c4
#define ICON_FA_MAILCHIMP "\xef\x96\x9e" // U+f59e
#define ICON_FA_MANDALORIAN "\xef\x94\x8f" // U+f50f
#define ICON_FA_MARKDOWN "\xef\x98\x8f" // U+f60f
#define ICON_FA_MASTODON "\xef\x93\xb6" // U+f4f6
#define ICON_FA_MAXCDN "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FA_MDB "\xef\xa3\x8a" // U+f8ca
#define ICON_FA_MEDAPPS "\xef\x8f\x86" // U+f3c6
#define ICON_FA_MEDIUM "\xef\x88\xba" // U+f23a
#define ICON_FA_MEDRT "\xef\x8f\x88" // U+f3c8
#define ICON_FA_MEETUP "\xef\x8b\xa0" // U+f2e0
#define ICON_FA_MEGAPORT "\xef\x96\xa3" // U+f5a3
#define ICON_FA_MENDELEY "\xef\x9e\xb3" // U+f7b3
#define ICON_FA_META "\xee\x92\x9b" // U+e49b
#define ICON_FA_MICROBLOG "\xee\x80\x9a" // U+e01a
#define ICON_FA_MICROSOFT "\xef\x8f\x8a" // U+f3ca
#define ICON_FA_MIX "\xef\x8f\x8b" // U+f3cb
#define ICON_FA_MIXCLOUD "\xef\x8a\x89" // U+f289
#define ICON_FA_MIXER "\xee\x81\x96" // U+e056
#define ICON_FA_MIZUNI "\xef\x8f\x8c" // U+f3cc
#define ICON_FA_MODX "\xef\x8a\x85" // U+f285
#define ICON_FA_MONERO "\xef\x8f\x90" // U+f3d0
#define ICON_FA_NAPSTER "\xef\x8f\x92" // U+f3d2
#define ICON_FA_NEOS "\xef\x98\x92" // U+f612
#define ICON_FA_NFC_DIRECTIONAL "\xee\x94\xb0" // U+e530
#define ICON_FA_NFC_SYMBOL "\xee\x94\xb1" // U+e531
#define ICON_FA_NIMBLR "\xef\x96\xa8" // U+f5a8
#define ICON_FA_NODE "\xef\x90\x99" // U+f419
#define ICON_FA_NODE_JS "\xef\x8f\x93" // U+f3d3
#define ICON_FA_NPM "\xef\x8f\x94" // U+f3d4
#define ICON_FA_NS8 "\xef\x8f\x95" // U+f3d5
#define ICON_FA_NUTRITIONIX "\xef\x8f\x96" // U+f3d6
#define ICON_FA_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY "\xee\x82\x82" // U+e082
#define ICON_FA_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa3" // U+f263
#define ICON_FA_ODYSEE "\xee\x97\x86" // U+e5c6
#define ICON_FA_OLD_REPUBLIC "\xef\x94\x90" // U+f510
#define ICON_FA_OPENCART "\xef\x88\xbd" // U+f23d
#define ICON_FA_OPENID "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
#define ICON_FA_OPERA "\xef\x89\xaa" // U+f26a
#define ICON_FA_OPTIN_MONSTER "\xef\x88\xbc" // U+f23c
#define ICON_FA_ORCID "\xef\xa3\x92" // U+f8d2
#define ICON_FA_OSI "\xef\x90\x9a" // U+f41a
#define ICON_FA_PADLET "\xee\x92\xa0" // U+e4a0
#define ICON_FA_PAGE4 "\xef\x8f\x97" // U+f3d7
#define ICON_FA_PAGELINES "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FA_PALFED "\xef\x8f\x98" // U+f3d8
#define ICON_FA_PATREON "\xef\x8f\x99" // U+f3d9
#define ICON_FA_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xad" // U+f1ed
#define ICON_FA_PERBYTE "\xee\x82\x83" // U+e083
#define ICON_FA_PERISCOPE "\xef\x8f\x9a" // U+f3da
#define ICON_FA_PHABRICATOR "\xef\x8f\x9b" // U+f3db
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK "\xef\x8f\x9c" // U+f3dc
#define ICON_FA_PHOENIX_SQUADRON "\xef\x94\x91" // U+f511
#define ICON_FA_PHP "\xef\x91\x97" // U+f457
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER "\xef\x8a\xae" // U+f2ae
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_ALT "\xef\x86\xa8" // U+f1a8
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_HAT "\xef\x93\xa5" // U+f4e5
#define ICON_FA_PIED_PIPER_PP "\xef\x86\xa7" // U+f1a7
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x92" // U+f0d2
#define ICON_FA_PINTEREST_P "\xef\x88\xb1" // U+f231
#define ICON_FA_PIX "\xee\x90\xba" // U+e43a
#define ICON_FA_PLAYSTATION "\xef\x8f\x9f" // U+f3df
#define ICON_FA_PRODUCT_HUNT "\xef\x8a\x88" // U+f288
#define ICON_FA_PUSHED "\xef\x8f\xa1" // U+f3e1
#define ICON_FA_PYTHON "\xef\x8f\xa2" // U+f3e2
#define ICON_FA_QQ "\xef\x87\x96" // U+f1d6
#define ICON_FA_QUINSCAPE "\xef\x91\x99" // U+f459
#define ICON_FA_QUORA "\xef\x8b\x84" // U+f2c4
#define ICON_FA_R_PROJECT "\xef\x93\xb7" // U+f4f7
#define ICON_FA_RASPBERRY_PI "\xef\x9e\xbb" // U+f7bb
#define ICON_FA_RAVELRY "\xef\x8b\x99" // U+f2d9
#define ICON_FA_REACT "\xef\x90\x9b" // U+f41b
#define ICON_FA_REACTEUROPE "\xef\x9d\x9d" // U+f75d
#define ICON_FA_README "\xef\x93\x95" // U+f4d5
#define ICON_FA_REBEL "\xef\x87\x90" // U+f1d0
#define ICON_FA_RED_RIVER "\xef\x8f\xa3" // U+f3e3
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa1" // U+f1a1
#define ICON_FA_REDDIT_ALIEN "\xef\x8a\x81" // U+f281
#define ICON_FA_REDHAT "\xef\x9e\xbc" // U+f7bc
#define ICON_FA_RENREN "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FA_REPLYD "\xef\x8f\xa6" // U+f3e6
#define ICON_FA_RESEARCHGATE "\xef\x93\xb8" // U+f4f8
#define ICON_FA_RESOLVING "\xef\x8f\xa7" // U+f3e7
#define ICON_FA_REV "\xef\x96\xb2" // U+f5b2
#define ICON_FA_ROCKETCHAT "\xef\x8f\xa8" // U+f3e8
#define ICON_FA_ROCKRMS "\xef\x8f\xa9" // U+f3e9
#define ICON_FA_RUST "\xee\x81\xba" // U+e07a
#define ICON_FA_SAFARI "\xef\x89\xa7" // U+f267
#define ICON_FA_SALESFORCE "\xef\xa0\xbb" // U+f83b
#define ICON_FA_SASS "\xef\x90\x9e" // U+f41e
#define ICON_FA_SCHLIX "\xef\x8f\xaa" // U+f3ea
#define ICON_FA_SCREENPAL "\xee\x95\xb0" // U+e570
#define ICON_FA_SCRIBD "\xef\x8a\x8a" // U+f28a
#define ICON_FA_SEARCHENGIN "\xef\x8f\xab" // U+f3eb
#define ICON_FA_SELLCAST "\xef\x8b\x9a" // U+f2da
#define ICON_FA_SELLSY "\xef\x88\x93" // U+f213
#define ICON_FA_SERVICESTACK "\xef\x8f\xac" // U+f3ec
#define ICON_FA_SHIRTSINBULK "\xef\x88\x94" // U+f214
#define ICON_FA_SHOPIFY "\xee\x81\x97" // U+e057
#define ICON_FA_SHOPWARE "\xef\x96\xb5" // U+f5b5
#define ICON_FA_SIMPLYBUILT "\xef\x88\x95" // U+f215
#define ICON_FA_SISTRIX "\xef\x8f\xae" // U+f3ee
#define ICON_FA_SITH "\xef\x94\x92" // U+f512
#define ICON_FA_SITROX "\xee\x91\x8a" // U+e44a
#define ICON_FA_SKETCH "\xef\x9f\x86" // U+f7c6
#define ICON_FA_SKYATLAS "\xef\x88\x96" // U+f216
#define ICON_FA_SKYPE "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FA_SLACK "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FA_SLIDESHARE "\xef\x87\xa7" // U+f1e7
#define ICON_FA_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xab" // U+f2ab
#define ICON_FA_SOUNDCLOUD "\xef\x86\xbe" // U+f1be
#define ICON_FA_SOURCETREE "\xef\x9f\x93" // U+f7d3
#define ICON_FA_SPACE_AWESOME "\xee\x96\xac" // U+e5ac
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKAP "\xef\x8f\xb3" // U+f3f3
#define ICON_FA_SPEAKER_DECK "\xef\xa0\xbc" // U+f83c
#define ICON_FA_SPOTIFY "\xef\x86\xbc" // U+f1bc
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb5" // U+f1b5
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x8e\x97" // U+f397
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x82" // U+f082
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_FONT_AWESOME "\xee\x96\xad" // U+e5ad
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_FONT_AWESOME_STROKE "\xef\x8d\x9c" // U+f35c
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_GIT "\xef\x87\x92" // U+f1d2
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x92" // U+f092
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_GITLAB "\xee\x96\xae" // U+e5ae
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x83\x94" // U+f0d4
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x8e\xaf" // U+f3af
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_INSTAGRAM "\xee\x81\x95" // U+e055
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_JS "\xef\x8e\xb9" // U+f3b9
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x83" // U+f203
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa4" // U+f264
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_PIED_PIPER "\xee\x80\x9e" // U+e01e
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x93" // U+f0d3
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa2" // U+f1a2
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xad" // U+f2ad
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb7" // U+f1b7
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x81" // U+f081
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xaa" // U+f2aa
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_VIMEO "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_WHATSAPP "\xef\x90\x8c" // U+f40c
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_XING "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FA_SQUARE_YOUTUBE "\xef\x90\xb1" // U+f431
#define ICON_FA_SQUARESPACE "\xef\x96\xbe" // U+f5be
#define ICON_FA_STACK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FA_STACK_OVERFLOW "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FA_STACKPATH "\xef\xa1\x82" // U+f842
#define ICON_FA_STAYLINKED "\xef\x8f\xb5" // U+f3f5
#define ICON_FA_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb6" // U+f1b6
#define ICON_FA_STEAM_SYMBOL "\xef\x8f\xb6" // U+f3f6
#define ICON_FA_STICKER_MULE "\xef\x8f\xb7" // U+f3f7
#define ICON_FA_STRAVA "\xef\x90\xa8" // U+f428
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE "\xef\x90\xa9" // U+f429
#define ICON_FA_STRIPE_S "\xef\x90\xaa" // U+f42a
#define ICON_FA_STUBBER "\xee\x97\x87" // U+e5c7
#define ICON_FA_STUDIOVINARI "\xef\x8f\xb8" // U+f3f8
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON "\xef\x86\xa4" // U+f1a4
#define ICON_FA_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE "\xef\x86\xa3" // U+f1a3
#define ICON_FA_SUPERPOWERS "\xef\x8b\x9d" // U+f2dd
#define ICON_FA_SUPPLE "\xef\x8f\xb9" // U+f3f9
#define ICON_FA_SUSE "\xef\x9f\x96" // U+f7d6
#define ICON_FA_SWIFT "\xef\xa3\xa1" // U+f8e1
#define ICON_FA_SYMFONY "\xef\xa0\xbd" // U+f83d
#define ICON_FA_TEAMSPEAK "\xef\x93\xb9" // U+f4f9
#define ICON_FA_TELEGRAM "\xef\x8b\x86" // U+f2c6
#define ICON_FA_TENCENT_WEIBO "\xef\x87\x95" // U+f1d5
#define ICON_FA_THE_RED_YETI "\xef\x9a\x9d" // U+f69d
#define ICON_FA_THEMECO "\xef\x97\x86" // U+f5c6
#define ICON_FA_THEMEISLE "\xef\x8a\xb2" // U+f2b2
#define ICON_FA_THINK_PEAKS "\xef\x9c\xb1" // U+f731
#define ICON_FA_TIKTOK "\xee\x81\xbb" // U+e07b
#define ICON_FA_TRADE_FEDERATION "\xef\x94\x93" // U+f513
#define ICON_FA_TRELLO "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FA_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FA_TWITCH "\xef\x87\xa8" // U+f1e8
#define ICON_FA_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x99" // U+f099
#define ICON_FA_TYPO3 "\xef\x90\xab" // U+f42b
#define ICON_FA_UBER "\xef\x90\x82" // U+f402
#define ICON_FA_UBUNTU "\xef\x9f\x9f" // U+f7df
#define ICON_FA_UIKIT "\xef\x90\x83" // U+f403
#define ICON_FA_UMBRACO "\xef\xa3\xa8" // U+f8e8
#define ICON_FA_UNCHARTED "\xee\x82\x84" // U+e084
#define ICON_FA_UNIREGISTRY "\xef\x90\x84" // U+f404
#define ICON_FA_UNITY "\xee\x81\x89" // U+e049
#define ICON_FA_UNSPLASH "\xee\x81\xbc" // U+e07c
#define ICON_FA_UNTAPPD "\xef\x90\x85" // U+f405
#define ICON_FA_UPS "\xef\x9f\xa0" // U+f7e0
#define ICON_FA_USB "\xef\x8a\x87" // U+f287
#define ICON_FA_USPS "\xef\x9f\xa1" // U+f7e1
#define ICON_FA_USSUNNAH "\xef\x90\x87" // U+f407
#define ICON_FA_VAADIN "\xef\x90\x88" // U+f408
#define ICON_FA_VIACOIN "\xef\x88\xb7" // U+f237
#define ICON_FA_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xa9" // U+f2a9
#define ICON_FA_VIBER "\xef\x90\x89" // U+f409
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO "\xef\x90\x8a" // U+f40a
#define ICON_FA_VIMEO_V "\xef\x89\xbd" // U+f27d
#define ICON_FA_VINE "\xef\x87\x8a" // U+f1ca
#define ICON_FA_VK "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FA_VNV "\xef\x90\x8b" // U+f40b
#define ICON_FA_VUEJS "\xef\x90\x9f" // U+f41f
#define ICON_FA_WATCHMAN_MONITORING "\xee\x82\x87" // U+e087
#define ICON_FA_WAZE "\xef\xa0\xbf" // U+f83f
#define ICON_FA_WEEBLY "\xef\x97\x8c" // U+f5cc
#define ICON_FA_WEIBO "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FA_WEIXIN "\xef\x87\x97" // U+f1d7
#define ICON_FA_WHATSAPP "\xef\x88\xb2" // U+f232
#define ICON_FA_WHMCS "\xef\x90\x8d" // U+f40d
#define ICON_FA_WIKIPEDIA_W "\xef\x89\xa6" // U+f266
#define ICON_FA_WINDOWS "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FA_WIRSINDHANDWERK "\xee\x8b\x90" // U+e2d0
#define ICON_FA_WIX "\xef\x97\x8f" // U+f5cf
#define ICON_FA_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST "\xef\x9c\xb0" // U+f730
#define ICON_FA_WODU "\xee\x82\x88" // U+e088
#define ICON_FA_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION "\xef\x94\x94" // U+f514
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FA_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE "\xef\x90\x91" // U+f411
#define ICON_FA_WPBEGINNER "\xef\x8a\x97" // U+f297
#define ICON_FA_WPEXPLORER "\xef\x8b\x9e" // U+f2de
#define ICON_FA_WPFORMS "\xef\x8a\x98" // U+f298
#define ICON_FA_WPRESSR "\xef\x8f\xa4" // U+f3e4
#define ICON_FA_XBOX "\xef\x90\x92" // U+f412
#define ICON_FA_XING "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FA_Y_COMBINATOR "\xef\x88\xbb" // U+f23b
#define ICON_FA_YAHOO "\xef\x86\x9e" // U+f19e
#define ICON_FA_YAMMER "\xef\xa1\x80" // U+f840
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX "\xef\x90\x93" // U+f413
#define ICON_FA_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL "\xef\x90\x94" // U+f414
#define ICON_FA_YARN "\xef\x9f\xa3" // U+f7e3
#define ICON_FA_YELP "\xef\x87\xa9" // U+f1e9
#define ICON_FA_YOAST "\xef\x8a\xb1" // U+f2b1
#define ICON_FA_YOUTUBE "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FA_ZHIHU "\xef\x98\xbf" // U+f63f
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
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ICON_BANDCAMP = '\uf2d5'
ICON_BATTLE_NET = '\uf835'
ICON_BEHANCE = '\uf1b4'
ICON_BILIBILI = '\ue3d9'
ICON_BITCOIN = '\uf379'
ICON_BITY = '\uf37a'
ICON_BLACK_TIE = '\uf27e'
ICON_BLOGGER = '\uf37c'
ICON_BLOGGER_B = '\uf37d'
ICON_BOTS = '\ue340'
ICON_BTC = '\uf15a'
ICON_BUFFER = '\uf837'
ICON_BUY_N_LARGE = '\uf8a6'
ICON_CC_AMEX = '\uf1f3'
ICON_CC_APPLE_PAY = '\uf416'
ICON_CC_JCB = '\uf24b'
ICON_CC_PAYPAL = '\uf1f4'
ICON_CC_STRIPE = '\uf1f5'
ICON_CC_VISA = '\uf1f0'
ICON_CENTOS = '\uf789'
ICON_CHROME = '\uf268'
ICON_CMPLID = '\ue360'
ICON_CODEPEN = '\uf1cb'
ICON_CODIEPIE = '\uf284'
ICON_CONTAO = '\uf26d'
ICON_CPANEL = '\uf388'
ICON_CSS3 = '\uf13c'
ICON_CSS3_ALT = '\uf38b'
ICON_D_AND_D = '\uf38d'
ICON_D_AND_D_BEYOND = '\uf6ca'
ICON_DASHCUBE = '\uf210'
ICON_DEEZER = '\ue077'
ICON_DESKPRO = '\uf38f'
ICON_DEV = '\uf6cc'
ICON_DHL = '\uf790'
ICON_DIASPORA = '\uf791'
ICON_DIGG = '\uf1a6'
ICON_DISCORD = '\uf392'
ICON_DOCHUB = '\uf394'
ICON_DOCKER = '\uf395'
ICON_DRIBBBLE = '\uf17d'
ICON_DROPBOX = '\uf16b'
ICON_DRUPAL = '\uf1a9'
ICON_DYALOG = '\uf399'
ICON_EBAY = '\uf4f4'
ICON_EDGE = '\uf282'
ICON_ELLO = '\uf5f1'
ICON_EMBER = '\uf423'
ICON_EMPIRE = '\uf1d1'
ICON_ENVIRA = '\uf299'
ICON_ERLANG = '\uf39d'
ICON_ETHEREUM = '\uf42e'
ICON_ETSY = '\uf2d7'
ICON_EVERNOTE = '\uf839'
ICON_FACEBOOK = '\uf09a'
ICON_FACEBOOK_F = '\uf39e'
ICON_FEDEX = '\uf797'
ICON_FEDORA = '\uf798'
ICON_FIGMA = '\uf799'
ICON_FIREFOX = '\uf269'
ICON_FLICKR = '\uf16e'
ICON_FLY = '\uf417'
ICON_FORUMBEE = '\uf211'
ICON_FREEBSD = '\uf3a4'
ICON_FULCRUM = '\uf50b'
ICON_GET_POCKET = '\uf265'
ICON_GG = '\uf260'
ICON_GG_CIRCLE = '\uf261'
ICON_GIT = '\uf1d3'
ICON_GIT_ALT = '\uf841'
ICON_GITHUB = '\uf09b'
ICON_GITHUB_ALT = '\uf113'
ICON_GITLAB = '\uf296'
ICON_GITTER = '\uf426'
ICON_GLIDE = '\uf2a5'
ICON_GLIDE_G = '\uf2a6'
ICON_GOFORE = '\uf3a7'
ICON_GOLANG = '\ue40f'
ICON_GOOGLE = '\uf1a0'
ICON_GOOGLE_PAY = '\ue079'
ICON_GRATIPAY = '\uf184'
ICON_GRAV = '\uf2d6'
ICON_GRIPFIRE = '\uf3ac'
ICON_GRUNT = '\uf3ad'
ICON_GUILDED = '\ue07e'
ICON_GULP = '\uf3ae'
ICON_HASHNODE = '\ue499'
ICON_HIPS = '\uf452'
ICON_HIVE = '\ue07f'
ICON_HOOLI = '\uf427'
ICON_HORNBILL = '\uf592'
ICON_HOTJAR = '\uf3b1'
ICON_HOUZZ = '\uf27c'
ICON_HTML5 = '\uf13b'
ICON_HUBSPOT = '\uf3b2'
ICON_IDEAL = '\ue013'
ICON_IMDB = '\uf2d8'
ICON_INSTALOD = '\ue081'
ICON_INTERCOM = '\uf7af'
ICON_INVISION = '\uf7b0'
ICON_IOXHOST = '\uf208'
ICON_ITCH_IO = '\uf83a'
ICON_ITUNES = '\uf3b4'
ICON_JAVA = '\uf4e4'
ICON_JEDI_ORDER = '\uf50e'
ICON_JENKINS = '\uf3b6'
ICON_JIRA = '\uf7b1'
ICON_JOGET = '\uf3b7'
ICON_JOOMLA = '\uf1aa'
ICON_JS = '\uf3b8'
ICON_JSFIDDLE = '\uf1cc'
ICON_KAGGLE = '\uf5fa'
ICON_KEYBASE = '\uf4f5'
ICON_KEYCDN = '\uf3ba'
ICON_KORVUE = '\uf42f'
ICON_LARAVEL = '\uf3bd'
ICON_LASTFM = '\uf202'
ICON_LEANPUB = '\uf212'
ICON_LESS = '\uf41d'
ICON_LINE = '\uf3c0'
ICON_LINKEDIN = '\uf08c'
ICON_LINODE = '\uf2b8'
ICON_LINUX = '\uf17c'
ICON_LYFT = '\uf3c3'
ICON_MAGENTO = '\uf3c4'
ICON_MARKDOWN = '\uf60f'
ICON_MASTODON = '\uf4f6'
ICON_MAXCDN = '\uf136'
ICON_MDB = '\uf8ca'
ICON_MEDAPPS = '\uf3c6'
ICON_MEDIUM = '\uf23a'
ICON_MEDRT = '\uf3c8'
ICON_MEETUP = '\uf2e0'
ICON_MEGAPORT = '\uf5a3'
ICON_MENDELEY = '\uf7b3'
ICON_META = '\ue49b'
ICON_MIX = '\uf3cb'
ICON_MIXCLOUD = '\uf289'
ICON_MIXER = '\ue056'
ICON_MIZUNI = '\uf3cc'
ICON_MODX = '\uf285'
ICON_MONERO = '\uf3d0'
ICON_NAPSTER = '\uf3d2'
ICON_NEOS = '\uf612'
ICON_NFC_SYMBOL = '\ue531'
ICON_NIMBLR = '\uf5a8'
ICON_NODE = '\uf419'
ICON_NODE_JS = '\uf3d3'
ICON_NPM = '\uf3d4'
ICON_NS8 = '\uf3d5'
ICON_ODYSEE = '\ue5c6'
ICON_OPENCART = '\uf23d'
ICON_OPENID = '\uf19b'
ICON_OPERA = '\uf26a'
ICON_ORCID = '\uf8d2'
ICON_OSI = '\uf41a'
ICON_PADLET = '\ue4a0'
ICON_PAGE4 = '\uf3d7'
ICON_PALFED = '\uf3d8'
ICON_PATREON = '\uf3d9'
ICON_PAYPAL = '\uf1ed'
ICON_PERBYTE = '\ue083'
ICON_PHP = '\uf457'
ICON_PIED_PIPER = '\uf2ae'
ICON_PIX = '\ue43a'
ICON_PUSHED = '\uf3e1'
ICON_PYTHON = '\uf3e2'
ICON_QQ = '\uf1d6'
ICON_QUORA = '\uf2c4'
ICON_R_PROJECT = '\uf4f7'
ICON_RAVELRY = '\uf2d9'
ICON_REACT = '\uf41b'
ICON_README = '\uf4d5'
ICON_REBEL = '\uf1d0'
ICON_RED_RIVER = '\uf3e3'
ICON_REDDIT = '\uf1a1'
ICON_REDHAT = '\uf7bc'
ICON_RENREN = '\uf18b'
ICON_REPLYD = '\uf3e6'
ICON_REV = '\uf5b2'
ICON_ROCKRMS = '\uf3e9'
ICON_RUST = '\ue07a'
ICON_SAFARI = '\uf267'
ICON_SASS = '\uf41e'
ICON_SCHLIX = '\uf3ea'
ICON_SCRIBD = '\uf28a'
ICON_SELLCAST = '\uf2da'
ICON_SELLSY = '\uf213'
ICON_SHOPIFY = '\ue057'
ICON_SHOPWARE = '\uf5b5'
ICON_SISTRIX = '\uf3ee'
ICON_SITH = '\uf512'
ICON_SITROX = '\ue44a'
ICON_SKETCH = '\uf7c6'
ICON_SKYATLAS = '\uf216'
ICON_SKYPE = '\uf17e'
ICON_SLACK = '\uf198'
ICON_SNAPCHAT = '\uf2ab'
ICON_SPEAKAP = '\uf3f3'
ICON_SPOTIFY = '\uf1bc'
ICON_SQUARE_GIT = '\uf1d2'
ICON_SQUARE_JS = '\uf3b9'
ICON_STEAM = '\uf1b6'
ICON_STRAVA = '\uf428'
ICON_STRIPE = '\uf429'
ICON_STRIPE_S = '\uf42a'
ICON_STUBBER = '\ue5c7'
ICON_SUPPLE = '\uf3f9'
ICON_SUSE = '\uf7d6'
ICON_SWIFT = '\uf8e1'
ICON_SYMFONY = '\uf83d'
ICON_TELEGRAM = '\uf2c6'
ICON_THE_RED_YETI = '\uf69d'
ICON_THEMECO = '\uf5c6'
ICON_TIKTOK = '\ue07b'
ICON_TRELLO = '\uf181'
ICON_TUMBLR = '\uf173'
ICON_TWITCH = '\uf1e8'
ICON_TWITTER = '\uf099'
ICON_TYPO3 = '\uf42b'
ICON_UBER = '\uf402'
ICON_UBUNTU = '\uf7df'
ICON_UIKIT = '\uf403'
ICON_UMBRACO = '\uf8e8'
ICON_UNITY = '\ue049'
ICON_UNSPLASH = '\ue07c'
ICON_UNTAPPD = '\uf405'
ICON_UPS = '\uf7e0'
ICON_USB = '\uf287'
ICON_USPS = '\uf7e1'
ICON_USSUNNAH = '\uf407'
ICON_VAADIN = '\uf408'
ICON_VIACOIN = '\uf237'
ICON_VIADEO = '\uf2a9'
ICON_VIBER = '\uf409'
ICON_VIMEO = '\uf40a'
ICON_VIMEO_V = '\uf27d'
ICON_VINE = '\uf1ca'
ICON_VK = '\uf189'
ICON_VNV = '\uf40b'
ICON_VUEJS = '\uf41f'
ICON_WAZE = '\uf83f'
ICON_WEEBLY = '\uf5cc'
ICON_WEIBO = '\uf18a'
ICON_WEIXIN = '\uf1d7'
ICON_WHATSAPP = '\uf232'
ICON_WHMCS = '\uf40d'
ICON_WINDOWS = '\uf17a'
ICON_WIX = '\uf5cf'
ICON_WODU = '\ue088'
ICON_WPFORMS = '\uf298'
ICON_WPRESSR = '\uf3e4'
ICON_XBOX = '\uf412'
ICON_XING = '\uf168'
ICON_YAHOO = '\uf19e'
ICON_YAMMER = '\uf840'
ICON_YANDEX = '\uf413'
ICON_YARN = '\uf7e3'
ICON_YELP = '\uf1e9'
ICON_YOAST = '\uf2b1'
ICON_YOUTUBE = '\uf167'
ICON_ZHIHU = '\uf63f'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,475 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/raw/6.x/metadata/icons.yml
//! for use with https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAB: &str = "fa-brands-400.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_42_GROUP: char = '\u{e080}';
pub const ICON_500PX: char = '\u{f26e}';
pub const ICON_ACCESSIBLE_ICON: char = '\u{f368}';
pub const ICON_ACCUSOFT: char = '\u{f369}';
pub const ICON_ADN: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_ADVERSAL: char = '\u{f36a}';
pub const ICON_AFFILIATETHEME: char = '\u{f36b}';
pub const ICON_AIRBNB: char = '\u{f834}';
pub const ICON_ALGOLIA: char = '\u{f36c}';
pub const ICON_ALIPAY: char = '\u{f642}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON: char = '\u{f270}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42c}';
pub const ICON_AMILIA: char = '\u{f36d}';
pub const ICON_ANDROID: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_ANGELLIST: char = '\u{f209}';
pub const ICON_ANGRYCREATIVE: char = '\u{f36e}';
pub const ICON_ANGULAR: char = '\u{f420}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE: char = '\u{f36f}';
pub const ICON_APP_STORE_IOS: char = '\u{f370}';
pub const ICON_APPER: char = '\u{f371}';
pub const ICON_APPLE: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f415}';
pub const ICON_ARTSTATION: char = '\u{f77a}';
pub const ICON_ASYMMETRIK: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_ATLASSIAN: char = '\u{f77b}';
pub const ICON_AUDIBLE: char = '\u{f373}';
pub const ICON_AUTOPREFIXER: char = '\u{f41c}';
pub const ICON_AVIANEX: char = '\u{f374}';
pub const ICON_AVIATO: char = '\u{f421}';
pub const ICON_AWS: char = '\u{f375}';
pub const ICON_BANDCAMP: char = '\u{f2d5}';
pub const ICON_BATTLE_NET: char = '\u{f835}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b4}';
pub const ICON_BILIBILI: char = '\u{e3d9}';
pub const ICON_BIMOBJECT: char = '\u{f378}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_BITCOIN: char = '\u{f379}';
pub const ICON_BITY: char = '\u{f37a}';
pub const ICON_BLACK_TIE: char = '\u{f27e}';
pub const ICON_BLACKBERRY: char = '\u{f37b}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER: char = '\u{f37c}';
pub const ICON_BLOGGER_B: char = '\u{f37d}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f293}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH_B: char = '\u{f294}';
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pub const ICON_BOTS: char = '\u{e340}';
pub const ICON_BTC: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_BUFFER: char = '\u{f837}';
pub const ICON_BUROMOBELEXPERTE: char = '\u{f37f}';
pub const ICON_BUY_N_LARGE: char = '\u{f8a6}';
pub const ICON_BUYSELLADS: char = '\u{f20d}';
pub const ICON_CANADIAN_MAPLE_LEAF: char = '\u{f785}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMAZON_PAY: char = '\u{f42d}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMEX: char = '\u{f1f3}';
pub const ICON_CC_APPLE_PAY: char = '\u{f416}';
pub const ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB: char = '\u{f24c}';
pub const ICON_CC_DISCOVER: char = '\u{f1f2}';
pub const ICON_CC_JCB: char = '\u{f24b}';
pub const ICON_CC_MASTERCARD: char = '\u{f1f1}';
pub const ICON_CC_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1f4}';
pub const ICON_CC_STRIPE: char = '\u{f1f5}';
pub const ICON_CC_VISA: char = '\u{f1f0}';
pub const ICON_CENTERCODE: char = '\u{f380}';
pub const ICON_CENTOS: char = '\u{f789}';
pub const ICON_CHROME: char = '\u{f268}';
pub const ICON_CHROMECAST: char = '\u{f838}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDFLARE: char = '\u{e07d}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSCALE: char = '\u{f383}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDSMITH: char = '\u{f384}';
pub const ICON_CLOUDVERSIFY: char = '\u{f385}';
pub const ICON_CMPLID: char = '\u{e360}';
pub const ICON_CODEPEN: char = '\u{f1cb}';
pub const ICON_CODIEPIE: char = '\u{f284}';
pub const ICON_CONFLUENCE: char = '\u{f78d}';
pub const ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP: char = '\u{f20e}';
pub const ICON_CONTAO: char = '\u{f26d}';
pub const ICON_COTTON_BUREAU: char = '\u{f89e}';
pub const ICON_CPANEL: char = '\u{f388}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS: char = '\u{f25e}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_BY: char = '\u{f4e7}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC: char = '\u{f4e8}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_EU: char = '\u{f4e9}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_NC_JP: char = '\u{f4ea}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ND: char = '\u{f4eb}';
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pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_PD_ALT: char = '\u{f4ed}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_REMIX: char = '\u{f4ee}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SA: char = '\u{f4ef}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING: char = '\u{f4f0}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SAMPLING_PLUS: char = '\u{f4f1}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_SHARE: char = '\u{f4f2}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS_ZERO: char = '\u{f4f3}';
pub const ICON_CRITICAL_ROLE: char = '\u{f6c9}';
pub const ICON_CSS3: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_CSS3_ALT: char = '\u{f38b}';
pub const ICON_CUTTLEFISH: char = '\u{f38c}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D: char = '\u{f38d}';
pub const ICON_D_AND_D_BEYOND: char = '\u{f6ca}';
pub const ICON_DAILYMOTION: char = '\u{e052}';
pub const ICON_DASHCUBE: char = '\u{f210}';
pub const ICON_DEEZER: char = '\u{e077}';
pub const ICON_DELICIOUS: char = '\u{f1a5}';
pub const ICON_DEPLOYDOG: char = '\u{f38e}';
pub const ICON_DESKPRO: char = '\u{f38f}';
pub const ICON_DEV: char = '\u{f6cc}';
pub const ICON_DEVIANTART: char = '\u{f1bd}';
pub const ICON_DHL: char = '\u{f790}';
pub const ICON_DIASPORA: char = '\u{f791}';
pub const ICON_DIGG: char = '\u{f1a6}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL_OCEAN: char = '\u{f391}';
pub const ICON_DISCORD: char = '\u{f392}';
pub const ICON_DISCOURSE: char = '\u{f393}';
pub const ICON_DOCHUB: char = '\u{f394}';
pub const ICON_DOCKER: char = '\u{f395}';
pub const ICON_DRAFT2DIGITAL: char = '\u{f396}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_DROPBOX: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_DRUPAL: char = '\u{f1a9}';
pub const ICON_DYALOG: char = '\u{f399}';
pub const ICON_EARLYBIRDS: char = '\u{f39a}';
pub const ICON_EBAY: char = '\u{f4f4}';
pub const ICON_EDGE: char = '\u{f282}';
pub const ICON_EDGE_LEGACY: char = '\u{e078}';
pub const ICON_ELEMENTOR: char = '\u{f430}';
pub const ICON_ELLO: char = '\u{f5f1}';
pub const ICON_EMBER: char = '\u{f423}';
pub const ICON_EMPIRE: char = '\u{f1d1}';
pub const ICON_ENVIRA: char = '\u{f299}';
pub const ICON_ERLANG: char = '\u{f39d}';
pub const ICON_ETHEREUM: char = '\u{f42e}';
pub const ICON_ETSY: char = '\u{f2d7}';
pub const ICON_EVERNOTE: char = '\u{f839}';
pub const ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL: char = '\u{f23e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f09a}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_F: char = '\u{f39e}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER: char = '\u{f39f}';
pub const ICON_FANTASY_FLIGHT_GAMES: char = '\u{f6dc}';
pub const ICON_FEDEX: char = '\u{f797}';
pub const ICON_FEDORA: char = '\u{f798}';
pub const ICON_FIGMA: char = '\u{f799}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX: char = '\u{f269}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX_BROWSER: char = '\u{e007}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER: char = '\u{f2b0}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER_ALT: char = '\u{f50a}';
pub const ICON_FIRSTDRAFT: char = '\u{f3a1}';
pub const ICON_FLICKR: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_FLIPBOARD: char = '\u{f44d}';
pub const ICON_FLY: char = '\u{f417}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2b4}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS: char = '\u{f280}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS_FI: char = '\u{f3a2}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f286}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME_ALT: char = '\u{f3a3}';
pub const ICON_FORUMBEE: char = '\u{f211}';
pub const ICON_FOURSQUARE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP: char = '\u{f2c5}';
pub const ICON_FREEBSD: char = '\u{f3a4}';
pub const ICON_FULCRUM: char = '\u{f50b}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f50c}';
pub const ICON_GALACTIC_SENATE: char = '\u{f50d}';
pub const ICON_GET_POCKET: char = '\u{f265}';
pub const ICON_GG: char = '\u{f260}';
pub const ICON_GG_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f261}';
pub const ICON_GIT: char = '\u{f1d3}';
pub const ICON_GIT_ALT: char = '\u{f841}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{f09b}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_GITKRAKEN: char = '\u{f3a6}';
pub const ICON_GITLAB: char = '\u{f296}';
pub const ICON_GITTER: char = '\u{f426}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE: char = '\u{f2a5}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE_G: char = '\u{f2a6}';
pub const ICON_GOFORE: char = '\u{f3a7}';
pub const ICON_GOLANG: char = '\u{e40f}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS: char = '\u{f3a8}';
pub const ICON_GOODREADS_G: char = '\u{f3a9}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE: char = '\u{f1a0}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_DRIVE: char = '\u{f3aa}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PAY: char = '\u{e079}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLAY: char = '\u{f3ab}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f2b3}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_G: char = '\u{f0d5}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET: char = '\u{f1ee}';
pub const ICON_GRATIPAY: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_GRAV: char = '\u{f2d6}';
pub const ICON_GRIPFIRE: char = '\u{f3ac}';
pub const ICON_GRUNT: char = '\u{f3ad}';
pub const ICON_GUILDED: char = '\u{e07e}';
pub const ICON_GULP: char = '\u{f3ae}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f1d4}';
pub const ICON_HACKERRANK: char = '\u{f5f7}';
pub const ICON_HASHNODE: char = '\u{e499}';
pub const ICON_HIPS: char = '\u{f452}';
pub const ICON_HIRE_A_HELPER: char = '\u{f3b0}';
pub const ICON_HIVE: char = '\u{e07f}';
pub const ICON_HOOLI: char = '\u{f427}';
pub const ICON_HORNBILL: char = '\u{f592}';
pub const ICON_HOTJAR: char = '\u{f3b1}';
pub const ICON_HOUZZ: char = '\u{f27c}';
pub const ICON_HTML5: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_HUBSPOT: char = '\u{f3b2}';
pub const ICON_IDEAL: char = '\u{e013}';
pub const ICON_IMDB: char = '\u{f2d8}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_INSTALOD: char = '\u{e081}';
pub const ICON_INTERCOM: char = '\u{f7af}';
pub const ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER: char = '\u{f26b}';
pub const ICON_INVISION: char = '\u{f7b0}';
pub const ICON_IOXHOST: char = '\u{f208}';
pub const ICON_ITCH_IO: char = '\u{f83a}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES: char = '\u{f3b4}';
pub const ICON_ITUNES_NOTE: char = '\u{f3b5}';
pub const ICON_JAVA: char = '\u{f4e4}';
pub const ICON_JEDI_ORDER: char = '\u{f50e}';
pub const ICON_JENKINS: char = '\u{f3b6}';
pub const ICON_JIRA: char = '\u{f7b1}';
pub const ICON_JOGET: char = '\u{f3b7}';
pub const ICON_JOOMLA: char = '\u{f1aa}';
pub const ICON_JS: char = '\u{f3b8}';
pub const ICON_JSFIDDLE: char = '\u{f1cc}';
pub const ICON_KAGGLE: char = '\u{f5fa}';
pub const ICON_KEYBASE: char = '\u{f4f5}';
pub const ICON_KEYCDN: char = '\u{f3ba}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER: char = '\u{f3bb}';
pub const ICON_KICKSTARTER_K: char = '\u{f3bc}';
pub const ICON_KORVUE: char = '\u{f42f}';
pub const ICON_LARAVEL: char = '\u{f3bd}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM: char = '\u{f202}';
pub const ICON_LEANPUB: char = '\u{f212}';
pub const ICON_LESS: char = '\u{f41d}';
pub const ICON_LINE: char = '\u{f3c0}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN: char = '\u{f08c}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN_IN: char = '\u{f0e1}';
pub const ICON_LINODE: char = '\u{f2b8}';
pub const ICON_LINUX: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_LYFT: char = '\u{f3c3}';
pub const ICON_MAGENTO: char = '\u{f3c4}';
pub const ICON_MAILCHIMP: char = '\u{f59e}';
pub const ICON_MANDALORIAN: char = '\u{f50f}';
pub const ICON_MARKDOWN: char = '\u{f60f}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON: char = '\u{f4f6}';
pub const ICON_MAXCDN: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_MDB: char = '\u{f8ca}';
pub const ICON_MEDAPPS: char = '\u{f3c6}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM: char = '\u{f23a}';
pub const ICON_MEDRT: char = '\u{f3c8}';
pub const ICON_MEETUP: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_MEGAPORT: char = '\u{f5a3}';
pub const ICON_MENDELEY: char = '\u{f7b3}';
pub const ICON_META: char = '\u{e49b}';
pub const ICON_MICROBLOG: char = '\u{e01a}';
pub const ICON_MICROSOFT: char = '\u{f3ca}';
pub const ICON_MIX: char = '\u{f3cb}';
pub const ICON_MIXCLOUD: char = '\u{f289}';
pub const ICON_MIXER: char = '\u{e056}';
pub const ICON_MIZUNI: char = '\u{f3cc}';
pub const ICON_MODX: char = '\u{f285}';
pub const ICON_MONERO: char = '\u{f3d0}';
pub const ICON_NAPSTER: char = '\u{f3d2}';
pub const ICON_NEOS: char = '\u{f612}';
pub const ICON_NFC_DIRECTIONAL: char = '\u{e530}';
pub const ICON_NFC_SYMBOL: char = '\u{e531}';
pub const ICON_NIMBLR: char = '\u{f5a8}';
pub const ICON_NODE: char = '\u{f419}';
pub const ICON_NODE_JS: char = '\u{f3d3}';
pub const ICON_NPM: char = '\u{f3d4}';
pub const ICON_NS8: char = '\u{f3d5}';
pub const ICON_NUTRITIONIX: char = '\u{f3d6}';
pub const ICON_OCTOPUS_DEPLOY: char = '\u{e082}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f263}';
pub const ICON_ODYSEE: char = '\u{e5c6}';
pub const ICON_OLD_REPUBLIC: char = '\u{f510}';
pub const ICON_OPENCART: char = '\u{f23d}';
pub const ICON_OPENID: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_OPERA: char = '\u{f26a}';
pub const ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER: char = '\u{f23c}';
pub const ICON_ORCID: char = '\u{f8d2}';
pub const ICON_OSI: char = '\u{f41a}';
pub const ICON_PADLET: char = '\u{e4a0}';
pub const ICON_PAGE4: char = '\u{f3d7}';
pub const ICON_PAGELINES: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_PALFED: char = '\u{f3d8}';
pub const ICON_PATREON: char = '\u{f3d9}';
pub const ICON_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1ed}';
pub const ICON_PERBYTE: char = '\u{e083}';
pub const ICON_PERISCOPE: char = '\u{f3da}';
pub const ICON_PHABRICATOR: char = '\u{f3db}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_FRAMEWORK: char = '\u{f3dc}';
pub const ICON_PHOENIX_SQUADRON: char = '\u{f511}';
pub const ICON_PHP: char = '\u{f457}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER: char = '\u{f2ae}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_ALT: char = '\u{f1a8}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_HAT: char = '\u{f4e5}';
pub const ICON_PIED_PIPER_PP: char = '\u{f1a7}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d2}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_P: char = '\u{f231}';
pub const ICON_PIX: char = '\u{e43a}';
pub const ICON_PLAYSTATION: char = '\u{f3df}';
pub const ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT: char = '\u{f288}';
pub const ICON_PUSHED: char = '\u{f3e1}';
pub const ICON_PYTHON: char = '\u{f3e2}';
pub const ICON_QQ: char = '\u{f1d6}';
pub const ICON_QUINSCAPE: char = '\u{f459}';
pub const ICON_QUORA: char = '\u{f2c4}';
pub const ICON_R_PROJECT: char = '\u{f4f7}';
pub const ICON_RASPBERRY_PI: char = '\u{f7bb}';
pub const ICON_RAVELRY: char = '\u{f2d9}';
pub const ICON_REACT: char = '\u{f41b}';
pub const ICON_REACTEUROPE: char = '\u{f75d}';
pub const ICON_README: char = '\u{f4d5}';
pub const ICON_REBEL: char = '\u{f1d0}';
pub const ICON_RED_RIVER: char = '\u{f3e3}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a1}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN: char = '\u{f281}';
pub const ICON_REDHAT: char = '\u{f7bc}';
pub const ICON_RENREN: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_REPLYD: char = '\u{f3e6}';
pub const ICON_RESEARCHGATE: char = '\u{f4f8}';
pub const ICON_RESOLVING: char = '\u{f3e7}';
pub const ICON_REV: char = '\u{f5b2}';
pub const ICON_ROCKETCHAT: char = '\u{f3e8}';
pub const ICON_ROCKRMS: char = '\u{f3e9}';
pub const ICON_RUST: char = '\u{e07a}';
pub const ICON_SAFARI: char = '\u{f267}';
pub const ICON_SALESFORCE: char = '\u{f83b}';
pub const ICON_SASS: char = '\u{f41e}';
pub const ICON_SCHLIX: char = '\u{f3ea}';
pub const ICON_SCREENPAL: char = '\u{e570}';
pub const ICON_SCRIBD: char = '\u{f28a}';
pub const ICON_SEARCHENGIN: char = '\u{f3eb}';
pub const ICON_SELLCAST: char = '\u{f2da}';
pub const ICON_SELLSY: char = '\u{f213}';
pub const ICON_SERVICESTACK: char = '\u{f3ec}';
pub const ICON_SHIRTSINBULK: char = '\u{f214}';
pub const ICON_SHOPIFY: char = '\u{e057}';
pub const ICON_SHOPWARE: char = '\u{f5b5}';
pub const ICON_SIMPLYBUILT: char = '\u{f215}';
pub const ICON_SISTRIX: char = '\u{f3ee}';
pub const ICON_SITH: char = '\u{f512}';
pub const ICON_SITROX: char = '\u{e44a}';
pub const ICON_SKETCH: char = '\u{f7c6}';
pub const ICON_SKYATLAS: char = '\u{f216}';
pub const ICON_SKYPE: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_SLACK: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_SLIDESHARE: char = '\u{f1e7}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ab}';
pub const ICON_SOUNDCLOUD: char = '\u{f1be}';
pub const ICON_SOURCETREE: char = '\u{f7d3}';
pub const ICON_SPACE_AWESOME: char = '\u{e5ac}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKAP: char = '\u{f3f3}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKER_DECK: char = '\u{f83c}';
pub const ICON_SPOTIFY: char = '\u{f1bc}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b5}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f397}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f082}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{e5ad}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_FONT_AWESOME_STROKE: char = '\u{f35c}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_GIT: char = '\u{f1d2}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_GITHUB: char = '\u{f092}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_GITLAB: char = '\u{e5ae}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f0d4}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f3af}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{e055}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_JS: char = '\u{f3b9}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_LASTFM: char = '\u{f203}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f264}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_PIED_PIPER: char = '\u{e01e}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d3}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a2}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ad}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b7}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_TWITTER: char = '\u{f081}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2aa}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_VIMEO: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f40c}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_XING: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f431}';
pub const ICON_SQUARESPACE: char = '\u{f5be}';
pub const ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_STACKPATH: char = '\u{f842}';
pub const ICON_STAYLINKED: char = '\u{f3f5}';
pub const ICON_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b6}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SYMBOL: char = '\u{f3f6}';
pub const ICON_STICKER_MULE: char = '\u{f3f7}';
pub const ICON_STRAVA: char = '\u{f428}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE: char = '\u{f429}';
pub const ICON_STRIPE_S: char = '\u{f42a}';
pub const ICON_STUBBER: char = '\u{e5c7}';
pub const ICON_STUDIOVINARI: char = '\u{f3f8}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON: char = '\u{f1a4}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f1a3}';
pub const ICON_SUPERPOWERS: char = '\u{f2dd}';
pub const ICON_SUPPLE: char = '\u{f3f9}';
pub const ICON_SUSE: char = '\u{f7d6}';
pub const ICON_SWIFT: char = '\u{f8e1}';
pub const ICON_SYMFONY: char = '\u{f83d}';
pub const ICON_TEAMSPEAK: char = '\u{f4f9}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM: char = '\u{f2c6}';
pub const ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO: char = '\u{f1d5}';
pub const ICON_THE_RED_YETI: char = '\u{f69d}';
pub const ICON_THEMECO: char = '\u{f5c6}';
pub const ICON_THEMEISLE: char = '\u{f2b2}';
pub const ICON_THINK_PEAKS: char = '\u{f731}';
pub const ICON_TIKTOK: char = '\u{e07b}';
pub const ICON_TRADE_FEDERATION: char = '\u{f513}';
pub const ICON_TRELLO: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_TWITCH: char = '\u{f1e8}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{f099}';
pub const ICON_TYPO3: char = '\u{f42b}';
pub const ICON_UBER: char = '\u{f402}';
pub const ICON_UBUNTU: char = '\u{f7df}';
pub const ICON_UIKIT: char = '\u{f403}';
pub const ICON_UMBRACO: char = '\u{f8e8}';
pub const ICON_UNCHARTED: char = '\u{e084}';
pub const ICON_UNIREGISTRY: char = '\u{f404}';
pub const ICON_UNITY: char = '\u{e049}';
pub const ICON_UNSPLASH: char = '\u{e07c}';
pub const ICON_UNTAPPD: char = '\u{f405}';
pub const ICON_UPS: char = '\u{f7e0}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f287}';
pub const ICON_USPS: char = '\u{f7e1}';
pub const ICON_USSUNNAH: char = '\u{f407}';
pub const ICON_VAADIN: char = '\u{f408}';
pub const ICON_VIACOIN: char = '\u{f237}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2a9}';
pub const ICON_VIBER: char = '\u{f409}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO: char = '\u{f40a}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_V: char = '\u{f27d}';
pub const ICON_VINE: char = '\u{f1ca}';
pub const ICON_VK: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_VNV: char = '\u{f40b}';
pub const ICON_VUEJS: char = '\u{f41f}';
pub const ICON_WATCHMAN_MONITORING: char = '\u{e087}';
pub const ICON_WAZE: char = '\u{f83f}';
pub const ICON_WEEBLY: char = '\u{f5cc}';
pub const ICON_WEIBO: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_WEIXIN: char = '\u{f1d7}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f232}';
pub const ICON_WHMCS: char = '\u{f40d}';
pub const ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W: char = '\u{f266}';
pub const ICON_WINDOWS: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_WIRSINDHANDWERK: char = '\u{e2d0}';
pub const ICON_WIX: char = '\u{f5cf}';
pub const ICON_WIZARDS_OF_THE_COAST: char = '\u{f730}';
pub const ICON_WODU: char = '\u{e088}';
pub const ICON_WOLF_PACK_BATTALION: char = '\u{f514}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS_SIMPLE: char = '\u{f411}';
pub const ICON_WPBEGINNER: char = '\u{f297}';
pub const ICON_WPEXPLORER: char = '\u{f2de}';
pub const ICON_WPFORMS: char = '\u{f298}';
pub const ICON_WPRESSR: char = '\u{f3e4}';
pub const ICON_XBOX: char = '\u{f412}';
pub const ICON_XING: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_Y_COMBINATOR: char = '\u{f23b}';
pub const ICON_YAHOO: char = '\u{f19e}';
pub const ICON_YAMMER: char = '\u{f840}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX: char = '\u{f413}';
pub const ICON_YANDEX_INTERNATIONAL: char = '\u{f414}';
pub const ICON_YARN: char = '\u{f7e3}';
pub const ICON_YELP: char = '\u{f1e9}';
pub const ICON_YOAST: char = '\u{f2b1}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_ZHIHU: char = '\u{f63f}';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css
// for use with https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class Fontaudio
public const string FontIconFileNameFAD = "fontaudio.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xf101;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf19b;
public const int IconMax = 0xf19b;
public const string Adr = "\uf101";
public const string Adsr = "\uf102";
public const string Ahdsr = "\uf103";
public const string Ar = "\uf104";
public const string Armrecording = "\uf105";
public const string Arpchord = "\uf106";
public const string Arpdown = "\uf107";
public const string Arpdownandup = "\uf108";
public const string Arpdownup = "\uf109";
public const string Arpplayorder = "\uf10a";
public const string Arprandom = "\uf10b";
public const string Arpup = "\uf10c";
public const string Arpupandown = "\uf10d";
public const string Arpupdown = "\uf10e";
public const string ArrowsHorz = "\uf10f";
public const string ArrowsVert = "\uf110";
public const string Automation2p = "\uf111";
public const string Automation3p = "\uf112";
public const string Automation4p = "\uf113";
public const string Backward = "\uf114";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf115";
public const string CaretDown = "\uf116";
public const string CaretLeft = "\uf117";
public const string CaretRight = "\uf118";
public const string CaretUp = "\uf119";
public const string Close = "\uf11a";
public const string Copy = "\uf11b";
public const string Cpu = "\uf11c";
public const string Cutter = "\uf11d";
public const string DigitalColon = "\uf11e";
public const string DigitalDot = "\uf11f";
public const string Digital0 = "\uf120";
public const string Digital1 = "\uf121";
public const string Digital2 = "\uf122";
public const string Digital3 = "\uf123";
public const string Digital4 = "\uf124";
public const string Digital5 = "\uf125";
public const string Digital6 = "\uf126";
public const string Digital7 = "\uf127";
public const string Digital8 = "\uf128";
public const string Digital9 = "\uf129";
public const string Diskio = "\uf12a";
public const string Drumpad = "\uf12b";
public const string Duplicate = "\uf12c";
public const string Eraser = "\uf12d";
public const string Ffwd = "\uf12e";
public const string FilterBandpass = "\uf12f";
public const string FilterBell = "\uf130";
public const string FilterBypass = "\uf131";
public const string FilterHighpass = "\uf132";
public const string FilterLowpass = "\uf133";
public const string FilterNotch = "\uf134";
public const string FilterRezHighpass = "\uf135";
public const string FilterRezLowpass = "\uf136";
public const string FilterShelvingHi = "\uf137";
public const string FilterShelvingLo = "\uf138";
public const string Foldback = "\uf139";
public const string Forward = "\uf13a";
public const string HExpand = "\uf13b";
public const string Hardclip = "\uf13c";
public const string Hardclipcurve = "\uf13d";
public const string Headphones = "\uf13e";
public const string Keyboard = "\uf13f";
public const string Lock = "\uf140";
public const string LogoAax = "\uf141";
public const string LogoAbletonlink = "\uf142";
public const string LogoAu = "\uf143";
public const string LogoAudacity = "\uf144";
public const string LogoAudiobus = "\uf145";
public const string LogoCubase = "\uf146";
public const string LogoFl = "\uf147";
public const string LogoJuce = "\uf148";
public const string LogoLadspa = "\uf149";
public const string LogoLive = "\uf14a";
public const string LogoLv2 = "\uf14b";
public const string LogoProtools = "\uf14c";
public const string LogoRackext = "\uf14d";
public const string LogoReaper = "\uf14e";
public const string LogoReason = "\uf14f";
public const string LogoRewire = "\uf150";
public const string LogoStudioone = "\uf151";
public const string LogoTracktion = "\uf152";
public const string LogoVst = "\uf153";
public const string LogoWaveform = "\uf154";
public const string Loop = "\uf155";
public const string Metronome = "\uf156";
public const string Microphone = "\uf157";
public const string Midiplug = "\uf158";
public const string Modrandom = "\uf159";
public const string Modsawdown = "\uf15a";
public const string Modsawup = "\uf15b";
public const string Modsh = "\uf15c";
public const string Modsine = "\uf15d";
public const string Modsquare = "\uf15e";
public const string Modtri = "\uf15f";
public const string Modularplug = "\uf160";
public const string Mono = "\uf161";
public const string Mute = "\uf162";
public const string Next = "\uf163";
public const string Open = "\uf164";
public const string Paste = "\uf165";
public const string Pause = "\uf166";
public const string Pen = "\uf167";
public const string Phase = "\uf168";
public const string Play = "\uf169";
public const string Pointer = "\uf16a";
public const string Powerswitch = "\uf16b";
public const string PresetA = "\uf16c";
public const string PresetAb = "\uf16d";
public const string PresetB = "\uf16e";
public const string PresetBa = "\uf16f";
public const string Prev = "\uf170";
public const string PunchIn = "\uf171";
public const string PunchOut = "\uf172";
public const string Ram = "\uf173";
public const string Random1dice = "\uf174";
public const string Random2dice = "\uf175";
public const string Record = "\uf176";
public const string Redo = "\uf177";
public const string RepeatOne = "\uf178";
public const string Repeat = "\uf179";
public const string Rew = "\uf17a";
public const string RoundswitchOff = "\uf17b";
public const string RoundswitchOn = "\uf17c";
public const string Save = "\uf17d";
public const string Saveas = "\uf17e";
public const string Scissors = "\uf17f";
public const string Shuffle = "\uf180";
public const string SliderRound1 = "\uf181";
public const string SliderRound2 = "\uf182";
public const string SliderRound3 = "\uf183";
public const string Sliderhandle1 = "\uf184";
public const string Sliderhandle2 = "\uf185";
public const string Softclip = "\uf186";
public const string Softclipcurve = "\uf187";
public const string Solo = "\uf188";
public const string Speaker = "\uf189";
public const string SquareswitchOff = "\uf18a";
public const string SquareswitchOn = "\uf18b";
public const string Stereo = "\uf18c";
public const string Stop = "\uf18d";
public const string Thunderbolt = "\uf18e";
public const string Timeselect = "\uf18f";
public const string Undo = "\uf190";
public const string Unlock = "\uf191";
public const string Usb = "\uf192";
public const string VExpand = "\uf193";
public const string VroundswitchOff = "\uf194";
public const string VroundswitchOn = "\uf195";
public const string VsquareswitchOff = "\uf196";
public const string VsquareswitchOn = "\uf197";
public const string Waveform = "\uf198";
public const string Xlrplug = "\uf199";
public const string Zoomin = "\uf19a";
public const string Zoomout = "\uf19b";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css
// for use with https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsFontaudio = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"FAD", "fontaudio.ttf"},
Min: 0xf101,
Max16: 0xf19b,
Max: 0xf19b,
Icons: map[string]string{
"Adr": "\xef\x84\x81", // U+f101
"Adsr": "\xef\x84\x82", // U+f102
"Ahdsr": "\xef\x84\x83", // U+f103
"Ar": "\xef\x84\x84", // U+f104
"Armrecording": "\xef\x84\x85", // U+f105
"Arpchord": "\xef\x84\x86", // U+f106
"Arpdown": "\xef\x84\x87", // U+f107
"Arpdownandup": "\xef\x84\x88", // U+f108
"Arpdownup": "\xef\x84\x89", // U+f109
"Arpplayorder": "\xef\x84\x8a", // U+f10a
"Arprandom": "\xef\x84\x8b", // U+f10b
"Arpup": "\xef\x84\x8c", // U+f10c
"Arpupandown": "\xef\x84\x8d", // U+f10d
"Arpupdown": "\xef\x84\x8e", // U+f10e
"ArrowsHorz": "\xef\x84\x8f", // U+f10f
"ArrowsVert": "\xef\x84\x90", // U+f110
"Automation2p": "\xef\x84\x91", // U+f111
"Automation3p": "\xef\x84\x92", // U+f112
"Automation4p": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"Backward": "\xef\x84\x94", // U+f114
"Bluetooth": "\xef\x84\x95", // U+f115
"CaretDown": "\xef\x84\x96", // U+f116
"CaretLeft": "\xef\x84\x97", // U+f117
"CaretRight": "\xef\x84\x98", // U+f118
"CaretUp": "\xef\x84\x99", // U+f119
"Close": "\xef\x84\x9a", // U+f11a
"Copy": "\xef\x84\x9b", // U+f11b
"Cpu": "\xef\x84\x9c", // U+f11c
"Cutter": "\xef\x84\x9d", // U+f11d
"DigitalColon": "\xef\x84\x9e", // U+f11e
"DigitalDot": "\xef\x84\x9f", // U+f11f
"Digital0": "\xef\x84\xa0", // U+f120
"Digital1": "\xef\x84\xa1", // U+f121
"Digital2": "\xef\x84\xa2", // U+f122
"Digital3": "\xef\x84\xa3", // U+f123
"Digital4": "\xef\x84\xa4", // U+f124
"Digital5": "\xef\x84\xa5", // U+f125
"Digital6": "\xef\x84\xa6", // U+f126
"Digital7": "\xef\x84\xa7", // U+f127
"Digital8": "\xef\x84\xa8", // U+f128
"Digital9": "\xef\x84\xa9", // U+f129
"Diskio": "\xef\x84\xaa", // U+f12a
"Drumpad": "\xef\x84\xab", // U+f12b
"Duplicate": "\xef\x84\xac", // U+f12c
"Eraser": "\xef\x84\xad", // U+f12d
"Ffwd": "\xef\x84\xae", // U+f12e
"FilterBandpass": "\xef\x84\xaf", // U+f12f
"FilterBell": "\xef\x84\xb0", // U+f130
"FilterBypass": "\xef\x84\xb1", // U+f131
"FilterHighpass": "\xef\x84\xb2", // U+f132
"FilterLowpass": "\xef\x84\xb3", // U+f133
"FilterNotch": "\xef\x84\xb4", // U+f134
"FilterRezHighpass": "\xef\x84\xb5", // U+f135
"FilterRezLowpass": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"FilterShelvingHi": "\xef\x84\xb7", // U+f137
"FilterShelvingLo": "\xef\x84\xb8", // U+f138
"Foldback": "\xef\x84\xb9", // U+f139
"Forward": "\xef\x84\xba", // U+f13a
"HExpand": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Hardclip": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Hardclipcurve": "\xef\x84\xbd", // U+f13d
"Headphones": "\xef\x84\xbe", // U+f13e
"Keyboard": "\xef\x84\xbf", // U+f13f
"Lock": "\xef\x85\x80", // U+f140
"LogoAax": "\xef\x85\x81", // U+f141
"LogoAbletonlink": "\xef\x85\x82", // U+f142
"LogoAu": "\xef\x85\x83", // U+f143
"LogoAudacity": "\xef\x85\x84", // U+f144
"LogoAudiobus": "\xef\x85\x85", // U+f145
"LogoCubase": "\xef\x85\x86", // U+f146
"LogoFl": "\xef\x85\x87", // U+f147
"LogoJuce": "\xef\x85\x88", // U+f148
"LogoLadspa": "\xef\x85\x89", // U+f149
"LogoLive": "\xef\x85\x8a", // U+f14a
"LogoLv2": "\xef\x85\x8b", // U+f14b
"LogoProtools": "\xef\x85\x8c", // U+f14c
"LogoRackext": "\xef\x85\x8d", // U+f14d
"LogoReaper": "\xef\x85\x8e", // U+f14e
"LogoReason": "\xef\x85\x8f", // U+f14f
"LogoRewire": "\xef\x85\x90", // U+f150
"LogoStudioone": "\xef\x85\x91", // U+f151
"LogoTracktion": "\xef\x85\x92", // U+f152
"LogoVst": "\xef\x85\x93", // U+f153
"LogoWaveform": "\xef\x85\x94", // U+f154
"Loop": "\xef\x85\x95", // U+f155
"Metronome": "\xef\x85\x96", // U+f156
"Microphone": "\xef\x85\x97", // U+f157
"Midiplug": "\xef\x85\x98", // U+f158
"Modrandom": "\xef\x85\x99", // U+f159
"Modsawdown": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
"Modsawup": "\xef\x85\x9b", // U+f15b
"Modsh": "\xef\x85\x9c", // U+f15c
"Modsine": "\xef\x85\x9d", // U+f15d
"Modsquare": "\xef\x85\x9e", // U+f15e
"Modtri": "\xef\x85\x9f", // U+f15f
"Modularplug": "\xef\x85\xa0", // U+f160
"Mono": "\xef\x85\xa1", // U+f161
"Mute": "\xef\x85\xa2", // U+f162
"Next": "\xef\x85\xa3", // U+f163
"Open": "\xef\x85\xa4", // U+f164
"Paste": "\xef\x85\xa5", // U+f165
"Pause": "\xef\x85\xa6", // U+f166
"Pen": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"Phase": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"Play": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"Pointer": "\xef\x85\xaa", // U+f16a
"Powerswitch": "\xef\x85\xab", // U+f16b
"PresetA": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"PresetAb": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"PresetB": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"PresetBa": "\xef\x85\xaf", // U+f16f
"Prev": "\xef\x85\xb0", // U+f170
"PunchIn": "\xef\x85\xb1", // U+f171
"PunchOut": "\xef\x85\xb2", // U+f172
"Ram": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"Random1dice": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"Random2dice": "\xef\x85\xb5", // U+f175
"Record": "\xef\x85\xb6", // U+f176
"Redo": "\xef\x85\xb7", // U+f177
"RepeatOne": "\xef\x85\xb8", // U+f178
"Repeat": "\xef\x85\xb9", // U+f179
"Rew": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"RoundswitchOff": "\xef\x85\xbb", // U+f17b
"RoundswitchOn": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Save": "\xef\x85\xbd", // U+f17d
"Saveas": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Scissors": "\xef\x85\xbf", // U+f17f
"Shuffle": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"SliderRound1": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"SliderRound2": "\xef\x86\x82", // U+f182
"SliderRound3": "\xef\x86\x83", // U+f183
"Sliderhandle1": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"Sliderhandle2": "\xef\x86\x85", // U+f185
"Softclip": "\xef\x86\x86", // U+f186
"Softclipcurve": "\xef\x86\x87", // U+f187
"Solo": "\xef\x86\x88", // U+f188
"Speaker": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"SquareswitchOff": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"SquareswitchOn": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Stereo": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"Stop": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"Thunderbolt": "\xef\x86\x8e", // U+f18e
"Timeselect": "\xef\x86\x8f", // U+f18f
"Undo": "\xef\x86\x90", // U+f190
"Unlock": "\xef\x86\x91", // U+f191
"Usb": "\xef\x86\x92", // U+f192
"VExpand": "\xef\x86\x93", // U+f193
"VroundswitchOff": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"VroundswitchOn": "\xef\x86\x95", // U+f195
"VsquareswitchOff": "\xef\x86\x96", // U+f196
"VsquareswitchOn": "\xef\x86\x97", // U+f197
"Waveform": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"Xlrplug": "\xef\x86\x99", // U+f199
"Zoomin": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"Zoomout": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css
// for use with https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAD "fontaudio.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FAD 0xf101
#define ICON_MAX_16_FAD 0xf19b
#define ICON_MAX_FAD 0xf19b
#define ICON_FAD_ADR "\xef\x84\x81" // U+f101
#define ICON_FAD_ADSR "\xef\x84\x82" // U+f102
#define ICON_FAD_AHDSR "\xef\x84\x83" // U+f103
#define ICON_FAD_AR "\xef\x84\x84" // U+f104
#define ICON_FAD_ARMRECORDING "\xef\x84\x85" // U+f105
#define ICON_FAD_ARPCHORD "\xef\x84\x86" // U+f106
#define ICON_FAD_ARPDOWN "\xef\x84\x87" // U+f107
#define ICON_FAD_ARPDOWNANDUP "\xef\x84\x88" // U+f108
#define ICON_FAD_ARPDOWNUP "\xef\x84\x89" // U+f109
#define ICON_FAD_ARPPLAYORDER "\xef\x84\x8a" // U+f10a
#define ICON_FAD_ARPRANDOM "\xef\x84\x8b" // U+f10b
#define ICON_FAD_ARPUP "\xef\x84\x8c" // U+f10c
#define ICON_FAD_ARPUPANDOWN "\xef\x84\x8d" // U+f10d
#define ICON_FAD_ARPUPDOWN "\xef\x84\x8e" // U+f10e
#define ICON_FAD_ARROWS_HORZ "\xef\x84\x8f" // U+f10f
#define ICON_FAD_ARROWS_VERT "\xef\x84\x90" // U+f110
#define ICON_FAD_AUTOMATION_2P "\xef\x84\x91" // U+f111
#define ICON_FAD_AUTOMATION_3P "\xef\x84\x92" // U+f112
#define ICON_FAD_AUTOMATION_4P "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FAD_BACKWARD "\xef\x84\x94" // U+f114
#define ICON_FAD_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x84\x95" // U+f115
#define ICON_FAD_CARET_DOWN "\xef\x84\x96" // U+f116
#define ICON_FAD_CARET_LEFT "\xef\x84\x97" // U+f117
#define ICON_FAD_CARET_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x98" // U+f118
#define ICON_FAD_CARET_UP "\xef\x84\x99" // U+f119
#define ICON_FAD_CLOSE "\xef\x84\x9a" // U+f11a
#define ICON_FAD_COPY "\xef\x84\x9b" // U+f11b
#define ICON_FAD_CPU "\xef\x84\x9c" // U+f11c
#define ICON_FAD_CUTTER "\xef\x84\x9d" // U+f11d
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL_COLON "\xef\x84\x9e" // U+f11e
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL_DOT "\xef\x84\x9f" // U+f11f
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL0 "\xef\x84\xa0" // U+f120
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL1 "\xef\x84\xa1" // U+f121
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL2 "\xef\x84\xa2" // U+f122
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL3 "\xef\x84\xa3" // U+f123
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL4 "\xef\x84\xa4" // U+f124
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL5 "\xef\x84\xa5" // U+f125
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL6 "\xef\x84\xa6" // U+f126
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL7 "\xef\x84\xa7" // U+f127
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL8 "\xef\x84\xa8" // U+f128
#define ICON_FAD_DIGITAL9 "\xef\x84\xa9" // U+f129
#define ICON_FAD_DISKIO "\xef\x84\xaa" // U+f12a
#define ICON_FAD_DRUMPAD "\xef\x84\xab" // U+f12b
#define ICON_FAD_DUPLICATE "\xef\x84\xac" // U+f12c
#define ICON_FAD_ERASER "\xef\x84\xad" // U+f12d
#define ICON_FAD_FFWD "\xef\x84\xae" // U+f12e
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_BANDPASS "\xef\x84\xaf" // U+f12f
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_BELL "\xef\x84\xb0" // U+f130
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_BYPASS "\xef\x84\xb1" // U+f131
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_HIGHPASS "\xef\x84\xb2" // U+f132
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_LOWPASS "\xef\x84\xb3" // U+f133
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_NOTCH "\xef\x84\xb4" // U+f134
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_REZ_HIGHPASS "\xef\x84\xb5" // U+f135
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_REZ_LOWPASS "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_SHELVING_HI "\xef\x84\xb7" // U+f137
#define ICON_FAD_FILTER_SHELVING_LO "\xef\x84\xb8" // U+f138
#define ICON_FAD_FOLDBACK "\xef\x84\xb9" // U+f139
#define ICON_FAD_FORWARD "\xef\x84\xba" // U+f13a
#define ICON_FAD_H_EXPAND "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FAD_HARDCLIP "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FAD_HARDCLIPCURVE "\xef\x84\xbd" // U+f13d
#define ICON_FAD_HEADPHONES "\xef\x84\xbe" // U+f13e
#define ICON_FAD_KEYBOARD "\xef\x84\xbf" // U+f13f
#define ICON_FAD_LOCK "\xef\x85\x80" // U+f140
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_AAX "\xef\x85\x81" // U+f141
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_ABLETONLINK "\xef\x85\x82" // U+f142
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_AU "\xef\x85\x83" // U+f143
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_AUDACITY "\xef\x85\x84" // U+f144
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_AUDIOBUS "\xef\x85\x85" // U+f145
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_CUBASE "\xef\x85\x86" // U+f146
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_FL "\xef\x85\x87" // U+f147
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_JUCE "\xef\x85\x88" // U+f148
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_LADSPA "\xef\x85\x89" // U+f149
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_LIVE "\xef\x85\x8a" // U+f14a
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_LV2 "\xef\x85\x8b" // U+f14b
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_PROTOOLS "\xef\x85\x8c" // U+f14c
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_RACKEXT "\xef\x85\x8d" // U+f14d
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_REAPER "\xef\x85\x8e" // U+f14e
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_REASON "\xef\x85\x8f" // U+f14f
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_REWIRE "\xef\x85\x90" // U+f150
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_STUDIOONE "\xef\x85\x91" // U+f151
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_TRACKTION "\xef\x85\x92" // U+f152
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_VST "\xef\x85\x93" // U+f153
#define ICON_FAD_LOGO_WAVEFORM "\xef\x85\x94" // U+f154
#define ICON_FAD_LOOP "\xef\x85\x95" // U+f155
#define ICON_FAD_METRONOME "\xef\x85\x96" // U+f156
#define ICON_FAD_MICROPHONE "\xef\x85\x97" // U+f157
#define ICON_FAD_MIDIPLUG "\xef\x85\x98" // U+f158
#define ICON_FAD_MODRANDOM "\xef\x85\x99" // U+f159
#define ICON_FAD_MODSAWDOWN "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FAD_MODSAWUP "\xef\x85\x9b" // U+f15b
#define ICON_FAD_MODSH "\xef\x85\x9c" // U+f15c
#define ICON_FAD_MODSINE "\xef\x85\x9d" // U+f15d
#define ICON_FAD_MODSQUARE "\xef\x85\x9e" // U+f15e
#define ICON_FAD_MODTRI "\xef\x85\x9f" // U+f15f
#define ICON_FAD_MODULARPLUG "\xef\x85\xa0" // U+f160
#define ICON_FAD_MONO "\xef\x85\xa1" // U+f161
#define ICON_FAD_MUTE "\xef\x85\xa2" // U+f162
#define ICON_FAD_NEXT "\xef\x85\xa3" // U+f163
#define ICON_FAD_OPEN "\xef\x85\xa4" // U+f164
#define ICON_FAD_PASTE "\xef\x85\xa5" // U+f165
#define ICON_FAD_PAUSE "\xef\x85\xa6" // U+f166
#define ICON_FAD_PEN "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FAD_PHASE "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FAD_PLAY "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FAD_POINTER "\xef\x85\xaa" // U+f16a
#define ICON_FAD_POWERSWITCH "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FAD_PRESET_A "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FAD_PRESET_AB "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FAD_PRESET_B "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FAD_PRESET_BA "\xef\x85\xaf" // U+f16f
#define ICON_FAD_PREV "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FAD_PUNCH_IN "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FAD_PUNCH_OUT "\xef\x85\xb2" // U+f172
#define ICON_FAD_RAM "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FAD_RANDOM_1DICE "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FAD_RANDOM_2DICE "\xef\x85\xb5" // U+f175
#define ICON_FAD_RECORD "\xef\x85\xb6" // U+f176
#define ICON_FAD_REDO "\xef\x85\xb7" // U+f177
#define ICON_FAD_REPEAT_ONE "\xef\x85\xb8" // U+f178
#define ICON_FAD_REPEAT "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FAD_REW "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FAD_ROUNDSWITCH_OFF "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FAD_ROUNDSWITCH_ON "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FAD_SAVE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FAD_SAVEAS "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FAD_SCISSORS "\xef\x85\xbf" // U+f17f
#define ICON_FAD_SHUFFLE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FAD_SLIDER_ROUND_1 "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FAD_SLIDER_ROUND_2 "\xef\x86\x82" // U+f182
#define ICON_FAD_SLIDER_ROUND_3 "\xef\x86\x83" // U+f183
#define ICON_FAD_SLIDERHANDLE_1 "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FAD_SLIDERHANDLE_2 "\xef\x86\x85" // U+f185
#define ICON_FAD_SOFTCLIP "\xef\x86\x86" // U+f186
#define ICON_FAD_SOFTCLIPCURVE "\xef\x86\x87" // U+f187
#define ICON_FAD_SOLO "\xef\x86\x88" // U+f188
#define ICON_FAD_SPEAKER "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FAD_SQUARESWITCH_OFF "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FAD_SQUARESWITCH_ON "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FAD_STEREO "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FAD_STOP "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FAD_THUNDERBOLT "\xef\x86\x8e" // U+f18e
#define ICON_FAD_TIMESELECT "\xef\x86\x8f" // U+f18f
#define ICON_FAD_UNDO "\xef\x86\x90" // U+f190
#define ICON_FAD_UNLOCK "\xef\x86\x91" // U+f191
#define ICON_FAD_USB "\xef\x86\x92" // U+f192
#define ICON_FAD_V_EXPAND "\xef\x86\x93" // U+f193
#define ICON_FAD_VROUNDSWITCH_OFF "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FAD_VROUNDSWITCH_ON "\xef\x86\x95" // U+f195
#define ICON_FAD_VSQUARESWITCH_OFF "\xef\x86\x96" // U+f196
#define ICON_FAD_VSQUARESWITCH_ON "\xef\x86\x97" // U+f197
#define ICON_FAD_WAVEFORM "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FAD_XLRPLUG "\xef\x86\x99" // U+f199
#define ICON_FAD_ZOOMIN "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FAD_ZOOMOUT "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css
# for use with https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
class IconsFontaudio:
FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAD = 'fontaudio.ttf'
ICON_MIN = 0xf101
ICON_MAX_16 = 0xf19b
ICON_MAX = 0xf19b
ICON_ADR = '\uf101'
ICON_ADSR = '\uf102'
ICON_AHDSR = '\uf103'
ICON_AR = '\uf104'
ICON_ARPCHORD = '\uf106'
ICON_ARPDOWN = '\uf107'
ICON_ARPUP = '\uf10c'
ICON_BACKWARD = '\uf114'
ICON_CARET_DOWN = '\uf116'
ICON_CARET_LEFT = '\uf117'
ICON_CARET_UP = '\uf119'
ICON_CLOSE = '\uf11a'
ICON_COPY = '\uf11b'
ICON_CPU = '\uf11c'
ICON_CUTTER = '\uf11d'
ICON_DIGITAL0 = '\uf120'
ICON_DIGITAL1 = '\uf121'
ICON_DIGITAL2 = '\uf122'
ICON_DIGITAL3 = '\uf123'
ICON_DIGITAL4 = '\uf124'
ICON_DIGITAL5 = '\uf125'
ICON_DIGITAL6 = '\uf126'
ICON_DIGITAL7 = '\uf127'
ICON_DIGITAL8 = '\uf128'
ICON_DIGITAL9 = '\uf129'
ICON_DISKIO = '\uf12a'
ICON_DRUMPAD = '\uf12b'
ICON_ERASER = '\uf12d'
ICON_FFWD = '\uf12e'
ICON_FOLDBACK = '\uf139'
ICON_FORWARD = '\uf13a'
ICON_H_EXPAND = '\uf13b'
ICON_HARDCLIP = '\uf13c'
ICON_KEYBOARD = '\uf13f'
ICON_LOCK = '\uf140'
ICON_LOGO_AAX = '\uf141'
ICON_LOGO_AU = '\uf143'
ICON_LOGO_FL = '\uf147'
ICON_LOGO_JUCE = '\uf148'
ICON_LOGO_LIVE = '\uf14a'
ICON_LOGO_LV2 = '\uf14b'
ICON_LOGO_VST = '\uf153'
ICON_LOOP = '\uf155'
ICON_MIDIPLUG = '\uf158'
ICON_MODSAWUP = '\uf15b'
ICON_MODSH = '\uf15c'
ICON_MODSINE = '\uf15d'
ICON_MODTRI = '\uf15f'
ICON_MONO = '\uf161'
ICON_MUTE = '\uf162'
ICON_NEXT = '\uf163'
ICON_OPEN = '\uf164'
ICON_PASTE = '\uf165'
ICON_PAUSE = '\uf166'
ICON_PEN = '\uf167'
ICON_PHASE = '\uf168'
ICON_PLAY = '\uf169'
ICON_POINTER = '\uf16a'
ICON_PRESET_A = '\uf16c'
ICON_PRESET_AB = '\uf16d'
ICON_PRESET_B = '\uf16e'
ICON_PRESET_BA = '\uf16f'
ICON_PREV = '\uf170'
ICON_PUNCH_IN = '\uf171'
ICON_PUNCH_OUT = '\uf172'
ICON_RAM = '\uf173'
ICON_RANDOM_1DICE = '\uf174'
ICON_RANDOM_2DICE = '\uf175'
ICON_RECORD = '\uf176'
ICON_REDO = '\uf177'
ICON_REPEAT_ONE = '\uf178'
ICON_REPEAT = '\uf179'
ICON_REW = '\uf17a'
ICON_SAVE = '\uf17d'
ICON_SAVEAS = '\uf17e'
ICON_SCISSORS = '\uf17f'
ICON_SHUFFLE = '\uf180'
ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_1 = '\uf181'
ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_2 = '\uf182'
ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_3 = '\uf183'
ICON_SOFTCLIP = '\uf186'
ICON_SOLO = '\uf188'
ICON_SPEAKER = '\uf189'
ICON_STEREO = '\uf18c'
ICON_STOP = '\uf18d'
ICON_UNDO = '\uf190'
ICON_UNLOCK = '\uf191'
ICON_USB = '\uf192'
ICON_V_EXPAND = '\uf193'
ICON_WAVEFORM = '\uf198'
ICON_XLRPLUG = '\uf199'
ICON_ZOOMIN = '\uf19a'
ICON_ZOOMOUT = '\uf19b'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/raw/master/font/fontaudio.css
//! for use with https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAD: &str = "fontaudio.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{f101}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_ADR: char = '\u{f101}';
pub const ICON_ADSR: char = '\u{f102}';
pub const ICON_AHDSR: char = '\u{f103}';
pub const ICON_AR: char = '\u{f104}';
pub const ICON_ARMRECORDING: char = '\u{f105}';
pub const ICON_ARPCHORD: char = '\u{f106}';
pub const ICON_ARPDOWN: char = '\u{f107}';
pub const ICON_ARPDOWNANDUP: char = '\u{f108}';
pub const ICON_ARPDOWNUP: char = '\u{f109}';
pub const ICON_ARPPLAYORDER: char = '\u{f10a}';
pub const ICON_ARPRANDOM: char = '\u{f10b}';
pub const ICON_ARPUP: char = '\u{f10c}';
pub const ICON_ARPUPANDOWN: char = '\u{f10d}';
pub const ICON_ARPUPDOWN: char = '\u{f10e}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_HORZ: char = '\u{f10f}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_VERT: char = '\u{f110}';
pub const ICON_AUTOMATION_2P: char = '\u{f111}';
pub const ICON_AUTOMATION_3P: char = '\u{f112}';
pub const ICON_AUTOMATION_4P: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f114}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f115}';
pub const ICON_CARET_DOWN: char = '\u{f116}';
pub const ICON_CARET_LEFT: char = '\u{f117}';
pub const ICON_CARET_RIGHT: char = '\u{f118}';
pub const ICON_CARET_UP: char = '\u{f119}';
pub const ICON_CLOSE: char = '\u{f11a}';
pub const ICON_COPY: char = '\u{f11b}';
pub const ICON_CPU: char = '\u{f11c}';
pub const ICON_CUTTER: char = '\u{f11d}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL_COLON: char = '\u{f11e}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL_DOT: char = '\u{f11f}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL0: char = '\u{f120}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL1: char = '\u{f121}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL2: char = '\u{f122}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL3: char = '\u{f123}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL4: char = '\u{f124}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL5: char = '\u{f125}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL6: char = '\u{f126}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL7: char = '\u{f127}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL8: char = '\u{f128}';
pub const ICON_DIGITAL9: char = '\u{f129}';
pub const ICON_DISKIO: char = '\u{f12a}';
pub const ICON_DRUMPAD: char = '\u{f12b}';
pub const ICON_DUPLICATE: char = '\u{f12c}';
pub const ICON_ERASER: char = '\u{f12d}';
pub const ICON_FFWD: char = '\u{f12e}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_BANDPASS: char = '\u{f12f}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_BELL: char = '\u{f130}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_BYPASS: char = '\u{f131}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_HIGHPASS: char = '\u{f132}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_LOWPASS: char = '\u{f133}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_NOTCH: char = '\u{f134}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_REZ_HIGHPASS: char = '\u{f135}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_REZ_LOWPASS: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_SHELVING_HI: char = '\u{f137}';
pub const ICON_FILTER_SHELVING_LO: char = '\u{f138}';
pub const ICON_FOLDBACK: char = '\u{f139}';
pub const ICON_FORWARD: char = '\u{f13a}';
pub const ICON_H_EXPAND: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_HARDCLIP: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_HARDCLIPCURVE: char = '\u{f13d}';
pub const ICON_HEADPHONES: char = '\u{f13e}';
pub const ICON_KEYBOARD: char = '\u{f13f}';
pub const ICON_LOCK: char = '\u{f140}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_AAX: char = '\u{f141}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_ABLETONLINK: char = '\u{f142}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_AU: char = '\u{f143}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_AUDACITY: char = '\u{f144}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_AUDIOBUS: char = '\u{f145}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_CUBASE: char = '\u{f146}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_FL: char = '\u{f147}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_JUCE: char = '\u{f148}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_LADSPA: char = '\u{f149}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_LIVE: char = '\u{f14a}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_LV2: char = '\u{f14b}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_PROTOOLS: char = '\u{f14c}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_RACKEXT: char = '\u{f14d}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_REAPER: char = '\u{f14e}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_REASON: char = '\u{f14f}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_REWIRE: char = '\u{f150}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_STUDIOONE: char = '\u{f151}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_TRACKTION: char = '\u{f152}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_VST: char = '\u{f153}';
pub const ICON_LOGO_WAVEFORM: char = '\u{f154}';
pub const ICON_LOOP: char = '\u{f155}';
pub const ICON_METRONOME: char = '\u{f156}';
pub const ICON_MICROPHONE: char = '\u{f157}';
pub const ICON_MIDIPLUG: char = '\u{f158}';
pub const ICON_MODRANDOM: char = '\u{f159}';
pub const ICON_MODSAWDOWN: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_MODSAWUP: char = '\u{f15b}';
pub const ICON_MODSH: char = '\u{f15c}';
pub const ICON_MODSINE: char = '\u{f15d}';
pub const ICON_MODSQUARE: char = '\u{f15e}';
pub const ICON_MODTRI: char = '\u{f15f}';
pub const ICON_MODULARPLUG: char = '\u{f160}';
pub const ICON_MONO: char = '\u{f161}';
pub const ICON_MUTE: char = '\u{f162}';
pub const ICON_NEXT: char = '\u{f163}';
pub const ICON_OPEN: char = '\u{f164}';
pub const ICON_PASTE: char = '\u{f165}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE: char = '\u{f166}';
pub const ICON_PEN: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_PHASE: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_PLAY: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_POINTER: char = '\u{f16a}';
pub const ICON_POWERSWITCH: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_PRESET_A: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_PRESET_AB: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_PRESET_B: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_PRESET_BA: char = '\u{f16f}';
pub const ICON_PREV: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_PUNCH_IN: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_PUNCH_OUT: char = '\u{f172}';
pub const ICON_RAM: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_RANDOM_1DICE: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_RANDOM_2DICE: char = '\u{f175}';
pub const ICON_RECORD: char = '\u{f176}';
pub const ICON_REDO: char = '\u{f177}';
pub const ICON_REPEAT_ONE: char = '\u{f178}';
pub const ICON_REPEAT: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_REW: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_ROUNDSWITCH_OFF: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_ROUNDSWITCH_ON: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_SAVE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_SAVEAS: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_SCISSORS: char = '\u{f17f}';
pub const ICON_SHUFFLE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_1: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_2: char = '\u{f182}';
pub const ICON_SLIDER_ROUND_3: char = '\u{f183}';
pub const ICON_SLIDERHANDLE_1: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_SLIDERHANDLE_2: char = '\u{f185}';
pub const ICON_SOFTCLIP: char = '\u{f186}';
pub const ICON_SOFTCLIPCURVE: char = '\u{f187}';
pub const ICON_SOLO: char = '\u{f188}';
pub const ICON_SPEAKER: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_SQUARESWITCH_OFF: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_SQUARESWITCH_ON: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_STEREO: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_STOP: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_THUNDERBOLT: char = '\u{f18e}';
pub const ICON_TIMESELECT: char = '\u{f18f}';
pub const ICON_UNDO: char = '\u{f190}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK: char = '\u{f191}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f192}';
pub const ICON_V_EXPAND: char = '\u{f193}';
pub const ICON_VROUNDSWITCH_OFF: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_VROUNDSWITCH_ON: char = '\u{f195}';
pub const ICON_VSQUARESWITCH_OFF: char = '\u{f196}';
pub const ICON_VSQUARESWITCH_ON: char = '\u{f197}';
pub const ICON_WAVEFORM: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_XLRPLUG: char = '\u{f199}';
pub const ICON_ZOOMIN: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_ZOOMOUT: char = '\u{f19b}';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,825 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/master/src/icons/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class ForkAwesome
public const string FontIconFileNameFK = "forkawesome-webfont.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xf000;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xf372;
public const int IconMax = 0xf372;
public const string Glass = "\uf000";
public const string Music = "\uf001";
public const string Search = "\uf002";
public const string EnvelopeO = "\uf003";
public const string Heart = "\uf004";
public const string Star = "\uf005";
public const string StarO = "\uf006";
public const string User = "\uf007";
public const string Film = "\uf008";
public const string ThLarge = "\uf009";
public const string Th = "\uf00a";
public const string ThList = "\uf00b";
public const string Check = "\uf00c";
public const string Times = "\uf00d";
public const string SearchPlus = "\uf00e";
public const string SearchMinus = "\uf010";
public const string PowerOff = "\uf011";
public const string Signal = "\uf012";
public const string Cog = "\uf013";
public const string TrashO = "\uf014";
public const string Home = "\uf015";
public const string FileO = "\uf016";
public const string ClockO = "\uf017";
public const string Road = "\uf018";
public const string Download = "\uf019";
public const string ArrowCircleODown = "\uf01a";
public const string ArrowCircleOUp = "\uf01b";
public const string Inbox = "\uf01c";
public const string PlayCircleO = "\uf01d";
public const string Repeat = "\uf01e";
public const string Refresh = "\uf021";
public const string ListAlt = "\uf022";
public const string Lock = "\uf023";
public const string Flag = "\uf024";
public const string Headphones = "\uf025";
public const string VolumeOff = "\uf026";
public const string VolumeDown = "\uf027";
public const string VolumeUp = "\uf028";
public const string Qrcode = "\uf029";
public const string Barcode = "\uf02a";
public const string Tag = "\uf02b";
public const string Tags = "\uf02c";
public const string Book = "\uf02d";
public const string Bookmark = "\uf02e";
public const string Print = "\uf02f";
public const string Camera = "\uf030";
public const string Font = "\uf031";
public const string Bold = "\uf032";
public const string Italic = "\uf033";
public const string TextHeight = "\uf034";
public const string TextWidth = "\uf035";
public const string AlignLeft = "\uf036";
public const string AlignCenter = "\uf037";
public const string AlignRight = "\uf038";
public const string AlignJustify = "\uf039";
public const string List = "\uf03a";
public const string Outdent = "\uf03b";
public const string Indent = "\uf03c";
public const string VideoCamera = "\uf03d";
public const string PictureO = "\uf03e";
public const string Pencil = "\uf040";
public const string MapMarker = "\uf041";
public const string Adjust = "\uf042";
public const string Tint = "\uf043";
public const string PencilSquareO = "\uf044";
public const string ShareSquareO = "\uf045";
public const string CheckSquareO = "\uf046";
public const string Arrows = "\uf047";
public const string StepBackward = "\uf048";
public const string FastBackward = "\uf049";
public const string Backward = "\uf04a";
public const string Play = "\uf04b";
public const string Pause = "\uf04c";
public const string Stop = "\uf04d";
public const string Forward = "\uf04e";
public const string FastForward = "\uf050";
public const string StepForward = "\uf051";
public const string Eject = "\uf052";
public const string ChevronLeft = "\uf053";
public const string ChevronRight = "\uf054";
public const string PlusCircle = "\uf055";
public const string MinusCircle = "\uf056";
public const string TimesCircle = "\uf057";
public const string CheckCircle = "\uf058";
public const string QuestionCircle = "\uf059";
public const string InfoCircle = "\uf05a";
public const string Crosshairs = "\uf05b";
public const string TimesCircleO = "\uf05c";
public const string CheckCircleO = "\uf05d";
public const string Ban = "\uf05e";
public const string ArrowLeft = "\uf060";
public const string ArrowRight = "\uf061";
public const string ArrowUp = "\uf062";
public const string ArrowDown = "\uf063";
public const string Share = "\uf064";
public const string Expand = "\uf065";
public const string Compress = "\uf066";
public const string Plus = "\uf067";
public const string Minus = "\uf068";
public const string Asterisk = "\uf069";
public const string ExclamationCircle = "\uf06a";
public const string Gift = "\uf06b";
public const string Leaf = "\uf06c";
public const string Fire = "\uf06d";
public const string Eye = "\uf06e";
public const string EyeSlash = "\uf070";
public const string ExclamationTriangle = "\uf071";
public const string Plane = "\uf072";
public const string Calendar = "\uf073";
public const string Random = "\uf074";
public const string Comment = "\uf075";
public const string Magnet = "\uf076";
public const string ChevronUp = "\uf077";
public const string ChevronDown = "\uf078";
public const string Retweet = "\uf079";
public const string ShoppingCart = "\uf07a";
public const string Folder = "\uf07b";
public const string FolderOpen = "\uf07c";
public const string ArrowsV = "\uf07d";
public const string ArrowsH = "\uf07e";
public const string BarChart = "\uf080";
public const string TwitterSquare = "\uf081";
public const string FacebookSquare = "\uf082";
public const string CameraRetro = "\uf083";
public const string Key = "\uf084";
public const string Cogs = "\uf085";
public const string Comments = "\uf086";
public const string ThumbsOUp = "\uf087";
public const string ThumbsODown = "\uf088";
public const string StarHalf = "\uf089";
public const string HeartO = "\uf08a";
public const string SignOut = "\uf08b";
public const string LinkedinSquare = "\uf08c";
public const string ThumbTack = "\uf08d";
public const string ExternalLink = "\uf08e";
public const string SignIn = "\uf090";
public const string Trophy = "\uf091";
public const string GithubSquare = "\uf092";
public const string Upload = "\uf093";
public const string LemonO = "\uf094";
public const string Phone = "\uf095";
public const string SquareO = "\uf096";
public const string BookmarkO = "\uf097";
public const string PhoneSquare = "\uf098";
public const string Twitter = "\uf099";
public const string Facebook = "\uf09a";
public const string Github = "\uf09b";
public const string Unlock = "\uf09c";
public const string CreditCard = "\uf09d";
public const string Rss = "\uf09e";
public const string HddO = "\uf0a0";
public const string Bullhorn = "\uf0a1";
public const string BellO = "\uf0f3";
public const string Certificate = "\uf0a3";
public const string HandORight = "\uf0a4";
public const string HandOLeft = "\uf0a5";
public const string HandOUp = "\uf0a6";
public const string HandODown = "\uf0a7";
public const string ArrowCircleLeft = "\uf0a8";
public const string ArrowCircleRight = "\uf0a9";
public const string ArrowCircleUp = "\uf0aa";
public const string ArrowCircleDown = "\uf0ab";
public const string Globe = "\uf0ac";
public const string GlobeE = "\uf304";
public const string GlobeW = "\uf305";
public const string Wrench = "\uf0ad";
public const string Tasks = "\uf0ae";
public const string Filter = "\uf0b0";
public const string Briefcase = "\uf0b1";
public const string ArrowsAlt = "\uf0b2";
public const string Users = "\uf0c0";
public const string Link = "\uf0c1";
public const string Cloud = "\uf0c2";
public const string Flask = "\uf0c3";
public const string Scissors = "\uf0c4";
public const string FilesO = "\uf0c5";
public const string Paperclip = "\uf0c6";
public const string FloppyO = "\uf0c7";
public const string Square = "\uf0c8";
public const string Bars = "\uf0c9";
public const string ListUl = "\uf0ca";
public const string ListOl = "\uf0cb";
public const string Strikethrough = "\uf0cc";
public const string Underline = "\uf0cd";
public const string Table = "\uf0ce";
public const string Magic = "\uf0d0";
public const string Truck = "\uf0d1";
public const string Pinterest = "\uf0d2";
public const string PinterestSquare = "\uf0d3";
public const string GooglePlusSquare = "\uf0d4";
public const string GooglePlus = "\uf0d5";
public const string Money = "\uf0d6";
public const string CaretDown = "\uf0d7";
public const string CaretUp = "\uf0d8";
public const string CaretLeft = "\uf0d9";
public const string CaretRight = "\uf0da";
public const string Columns = "\uf0db";
public const string Sort = "\uf0dc";
public const string SortDesc = "\uf0dd";
public const string SortAsc = "\uf0de";
public const string Envelope = "\uf0e0";
public const string Linkedin = "\uf0e1";
public const string Undo = "\uf0e2";
public const string Gavel = "\uf0e3";
public const string Tachometer = "\uf0e4";
public const string CommentO = "\uf0e5";
public const string CommentsO = "\uf0e6";
public const string Bolt = "\uf0e7";
public const string Sitemap = "\uf0e8";
public const string Umbrella = "\uf0e9";
public const string Clipboard = "\uf0ea";
public const string LightbulbO = "\uf0eb";
public const string Exchange = "\uf0ec";
public const string CloudDownload = "\uf0ed";
public const string CloudUpload = "\uf0ee";
public const string UserMd = "\uf0f0";
public const string Stethoscope = "\uf0f1";
public const string Suitcase = "\uf0f2";
public const string Bell = "\uf0a2";
public const string Coffee = "\uf0f4";
public const string Cutlery = "\uf0f5";
public const string FileTextO = "\uf0f6";
public const string BuildingO = "\uf0f7";
public const string HospitalO = "\uf0f8";
public const string Ambulance = "\uf0f9";
public const string Medkit = "\uf0fa";
public const string FighterJet = "\uf0fb";
public const string Beer = "\uf0fc";
public const string HSquare = "\uf0fd";
public const string PlusSquare = "\uf0fe";
public const string AngleDoubleLeft = "\uf100";
public const string AngleDoubleRight = "\uf101";
public const string AngleDoubleUp = "\uf102";
public const string AngleDoubleDown = "\uf103";
public const string AngleLeft = "\uf104";
public const string AngleRight = "\uf105";
public const string AngleUp = "\uf106";
public const string AngleDown = "\uf107";
public const string Desktop = "\uf108";
public const string Laptop = "\uf109";
public const string Tablet = "\uf10a";
public const string Mobile = "\uf10b";
public const string CircleO = "\uf10c";
public const string QuoteLeft = "\uf10d";
public const string QuoteRight = "\uf10e";
public const string Spinner = "\uf110";
public const string Circle = "\uf111";
public const string Reply = "\uf112";
public const string GithubAlt = "\uf113";
public const string FolderO = "\uf114";
public const string FolderOpenO = "\uf115";
public const string SmileO = "\uf118";
public const string FrownO = "\uf119";
public const string MehO = "\uf11a";
public const string Gamepad = "\uf11b";
public const string KeyboardO = "\uf11c";
public const string FlagO = "\uf11d";
public const string FlagCheckered = "\uf11e";
public const string Terminal = "\uf120";
public const string Code = "\uf121";
public const string ReplyAll = "\uf122";
public const string StarHalfO = "\uf123";
public const string LocationArrow = "\uf124";
public const string Crop = "\uf125";
public const string CodeFork = "\uf126";
public const string ChainBroken = "\uf127";
public const string Question = "\uf128";
public const string Info = "\uf129";
public const string Exclamation = "\uf12a";
public const string Superscript = "\uf12b";
public const string Subscript = "\uf12c";
public const string Eraser = "\uf12d";
public const string PuzzlePiece = "\uf12e";
public const string Microphone = "\uf130";
public const string MicrophoneSlash = "\uf131";
public const string Shield = "\uf132";
public const string CalendarO = "\uf133";
public const string FireExtinguisher = "\uf134";
public const string Rocket = "\uf135";
public const string Maxcdn = "\uf136";
public const string ChevronCircleLeft = "\uf137";
public const string ChevronCircleRight = "\uf138";
public const string ChevronCircleUp = "\uf139";
public const string ChevronCircleDown = "\uf13a";
public const string Html5 = "\uf13b";
public const string Css3 = "\uf13c";
public const string Anchor = "\uf13d";
public const string UnlockAlt = "\uf13e";
public const string Bullseye = "\uf140";
public const string EllipsisH = "\uf141";
public const string EllipsisV = "\uf142";
public const string RssSquare = "\uf143";
public const string PlayCircle = "\uf144";
public const string Ticket = "\uf145";
public const string MinusSquare = "\uf146";
public const string MinusSquareO = "\uf147";
public const string LevelUp = "\uf148";
public const string LevelDown = "\uf149";
public const string CheckSquare = "\uf14a";
public const string PencilSquare = "\uf14b";
public const string ExternalLinkSquare = "\uf14c";
public const string ShareSquare = "\uf14d";
public const string Compass = "\uf14e";
public const string CaretSquareODown = "\uf150";
public const string CaretSquareOUp = "\uf151";
public const string CaretSquareORight = "\uf152";
public const string Eur = "\uf153";
public const string Gbp = "\uf154";
public const string Usd = "\uf155";
public const string Inr = "\uf156";
public const string Jpy = "\uf157";
public const string Rub = "\uf158";
public const string Krw = "\uf159";
public const string Btc = "\uf15a";
public const string File = "\uf15b";
public const string FileText = "\uf15c";
public const string SortAlphaAsc = "\uf15d";
public const string SortAlphaDesc = "\uf15e";
public const string SortAmountAsc = "\uf160";
public const string SortAmountDesc = "\uf161";
public const string SortNumericAsc = "\uf162";
public const string SortNumericDesc = "\uf163";
public const string ThumbsUp = "\uf164";
public const string ThumbsDown = "\uf165";
public const string YoutubeSquare = "\uf166";
public const string Youtube = "\uf167";
public const string Xing = "\uf168";
public const string XingSquare = "\uf169";
public const string YoutubePlay = "\uf16a";
public const string Dropbox = "\uf16b";
public const string StackOverflow = "\uf16c";
public const string Instagram = "\uf16d";
public const string Flickr = "\uf16e";
public const string Adn = "\uf170";
public const string Bitbucket = "\uf171";
public const string BitbucketSquare = "\uf172";
public const string Tumblr = "\uf173";
public const string TumblrSquare = "\uf174";
public const string LongArrowDown = "\uf175";
public const string LongArrowUp = "\uf176";
public const string LongArrowLeft = "\uf177";
public const string LongArrowRight = "\uf178";
public const string Apple = "\uf179";
public const string Windows = "\uf17a";
public const string Android = "\uf17b";
public const string Linux = "\uf17c";
public const string Dribbble = "\uf17d";
public const string Skype = "\uf17e";
public const string Foursquare = "\uf180";
public const string Trello = "\uf181";
public const string Female = "\uf182";
public const string Male = "\uf183";
public const string Gratipay = "\uf184";
public const string SunO = "\uf185";
public const string MoonO = "\uf186";
public const string Archive = "\uf187";
public const string Bug = "\uf188";
public const string Vk = "\uf189";
public const string Weibo = "\uf18a";
public const string Renren = "\uf18b";
public const string Pagelines = "\uf18c";
public const string StackExchange = "\uf18d";
public const string ArrowCircleORight = "\uf18e";
public const string ArrowCircleOLeft = "\uf190";
public const string CaretSquareOLeft = "\uf191";
public const string DotCircleO = "\uf192";
public const string Wheelchair = "\uf193";
public const string VimeoSquare = "\uf194";
public const string Try = "\uf195";
public const string PlusSquareO = "\uf196";
public const string SpaceShuttle = "\uf197";
public const string Slack = "\uf198";
public const string EnvelopeSquare = "\uf199";
public const string Wordpress = "\uf19a";
public const string Openid = "\uf19b";
public const string University = "\uf19c";
public const string GraduationCap = "\uf19d";
public const string Yahoo = "\uf19e";
public const string Google = "\uf1a0";
public const string Reddit = "\uf1a1";
public const string RedditSquare = "\uf1a2";
public const string StumbleuponCircle = "\uf1a3";
public const string Stumbleupon = "\uf1a4";
public const string Delicious = "\uf1a5";
public const string Digg = "\uf1a6";
public const string Drupal = "\uf1a9";
public const string Joomla = "\uf1aa";
public const string Language = "\uf1ab";
public const string Fax = "\uf1ac";
public const string Building = "\uf1ad";
public const string Child = "\uf1ae";
public const string Paw = "\uf1b0";
public const string Spoon = "\uf1b1";
public const string Cube = "\uf1b2";
public const string Cubes = "\uf1b3";
public const string Behance = "\uf1b4";
public const string BehanceSquare = "\uf1b5";
public const string Steam = "\uf1b6";
public const string SteamSquare = "\uf1b7";
public const string Recycle = "\uf1b8";
public const string Car = "\uf1b9";
public const string Taxi = "\uf1ba";
public const string Tree = "\uf1bb";
public const string Spotify = "\uf1bc";
public const string Deviantart = "\uf1bd";
public const string Soundcloud = "\uf1be";
public const string Database = "\uf1c0";
public const string FilePdfO = "\uf1c1";
public const string FileWordO = "\uf1c2";
public const string FileExcelO = "\uf1c3";
public const string FilePowerpointO = "\uf1c4";
public const string FileImageO = "\uf1c5";
public const string FileArchiveO = "\uf1c6";
public const string FileAudioO = "\uf1c7";
public const string FileVideoO = "\uf1c8";
public const string FileCodeO = "\uf1c9";
public const string Vine = "\uf1ca";
public const string Codepen = "\uf1cb";
public const string Jsfiddle = "\uf1cc";
public const string LifeRing = "\uf1cd";
public const string CircleONotch = "\uf1ce";
public const string Rebel = "\uf1d0";
public const string Empire = "\uf1d1";
public const string GitSquare = "\uf1d2";
public const string Git = "\uf1d3";
public const string HackerNews = "\uf1d4";
public const string TencentWeibo = "\uf1d5";
public const string Qq = "\uf1d6";
public const string Weixin = "\uf1d7";
public const string PaperPlane = "\uf1d8";
public const string PaperPlaneO = "\uf1d9";
public const string History = "\uf1da";
public const string CircleThin = "\uf1db";
public const string Header = "\uf1dc";
public const string Paragraph = "\uf1dd";
public const string Sliders = "\uf1de";
public const string ShareAlt = "\uf1e0";
public const string ShareAltSquare = "\uf1e1";
public const string Bomb = "\uf1e2";
public const string FutbolO = "\uf1e3";
public const string Tty = "\uf1e4";
public const string Binoculars = "\uf1e5";
public const string Plug = "\uf1e6";
public const string Slideshare = "\uf1e7";
public const string Twitch = "\uf1e8";
public const string Yelp = "\uf1e9";
public const string NewspaperO = "\uf1ea";
public const string Wifi = "\uf1eb";
public const string Calculator = "\uf1ec";
public const string Paypal = "\uf1ed";
public const string GoogleWallet = "\uf1ee";
public const string CcVisa = "\uf1f0";
public const string CcMastercard = "\uf1f1";
public const string CcDiscover = "\uf1f2";
public const string CcAmex = "\uf1f3";
public const string CcPaypal = "\uf1f4";
public const string CcStripe = "\uf1f5";
public const string BellSlash = "\uf1f6";
public const string BellSlashO = "\uf1f7";
public const string Trash = "\uf1f8";
public const string Copyright = "\uf1f9";
public const string At = "\uf1fa";
public const string Eyedropper = "\uf1fb";
public const string PaintBrush = "\uf1fc";
public const string BirthdayCake = "\uf1fd";
public const string AreaChart = "\uf1fe";
public const string PieChart = "\uf200";
public const string LineChart = "\uf201";
public const string Lastfm = "\uf202";
public const string LastfmSquare = "\uf203";
public const string ToggleOff = "\uf204";
public const string ToggleOn = "\uf205";
public const string Bicycle = "\uf206";
public const string Bus = "\uf207";
public const string Ioxhost = "\uf208";
public const string Angellist = "\uf209";
public const string Cc = "\uf20a";
public const string Ils = "\uf20b";
public const string Meanpath = "\uf20c";
public const string Buysellads = "\uf20d";
public const string Connectdevelop = "\uf20e";
public const string Dashcube = "\uf210";
public const string Forumbee = "\uf211";
public const string Leanpub = "\uf212";
public const string Sellsy = "\uf213";
public const string Shirtsinbulk = "\uf214";
public const string Simplybuilt = "\uf215";
public const string Skyatlas = "\uf216";
public const string CartPlus = "\uf217";
public const string CartArrowDown = "\uf218";
public const string Diamond = "\uf219";
public const string Ship = "\uf21a";
public const string UserSecret = "\uf21b";
public const string Motorcycle = "\uf21c";
public const string StreetView = "\uf21d";
public const string Heartbeat = "\uf21e";
public const string Venus = "\uf221";
public const string Mars = "\uf222";
public const string Mercury = "\uf223";
public const string Transgender = "\uf224";
public const string TransgenderAlt = "\uf225";
public const string VenusDouble = "\uf226";
public const string MarsDouble = "\uf227";
public const string VenusMars = "\uf228";
public const string MarsStroke = "\uf229";
public const string MarsStrokeV = "\uf22a";
public const string MarsStrokeH = "\uf22b";
public const string Neuter = "\uf22c";
public const string Genderless = "\uf22d";
public const string FacebookOfficial = "\uf230";
public const string PinterestP = "\uf231";
public const string Whatsapp = "\uf232";
public const string Server = "\uf233";
public const string UserPlus = "\uf234";
public const string UserTimes = "\uf235";
public const string Bed = "\uf236";
public const string Viacoin = "\uf237";
public const string Train = "\uf238";
public const string Subway = "\uf239";
public const string Medium = "\uf23a";
public const string MediumSquare = "\uf2f8";
public const string YCombinator = "\uf23b";
public const string OptinMonster = "\uf23c";
public const string Opencart = "\uf23d";
public const string Expeditedssl = "\uf23e";
public const string BatteryFull = "\uf240";
public const string BatteryThreeQuarters = "\uf241";
public const string BatteryHalf = "\uf242";
public const string BatteryQuarter = "\uf243";
public const string BatteryEmpty = "\uf244";
public const string MousePointer = "\uf245";
public const string ICursor = "\uf246";
public const string ObjectGroup = "\uf247";
public const string ObjectUngroup = "\uf248";
public const string StickyNote = "\uf249";
public const string StickyNoteO = "\uf24a";
public const string CcJcb = "\uf24b";
public const string CcDinersClub = "\uf24c";
public const string Clone = "\uf24d";
public const string BalanceScale = "\uf24e";
public const string HourglassO = "\uf250";
public const string HourglassStart = "\uf251";
public const string HourglassHalf = "\uf252";
public const string HourglassEnd = "\uf253";
public const string Hourglass = "\uf254";
public const string HandRockO = "\uf255";
public const string HandPaperO = "\uf256";
public const string HandScissorsO = "\uf257";
public const string HandLizardO = "\uf258";
public const string HandSpockO = "\uf259";
public const string HandPointerO = "\uf25a";
public const string HandPeaceO = "\uf25b";
public const string Trademark = "\uf25c";
public const string Registered = "\uf25d";
public const string CreativeCommons = "\uf25e";
public const string Gg = "\uf260";
public const string GgCircle = "\uf261";
public const string Tripadvisor = "\uf262";
public const string Odnoklassniki = "\uf263";
public const string OdnoklassnikiSquare = "\uf264";
public const string GetPocket = "\uf265";
public const string WikipediaW = "\uf266";
public const string Safari = "\uf267";
public const string Chrome = "\uf268";
public const string Firefox = "\uf269";
public const string Opera = "\uf26a";
public const string InternetExplorer = "\uf26b";
public const string Television = "\uf26c";
public const string Contao = "\uf26d";
public const string Num500px = "\uf26e";
public const string Amazon = "\uf270";
public const string CalendarPlusO = "\uf271";
public const string CalendarMinusO = "\uf272";
public const string CalendarTimesO = "\uf273";
public const string CalendarCheckO = "\uf274";
public const string Industry = "\uf275";
public const string MapPin = "\uf276";
public const string MapSigns = "\uf277";
public const string MapO = "\uf278";
public const string Map = "\uf279";
public const string Commenting = "\uf27a";
public const string CommentingO = "\uf27b";
public const string Houzz = "\uf27c";
public const string Vimeo = "\uf27d";
public const string BlackTie = "\uf27e";
public const string Fonticons = "\uf280";
public const string RedditAlien = "\uf281";
public const string Edge = "\uf282";
public const string CreditCardAlt = "\uf283";
public const string Codiepie = "\uf284";
public const string Modx = "\uf285";
public const string FortAwesome = "\uf286";
public const string Usb = "\uf287";
public const string ProductHunt = "\uf288";
public const string Mixcloud = "\uf289";
public const string Scribd = "\uf28a";
public const string PauseCircle = "\uf28b";
public const string PauseCircleO = "\uf28c";
public const string StopCircle = "\uf28d";
public const string StopCircleO = "\uf28e";
public const string ShoppingBag = "\uf290";
public const string ShoppingBasket = "\uf291";
public const string Hashtag = "\uf292";
public const string Bluetooth = "\uf293";
public const string BluetoothB = "\uf294";
public const string Percent = "\uf295";
public const string Gitlab = "\uf296";
public const string Wpbeginner = "\uf297";
public const string Wpforms = "\uf298";
public const string Envira = "\uf299";
public const string UniversalAccess = "\uf29a";
public const string WheelchairAlt = "\uf29b";
public const string QuestionCircleO = "\uf29c";
public const string Blind = "\uf29d";
public const string AudioDescription = "\uf29e";
public const string VolumeControlPhone = "\uf2a0";
public const string Braille = "\uf2a1";
public const string AssistiveListeningSystems = "\uf2a2";
public const string AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting = "\uf2a3";
public const string Deaf = "\uf2a4";
public const string Glide = "\uf2a5";
public const string GlideG = "\uf2a6";
public const string SignLanguage = "\uf2a7";
public const string LowVision = "\uf2a8";
public const string Viadeo = "\uf2a9";
public const string ViadeoSquare = "\uf2aa";
public const string Snapchat = "\uf2ab";
public const string SnapchatGhost = "\uf2ac";
public const string SnapchatSquare = "\uf2ad";
public const string FirstOrder = "\uf2b0";
public const string Yoast = "\uf2b1";
public const string Themeisle = "\uf2b2";
public const string GooglePlusOfficial = "\uf2b3";
public const string FontAwesome = "\uf2b4";
public const string HandshakeO = "\uf2b5";
public const string EnvelopeOpen = "\uf2b6";
public const string EnvelopeOpenO = "\uf2b7";
public const string Linode = "\uf2b8";
public const string AddressBook = "\uf2b9";
public const string AddressBookO = "\uf2ba";
public const string AddressCard = "\uf2bb";
public const string AddressCardO = "\uf2bc";
public const string UserCircle = "\uf2bd";
public const string UserCircleO = "\uf2be";
public const string UserO = "\uf2c0";
public const string IdBadge = "\uf2c1";
public const string IdCard = "\uf2c2";
public const string IdCardO = "\uf2c3";
public const string Quora = "\uf2c4";
public const string FreeCodeCamp = "\uf2c5";
public const string Telegram = "\uf2c6";
public const string ThermometerFull = "\uf2c7";
public const string ThermometerThreeQuarters = "\uf2c8";
public const string ThermometerHalf = "\uf2c9";
public const string ThermometerQuarter = "\uf2ca";
public const string ThermometerEmpty = "\uf2cb";
public const string Shower = "\uf2cc";
public const string Bath = "\uf2cd";
public const string Podcast = "\uf2ce";
public const string WindowMaximize = "\uf2d0";
public const string WindowMinimize = "\uf2d1";
public const string WindowRestore = "\uf2d2";
public const string WindowClose = "\uf2d3";
public const string WindowCloseO = "\uf2d4";
public const string Bandcamp = "\uf2d5";
public const string Grav = "\uf2d6";
public const string Etsy = "\uf2d7";
public const string Imdb = "\uf2d8";
public const string Ravelry = "\uf2d9";
public const string Eercast = "\uf2da";
public const string Microchip = "\uf2db";
public const string SnowflakeO = "\uf2dc";
public const string Superpowers = "\uf2dd";
public const string Wpexplorer = "\uf2de";
public const string Meetup = "\uf2e0";
public const string Mastodon = "\uf2e1";
public const string MastodonAlt = "\uf2e2";
public const string ForkAwesomeIcon = "\uf2e3";
public const string Peertube = "\uf2e4";
public const string Diaspora = "\uf2e5";
public const string Friendica = "\uf2e6";
public const string GnuSocial = "\uf2e7";
public const string LiberapaySquare = "\uf2e8";
public const string Liberapay = "\uf2e9";
public const string Scuttlebutt = "\uf2ea";
public const string Hubzilla = "\uf2eb";
public const string SocialHome = "\uf2ec";
public const string Artstation = "\uf2ed";
public const string Discord = "\uf2ee";
public const string DiscordAlt = "\uf2ef";
public const string Patreon = "\uf2f0";
public const string Snowdrift = "\uf2f1";
public const string Activitypub = "\uf2f2";
public const string Ethereum = "\uf2f3";
public const string Keybase = "\uf2f4";
public const string Shaarli = "\uf2f5";
public const string ShaarliO = "\uf2f6";
public const string KeyModern = "\uf2f7";
public const string Xmpp = "\uf2f9";
public const string ArchiveOrg = "\uf2fc";
public const string Freedombox = "\uf2fd";
public const string FacebookMessenger = "\uf2fe";
public const string Debian = "\uf2ff";
public const string MastodonSquare = "\uf300";
public const string Tipeee = "\uf301";
public const string React = "\uf302";
public const string Dogmazic = "\uf303";
public const string Zotero = "\uf309";
public const string Nodejs = "\uf308";
public const string Nextcloud = "\uf306";
public const string NextcloudSquare = "\uf307";
public const string Hackaday = "\uf30a";
public const string Laravel = "\uf30b";
public const string Signalapp = "\uf30c";
public const string Gnupg = "\uf30d";
public const string Php = "\uf30e";
public const string Ffmpeg = "\uf30f";
public const string Joplin = "\uf310";
public const string Syncthing = "\uf311";
public const string Inkscape = "\uf312";
public const string MatrixOrg = "\uf313";
public const string Pixelfed = "\uf314";
public const string Bootstrap = "\uf315";
public const string DevTo = "\uf316";
public const string Hashnode = "\uf317";
public const string Jirafeau = "\uf318";
public const string Emby = "\uf319";
public const string Wikidata = "\uf31a";
public const string Gimp = "\uf31b";
public const string C = "\uf31c";
public const string Digitalocean = "\uf31d";
public const string Att = "\uf31e";
public const string Gitea = "\uf31f";
public const string FileEpub = "\uf321";
public const string Python = "\uf322";
public const string Archlinux = "\uf323";
public const string Pleroma = "\uf324";
public const string Unsplash = "\uf325";
public const string Hackster = "\uf326";
public const string SpellCheck = "\uf327";
public const string Moon = "\uf328";
public const string Sun = "\uf329";
public const string FDroid = "\uf32a";
public const string Biometric = "\uf32b";
public const string Wire = "\uf32c";
public const string TorOnion = "\uf32e";
public const string VolumeMute = "\uf32f";
public const string BellRinging = "\uf32d";
public const string BellRingingO = "\uf330";
public const string Hal = "\uf333";
public const string Jupyter = "\uf335";
public const string Julia = "\uf334";
public const string Classicpress = "\uf331";
public const string ClassicpressCircle = "\uf332";
public const string OpenCollective = "\uf336";
public const string Orcid = "\uf337";
public const string Researchgate = "\uf338";
public const string Funkwhale = "\uf339";
public const string Askfm = "\uf33a";
public const string Blockstack = "\uf33b";
public const string Boardgamegeek = "\uf33c";
public const string Bunny = "\uf35f";
public const string Buymeacoffee = "\uf33d";
public const string CcBy = "\uf33e";
public const string CcCc = "\uf33f";
public const string CcNcEu = "\uf341";
public const string CcNcJp = "\uf342";
public const string CcNc = "\uf340";
public const string CcNd = "\uf343";
public const string CcPd = "\uf344";
public const string CcRemix = "\uf345";
public const string CcSa = "\uf346";
public const string CcShare = "\uf347";
public const string CcZero = "\uf348";
public const string ConwayGlider = "\uf349";
public const string Csharp = "\uf34a";
public const string EmailBulk = "\uf34b";
public const string EmailBulkO = "\uf34c";
public const string Gnu = "\uf34d";
public const string GooglePlay = "\uf34e";
public const string Heroku = "\uf34f";
public const string HomeAssistant = "\uf350";
public const string Java = "\uf351";
public const string Mariadb = "\uf352";
public const string Markdown = "\uf353";
public const string Mysql = "\uf354";
public const string Nordcast = "\uf355";
public const string Plume = "\uf356";
public const string Postgresql = "\uf357";
public const string SassAlt = "\uf359";
public const string Sass = "\uf358";
public const string Skate = "\uf35a";
public const string Sketchfab = "\uf35b";
public const string Tex = "\uf35c";
public const string Textpattern = "\uf35d";
public const string Unity = "\uf35e";
public const string Hedgedoc = "\uf360";
public const string Fediverse = "\uf361";
public const string Proftpd = "\uf362";
public const string Osi = "\uf363";
public const string Eyeem = "\uf364";
public const string EyeemO = "\uf365";
public const string Codeberg = "\uf366";
public const string Discourse = "\uf367";
public const string Mumble = "\uf368";
public const string Freedesktop = "\uf369";
public const string Javascript = "\uf370";
public const string Lemmy = "\uf371";
public const string Ipfs = "\uf372";
public const string Canonical = "\uf36a";
public const string Ubuntu = "\uf36b";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/master/src/icons/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsForkAwesome = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"FK", "forkawesome-webfont.ttf"},
Min: 0xf000,
Max16: 0xf372,
Max: 0xf372,
Icons: map[string]string{
"Glass": "\xef\x80\x80", // U+f000
"Music": "\xef\x80\x81", // U+f001
"Search": "\xef\x80\x82", // U+f002
"EnvelopeO": "\xef\x80\x83", // U+f003
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"StarO": "\xef\x80\x86", // U+f006
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"SearchMinus": "\xef\x80\x90", // U+f010
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"Cog": "\xef\x80\x93", // U+f013
"TrashO": "\xef\x80\x94", // U+f014
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"FileO": "\xef\x80\x96", // U+f016
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"Road": "\xef\x80\x98", // U+f018
"Download": "\xef\x80\x99", // U+f019
"ArrowCircleODown": "\xef\x80\x9a", // U+f01a
"ArrowCircleOUp": "\xef\x80\x9b", // U+f01b
"Inbox": "\xef\x80\x9c", // U+f01c
"PlayCircleO": "\xef\x80\x9d", // U+f01d
"Repeat": "\xef\x80\x9e", // U+f01e
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"VolumeUp": "\xef\x80\xa8", // U+f028
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"PictureO": "\xef\x80\xbe", // U+f03e
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"Stop": "\xef\x81\x8d", // U+f04d
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"StepForward": "\xef\x81\x91", // U+f051
"Eject": "\xef\x81\x92", // U+f052
"ChevronLeft": "\xef\x81\x93", // U+f053
"ChevronRight": "\xef\x81\x94", // U+f054
"PlusCircle": "\xef\x81\x95", // U+f055
"MinusCircle": "\xef\x81\x96", // U+f056
"TimesCircle": "\xef\x81\x97", // U+f057
"CheckCircle": "\xef\x81\x98", // U+f058
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"ChevronDown": "\xef\x81\xb8", // U+f078
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"SignOut": "\xef\x82\x8b", // U+f08b
"LinkedinSquare": "\xef\x82\x8c", // U+f08c
"ThumbTack": "\xef\x82\x8d", // U+f08d
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"HandODown": "\xef\x82\xa7", // U+f0a7
"ArrowCircleLeft": "\xef\x82\xa8", // U+f0a8
"ArrowCircleRight": "\xef\x82\xa9", // U+f0a9
"ArrowCircleUp": "\xef\x82\xaa", // U+f0aa
"ArrowCircleDown": "\xef\x82\xab", // U+f0ab
"Globe": "\xef\x82\xac", // U+f0ac
"GlobeE": "\xef\x8c\x84", // U+f304
"GlobeW": "\xef\x8c\x85", // U+f305
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"PinterestSquare": "\xef\x83\x93", // U+f0d3
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"CaretUp": "\xef\x83\x98", // U+f0d8
"CaretLeft": "\xef\x83\x99", // U+f0d9
"CaretRight": "\xef\x83\x9a", // U+f0da
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"Gavel": "\xef\x83\xa3", // U+f0e3
"Tachometer": "\xef\x83\xa4", // U+f0e4
"CommentO": "\xef\x83\xa5", // U+f0e5
"CommentsO": "\xef\x83\xa6", // U+f0e6
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"Umbrella": "\xef\x83\xa9", // U+f0e9
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"LightbulbO": "\xef\x83\xab", // U+f0eb
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"Suitcase": "\xef\x83\xb2", // U+f0f2
"Bell": "\xef\x82\xa2", // U+f0a2
"Coffee": "\xef\x83\xb4", // U+f0f4
"Cutlery": "\xef\x83\xb5", // U+f0f5
"FileTextO": "\xef\x83\xb6", // U+f0f6
"BuildingO": "\xef\x83\xb7", // U+f0f7
"HospitalO": "\xef\x83\xb8", // U+f0f8
"Ambulance": "\xef\x83\xb9", // U+f0f9
"Medkit": "\xef\x83\xba", // U+f0fa
"FighterJet": "\xef\x83\xbb", // U+f0fb
"Beer": "\xef\x83\xbc", // U+f0fc
"HSquare": "\xef\x83\xbd", // U+f0fd
"PlusSquare": "\xef\x83\xbe", // U+f0fe
"AngleDoubleLeft": "\xef\x84\x80", // U+f100
"AngleDoubleRight": "\xef\x84\x81", // U+f101
"AngleDoubleUp": "\xef\x84\x82", // U+f102
"AngleDoubleDown": "\xef\x84\x83", // U+f103
"AngleLeft": "\xef\x84\x84", // U+f104
"AngleRight": "\xef\x84\x85", // U+f105
"AngleUp": "\xef\x84\x86", // U+f106
"AngleDown": "\xef\x84\x87", // U+f107
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"Laptop": "\xef\x84\x89", // U+f109
"Tablet": "\xef\x84\x8a", // U+f10a
"Mobile": "\xef\x84\x8b", // U+f10b
"CircleO": "\xef\x84\x8c", // U+f10c
"QuoteLeft": "\xef\x84\x8d", // U+f10d
"QuoteRight": "\xef\x84\x8e", // U+f10e
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"Reply": "\xef\x84\x92", // U+f112
"GithubAlt": "\xef\x84\x93", // U+f113
"FolderO": "\xef\x84\x94", // U+f114
"FolderOpenO": "\xef\x84\x95", // U+f115
"SmileO": "\xef\x84\x98", // U+f118
"FrownO": "\xef\x84\x99", // U+f119
"MehO": "\xef\x84\x9a", // U+f11a
"Gamepad": "\xef\x84\x9b", // U+f11b
"KeyboardO": "\xef\x84\x9c", // U+f11c
"FlagO": "\xef\x84\x9d", // U+f11d
"FlagCheckered": "\xef\x84\x9e", // U+f11e
"Terminal": "\xef\x84\xa0", // U+f120
"Code": "\xef\x84\xa1", // U+f121
"ReplyAll": "\xef\x84\xa2", // U+f122
"StarHalfO": "\xef\x84\xa3", // U+f123
"LocationArrow": "\xef\x84\xa4", // U+f124
"Crop": "\xef\x84\xa5", // U+f125
"CodeFork": "\xef\x84\xa6", // U+f126
"ChainBroken": "\xef\x84\xa7", // U+f127
"Question": "\xef\x84\xa8", // U+f128
"Info": "\xef\x84\xa9", // U+f129
"Exclamation": "\xef\x84\xaa", // U+f12a
"Superscript": "\xef\x84\xab", // U+f12b
"Subscript": "\xef\x84\xac", // U+f12c
"Eraser": "\xef\x84\xad", // U+f12d
"PuzzlePiece": "\xef\x84\xae", // U+f12e
"Microphone": "\xef\x84\xb0", // U+f130
"MicrophoneSlash": "\xef\x84\xb1", // U+f131
"Shield": "\xef\x84\xb2", // U+f132
"CalendarO": "\xef\x84\xb3", // U+f133
"FireExtinguisher": "\xef\x84\xb4", // U+f134
"Rocket": "\xef\x84\xb5", // U+f135
"Maxcdn": "\xef\x84\xb6", // U+f136
"ChevronCircleLeft": "\xef\x84\xb7", // U+f137
"ChevronCircleRight": "\xef\x84\xb8", // U+f138
"ChevronCircleUp": "\xef\x84\xb9", // U+f139
"ChevronCircleDown": "\xef\x84\xba", // U+f13a
"Html5": "\xef\x84\xbb", // U+f13b
"Css3": "\xef\x84\xbc", // U+f13c
"Anchor": "\xef\x84\xbd", // U+f13d
"UnlockAlt": "\xef\x84\xbe", // U+f13e
"Bullseye": "\xef\x85\x80", // U+f140
"EllipsisH": "\xef\x85\x81", // U+f141
"EllipsisV": "\xef\x85\x82", // U+f142
"RssSquare": "\xef\x85\x83", // U+f143
"PlayCircle": "\xef\x85\x84", // U+f144
"Ticket": "\xef\x85\x85", // U+f145
"MinusSquare": "\xef\x85\x86", // U+f146
"MinusSquareO": "\xef\x85\x87", // U+f147
"LevelUp": "\xef\x85\x88", // U+f148
"LevelDown": "\xef\x85\x89", // U+f149
"CheckSquare": "\xef\x85\x8a", // U+f14a
"PencilSquare": "\xef\x85\x8b", // U+f14b
"ExternalLinkSquare": "\xef\x85\x8c", // U+f14c
"ShareSquare": "\xef\x85\x8d", // U+f14d
"Compass": "\xef\x85\x8e", // U+f14e
"CaretSquareODown": "\xef\x85\x90", // U+f150
"CaretSquareOUp": "\xef\x85\x91", // U+f151
"CaretSquareORight": "\xef\x85\x92", // U+f152
"Eur": "\xef\x85\x93", // U+f153
"Gbp": "\xef\x85\x94", // U+f154
"Usd": "\xef\x85\x95", // U+f155
"Inr": "\xef\x85\x96", // U+f156
"Jpy": "\xef\x85\x97", // U+f157
"Rub": "\xef\x85\x98", // U+f158
"Krw": "\xef\x85\x99", // U+f159
"Btc": "\xef\x85\x9a", // U+f15a
"File": "\xef\x85\x9b", // U+f15b
"FileText": "\xef\x85\x9c", // U+f15c
"SortAlphaAsc": "\xef\x85\x9d", // U+f15d
"SortAlphaDesc": "\xef\x85\x9e", // U+f15e
"SortAmountAsc": "\xef\x85\xa0", // U+f160
"SortAmountDesc": "\xef\x85\xa1", // U+f161
"SortNumericAsc": "\xef\x85\xa2", // U+f162
"SortNumericDesc": "\xef\x85\xa3", // U+f163
"ThumbsUp": "\xef\x85\xa4", // U+f164
"ThumbsDown": "\xef\x85\xa5", // U+f165
"YoutubeSquare": "\xef\x85\xa6", // U+f166
"Youtube": "\xef\x85\xa7", // U+f167
"Xing": "\xef\x85\xa8", // U+f168
"XingSquare": "\xef\x85\xa9", // U+f169
"YoutubePlay": "\xef\x85\xaa", // U+f16a
"Dropbox": "\xef\x85\xab", // U+f16b
"StackOverflow": "\xef\x85\xac", // U+f16c
"Instagram": "\xef\x85\xad", // U+f16d
"Flickr": "\xef\x85\xae", // U+f16e
"Adn": "\xef\x85\xb0", // U+f170
"Bitbucket": "\xef\x85\xb1", // U+f171
"BitbucketSquare": "\xef\x85\xb2", // U+f172
"Tumblr": "\xef\x85\xb3", // U+f173
"TumblrSquare": "\xef\x85\xb4", // U+f174
"LongArrowDown": "\xef\x85\xb5", // U+f175
"LongArrowUp": "\xef\x85\xb6", // U+f176
"LongArrowLeft": "\xef\x85\xb7", // U+f177
"LongArrowRight": "\xef\x85\xb8", // U+f178
"Apple": "\xef\x85\xb9", // U+f179
"Windows": "\xef\x85\xba", // U+f17a
"Android": "\xef\x85\xbb", // U+f17b
"Linux": "\xef\x85\xbc", // U+f17c
"Dribbble": "\xef\x85\xbd", // U+f17d
"Skype": "\xef\x85\xbe", // U+f17e
"Foursquare": "\xef\x86\x80", // U+f180
"Trello": "\xef\x86\x81", // U+f181
"Female": "\xef\x86\x82", // U+f182
"Male": "\xef\x86\x83", // U+f183
"Gratipay": "\xef\x86\x84", // U+f184
"SunO": "\xef\x86\x85", // U+f185
"MoonO": "\xef\x86\x86", // U+f186
"Archive": "\xef\x86\x87", // U+f187
"Bug": "\xef\x86\x88", // U+f188
"Vk": "\xef\x86\x89", // U+f189
"Weibo": "\xef\x86\x8a", // U+f18a
"Renren": "\xef\x86\x8b", // U+f18b
"Pagelines": "\xef\x86\x8c", // U+f18c
"StackExchange": "\xef\x86\x8d", // U+f18d
"ArrowCircleORight": "\xef\x86\x8e", // U+f18e
"ArrowCircleOLeft": "\xef\x86\x90", // U+f190
"CaretSquareOLeft": "\xef\x86\x91", // U+f191
"DotCircleO": "\xef\x86\x92", // U+f192
"Wheelchair": "\xef\x86\x93", // U+f193
"VimeoSquare": "\xef\x86\x94", // U+f194
"Try": "\xef\x86\x95", // U+f195
"PlusSquareO": "\xef\x86\x96", // U+f196
"SpaceShuttle": "\xef\x86\x97", // U+f197
"Slack": "\xef\x86\x98", // U+f198
"EnvelopeSquare": "\xef\x86\x99", // U+f199
"Wordpress": "\xef\x86\x9a", // U+f19a
"Openid": "\xef\x86\x9b", // U+f19b
"University": "\xef\x86\x9c", // U+f19c
"GraduationCap": "\xef\x86\x9d", // U+f19d
"Yahoo": "\xef\x86\x9e", // U+f19e
"Google": "\xef\x86\xa0", // U+f1a0
"Reddit": "\xef\x86\xa1", // U+f1a1
"RedditSquare": "\xef\x86\xa2", // U+f1a2
"StumbleuponCircle": "\xef\x86\xa3", // U+f1a3
"Stumbleupon": "\xef\x86\xa4", // U+f1a4
"Delicious": "\xef\x86\xa5", // U+f1a5
"Digg": "\xef\x86\xa6", // U+f1a6
"Drupal": "\xef\x86\xa9", // U+f1a9
"Joomla": "\xef\x86\xaa", // U+f1aa
"Language": "\xef\x86\xab", // U+f1ab
"Fax": "\xef\x86\xac", // U+f1ac
"Building": "\xef\x86\xad", // U+f1ad
"Child": "\xef\x86\xae", // U+f1ae
"Paw": "\xef\x86\xb0", // U+f1b0
"Spoon": "\xef\x86\xb1", // U+f1b1
"Cube": "\xef\x86\xb2", // U+f1b2
"Cubes": "\xef\x86\xb3", // U+f1b3
"Behance": "\xef\x86\xb4", // U+f1b4
"BehanceSquare": "\xef\x86\xb5", // U+f1b5
"Steam": "\xef\x86\xb6", // U+f1b6
"SteamSquare": "\xef\x86\xb7", // U+f1b7
"Recycle": "\xef\x86\xb8", // U+f1b8
"Car": "\xef\x86\xb9", // U+f1b9
"Taxi": "\xef\x86\xba", // U+f1ba
"Tree": "\xef\x86\xbb", // U+f1bb
"Spotify": "\xef\x86\xbc", // U+f1bc
"Deviantart": "\xef\x86\xbd", // U+f1bd
"Soundcloud": "\xef\x86\xbe", // U+f1be
"Database": "\xef\x87\x80", // U+f1c0
"FilePdfO": "\xef\x87\x81", // U+f1c1
"FileWordO": "\xef\x87\x82", // U+f1c2
"FileExcelO": "\xef\x87\x83", // U+f1c3
"FilePowerpointO": "\xef\x87\x84", // U+f1c4
"FileImageO": "\xef\x87\x85", // U+f1c5
"FileArchiveO": "\xef\x87\x86", // U+f1c6
"FileAudioO": "\xef\x87\x87", // U+f1c7
"FileVideoO": "\xef\x87\x88", // U+f1c8
"FileCodeO": "\xef\x87\x89", // U+f1c9
"Vine": "\xef\x87\x8a", // U+f1ca
"Codepen": "\xef\x87\x8b", // U+f1cb
"Jsfiddle": "\xef\x87\x8c", // U+f1cc
"LifeRing": "\xef\x87\x8d", // U+f1cd
"CircleONotch": "\xef\x87\x8e", // U+f1ce
"Rebel": "\xef\x87\x90", // U+f1d0
"Empire": "\xef\x87\x91", // U+f1d1
"GitSquare": "\xef\x87\x92", // U+f1d2
"Git": "\xef\x87\x93", // U+f1d3
"HackerNews": "\xef\x87\x94", // U+f1d4
"TencentWeibo": "\xef\x87\x95", // U+f1d5
"Qq": "\xef\x87\x96", // U+f1d6
"Weixin": "\xef\x87\x97", // U+f1d7
"PaperPlane": "\xef\x87\x98", // U+f1d8
"PaperPlaneO": "\xef\x87\x99", // U+f1d9
"History": "\xef\x87\x9a", // U+f1da
"CircleThin": "\xef\x87\x9b", // U+f1db
"Header": "\xef\x87\x9c", // U+f1dc
"Paragraph": "\xef\x87\x9d", // U+f1dd
"Sliders": "\xef\x87\x9e", // U+f1de
"ShareAlt": "\xef\x87\xa0", // U+f1e0
"ShareAltSquare": "\xef\x87\xa1", // U+f1e1
"Bomb": "\xef\x87\xa2", // U+f1e2
"FutbolO": "\xef\x87\xa3", // U+f1e3
"Tty": "\xef\x87\xa4", // U+f1e4
"Binoculars": "\xef\x87\xa5", // U+f1e5
"Plug": "\xef\x87\xa6", // U+f1e6
"Slideshare": "\xef\x87\xa7", // U+f1e7
"Twitch": "\xef\x87\xa8", // U+f1e8
"Yelp": "\xef\x87\xa9", // U+f1e9
"NewspaperO": "\xef\x87\xaa", // U+f1ea
"Wifi": "\xef\x87\xab", // U+f1eb
"Calculator": "\xef\x87\xac", // U+f1ec
"Paypal": "\xef\x87\xad", // U+f1ed
"GoogleWallet": "\xef\x87\xae", // U+f1ee
"CcVisa": "\xef\x87\xb0", // U+f1f0
"CcMastercard": "\xef\x87\xb1", // U+f1f1
"CcDiscover": "\xef\x87\xb2", // U+f1f2
"CcAmex": "\xef\x87\xb3", // U+f1f3
"CcPaypal": "\xef\x87\xb4", // U+f1f4
"CcStripe": "\xef\x87\xb5", // U+f1f5
"BellSlash": "\xef\x87\xb6", // U+f1f6
"BellSlashO": "\xef\x87\xb7", // U+f1f7
"Trash": "\xef\x87\xb8", // U+f1f8
"Copyright": "\xef\x87\xb9", // U+f1f9
"At": "\xef\x87\xba", // U+f1fa
"Eyedropper": "\xef\x87\xbb", // U+f1fb
"PaintBrush": "\xef\x87\xbc", // U+f1fc
"BirthdayCake": "\xef\x87\xbd", // U+f1fd
"AreaChart": "\xef\x87\xbe", // U+f1fe
"PieChart": "\xef\x88\x80", // U+f200
"LineChart": "\xef\x88\x81", // U+f201
"Lastfm": "\xef\x88\x82", // U+f202
"LastfmSquare": "\xef\x88\x83", // U+f203
"ToggleOff": "\xef\x88\x84", // U+f204
"ToggleOn": "\xef\x88\x85", // U+f205
"Bicycle": "\xef\x88\x86", // U+f206
"Bus": "\xef\x88\x87", // U+f207
"Ioxhost": "\xef\x88\x88", // U+f208
"Angellist": "\xef\x88\x89", // U+f209
"Cc": "\xef\x88\x8a", // U+f20a
"Ils": "\xef\x88\x8b", // U+f20b
"Meanpath": "\xef\x88\x8c", // U+f20c
"Buysellads": "\xef\x88\x8d", // U+f20d
"Connectdevelop": "\xef\x88\x8e", // U+f20e
"Dashcube": "\xef\x88\x90", // U+f210
"Forumbee": "\xef\x88\x91", // U+f211
"Leanpub": "\xef\x88\x92", // U+f212
"Sellsy": "\xef\x88\x93", // U+f213
"Shirtsinbulk": "\xef\x88\x94", // U+f214
"Simplybuilt": "\xef\x88\x95", // U+f215
"Skyatlas": "\xef\x88\x96", // U+f216
"CartPlus": "\xef\x88\x97", // U+f217
"CartArrowDown": "\xef\x88\x98", // U+f218
"Diamond": "\xef\x88\x99", // U+f219
"Ship": "\xef\x88\x9a", // U+f21a
"UserSecret": "\xef\x88\x9b", // U+f21b
"Motorcycle": "\xef\x88\x9c", // U+f21c
"StreetView": "\xef\x88\x9d", // U+f21d
"Heartbeat": "\xef\x88\x9e", // U+f21e
"Venus": "\xef\x88\xa1", // U+f221
"Mars": "\xef\x88\xa2", // U+f222
"Mercury": "\xef\x88\xa3", // U+f223
"Transgender": "\xef\x88\xa4", // U+f224
"TransgenderAlt": "\xef\x88\xa5", // U+f225
"VenusDouble": "\xef\x88\xa6", // U+f226
"MarsDouble": "\xef\x88\xa7", // U+f227
"VenusMars": "\xef\x88\xa8", // U+f228
"MarsStroke": "\xef\x88\xa9", // U+f229
"MarsStrokeV": "\xef\x88\xaa", // U+f22a
"MarsStrokeH": "\xef\x88\xab", // U+f22b
"Neuter": "\xef\x88\xac", // U+f22c
"Genderless": "\xef\x88\xad", // U+f22d
"FacebookOfficial": "\xef\x88\xb0", // U+f230
"PinterestP": "\xef\x88\xb1", // U+f231
"Whatsapp": "\xef\x88\xb2", // U+f232
"Server": "\xef\x88\xb3", // U+f233
"UserPlus": "\xef\x88\xb4", // U+f234
"UserTimes": "\xef\x88\xb5", // U+f235
"Bed": "\xef\x88\xb6", // U+f236
"Viacoin": "\xef\x88\xb7", // U+f237
"Train": "\xef\x88\xb8", // U+f238
"Subway": "\xef\x88\xb9", // U+f239
"Medium": "\xef\x88\xba", // U+f23a
"MediumSquare": "\xef\x8b\xb8", // U+f2f8
"YCombinator": "\xef\x88\xbb", // U+f23b
"OptinMonster": "\xef\x88\xbc", // U+f23c
"Opencart": "\xef\x88\xbd", // U+f23d
"Expeditedssl": "\xef\x88\xbe", // U+f23e
"BatteryFull": "\xef\x89\x80", // U+f240
"BatteryThreeQuarters": "\xef\x89\x81", // U+f241
"BatteryHalf": "\xef\x89\x82", // U+f242
"BatteryQuarter": "\xef\x89\x83", // U+f243
"BatteryEmpty": "\xef\x89\x84", // U+f244
"MousePointer": "\xef\x89\x85", // U+f245
"ICursor": "\xef\x89\x86", // U+f246
"ObjectGroup": "\xef\x89\x87", // U+f247
"ObjectUngroup": "\xef\x89\x88", // U+f248
"StickyNote": "\xef\x89\x89", // U+f249
"StickyNoteO": "\xef\x89\x8a", // U+f24a
"CcJcb": "\xef\x89\x8b", // U+f24b
"CcDinersClub": "\xef\x89\x8c", // U+f24c
"Clone": "\xef\x89\x8d", // U+f24d
"BalanceScale": "\xef\x89\x8e", // U+f24e
"HourglassO": "\xef\x89\x90", // U+f250
"HourglassStart": "\xef\x89\x91", // U+f251
"HourglassHalf": "\xef\x89\x92", // U+f252
"HourglassEnd": "\xef\x89\x93", // U+f253
"Hourglass": "\xef\x89\x94", // U+f254
"HandRockO": "\xef\x89\x95", // U+f255
"HandPaperO": "\xef\x89\x96", // U+f256
"HandScissorsO": "\xef\x89\x97", // U+f257
"HandLizardO": "\xef\x89\x98", // U+f258
"HandSpockO": "\xef\x89\x99", // U+f259
"HandPointerO": "\xef\x89\x9a", // U+f25a
"HandPeaceO": "\xef\x89\x9b", // U+f25b
"Trademark": "\xef\x89\x9c", // U+f25c
"Registered": "\xef\x89\x9d", // U+f25d
"CreativeCommons": "\xef\x89\x9e", // U+f25e
"Gg": "\xef\x89\xa0", // U+f260
"GgCircle": "\xef\x89\xa1", // U+f261
"Tripadvisor": "\xef\x89\xa2", // U+f262
"Odnoklassniki": "\xef\x89\xa3", // U+f263
"OdnoklassnikiSquare": "\xef\x89\xa4", // U+f264
"GetPocket": "\xef\x89\xa5", // U+f265
"WikipediaW": "\xef\x89\xa6", // U+f266
"Safari": "\xef\x89\xa7", // U+f267
"Chrome": "\xef\x89\xa8", // U+f268
"Firefox": "\xef\x89\xa9", // U+f269
"Opera": "\xef\x89\xaa", // U+f26a
"InternetExplorer": "\xef\x89\xab", // U+f26b
"Television": "\xef\x89\xac", // U+f26c
"Contao": "\xef\x89\xad", // U+f26d
"500px": "\xef\x89\xae", // U+f26e
"Amazon": "\xef\x89\xb0", // U+f270
"CalendarPlusO": "\xef\x89\xb1", // U+f271
"CalendarMinusO": "\xef\x89\xb2", // U+f272
"CalendarTimesO": "\xef\x89\xb3", // U+f273
"CalendarCheckO": "\xef\x89\xb4", // U+f274
"Industry": "\xef\x89\xb5", // U+f275
"MapPin": "\xef\x89\xb6", // U+f276
"MapSigns": "\xef\x89\xb7", // U+f277
"MapO": "\xef\x89\xb8", // U+f278
"Map": "\xef\x89\xb9", // U+f279
"Commenting": "\xef\x89\xba", // U+f27a
"CommentingO": "\xef\x89\xbb", // U+f27b
"Houzz": "\xef\x89\xbc", // U+f27c
"Vimeo": "\xef\x89\xbd", // U+f27d
"BlackTie": "\xef\x89\xbe", // U+f27e
"Fonticons": "\xef\x8a\x80", // U+f280
"RedditAlien": "\xef\x8a\x81", // U+f281
"Edge": "\xef\x8a\x82", // U+f282
"CreditCardAlt": "\xef\x8a\x83", // U+f283
"Codiepie": "\xef\x8a\x84", // U+f284
"Modx": "\xef\x8a\x85", // U+f285
"FortAwesome": "\xef\x8a\x86", // U+f286
"Usb": "\xef\x8a\x87", // U+f287
"ProductHunt": "\xef\x8a\x88", // U+f288
"Mixcloud": "\xef\x8a\x89", // U+f289
"Scribd": "\xef\x8a\x8a", // U+f28a
"PauseCircle": "\xef\x8a\x8b", // U+f28b
"PauseCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x8c", // U+f28c
"StopCircle": "\xef\x8a\x8d", // U+f28d
"StopCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x8e", // U+f28e
"ShoppingBag": "\xef\x8a\x90", // U+f290
"ShoppingBasket": "\xef\x8a\x91", // U+f291
"Hashtag": "\xef\x8a\x92", // U+f292
"Bluetooth": "\xef\x8a\x93", // U+f293
"BluetoothB": "\xef\x8a\x94", // U+f294
"Percent": "\xef\x8a\x95", // U+f295
"Gitlab": "\xef\x8a\x96", // U+f296
"Wpbeginner": "\xef\x8a\x97", // U+f297
"Wpforms": "\xef\x8a\x98", // U+f298
"Envira": "\xef\x8a\x99", // U+f299
"UniversalAccess": "\xef\x8a\x9a", // U+f29a
"WheelchairAlt": "\xef\x8a\x9b", // U+f29b
"QuestionCircleO": "\xef\x8a\x9c", // U+f29c
"Blind": "\xef\x8a\x9d", // U+f29d
"AudioDescription": "\xef\x8a\x9e", // U+f29e
"VolumeControlPhone": "\xef\x8a\xa0", // U+f2a0
"Braille": "\xef\x8a\xa1", // U+f2a1
"AssistiveListeningSystems": "\xef\x8a\xa2", // U+f2a2
"AmericanSignLanguageInterpreting": "\xef\x8a\xa3", // U+f2a3
"Deaf": "\xef\x8a\xa4", // U+f2a4
"Glide": "\xef\x8a\xa5", // U+f2a5
"GlideG": "\xef\x8a\xa6", // U+f2a6
"SignLanguage": "\xef\x8a\xa7", // U+f2a7
"LowVision": "\xef\x8a\xa8", // U+f2a8
"Viadeo": "\xef\x8a\xa9", // U+f2a9
"ViadeoSquare": "\xef\x8a\xaa", // U+f2aa
"Snapchat": "\xef\x8a\xab", // U+f2ab
"SnapchatGhost": "\xef\x8a\xac", // U+f2ac
"SnapchatSquare": "\xef\x8a\xad", // U+f2ad
"FirstOrder": "\xef\x8a\xb0", // U+f2b0
"Yoast": "\xef\x8a\xb1", // U+f2b1
"Themeisle": "\xef\x8a\xb2", // U+f2b2
"GooglePlusOfficial": "\xef\x8a\xb3", // U+f2b3
"FontAwesome": "\xef\x8a\xb4", // U+f2b4
"HandshakeO": "\xef\x8a\xb5", // U+f2b5
"EnvelopeOpen": "\xef\x8a\xb6", // U+f2b6
"EnvelopeOpenO": "\xef\x8a\xb7", // U+f2b7
"Linode": "\xef\x8a\xb8", // U+f2b8
"AddressBook": "\xef\x8a\xb9", // U+f2b9
"AddressBookO": "\xef\x8a\xba", // U+f2ba
"AddressCard": "\xef\x8a\xbb", // U+f2bb
"AddressCardO": "\xef\x8a\xbc", // U+f2bc
"UserCircle": "\xef\x8a\xbd", // U+f2bd
"UserCircleO": "\xef\x8a\xbe", // U+f2be
"UserO": "\xef\x8b\x80", // U+f2c0
"IdBadge": "\xef\x8b\x81", // U+f2c1
"IdCard": "\xef\x8b\x82", // U+f2c2
"IdCardO": "\xef\x8b\x83", // U+f2c3
"Quora": "\xef\x8b\x84", // U+f2c4
"FreeCodeCamp": "\xef\x8b\x85", // U+f2c5
"Telegram": "\xef\x8b\x86", // U+f2c6
"ThermometerFull": "\xef\x8b\x87", // U+f2c7
"ThermometerThreeQuarters": "\xef\x8b\x88", // U+f2c8
"ThermometerHalf": "\xef\x8b\x89", // U+f2c9
"ThermometerQuarter": "\xef\x8b\x8a", // U+f2ca
"ThermometerEmpty": "\xef\x8b\x8b", // U+f2cb
"Shower": "\xef\x8b\x8c", // U+f2cc
"Bath": "\xef\x8b\x8d", // U+f2cd
"Podcast": "\xef\x8b\x8e", // U+f2ce
"WindowMaximize": "\xef\x8b\x90", // U+f2d0
"WindowMinimize": "\xef\x8b\x91", // U+f2d1
"WindowRestore": "\xef\x8b\x92", // U+f2d2
"WindowClose": "\xef\x8b\x93", // U+f2d3
"WindowCloseO": "\xef\x8b\x94", // U+f2d4
"Bandcamp": "\xef\x8b\x95", // U+f2d5
"Grav": "\xef\x8b\x96", // U+f2d6
"Etsy": "\xef\x8b\x97", // U+f2d7
"Imdb": "\xef\x8b\x98", // U+f2d8
"Ravelry": "\xef\x8b\x99", // U+f2d9
"Eercast": "\xef\x8b\x9a", // U+f2da
"Microchip": "\xef\x8b\x9b", // U+f2db
"SnowflakeO": "\xef\x8b\x9c", // U+f2dc
"Superpowers": "\xef\x8b\x9d", // U+f2dd
"Wpexplorer": "\xef\x8b\x9e", // U+f2de
"Meetup": "\xef\x8b\xa0", // U+f2e0
"Mastodon": "\xef\x8b\xa1", // U+f2e1
"MastodonAlt": "\xef\x8b\xa2", // U+f2e2
"ForkAwesome": "\xef\x8b\xa3", // U+f2e3
"Peertube": "\xef\x8b\xa4", // U+f2e4
"Diaspora": "\xef\x8b\xa5", // U+f2e5
"Friendica": "\xef\x8b\xa6", // U+f2e6
"GnuSocial": "\xef\x8b\xa7", // U+f2e7
"LiberapaySquare": "\xef\x8b\xa8", // U+f2e8
"Liberapay": "\xef\x8b\xa9", // U+f2e9
"Scuttlebutt": "\xef\x8b\xaa", // U+f2ea
"Hubzilla": "\xef\x8b\xab", // U+f2eb
"SocialHome": "\xef\x8b\xac", // U+f2ec
"Artstation": "\xef\x8b\xad", // U+f2ed
"Discord": "\xef\x8b\xae", // U+f2ee
"DiscordAlt": "\xef\x8b\xaf", // U+f2ef
"Patreon": "\xef\x8b\xb0", // U+f2f0
"Snowdrift": "\xef\x8b\xb1", // U+f2f1
"Activitypub": "\xef\x8b\xb2", // U+f2f2
"Ethereum": "\xef\x8b\xb3", // U+f2f3
"Keybase": "\xef\x8b\xb4", // U+f2f4
"Shaarli": "\xef\x8b\xb5", // U+f2f5
"ShaarliO": "\xef\x8b\xb6", // U+f2f6
"KeyModern": "\xef\x8b\xb7", // U+f2f7
"Xmpp": "\xef\x8b\xb9", // U+f2f9
"ArchiveOrg": "\xef\x8b\xbc", // U+f2fc
"Freedombox": "\xef\x8b\xbd", // U+f2fd
"FacebookMessenger": "\xef\x8b\xbe", // U+f2fe
"Debian": "\xef\x8b\xbf", // U+f2ff
"MastodonSquare": "\xef\x8c\x80", // U+f300
"Tipeee": "\xef\x8c\x81", // U+f301
"React": "\xef\x8c\x82", // U+f302
"Dogmazic": "\xef\x8c\x83", // U+f303
"Zotero": "\xef\x8c\x89", // U+f309
"Nodejs": "\xef\x8c\x88", // U+f308
"Nextcloud": "\xef\x8c\x86", // U+f306
"NextcloudSquare": "\xef\x8c\x87", // U+f307
"Hackaday": "\xef\x8c\x8a", // U+f30a
"Laravel": "\xef\x8c\x8b", // U+f30b
"Signalapp": "\xef\x8c\x8c", // U+f30c
"Gnupg": "\xef\x8c\x8d", // U+f30d
"Php": "\xef\x8c\x8e", // U+f30e
"Ffmpeg": "\xef\x8c\x8f", // U+f30f
"Joplin": "\xef\x8c\x90", // U+f310
"Syncthing": "\xef\x8c\x91", // U+f311
"Inkscape": "\xef\x8c\x92", // U+f312
"MatrixOrg": "\xef\x8c\x93", // U+f313
"Pixelfed": "\xef\x8c\x94", // U+f314
"Bootstrap": "\xef\x8c\x95", // U+f315
"DevTo": "\xef\x8c\x96", // U+f316
"Hashnode": "\xef\x8c\x97", // U+f317
"Jirafeau": "\xef\x8c\x98", // U+f318
"Emby": "\xef\x8c\x99", // U+f319
"Wikidata": "\xef\x8c\x9a", // U+f31a
"Gimp": "\xef\x8c\x9b", // U+f31b
"C": "\xef\x8c\x9c", // U+f31c
"Digitalocean": "\xef\x8c\x9d", // U+f31d
"Att": "\xef\x8c\x9e", // U+f31e
"Gitea": "\xef\x8c\x9f", // U+f31f
"FileEpub": "\xef\x8c\xa1", // U+f321
"Python": "\xef\x8c\xa2", // U+f322
"Archlinux": "\xef\x8c\xa3", // U+f323
"Pleroma": "\xef\x8c\xa4", // U+f324
"Unsplash": "\xef\x8c\xa5", // U+f325
"Hackster": "\xef\x8c\xa6", // U+f326
"SpellCheck": "\xef\x8c\xa7", // U+f327
"Moon": "\xef\x8c\xa8", // U+f328
"Sun": "\xef\x8c\xa9", // U+f329
"FDroid": "\xef\x8c\xaa", // U+f32a
"Biometric": "\xef\x8c\xab", // U+f32b
"Wire": "\xef\x8c\xac", // U+f32c
"TorOnion": "\xef\x8c\xae", // U+f32e
"VolumeMute": "\xef\x8c\xaf", // U+f32f
"BellRinging": "\xef\x8c\xad", // U+f32d
"BellRingingO": "\xef\x8c\xb0", // U+f330
"Hal": "\xef\x8c\xb3", // U+f333
"Jupyter": "\xef\x8c\xb5", // U+f335
"Julia": "\xef\x8c\xb4", // U+f334
"Classicpress": "\xef\x8c\xb1", // U+f331
"ClassicpressCircle": "\xef\x8c\xb2", // U+f332
"OpenCollective": "\xef\x8c\xb6", // U+f336
"Orcid": "\xef\x8c\xb7", // U+f337
"Researchgate": "\xef\x8c\xb8", // U+f338
"Funkwhale": "\xef\x8c\xb9", // U+f339
"Askfm": "\xef\x8c\xba", // U+f33a
"Blockstack": "\xef\x8c\xbb", // U+f33b
"Boardgamegeek": "\xef\x8c\xbc", // U+f33c
"Bunny": "\xef\x8d\x9f", // U+f35f
"Buymeacoffee": "\xef\x8c\xbd", // U+f33d
"CcBy": "\xef\x8c\xbe", // U+f33e
"CcCc": "\xef\x8c\xbf", // U+f33f
"CcNcEu": "\xef\x8d\x81", // U+f341
"CcNcJp": "\xef\x8d\x82", // U+f342
"CcNc": "\xef\x8d\x80", // U+f340
"CcNd": "\xef\x8d\x83", // U+f343
"CcPd": "\xef\x8d\x84", // U+f344
"CcRemix": "\xef\x8d\x85", // U+f345
"CcSa": "\xef\x8d\x86", // U+f346
"CcShare": "\xef\x8d\x87", // U+f347
"CcZero": "\xef\x8d\x88", // U+f348
"ConwayGlider": "\xef\x8d\x89", // U+f349
"Csharp": "\xef\x8d\x8a", // U+f34a
"EmailBulk": "\xef\x8d\x8b", // U+f34b
"EmailBulkO": "\xef\x8d\x8c", // U+f34c
"Gnu": "\xef\x8d\x8d", // U+f34d
"GooglePlay": "\xef\x8d\x8e", // U+f34e
"Heroku": "\xef\x8d\x8f", // U+f34f
"HomeAssistant": "\xef\x8d\x90", // U+f350
"Java": "\xef\x8d\x91", // U+f351
"Mariadb": "\xef\x8d\x92", // U+f352
"Markdown": "\xef\x8d\x93", // U+f353
"Mysql": "\xef\x8d\x94", // U+f354
"Nordcast": "\xef\x8d\x95", // U+f355
"Plume": "\xef\x8d\x96", // U+f356
"Postgresql": "\xef\x8d\x97", // U+f357
"SassAlt": "\xef\x8d\x99", // U+f359
"Sass": "\xef\x8d\x98", // U+f358
"Skate": "\xef\x8d\x9a", // U+f35a
"Sketchfab": "\xef\x8d\x9b", // U+f35b
"Tex": "\xef\x8d\x9c", // U+f35c
"Textpattern": "\xef\x8d\x9d", // U+f35d
"Unity": "\xef\x8d\x9e", // U+f35e
"Hedgedoc": "\xef\x8d\xa0", // U+f360
"Fediverse": "\xef\x8d\xa1", // U+f361
"Proftpd": "\xef\x8d\xa2", // U+f362
"Osi": "\xef\x8d\xa3", // U+f363
"Eyeem": "\xef\x8d\xa4", // U+f364
"EyeemO": "\xef\x8d\xa5", // U+f365
"Codeberg": "\xef\x8d\xa6", // U+f366
"Discourse": "\xef\x8d\xa7", // U+f367
"Mumble": "\xef\x8d\xa8", // U+f368
"Freedesktop": "\xef\x8d\xa9", // U+f369
"Javascript": "\xef\x8d\xb0", // U+f370
"Lemmy": "\xef\x8d\xb1", // U+f371
"Ipfs": "\xef\x8d\xb2", // U+f372
"Canonical": "\xef\x8d\xaa", // U+f36a
"Ubuntu": "\xef\x8d\xab", // U+f36b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/master/src/icons/icons.yml
// for use with https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FK "forkawesome-webfont.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_FK 0xf000
#define ICON_MAX_16_FK 0xf372
#define ICON_MAX_FK 0xf372
#define ICON_FK_GLASS "\xef\x80\x80" // U+f000
#define ICON_FK_MUSIC "\xef\x80\x81" // U+f001
#define ICON_FK_SEARCH "\xef\x80\x82" // U+f002
#define ICON_FK_ENVELOPE_O "\xef\x80\x83" // U+f003
#define ICON_FK_HEART "\xef\x80\x84" // U+f004
#define ICON_FK_STAR "\xef\x80\x85" // U+f005
#define ICON_FK_STAR_O "\xef\x80\x86" // U+f006
#define ICON_FK_USER "\xef\x80\x87" // U+f007
#define ICON_FK_FILM "\xef\x80\x88" // U+f008
#define ICON_FK_TH_LARGE "\xef\x80\x89" // U+f009
#define ICON_FK_TH "\xef\x80\x8a" // U+f00a
#define ICON_FK_TH_LIST "\xef\x80\x8b" // U+f00b
#define ICON_FK_CHECK "\xef\x80\x8c" // U+f00c
#define ICON_FK_TIMES "\xef\x80\x8d" // U+f00d
#define ICON_FK_SEARCH_PLUS "\xef\x80\x8e" // U+f00e
#define ICON_FK_SEARCH_MINUS "\xef\x80\x90" // U+f010
#define ICON_FK_POWER_OFF "\xef\x80\x91" // U+f011
#define ICON_FK_SIGNAL "\xef\x80\x92" // U+f012
#define ICON_FK_COG "\xef\x80\x93" // U+f013
#define ICON_FK_TRASH_O "\xef\x80\x94" // U+f014
#define ICON_FK_HOME "\xef\x80\x95" // U+f015
#define ICON_FK_FILE_O "\xef\x80\x96" // U+f016
#define ICON_FK_CLOCK_O "\xef\x80\x97" // U+f017
#define ICON_FK_ROAD "\xef\x80\x98" // U+f018
#define ICON_FK_DOWNLOAD "\xef\x80\x99" // U+f019
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN "\xef\x80\x9a" // U+f01a
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_UP "\xef\x80\x9b" // U+f01b
#define ICON_FK_INBOX "\xef\x80\x9c" // U+f01c
#define ICON_FK_PLAY_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x80\x9d" // U+f01d
#define ICON_FK_REPEAT "\xef\x80\x9e" // U+f01e
#define ICON_FK_REFRESH "\xef\x80\xa1" // U+f021
#define ICON_FK_LIST_ALT "\xef\x80\xa2" // U+f022
#define ICON_FK_LOCK "\xef\x80\xa3" // U+f023
#define ICON_FK_FLAG "\xef\x80\xa4" // U+f024
#define ICON_FK_HEADPHONES "\xef\x80\xa5" // U+f025
#define ICON_FK_VOLUME_OFF "\xef\x80\xa6" // U+f026
#define ICON_FK_VOLUME_DOWN "\xef\x80\xa7" // U+f027
#define ICON_FK_VOLUME_UP "\xef\x80\xa8" // U+f028
#define ICON_FK_QRCODE "\xef\x80\xa9" // U+f029
#define ICON_FK_BARCODE "\xef\x80\xaa" // U+f02a
#define ICON_FK_TAG "\xef\x80\xab" // U+f02b
#define ICON_FK_TAGS "\xef\x80\xac" // U+f02c
#define ICON_FK_BOOK "\xef\x80\xad" // U+f02d
#define ICON_FK_BOOKMARK "\xef\x80\xae" // U+f02e
#define ICON_FK_PRINT "\xef\x80\xaf" // U+f02f
#define ICON_FK_CAMERA "\xef\x80\xb0" // U+f030
#define ICON_FK_FONT "\xef\x80\xb1" // U+f031
#define ICON_FK_BOLD "\xef\x80\xb2" // U+f032
#define ICON_FK_ITALIC "\xef\x80\xb3" // U+f033
#define ICON_FK_TEXT_HEIGHT "\xef\x80\xb4" // U+f034
#define ICON_FK_TEXT_WIDTH "\xef\x80\xb5" // U+f035
#define ICON_FK_ALIGN_LEFT "\xef\x80\xb6" // U+f036
#define ICON_FK_ALIGN_CENTER "\xef\x80\xb7" // U+f037
#define ICON_FK_ALIGN_RIGHT "\xef\x80\xb8" // U+f038
#define ICON_FK_ALIGN_JUSTIFY "\xef\x80\xb9" // U+f039
#define ICON_FK_LIST "\xef\x80\xba" // U+f03a
#define ICON_FK_OUTDENT "\xef\x80\xbb" // U+f03b
#define ICON_FK_INDENT "\xef\x80\xbc" // U+f03c
#define ICON_FK_VIDEO_CAMERA "\xef\x80\xbd" // U+f03d
#define ICON_FK_PICTURE_O "\xef\x80\xbe" // U+f03e
#define ICON_FK_PENCIL "\xef\x81\x80" // U+f040
#define ICON_FK_MAP_MARKER "\xef\x81\x81" // U+f041
#define ICON_FK_ADJUST "\xef\x81\x82" // U+f042
#define ICON_FK_TINT "\xef\x81\x83" // U+f043
#define ICON_FK_PENCIL_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x84" // U+f044
#define ICON_FK_SHARE_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x85" // U+f045
#define ICON_FK_CHECK_SQUARE_O "\xef\x81\x86" // U+f046
#define ICON_FK_ARROWS "\xef\x81\x87" // U+f047
#define ICON_FK_STEP_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x88" // U+f048
#define ICON_FK_FAST_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x89" // U+f049
#define ICON_FK_BACKWARD "\xef\x81\x8a" // U+f04a
#define ICON_FK_PLAY "\xef\x81\x8b" // U+f04b
#define ICON_FK_PAUSE "\xef\x81\x8c" // U+f04c
#define ICON_FK_STOP "\xef\x81\x8d" // U+f04d
#define ICON_FK_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x8e" // U+f04e
#define ICON_FK_FAST_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x90" // U+f050
#define ICON_FK_STEP_FORWARD "\xef\x81\x91" // U+f051
#define ICON_FK_EJECT "\xef\x81\x92" // U+f052
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_LEFT "\xef\x81\x93" // U+f053
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_RIGHT "\xef\x81\x94" // U+f054
#define ICON_FK_PLUS_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x95" // U+f055
#define ICON_FK_MINUS_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x96" // U+f056
#define ICON_FK_TIMES_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x97" // U+f057
#define ICON_FK_CHECK_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x98" // U+f058
#define ICON_FK_QUESTION_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x99" // U+f059
#define ICON_FK_INFO_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\x9a" // U+f05a
#define ICON_FK_CROSSHAIRS "\xef\x81\x9b" // U+f05b
#define ICON_FK_TIMES_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x81\x9c" // U+f05c
#define ICON_FK_CHECK_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x81\x9d" // U+f05d
#define ICON_FK_BAN "\xef\x81\x9e" // U+f05e
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_LEFT "\xef\x81\xa0" // U+f060
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_RIGHT "\xef\x81\xa1" // U+f061
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_UP "\xef\x81\xa2" // U+f062
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x81\xa3" // U+f063
#define ICON_FK_SHARE "\xef\x81\xa4" // U+f064
#define ICON_FK_EXPAND "\xef\x81\xa5" // U+f065
#define ICON_FK_COMPRESS "\xef\x81\xa6" // U+f066
#define ICON_FK_PLUS "\xef\x81\xa7" // U+f067
#define ICON_FK_MINUS "\xef\x81\xa8" // U+f068
#define ICON_FK_ASTERISK "\xef\x81\xa9" // U+f069
#define ICON_FK_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE "\xef\x81\xaa" // U+f06a
#define ICON_FK_GIFT "\xef\x81\xab" // U+f06b
#define ICON_FK_LEAF "\xef\x81\xac" // U+f06c
#define ICON_FK_FIRE "\xef\x81\xad" // U+f06d
#define ICON_FK_EYE "\xef\x81\xae" // U+f06e
#define ICON_FK_EYE_SLASH "\xef\x81\xb0" // U+f070
#define ICON_FK_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE "\xef\x81\xb1" // U+f071
#define ICON_FK_PLANE "\xef\x81\xb2" // U+f072
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR "\xef\x81\xb3" // U+f073
#define ICON_FK_RANDOM "\xef\x81\xb4" // U+f074
#define ICON_FK_COMMENT "\xef\x81\xb5" // U+f075
#define ICON_FK_MAGNET "\xef\x81\xb6" // U+f076
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_UP "\xef\x81\xb7" // U+f077
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_DOWN "\xef\x81\xb8" // U+f078
#define ICON_FK_RETWEET "\xef\x81\xb9" // U+f079
#define ICON_FK_SHOPPING_CART "\xef\x81\xba" // U+f07a
#define ICON_FK_FOLDER "\xef\x81\xbb" // U+f07b
#define ICON_FK_FOLDER_OPEN "\xef\x81\xbc" // U+f07c
#define ICON_FK_ARROWS_V "\xef\x81\xbd" // U+f07d
#define ICON_FK_ARROWS_H "\xef\x81\xbe" // U+f07e
#define ICON_FK_BAR_CHART "\xef\x82\x80" // U+f080
#define ICON_FK_TWITTER_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x81" // U+f081
#define ICON_FK_FACEBOOK_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x82" // U+f082
#define ICON_FK_CAMERA_RETRO "\xef\x82\x83" // U+f083
#define ICON_FK_KEY "\xef\x82\x84" // U+f084
#define ICON_FK_COGS "\xef\x82\x85" // U+f085
#define ICON_FK_COMMENTS "\xef\x82\x86" // U+f086
#define ICON_FK_THUMBS_O_UP "\xef\x82\x87" // U+f087
#define ICON_FK_THUMBS_O_DOWN "\xef\x82\x88" // U+f088
#define ICON_FK_STAR_HALF "\xef\x82\x89" // U+f089
#define ICON_FK_HEART_O "\xef\x82\x8a" // U+f08a
#define ICON_FK_SIGN_OUT "\xef\x82\x8b" // U+f08b
#define ICON_FK_LINKEDIN_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x8c" // U+f08c
#define ICON_FK_THUMB_TACK "\xef\x82\x8d" // U+f08d
#define ICON_FK_EXTERNAL_LINK "\xef\x82\x8e" // U+f08e
#define ICON_FK_SIGN_IN "\xef\x82\x90" // U+f090
#define ICON_FK_TROPHY "\xef\x82\x91" // U+f091
#define ICON_FK_GITHUB_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x92" // U+f092
#define ICON_FK_UPLOAD "\xef\x82\x93" // U+f093
#define ICON_FK_LEMON_O "\xef\x82\x94" // U+f094
#define ICON_FK_PHONE "\xef\x82\x95" // U+f095
#define ICON_FK_SQUARE_O "\xef\x82\x96" // U+f096
#define ICON_FK_BOOKMARK_O "\xef\x82\x97" // U+f097
#define ICON_FK_PHONE_SQUARE "\xef\x82\x98" // U+f098
#define ICON_FK_TWITTER "\xef\x82\x99" // U+f099
#define ICON_FK_FACEBOOK "\xef\x82\x9a" // U+f09a
#define ICON_FK_GITHUB "\xef\x82\x9b" // U+f09b
#define ICON_FK_UNLOCK "\xef\x82\x9c" // U+f09c
#define ICON_FK_CREDIT_CARD "\xef\x82\x9d" // U+f09d
#define ICON_FK_RSS "\xef\x82\x9e" // U+f09e
#define ICON_FK_HDD_O "\xef\x82\xa0" // U+f0a0
#define ICON_FK_BULLHORN "\xef\x82\xa1" // U+f0a1
#define ICON_FK_BELL_O "\xef\x83\xb3" // U+f0f3
#define ICON_FK_CERTIFICATE "\xef\x82\xa3" // U+f0a3
#define ICON_FK_HAND_O_RIGHT "\xef\x82\xa4" // U+f0a4
#define ICON_FK_HAND_O_LEFT "\xef\x82\xa5" // U+f0a5
#define ICON_FK_HAND_O_UP "\xef\x82\xa6" // U+f0a6
#define ICON_FK_HAND_O_DOWN "\xef\x82\xa7" // U+f0a7
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT "\xef\x82\xa8" // U+f0a8
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT "\xef\x82\xa9" // U+f0a9
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP "\xef\x82\xaa" // U+f0aa
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN "\xef\x82\xab" // U+f0ab
#define ICON_FK_GLOBE "\xef\x82\xac" // U+f0ac
#define ICON_FK_GLOBE_E "\xef\x8c\x84" // U+f304
#define ICON_FK_GLOBE_W "\xef\x8c\x85" // U+f305
#define ICON_FK_WRENCH "\xef\x82\xad" // U+f0ad
#define ICON_FK_TASKS "\xef\x82\xae" // U+f0ae
#define ICON_FK_FILTER "\xef\x82\xb0" // U+f0b0
#define ICON_FK_BRIEFCASE "\xef\x82\xb1" // U+f0b1
#define ICON_FK_ARROWS_ALT "\xef\x82\xb2" // U+f0b2
#define ICON_FK_USERS "\xef\x83\x80" // U+f0c0
#define ICON_FK_LINK "\xef\x83\x81" // U+f0c1
#define ICON_FK_CLOUD "\xef\x83\x82" // U+f0c2
#define ICON_FK_FLASK "\xef\x83\x83" // U+f0c3
#define ICON_FK_SCISSORS "\xef\x83\x84" // U+f0c4
#define ICON_FK_FILES_O "\xef\x83\x85" // U+f0c5
#define ICON_FK_PAPERCLIP "\xef\x83\x86" // U+f0c6
#define ICON_FK_FLOPPY_O "\xef\x83\x87" // U+f0c7
#define ICON_FK_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x88" // U+f0c8
#define ICON_FK_BARS "\xef\x83\x89" // U+f0c9
#define ICON_FK_LIST_UL "\xef\x83\x8a" // U+f0ca
#define ICON_FK_LIST_OL "\xef\x83\x8b" // U+f0cb
#define ICON_FK_STRIKETHROUGH "\xef\x83\x8c" // U+f0cc
#define ICON_FK_UNDERLINE "\xef\x83\x8d" // U+f0cd
#define ICON_FK_TABLE "\xef\x83\x8e" // U+f0ce
#define ICON_FK_MAGIC "\xef\x83\x90" // U+f0d0
#define ICON_FK_TRUCK "\xef\x83\x91" // U+f0d1
#define ICON_FK_PINTEREST "\xef\x83\x92" // U+f0d2
#define ICON_FK_PINTEREST_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x93" // U+f0d3
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\x94" // U+f0d4
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xef\x83\x95" // U+f0d5
#define ICON_FK_MONEY "\xef\x83\x96" // U+f0d6
#define ICON_FK_CARET_DOWN "\xef\x83\x97" // U+f0d7
#define ICON_FK_CARET_UP "\xef\x83\x98" // U+f0d8
#define ICON_FK_CARET_LEFT "\xef\x83\x99" // U+f0d9
#define ICON_FK_CARET_RIGHT "\xef\x83\x9a" // U+f0da
#define ICON_FK_COLUMNS "\xef\x83\x9b" // U+f0db
#define ICON_FK_SORT "\xef\x83\x9c" // U+f0dc
#define ICON_FK_SORT_DESC "\xef\x83\x9d" // U+f0dd
#define ICON_FK_SORT_ASC "\xef\x83\x9e" // U+f0de
#define ICON_FK_ENVELOPE "\xef\x83\xa0" // U+f0e0
#define ICON_FK_LINKEDIN "\xef\x83\xa1" // U+f0e1
#define ICON_FK_UNDO "\xef\x83\xa2" // U+f0e2
#define ICON_FK_GAVEL "\xef\x83\xa3" // U+f0e3
#define ICON_FK_TACHOMETER "\xef\x83\xa4" // U+f0e4
#define ICON_FK_COMMENT_O "\xef\x83\xa5" // U+f0e5
#define ICON_FK_COMMENTS_O "\xef\x83\xa6" // U+f0e6
#define ICON_FK_BOLT "\xef\x83\xa7" // U+f0e7
#define ICON_FK_SITEMAP "\xef\x83\xa8" // U+f0e8
#define ICON_FK_UMBRELLA "\xef\x83\xa9" // U+f0e9
#define ICON_FK_CLIPBOARD "\xef\x83\xaa" // U+f0ea
#define ICON_FK_LIGHTBULB_O "\xef\x83\xab" // U+f0eb
#define ICON_FK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x83\xac" // U+f0ec
#define ICON_FK_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD "\xef\x83\xad" // U+f0ed
#define ICON_FK_CLOUD_UPLOAD "\xef\x83\xae" // U+f0ee
#define ICON_FK_USER_MD "\xef\x83\xb0" // U+f0f0
#define ICON_FK_STETHOSCOPE "\xef\x83\xb1" // U+f0f1
#define ICON_FK_SUITCASE "\xef\x83\xb2" // U+f0f2
#define ICON_FK_BELL "\xef\x82\xa2" // U+f0a2
#define ICON_FK_COFFEE "\xef\x83\xb4" // U+f0f4
#define ICON_FK_CUTLERY "\xef\x83\xb5" // U+f0f5
#define ICON_FK_FILE_TEXT_O "\xef\x83\xb6" // U+f0f6
#define ICON_FK_BUILDING_O "\xef\x83\xb7" // U+f0f7
#define ICON_FK_HOSPITAL_O "\xef\x83\xb8" // U+f0f8
#define ICON_FK_AMBULANCE "\xef\x83\xb9" // U+f0f9
#define ICON_FK_MEDKIT "\xef\x83\xba" // U+f0fa
#define ICON_FK_FIGHTER_JET "\xef\x83\xbb" // U+f0fb
#define ICON_FK_BEER "\xef\x83\xbc" // U+f0fc
#define ICON_FK_H_SQUARE "\xef\x83\xbd" // U+f0fd
#define ICON_FK_PLUS_SQUARE "\xef\x83\xbe" // U+f0fe
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_DOUBLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x80" // U+f100
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_DOUBLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x81" // U+f101
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_DOUBLE_UP "\xef\x84\x82" // U+f102
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_DOUBLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\x83" // U+f103
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x84" // U+f104
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x85" // U+f105
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_UP "\xef\x84\x86" // U+f106
#define ICON_FK_ANGLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\x87" // U+f107
#define ICON_FK_DESKTOP "\xef\x84\x88" // U+f108
#define ICON_FK_LAPTOP "\xef\x84\x89" // U+f109
#define ICON_FK_TABLET "\xef\x84\x8a" // U+f10a
#define ICON_FK_MOBILE "\xef\x84\x8b" // U+f10b
#define ICON_FK_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x84\x8c" // U+f10c
#define ICON_FK_QUOTE_LEFT "\xef\x84\x8d" // U+f10d
#define ICON_FK_QUOTE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\x8e" // U+f10e
#define ICON_FK_SPINNER "\xef\x84\x90" // U+f110
#define ICON_FK_CIRCLE "\xef\x84\x91" // U+f111
#define ICON_FK_REPLY "\xef\x84\x92" // U+f112
#define ICON_FK_GITHUB_ALT "\xef\x84\x93" // U+f113
#define ICON_FK_FOLDER_O "\xef\x84\x94" // U+f114
#define ICON_FK_FOLDER_OPEN_O "\xef\x84\x95" // U+f115
#define ICON_FK_SMILE_O "\xef\x84\x98" // U+f118
#define ICON_FK_FROWN_O "\xef\x84\x99" // U+f119
#define ICON_FK_MEH_O "\xef\x84\x9a" // U+f11a
#define ICON_FK_GAMEPAD "\xef\x84\x9b" // U+f11b
#define ICON_FK_KEYBOARD_O "\xef\x84\x9c" // U+f11c
#define ICON_FK_FLAG_O "\xef\x84\x9d" // U+f11d
#define ICON_FK_FLAG_CHECKERED "\xef\x84\x9e" // U+f11e
#define ICON_FK_TERMINAL "\xef\x84\xa0" // U+f120
#define ICON_FK_CODE "\xef\x84\xa1" // U+f121
#define ICON_FK_REPLY_ALL "\xef\x84\xa2" // U+f122
#define ICON_FK_STAR_HALF_O "\xef\x84\xa3" // U+f123
#define ICON_FK_LOCATION_ARROW "\xef\x84\xa4" // U+f124
#define ICON_FK_CROP "\xef\x84\xa5" // U+f125
#define ICON_FK_CODE_FORK "\xef\x84\xa6" // U+f126
#define ICON_FK_CHAIN_BROKEN "\xef\x84\xa7" // U+f127
#define ICON_FK_QUESTION "\xef\x84\xa8" // U+f128
#define ICON_FK_INFO "\xef\x84\xa9" // U+f129
#define ICON_FK_EXCLAMATION "\xef\x84\xaa" // U+f12a
#define ICON_FK_SUPERSCRIPT "\xef\x84\xab" // U+f12b
#define ICON_FK_SUBSCRIPT "\xef\x84\xac" // U+f12c
#define ICON_FK_ERASER "\xef\x84\xad" // U+f12d
#define ICON_FK_PUZZLE_PIECE "\xef\x84\xae" // U+f12e
#define ICON_FK_MICROPHONE "\xef\x84\xb0" // U+f130
#define ICON_FK_MICROPHONE_SLASH "\xef\x84\xb1" // U+f131
#define ICON_FK_SHIELD "\xef\x84\xb2" // U+f132
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR_O "\xef\x84\xb3" // U+f133
#define ICON_FK_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER "\xef\x84\xb4" // U+f134
#define ICON_FK_ROCKET "\xef\x84\xb5" // U+f135
#define ICON_FK_MAXCDN "\xef\x84\xb6" // U+f136
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_LEFT "\xef\x84\xb7" // U+f137
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_RIGHT "\xef\x84\xb8" // U+f138
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_UP "\xef\x84\xb9" // U+f139
#define ICON_FK_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_DOWN "\xef\x84\xba" // U+f13a
#define ICON_FK_HTML5 "\xef\x84\xbb" // U+f13b
#define ICON_FK_CSS3 "\xef\x84\xbc" // U+f13c
#define ICON_FK_ANCHOR "\xef\x84\xbd" // U+f13d
#define ICON_FK_UNLOCK_ALT "\xef\x84\xbe" // U+f13e
#define ICON_FK_BULLSEYE "\xef\x85\x80" // U+f140
#define ICON_FK_ELLIPSIS_H "\xef\x85\x81" // U+f141
#define ICON_FK_ELLIPSIS_V "\xef\x85\x82" // U+f142
#define ICON_FK_RSS_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x83" // U+f143
#define ICON_FK_PLAY_CIRCLE "\xef\x85\x84" // U+f144
#define ICON_FK_TICKET "\xef\x85\x85" // U+f145
#define ICON_FK_MINUS_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x86" // U+f146
#define ICON_FK_MINUS_SQUARE_O "\xef\x85\x87" // U+f147
#define ICON_FK_LEVEL_UP "\xef\x85\x88" // U+f148
#define ICON_FK_LEVEL_DOWN "\xef\x85\x89" // U+f149
#define ICON_FK_CHECK_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8a" // U+f14a
#define ICON_FK_PENCIL_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8b" // U+f14b
#define ICON_FK_EXTERNAL_LINK_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8c" // U+f14c
#define ICON_FK_SHARE_SQUARE "\xef\x85\x8d" // U+f14d
#define ICON_FK_COMPASS "\xef\x85\x8e" // U+f14e
#define ICON_FK_CARET_SQUARE_O_DOWN "\xef\x85\x90" // U+f150
#define ICON_FK_CARET_SQUARE_O_UP "\xef\x85\x91" // U+f151
#define ICON_FK_CARET_SQUARE_O_RIGHT "\xef\x85\x92" // U+f152
#define ICON_FK_EUR "\xef\x85\x93" // U+f153
#define ICON_FK_GBP "\xef\x85\x94" // U+f154
#define ICON_FK_USD "\xef\x85\x95" // U+f155
#define ICON_FK_INR "\xef\x85\x96" // U+f156
#define ICON_FK_JPY "\xef\x85\x97" // U+f157
#define ICON_FK_RUB "\xef\x85\x98" // U+f158
#define ICON_FK_KRW "\xef\x85\x99" // U+f159
#define ICON_FK_BTC "\xef\x85\x9a" // U+f15a
#define ICON_FK_FILE "\xef\x85\x9b" // U+f15b
#define ICON_FK_FILE_TEXT "\xef\x85\x9c" // U+f15c
#define ICON_FK_SORT_ALPHA_ASC "\xef\x85\x9d" // U+f15d
#define ICON_FK_SORT_ALPHA_DESC "\xef\x85\x9e" // U+f15e
#define ICON_FK_SORT_AMOUNT_ASC "\xef\x85\xa0" // U+f160
#define ICON_FK_SORT_AMOUNT_DESC "\xef\x85\xa1" // U+f161
#define ICON_FK_SORT_NUMERIC_ASC "\xef\x85\xa2" // U+f162
#define ICON_FK_SORT_NUMERIC_DESC "\xef\x85\xa3" // U+f163
#define ICON_FK_THUMBS_UP "\xef\x85\xa4" // U+f164
#define ICON_FK_THUMBS_DOWN "\xef\x85\xa5" // U+f165
#define ICON_FK_YOUTUBE_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa6" // U+f166
#define ICON_FK_YOUTUBE "\xef\x85\xa7" // U+f167
#define ICON_FK_XING "\xef\x85\xa8" // U+f168
#define ICON_FK_XING_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xa9" // U+f169
#define ICON_FK_YOUTUBE_PLAY "\xef\x85\xaa" // U+f16a
#define ICON_FK_DROPBOX "\xef\x85\xab" // U+f16b
#define ICON_FK_STACK_OVERFLOW "\xef\x85\xac" // U+f16c
#define ICON_FK_INSTAGRAM "\xef\x85\xad" // U+f16d
#define ICON_FK_FLICKR "\xef\x85\xae" // U+f16e
#define ICON_FK_ADN "\xef\x85\xb0" // U+f170
#define ICON_FK_BITBUCKET "\xef\x85\xb1" // U+f171
#define ICON_FK_BITBUCKET_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb2" // U+f172
#define ICON_FK_TUMBLR "\xef\x85\xb3" // U+f173
#define ICON_FK_TUMBLR_SQUARE "\xef\x85\xb4" // U+f174
#define ICON_FK_LONG_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x85\xb5" // U+f175
#define ICON_FK_LONG_ARROW_UP "\xef\x85\xb6" // U+f176
#define ICON_FK_LONG_ARROW_LEFT "\xef\x85\xb7" // U+f177
#define ICON_FK_LONG_ARROW_RIGHT "\xef\x85\xb8" // U+f178
#define ICON_FK_APPLE "\xef\x85\xb9" // U+f179
#define ICON_FK_WINDOWS "\xef\x85\xba" // U+f17a
#define ICON_FK_ANDROID "\xef\x85\xbb" // U+f17b
#define ICON_FK_LINUX "\xef\x85\xbc" // U+f17c
#define ICON_FK_DRIBBBLE "\xef\x85\xbd" // U+f17d
#define ICON_FK_SKYPE "\xef\x85\xbe" // U+f17e
#define ICON_FK_FOURSQUARE "\xef\x86\x80" // U+f180
#define ICON_FK_TRELLO "\xef\x86\x81" // U+f181
#define ICON_FK_FEMALE "\xef\x86\x82" // U+f182
#define ICON_FK_MALE "\xef\x86\x83" // U+f183
#define ICON_FK_GRATIPAY "\xef\x86\x84" // U+f184
#define ICON_FK_SUN_O "\xef\x86\x85" // U+f185
#define ICON_FK_MOON_O "\xef\x86\x86" // U+f186
#define ICON_FK_ARCHIVE "\xef\x86\x87" // U+f187
#define ICON_FK_BUG "\xef\x86\x88" // U+f188
#define ICON_FK_VK "\xef\x86\x89" // U+f189
#define ICON_FK_WEIBO "\xef\x86\x8a" // U+f18a
#define ICON_FK_RENREN "\xef\x86\x8b" // U+f18b
#define ICON_FK_PAGELINES "\xef\x86\x8c" // U+f18c
#define ICON_FK_STACK_EXCHANGE "\xef\x86\x8d" // U+f18d
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_RIGHT "\xef\x86\x8e" // U+f18e
#define ICON_FK_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_LEFT "\xef\x86\x90" // U+f190
#define ICON_FK_CARET_SQUARE_O_LEFT "\xef\x86\x91" // U+f191
#define ICON_FK_DOT_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x86\x92" // U+f192
#define ICON_FK_WHEELCHAIR "\xef\x86\x93" // U+f193
#define ICON_FK_VIMEO_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x94" // U+f194
#define ICON_FK_TRY "\xef\x86\x95" // U+f195
#define ICON_FK_PLUS_SQUARE_O "\xef\x86\x96" // U+f196
#define ICON_FK_SPACE_SHUTTLE "\xef\x86\x97" // U+f197
#define ICON_FK_SLACK "\xef\x86\x98" // U+f198
#define ICON_FK_ENVELOPE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\x99" // U+f199
#define ICON_FK_WORDPRESS "\xef\x86\x9a" // U+f19a
#define ICON_FK_OPENID "\xef\x86\x9b" // U+f19b
#define ICON_FK_UNIVERSITY "\xef\x86\x9c" // U+f19c
#define ICON_FK_GRADUATION_CAP "\xef\x86\x9d" // U+f19d
#define ICON_FK_YAHOO "\xef\x86\x9e" // U+f19e
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE "\xef\x86\xa0" // U+f1a0
#define ICON_FK_REDDIT "\xef\x86\xa1" // U+f1a1
#define ICON_FK_REDDIT_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xa2" // U+f1a2
#define ICON_FK_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE "\xef\x86\xa3" // U+f1a3
#define ICON_FK_STUMBLEUPON "\xef\x86\xa4" // U+f1a4
#define ICON_FK_DELICIOUS "\xef\x86\xa5" // U+f1a5
#define ICON_FK_DIGG "\xef\x86\xa6" // U+f1a6
#define ICON_FK_DRUPAL "\xef\x86\xa9" // U+f1a9
#define ICON_FK_JOOMLA "\xef\x86\xaa" // U+f1aa
#define ICON_FK_LANGUAGE "\xef\x86\xab" // U+f1ab
#define ICON_FK_FAX "\xef\x86\xac" // U+f1ac
#define ICON_FK_BUILDING "\xef\x86\xad" // U+f1ad
#define ICON_FK_CHILD "\xef\x86\xae" // U+f1ae
#define ICON_FK_PAW "\xef\x86\xb0" // U+f1b0
#define ICON_FK_SPOON "\xef\x86\xb1" // U+f1b1
#define ICON_FK_CUBE "\xef\x86\xb2" // U+f1b2
#define ICON_FK_CUBES "\xef\x86\xb3" // U+f1b3
#define ICON_FK_BEHANCE "\xef\x86\xb4" // U+f1b4
#define ICON_FK_BEHANCE_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb5" // U+f1b5
#define ICON_FK_STEAM "\xef\x86\xb6" // U+f1b6
#define ICON_FK_STEAM_SQUARE "\xef\x86\xb7" // U+f1b7
#define ICON_FK_RECYCLE "\xef\x86\xb8" // U+f1b8
#define ICON_FK_CAR "\xef\x86\xb9" // U+f1b9
#define ICON_FK_TAXI "\xef\x86\xba" // U+f1ba
#define ICON_FK_TREE "\xef\x86\xbb" // U+f1bb
#define ICON_FK_SPOTIFY "\xef\x86\xbc" // U+f1bc
#define ICON_FK_DEVIANTART "\xef\x86\xbd" // U+f1bd
#define ICON_FK_SOUNDCLOUD "\xef\x86\xbe" // U+f1be
#define ICON_FK_DATABASE "\xef\x87\x80" // U+f1c0
#define ICON_FK_FILE_PDF_O "\xef\x87\x81" // U+f1c1
#define ICON_FK_FILE_WORD_O "\xef\x87\x82" // U+f1c2
#define ICON_FK_FILE_EXCEL_O "\xef\x87\x83" // U+f1c3
#define ICON_FK_FILE_POWERPOINT_O "\xef\x87\x84" // U+f1c4
#define ICON_FK_FILE_IMAGE_O "\xef\x87\x85" // U+f1c5
#define ICON_FK_FILE_ARCHIVE_O "\xef\x87\x86" // U+f1c6
#define ICON_FK_FILE_AUDIO_O "\xef\x87\x87" // U+f1c7
#define ICON_FK_FILE_VIDEO_O "\xef\x87\x88" // U+f1c8
#define ICON_FK_FILE_CODE_O "\xef\x87\x89" // U+f1c9
#define ICON_FK_VINE "\xef\x87\x8a" // U+f1ca
#define ICON_FK_CODEPEN "\xef\x87\x8b" // U+f1cb
#define ICON_FK_JSFIDDLE "\xef\x87\x8c" // U+f1cc
#define ICON_FK_LIFE_RING "\xef\x87\x8d" // U+f1cd
#define ICON_FK_CIRCLE_O_NOTCH "\xef\x87\x8e" // U+f1ce
#define ICON_FK_REBEL "\xef\x87\x90" // U+f1d0
#define ICON_FK_EMPIRE "\xef\x87\x91" // U+f1d1
#define ICON_FK_GIT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\x92" // U+f1d2
#define ICON_FK_GIT "\xef\x87\x93" // U+f1d3
#define ICON_FK_HACKER_NEWS "\xef\x87\x94" // U+f1d4
#define ICON_FK_TENCENT_WEIBO "\xef\x87\x95" // U+f1d5
#define ICON_FK_QQ "\xef\x87\x96" // U+f1d6
#define ICON_FK_WEIXIN "\xef\x87\x97" // U+f1d7
#define ICON_FK_PAPER_PLANE "\xef\x87\x98" // U+f1d8
#define ICON_FK_PAPER_PLANE_O "\xef\x87\x99" // U+f1d9
#define ICON_FK_HISTORY "\xef\x87\x9a" // U+f1da
#define ICON_FK_CIRCLE_THIN "\xef\x87\x9b" // U+f1db
#define ICON_FK_HEADER "\xef\x87\x9c" // U+f1dc
#define ICON_FK_PARAGRAPH "\xef\x87\x9d" // U+f1dd
#define ICON_FK_SLIDERS "\xef\x87\x9e" // U+f1de
#define ICON_FK_SHARE_ALT "\xef\x87\xa0" // U+f1e0
#define ICON_FK_SHARE_ALT_SQUARE "\xef\x87\xa1" // U+f1e1
#define ICON_FK_BOMB "\xef\x87\xa2" // U+f1e2
#define ICON_FK_FUTBOL_O "\xef\x87\xa3" // U+f1e3
#define ICON_FK_TTY "\xef\x87\xa4" // U+f1e4
#define ICON_FK_BINOCULARS "\xef\x87\xa5" // U+f1e5
#define ICON_FK_PLUG "\xef\x87\xa6" // U+f1e6
#define ICON_FK_SLIDESHARE "\xef\x87\xa7" // U+f1e7
#define ICON_FK_TWITCH "\xef\x87\xa8" // U+f1e8
#define ICON_FK_YELP "\xef\x87\xa9" // U+f1e9
#define ICON_FK_NEWSPAPER_O "\xef\x87\xaa" // U+f1ea
#define ICON_FK_WIFI "\xef\x87\xab" // U+f1eb
#define ICON_FK_CALCULATOR "\xef\x87\xac" // U+f1ec
#define ICON_FK_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xad" // U+f1ed
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE_WALLET "\xef\x87\xae" // U+f1ee
#define ICON_FK_CC_VISA "\xef\x87\xb0" // U+f1f0
#define ICON_FK_CC_MASTERCARD "\xef\x87\xb1" // U+f1f1
#define ICON_FK_CC_DISCOVER "\xef\x87\xb2" // U+f1f2
#define ICON_FK_CC_AMEX "\xef\x87\xb3" // U+f1f3
#define ICON_FK_CC_PAYPAL "\xef\x87\xb4" // U+f1f4
#define ICON_FK_CC_STRIPE "\xef\x87\xb5" // U+f1f5
#define ICON_FK_BELL_SLASH "\xef\x87\xb6" // U+f1f6
#define ICON_FK_BELL_SLASH_O "\xef\x87\xb7" // U+f1f7
#define ICON_FK_TRASH "\xef\x87\xb8" // U+f1f8
#define ICON_FK_COPYRIGHT "\xef\x87\xb9" // U+f1f9
#define ICON_FK_AT "\xef\x87\xba" // U+f1fa
#define ICON_FK_EYEDROPPER "\xef\x87\xbb" // U+f1fb
#define ICON_FK_PAINT_BRUSH "\xef\x87\xbc" // U+f1fc
#define ICON_FK_BIRTHDAY_CAKE "\xef\x87\xbd" // U+f1fd
#define ICON_FK_AREA_CHART "\xef\x87\xbe" // U+f1fe
#define ICON_FK_PIE_CHART "\xef\x88\x80" // U+f200
#define ICON_FK_LINE_CHART "\xef\x88\x81" // U+f201
#define ICON_FK_LASTFM "\xef\x88\x82" // U+f202
#define ICON_FK_LASTFM_SQUARE "\xef\x88\x83" // U+f203
#define ICON_FK_TOGGLE_OFF "\xef\x88\x84" // U+f204
#define ICON_FK_TOGGLE_ON "\xef\x88\x85" // U+f205
#define ICON_FK_BICYCLE "\xef\x88\x86" // U+f206
#define ICON_FK_BUS "\xef\x88\x87" // U+f207
#define ICON_FK_IOXHOST "\xef\x88\x88" // U+f208
#define ICON_FK_ANGELLIST "\xef\x88\x89" // U+f209
#define ICON_FK_CC "\xef\x88\x8a" // U+f20a
#define ICON_FK_ILS "\xef\x88\x8b" // U+f20b
#define ICON_FK_MEANPATH "\xef\x88\x8c" // U+f20c
#define ICON_FK_BUYSELLADS "\xef\x88\x8d" // U+f20d
#define ICON_FK_CONNECTDEVELOP "\xef\x88\x8e" // U+f20e
#define ICON_FK_DASHCUBE "\xef\x88\x90" // U+f210
#define ICON_FK_FORUMBEE "\xef\x88\x91" // U+f211
#define ICON_FK_LEANPUB "\xef\x88\x92" // U+f212
#define ICON_FK_SELLSY "\xef\x88\x93" // U+f213
#define ICON_FK_SHIRTSINBULK "\xef\x88\x94" // U+f214
#define ICON_FK_SIMPLYBUILT "\xef\x88\x95" // U+f215
#define ICON_FK_SKYATLAS "\xef\x88\x96" // U+f216
#define ICON_FK_CART_PLUS "\xef\x88\x97" // U+f217
#define ICON_FK_CART_ARROW_DOWN "\xef\x88\x98" // U+f218
#define ICON_FK_DIAMOND "\xef\x88\x99" // U+f219
#define ICON_FK_SHIP "\xef\x88\x9a" // U+f21a
#define ICON_FK_USER_SECRET "\xef\x88\x9b" // U+f21b
#define ICON_FK_MOTORCYCLE "\xef\x88\x9c" // U+f21c
#define ICON_FK_STREET_VIEW "\xef\x88\x9d" // U+f21d
#define ICON_FK_HEARTBEAT "\xef\x88\x9e" // U+f21e
#define ICON_FK_VENUS "\xef\x88\xa1" // U+f221
#define ICON_FK_MARS "\xef\x88\xa2" // U+f222
#define ICON_FK_MERCURY "\xef\x88\xa3" // U+f223
#define ICON_FK_TRANSGENDER "\xef\x88\xa4" // U+f224
#define ICON_FK_TRANSGENDER_ALT "\xef\x88\xa5" // U+f225
#define ICON_FK_VENUS_DOUBLE "\xef\x88\xa6" // U+f226
#define ICON_FK_MARS_DOUBLE "\xef\x88\xa7" // U+f227
#define ICON_FK_VENUS_MARS "\xef\x88\xa8" // U+f228
#define ICON_FK_MARS_STROKE "\xef\x88\xa9" // U+f229
#define ICON_FK_MARS_STROKE_V "\xef\x88\xaa" // U+f22a
#define ICON_FK_MARS_STROKE_H "\xef\x88\xab" // U+f22b
#define ICON_FK_NEUTER "\xef\x88\xac" // U+f22c
#define ICON_FK_GENDERLESS "\xef\x88\xad" // U+f22d
#define ICON_FK_FACEBOOK_OFFICIAL "\xef\x88\xb0" // U+f230
#define ICON_FK_PINTEREST_P "\xef\x88\xb1" // U+f231
#define ICON_FK_WHATSAPP "\xef\x88\xb2" // U+f232
#define ICON_FK_SERVER "\xef\x88\xb3" // U+f233
#define ICON_FK_USER_PLUS "\xef\x88\xb4" // U+f234
#define ICON_FK_USER_TIMES "\xef\x88\xb5" // U+f235
#define ICON_FK_BED "\xef\x88\xb6" // U+f236
#define ICON_FK_VIACOIN "\xef\x88\xb7" // U+f237
#define ICON_FK_TRAIN "\xef\x88\xb8" // U+f238
#define ICON_FK_SUBWAY "\xef\x88\xb9" // U+f239
#define ICON_FK_MEDIUM "\xef\x88\xba" // U+f23a
#define ICON_FK_MEDIUM_SQUARE "\xef\x8b\xb8" // U+f2f8
#define ICON_FK_Y_COMBINATOR "\xef\x88\xbb" // U+f23b
#define ICON_FK_OPTIN_MONSTER "\xef\x88\xbc" // U+f23c
#define ICON_FK_OPENCART "\xef\x88\xbd" // U+f23d
#define ICON_FK_EXPEDITEDSSL "\xef\x88\xbe" // U+f23e
#define ICON_FK_BATTERY_FULL "\xef\x89\x80" // U+f240
#define ICON_FK_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS "\xef\x89\x81" // U+f241
#define ICON_FK_BATTERY_HALF "\xef\x89\x82" // U+f242
#define ICON_FK_BATTERY_QUARTER "\xef\x89\x83" // U+f243
#define ICON_FK_BATTERY_EMPTY "\xef\x89\x84" // U+f244
#define ICON_FK_MOUSE_POINTER "\xef\x89\x85" // U+f245
#define ICON_FK_I_CURSOR "\xef\x89\x86" // U+f246
#define ICON_FK_OBJECT_GROUP "\xef\x89\x87" // U+f247
#define ICON_FK_OBJECT_UNGROUP "\xef\x89\x88" // U+f248
#define ICON_FK_STICKY_NOTE "\xef\x89\x89" // U+f249
#define ICON_FK_STICKY_NOTE_O "\xef\x89\x8a" // U+f24a
#define ICON_FK_CC_JCB "\xef\x89\x8b" // U+f24b
#define ICON_FK_CC_DINERS_CLUB "\xef\x89\x8c" // U+f24c
#define ICON_FK_CLONE "\xef\x89\x8d" // U+f24d
#define ICON_FK_BALANCE_SCALE "\xef\x89\x8e" // U+f24e
#define ICON_FK_HOURGLASS_O "\xef\x89\x90" // U+f250
#define ICON_FK_HOURGLASS_START "\xef\x89\x91" // U+f251
#define ICON_FK_HOURGLASS_HALF "\xef\x89\x92" // U+f252
#define ICON_FK_HOURGLASS_END "\xef\x89\x93" // U+f253
#define ICON_FK_HOURGLASS "\xef\x89\x94" // U+f254
#define ICON_FK_HAND_ROCK_O "\xef\x89\x95" // U+f255
#define ICON_FK_HAND_PAPER_O "\xef\x89\x96" // U+f256
#define ICON_FK_HAND_SCISSORS_O "\xef\x89\x97" // U+f257
#define ICON_FK_HAND_LIZARD_O "\xef\x89\x98" // U+f258
#define ICON_FK_HAND_SPOCK_O "\xef\x89\x99" // U+f259
#define ICON_FK_HAND_POINTER_O "\xef\x89\x9a" // U+f25a
#define ICON_FK_HAND_PEACE_O "\xef\x89\x9b" // U+f25b
#define ICON_FK_TRADEMARK "\xef\x89\x9c" // U+f25c
#define ICON_FK_REGISTERED "\xef\x89\x9d" // U+f25d
#define ICON_FK_CREATIVE_COMMONS "\xef\x89\x9e" // U+f25e
#define ICON_FK_GG "\xef\x89\xa0" // U+f260
#define ICON_FK_GG_CIRCLE "\xef\x89\xa1" // U+f261
#define ICON_FK_TRIPADVISOR "\xef\x89\xa2" // U+f262
#define ICON_FK_ODNOKLASSNIKI "\xef\x89\xa3" // U+f263
#define ICON_FK_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE "\xef\x89\xa4" // U+f264
#define ICON_FK_GET_POCKET "\xef\x89\xa5" // U+f265
#define ICON_FK_WIKIPEDIA_W "\xef\x89\xa6" // U+f266
#define ICON_FK_SAFARI "\xef\x89\xa7" // U+f267
#define ICON_FK_CHROME "\xef\x89\xa8" // U+f268
#define ICON_FK_FIREFOX "\xef\x89\xa9" // U+f269
#define ICON_FK_OPERA "\xef\x89\xaa" // U+f26a
#define ICON_FK_INTERNET_EXPLORER "\xef\x89\xab" // U+f26b
#define ICON_FK_TELEVISION "\xef\x89\xac" // U+f26c
#define ICON_FK_CONTAO "\xef\x89\xad" // U+f26d
#define ICON_FK_500PX "\xef\x89\xae" // U+f26e
#define ICON_FK_AMAZON "\xef\x89\xb0" // U+f270
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR_PLUS_O "\xef\x89\xb1" // U+f271
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR_MINUS_O "\xef\x89\xb2" // U+f272
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR_TIMES_O "\xef\x89\xb3" // U+f273
#define ICON_FK_CALENDAR_CHECK_O "\xef\x89\xb4" // U+f274
#define ICON_FK_INDUSTRY "\xef\x89\xb5" // U+f275
#define ICON_FK_MAP_PIN "\xef\x89\xb6" // U+f276
#define ICON_FK_MAP_SIGNS "\xef\x89\xb7" // U+f277
#define ICON_FK_MAP_O "\xef\x89\xb8" // U+f278
#define ICON_FK_MAP "\xef\x89\xb9" // U+f279
#define ICON_FK_COMMENTING "\xef\x89\xba" // U+f27a
#define ICON_FK_COMMENTING_O "\xef\x89\xbb" // U+f27b
#define ICON_FK_HOUZZ "\xef\x89\xbc" // U+f27c
#define ICON_FK_VIMEO "\xef\x89\xbd" // U+f27d
#define ICON_FK_BLACK_TIE "\xef\x89\xbe" // U+f27e
#define ICON_FK_FONTICONS "\xef\x8a\x80" // U+f280
#define ICON_FK_REDDIT_ALIEN "\xef\x8a\x81" // U+f281
#define ICON_FK_EDGE "\xef\x8a\x82" // U+f282
#define ICON_FK_CREDIT_CARD_ALT "\xef\x8a\x83" // U+f283
#define ICON_FK_CODIEPIE "\xef\x8a\x84" // U+f284
#define ICON_FK_MODX "\xef\x8a\x85" // U+f285
#define ICON_FK_FORT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\x86" // U+f286
#define ICON_FK_USB "\xef\x8a\x87" // U+f287
#define ICON_FK_PRODUCT_HUNT "\xef\x8a\x88" // U+f288
#define ICON_FK_MIXCLOUD "\xef\x8a\x89" // U+f289
#define ICON_FK_SCRIBD "\xef\x8a\x8a" // U+f28a
#define ICON_FK_PAUSE_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\x8b" // U+f28b
#define ICON_FK_PAUSE_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x8c" // U+f28c
#define ICON_FK_STOP_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\x8d" // U+f28d
#define ICON_FK_STOP_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x8e" // U+f28e
#define ICON_FK_SHOPPING_BAG "\xef\x8a\x90" // U+f290
#define ICON_FK_SHOPPING_BASKET "\xef\x8a\x91" // U+f291
#define ICON_FK_HASHTAG "\xef\x8a\x92" // U+f292
#define ICON_FK_BLUETOOTH "\xef\x8a\x93" // U+f293
#define ICON_FK_BLUETOOTH_B "\xef\x8a\x94" // U+f294
#define ICON_FK_PERCENT "\xef\x8a\x95" // U+f295
#define ICON_FK_GITLAB "\xef\x8a\x96" // U+f296
#define ICON_FK_WPBEGINNER "\xef\x8a\x97" // U+f297
#define ICON_FK_WPFORMS "\xef\x8a\x98" // U+f298
#define ICON_FK_ENVIRA "\xef\x8a\x99" // U+f299
#define ICON_FK_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS "\xef\x8a\x9a" // U+f29a
#define ICON_FK_WHEELCHAIR_ALT "\xef\x8a\x9b" // U+f29b
#define ICON_FK_QUESTION_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\x9c" // U+f29c
#define ICON_FK_BLIND "\xef\x8a\x9d" // U+f29d
#define ICON_FK_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION "\xef\x8a\x9e" // U+f29e
#define ICON_FK_VOLUME_CONTROL_PHONE "\xef\x8a\xa0" // U+f2a0
#define ICON_FK_BRAILLE "\xef\x8a\xa1" // U+f2a1
#define ICON_FK_ASSISTIVE_LISTENING_SYSTEMS "\xef\x8a\xa2" // U+f2a2
#define ICON_FK_DEAF "\xef\x8a\xa4" // U+f2a4
#define ICON_FK_GLIDE "\xef\x8a\xa5" // U+f2a5
#define ICON_FK_GLIDE_G "\xef\x8a\xa6" // U+f2a6
#define ICON_FK_SIGN_LANGUAGE "\xef\x8a\xa7" // U+f2a7
#define ICON_FK_LOW_VISION "\xef\x8a\xa8" // U+f2a8
#define ICON_FK_VIADEO "\xef\x8a\xa9" // U+f2a9
#define ICON_FK_VIADEO_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xaa" // U+f2aa
#define ICON_FK_SNAPCHAT "\xef\x8a\xab" // U+f2ab
#define ICON_FK_SNAPCHAT_GHOST "\xef\x8a\xac" // U+f2ac
#define ICON_FK_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE "\xef\x8a\xad" // U+f2ad
#define ICON_FK_FIRST_ORDER "\xef\x8a\xb0" // U+f2b0
#define ICON_FK_YOAST "\xef\x8a\xb1" // U+f2b1
#define ICON_FK_THEMEISLE "\xef\x8a\xb2" // U+f2b2
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE_PLUS_OFFICIAL "\xef\x8a\xb3" // U+f2b3
#define ICON_FK_FONT_AWESOME "\xef\x8a\xb4" // U+f2b4
#define ICON_FK_HANDSHAKE_O "\xef\x8a\xb5" // U+f2b5
#define ICON_FK_ENVELOPE_OPEN "\xef\x8a\xb6" // U+f2b6
#define ICON_FK_ENVELOPE_OPEN_O "\xef\x8a\xb7" // U+f2b7
#define ICON_FK_LINODE "\xef\x8a\xb8" // U+f2b8
#define ICON_FK_ADDRESS_BOOK "\xef\x8a\xb9" // U+f2b9
#define ICON_FK_ADDRESS_BOOK_O "\xef\x8a\xba" // U+f2ba
#define ICON_FK_ADDRESS_CARD "\xef\x8a\xbb" // U+f2bb
#define ICON_FK_ADDRESS_CARD_O "\xef\x8a\xbc" // U+f2bc
#define ICON_FK_USER_CIRCLE "\xef\x8a\xbd" // U+f2bd
#define ICON_FK_USER_CIRCLE_O "\xef\x8a\xbe" // U+f2be
#define ICON_FK_USER_O "\xef\x8b\x80" // U+f2c0
#define ICON_FK_ID_BADGE "\xef\x8b\x81" // U+f2c1
#define ICON_FK_ID_CARD "\xef\x8b\x82" // U+f2c2
#define ICON_FK_ID_CARD_O "\xef\x8b\x83" // U+f2c3
#define ICON_FK_QUORA "\xef\x8b\x84" // U+f2c4
#define ICON_FK_FREE_CODE_CAMP "\xef\x8b\x85" // U+f2c5
#define ICON_FK_TELEGRAM "\xef\x8b\x86" // U+f2c6
#define ICON_FK_THERMOMETER_FULL "\xef\x8b\x87" // U+f2c7
#define ICON_FK_THERMOMETER_THREE_QUARTERS "\xef\x8b\x88" // U+f2c8
#define ICON_FK_THERMOMETER_HALF "\xef\x8b\x89" // U+f2c9
#define ICON_FK_THERMOMETER_QUARTER "\xef\x8b\x8a" // U+f2ca
#define ICON_FK_THERMOMETER_EMPTY "\xef\x8b\x8b" // U+f2cb
#define ICON_FK_SHOWER "\xef\x8b\x8c" // U+f2cc
#define ICON_FK_BATH "\xef\x8b\x8d" // U+f2cd
#define ICON_FK_PODCAST "\xef\x8b\x8e" // U+f2ce
#define ICON_FK_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE "\xef\x8b\x90" // U+f2d0
#define ICON_FK_WINDOW_MINIMIZE "\xef\x8b\x91" // U+f2d1
#define ICON_FK_WINDOW_RESTORE "\xef\x8b\x92" // U+f2d2
#define ICON_FK_WINDOW_CLOSE "\xef\x8b\x93" // U+f2d3
#define ICON_FK_WINDOW_CLOSE_O "\xef\x8b\x94" // U+f2d4
#define ICON_FK_BANDCAMP "\xef\x8b\x95" // U+f2d5
#define ICON_FK_GRAV "\xef\x8b\x96" // U+f2d6
#define ICON_FK_ETSY "\xef\x8b\x97" // U+f2d7
#define ICON_FK_IMDB "\xef\x8b\x98" // U+f2d8
#define ICON_FK_RAVELRY "\xef\x8b\x99" // U+f2d9
#define ICON_FK_EERCAST "\xef\x8b\x9a" // U+f2da
#define ICON_FK_MICROCHIP "\xef\x8b\x9b" // U+f2db
#define ICON_FK_SNOWFLAKE_O "\xef\x8b\x9c" // U+f2dc
#define ICON_FK_SUPERPOWERS "\xef\x8b\x9d" // U+f2dd
#define ICON_FK_WPEXPLORER "\xef\x8b\x9e" // U+f2de
#define ICON_FK_MEETUP "\xef\x8b\xa0" // U+f2e0
#define ICON_FK_MASTODON "\xef\x8b\xa1" // U+f2e1
#define ICON_FK_MASTODON_ALT "\xef\x8b\xa2" // U+f2e2
#define ICON_FK_FORK_AWESOME "\xef\x8b\xa3" // U+f2e3
#define ICON_FK_PEERTUBE "\xef\x8b\xa4" // U+f2e4
#define ICON_FK_DIASPORA "\xef\x8b\xa5" // U+f2e5
#define ICON_FK_FRIENDICA "\xef\x8b\xa6" // U+f2e6
#define ICON_FK_GNU_SOCIAL "\xef\x8b\xa7" // U+f2e7
#define ICON_FK_LIBERAPAY_SQUARE "\xef\x8b\xa8" // U+f2e8
#define ICON_FK_LIBERAPAY "\xef\x8b\xa9" // U+f2e9
#define ICON_FK_SCUTTLEBUTT "\xef\x8b\xaa" // U+f2ea
#define ICON_FK_HUBZILLA "\xef\x8b\xab" // U+f2eb
#define ICON_FK_SOCIAL_HOME "\xef\x8b\xac" // U+f2ec
#define ICON_FK_ARTSTATION "\xef\x8b\xad" // U+f2ed
#define ICON_FK_DISCORD "\xef\x8b\xae" // U+f2ee
#define ICON_FK_DISCORD_ALT "\xef\x8b\xaf" // U+f2ef
#define ICON_FK_PATREON "\xef\x8b\xb0" // U+f2f0
#define ICON_FK_SNOWDRIFT "\xef\x8b\xb1" // U+f2f1
#define ICON_FK_ACTIVITYPUB "\xef\x8b\xb2" // U+f2f2
#define ICON_FK_ETHEREUM "\xef\x8b\xb3" // U+f2f3
#define ICON_FK_KEYBASE "\xef\x8b\xb4" // U+f2f4
#define ICON_FK_SHAARLI "\xef\x8b\xb5" // U+f2f5
#define ICON_FK_SHAARLI_O "\xef\x8b\xb6" // U+f2f6
#define ICON_FK_KEY_MODERN "\xef\x8b\xb7" // U+f2f7
#define ICON_FK_XMPP "\xef\x8b\xb9" // U+f2f9
#define ICON_FK_ARCHIVE_ORG "\xef\x8b\xbc" // U+f2fc
#define ICON_FK_FREEDOMBOX "\xef\x8b\xbd" // U+f2fd
#define ICON_FK_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER "\xef\x8b\xbe" // U+f2fe
#define ICON_FK_DEBIAN "\xef\x8b\xbf" // U+f2ff
#define ICON_FK_MASTODON_SQUARE "\xef\x8c\x80" // U+f300
#define ICON_FK_TIPEEE "\xef\x8c\x81" // U+f301
#define ICON_FK_REACT "\xef\x8c\x82" // U+f302
#define ICON_FK_DOGMAZIC "\xef\x8c\x83" // U+f303
#define ICON_FK_ZOTERO "\xef\x8c\x89" // U+f309
#define ICON_FK_NODEJS "\xef\x8c\x88" // U+f308
#define ICON_FK_NEXTCLOUD "\xef\x8c\x86" // U+f306
#define ICON_FK_NEXTCLOUD_SQUARE "\xef\x8c\x87" // U+f307
#define ICON_FK_HACKADAY "\xef\x8c\x8a" // U+f30a
#define ICON_FK_LARAVEL "\xef\x8c\x8b" // U+f30b
#define ICON_FK_SIGNALAPP "\xef\x8c\x8c" // U+f30c
#define ICON_FK_GNUPG "\xef\x8c\x8d" // U+f30d
#define ICON_FK_PHP "\xef\x8c\x8e" // U+f30e
#define ICON_FK_FFMPEG "\xef\x8c\x8f" // U+f30f
#define ICON_FK_JOPLIN "\xef\x8c\x90" // U+f310
#define ICON_FK_SYNCTHING "\xef\x8c\x91" // U+f311
#define ICON_FK_INKSCAPE "\xef\x8c\x92" // U+f312
#define ICON_FK_MATRIX_ORG "\xef\x8c\x93" // U+f313
#define ICON_FK_PIXELFED "\xef\x8c\x94" // U+f314
#define ICON_FK_BOOTSTRAP "\xef\x8c\x95" // U+f315
#define ICON_FK_DEV_TO "\xef\x8c\x96" // U+f316
#define ICON_FK_HASHNODE "\xef\x8c\x97" // U+f317
#define ICON_FK_JIRAFEAU "\xef\x8c\x98" // U+f318
#define ICON_FK_EMBY "\xef\x8c\x99" // U+f319
#define ICON_FK_WIKIDATA "\xef\x8c\x9a" // U+f31a
#define ICON_FK_GIMP "\xef\x8c\x9b" // U+f31b
#define ICON_FK_C "\xef\x8c\x9c" // U+f31c
#define ICON_FK_DIGITALOCEAN "\xef\x8c\x9d" // U+f31d
#define ICON_FK_ATT "\xef\x8c\x9e" // U+f31e
#define ICON_FK_GITEA "\xef\x8c\x9f" // U+f31f
#define ICON_FK_FILE_EPUB "\xef\x8c\xa1" // U+f321
#define ICON_FK_PYTHON "\xef\x8c\xa2" // U+f322
#define ICON_FK_ARCHLINUX "\xef\x8c\xa3" // U+f323
#define ICON_FK_PLEROMA "\xef\x8c\xa4" // U+f324
#define ICON_FK_UNSPLASH "\xef\x8c\xa5" // U+f325
#define ICON_FK_HACKSTER "\xef\x8c\xa6" // U+f326
#define ICON_FK_SPELL_CHECK "\xef\x8c\xa7" // U+f327
#define ICON_FK_MOON "\xef\x8c\xa8" // U+f328
#define ICON_FK_SUN "\xef\x8c\xa9" // U+f329
#define ICON_FK_F_DROID "\xef\x8c\xaa" // U+f32a
#define ICON_FK_BIOMETRIC "\xef\x8c\xab" // U+f32b
#define ICON_FK_WIRE "\xef\x8c\xac" // U+f32c
#define ICON_FK_TOR_ONION "\xef\x8c\xae" // U+f32e
#define ICON_FK_VOLUME_MUTE "\xef\x8c\xaf" // U+f32f
#define ICON_FK_BELL_RINGING "\xef\x8c\xad" // U+f32d
#define ICON_FK_BELL_RINGING_O "\xef\x8c\xb0" // U+f330
#define ICON_FK_HAL "\xef\x8c\xb3" // U+f333
#define ICON_FK_JUPYTER "\xef\x8c\xb5" // U+f335
#define ICON_FK_JULIA "\xef\x8c\xb4" // U+f334
#define ICON_FK_CLASSICPRESS "\xef\x8c\xb1" // U+f331
#define ICON_FK_CLASSICPRESS_CIRCLE "\xef\x8c\xb2" // U+f332
#define ICON_FK_OPEN_COLLECTIVE "\xef\x8c\xb6" // U+f336
#define ICON_FK_ORCID "\xef\x8c\xb7" // U+f337
#define ICON_FK_RESEARCHGATE "\xef\x8c\xb8" // U+f338
#define ICON_FK_FUNKWHALE "\xef\x8c\xb9" // U+f339
#define ICON_FK_ASKFM "\xef\x8c\xba" // U+f33a
#define ICON_FK_BLOCKSTACK "\xef\x8c\xbb" // U+f33b
#define ICON_FK_BOARDGAMEGEEK "\xef\x8c\xbc" // U+f33c
#define ICON_FK_BUNNY "\xef\x8d\x9f" // U+f35f
#define ICON_FK_BUYMEACOFFEE "\xef\x8c\xbd" // U+f33d
#define ICON_FK_CC_BY "\xef\x8c\xbe" // U+f33e
#define ICON_FK_CC_CC "\xef\x8c\xbf" // U+f33f
#define ICON_FK_CC_NC_EU "\xef\x8d\x81" // U+f341
#define ICON_FK_CC_NC_JP "\xef\x8d\x82" // U+f342
#define ICON_FK_CC_NC "\xef\x8d\x80" // U+f340
#define ICON_FK_CC_ND "\xef\x8d\x83" // U+f343
#define ICON_FK_CC_PD "\xef\x8d\x84" // U+f344
#define ICON_FK_CC_REMIX "\xef\x8d\x85" // U+f345
#define ICON_FK_CC_SA "\xef\x8d\x86" // U+f346
#define ICON_FK_CC_SHARE "\xef\x8d\x87" // U+f347
#define ICON_FK_CC_ZERO "\xef\x8d\x88" // U+f348
#define ICON_FK_CONWAY_GLIDER "\xef\x8d\x89" // U+f349
#define ICON_FK_CSHARP "\xef\x8d\x8a" // U+f34a
#define ICON_FK_EMAIL_BULK "\xef\x8d\x8b" // U+f34b
#define ICON_FK_EMAIL_BULK_O "\xef\x8d\x8c" // U+f34c
#define ICON_FK_GNU "\xef\x8d\x8d" // U+f34d
#define ICON_FK_GOOGLE_PLAY "\xef\x8d\x8e" // U+f34e
#define ICON_FK_HEROKU "\xef\x8d\x8f" // U+f34f
#define ICON_FK_HOME_ASSISTANT "\xef\x8d\x90" // U+f350
#define ICON_FK_JAVA "\xef\x8d\x91" // U+f351
#define ICON_FK_MARIADB "\xef\x8d\x92" // U+f352
#define ICON_FK_MARKDOWN "\xef\x8d\x93" // U+f353
#define ICON_FK_MYSQL "\xef\x8d\x94" // U+f354
#define ICON_FK_NORDCAST "\xef\x8d\x95" // U+f355
#define ICON_FK_PLUME "\xef\x8d\x96" // U+f356
#define ICON_FK_POSTGRESQL "\xef\x8d\x97" // U+f357
#define ICON_FK_SASS_ALT "\xef\x8d\x99" // U+f359
#define ICON_FK_SASS "\xef\x8d\x98" // U+f358
#define ICON_FK_SKATE "\xef\x8d\x9a" // U+f35a
#define ICON_FK_SKETCHFAB "\xef\x8d\x9b" // U+f35b
#define ICON_FK_TEX "\xef\x8d\x9c" // U+f35c
#define ICON_FK_TEXTPATTERN "\xef\x8d\x9d" // U+f35d
#define ICON_FK_UNITY "\xef\x8d\x9e" // U+f35e
#define ICON_FK_HEDGEDOC "\xef\x8d\xa0" // U+f360
#define ICON_FK_FEDIVERSE "\xef\x8d\xa1" // U+f361
#define ICON_FK_PROFTPD "\xef\x8d\xa2" // U+f362
#define ICON_FK_OSI "\xef\x8d\xa3" // U+f363
#define ICON_FK_EYEEM "\xef\x8d\xa4" // U+f364
#define ICON_FK_EYEEM_O "\xef\x8d\xa5" // U+f365
#define ICON_FK_CODEBERG "\xef\x8d\xa6" // U+f366
#define ICON_FK_DISCOURSE "\xef\x8d\xa7" // U+f367
#define ICON_FK_MUMBLE "\xef\x8d\xa8" // U+f368
#define ICON_FK_FREEDESKTOP "\xef\x8d\xa9" // U+f369
#define ICON_FK_JAVASCRIPT "\xef\x8d\xb0" // U+f370
#define ICON_FK_LEMMY "\xef\x8d\xb1" // U+f371
#define ICON_FK_IPFS "\xef\x8d\xb2" // U+f372
#define ICON_FK_CANONICAL "\xef\x8d\xaa" // U+f36a
#define ICON_FK_UBUNTU "\xef\x8d\xab" // U+f36b
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,820 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
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ICON_HAND_O_LEFT = '\uf0a5'
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ICON_LIST_OL = '\uf0cb'
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ICON_LEVEL_DOWN = '\uf149'
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ICON_EUR = '\uf153'
ICON_GBP = '\uf154'
ICON_USD = '\uf155'
ICON_INR = '\uf156'
ICON_JPY = '\uf157'
ICON_RUB = '\uf158'
ICON_KRW = '\uf159'
ICON_BTC = '\uf15a'
ICON_FILE = '\uf15b'
ICON_FILE_TEXT = '\uf15c'
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ICON_FLICKR = '\uf16e'
ICON_ADN = '\uf170'
ICON_TUMBLR = '\uf173'
ICON_APPLE = '\uf179'
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ICON_ANDROID = '\uf17b'
ICON_LINUX = '\uf17c'
ICON_DRIBBBLE = '\uf17d'
ICON_SKYPE = '\uf17e'
ICON_TRELLO = '\uf181'
ICON_FEMALE = '\uf182'
ICON_MALE = '\uf183'
ICON_GRATIPAY = '\uf184'
ICON_SUN_O = '\uf185'
ICON_MOON_O = '\uf186'
ICON_ARCHIVE = '\uf187'
ICON_BUG = '\uf188'
ICON_VK = '\uf189'
ICON_WEIBO = '\uf18a'
ICON_RENREN = '\uf18b'
ICON_DOT_CIRCLE_O = '\uf192'
ICON_TRY = '\uf195'
ICON_SLACK = '\uf198'
ICON_OPENID = '\uf19b'
ICON_YAHOO = '\uf19e'
ICON_GOOGLE = '\uf1a0'
ICON_REDDIT = '\uf1a1'
ICON_DIGG = '\uf1a6'
ICON_DRUPAL = '\uf1a9'
ICON_JOOMLA = '\uf1aa'
ICON_LANGUAGE = '\uf1ab'
ICON_FAX = '\uf1ac'
ICON_BUILDING = '\uf1ad'
ICON_CHILD = '\uf1ae'
ICON_PAW = '\uf1b0'
ICON_SPOON = '\uf1b1'
ICON_CUBE = '\uf1b2'
ICON_CUBES = '\uf1b3'
ICON_BEHANCE = '\uf1b4'
ICON_STEAM = '\uf1b6'
ICON_RECYCLE = '\uf1b8'
ICON_CAR = '\uf1b9'
ICON_TAXI = '\uf1ba'
ICON_TREE = '\uf1bb'
ICON_SPOTIFY = '\uf1bc'
ICON_DATABASE = '\uf1c0'
ICON_FILE_PDF_O = '\uf1c1'
ICON_FILE_WORD_O = '\uf1c2'
ICON_FILE_EXCEL_O = '\uf1c3'
ICON_FILE_IMAGE_O = '\uf1c5'
ICON_FILE_AUDIO_O = '\uf1c7'
ICON_FILE_VIDEO_O = '\uf1c8'
ICON_FILE_CODE_O = '\uf1c9'
ICON_VINE = '\uf1ca'
ICON_CODEPEN = '\uf1cb'
ICON_JSFIDDLE = '\uf1cc'
ICON_LIFE_RING = '\uf1cd'
ICON_REBEL = '\uf1d0'
ICON_EMPIRE = '\uf1d1'
ICON_GIT_SQUARE = '\uf1d2'
ICON_GIT = '\uf1d3'
ICON_QQ = '\uf1d6'
ICON_WEIXIN = '\uf1d7'
ICON_HISTORY = '\uf1da'
ICON_HEADER = '\uf1dc'
ICON_SLIDERS = '\uf1de'
ICON_SHARE_ALT = '\uf1e0'
ICON_BOMB = '\uf1e2'
ICON_FUTBOL_O = '\uf1e3'
ICON_TTY = '\uf1e4'
ICON_PLUG = '\uf1e6'
ICON_TWITCH = '\uf1e8'
ICON_YELP = '\uf1e9'
ICON_WIFI = '\uf1eb'
ICON_PAYPAL = '\uf1ed'
ICON_CC_VISA = '\uf1f0'
ICON_CC_AMEX = '\uf1f3'
ICON_CC_PAYPAL = '\uf1f4'
ICON_CC_STRIPE = '\uf1f5'
ICON_BELL_SLASH = '\uf1f6'
ICON_BELL_SLASH_O = '\uf1f7'
ICON_TRASH = '\uf1f8'
ICON_AT = '\uf1fa'
ICON_AREA_CHART = '\uf1fe'
ICON_PIE_CHART = '\uf200'
ICON_LINE_CHART = '\uf201'
ICON_LASTFM = '\uf202'
ICON_TOGGLE_OFF = '\uf204'
ICON_TOGGLE_ON = '\uf205'
ICON_BICYCLE = '\uf206'
ICON_BUS = '\uf207'
ICON_IOXHOST = '\uf208'
ICON_CC = '\uf20a'
ICON_ILS = '\uf20b'
ICON_MEANPATH = '\uf20c'
ICON_DASHCUBE = '\uf210'
ICON_FORUMBEE = '\uf211'
ICON_LEANPUB = '\uf212'
ICON_SELLSY = '\uf213'
ICON_SKYATLAS = '\uf216'
ICON_CART_PLUS = '\uf217'
ICON_DIAMOND = '\uf219'
ICON_SHIP = '\uf21a'
ICON_VENUS = '\uf221'
ICON_MARS = '\uf222'
ICON_MERCURY = '\uf223'
ICON_VENUS_MARS = '\uf228'
ICON_NEUTER = '\uf22c'
ICON_WHATSAPP = '\uf232'
ICON_SERVER = '\uf233'
ICON_USER_PLUS = '\uf234'
ICON_USER_TIMES = '\uf235'
ICON_BED = '\uf236'
ICON_VIACOIN = '\uf237'
ICON_TRAIN = '\uf238'
ICON_SUBWAY = '\uf239'
ICON_MEDIUM = '\uf23a'
ICON_OPENCART = '\uf23d'
ICON_I_CURSOR = '\uf246'
ICON_CC_JCB = '\uf24b'
ICON_CLONE = '\uf24d'
ICON_HAND_ROCK_O = '\uf255'
ICON_HAND_PAPER_O = '\uf256'
ICON_HAND_SPOCK_O = '\uf259'
ICON_HAND_PEACE_O = '\uf25b'
ICON_GG = '\uf260'
ICON_GG_CIRCLE = '\uf261'
ICON_GET_POCKET = '\uf265'
ICON_SAFARI = '\uf267'
ICON_CHROME = '\uf268'
ICON_FIREFOX = '\uf269'
ICON_OPERA = '\uf26a'
ICON_CONTAO = '\uf26d'
ICON_500PX = '\uf26e'
ICON_AMAZON = '\uf270'
ICON_INDUSTRY = '\uf275'
ICON_MAP_PIN = '\uf276'
ICON_MAP_SIGNS = '\uf277'
ICON_MAP_O = '\uf278'
ICON_MAP = '\uf279'
ICON_HOUZZ = '\uf27c'
ICON_VIMEO = '\uf27d'
ICON_BLACK_TIE = '\uf27e'
ICON_EDGE = '\uf282'
ICON_CODIEPIE = '\uf284'
ICON_MODX = '\uf285'
ICON_USB = '\uf287'
ICON_MIXCLOUD = '\uf289'
ICON_SCRIBD = '\uf28a'
ICON_HASHTAG = '\uf292'
ICON_PERCENT = '\uf295'
ICON_GITLAB = '\uf296'
ICON_WPFORMS = '\uf298'
ICON_ENVIRA = '\uf299'
ICON_BLIND = '\uf29d'
ICON_BRAILLE = '\uf2a1'
ICON_DEAF = '\uf2a4'
ICON_GLIDE = '\uf2a5'
ICON_GLIDE_G = '\uf2a6'
ICON_LOW_VISION = '\uf2a8'
ICON_VIADEO = '\uf2a9'
ICON_SNAPCHAT = '\uf2ab'
ICON_YOAST = '\uf2b1'
ICON_LINODE = '\uf2b8'
ICON_USER_O = '\uf2c0'
ICON_ID_BADGE = '\uf2c1'
ICON_ID_CARD = '\uf2c2'
ICON_ID_CARD_O = '\uf2c3'
ICON_QUORA = '\uf2c4'
ICON_TELEGRAM = '\uf2c6'
ICON_SHOWER = '\uf2cc'
ICON_BATH = '\uf2cd'
ICON_PODCAST = '\uf2ce'
ICON_BANDCAMP = '\uf2d5'
ICON_GRAV = '\uf2d6'
ICON_ETSY = '\uf2d7'
ICON_IMDB = '\uf2d8'
ICON_RAVELRY = '\uf2d9'
ICON_EERCAST = '\uf2da'
ICON_MEETUP = '\uf2e0'
ICON_MASTODON = '\uf2e1'
ICON_PEERTUBE = '\uf2e4'
ICON_DIASPORA = '\uf2e5'
ICON_GNU_SOCIAL = '\uf2e7'
ICON_HUBZILLA = '\uf2eb'
ICON_DISCORD = '\uf2ee'
ICON_PATREON = '\uf2f0'
ICON_ETHEREUM = '\uf2f3'
ICON_KEYBASE = '\uf2f4'
ICON_SHAARLI = '\uf2f5'
ICON_SHAARLI_O = '\uf2f6'
ICON_KEY_MODERN = '\uf2f7'
ICON_XMPP = '\uf2f9'
ICON_DEBIAN = '\uf2ff'
ICON_TIPEEE = '\uf301'
ICON_REACT = '\uf302'
ICON_DOGMAZIC = '\uf303'
ICON_ZOTERO = '\uf309'
ICON_NODEJS = '\uf308'
ICON_HACKADAY = '\uf30a'
ICON_LARAVEL = '\uf30b'
ICON_GNUPG = '\uf30d'
ICON_PHP = '\uf30e'
ICON_FFMPEG = '\uf30f'
ICON_JOPLIN = '\uf310'
ICON_INKSCAPE = '\uf312'
ICON_MATRIX_ORG = '\uf313'
ICON_PIXELFED = '\uf314'
ICON_DEV_TO = '\uf316'
ICON_HASHNODE = '\uf317'
ICON_JIRAFEAU = '\uf318'
ICON_EMBY = '\uf319'
ICON_WIKIDATA = '\uf31a'
ICON_GIMP = '\uf31b'
ICON_C = '\uf31c'
ICON_ATT = '\uf31e'
ICON_GITEA = '\uf31f'
ICON_FILE_EPUB = '\uf321'
ICON_PYTHON = '\uf322'
ICON_PLEROMA = '\uf324'
ICON_UNSPLASH = '\uf325'
ICON_HACKSTER = '\uf326'
ICON_MOON = '\uf328'
ICON_SUN = '\uf329'
ICON_F_DROID = '\uf32a'
ICON_WIRE = '\uf32c'
ICON_TOR_ONION = '\uf32e'
ICON_HAL = '\uf333'
ICON_JUPYTER = '\uf335'
ICON_JULIA = '\uf334'
ICON_ORCID = '\uf337'
ICON_ASKFM = '\uf33a'
ICON_BUNNY = '\uf35f'
ICON_CC_BY = '\uf33e'
ICON_CC_CC = '\uf33f'
ICON_CC_NC_EU = '\uf341'
ICON_CC_NC_JP = '\uf342'
ICON_CC_NC = '\uf340'
ICON_CC_ND = '\uf343'
ICON_CC_PD = '\uf344'
ICON_CC_REMIX = '\uf345'
ICON_CC_SA = '\uf346'
ICON_CC_SHARE = '\uf347'
ICON_CC_ZERO = '\uf348'
ICON_CSHARP = '\uf34a'
ICON_EMAIL_BULK = '\uf34b'
ICON_EMAIL_BULK_O = '\uf34c'
ICON_GNU = '\uf34d'
ICON_HEROKU = '\uf34f'
ICON_JAVA = '\uf351'
ICON_MARIADB = '\uf352'
ICON_MARKDOWN = '\uf353'
ICON_MYSQL = '\uf354'
ICON_NORDCAST = '\uf355'
ICON_PLUME = '\uf356'
ICON_SASS_ALT = '\uf359'
ICON_SASS = '\uf358'
ICON_SKATE = '\uf35a'
ICON_TEX = '\uf35c'
ICON_UNITY = '\uf35e'
ICON_HEDGEDOC = '\uf360'
ICON_PROFTPD = '\uf362'
ICON_OSI = '\uf363'
ICON_EYEEM = '\uf364'
ICON_EYEEM_O = '\uf365'
ICON_CODEBERG = '\uf366'
ICON_MUMBLE = '\uf368'
ICON_LEMMY = '\uf371'
ICON_IPFS = '\uf372'
ICON_UBUNTU = '\uf36b'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,819 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/master/src/icons/icons.yml
//! for use with https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FK: &str = "forkawesome-webfont.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{f000}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_GLASS: char = '\u{f000}';
pub const ICON_MUSIC: char = '\u{f001}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH: char = '\u{f002}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_O: char = '\u{f003}';
pub const ICON_HEART: char = '\u{f004}';
pub const ICON_STAR: char = '\u{f005}';
pub const ICON_STAR_O: char = '\u{f006}';
pub const ICON_USER: char = '\u{f007}';
pub const ICON_FILM: char = '\u{f008}';
pub const ICON_TH_LARGE: char = '\u{f009}';
pub const ICON_TH: char = '\u{f00a}';
pub const ICON_TH_LIST: char = '\u{f00b}';
pub const ICON_CHECK: char = '\u{f00c}';
pub const ICON_TIMES: char = '\u{f00d}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_PLUS: char = '\u{f00e}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_MINUS: char = '\u{f010}';
pub const ICON_POWER_OFF: char = '\u{f011}';
pub const ICON_SIGNAL: char = '\u{f012}';
pub const ICON_COG: char = '\u{f013}';
pub const ICON_TRASH_O: char = '\u{f014}';
pub const ICON_HOME: char = '\u{f015}';
pub const ICON_FILE_O: char = '\u{f016}';
pub const ICON_CLOCK_O: char = '\u{f017}';
pub const ICON_ROAD: char = '\u{f018}';
pub const ICON_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{f019}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f01a}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_UP: char = '\u{f01b}';
pub const ICON_INBOX: char = '\u{f01c}';
pub const ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f01d}';
pub const ICON_REPEAT: char = '\u{f01e}';
pub const ICON_REFRESH: char = '\u{f021}';
pub const ICON_LIST_ALT: char = '\u{f022}';
pub const ICON_LOCK: char = '\u{f023}';
pub const ICON_FLAG: char = '\u{f024}';
pub const ICON_HEADPHONES: char = '\u{f025}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_OFF: char = '\u{f026}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_DOWN: char = '\u{f027}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_UP: char = '\u{f028}';
pub const ICON_QRCODE: char = '\u{f029}';
pub const ICON_BARCODE: char = '\u{f02a}';
pub const ICON_TAG: char = '\u{f02b}';
pub const ICON_TAGS: char = '\u{f02c}';
pub const ICON_BOOK: char = '\u{f02d}';
pub const ICON_BOOKMARK: char = '\u{f02e}';
pub const ICON_PRINT: char = '\u{f02f}';
pub const ICON_CAMERA: char = '\u{f030}';
pub const ICON_FONT: char = '\u{f031}';
pub const ICON_BOLD: char = '\u{f032}';
pub const ICON_ITALIC: char = '\u{f033}';
pub const ICON_TEXT_HEIGHT: char = '\u{f034}';
pub const ICON_TEXT_WIDTH: char = '\u{f035}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_LEFT: char = '\u{f036}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_CENTER: char = '\u{f037}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_RIGHT: char = '\u{f038}';
pub const ICON_ALIGN_JUSTIFY: char = '\u{f039}';
pub const ICON_LIST: char = '\u{f03a}';
pub const ICON_OUTDENT: char = '\u{f03b}';
pub const ICON_INDENT: char = '\u{f03c}';
pub const ICON_VIDEO_CAMERA: char = '\u{f03d}';
pub const ICON_PICTURE_O: char = '\u{f03e}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL: char = '\u{f040}';
pub const ICON_MAP_MARKER: char = '\u{f041}';
pub const ICON_ADJUST: char = '\u{f042}';
pub const ICON_TINT: char = '\u{f043}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f044}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f045}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f046}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS: char = '\u{f047}';
pub const ICON_STEP_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f048}';
pub const ICON_FAST_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f049}';
pub const ICON_BACKWARD: char = '\u{f04a}';
pub const ICON_PLAY: char = '\u{f04b}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE: char = '\u{f04c}';
pub const ICON_STOP: char = '\u{f04d}';
pub const ICON_FORWARD: char = '\u{f04e}';
pub const ICON_FAST_FORWARD: char = '\u{f050}';
pub const ICON_STEP_FORWARD: char = '\u{f051}';
pub const ICON_EJECT: char = '\u{f052}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_LEFT: char = '\u{f053}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_RIGHT: char = '\u{f054}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f055}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f056}';
pub const ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f057}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f058}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f059}';
pub const ICON_INFO_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f05a}';
pub const ICON_CROSSHAIRS: char = '\u{f05b}';
pub const ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f05c}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f05d}';
pub const ICON_BAN: char = '\u{f05e}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{f060}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{f061}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_UP: char = '\u{f062}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f063}';
pub const ICON_SHARE: char = '\u{f064}';
pub const ICON_EXPAND: char = '\u{f065}';
pub const ICON_COMPRESS: char = '\u{f066}';
pub const ICON_PLUS: char = '\u{f067}';
pub const ICON_MINUS: char = '\u{f068}';
pub const ICON_ASTERISK: char = '\u{f069}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f06a}';
pub const ICON_GIFT: char = '\u{f06b}';
pub const ICON_LEAF: char = '\u{f06c}';
pub const ICON_FIRE: char = '\u{f06d}';
pub const ICON_EYE: char = '\u{f06e}';
pub const ICON_EYE_SLASH: char = '\u{f070}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE: char = '\u{f071}';
pub const ICON_PLANE: char = '\u{f072}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR: char = '\u{f073}';
pub const ICON_RANDOM: char = '\u{f074}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT: char = '\u{f075}';
pub const ICON_MAGNET: char = '\u{f076}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_UP: char = '\u{f077}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_DOWN: char = '\u{f078}';
pub const ICON_RETWEET: char = '\u{f079}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_CART: char = '\u{f07a}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER: char = '\u{f07b}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_OPEN: char = '\u{f07c}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_V: char = '\u{f07d}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_H: char = '\u{f07e}';
pub const ICON_BAR_CHART: char = '\u{f080}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER_SQUARE: char = '\u{f081}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f082}';
pub const ICON_CAMERA_RETRO: char = '\u{f083}';
pub const ICON_KEY: char = '\u{f084}';
pub const ICON_COGS: char = '\u{f085}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTS: char = '\u{f086}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_O_UP: char = '\u{f087}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f088}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF: char = '\u{f089}';
pub const ICON_HEART_O: char = '\u{f08a}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_OUT: char = '\u{f08b}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN_SQUARE: char = '\u{f08c}';
pub const ICON_THUMB_TACK: char = '\u{f08d}';
pub const ICON_EXTERNAL_LINK: char = '\u{f08e}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_IN: char = '\u{f090}';
pub const ICON_TROPHY: char = '\u{f091}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_SQUARE: char = '\u{f092}';
pub const ICON_UPLOAD: char = '\u{f093}';
pub const ICON_LEMON_O: char = '\u{f094}';
pub const ICON_PHONE: char = '\u{f095}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f096}';
pub const ICON_BOOKMARK_O: char = '\u{f097}';
pub const ICON_PHONE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f098}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{f099}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{f09a}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{f09b}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK: char = '\u{f09c}';
pub const ICON_CREDIT_CARD: char = '\u{f09d}';
pub const ICON_RSS: char = '\u{f09e}';
pub const ICON_HDD_O: char = '\u{f0a0}';
pub const ICON_BULLHORN: char = '\u{f0a1}';
pub const ICON_BELL_O: char = '\u{f0f3}';
pub const ICON_CERTIFICATE: char = '\u{f0a3}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0a4}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f0a5}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_UP: char = '\u{f0a6}';
pub const ICON_HAND_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f0a7}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f0a8}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0a9}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_UP: char = '\u{f0aa}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f0ab}';
pub const ICON_GLOBE: char = '\u{f0ac}';
pub const ICON_GLOBE_E: char = '\u{f304}';
pub const ICON_GLOBE_W: char = '\u{f305}';
pub const ICON_WRENCH: char = '\u{f0ad}';
pub const ICON_TASKS: char = '\u{f0ae}';
pub const ICON_FILTER: char = '\u{f0b0}';
pub const ICON_BRIEFCASE: char = '\u{f0b1}';
pub const ICON_ARROWS_ALT: char = '\u{f0b2}';
pub const ICON_USERS: char = '\u{f0c0}';
pub const ICON_LINK: char = '\u{f0c1}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD: char = '\u{f0c2}';
pub const ICON_FLASK: char = '\u{f0c3}';
pub const ICON_SCISSORS: char = '\u{f0c4}';
pub const ICON_FILES_O: char = '\u{f0c5}';
pub const ICON_PAPERCLIP: char = '\u{f0c6}';
pub const ICON_FLOPPY_O: char = '\u{f0c7}';
pub const ICON_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0c8}';
pub const ICON_BARS: char = '\u{f0c9}';
pub const ICON_LIST_UL: char = '\u{f0ca}';
pub const ICON_LIST_OL: char = '\u{f0cb}';
pub const ICON_STRIKETHROUGH: char = '\u{f0cc}';
pub const ICON_UNDERLINE: char = '\u{f0cd}';
pub const ICON_TABLE: char = '\u{f0ce}';
pub const ICON_MAGIC: char = '\u{f0d0}';
pub const ICON_TRUCK: char = '\u{f0d1}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST: char = '\u{f0d2}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d3}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0d4}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{f0d5}';
pub const ICON_MONEY: char = '\u{f0d6}';
pub const ICON_CARET_DOWN: char = '\u{f0d7}';
pub const ICON_CARET_UP: char = '\u{f0d8}';
pub const ICON_CARET_LEFT: char = '\u{f0d9}';
pub const ICON_CARET_RIGHT: char = '\u{f0da}';
pub const ICON_COLUMNS: char = '\u{f0db}';
pub const ICON_SORT: char = '\u{f0dc}';
pub const ICON_SORT_DESC: char = '\u{f0dd}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ASC: char = '\u{f0de}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE: char = '\u{f0e0}';
pub const ICON_LINKEDIN: char = '\u{f0e1}';
pub const ICON_UNDO: char = '\u{f0e2}';
pub const ICON_GAVEL: char = '\u{f0e3}';
pub const ICON_TACHOMETER: char = '\u{f0e4}';
pub const ICON_COMMENT_O: char = '\u{f0e5}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTS_O: char = '\u{f0e6}';
pub const ICON_BOLT: char = '\u{f0e7}';
pub const ICON_SITEMAP: char = '\u{f0e8}';
pub const ICON_UMBRELLA: char = '\u{f0e9}';
pub const ICON_CLIPBOARD: char = '\u{f0ea}';
pub const ICON_LIGHTBULB_O: char = '\u{f0eb}';
pub const ICON_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f0ec}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{f0ed}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD: char = '\u{f0ee}';
pub const ICON_USER_MD: char = '\u{f0f0}';
pub const ICON_STETHOSCOPE: char = '\u{f0f1}';
pub const ICON_SUITCASE: char = '\u{f0f2}';
pub const ICON_BELL: char = '\u{f0a2}';
pub const ICON_COFFEE: char = '\u{f0f4}';
pub const ICON_CUTLERY: char = '\u{f0f5}';
pub const ICON_FILE_TEXT_O: char = '\u{f0f6}';
pub const ICON_BUILDING_O: char = '\u{f0f7}';
pub const ICON_HOSPITAL_O: char = '\u{f0f8}';
pub const ICON_AMBULANCE: char = '\u{f0f9}';
pub const ICON_MEDKIT: char = '\u{f0fa}';
pub const ICON_FIGHTER_JET: char = '\u{f0fb}';
pub const ICON_BEER: char = '\u{f0fc}';
pub const ICON_H_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0fd}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f0fe}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f100}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f101}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_UP: char = '\u{f102}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOUBLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f103}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f104}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f105}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_UP: char = '\u{f106}';
pub const ICON_ANGLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f107}';
pub const ICON_DESKTOP: char = '\u{f108}';
pub const ICON_LAPTOP: char = '\u{f109}';
pub const ICON_TABLET: char = '\u{f10a}';
pub const ICON_MOBILE: char = '\u{f10b}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f10c}';
pub const ICON_QUOTE_LEFT: char = '\u{f10d}';
pub const ICON_QUOTE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f10e}';
pub const ICON_SPINNER: char = '\u{f110}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f111}';
pub const ICON_REPLY: char = '\u{f112}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{f113}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_O: char = '\u{f114}';
pub const ICON_FOLDER_OPEN_O: char = '\u{f115}';
pub const ICON_SMILE_O: char = '\u{f118}';
pub const ICON_FROWN_O: char = '\u{f119}';
pub const ICON_MEH_O: char = '\u{f11a}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD: char = '\u{f11b}';
pub const ICON_KEYBOARD_O: char = '\u{f11c}';
pub const ICON_FLAG_O: char = '\u{f11d}';
pub const ICON_FLAG_CHECKERED: char = '\u{f11e}';
pub const ICON_TERMINAL: char = '\u{f120}';
pub const ICON_CODE: char = '\u{f121}';
pub const ICON_REPLY_ALL: char = '\u{f122}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF_O: char = '\u{f123}';
pub const ICON_LOCATION_ARROW: char = '\u{f124}';
pub const ICON_CROP: char = '\u{f125}';
pub const ICON_CODE_FORK: char = '\u{f126}';
pub const ICON_CHAIN_BROKEN: char = '\u{f127}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION: char = '\u{f128}';
pub const ICON_INFO: char = '\u{f129}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION: char = '\u{f12a}';
pub const ICON_SUPERSCRIPT: char = '\u{f12b}';
pub const ICON_SUBSCRIPT: char = '\u{f12c}';
pub const ICON_ERASER: char = '\u{f12d}';
pub const ICON_PUZZLE_PIECE: char = '\u{f12e}';
pub const ICON_MICROPHONE: char = '\u{f130}';
pub const ICON_MICROPHONE_SLASH: char = '\u{f131}';
pub const ICON_SHIELD: char = '\u{f132}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_O: char = '\u{f133}';
pub const ICON_FIRE_EXTINGUISHER: char = '\u{f134}';
pub const ICON_ROCKET: char = '\u{f135}';
pub const ICON_MAXCDN: char = '\u{f136}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_LEFT: char = '\u{f137}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_RIGHT: char = '\u{f138}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_UP: char = '\u{f139}';
pub const ICON_CHEVRON_CIRCLE_DOWN: char = '\u{f13a}';
pub const ICON_HTML5: char = '\u{f13b}';
pub const ICON_CSS3: char = '\u{f13c}';
pub const ICON_ANCHOR: char = '\u{f13d}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK_ALT: char = '\u{f13e}';
pub const ICON_BULLSEYE: char = '\u{f140}';
pub const ICON_ELLIPSIS_H: char = '\u{f141}';
pub const ICON_ELLIPSIS_V: char = '\u{f142}';
pub const ICON_RSS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f143}';
pub const ICON_PLAY_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f144}';
pub const ICON_TICKET: char = '\u{f145}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_SQUARE: char = '\u{f146}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f147}';
pub const ICON_LEVEL_UP: char = '\u{f148}';
pub const ICON_LEVEL_DOWN: char = '\u{f149}';
pub const ICON_CHECK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14a}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14b}';
pub const ICON_EXTERNAL_LINK_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14c}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f14d}';
pub const ICON_COMPASS: char = '\u{f14e}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_DOWN: char = '\u{f150}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_UP: char = '\u{f151}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f152}';
pub const ICON_EUR: char = '\u{f153}';
pub const ICON_GBP: char = '\u{f154}';
pub const ICON_USD: char = '\u{f155}';
pub const ICON_INR: char = '\u{f156}';
pub const ICON_JPY: char = '\u{f157}';
pub const ICON_RUB: char = '\u{f158}';
pub const ICON_KRW: char = '\u{f159}';
pub const ICON_BTC: char = '\u{f15a}';
pub const ICON_FILE: char = '\u{f15b}';
pub const ICON_FILE_TEXT: char = '\u{f15c}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ALPHA_ASC: char = '\u{f15d}';
pub const ICON_SORT_ALPHA_DESC: char = '\u{f15e}';
pub const ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_ASC: char = '\u{f160}';
pub const ICON_SORT_AMOUNT_DESC: char = '\u{f161}';
pub const ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_ASC: char = '\u{f162}';
pub const ICON_SORT_NUMERIC_DESC: char = '\u{f163}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_UP: char = '\u{f164}';
pub const ICON_THUMBS_DOWN: char = '\u{f165}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f166}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{f167}';
pub const ICON_XING: char = '\u{f168}';
pub const ICON_XING_SQUARE: char = '\u{f169}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE_PLAY: char = '\u{f16a}';
pub const ICON_DROPBOX: char = '\u{f16b}';
pub const ICON_STACK_OVERFLOW: char = '\u{f16c}';
pub const ICON_INSTAGRAM: char = '\u{f16d}';
pub const ICON_FLICKR: char = '\u{f16e}';
pub const ICON_ADN: char = '\u{f170}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET: char = '\u{f171}';
pub const ICON_BITBUCKET_SQUARE: char = '\u{f172}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR: char = '\u{f173}';
pub const ICON_TUMBLR_SQUARE: char = '\u{f174}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f175}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_UP: char = '\u{f176}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{f177}';
pub const ICON_LONG_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{f178}';
pub const ICON_APPLE: char = '\u{f179}';
pub const ICON_WINDOWS: char = '\u{f17a}';
pub const ICON_ANDROID: char = '\u{f17b}';
pub const ICON_LINUX: char = '\u{f17c}';
pub const ICON_DRIBBBLE: char = '\u{f17d}';
pub const ICON_SKYPE: char = '\u{f17e}';
pub const ICON_FOURSQUARE: char = '\u{f180}';
pub const ICON_TRELLO: char = '\u{f181}';
pub const ICON_FEMALE: char = '\u{f182}';
pub const ICON_MALE: char = '\u{f183}';
pub const ICON_GRATIPAY: char = '\u{f184}';
pub const ICON_SUN_O: char = '\u{f185}';
pub const ICON_MOON_O: char = '\u{f186}';
pub const ICON_ARCHIVE: char = '\u{f187}';
pub const ICON_BUG: char = '\u{f188}';
pub const ICON_VK: char = '\u{f189}';
pub const ICON_WEIBO: char = '\u{f18a}';
pub const ICON_RENREN: char = '\u{f18b}';
pub const ICON_PAGELINES: char = '\u{f18c}';
pub const ICON_STACK_EXCHANGE: char = '\u{f18d}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_RIGHT: char = '\u{f18e}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_CIRCLE_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f190}';
pub const ICON_CARET_SQUARE_O_LEFT: char = '\u{f191}';
pub const ICON_DOT_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f192}';
pub const ICON_WHEELCHAIR: char = '\u{f193}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f194}';
pub const ICON_TRY: char = '\u{f195}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_SQUARE_O: char = '\u{f196}';
pub const ICON_SPACE_SHUTTLE: char = '\u{f197}';
pub const ICON_SLACK: char = '\u{f198}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f199}';
pub const ICON_WORDPRESS: char = '\u{f19a}';
pub const ICON_OPENID: char = '\u{f19b}';
pub const ICON_UNIVERSITY: char = '\u{f19c}';
pub const ICON_GRADUATION_CAP: char = '\u{f19d}';
pub const ICON_YAHOO: char = '\u{f19e}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE: char = '\u{f1a0}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT: char = '\u{f1a1}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1a2}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f1a3}';
pub const ICON_STUMBLEUPON: char = '\u{f1a4}';
pub const ICON_DELICIOUS: char = '\u{f1a5}';
pub const ICON_DIGG: char = '\u{f1a6}';
pub const ICON_DRUPAL: char = '\u{f1a9}';
pub const ICON_JOOMLA: char = '\u{f1aa}';
pub const ICON_LANGUAGE: char = '\u{f1ab}';
pub const ICON_FAX: char = '\u{f1ac}';
pub const ICON_BUILDING: char = '\u{f1ad}';
pub const ICON_CHILD: char = '\u{f1ae}';
pub const ICON_PAW: char = '\u{f1b0}';
pub const ICON_SPOON: char = '\u{f1b1}';
pub const ICON_CUBE: char = '\u{f1b2}';
pub const ICON_CUBES: char = '\u{f1b3}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE: char = '\u{f1b4}';
pub const ICON_BEHANCE_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b5}';
pub const ICON_STEAM: char = '\u{f1b6}';
pub const ICON_STEAM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1b7}';
pub const ICON_RECYCLE: char = '\u{f1b8}';
pub const ICON_CAR: char = '\u{f1b9}';
pub const ICON_TAXI: char = '\u{f1ba}';
pub const ICON_TREE: char = '\u{f1bb}';
pub const ICON_SPOTIFY: char = '\u{f1bc}';
pub const ICON_DEVIANTART: char = '\u{f1bd}';
pub const ICON_SOUNDCLOUD: char = '\u{f1be}';
pub const ICON_DATABASE: char = '\u{f1c0}';
pub const ICON_FILE_PDF_O: char = '\u{f1c1}';
pub const ICON_FILE_WORD_O: char = '\u{f1c2}';
pub const ICON_FILE_EXCEL_O: char = '\u{f1c3}';
pub const ICON_FILE_POWERPOINT_O: char = '\u{f1c4}';
pub const ICON_FILE_IMAGE_O: char = '\u{f1c5}';
pub const ICON_FILE_ARCHIVE_O: char = '\u{f1c6}';
pub const ICON_FILE_AUDIO_O: char = '\u{f1c7}';
pub const ICON_FILE_VIDEO_O: char = '\u{f1c8}';
pub const ICON_FILE_CODE_O: char = '\u{f1c9}';
pub const ICON_VINE: char = '\u{f1ca}';
pub const ICON_CODEPEN: char = '\u{f1cb}';
pub const ICON_JSFIDDLE: char = '\u{f1cc}';
pub const ICON_LIFE_RING: char = '\u{f1cd}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_O_NOTCH: char = '\u{f1ce}';
pub const ICON_REBEL: char = '\u{f1d0}';
pub const ICON_EMPIRE: char = '\u{f1d1}';
pub const ICON_GIT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1d2}';
pub const ICON_GIT: char = '\u{f1d3}';
pub const ICON_HACKER_NEWS: char = '\u{f1d4}';
pub const ICON_TENCENT_WEIBO: char = '\u{f1d5}';
pub const ICON_QQ: char = '\u{f1d6}';
pub const ICON_WEIXIN: char = '\u{f1d7}';
pub const ICON_PAPER_PLANE: char = '\u{f1d8}';
pub const ICON_PAPER_PLANE_O: char = '\u{f1d9}';
pub const ICON_HISTORY: char = '\u{f1da}';
pub const ICON_CIRCLE_THIN: char = '\u{f1db}';
pub const ICON_HEADER: char = '\u{f1dc}';
pub const ICON_PARAGRAPH: char = '\u{f1dd}';
pub const ICON_SLIDERS: char = '\u{f1de}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_ALT: char = '\u{f1e0}';
pub const ICON_SHARE_ALT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f1e1}';
pub const ICON_BOMB: char = '\u{f1e2}';
pub const ICON_FUTBOL_O: char = '\u{f1e3}';
pub const ICON_TTY: char = '\u{f1e4}';
pub const ICON_BINOCULARS: char = '\u{f1e5}';
pub const ICON_PLUG: char = '\u{f1e6}';
pub const ICON_SLIDESHARE: char = '\u{f1e7}';
pub const ICON_TWITCH: char = '\u{f1e8}';
pub const ICON_YELP: char = '\u{f1e9}';
pub const ICON_NEWSPAPER_O: char = '\u{f1ea}';
pub const ICON_WIFI: char = '\u{f1eb}';
pub const ICON_CALCULATOR: char = '\u{f1ec}';
pub const ICON_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1ed}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_WALLET: char = '\u{f1ee}';
pub const ICON_CC_VISA: char = '\u{f1f0}';
pub const ICON_CC_MASTERCARD: char = '\u{f1f1}';
pub const ICON_CC_DISCOVER: char = '\u{f1f2}';
pub const ICON_CC_AMEX: char = '\u{f1f3}';
pub const ICON_CC_PAYPAL: char = '\u{f1f4}';
pub const ICON_CC_STRIPE: char = '\u{f1f5}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH: char = '\u{f1f6}';
pub const ICON_BELL_SLASH_O: char = '\u{f1f7}';
pub const ICON_TRASH: char = '\u{f1f8}';
pub const ICON_COPYRIGHT: char = '\u{f1f9}';
pub const ICON_AT: char = '\u{f1fa}';
pub const ICON_EYEDROPPER: char = '\u{f1fb}';
pub const ICON_PAINT_BRUSH: char = '\u{f1fc}';
pub const ICON_BIRTHDAY_CAKE: char = '\u{f1fd}';
pub const ICON_AREA_CHART: char = '\u{f1fe}';
pub const ICON_PIE_CHART: char = '\u{f200}';
pub const ICON_LINE_CHART: char = '\u{f201}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM: char = '\u{f202}';
pub const ICON_LASTFM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f203}';
pub const ICON_TOGGLE_OFF: char = '\u{f204}';
pub const ICON_TOGGLE_ON: char = '\u{f205}';
pub const ICON_BICYCLE: char = '\u{f206}';
pub const ICON_BUS: char = '\u{f207}';
pub const ICON_IOXHOST: char = '\u{f208}';
pub const ICON_ANGELLIST: char = '\u{f209}';
pub const ICON_CC: char = '\u{f20a}';
pub const ICON_ILS: char = '\u{f20b}';
pub const ICON_MEANPATH: char = '\u{f20c}';
pub const ICON_BUYSELLADS: char = '\u{f20d}';
pub const ICON_CONNECTDEVELOP: char = '\u{f20e}';
pub const ICON_DASHCUBE: char = '\u{f210}';
pub const ICON_FORUMBEE: char = '\u{f211}';
pub const ICON_LEANPUB: char = '\u{f212}';
pub const ICON_SELLSY: char = '\u{f213}';
pub const ICON_SHIRTSINBULK: char = '\u{f214}';
pub const ICON_SIMPLYBUILT: char = '\u{f215}';
pub const ICON_SKYATLAS: char = '\u{f216}';
pub const ICON_CART_PLUS: char = '\u{f217}';
pub const ICON_CART_ARROW_DOWN: char = '\u{f218}';
pub const ICON_DIAMOND: char = '\u{f219}';
pub const ICON_SHIP: char = '\u{f21a}';
pub const ICON_USER_SECRET: char = '\u{f21b}';
pub const ICON_MOTORCYCLE: char = '\u{f21c}';
pub const ICON_STREET_VIEW: char = '\u{f21d}';
pub const ICON_HEARTBEAT: char = '\u{f21e}';
pub const ICON_VENUS: char = '\u{f221}';
pub const ICON_MARS: char = '\u{f222}';
pub const ICON_MERCURY: char = '\u{f223}';
pub const ICON_TRANSGENDER: char = '\u{f224}';
pub const ICON_TRANSGENDER_ALT: char = '\u{f225}';
pub const ICON_VENUS_DOUBLE: char = '\u{f226}';
pub const ICON_MARS_DOUBLE: char = '\u{f227}';
pub const ICON_VENUS_MARS: char = '\u{f228}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE: char = '\u{f229}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE_V: char = '\u{f22a}';
pub const ICON_MARS_STROKE_H: char = '\u{f22b}';
pub const ICON_NEUTER: char = '\u{f22c}';
pub const ICON_GENDERLESS: char = '\u{f22d}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_OFFICIAL: char = '\u{f230}';
pub const ICON_PINTEREST_P: char = '\u{f231}';
pub const ICON_WHATSAPP: char = '\u{f232}';
pub const ICON_SERVER: char = '\u{f233}';
pub const ICON_USER_PLUS: char = '\u{f234}';
pub const ICON_USER_TIMES: char = '\u{f235}';
pub const ICON_BED: char = '\u{f236}';
pub const ICON_VIACOIN: char = '\u{f237}';
pub const ICON_TRAIN: char = '\u{f238}';
pub const ICON_SUBWAY: char = '\u{f239}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM: char = '\u{f23a}';
pub const ICON_MEDIUM_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2f8}';
pub const ICON_Y_COMBINATOR: char = '\u{f23b}';
pub const ICON_OPTIN_MONSTER: char = '\u{f23c}';
pub const ICON_OPENCART: char = '\u{f23d}';
pub const ICON_EXPEDITEDSSL: char = '\u{f23e}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_FULL: char = '\u{f240}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_THREE_QUARTERS: char = '\u{f241}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_HALF: char = '\u{f242}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_QUARTER: char = '\u{f243}';
pub const ICON_BATTERY_EMPTY: char = '\u{f244}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE_POINTER: char = '\u{f245}';
pub const ICON_I_CURSOR: char = '\u{f246}';
pub const ICON_OBJECT_GROUP: char = '\u{f247}';
pub const ICON_OBJECT_UNGROUP: char = '\u{f248}';
pub const ICON_STICKY_NOTE: char = '\u{f249}';
pub const ICON_STICKY_NOTE_O: char = '\u{f24a}';
pub const ICON_CC_JCB: char = '\u{f24b}';
pub const ICON_CC_DINERS_CLUB: char = '\u{f24c}';
pub const ICON_CLONE: char = '\u{f24d}';
pub const ICON_BALANCE_SCALE: char = '\u{f24e}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_O: char = '\u{f250}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_START: char = '\u{f251}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_HALF: char = '\u{f252}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS_END: char = '\u{f253}';
pub const ICON_HOURGLASS: char = '\u{f254}';
pub const ICON_HAND_ROCK_O: char = '\u{f255}';
pub const ICON_HAND_PAPER_O: char = '\u{f256}';
pub const ICON_HAND_SCISSORS_O: char = '\u{f257}';
pub const ICON_HAND_LIZARD_O: char = '\u{f258}';
pub const ICON_HAND_SPOCK_O: char = '\u{f259}';
pub const ICON_HAND_POINTER_O: char = '\u{f25a}';
pub const ICON_HAND_PEACE_O: char = '\u{f25b}';
pub const ICON_TRADEMARK: char = '\u{f25c}';
pub const ICON_REGISTERED: char = '\u{f25d}';
pub const ICON_CREATIVE_COMMONS: char = '\u{f25e}';
pub const ICON_GG: char = '\u{f260}';
pub const ICON_GG_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f261}';
pub const ICON_TRIPADVISOR: char = '\u{f262}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI: char = '\u{f263}';
pub const ICON_ODNOKLASSNIKI_SQUARE: char = '\u{f264}';
pub const ICON_GET_POCKET: char = '\u{f265}';
pub const ICON_WIKIPEDIA_W: char = '\u{f266}';
pub const ICON_SAFARI: char = '\u{f267}';
pub const ICON_CHROME: char = '\u{f268}';
pub const ICON_FIREFOX: char = '\u{f269}';
pub const ICON_OPERA: char = '\u{f26a}';
pub const ICON_INTERNET_EXPLORER: char = '\u{f26b}';
pub const ICON_TELEVISION: char = '\u{f26c}';
pub const ICON_CONTAO: char = '\u{f26d}';
pub const ICON_500PX: char = '\u{f26e}';
pub const ICON_AMAZON: char = '\u{f270}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_PLUS_O: char = '\u{f271}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_MINUS_O: char = '\u{f272}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_TIMES_O: char = '\u{f273}';
pub const ICON_CALENDAR_CHECK_O: char = '\u{f274}';
pub const ICON_INDUSTRY: char = '\u{f275}';
pub const ICON_MAP_PIN: char = '\u{f276}';
pub const ICON_MAP_SIGNS: char = '\u{f277}';
pub const ICON_MAP_O: char = '\u{f278}';
pub const ICON_MAP: char = '\u{f279}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTING: char = '\u{f27a}';
pub const ICON_COMMENTING_O: char = '\u{f27b}';
pub const ICON_HOUZZ: char = '\u{f27c}';
pub const ICON_VIMEO: char = '\u{f27d}';
pub const ICON_BLACK_TIE: char = '\u{f27e}';
pub const ICON_FONTICONS: char = '\u{f280}';
pub const ICON_REDDIT_ALIEN: char = '\u{f281}';
pub const ICON_EDGE: char = '\u{f282}';
pub const ICON_CREDIT_CARD_ALT: char = '\u{f283}';
pub const ICON_CODIEPIE: char = '\u{f284}';
pub const ICON_MODX: char = '\u{f285}';
pub const ICON_FORT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f286}';
pub const ICON_USB: char = '\u{f287}';
pub const ICON_PRODUCT_HUNT: char = '\u{f288}';
pub const ICON_MIXCLOUD: char = '\u{f289}';
pub const ICON_SCRIBD: char = '\u{f28a}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f28b}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f28c}';
pub const ICON_STOP_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f28d}';
pub const ICON_STOP_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f28e}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_BAG: char = '\u{f290}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_BASKET: char = '\u{f291}';
pub const ICON_HASHTAG: char = '\u{f292}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH: char = '\u{f293}';
pub const ICON_BLUETOOTH_B: char = '\u{f294}';
pub const ICON_PERCENT: char = '\u{f295}';
pub const ICON_GITLAB: char = '\u{f296}';
pub const ICON_WPBEGINNER: char = '\u{f297}';
pub const ICON_WPFORMS: char = '\u{f298}';
pub const ICON_ENVIRA: char = '\u{f299}';
pub const ICON_UNIVERSAL_ACCESS: char = '\u{f29a}';
pub const ICON_WHEELCHAIR_ALT: char = '\u{f29b}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f29c}';
pub const ICON_BLIND: char = '\u{f29d}';
pub const ICON_AUDIO_DESCRIPTION: char = '\u{f29e}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_CONTROL_PHONE: char = '\u{f2a0}';
pub const ICON_BRAILLE: char = '\u{f2a1}';
pub const ICON_ASSISTIVE_LISTENING_SYSTEMS: char = '\u{f2a2}';
pub const ICON_DEAF: char = '\u{f2a4}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE: char = '\u{f2a5}';
pub const ICON_GLIDE_G: char = '\u{f2a6}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_LANGUAGE: char = '\u{f2a7}';
pub const ICON_LOW_VISION: char = '\u{f2a8}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO: char = '\u{f2a9}';
pub const ICON_VIADEO_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2aa}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT: char = '\u{f2ab}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_GHOST: char = '\u{f2ac}';
pub const ICON_SNAPCHAT_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2ad}';
pub const ICON_FIRST_ORDER: char = '\u{f2b0}';
pub const ICON_YOAST: char = '\u{f2b1}';
pub const ICON_THEMEISLE: char = '\u{f2b2}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS_OFFICIAL: char = '\u{f2b3}';
pub const ICON_FONT_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2b4}';
pub const ICON_HANDSHAKE_O: char = '\u{f2b5}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN: char = '\u{f2b6}';
pub const ICON_ENVELOPE_OPEN_O: char = '\u{f2b7}';
pub const ICON_LINODE: char = '\u{f2b8}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK: char = '\u{f2b9}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_BOOK_O: char = '\u{f2ba}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_CARD: char = '\u{f2bb}';
pub const ICON_ADDRESS_CARD_O: char = '\u{f2bc}';
pub const ICON_USER_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f2bd}';
pub const ICON_USER_CIRCLE_O: char = '\u{f2be}';
pub const ICON_USER_O: char = '\u{f2c0}';
pub const ICON_ID_BADGE: char = '\u{f2c1}';
pub const ICON_ID_CARD: char = '\u{f2c2}';
pub const ICON_ID_CARD_O: char = '\u{f2c3}';
pub const ICON_QUORA: char = '\u{f2c4}';
pub const ICON_FREE_CODE_CAMP: char = '\u{f2c5}';
pub const ICON_TELEGRAM: char = '\u{f2c6}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_FULL: char = '\u{f2c7}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_THREE_QUARTERS: char = '\u{f2c8}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_HALF: char = '\u{f2c9}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_QUARTER: char = '\u{f2ca}';
pub const ICON_THERMOMETER_EMPTY: char = '\u{f2cb}';
pub const ICON_SHOWER: char = '\u{f2cc}';
pub const ICON_BATH: char = '\u{f2cd}';
pub const ICON_PODCAST: char = '\u{f2ce}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_MAXIMIZE: char = '\u{f2d0}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE: char = '\u{f2d1}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_RESTORE: char = '\u{f2d2}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE: char = '\u{f2d3}';
pub const ICON_WINDOW_CLOSE_O: char = '\u{f2d4}';
pub const ICON_BANDCAMP: char = '\u{f2d5}';
pub const ICON_GRAV: char = '\u{f2d6}';
pub const ICON_ETSY: char = '\u{f2d7}';
pub const ICON_IMDB: char = '\u{f2d8}';
pub const ICON_RAVELRY: char = '\u{f2d9}';
pub const ICON_EERCAST: char = '\u{f2da}';
pub const ICON_MICROCHIP: char = '\u{f2db}';
pub const ICON_SNOWFLAKE_O: char = '\u{f2dc}';
pub const ICON_SUPERPOWERS: char = '\u{f2dd}';
pub const ICON_WPEXPLORER: char = '\u{f2de}';
pub const ICON_MEETUP: char = '\u{f2e0}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON: char = '\u{f2e1}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON_ALT: char = '\u{f2e2}';
pub const ICON_FORK_AWESOME: char = '\u{f2e3}';
pub const ICON_PEERTUBE: char = '\u{f2e4}';
pub const ICON_DIASPORA: char = '\u{f2e5}';
pub const ICON_FRIENDICA: char = '\u{f2e6}';
pub const ICON_GNU_SOCIAL: char = '\u{f2e7}';
pub const ICON_LIBERAPAY_SQUARE: char = '\u{f2e8}';
pub const ICON_LIBERAPAY: char = '\u{f2e9}';
pub const ICON_SCUTTLEBUTT: char = '\u{f2ea}';
pub const ICON_HUBZILLA: char = '\u{f2eb}';
pub const ICON_SOCIAL_HOME: char = '\u{f2ec}';
pub const ICON_ARTSTATION: char = '\u{f2ed}';
pub const ICON_DISCORD: char = '\u{f2ee}';
pub const ICON_DISCORD_ALT: char = '\u{f2ef}';
pub const ICON_PATREON: char = '\u{f2f0}';
pub const ICON_SNOWDRIFT: char = '\u{f2f1}';
pub const ICON_ACTIVITYPUB: char = '\u{f2f2}';
pub const ICON_ETHEREUM: char = '\u{f2f3}';
pub const ICON_KEYBASE: char = '\u{f2f4}';
pub const ICON_SHAARLI: char = '\u{f2f5}';
pub const ICON_SHAARLI_O: char = '\u{f2f6}';
pub const ICON_KEY_MODERN: char = '\u{f2f7}';
pub const ICON_XMPP: char = '\u{f2f9}';
pub const ICON_ARCHIVE_ORG: char = '\u{f2fc}';
pub const ICON_FREEDOMBOX: char = '\u{f2fd}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK_MESSENGER: char = '\u{f2fe}';
pub const ICON_DEBIAN: char = '\u{f2ff}';
pub const ICON_MASTODON_SQUARE: char = '\u{f300}';
pub const ICON_TIPEEE: char = '\u{f301}';
pub const ICON_REACT: char = '\u{f302}';
pub const ICON_DOGMAZIC: char = '\u{f303}';
pub const ICON_ZOTERO: char = '\u{f309}';
pub const ICON_NODEJS: char = '\u{f308}';
pub const ICON_NEXTCLOUD: char = '\u{f306}';
pub const ICON_NEXTCLOUD_SQUARE: char = '\u{f307}';
pub const ICON_HACKADAY: char = '\u{f30a}';
pub const ICON_LARAVEL: char = '\u{f30b}';
pub const ICON_SIGNALAPP: char = '\u{f30c}';
pub const ICON_GNUPG: char = '\u{f30d}';
pub const ICON_PHP: char = '\u{f30e}';
pub const ICON_FFMPEG: char = '\u{f30f}';
pub const ICON_JOPLIN: char = '\u{f310}';
pub const ICON_SYNCTHING: char = '\u{f311}';
pub const ICON_INKSCAPE: char = '\u{f312}';
pub const ICON_MATRIX_ORG: char = '\u{f313}';
pub const ICON_PIXELFED: char = '\u{f314}';
pub const ICON_BOOTSTRAP: char = '\u{f315}';
pub const ICON_DEV_TO: char = '\u{f316}';
pub const ICON_HASHNODE: char = '\u{f317}';
pub const ICON_JIRAFEAU: char = '\u{f318}';
pub const ICON_EMBY: char = '\u{f319}';
pub const ICON_WIKIDATA: char = '\u{f31a}';
pub const ICON_GIMP: char = '\u{f31b}';
pub const ICON_C: char = '\u{f31c}';
pub const ICON_DIGITALOCEAN: char = '\u{f31d}';
pub const ICON_ATT: char = '\u{f31e}';
pub const ICON_GITEA: char = '\u{f31f}';
pub const ICON_FILE_EPUB: char = '\u{f321}';
pub const ICON_PYTHON: char = '\u{f322}';
pub const ICON_ARCHLINUX: char = '\u{f323}';
pub const ICON_PLEROMA: char = '\u{f324}';
pub const ICON_UNSPLASH: char = '\u{f325}';
pub const ICON_HACKSTER: char = '\u{f326}';
pub const ICON_SPELL_CHECK: char = '\u{f327}';
pub const ICON_MOON: char = '\u{f328}';
pub const ICON_SUN: char = '\u{f329}';
pub const ICON_F_DROID: char = '\u{f32a}';
pub const ICON_BIOMETRIC: char = '\u{f32b}';
pub const ICON_WIRE: char = '\u{f32c}';
pub const ICON_TOR_ONION: char = '\u{f32e}';
pub const ICON_VOLUME_MUTE: char = '\u{f32f}';
pub const ICON_BELL_RINGING: char = '\u{f32d}';
pub const ICON_BELL_RINGING_O: char = '\u{f330}';
pub const ICON_HAL: char = '\u{f333}';
pub const ICON_JUPYTER: char = '\u{f335}';
pub const ICON_JULIA: char = '\u{f334}';
pub const ICON_CLASSICPRESS: char = '\u{f331}';
pub const ICON_CLASSICPRESS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{f332}';
pub const ICON_OPEN_COLLECTIVE: char = '\u{f336}';
pub const ICON_ORCID: char = '\u{f337}';
pub const ICON_RESEARCHGATE: char = '\u{f338}';
pub const ICON_FUNKWHALE: char = '\u{f339}';
pub const ICON_ASKFM: char = '\u{f33a}';
pub const ICON_BLOCKSTACK: char = '\u{f33b}';
pub const ICON_BOARDGAMEGEEK: char = '\u{f33c}';
pub const ICON_BUNNY: char = '\u{f35f}';
pub const ICON_BUYMEACOFFEE: char = '\u{f33d}';
pub const ICON_CC_BY: char = '\u{f33e}';
pub const ICON_CC_CC: char = '\u{f33f}';
pub const ICON_CC_NC_EU: char = '\u{f341}';
pub const ICON_CC_NC_JP: char = '\u{f342}';
pub const ICON_CC_NC: char = '\u{f340}';
pub const ICON_CC_ND: char = '\u{f343}';
pub const ICON_CC_PD: char = '\u{f344}';
pub const ICON_CC_REMIX: char = '\u{f345}';
pub const ICON_CC_SA: char = '\u{f346}';
pub const ICON_CC_SHARE: char = '\u{f347}';
pub const ICON_CC_ZERO: char = '\u{f348}';
pub const ICON_CONWAY_GLIDER: char = '\u{f349}';
pub const ICON_CSHARP: char = '\u{f34a}';
pub const ICON_EMAIL_BULK: char = '\u{f34b}';
pub const ICON_EMAIL_BULK_O: char = '\u{f34c}';
pub const ICON_GNU: char = '\u{f34d}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLAY: char = '\u{f34e}';
pub const ICON_HEROKU: char = '\u{f34f}';
pub const ICON_HOME_ASSISTANT: char = '\u{f350}';
pub const ICON_JAVA: char = '\u{f351}';
pub const ICON_MARIADB: char = '\u{f352}';
pub const ICON_MARKDOWN: char = '\u{f353}';
pub const ICON_MYSQL: char = '\u{f354}';
pub const ICON_NORDCAST: char = '\u{f355}';
pub const ICON_PLUME: char = '\u{f356}';
pub const ICON_POSTGRESQL: char = '\u{f357}';
pub const ICON_SASS_ALT: char = '\u{f359}';
pub const ICON_SASS: char = '\u{f358}';
pub const ICON_SKATE: char = '\u{f35a}';
pub const ICON_SKETCHFAB: char = '\u{f35b}';
pub const ICON_TEX: char = '\u{f35c}';
pub const ICON_TEXTPATTERN: char = '\u{f35d}';
pub const ICON_UNITY: char = '\u{f35e}';
pub const ICON_HEDGEDOC: char = '\u{f360}';
pub const ICON_FEDIVERSE: char = '\u{f361}';
pub const ICON_PROFTPD: char = '\u{f362}';
pub const ICON_OSI: char = '\u{f363}';
pub const ICON_EYEEM: char = '\u{f364}';
pub const ICON_EYEEM_O: char = '\u{f365}';
pub const ICON_CODEBERG: char = '\u{f366}';
pub const ICON_DISCOURSE: char = '\u{f367}';
pub const ICON_MUMBLE: char = '\u{f368}';
pub const ICON_FREEDESKTOP: char = '\u{f369}';
pub const ICON_JAVASCRIPT: char = '\u{f370}';
pub const ICON_LEMMY: char = '\u{f371}';
pub const ICON_IPFS: char = '\u{f372}';
pub const ICON_CANONICAL: char = '\u{f36a}';
pub const ICON_UBUNTU: char = '\u{f36b}';
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language C#
// from https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css
// for use with https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
namespace IconFonts
public class Kenney
public const string FontIconFileNameKI = "kenney-icon-font.ttf";
public const int IconMin = 0xe900;
public const int IconMax16 = 0xe9e3;
public const int IconMax = 0xe9e3;
public const string Home = "\ue900";
public const string Adjust = "\ue901";
public const string Wrench = "\ue902";
public const string Cog = "\ue903";
public const string Off = "\ue904";
public const string Expand = "\ue905";
public const string Reduce = "\ue906";
public const string Movie = "\ue907";
public const string Flap = "\ue908";
public const string ShoppingCart = "\ue909";
public const string ShoppingCase = "\ue90a";
public const string External = "\ue90b";
public const string Network = "\ue90c";
public const string Check = "\ue90d";
public const string Times = "\ue90e";
public const string TimesCircle = "\ue90f";
public const string Plus = "\ue910";
public const string PlusCircle = "\ue911";
public const string Minus = "\ue912";
public const string MinusCircle = "\ue913";
public const string Info = "\ue914";
public const string InfoCircle = "\ue915";
public const string Question = "\ue916";
public const string QuestionCircle = "\ue917";
public const string Exlamation = "\ue918";
public const string ExclamationCircle = "\ue919";
public const string ExclamationTriangle = "\ue91a";
public const string PaintBrush = "\ue91b";
public const string Pencil = "\ue91c";
public const string Checkbox = "\ue91d";
public const string CheckboxChecked = "\ue91e";
public const string Radio = "\ue91f";
public const string RadioChecked = "\ue920";
public const string SortVertical = "\ue921";
public const string SortHorizontal = "\ue922";
public const string Grid = "\ue923";
public const string List = "\ue924";
public const string Rows = "\ue925";
public const string Cells = "\ue926";
public const string SignalLow = "\ue927";
public const string SignalMedium = "\ue928";
public const string SignalHigh = "\ue929";
public const string Trash = "\ue92a";
public const string TrashAlt = "\ue92b";
public const string ReloadInverse = "\ue92c";
public const string Reload = "\ue92d";
public const string Top = "\ue92e";
public const string Bottom = "\ue92f";
public const string Upload = "\ue930";
public const string Download = "\ue931";
public const string Cloud = "\ue932";
public const string CloudUpload = "\ue933";
public const string CloudDownload = "\ue934";
public const string Search = "\ue935";
public const string SearchPlus = "\ue936";
public const string SearchMinus = "\ue937";
public const string SearchEqual = "\ue938";
public const string Lock = "\ue939";
public const string Unlock = "\ue93a";
public const string User = "\ue93b";
public const string Users = "\ue93c";
public const string UsersAlt = "\ue93d";
public const string SignIn = "\ue93e";
public const string SignInInverse = "\ue93f";
public const string SignOut = "\ue940";
public const string SignOutInverse = "\ue941";
public const string ArrowTop = "\ue942";
public const string ArrowRight = "\ue943";
public const string ArrowBottom = "\ue944";
public const string ArrowLeft = "\ue945";
public const string ArrowTopLeft = "\ue946";
public const string ArrowTopRight = "\ue947";
public const string ArrowBottomRight = "\ue948";
public const string ArrowBottomLeft = "\ue949";
public const string CaretTop = "\ue94a";
public const string CaretRight = "\ue94b";
public const string CaretBottom = "\ue94c";
public const string CaretLeft = "\ue94d";
public const string NextAlt = "\ue94e";
public const string Next = "\ue94f";
public const string Previous = "\ue950";
public const string PreviousAlt = "\ue951";
public const string Fill = "\ue952";
public const string Eraser = "\ue953";
public const string Save = "\ue954";
public const string StepBackward = "\ue955";
public const string Backward = "\ue956";
public const string Pause = "\ue957";
public const string Forward = "\ue958";
public const string StepForward = "\ue959";
public const string Stop = "\ue95a";
public const string Rec = "\ue95b";
public const string Cursor = "\ue95c";
public const string Pointer = "\ue95d";
public const string Exit = "\ue95e";
public const string Figure = "\ue95f";
public const string Car = "\ue960";
public const string Coin = "\ue961";
public const string Key = "\ue962";
public const string Cub = "\ue963";
public const string Diamond = "\ue964";
public const string Badge = "\ue965";
public const string BadgeAlt = "\ue966";
public const string Podium = "\ue967";
public const string PodiumAlt = "\ue968";
public const string Flag = "\ue969";
public const string Fist = "\ue96a";
public const string FistCircle = "\ue96b";
public const string Heart = "\ue96c";
public const string HeartHalf = "\ue96d";
public const string HeartHalfO = "\ue96e";
public const string HeartO = "\ue96f";
public const string Star = "\ue970";
public const string StarHalf = "\ue971";
public const string StarHalfO = "\ue972";
public const string StarO = "\ue973";
public const string ButtonB = "\ue974";
public const string MusicOn = "\ue975";
public const string MusicOff = "\ue976";
public const string SoundOn = "\ue977";
public const string SoundOff = "\ue978";
public const string SoundOffAlt = "\ue979";
public const string Robot = "\ue97a";
public const string Computer = "\ue97b";
public const string Tablet = "\ue97c";
public const string Smartphone = "\ue97d";
public const string Device = "\ue97e";
public const string DeviceTiltLeft = "\ue97f";
public const string DeviceTiltRight = "\ue980";
public const string Gamepad = "\ue981";
public const string GamepadAlt = "\ue982";
public const string GamepadTiltLeft = "\ue983";
public const string GamepadTiltRight = "\ue984";
public const string PlayerOne = "\ue985";
public const string PlayerTwo = "\ue986";
public const string PlayerThree = "\ue987";
public const string PlayerFour = "\ue988";
public const string Joystick = "\ue989";
public const string JoystickAlt = "\ue98a";
public const string JoystickLeft = "\ue98b";
public const string JoystickRight = "\ue98c";
public const string MouseAlt = "\ue98d";
public const string Mouse = "\ue98e";
public const string MouseLeftButton = "\ue98f";
public const string MouseRightButton = "\ue990";
public const string ButtonOne = "\ue991";
public const string ButtonTwo = "\ue992";
public const string ButtonThree = "\ue993";
public const string ButtonA = "\ue994";
public const string ButtonX = "\ue995";
public const string ButonY = "\ue996";
public const string ButtonTimes = "\ue997";
public const string ButtonSquare = "\ue998";
public const string ButtonCircle = "\ue999";
public const string ButtonTriangle = "\ue99a";
public const string ButtonLeft = "\ue99b";
public const string ButtonL = "\ue99c";
public const string ButtonL1 = "\ue99d";
public const string ButtonL2 = "\ue99e";
public const string ButtonLb = "\ue99f";
public const string ButtonLt = "\ue9a0";
public const string ButtonRt = "\ue9a1";
public const string ButtonRb = "\ue9a2";
public const string ButtonR2 = "\ue9a3";
public const string ButtonR1 = "\ue9a4";
public const string ButtonR = "\ue9a5";
public const string ButtonRight = "\ue9a6";
public const string ButtonEmpty = "\ue9a7";
public const string ButtonStart = "\ue9a8";
public const string ButtonSelect = "\ue9a9";
public const string Dpad = "\ue9aa";
public const string DpadAlt = "\ue9ab";
public const string DpadTop = "\ue9ac";
public const string DpadRight = "\ue9ad";
public const string DpadBottom = "\ue9ae";
public const string DpadLeft = "\ue9af";
public const string KeyLarge = "\ue9b0";
public const string KeyLarge3d = "\ue9b1";
public const string KeySmall = "\ue9b2";
public const string KeySmall3d = "\ue9b3";
public const string StickLeftTop = "\ue9b4";
public const string StickLeftSide = "\ue9b5";
public const string StickRightSide = "\ue9b6";
public const string StickRightTop = "\ue9b7";
public const string StickSide = "\ue9b8";
public const string StickTiltLeft = "\ue9b9";
public const string StickTiltRight = "\ue9ba";
public const string MoveBl = "\ue9bb";
public const string MoveBr = "\ue9bc";
public const string MoveBt = "\ue9bd";
public const string MoveBtAlt = "\ue9be";
public const string MoveLb = "\ue9bf";
public const string MoveLr = "\ue9c0";
public const string MoveLrAlt = "\ue9c1";
public const string MoveLt = "\ue9c2";
public const string MoveRb = "\ue9c3";
public const string MoveRl = "\ue9c4";
public const string MoveRlAlt = "\ue9c5";
public const string MoveRt = "\ue9c6";
public const string MoveTb = "\ue9c7";
public const string MoveTbAlt = "\ue9c8";
public const string MoveTl = "\ue9c9";
public const string MoveTr = "\ue9ca";
public const string StickMoveBl = "\ue9cb";
public const string StickMoveBr = "\ue9cc";
public const string StickMoveBt = "\ue9cd";
public const string StickMoveBtAlt = "\ue9ce";
public const string StickMoveLb = "\ue9cf";
public const string StickMoveLr = "\ue9d0";
public const string StickMoveLrAlt = "\ue9d1";
public const string StickMoveLt = "\ue9d2";
public const string StickMoveRb = "\ue9d3";
public const string StickMoveRl = "\ue9d4";
public const string StickMoveRlAlt = "\ue9d5";
public const string StickMoveRt = "\ue9d6";
public const string StickMoveTb = "\ue9d7";
public const string StickMoveTbAlt = "\ue9d8";
public const string StickMoveTl = "\ue9d9";
public const string StickMoveTr = "\ue9da";
public const string Github = "\ue9db";
public const string GithubAlt = "\ue9dc";
public const string Twitter = "\ue9dd";
public const string Facebook = "\ue9de";
public const string GooglePlus = "\ue9df";
public const string Youtube = "\ue9e2";
public const string WeHeart = "\ue9e3";
public const string Wolfcms = "\ue9e0";
public const string WolfcmsAlt = "\ue9e1";
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages Go
// from https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css
// for use with https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
package IconFontCppHeaders
var IconsKenney = Font{
Filenames: [][2]string{
{"KI", "kenney-icon-font.ttf"},
Min: 0xe900,
Max16: 0xe9e3,
Max: 0xe9e3,
Icons: map[string]string{
"Home": "\xee\xa4\x80", // U+e900
"Adjust": "\xee\xa4\x81", // U+e901
"Wrench": "\xee\xa4\x82", // U+e902
"Cog": "\xee\xa4\x83", // U+e903
"Off": "\xee\xa4\x84", // U+e904
"Expand": "\xee\xa4\x85", // U+e905
"Reduce": "\xee\xa4\x86", // U+e906
"Movie": "\xee\xa4\x87", // U+e907
"Flap": "\xee\xa4\x88", // U+e908
"ShoppingCart": "\xee\xa4\x89", // U+e909
"ShoppingCase": "\xee\xa4\x8a", // U+e90a
"External": "\xee\xa4\x8b", // U+e90b
"Network": "\xee\xa4\x8c", // U+e90c
"Check": "\xee\xa4\x8d", // U+e90d
"Times": "\xee\xa4\x8e", // U+e90e
"TimesCircle": "\xee\xa4\x8f", // U+e90f
"Plus": "\xee\xa4\x90", // U+e910
"PlusCircle": "\xee\xa4\x91", // U+e911
"Minus": "\xee\xa4\x92", // U+e912
"MinusCircle": "\xee\xa4\x93", // U+e913
"Info": "\xee\xa4\x94", // U+e914
"InfoCircle": "\xee\xa4\x95", // U+e915
"Question": "\xee\xa4\x96", // U+e916
"QuestionCircle": "\xee\xa4\x97", // U+e917
"Exlamation": "\xee\xa4\x98", // U+e918
"ExclamationCircle": "\xee\xa4\x99", // U+e919
"ExclamationTriangle": "\xee\xa4\x9a", // U+e91a
"PaintBrush": "\xee\xa4\x9b", // U+e91b
"Pencil": "\xee\xa4\x9c", // U+e91c
"Checkbox": "\xee\xa4\x9d", // U+e91d
"CheckboxChecked": "\xee\xa4\x9e", // U+e91e
"Radio": "\xee\xa4\x9f", // U+e91f
"RadioChecked": "\xee\xa4\xa0", // U+e920
"SortVertical": "\xee\xa4\xa1", // U+e921
"SortHorizontal": "\xee\xa4\xa2", // U+e922
"Grid": "\xee\xa4\xa3", // U+e923
"List": "\xee\xa4\xa4", // U+e924
"Rows": "\xee\xa4\xa5", // U+e925
"Cells": "\xee\xa4\xa6", // U+e926
"SignalLow": "\xee\xa4\xa7", // U+e927
"SignalMedium": "\xee\xa4\xa8", // U+e928
"SignalHigh": "\xee\xa4\xa9", // U+e929
"Trash": "\xee\xa4\xaa", // U+e92a
"TrashAlt": "\xee\xa4\xab", // U+e92b
"ReloadInverse": "\xee\xa4\xac", // U+e92c
"Reload": "\xee\xa4\xad", // U+e92d
"Top": "\xee\xa4\xae", // U+e92e
"Bottom": "\xee\xa4\xaf", // U+e92f
"Upload": "\xee\xa4\xb0", // U+e930
"Download": "\xee\xa4\xb1", // U+e931
"Cloud": "\xee\xa4\xb2", // U+e932
"CloudUpload": "\xee\xa4\xb3", // U+e933
"CloudDownload": "\xee\xa4\xb4", // U+e934
"Search": "\xee\xa4\xb5", // U+e935
"SearchPlus": "\xee\xa4\xb6", // U+e936
"SearchMinus": "\xee\xa4\xb7", // U+e937
"SearchEqual": "\xee\xa4\xb8", // U+e938
"Lock": "\xee\xa4\xb9", // U+e939
"Unlock": "\xee\xa4\xba", // U+e93a
"User": "\xee\xa4\xbb", // U+e93b
"Users": "\xee\xa4\xbc", // U+e93c
"UsersAlt": "\xee\xa4\xbd", // U+e93d
"SignIn": "\xee\xa4\xbe", // U+e93e
"SignInInverse": "\xee\xa4\xbf", // U+e93f
"SignOut": "\xee\xa5\x80", // U+e940
"SignOutInverse": "\xee\xa5\x81", // U+e941
"ArrowTop": "\xee\xa5\x82", // U+e942
"ArrowRight": "\xee\xa5\x83", // U+e943
"ArrowBottom": "\xee\xa5\x84", // U+e944
"ArrowLeft": "\xee\xa5\x85", // U+e945
"ArrowTopLeft": "\xee\xa5\x86", // U+e946
"ArrowTopRight": "\xee\xa5\x87", // U+e947
"ArrowBottomRight": "\xee\xa5\x88", // U+e948
"ArrowBottomLeft": "\xee\xa5\x89", // U+e949
"CaretTop": "\xee\xa5\x8a", // U+e94a
"CaretRight": "\xee\xa5\x8b", // U+e94b
"CaretBottom": "\xee\xa5\x8c", // U+e94c
"CaretLeft": "\xee\xa5\x8d", // U+e94d
"NextAlt": "\xee\xa5\x8e", // U+e94e
"Next": "\xee\xa5\x8f", // U+e94f
"Previous": "\xee\xa5\x90", // U+e950
"PreviousAlt": "\xee\xa5\x91", // U+e951
"Fill": "\xee\xa5\x92", // U+e952
"Eraser": "\xee\xa5\x93", // U+e953
"Save": "\xee\xa5\x94", // U+e954
"StepBackward": "\xee\xa5\x95", // U+e955
"Backward": "\xee\xa5\x96", // U+e956
"Pause": "\xee\xa5\x97", // U+e957
"Forward": "\xee\xa5\x98", // U+e958
"StepForward": "\xee\xa5\x99", // U+e959
"Stop": "\xee\xa5\x9a", // U+e95a
"Rec": "\xee\xa5\x9b", // U+e95b
"Cursor": "\xee\xa5\x9c", // U+e95c
"Pointer": "\xee\xa5\x9d", // U+e95d
"Exit": "\xee\xa5\x9e", // U+e95e
"Figure": "\xee\xa5\x9f", // U+e95f
"Car": "\xee\xa5\xa0", // U+e960
"Coin": "\xee\xa5\xa1", // U+e961
"Key": "\xee\xa5\xa2", // U+e962
"Cub": "\xee\xa5\xa3", // U+e963
"Diamond": "\xee\xa5\xa4", // U+e964
"Badge": "\xee\xa5\xa5", // U+e965
"BadgeAlt": "\xee\xa5\xa6", // U+e966
"Podium": "\xee\xa5\xa7", // U+e967
"PodiumAlt": "\xee\xa5\xa8", // U+e968
"Flag": "\xee\xa5\xa9", // U+e969
"Fist": "\xee\xa5\xaa", // U+e96a
"FistCircle": "\xee\xa5\xab", // U+e96b
"Heart": "\xee\xa5\xac", // U+e96c
"HeartHalf": "\xee\xa5\xad", // U+e96d
"HeartHalfO": "\xee\xa5\xae", // U+e96e
"HeartO": "\xee\xa5\xaf", // U+e96f
"Star": "\xee\xa5\xb0", // U+e970
"StarHalf": "\xee\xa5\xb1", // U+e971
"StarHalfO": "\xee\xa5\xb2", // U+e972
"StarO": "\xee\xa5\xb3", // U+e973
"ButtonB": "\xee\xa5\xb4", // U+e974
"MusicOn": "\xee\xa5\xb5", // U+e975
"MusicOff": "\xee\xa5\xb6", // U+e976
"SoundOn": "\xee\xa5\xb7", // U+e977
"SoundOff": "\xee\xa5\xb8", // U+e978
"SoundOffAlt": "\xee\xa5\xb9", // U+e979
"Robot": "\xee\xa5\xba", // U+e97a
"Computer": "\xee\xa5\xbb", // U+e97b
"Tablet": "\xee\xa5\xbc", // U+e97c
"Smartphone": "\xee\xa5\xbd", // U+e97d
"Device": "\xee\xa5\xbe", // U+e97e
"DeviceTiltLeft": "\xee\xa5\xbf", // U+e97f
"DeviceTiltRight": "\xee\xa6\x80", // U+e980
"Gamepad": "\xee\xa6\x81", // U+e981
"GamepadAlt": "\xee\xa6\x82", // U+e982
"GamepadTiltLeft": "\xee\xa6\x83", // U+e983
"GamepadTiltRight": "\xee\xa6\x84", // U+e984
"PlayerOne": "\xee\xa6\x85", // U+e985
"PlayerTwo": "\xee\xa6\x86", // U+e986
"PlayerThree": "\xee\xa6\x87", // U+e987
"PlayerFour": "\xee\xa6\x88", // U+e988
"Joystick": "\xee\xa6\x89", // U+e989
"JoystickAlt": "\xee\xa6\x8a", // U+e98a
"JoystickLeft": "\xee\xa6\x8b", // U+e98b
"JoystickRight": "\xee\xa6\x8c", // U+e98c
"MouseAlt": "\xee\xa6\x8d", // U+e98d
"Mouse": "\xee\xa6\x8e", // U+e98e
"MouseLeftButton": "\xee\xa6\x8f", // U+e98f
"MouseRightButton": "\xee\xa6\x90", // U+e990
"ButtonOne": "\xee\xa6\x91", // U+e991
"ButtonTwo": "\xee\xa6\x92", // U+e992
"ButtonThree": "\xee\xa6\x93", // U+e993
"ButtonA": "\xee\xa6\x94", // U+e994
"ButtonX": "\xee\xa6\x95", // U+e995
"ButonY": "\xee\xa6\x96", // U+e996
"ButtonTimes": "\xee\xa6\x97", // U+e997
"ButtonSquare": "\xee\xa6\x98", // U+e998
"ButtonCircle": "\xee\xa6\x99", // U+e999
"ButtonTriangle": "\xee\xa6\x9a", // U+e99a
"ButtonLeft": "\xee\xa6\x9b", // U+e99b
"ButtonL": "\xee\xa6\x9c", // U+e99c
"ButtonL1": "\xee\xa6\x9d", // U+e99d
"ButtonL2": "\xee\xa6\x9e", // U+e99e
"ButtonLb": "\xee\xa6\x9f", // U+e99f
"ButtonLt": "\xee\xa6\xa0", // U+e9a0
"ButtonRt": "\xee\xa6\xa1", // U+e9a1
"ButtonRb": "\xee\xa6\xa2", // U+e9a2
"ButtonR2": "\xee\xa6\xa3", // U+e9a3
"ButtonR1": "\xee\xa6\xa4", // U+e9a4
"ButtonR": "\xee\xa6\xa5", // U+e9a5
"ButtonRight": "\xee\xa6\xa6", // U+e9a6
"ButtonEmpty": "\xee\xa6\xa7", // U+e9a7
"ButtonStart": "\xee\xa6\xa8", // U+e9a8
"ButtonSelect": "\xee\xa6\xa9", // U+e9a9
"Dpad": "\xee\xa6\xaa", // U+e9aa
"DpadAlt": "\xee\xa6\xab", // U+e9ab
"DpadTop": "\xee\xa6\xac", // U+e9ac
"DpadRight": "\xee\xa6\xad", // U+e9ad
"DpadBottom": "\xee\xa6\xae", // U+e9ae
"DpadLeft": "\xee\xa6\xaf", // U+e9af
"KeyLarge": "\xee\xa6\xb0", // U+e9b0
"KeyLarge3d": "\xee\xa6\xb1", // U+e9b1
"KeySmall": "\xee\xa6\xb2", // U+e9b2
"KeySmall3d": "\xee\xa6\xb3", // U+e9b3
"StickLeftTop": "\xee\xa6\xb4", // U+e9b4
"StickLeftSide": "\xee\xa6\xb5", // U+e9b5
"StickRightSide": "\xee\xa6\xb6", // U+e9b6
"StickRightTop": "\xee\xa6\xb7", // U+e9b7
"StickSide": "\xee\xa6\xb8", // U+e9b8
"StickTiltLeft": "\xee\xa6\xb9", // U+e9b9
"StickTiltRight": "\xee\xa6\xba", // U+e9ba
"MoveBl": "\xee\xa6\xbb", // U+e9bb
"MoveBr": "\xee\xa6\xbc", // U+e9bc
"MoveBt": "\xee\xa6\xbd", // U+e9bd
"MoveBtAlt": "\xee\xa6\xbe", // U+e9be
"MoveLb": "\xee\xa6\xbf", // U+e9bf
"MoveLr": "\xee\xa7\x80", // U+e9c0
"MoveLrAlt": "\xee\xa7\x81", // U+e9c1
"MoveLt": "\xee\xa7\x82", // U+e9c2
"MoveRb": "\xee\xa7\x83", // U+e9c3
"MoveRl": "\xee\xa7\x84", // U+e9c4
"MoveRlAlt": "\xee\xa7\x85", // U+e9c5
"MoveRt": "\xee\xa7\x86", // U+e9c6
"MoveTb": "\xee\xa7\x87", // U+e9c7
"MoveTbAlt": "\xee\xa7\x88", // U+e9c8
"MoveTl": "\xee\xa7\x89", // U+e9c9
"MoveTr": "\xee\xa7\x8a", // U+e9ca
"StickMoveBl": "\xee\xa7\x8b", // U+e9cb
"StickMoveBr": "\xee\xa7\x8c", // U+e9cc
"StickMoveBt": "\xee\xa7\x8d", // U+e9cd
"StickMoveBtAlt": "\xee\xa7\x8e", // U+e9ce
"StickMoveLb": "\xee\xa7\x8f", // U+e9cf
"StickMoveLr": "\xee\xa7\x90", // U+e9d0
"StickMoveLrAlt": "\xee\xa7\x91", // U+e9d1
"StickMoveLt": "\xee\xa7\x92", // U+e9d2
"StickMoveRb": "\xee\xa7\x93", // U+e9d3
"StickMoveRl": "\xee\xa7\x94", // U+e9d4
"StickMoveRlAlt": "\xee\xa7\x95", // U+e9d5
"StickMoveRt": "\xee\xa7\x96", // U+e9d6
"StickMoveTb": "\xee\xa7\x97", // U+e9d7
"StickMoveTbAlt": "\xee\xa7\x98", // U+e9d8
"StickMoveTl": "\xee\xa7\x99", // U+e9d9
"StickMoveTr": "\xee\xa7\x9a", // U+e9da
"Github": "\xee\xa7\x9b", // U+e9db
"GithubAlt": "\xee\xa7\x9c", // U+e9dc
"Twitter": "\xee\xa7\x9d", // U+e9dd
"Facebook": "\xee\xa7\x9e", // U+e9de
"GooglePlus": "\xee\xa7\x9f", // U+e9df
"Youtube": "\xee\xa7\xa2", // U+e9e2
"WeHeart": "\xee\xa7\xa3", // U+e9e3
"Wolfcms": "\xee\xa7\xa0", // U+e9e0
"WolfcmsAlt": "\xee\xa7\xa1", // U+e9e1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
// Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for languages C and C++
// from https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css
// for use with https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
#pragma once
#define FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_KI "kenney-icon-font.ttf"
#define ICON_MIN_KI 0xe900
#define ICON_MAX_16_KI 0xe9e3
#define ICON_MAX_KI 0xe9e3
#define ICON_KI_HOME "\xee\xa4\x80" // U+e900
#define ICON_KI_ADJUST "\xee\xa4\x81" // U+e901
#define ICON_KI_WRENCH "\xee\xa4\x82" // U+e902
#define ICON_KI_COG "\xee\xa4\x83" // U+e903
#define ICON_KI_OFF "\xee\xa4\x84" // U+e904
#define ICON_KI_EXPAND "\xee\xa4\x85" // U+e905
#define ICON_KI_REDUCE "\xee\xa4\x86" // U+e906
#define ICON_KI_MOVIE "\xee\xa4\x87" // U+e907
#define ICON_KI_FLAP "\xee\xa4\x88" // U+e908
#define ICON_KI_SHOPPING_CART "\xee\xa4\x89" // U+e909
#define ICON_KI_SHOPPING_CASE "\xee\xa4\x8a" // U+e90a
#define ICON_KI_EXTERNAL "\xee\xa4\x8b" // U+e90b
#define ICON_KI_NETWORK "\xee\xa4\x8c" // U+e90c
#define ICON_KI_CHECK "\xee\xa4\x8d" // U+e90d
#define ICON_KI_TIMES "\xee\xa4\x8e" // U+e90e
#define ICON_KI_TIMES_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x8f" // U+e90f
#define ICON_KI_PLUS "\xee\xa4\x90" // U+e910
#define ICON_KI_PLUS_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x91" // U+e911
#define ICON_KI_MINUS "\xee\xa4\x92" // U+e912
#define ICON_KI_MINUS_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x93" // U+e913
#define ICON_KI_INFO "\xee\xa4\x94" // U+e914
#define ICON_KI_INFO_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x95" // U+e915
#define ICON_KI_QUESTION "\xee\xa4\x96" // U+e916
#define ICON_KI_QUESTION_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x97" // U+e917
#define ICON_KI_EXLAMATION "\xee\xa4\x98" // U+e918
#define ICON_KI_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE "\xee\xa4\x99" // U+e919
#define ICON_KI_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE "\xee\xa4\x9a" // U+e91a
#define ICON_KI_PAINT_BRUSH "\xee\xa4\x9b" // U+e91b
#define ICON_KI_PENCIL "\xee\xa4\x9c" // U+e91c
#define ICON_KI_CHECKBOX "\xee\xa4\x9d" // U+e91d
#define ICON_KI_CHECKBOX_CHECKED "\xee\xa4\x9e" // U+e91e
#define ICON_KI_RADIO "\xee\xa4\x9f" // U+e91f
#define ICON_KI_RADIO_CHECKED "\xee\xa4\xa0" // U+e920
#define ICON_KI_SORT_VERTICAL "\xee\xa4\xa1" // U+e921
#define ICON_KI_SORT_HORIZONTAL "\xee\xa4\xa2" // U+e922
#define ICON_KI_GRID "\xee\xa4\xa3" // U+e923
#define ICON_KI_LIST "\xee\xa4\xa4" // U+e924
#define ICON_KI_ROWS "\xee\xa4\xa5" // U+e925
#define ICON_KI_CELLS "\xee\xa4\xa6" // U+e926
#define ICON_KI_SIGNAL_LOW "\xee\xa4\xa7" // U+e927
#define ICON_KI_SIGNAL_MEDIUM "\xee\xa4\xa8" // U+e928
#define ICON_KI_SIGNAL_HIGH "\xee\xa4\xa9" // U+e929
#define ICON_KI_TRASH "\xee\xa4\xaa" // U+e92a
#define ICON_KI_TRASH_ALT "\xee\xa4\xab" // U+e92b
#define ICON_KI_RELOAD_INVERSE "\xee\xa4\xac" // U+e92c
#define ICON_KI_RELOAD "\xee\xa4\xad" // U+e92d
#define ICON_KI_TOP "\xee\xa4\xae" // U+e92e
#define ICON_KI_BOTTOM "\xee\xa4\xaf" // U+e92f
#define ICON_KI_UPLOAD "\xee\xa4\xb0" // U+e930
#define ICON_KI_DOWNLOAD "\xee\xa4\xb1" // U+e931
#define ICON_KI_CLOUD "\xee\xa4\xb2" // U+e932
#define ICON_KI_CLOUD_UPLOAD "\xee\xa4\xb3" // U+e933
#define ICON_KI_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD "\xee\xa4\xb4" // U+e934
#define ICON_KI_SEARCH "\xee\xa4\xb5" // U+e935
#define ICON_KI_SEARCH_PLUS "\xee\xa4\xb6" // U+e936
#define ICON_KI_SEARCH_MINUS "\xee\xa4\xb7" // U+e937
#define ICON_KI_SEARCH_EQUAL "\xee\xa4\xb8" // U+e938
#define ICON_KI_LOCK "\xee\xa4\xb9" // U+e939
#define ICON_KI_UNLOCK "\xee\xa4\xba" // U+e93a
#define ICON_KI_USER "\xee\xa4\xbb" // U+e93b
#define ICON_KI_USERS "\xee\xa4\xbc" // U+e93c
#define ICON_KI_USERS_ALT "\xee\xa4\xbd" // U+e93d
#define ICON_KI_SIGN_IN "\xee\xa4\xbe" // U+e93e
#define ICON_KI_SIGN_IN_INVERSE "\xee\xa4\xbf" // U+e93f
#define ICON_KI_SIGN_OUT "\xee\xa5\x80" // U+e940
#define ICON_KI_SIGN_OUT_INVERSE "\xee\xa5\x81" // U+e941
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_TOP "\xee\xa5\x82" // U+e942
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_RIGHT "\xee\xa5\x83" // U+e943
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_BOTTOM "\xee\xa5\x84" // U+e944
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_LEFT "\xee\xa5\x85" // U+e945
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_TOP_LEFT "\xee\xa5\x86" // U+e946
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_TOP_RIGHT "\xee\xa5\x87" // U+e947
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_BOTTOM_RIGHT "\xee\xa5\x88" // U+e948
#define ICON_KI_ARROW_BOTTOM_LEFT "\xee\xa5\x89" // U+e949
#define ICON_KI_CARET_TOP "\xee\xa5\x8a" // U+e94a
#define ICON_KI_CARET_RIGHT "\xee\xa5\x8b" // U+e94b
#define ICON_KI_CARET_BOTTOM "\xee\xa5\x8c" // U+e94c
#define ICON_KI_CARET_LEFT "\xee\xa5\x8d" // U+e94d
#define ICON_KI_NEXT_ALT "\xee\xa5\x8e" // U+e94e
#define ICON_KI_NEXT "\xee\xa5\x8f" // U+e94f
#define ICON_KI_PREVIOUS "\xee\xa5\x90" // U+e950
#define ICON_KI_PREVIOUS_ALT "\xee\xa5\x91" // U+e951
#define ICON_KI_FILL "\xee\xa5\x92" // U+e952
#define ICON_KI_ERASER "\xee\xa5\x93" // U+e953
#define ICON_KI_SAVE "\xee\xa5\x94" // U+e954
#define ICON_KI_STEP_BACKWARD "\xee\xa5\x95" // U+e955
#define ICON_KI_BACKWARD "\xee\xa5\x96" // U+e956
#define ICON_KI_PAUSE "\xee\xa5\x97" // U+e957
#define ICON_KI_FORWARD "\xee\xa5\x98" // U+e958
#define ICON_KI_STEP_FORWARD "\xee\xa5\x99" // U+e959
#define ICON_KI_STOP "\xee\xa5\x9a" // U+e95a
#define ICON_KI_REC "\xee\xa5\x9b" // U+e95b
#define ICON_KI_CURSOR "\xee\xa5\x9c" // U+e95c
#define ICON_KI_POINTER "\xee\xa5\x9d" // U+e95d
#define ICON_KI_EXIT "\xee\xa5\x9e" // U+e95e
#define ICON_KI_FIGURE "\xee\xa5\x9f" // U+e95f
#define ICON_KI_CAR "\xee\xa5\xa0" // U+e960
#define ICON_KI_COIN "\xee\xa5\xa1" // U+e961
#define ICON_KI_KEY "\xee\xa5\xa2" // U+e962
#define ICON_KI_CUB "\xee\xa5\xa3" // U+e963
#define ICON_KI_DIAMOND "\xee\xa5\xa4" // U+e964
#define ICON_KI_BADGE "\xee\xa5\xa5" // U+e965
#define ICON_KI_BADGE_ALT "\xee\xa5\xa6" // U+e966
#define ICON_KI_PODIUM "\xee\xa5\xa7" // U+e967
#define ICON_KI_PODIUM_ALT "\xee\xa5\xa8" // U+e968
#define ICON_KI_FLAG "\xee\xa5\xa9" // U+e969
#define ICON_KI_FIST "\xee\xa5\xaa" // U+e96a
#define ICON_KI_FIST_CIRCLE "\xee\xa5\xab" // U+e96b
#define ICON_KI_HEART "\xee\xa5\xac" // U+e96c
#define ICON_KI_HEART_HALF "\xee\xa5\xad" // U+e96d
#define ICON_KI_HEART_HALF_O "\xee\xa5\xae" // U+e96e
#define ICON_KI_HEART_O "\xee\xa5\xaf" // U+e96f
#define ICON_KI_STAR "\xee\xa5\xb0" // U+e970
#define ICON_KI_STAR_HALF "\xee\xa5\xb1" // U+e971
#define ICON_KI_STAR_HALF_O "\xee\xa5\xb2" // U+e972
#define ICON_KI_STAR_O "\xee\xa5\xb3" // U+e973
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_B "\xee\xa5\xb4" // U+e974
#define ICON_KI_MUSIC_ON "\xee\xa5\xb5" // U+e975
#define ICON_KI_MUSIC_OFF "\xee\xa5\xb6" // U+e976
#define ICON_KI_SOUND_ON "\xee\xa5\xb7" // U+e977
#define ICON_KI_SOUND_OFF "\xee\xa5\xb8" // U+e978
#define ICON_KI_SOUND_OFF_ALT "\xee\xa5\xb9" // U+e979
#define ICON_KI_ROBOT "\xee\xa5\xba" // U+e97a
#define ICON_KI_COMPUTER "\xee\xa5\xbb" // U+e97b
#define ICON_KI_TABLET "\xee\xa5\xbc" // U+e97c
#define ICON_KI_SMARTPHONE "\xee\xa5\xbd" // U+e97d
#define ICON_KI_DEVICE "\xee\xa5\xbe" // U+e97e
#define ICON_KI_DEVICE_TILT_LEFT "\xee\xa5\xbf" // U+e97f
#define ICON_KI_DEVICE_TILT_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\x80" // U+e980
#define ICON_KI_GAMEPAD "\xee\xa6\x81" // U+e981
#define ICON_KI_GAMEPAD_ALT "\xee\xa6\x82" // U+e982
#define ICON_KI_GAMEPAD_TILT_LEFT "\xee\xa6\x83" // U+e983
#define ICON_KI_GAMEPAD_TILT_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\x84" // U+e984
#define ICON_KI_PLAYER_ONE "\xee\xa6\x85" // U+e985
#define ICON_KI_PLAYER_TWO "\xee\xa6\x86" // U+e986
#define ICON_KI_PLAYER_THREE "\xee\xa6\x87" // U+e987
#define ICON_KI_PLAYER_FOUR "\xee\xa6\x88" // U+e988
#define ICON_KI_JOYSTICK "\xee\xa6\x89" // U+e989
#define ICON_KI_JOYSTICK_ALT "\xee\xa6\x8a" // U+e98a
#define ICON_KI_JOYSTICK_LEFT "\xee\xa6\x8b" // U+e98b
#define ICON_KI_JOYSTICK_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\x8c" // U+e98c
#define ICON_KI_MOUSE_ALT "\xee\xa6\x8d" // U+e98d
#define ICON_KI_MOUSE "\xee\xa6\x8e" // U+e98e
#define ICON_KI_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON "\xee\xa6\x8f" // U+e98f
#define ICON_KI_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON "\xee\xa6\x90" // U+e990
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_ONE "\xee\xa6\x91" // U+e991
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_TWO "\xee\xa6\x92" // U+e992
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_THREE "\xee\xa6\x93" // U+e993
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_A "\xee\xa6\x94" // U+e994
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_X "\xee\xa6\x95" // U+e995
#define ICON_KI_BUTON_Y "\xee\xa6\x96" // U+e996
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_TIMES "\xee\xa6\x97" // U+e997
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_SQUARE "\xee\xa6\x98" // U+e998
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_CIRCLE "\xee\xa6\x99" // U+e999
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_TRIANGLE "\xee\xa6\x9a" // U+e99a
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_LEFT "\xee\xa6\x9b" // U+e99b
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_L "\xee\xa6\x9c" // U+e99c
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_L1 "\xee\xa6\x9d" // U+e99d
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_L2 "\xee\xa6\x9e" // U+e99e
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_LB "\xee\xa6\x9f" // U+e99f
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_LT "\xee\xa6\xa0" // U+e9a0
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_RT "\xee\xa6\xa1" // U+e9a1
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_RB "\xee\xa6\xa2" // U+e9a2
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_R2 "\xee\xa6\xa3" // U+e9a3
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_R1 "\xee\xa6\xa4" // U+e9a4
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_R "\xee\xa6\xa5" // U+e9a5
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\xa6" // U+e9a6
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_EMPTY "\xee\xa6\xa7" // U+e9a7
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_START "\xee\xa6\xa8" // U+e9a8
#define ICON_KI_BUTTON_SELECT "\xee\xa6\xa9" // U+e9a9
#define ICON_KI_DPAD "\xee\xa6\xaa" // U+e9aa
#define ICON_KI_DPAD_ALT "\xee\xa6\xab" // U+e9ab
#define ICON_KI_DPAD_TOP "\xee\xa6\xac" // U+e9ac
#define ICON_KI_DPAD_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\xad" // U+e9ad
#define ICON_KI_DPAD_BOTTOM "\xee\xa6\xae" // U+e9ae
#define ICON_KI_DPAD_LEFT "\xee\xa6\xaf" // U+e9af
#define ICON_KI_KEY_LARGE "\xee\xa6\xb0" // U+e9b0
#define ICON_KI_KEY_LARGE_3D "\xee\xa6\xb1" // U+e9b1
#define ICON_KI_KEY_SMALL "\xee\xa6\xb2" // U+e9b2
#define ICON_KI_KEY_SMALL_3D "\xee\xa6\xb3" // U+e9b3
#define ICON_KI_STICK_LEFT_TOP "\xee\xa6\xb4" // U+e9b4
#define ICON_KI_STICK_LEFT_SIDE "\xee\xa6\xb5" // U+e9b5
#define ICON_KI_STICK_RIGHT_SIDE "\xee\xa6\xb6" // U+e9b6
#define ICON_KI_STICK_RIGHT_TOP "\xee\xa6\xb7" // U+e9b7
#define ICON_KI_STICK_SIDE "\xee\xa6\xb8" // U+e9b8
#define ICON_KI_STICK_TILT_LEFT "\xee\xa6\xb9" // U+e9b9
#define ICON_KI_STICK_TILT_RIGHT "\xee\xa6\xba" // U+e9ba
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_BL "\xee\xa6\xbb" // U+e9bb
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_BR "\xee\xa6\xbc" // U+e9bc
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_BT "\xee\xa6\xbd" // U+e9bd
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_BT_ALT "\xee\xa6\xbe" // U+e9be
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_LB "\xee\xa6\xbf" // U+e9bf
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_LR "\xee\xa7\x80" // U+e9c0
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_LR_ALT "\xee\xa7\x81" // U+e9c1
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_LT "\xee\xa7\x82" // U+e9c2
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_RB "\xee\xa7\x83" // U+e9c3
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_RL "\xee\xa7\x84" // U+e9c4
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_RL_ALT "\xee\xa7\x85" // U+e9c5
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_RT "\xee\xa7\x86" // U+e9c6
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_TB "\xee\xa7\x87" // U+e9c7
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_TB_ALT "\xee\xa7\x88" // U+e9c8
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_TL "\xee\xa7\x89" // U+e9c9
#define ICON_KI_MOVE_TR "\xee\xa7\x8a" // U+e9ca
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_BL "\xee\xa7\x8b" // U+e9cb
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_BR "\xee\xa7\x8c" // U+e9cc
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_BT "\xee\xa7\x8d" // U+e9cd
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_BT_ALT "\xee\xa7\x8e" // U+e9ce
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_LB "\xee\xa7\x8f" // U+e9cf
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_LR "\xee\xa7\x90" // U+e9d0
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_LR_ALT "\xee\xa7\x91" // U+e9d1
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_LT "\xee\xa7\x92" // U+e9d2
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_RB "\xee\xa7\x93" // U+e9d3
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_RL "\xee\xa7\x94" // U+e9d4
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_RL_ALT "\xee\xa7\x95" // U+e9d5
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_RT "\xee\xa7\x96" // U+e9d6
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_TB "\xee\xa7\x97" // U+e9d7
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_TB_ALT "\xee\xa7\x98" // U+e9d8
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_TL "\xee\xa7\x99" // U+e9d9
#define ICON_KI_STICK_MOVE_TR "\xee\xa7\x9a" // U+e9da
#define ICON_KI_GITHUB "\xee\xa7\x9b" // U+e9db
#define ICON_KI_GITHUB_ALT "\xee\xa7\x9c" // U+e9dc
#define ICON_KI_TWITTER "\xee\xa7\x9d" // U+e9dd
#define ICON_KI_FACEBOOK "\xee\xa7\x9e" // U+e9de
#define ICON_KI_GOOGLE_PLUS "\xee\xa7\x9f" // U+e9df
#define ICON_KI_YOUTUBE "\xee\xa7\xa2" // U+e9e2
#define ICON_KI_WE_HEART "\xee\xa7\xa3" // U+e9e3
#define ICON_KI_WOLFCMS "\xee\xa7\xa0" // U+e9e0
#define ICON_KI_WOLFCMS_ALT "\xee\xa7\xa1" // U+e9e1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
# Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Python
# from https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css
# for use with https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
class IconsKenney:
FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_KI = 'kenney-icon-font.ttf'
ICON_MIN = 0xe900
ICON_MAX_16 = 0xe9e3
ICON_MAX = 0xe9e3
ICON_HOME = '\ue900'
ICON_ADJUST = '\ue901'
ICON_WRENCH = '\ue902'
ICON_COG = '\ue903'
ICON_OFF = '\ue904'
ICON_EXPAND = '\ue905'
ICON_REDUCE = '\ue906'
ICON_MOVIE = '\ue907'
ICON_FLAP = '\ue908'
ICON_EXTERNAL = '\ue90b'
ICON_NETWORK = '\ue90c'
ICON_CHECK = '\ue90d'
ICON_TIMES = '\ue90e'
ICON_PLUS = '\ue910'
ICON_MINUS = '\ue912'
ICON_INFO = '\ue914'
ICON_QUESTION = '\ue916'
ICON_PENCIL = '\ue91c'
ICON_CHECKBOX = '\ue91d'
ICON_RADIO = '\ue91f'
ICON_GRID = '\ue923'
ICON_LIST = '\ue924'
ICON_ROWS = '\ue925'
ICON_CELLS = '\ue926'
ICON_SIGNAL_LOW = '\ue927'
ICON_TRASH = '\ue92a'
ICON_TRASH_ALT = '\ue92b'
ICON_RELOAD = '\ue92d'
ICON_TOP = '\ue92e'
ICON_BOTTOM = '\ue92f'
ICON_UPLOAD = '\ue930'
ICON_DOWNLOAD = '\ue931'
ICON_CLOUD = '\ue932'
ICON_SEARCH = '\ue935'
ICON_LOCK = '\ue939'
ICON_UNLOCK = '\ue93a'
ICON_USER = '\ue93b'
ICON_USERS = '\ue93c'
ICON_USERS_ALT = '\ue93d'
ICON_SIGN_IN = '\ue93e'
ICON_SIGN_OUT = '\ue940'
ICON_ARROW_TOP = '\ue942'
ICON_ARROW_LEFT = '\ue945'
ICON_CARET_TOP = '\ue94a'
ICON_CARET_LEFT = '\ue94d'
ICON_NEXT_ALT = '\ue94e'
ICON_NEXT = '\ue94f'
ICON_PREVIOUS = '\ue950'
ICON_FILL = '\ue952'
ICON_ERASER = '\ue953'
ICON_SAVE = '\ue954'
ICON_BACKWARD = '\ue956'
ICON_PAUSE = '\ue957'
ICON_FORWARD = '\ue958'
ICON_STOP = '\ue95a'
ICON_REC = '\ue95b'
ICON_CURSOR = '\ue95c'
ICON_POINTER = '\ue95d'
ICON_EXIT = '\ue95e'
ICON_FIGURE = '\ue95f'
ICON_CAR = '\ue960'
ICON_COIN = '\ue961'
ICON_KEY = '\ue962'
ICON_CUB = '\ue963'
ICON_DIAMOND = '\ue964'
ICON_BADGE = '\ue965'
ICON_BADGE_ALT = '\ue966'
ICON_PODIUM = '\ue967'
ICON_PODIUM_ALT = '\ue968'
ICON_FLAG = '\ue969'
ICON_FIST = '\ue96a'
ICON_HEART = '\ue96c'
ICON_HEART_HALF = '\ue96d'
ICON_HEART_HALF_O = '\ue96e'
ICON_HEART_O = '\ue96f'
ICON_STAR = '\ue970'
ICON_STAR_HALF = '\ue971'
ICON_STAR_HALF_O = '\ue972'
ICON_STAR_O = '\ue973'
ICON_BUTTON_B = '\ue974'
ICON_MUSIC_ON = '\ue975'
ICON_MUSIC_OFF = '\ue976'
ICON_SOUND_ON = '\ue977'
ICON_SOUND_OFF = '\ue978'
ICON_ROBOT = '\ue97a'
ICON_COMPUTER = '\ue97b'
ICON_TABLET = '\ue97c'
ICON_DEVICE = '\ue97e'
ICON_GAMEPAD = '\ue981'
ICON_PLAYER_ONE = '\ue985'
ICON_PLAYER_TWO = '\ue986'
ICON_JOYSTICK = '\ue989'
ICON_MOUSE_ALT = '\ue98d'
ICON_MOUSE = '\ue98e'
ICON_BUTTON_ONE = '\ue991'
ICON_BUTTON_TWO = '\ue992'
ICON_BUTTON_A = '\ue994'
ICON_BUTTON_X = '\ue995'
ICON_BUTON_Y = '\ue996'
ICON_BUTTON_L = '\ue99c'
ICON_BUTTON_L1 = '\ue99d'
ICON_BUTTON_L2 = '\ue99e'
ICON_BUTTON_LB = '\ue99f'
ICON_BUTTON_LT = '\ue9a0'
ICON_BUTTON_RT = '\ue9a1'
ICON_BUTTON_RB = '\ue9a2'
ICON_BUTTON_R2 = '\ue9a3'
ICON_BUTTON_R1 = '\ue9a4'
ICON_BUTTON_R = '\ue9a5'
ICON_DPAD = '\ue9aa'
ICON_DPAD_ALT = '\ue9ab'
ICON_DPAD_TOP = '\ue9ac'
ICON_DPAD_RIGHT = '\ue9ad'
ICON_DPAD_LEFT = '\ue9af'
ICON_KEY_LARGE = '\ue9b0'
ICON_KEY_LARGE_3D = '\ue9b1'
ICON_KEY_SMALL = '\ue9b2'
ICON_KEY_SMALL_3D = '\ue9b3'
ICON_STICK_SIDE = '\ue9b8'
ICON_MOVE_BL = '\ue9bb'
ICON_MOVE_BR = '\ue9bc'
ICON_MOVE_BT = '\ue9bd'
ICON_MOVE_BT_ALT = '\ue9be'
ICON_MOVE_LB = '\ue9bf'
ICON_MOVE_LR = '\ue9c0'
ICON_MOVE_LR_ALT = '\ue9c1'
ICON_MOVE_LT = '\ue9c2'
ICON_MOVE_RB = '\ue9c3'
ICON_MOVE_RL = '\ue9c4'
ICON_MOVE_RL_ALT = '\ue9c5'
ICON_MOVE_RT = '\ue9c6'
ICON_MOVE_TB = '\ue9c7'
ICON_MOVE_TB_ALT = '\ue9c8'
ICON_MOVE_TL = '\ue9c9'
ICON_MOVE_TR = '\ue9ca'
ICON_GITHUB = '\ue9db'
ICON_GITHUB_ALT = '\ue9dc'
ICON_TWITTER = '\ue9dd'
ICON_FACEBOOK = '\ue9de'
ICON_YOUTUBE = '\ue9e2'
ICON_WE_HEART = '\ue9e3'
ICON_WOLFCMS = '\ue9e0'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
//! Generated by https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders script GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py for language Rust
//! from https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/raw/master/css/kenney-icons.css
//! for use with https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf
pub const FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_KI: &str = "kenney-icon-font.ttf";
pub const ICON_MIN: char = '\u{e900}';
pub const ICON_MAX_16: char = '\u{e9e3}';
pub const ICON_MAX: char = '\u{e9e3}';
pub const ICON_HOME: char = '\u{e900}';
pub const ICON_ADJUST: char = '\u{e901}';
pub const ICON_WRENCH: char = '\u{e902}';
pub const ICON_COG: char = '\u{e903}';
pub const ICON_OFF: char = '\u{e904}';
pub const ICON_EXPAND: char = '\u{e905}';
pub const ICON_REDUCE: char = '\u{e906}';
pub const ICON_MOVIE: char = '\u{e907}';
pub const ICON_FLAP: char = '\u{e908}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_CART: char = '\u{e909}';
pub const ICON_SHOPPING_CASE: char = '\u{e90a}';
pub const ICON_EXTERNAL: char = '\u{e90b}';
pub const ICON_NETWORK: char = '\u{e90c}';
pub const ICON_CHECK: char = '\u{e90d}';
pub const ICON_TIMES: char = '\u{e90e}';
pub const ICON_TIMES_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e90f}';
pub const ICON_PLUS: char = '\u{e910}';
pub const ICON_PLUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e911}';
pub const ICON_MINUS: char = '\u{e912}';
pub const ICON_MINUS_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e913}';
pub const ICON_INFO: char = '\u{e914}';
pub const ICON_INFO_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e915}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION: char = '\u{e916}';
pub const ICON_QUESTION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e917}';
pub const ICON_EXLAMATION: char = '\u{e918}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e919}';
pub const ICON_EXCLAMATION_TRIANGLE: char = '\u{e91a}';
pub const ICON_PAINT_BRUSH: char = '\u{e91b}';
pub const ICON_PENCIL: char = '\u{e91c}';
pub const ICON_CHECKBOX: char = '\u{e91d}';
pub const ICON_CHECKBOX_CHECKED: char = '\u{e91e}';
pub const ICON_RADIO: char = '\u{e91f}';
pub const ICON_RADIO_CHECKED: char = '\u{e920}';
pub const ICON_SORT_VERTICAL: char = '\u{e921}';
pub const ICON_SORT_HORIZONTAL: char = '\u{e922}';
pub const ICON_GRID: char = '\u{e923}';
pub const ICON_LIST: char = '\u{e924}';
pub const ICON_ROWS: char = '\u{e925}';
pub const ICON_CELLS: char = '\u{e926}';
pub const ICON_SIGNAL_LOW: char = '\u{e927}';
pub const ICON_SIGNAL_MEDIUM: char = '\u{e928}';
pub const ICON_SIGNAL_HIGH: char = '\u{e929}';
pub const ICON_TRASH: char = '\u{e92a}';
pub const ICON_TRASH_ALT: char = '\u{e92b}';
pub const ICON_RELOAD_INVERSE: char = '\u{e92c}';
pub const ICON_RELOAD: char = '\u{e92d}';
pub const ICON_TOP: char = '\u{e92e}';
pub const ICON_BOTTOM: char = '\u{e92f}';
pub const ICON_UPLOAD: char = '\u{e930}';
pub const ICON_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{e931}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD: char = '\u{e932}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_UPLOAD: char = '\u{e933}';
pub const ICON_CLOUD_DOWNLOAD: char = '\u{e934}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH: char = '\u{e935}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_PLUS: char = '\u{e936}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_MINUS: char = '\u{e937}';
pub const ICON_SEARCH_EQUAL: char = '\u{e938}';
pub const ICON_LOCK: char = '\u{e939}';
pub const ICON_UNLOCK: char = '\u{e93a}';
pub const ICON_USER: char = '\u{e93b}';
pub const ICON_USERS: char = '\u{e93c}';
pub const ICON_USERS_ALT: char = '\u{e93d}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_IN: char = '\u{e93e}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_IN_INVERSE: char = '\u{e93f}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_OUT: char = '\u{e940}';
pub const ICON_SIGN_OUT_INVERSE: char = '\u{e941}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_TOP: char = '\u{e942}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_RIGHT: char = '\u{e943}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_BOTTOM: char = '\u{e944}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_LEFT: char = '\u{e945}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_TOP_LEFT: char = '\u{e946}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_TOP_RIGHT: char = '\u{e947}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_BOTTOM_RIGHT: char = '\u{e948}';
pub const ICON_ARROW_BOTTOM_LEFT: char = '\u{e949}';
pub const ICON_CARET_TOP: char = '\u{e94a}';
pub const ICON_CARET_RIGHT: char = '\u{e94b}';
pub const ICON_CARET_BOTTOM: char = '\u{e94c}';
pub const ICON_CARET_LEFT: char = '\u{e94d}';
pub const ICON_NEXT_ALT: char = '\u{e94e}';
pub const ICON_NEXT: char = '\u{e94f}';
pub const ICON_PREVIOUS: char = '\u{e950}';
pub const ICON_PREVIOUS_ALT: char = '\u{e951}';
pub const ICON_FILL: char = '\u{e952}';
pub const ICON_ERASER: char = '\u{e953}';
pub const ICON_SAVE: char = '\u{e954}';
pub const ICON_STEP_BACKWARD: char = '\u{e955}';
pub const ICON_BACKWARD: char = '\u{e956}';
pub const ICON_PAUSE: char = '\u{e957}';
pub const ICON_FORWARD: char = '\u{e958}';
pub const ICON_STEP_FORWARD: char = '\u{e959}';
pub const ICON_STOP: char = '\u{e95a}';
pub const ICON_REC: char = '\u{e95b}';
pub const ICON_CURSOR: char = '\u{e95c}';
pub const ICON_POINTER: char = '\u{e95d}';
pub const ICON_EXIT: char = '\u{e95e}';
pub const ICON_FIGURE: char = '\u{e95f}';
pub const ICON_CAR: char = '\u{e960}';
pub const ICON_COIN: char = '\u{e961}';
pub const ICON_KEY: char = '\u{e962}';
pub const ICON_CUB: char = '\u{e963}';
pub const ICON_DIAMOND: char = '\u{e964}';
pub const ICON_BADGE: char = '\u{e965}';
pub const ICON_BADGE_ALT: char = '\u{e966}';
pub const ICON_PODIUM: char = '\u{e967}';
pub const ICON_PODIUM_ALT: char = '\u{e968}';
pub const ICON_FLAG: char = '\u{e969}';
pub const ICON_FIST: char = '\u{e96a}';
pub const ICON_FIST_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e96b}';
pub const ICON_HEART: char = '\u{e96c}';
pub const ICON_HEART_HALF: char = '\u{e96d}';
pub const ICON_HEART_HALF_O: char = '\u{e96e}';
pub const ICON_HEART_O: char = '\u{e96f}';
pub const ICON_STAR: char = '\u{e970}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF: char = '\u{e971}';
pub const ICON_STAR_HALF_O: char = '\u{e972}';
pub const ICON_STAR_O: char = '\u{e973}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_B: char = '\u{e974}';
pub const ICON_MUSIC_ON: char = '\u{e975}';
pub const ICON_MUSIC_OFF: char = '\u{e976}';
pub const ICON_SOUND_ON: char = '\u{e977}';
pub const ICON_SOUND_OFF: char = '\u{e978}';
pub const ICON_SOUND_OFF_ALT: char = '\u{e979}';
pub const ICON_ROBOT: char = '\u{e97a}';
pub const ICON_COMPUTER: char = '\u{e97b}';
pub const ICON_TABLET: char = '\u{e97c}';
pub const ICON_SMARTPHONE: char = '\u{e97d}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE: char = '\u{e97e}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_TILT_LEFT: char = '\u{e97f}';
pub const ICON_DEVICE_TILT_RIGHT: char = '\u{e980}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD: char = '\u{e981}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD_ALT: char = '\u{e982}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD_TILT_LEFT: char = '\u{e983}';
pub const ICON_GAMEPAD_TILT_RIGHT: char = '\u{e984}';
pub const ICON_PLAYER_ONE: char = '\u{e985}';
pub const ICON_PLAYER_TWO: char = '\u{e986}';
pub const ICON_PLAYER_THREE: char = '\u{e987}';
pub const ICON_PLAYER_FOUR: char = '\u{e988}';
pub const ICON_JOYSTICK: char = '\u{e989}';
pub const ICON_JOYSTICK_ALT: char = '\u{e98a}';
pub const ICON_JOYSTICK_LEFT: char = '\u{e98b}';
pub const ICON_JOYSTICK_RIGHT: char = '\u{e98c}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE_ALT: char = '\u{e98d}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE: char = '\u{e98e}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON: char = '\u{e98f}';
pub const ICON_MOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON: char = '\u{e990}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_ONE: char = '\u{e991}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_TWO: char = '\u{e992}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_THREE: char = '\u{e993}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_A: char = '\u{e994}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_X: char = '\u{e995}';
pub const ICON_BUTON_Y: char = '\u{e996}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_TIMES: char = '\u{e997}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_SQUARE: char = '\u{e998}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_CIRCLE: char = '\u{e999}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_TRIANGLE: char = '\u{e99a}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_LEFT: char = '\u{e99b}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_L: char = '\u{e99c}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_L1: char = '\u{e99d}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_L2: char = '\u{e99e}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_LB: char = '\u{e99f}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_LT: char = '\u{e9a0}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_RT: char = '\u{e9a1}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_RB: char = '\u{e9a2}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_R2: char = '\u{e9a3}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_R1: char = '\u{e9a4}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_R: char = '\u{e9a5}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_RIGHT: char = '\u{e9a6}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_EMPTY: char = '\u{e9a7}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_START: char = '\u{e9a8}';
pub const ICON_BUTTON_SELECT: char = '\u{e9a9}';
pub const ICON_DPAD: char = '\u{e9aa}';
pub const ICON_DPAD_ALT: char = '\u{e9ab}';
pub const ICON_DPAD_TOP: char = '\u{e9ac}';
pub const ICON_DPAD_RIGHT: char = '\u{e9ad}';
pub const ICON_DPAD_BOTTOM: char = '\u{e9ae}';
pub const ICON_DPAD_LEFT: char = '\u{e9af}';
pub const ICON_KEY_LARGE: char = '\u{e9b0}';
pub const ICON_KEY_LARGE_3D: char = '\u{e9b1}';
pub const ICON_KEY_SMALL: char = '\u{e9b2}';
pub const ICON_KEY_SMALL_3D: char = '\u{e9b3}';
pub const ICON_STICK_LEFT_TOP: char = '\u{e9b4}';
pub const ICON_STICK_LEFT_SIDE: char = '\u{e9b5}';
pub const ICON_STICK_RIGHT_SIDE: char = '\u{e9b6}';
pub const ICON_STICK_RIGHT_TOP: char = '\u{e9b7}';
pub const ICON_STICK_SIDE: char = '\u{e9b8}';
pub const ICON_STICK_TILT_LEFT: char = '\u{e9b9}';
pub const ICON_STICK_TILT_RIGHT: char = '\u{e9ba}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_BL: char = '\u{e9bb}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_BR: char = '\u{e9bc}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_BT: char = '\u{e9bd}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_BT_ALT: char = '\u{e9be}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_LB: char = '\u{e9bf}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_LR: char = '\u{e9c0}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_LR_ALT: char = '\u{e9c1}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_LT: char = '\u{e9c2}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_RB: char = '\u{e9c3}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_RL: char = '\u{e9c4}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_RL_ALT: char = '\u{e9c5}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_RT: char = '\u{e9c6}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_TB: char = '\u{e9c7}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_TB_ALT: char = '\u{e9c8}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_TL: char = '\u{e9c9}';
pub const ICON_MOVE_TR: char = '\u{e9ca}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_BL: char = '\u{e9cb}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_BR: char = '\u{e9cc}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_BT: char = '\u{e9cd}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_BT_ALT: char = '\u{e9ce}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_LB: char = '\u{e9cf}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_LR: char = '\u{e9d0}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_LR_ALT: char = '\u{e9d1}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_LT: char = '\u{e9d2}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_RB: char = '\u{e9d3}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_RL: char = '\u{e9d4}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_RL_ALT: char = '\u{e9d5}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_RT: char = '\u{e9d6}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_TB: char = '\u{e9d7}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_TB_ALT: char = '\u{e9d8}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_TL: char = '\u{e9d9}';
pub const ICON_STICK_MOVE_TR: char = '\u{e9da}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB: char = '\u{e9db}';
pub const ICON_GITHUB_ALT: char = '\u{e9dc}';
pub const ICON_TWITTER: char = '\u{e9dd}';
pub const ICON_FACEBOOK: char = '\u{e9de}';
pub const ICON_GOOGLE_PLUS: char = '\u{e9df}';
pub const ICON_YOUTUBE: char = '\u{e9e2}';
pub const ICON_WE_HEART: char = '\u{e9e3}';
pub const ICON_WOLFCMS: char = '\u{e9e0}';
pub const ICON_WOLFCMS_ALT: char = '\u{e9e1}';
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Support development of IconFontCppHeaders through [GitHub Sponsors](https://github.com/sponsors/dougbinks) or [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/enkisoftware)
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# IconFontCppHeaders
C and C++ headers, C# and Python classes, Rust files and Go package for icon fonts Font Awesome, Fork Awesome, Google Material Design icons, Kenney game icons, Fontaudio and Codicons.
A set of header files and classes for using icon fonts in C, C++, C#, Python, Rust and Go, along with the python generator used to create the files.
Each header contains defines for one font, with each icon code point defined as ICON_*, along with the min, max and max 16 bit code points for font loading purposes. The min excludes the ASCII characters code points. The max 16 bit is for use with libraries that only support 16 bit code points, for example Dear ImGui.
In addition the python script can be used to convert ttf font files to C and C++ headers.
Each ttf icon font file is converted to a C and C++ header file containing a single array of bytes.
To enable conversion, run the GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py script with 'ttf2headerC = True'.
## Icon Fonts
### Font Awesome
* [fontawesome.com](https://fontawesome.com)
* [github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome)
#### Font Awesome 4
* [github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/4.x](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/4.x)
* [icons.yml](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/src/icons.yml)
* [fontawesome-webfont.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/4.x/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf)
#### Font Awesome 5 free
* [github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/5.x](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/5.x)
* [icons.yml](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/metadata/icons.yml)
* [fa-brands-400.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf)
* [fa-regular-400.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf)
* [fa-solid-900.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/5.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf)
#### Font Awesome 5 pro
* Paid product, see [notes about generating the header files](#notes-about-font-awesome-5-and-6)
#### Font Awesome 6 free
* [github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/6.x](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/6.x)
* [icons.yml](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/metadata/icons.yml)
* [fa-brands-400.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-brands-400.ttf)
* [fa-regular-400.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-regular-400.ttf)
* [fa-solid-900.ttf](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/blob/6.x/webfonts/fa-solid-900.ttf)
#### Font Awesome 6 pro
* Commercial product, not supported but [generation should be similar to FA5 Pro](#notes-about-font-awesome-5-and-6), or see [@jakerieger's fork](https://github.com/jakerieger/IconFontCppHeaders)
### Fork Awesome
* [forkawesome.github.io/Fork-Awesome](https://forkawesome.github.io/Fork-Awesome)
* [github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome](https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome)
* [icons.yml](https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/src/icons/icons.yml)
* [forkawesome-webfont.ttf](https://github.com/ForkAwesome/Fork-Awesome/blob/master/fonts/forkawesome-webfont.ttf)
### Google Material Design icons
* [design.google.com/icon](https://design.google.com/icons)
* [github.com/google/material-design-icons](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons)
* [codepoints](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.codepoints)
* [MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf](https://github.com/google/material-design-icons/blob/master/font/MaterialIcons-Regular.ttf)
### Kenney Game icons and expansion
* [kenney.nl/assets/game-icons](http://kenney.nl/assets/game-icons) and [kenney.nl/assets/game-icons-expansion](http://kenney.nl/assets/game-icons-expansion)
* [github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font](https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font)
* [kenney-icons.css](https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/css/kenney-icons.css)
* [kenney-icon-font.ttf](https://github.com/nicodinh/kenney-icon-font/blob/master/fonts/kenney-icon-font.ttf)
### Fontaudio
* [github.com/fefanto/fontaudio](https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio)
* [fontaudio.css](https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.css)
* [fontaudio.ttf](https://github.com/fefanto/fontaudio/blob/master/font/fontaudio.ttf)
### Codicons
* [github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)
* [codicon.css](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.css)
* [codicon.ttf](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons/blob/main/dist/codicon.ttf)
### Ionicons and webfont Material Design Icons
* Unsupported as of 29 Apr 2020. See [Issue #16](https://github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders/issues/16).
### Notes about Font Awesome 5 and 6
#### Codepoints grouping
Font Awesome 5 and 6 split the different styles of icons into different font files with identical codepoints for *light*, *regular* and *solid* styles, and a different set of codepoints for *brands*. We have put the brands into a separate header file.
#### Generating Pro header files (Font Awesome 5)
Download the Font Awesome Pro Web package from [fontawesome.com](https://fontawesome.com). To generate the headers, drop *icons.yml* in the same directory as *GenerateIconFontCppHeaders.py* before running the script. The file *icons.yml* is under *..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\metadata\icons.yml* where *n.n.n* is the version number.
Icon files:
* ..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\metadata\icons.yml
* ..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-brands-400.ttf
* ..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-light-300.ttf
* ..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-regular-400.ttf
* ..\fontawesome-pro-n.n.n-web\webfonts\fa-solid-900.ttf
## Example Code
Using [Dear ImGui](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui) as an example UI library:
#include "IconsFontAwesome5.h"
ImGuiIO& io = ImGui::GetIO();
float baseFontSize = 13.0f; // 13.0f is the size of the default font. Change to the font size you use.
float iconFontSize = baseFontSize * 2.0f / 3.0f; // FontAwesome fonts need to have their sizes reduced by 2.0f/3.0f in order to align correctly
// merge in icons from Font Awesome
static const ImWchar icons_ranges[] = { ICON_MIN_FA, ICON_MAX_16_FA, 0 };
ImFontConfig icons_config;
icons_config.MergeMode = true;
icons_config.PixelSnapH = true;
icons_config.GlyphMinAdvanceX = iconFontSize;
io.Fonts->AddFontFromFileTTF( FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAS, iconFontSize, &icons_config, icons_ranges );
// use FONT_ICON_FILE_NAME_FAR if you want regular instead of solid
// in an imgui window somewhere...
ImGui::Text( ICON_FA_PAINT_BRUSH " Paint" ); // use string literal concatenation
// outputs a paint brush icon and 'Paint' as a string.
## Projects using the font icon header files
### Avoyd
Voxel editor and 6 degree of freedom FPS game with editable environments. The voxel editor's UI uses Dear ImGui with Font Awesome icon fonts.

### bgfx
Cross-platform rendering library
### glChAoS.P
Real time 3D strange attractors scout

### iPlug2
Cross platform C++ audio plug-in framework
### Lumix Engine
3D C++ open source game engine

### Tracy Profiler
Real time, nanosecond resolution, remote telemetry frame profiler for games and other applications.
[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJkrFgriuOo)
### Visual 6502 Remix
Transistor level 6502 Hardware Simulation
## Related Tools
### ImGuiFontStudio
Create font subsets
## Credits
Development - [Juliette Foucaut](http://www.enkisoftware.com/about.html#juliette) - [@juliettef](https://github.com/juliettef)
Requirements - [Doug Binks](http://www.enkisoftware.com/about.html#doug) - [@dougbinks](https://github.com/dougbinks)
None language implementation and [refactoring](https://gist.github.com/paniq/4a734e9d8e86a2373b5bc4ca719855ec) - [Leonard Ritter](http://www.leonard-ritter.com/) - [@paniq](https://github.com/paniq)
Suggestion to add a define for the ttf file name - [Sean Barrett](https://nothings.org/) - [@nothings](https://github.com/nothings)
Initial Font Awesome 5 implementation - [Codecat](https://codecat.nl/) - [@codecat](https://github.com/codecat)
Suggestion to add Fork Awesome - [Julien Deswaef](http://xuv.be/) - [@xuv](https://github.com/xuv)
Suggestion to add Ionicons - [Omar Cornut](http://www.miracleworld.net/) - [@ocornut](https://github.com/ocornut)
C# language implementation - Rokas Kupstys - [@rokups](https://github.com/rokups)
Suggestion to add Material Design Icons - Gustav Madeso - [@madeso](https://github.com/madeso)
Fontaudio implementation - [Oli Larkin](https://www.olilarkin.co.uk/) - [@olilarkin](https://github.com/olilarkin)
Initial ttf to C and C++ headers conversion implementation - Charles Mailly - [@Caerind](https://github.com/Caerind)
Python language implementation - Hang Yu - [@yhyu13](https://github.com/yhyu13)
Go language implementation - Matt Pharr - [@mpp](https://github.com/mmp)
Codicons implementation - Robert Ryan - [@rtryan98](https://github.com/rtryan98)
Rust language implementation - Gaeel Bradshaw-Rodriguez - [@Bradshaw](https://github.com/Bradshaw)
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
// Package IconFontCppHeaders provides mappings from human-friendly icon
// names to the corresponding Unicode code points for a variety of
// freely-available icon fonts (e.g., FontAwesome.)
package IconFontCppHeaders
// Font encapsulates all of the information for a particular icon font.
type Font struct {
// The filenames of the associated TTF files are provided in Filenames,
// where each entry stores first an abbreviated name for the fot and
// then the actual filename.
Filenames [][2]string
// The range of Unicode code points is given by [Min, Max). The largest
// 16-bit code point is stored in Max16.
Min, Max16, Max int
// Icons stores the mapping from user-friendly names to code points.
Icons map[string]string
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module github.com/juliettef/IconFontCppHeaders
go 1.19
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Copyright (c) 2017 Juliette Foucaut and Doug Binks
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#include "RendererBackend.h"
#include "assets.h"
#include <assets/assets.h>
#include <vector>
#include "IconsForkAwesome.h"
#include "config.h"
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include "base85.h"
#include <thread>
#include "translation.h"
#include <log.hpp>
using std::vector;
struct FontData {
@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ void RendererBackend::UpdateScale() {
if (SDL_GetDisplayDPI(SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window), NULL, &dpi, NULL) == 0){
scale = dpi / defaultDPI;
} else {
printf("WARNING: DPI couldn't be determined!\n");
WARNING.writeln("DPI couldn't be determined!");
scale = 1.0;
SDL_SetWindowSize(window, window_width * scale, window_height * scale);
@ -98,23 +99,23 @@ void RendererBackend::AddFonts() {
auto& io = ImGui::GetIO(); (void)io;
add_font({FontData {notosans_regular_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesDefault()}, FontData {notosansjp_regular_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese()}}, 13 * scale);
title = add_font({FontData {notosans_thin_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesDefault()}, FontData {notosansjp_thin_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese()}}, 48 * scale);
add_font(vector<FontData>({FontData {notosans_regular_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesDefault()}, FontData {notosansjp_regular_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese()}}), 13 * scale);
title = add_font(vector<FontData>({FontData {notosans_thin_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesDefault()}, FontData {notosansjp_thin_compressed_data_base85, io.Fonts->GetGlyphRangesJapanese()}}), 48 * scale);
int RendererBackend::Run() {
setlocale(LC_ALL, "");
bindtextdomain("neko_player", LOCALE_DIR);
printf("Loaded locale '%s' from '%s'...\n", CURRENT_LANGUAGE, LOCALE_DIR);
printf("Locale name: %s\n", _TR_CTX("Language name", "English (United States)"));
DEBUG.writefln("Loaded locale '%s' from '%s'...", CURRENT_LANGUAGE, LOCALE_DIR);
DEBUG.writefln("Locale name: %s", _TR_CTX("Language name", "English (United States)"));
bool enable_kms = std::getenv("LAP_KMS") != nullptr;
// Setup SDL
printf("Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
ERROR.writefln("Error: %s", SDL_GetError());
return -1;
if (std::string(SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver()) == "KMSDRM") {
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#pragma once
#include "imgui.h"
#include "imgui/imgui.h"
#include <functional>
#if defined(IMGUI_IMPL_OPENGL_ES2)
#include <SDL_opengles2.h>
@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
#include <libportal/portal.h>
#include <libportal/filechooser.h>
#include "imgui.h"
#include "imfilebrowser.h"
#include "imgui/imgui.h"
#include "imgui-filebrowser/imfilebrowser.h"
using std::string;
using std::vector;
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "IconsForkAwesome.h"
#include "../IconFontCppHeaders/IconsForkAwesome.h"
# error "include imgui.h before this header"
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 23 KiB |
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# See http://editorconfig.org to read about the EditorConfig format.
# - In theory automatically supported by VS2017+ and most common IDE or text editors.
# - In practice VS2019-VS2022 stills don't trim trailing whitespaces correctly :(
# - Suggest installing this to trim whitespaces:
# GitHub https://github.com/madskristensen/TrailingWhitespace
# VS2019 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.TrailingWhitespaceVisualizer
# VS2022 https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=MadsKristensen.TrailingWhitespace64
# (in spite of its name doesn't only visualize but also trims)
# - Alternative for older VS2010 to VS2015: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=EditorConfigTeam.EditorConfig
# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true
# Default settings:
# Use 4 spaces as indentation
indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
insert_final_newline = true
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
indent_size = 3
trim_trailing_whitespace = false
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
* text=auto
*.c text
*.cpp text
*.h text
*.m text
*.mm text
*.md text
*.txt text
*.html text
*.bat text
*.frag text
*.vert text
*.mkb text
*.icf text
*.sln text eol=crlf
*.vcxproj text eol=crlf
*.vcxproj.filters text eol=crlf
*.natvis text eol=crlf
Makefile text eol=lf
*.sh text eol=lf
*.pbxproj text eol=lf
*.storyboard text eol=lf
*.plist text eol=lf
*.png binary
*.ttf binary
*.lib binary
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
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Reference in a new issue