## Makefile.am: produce Makefile.in from this ## copyright by the mpg123 project - free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1 ## see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org ## initially written by Nicholas J. Humfrey ## reworked for non-recursive make by Thomas Orgis # Mention all global variables first before including Make modules. ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS = -I m4 bin_PROGRAMS = EXTRA_PROGRAMS = EXTRA_DIST = if NEED_LIB pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = lib_LTLIBRARIES = endif noinst_LIBRARIES = noinst_LTLIBRARIES = nodist_include_HEADERS = if NEED_MAINLIB if NEED_LIB include_HEADERS = endif endif # Attempts to wrap that in NEED_MAN failed. So just live with the # empty directory. dist_man_MANS = CLEANFILES = TESTS = XFAIL_TESTS = check_PROGRAMS = AM_CPPFLAGS = -DPKGLIBDIR="\"$(pkglibdir)\"" AM_CPPFLAGS += $(LTDLINCL) # Central place defining the mpg123 libraries to be used. You could # put -lmpg123 in here to use an external one (for whatever reason). LIBMPG123 = src/libmpg123/libmpg123.la LIBOUT123 = src/libout123/libout123.la LIBSYN123 = src/libsyn123/libsyn123.la # Include Make modules from subdirectories. include src/Makemodule.am include doc/Makemodule.am # Always use our set of API headers. AM_CPPFLAGS+= -I$(top_srcdir)/src/include if NEED_MAINLIB pkgconfigdir = $(libdir)/pkgconfig pkgconfig_DATA = # Pkg-config files and library includes. if BUILD_LIBMPG123 pkgconfig_DATA += libmpg123.pc endif if BUILD_LIBOUT123 pkgconfig_DATA += libout123.pc endif if BUILD_LIBSYN123 pkgconfig_DATA += libsyn123.pc endif endif if BUILD_PROGRAMS dist_man_MANS += man1/mpg123.1 man1/out123.1 endif # mpg123.spec is autogenerated but needs to be present in tarball! EXTRA_DIST += \ test_c99.c \ mpg123.spec \ makedll.sh \ windows-builds.sh \ equalize.dat \ NEWS.libmpg123 \ NEWS.libout123 \ NEWS.libsyn123 \ ports/cmake/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/linux_i686.toolchain.cmake \ ports/cmake/mpg123-config.cmake.in \ ports/cmake/cmake/search_libs.cmake \ ports/cmake/cmake/read_api_version.cmake \ ports/cmake/cmake/CheckCPUArch.cmake \ ports/cmake/cmake/CheckCPUArch.c.in \ ports/cmake/src/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/config.cmake.h.in \ ports/cmake/src/libmpg123/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/libout123/modules/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/libout123/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/libsyn123/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/tests/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/cmake/src/compat/CMakeLists.txt \ ports/README \ scripts/benchmark-cpu.pl \ scripts/tag_lyrics.py \ scripts/conplay \ scripts/mpg123info