Changes in libout123 libtool interface versions. Next to the version
the mpg123 release where its changes first appeared to the public
is given.

	- Added out123_distversion() and out123_libversion().

4.0.4 (mpg123 1.27)
	- added enum-less variants out123_param2() and out123_getparam2(), replacing
	  the enum variants unless MPG123_ENUM_API is defined
	- added out123_devices()
	- added out123_stringlists_free()
	- module API version 3 with enumeration and void deinit()

3.0.3 (mpg123 1.26)
	- added out123_free()

2.0.2 (mpg123 1.24)
	- added OUT123_BINDIR

1.0.1 (mpg123 1.23)
	- initial version