#!/usr/bin/env perl # Hacked by Thomas Orgis, use at your leisure. use strict; use locale; use File::Basename qw(basename dirname); my @mpg123_command = qw(mpg123 --continue -Cv --rva-album); my $listfile = "conplay.m3u"; my $glob = '*.mp[123]'; my $dir = shift; unless(defined $dir) { print STDERR "\nThis little wrapper runs $mpg123_command[0] on a given directory (hand in '.' for the current one), playing all $glob files therein in terminal control mode. The extra trick is that a playlist file ($listfile by default) is read and updated (created) with the position you left playback at (via 'q' key), to return on next invokation.\n"; print STDERR "\nIf you give an existing file instead of a directory, or some non-existing path, as first and only paramter, it is used as playlist name and the directory part is used as the base directory for playback.\n"; print STDERR "\nThe name stands for CONtinued PLAYback. What did you think?;-)\n\n"; exit; } if(-f $dir or (not -e $dir)) { $listfile = basename($dir); $dir = dirname($dir); } chdir($dir) or die "Cannot enter $dir ($!)!\n"; print STDERR "Playing things in: $dir\n"; my @files; my $entry = 1; my $frame = 0; if(-e $listfile) { open(LIST, '<', $listfile) or die "Cannot read playlist ($!)!\n"; while(<LIST>) { chomp; unless(/^#/) { push(@files, $_); } elsif(/^#\s*current entry:\s*(\d+)$/) { $entry = $1; } elsif(/^#\s*current frame:\s*(\d+)$/) { $frame = $1; } } close(LIST); } else { @files = get_files($glob); write_list(); } unless(@files) { print STDERR "There are no files to play.\n"; exit; } if($entry < 0 or $entry > @files or $frame < 0) { die "You got bad data in your playlist file (mismatch between current entry and total count, bad frame index). Clean that up.\n"; } push(@mpg123_command, '-k', $frame, '--listentry', $entry, '-@', $listfile); print STDERR "running player:\n\t@mpg123_command\n\n"; open(MPG123, '-|', @mpg123_command) or die "Cannot run mpg123!"; while(<MPG123>) { print STDOUT $_; if(/^\[CONTINUE\]\s+track\s+(\d+)\s+frame\s+(\d+)/) { $entry = $1; $frame = $2; } if(/^\[BOOKMARK\]\s+track\s+(\d+)\s+frame\s+(\d+)/) { print STDERR "\nGot bookmark at track $1, frame $2; not yet doing anything with that, besides storing.\n"; $entry = $1; $frame = $2; } } close(MPG123); if($entry > @files) { $entry = 0; $frame = 0; } print STDERR "Continue point is in track $entry, frame $frame.\n"; write_list(); sub write_list { unless(@files) { print STDERR "Refusing to write empty playlist.\n"; return; } open(LIST, '>', $listfile) or die "Cannot write Playlist"; print LIST "#M3U\n"; print LIST "#current entry: $entry\n"; print LIST "#current frame: $frame\n"; for my $f (@files) { print LIST "$f\n"; } close(LIST); } sub get_files { my $glob = shift; my @files; open(FIND, '-|', 'find', '.', '-type', 'f', '-name', $glob) or die "Cannot exec find to find files: ($!)\n"; @files = <FIND>; close(FIND); chomp(@files); return sort @files; }