465 lines
13 KiB
465 lines
13 KiB
common: misc stuff... audio flush, status display...
copyright ?-2023 by the mpg123 project
free software under the terms of the LGPL 2.1
see COPYING and AUTHORS files in distribution or http://mpg123.org
initially written by Michael Hipp
/* Need snprintf. */
#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include "mpg123app.h"
#include "out123.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "terms.h"
#include "metaprint.h"
#include "common/debug.h"
enum player_state playstate = STATE_PLAYING;
const char playsym[STATE_COUNT] = { '>', '_', '=', '?' };
int muted = 0;
// On LFS conversion trouble with large files, print_stat() gets disabled.
// Some heuristic re-enables it (when you print headers).
static int print_stat_disabled = FALSE;
const char* rva_name[3] = { "off", "mix", "album" };
static const char* rva_statname[3] = { "---", "mix", "alb" };
static const char *modes[5] = {"Stereo", "Joint-Stereo", "Dual-Channel", "Single-Channel", "Invalid" };
static const char *smodes[5] = { "stereo", "j-s", "dual", "mono", "o.O" };
static const char *layers[4] = { "Unknown" , "I", "II", "III" };
static const char *versions[4] = {"1.0", "2.0", "2.5", "x.x" };
static const int samples_per_frame[4][4] =
{ -1,384,1152,1152 }, /* MPEG 1 */
{ -1,384,1152,576 }, /* MPEG 2 */
{ -1,384,1152,576 }, /* MPEG 2.5 */
{ -1,-1,-1,-1 }, /* Unknown */
/* concurring to print_rheader... here for control_generic */
const char* remote_header_help = "S <mpeg-version> <layer> <sampling freq> <mode(stereo/mono/...)> <mode_ext> <framesize> <stereo> <copyright> <error_protected> <emphasis> <bitrate> <extension> <vbr(0/1=yes/no)>";
void print_remote_header(mpg123_handle *mh)
struct mpg123_frameinfo i;
mpg123_info(mh, &i);
if(i.mode >= 4 || i.mode < 0) i.mode = 4;
if(i.version >= 3 || i.version < 0) i.version = 3;
generic_sendmsg("S %s %d %ld %s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d",
i.mode == MPG123_M_MONO ? 1 : 2,
i.flags & MPG123_COPYRIGHT ? 1 : 0,
i.flags & MPG123_CRC ? 1 : 0,
i.flags & MPG123_PRIVATE ? 1 : 0,
void print_header(mpg123_handle *mh)
struct mpg123_frameinfo i;
mpg123_info(mh, &i);
if(i.mode > 4 || i.mode < 0) i.mode = 4;
if(i.version > 3 || i.version < 0) i.version = 3;
if(i.layer > 3 || i.layer < 0) i.layer = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"MPEG %s, Layer: %s, Freq: %ld, mode: %s, modext: %d, BPF : %d\n",
layers[i.layer], i.rate,
fprintf(stderr,"Channels: %d, copyright: %s, original: %s, CRC: %s, emphasis: %d.\n",
i.mode == MPG123_M_MONO ? 1 : 2,i.flags & MPG123_COPYRIGHT ? "Yes" : "No",
i.flags & MPG123_ORIGINAL ? "Yes" : "No", i.flags & MPG123_CRC ? "Yes" : "No",
fprintf(stderr,"Bitrate: ");
case MPG123_CBR:
if(i.bitrate) fprintf(stderr, "%d kbit/s", i.bitrate);
else fprintf(stderr, "%d kbit/s (free format)", (int)((double)(i.framesize+4)*8*i.rate*0.001/samples_per_frame[i.version][i.layer]+0.5));
case MPG123_VBR: fprintf(stderr, "VBR"); break;
case MPG123_ABR: fprintf(stderr, "%d kbit/s ABR", i.abr_rate); break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "???");
fprintf(stderr, " Extension value: %d\n", i.flags & MPG123_PRIVATE ? 1 : 0);
void print_header_compact(mpg123_handle *mh)
struct mpg123_frameinfo i;
mpg123_info(mh, &i);
if(i.mode > 4 || i.mode < 0) i.mode = 4;
if(i.version > 3 || i.version < 0) i.version = 3;
if(i.layer > 3 || i.layer < 0) i.layer = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"MPEG %s L %s ", versions[i.version], layers[i.layer]);
case MPG123_CBR:
if(i.bitrate) fprintf(stderr, "cbr%d", i.bitrate);
else fprintf(stderr, "cbr%d", (int)((double)i.framesize*8*i.rate*0.001/samples_per_frame[i.version][i.layer]+0.5));
case MPG123_VBR: fprintf(stderr, "vbr"); break;
case MPG123_ABR: fprintf(stderr, "abr%d", i.abr_rate); break;
default: fprintf(stderr, "???");
fprintf(stderr," %ld %s\n", i.rate, smodes[i.mode]);
unsigned int roundui(double val)
double base = floor(val);
return (unsigned int) ((val-base) < 0.5 ? base : base + 1 );
/* Split into mm:ss.xx or hh:mm:ss, depending on value. */
static void settle_time(double tim, unsigned long *times, char *sep)
if(tim >= 3600.)
*sep = ':';
times[0] = (unsigned long) tim/3600;
tim -= times[0]*3600;
times[1] = (unsigned long) tim/60;
tim -= times[1]*60;
times[2] = (unsigned long) tim;
*sep = '.';
times[0] = (unsigned long) tim/60;
times[1] = (unsigned long) tim%60;
times[2] = (unsigned long) (tim*100)%100;
/* Print output buffer fill. */
void print_buf(const char* prefix, out123_handle *ao)
long rate;
int framesize;
double tim;
unsigned long times[3];
char timesep;
size_t buffsize;
buffsize = out123_buffered(ao);
if(out123_getformat(ao, &rate, NULL, NULL, &framesize))
tim = (double)(buffsize/framesize)/rate;
settle_time(tim, times, ×ep);
fprintf( stderr, "\r%s[%02lu:%02lu%c%02lu]"
, prefix, times[0], times[1], timesep, times[2] );
// This is a massively complicated function just for telling where we are.
// Blame buffering. Blame format conversion. Blame the universe.
int position_info( mpg123_handle *fr, off_t offset, out123_handle *ao
, off_t *frame, off_t *frame_remain
, double *seconds, double *seconds_remain, double *seconds_buffered, double *seconds_total )
size_t buffered;
off_t decoded;
double elapsed;
double remain;
double length;
off_t frameo;
off_t frames;
off_t rframes;
int framesize;
int spf;
long inrate;
long rate;
if(mpg123_getformat(fr, &inrate, NULL, NULL) || inrate < 1)
return -1;
if(out123_getformat(ao, &rate, NULL, NULL, &framesize) || rate < 1 || framesize < 1)
return -1;
buffered = out123_buffered(ao)/framesize;
decoded = mpg123_tell(fr);
length = (double)mpg123_length(fr)/inrate;
frameo = mpg123_tellframe(fr);
frames = mpg123_framelength(fr);
spf = mpg123_spf(fr);
if(decoded < 0 || length < 0 || frameo < 0 || frames <= 0 || spf <= 0)
merror("Failed to gather position data: %s", mpg123_strerror(fr));
return -1;
frameo += offset;
if(frameo < 0)
frameo = 0;
/* Some sensible logic around offsets and time.
Buffering makes the relationships between the numbers non-trivial. */
rframes = frames-frameo;
// May be negative, a countdown. Buffer only confuses in paused (looping) mode, though.
elapsed = (double)(decoded + offset*spf)/inrate - (double)(playstate==STATE_LOOPING ? 0 : buffered)/rate;
remain = elapsed > 0 ? length - elapsed : length;
*frame = frameo;
*frame_remain = rframes;
*seconds = elapsed;
*seconds_remain = remain;
*seconds_buffered = (double)buffered/rate;
*seconds_total = length;
return 0;
/* Note about position info with buffering:
Negative positions mean that the previous track is still playing from the
buffer. It's a countdown. The frame counter always relates to the last
decoded frame, what entered the buffer right now. */
void print_stat(mpg123_handle *fr, long offset, out123_handle *ao, int draw_bar
, struct parameter *param)
static int old_term_width = -1;
double basevol, realvol;
double elapsed;
double remain;
double bufsec;
double length;
off_t frame;
off_t rframes;
struct mpg123_frameinfo mi;
char linebuf[256];
char *line = NULL;
#ifndef __OS2__
#ifndef _WIN32
#ifndef GENERIC
/* Only generate new stat line when stderr is ready... don't overfill... */
struct timeval t;
fd_set serr;
int n,errfd = fileno(stderr);
n = select(errfd+1,NULL,&serr,NULL,&t);
if(n <= 0) return;
if(position_info(fr, offset, ao, &frame, &rframes, &elapsed, &remain, &bufsec, &length))
debug("position_info() failed");
if( MPG123_OK == mpg123_info(fr, &mi)
&& MPG123_OK == mpg123_getvolume(fr, &basevol, &realvol, NULL) )
char framefmt[10];
char framestr[2][32];
int linelen;
int maxlen;
int len;
int ti;
/* Deal with overly long times. */
double tim[3];
unsigned long times[3][3];
char timesep[3];
char sign[3] = {' ', ' ', ' '};
/* 255 is enough for the data I prepare, if there is no terminal width to
fill */
maxlen = term_width(STDERR_FILENO);
if(draw_bar && maxlen > 0 && maxlen < old_term_width)
// Hack about draw_bar: That's the normal print_stat that is not followed by
// metadata anyway. No need to double things.
print_stat(fr, offset, ao, 0, param);
if(param->verbose > 2)
fprintf(stderr,"Note: readjusting for smaller terminal (%d to %d)\n", old_term_width, maxlen);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\n\n");
if(param->verbose > 1)
print_id3_tag(fr, param->long_id3, stderr, maxlen);
old_term_width = maxlen;
linelen = maxlen > 0 ? maxlen : (sizeof(linebuf)-1);
line = linelen >= sizeof(linebuf)
? malloc(linelen+1) /* Only malloc if it is a really long line. */
: linebuf; /* Small buffer on stack is enough. */
tim[0] = elapsed;
tim[1] = remain;
tim[2] = bufsec;
for(ti=0; ti<3; ++ti)
if(tim[ti] < 0.){ sign[ti] = '-'; tim[ti] = -tim[ti]; }
settle_time(tim[ti], times[ti], ×ep[ti]);
/* Taking pains to properly size the frame number fields. */
len = snprintf( framefmt, sizeof(framefmt)
, "%%0%d" PRIiMAX, (int)log10(frame+rframes)+1 );
if(len < 0 || len >= sizeof(framefmt))
memcpy(framefmt, "%05" PRIiMAX, sizeof("%05" PRIiMAX));
snprintf( framestr[0], sizeof(framestr[0])-1, framefmt, (intmax_t)frame);
framestr[0][sizeof(framestr[0])-1] = 0;
snprintf( framestr[1], sizeof(framestr[1])-1, framefmt, (intmax_t)rframes);
framestr[1][sizeof(framestr[1])-1] = 0;
/* Now start with the state line. */
memset(line, 0, linelen+1); /* Always one zero more. */
/* Start with position info. */
len = snprintf( line, linelen
, "%c %s+%s %c%02lu:%02lu%c%02lu+%02lu:%02lu%c%02lu"
, playsym[playstate]
, framestr[0], framestr[1]
, sign[0]
, times[0][0], times[0][1], timesep[0], times[0][2]
, times[1][0], times[1][1], timesep[1], times[1][2]
/* Just cut it. */
if(len >= linelen)
if(len >= 0 && param->usebuffer && len < linelen )
{ /* Buffer info. */
int len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " [%02lu:%02lu%c%02lu]"
, times[2][0], times[2][1], timesep[2], times[2][2] );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Volume info. */
int len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " %s %03u%c%03u"
, rva_statname[param->rva]
, roundui(basevol*100), muted ? 'm' : '='
, roundui(realvol*100) );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Bitrate. */
int len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " %3d kb/s", mi.bitrate );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Size of frame in bytes. */
int len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " %4d B", mi.framesize );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Size of frame in bytes. */
int len_add = 0;
long res = 0;
if(mpg123_getstate(fr, MPG123_ACCURATE, &res, NULL) == MPG123_OK)
len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " %s", res ? "acc" : "fuz" );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Size of frame in bytes. */
int len_add = 0;
long res = mpg123_clip(fr);
if(res >= 0)
len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " %4ld clip", res );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0 && len < linelen)
{ /* Size of frame in bytes. */
int len_add = 0;
len_add = snprintf( line+len, linelen-len
, " p%+.3f", param->pitch );
if(len_add > 0)
len += len_add;
if(len >= 0)
if(maxlen > 0 && len > maxlen)
/* Emergency cut to avoid terminal scrolling. */
int i;
/* Blank a word that would have been cut off. */
for(i=maxlen; i>=0; --i)
char old = line[i];
line[i] = ' ';
if(old == ' ')
line[maxlen] = 0;
len = maxlen;
/* Ensure that it is filled with spaces if we got some line length.
Shouldn't we always fill to maxlen? */
if(maxlen > 0)
memset(line+len, ' ', linelen-len);
draw_bar = draw_bar && term_have_fun(STDERR_FILENO,param->term_visual);
/* Use inverse color to draw a progress bar. */
if(maxlen > 0 && draw_bar)
char old;
int barlen = 0;
if(length > 0 && elapsed > 0)
if(elapsed < length)
barlen = (int)((double)elapsed/length * maxlen);
barlen = maxlen;
old = line[barlen];
fprintf(stderr, "\x1b[7m");
line[barlen] = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "\r%s", line);
line[barlen] = old;
fprintf(stderr, "\x1b[0m");
fprintf(stderr, "%s", line+barlen);
fprintf(stderr, "\r%s", line);
if(line && line != linebuf)
void clear_stat(void)
int len = term_width(STDERR_FILENO);
if(len > 0)
char fmt[20];
int flen;
if( (flen=snprintf(fmt, sizeof(fmt), "\r%%%ds\r", len)) > 0
&& flen < sizeof(fmt) )
fprintf(stderr, fmt, " ");