mirror of
synced 2025-02-23 09:16:08 -08:00
Update node dependencies & Rebuild
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 4582 additions and 3059 deletions
@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ class OidcClient {
.catch(error => {
throw new Error(`Failed to get ID Token. \n
Error Code : ${error.statusCode}\n
Error Message: ${error.result.message}`);
Error Message: ${error.message}`);
const id_token = (_a = res.result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value;
if (!id_token) {
@ -2592,6 +2592,19 @@ class HttpClientResponse {
readBodyBuffer() {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
return new Promise((resolve) => __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const chunks = [];
this.message.on('data', (chunk) => {
this.message.on('end', () => {
exports.HttpClientResponse = HttpClientResponse;
function isHttps(requestUrl) {
@ -3096,7 +3109,13 @@ function getProxyUrl(reqUrl) {
if (proxyVar) {
return new URL(proxyVar);
try {
return new URL(proxyVar);
catch (_a) {
if (!proxyVar.startsWith('http://') && !proxyVar.startsWith('https://'))
return new URL(`http://${proxyVar}`);
else {
return undefined;
@ -3107,6 +3126,10 @@ function checkBypass(reqUrl) {
if (!reqUrl.hostname) {
return false;
const reqHost = reqUrl.hostname;
if (isLoopbackAddress(reqHost)) {
return true;
const noProxy = process.env['no_proxy'] || process.env['NO_PROXY'] || '';
if (!noProxy) {
return false;
@ -3132,13 +3155,24 @@ function checkBypass(reqUrl) {
.map(x => x.trim().toUpperCase())
.filter(x => x)) {
if (upperReqHosts.some(x => x === upperNoProxyItem)) {
if (upperNoProxyItem === '*' ||
upperReqHosts.some(x => x === upperNoProxyItem ||
x.endsWith(`.${upperNoProxyItem}`) ||
(upperNoProxyItem.startsWith('.') &&
x.endsWith(`${upperNoProxyItem}`)))) {
return true;
return false;
exports.checkBypass = checkBypass;
function isLoopbackAddress(host) {
const hostLower = host.toLowerCase();
return (hostLower === 'localhost' ||
hostLower.startsWith('127.') ||
hostLower.startsWith('[::1]') ||
//# sourceMappingURL=proxy.js.map
/***/ }),
@ -3178,11 +3212,17 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
var _a;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.getCmdPath = exports.tryGetExecutablePath = exports.isRooted = exports.isDirectory = exports.exists = exports.IS_WINDOWS = exports.unlink = exports.symlink = exports.stat = exports.rmdir = exports.rename = exports.readlink = exports.readdir = exports.mkdir = exports.lstat = exports.copyFile = exports.chmod = void 0;
exports.getCmdPath = exports.tryGetExecutablePath = exports.isRooted = exports.isDirectory = exports.exists = exports.READONLY = exports.UV_FS_O_EXLOCK = exports.IS_WINDOWS = exports.unlink = exports.symlink = exports.stat = exports.rmdir = exports.rm = exports.rename = exports.readlink = exports.readdir = exports.open = exports.mkdir = exports.lstat = exports.copyFile = exports.chmod = void 0;
const fs = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(7147));
const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
_a = fs.promises, exports.chmod = _a.chmod, exports.copyFile = _a.copyFile, exports.lstat = _a.lstat, exports.mkdir = _a.mkdir, exports.readdir = _a.readdir, exports.readlink = _a.readlink, exports.rename = _a.rename, exports.rmdir = _a.rmdir, exports.stat = _a.stat, exports.symlink = _a.symlink, exports.unlink = _a.unlink;
_a = fs.promises
// export const {open} = 'fs'
, exports.chmod = _a.chmod, exports.copyFile = _a.copyFile, exports.lstat = _a.lstat, exports.mkdir = _a.mkdir, exports.open = _a.open, exports.readdir = _a.readdir, exports.readlink = _a.readlink, exports.rename = _a.rename, exports.rm = _a.rm, exports.rmdir = _a.rmdir, exports.stat = _a.stat, exports.symlink = _a.symlink, exports.unlink = _a.unlink;
// export const {open} = 'fs'
exports.IS_WINDOWS = process.platform === 'win32';
// See https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/d0153aee367422d0858105abec186da4dff0a0c5/deps/uv/include/uv/win.h#L691
exports.UV_FS_O_EXLOCK = 0x10000000;
exports.READONLY = fs.constants.O_RDONLY;
function exists(fsPath) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
try {
@ -3363,12 +3403,8 @@ var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, ge
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true }));
exports.findInPath = exports.which = exports.mkdirP = exports.rmRF = exports.mv = exports.cp = void 0;
const assert_1 = __nccwpck_require__(9491);
const childProcess = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(2081));
const path = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1017));
const util_1 = __nccwpck_require__(3837);
const ioUtil = __importStar(__nccwpck_require__(1962));
const exec = util_1.promisify(childProcess.exec);
const execFile = util_1.promisify(childProcess.execFile);
* Copies a file or folder.
* Based off of shelljs - https://github.com/shelljs/shelljs/blob/9237f66c52e5daa40458f94f9565e18e8132f5a6/src/cp.js
@ -3449,61 +3485,23 @@ exports.mv = mv;
function rmRF(inputPath) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () {
if (ioUtil.IS_WINDOWS) {
// Node doesn't provide a delete operation, only an unlink function. This means that if the file is being used by another
// program (e.g. antivirus), it won't be deleted. To address this, we shell out the work to rd/del.
// Check for invalid characters
// https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/naming-a-file
if (/[*"<>|]/.test(inputPath)) {
throw new Error('File path must not contain `*`, `"`, `<`, `>` or `|` on Windows');
try {
const cmdPath = ioUtil.getCmdPath();
if (yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath, true)) {
yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "rd /s /q "%inputPath%""`, {
env: { inputPath }
else {
yield exec(`${cmdPath} /s /c "del /f /a "%inputPath%""`, {
env: { inputPath }
catch (err) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw err;
// Shelling out fails to remove a symlink folder with missing source, this unlink catches that
try {
yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
catch (err) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw err;
else {
let isDir = false;
try {
isDir = yield ioUtil.isDirectory(inputPath);
catch (err) {
// if you try to delete a file that doesn't exist, desired result is achieved
// other errors are valid
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT')
throw err;
if (isDir) {
yield execFile(`rm`, [`-rf`, `${inputPath}`]);
else {
yield ioUtil.unlink(inputPath);
try {
// note if path does not exist, error is silent
yield ioUtil.rm(inputPath, {
force: true,
maxRetries: 3,
recursive: true,
retryDelay: 300
catch (err) {
throw new Error(`File was unable to be removed ${err}`);
@ -4604,21 +4602,12 @@ function copySync (src, dest, opts) {
const { srcStat, destStat } = stat.checkPathsSync(src, dest, 'copy', opts)
stat.checkParentPathsSync(src, srcStat, dest, 'copy')
return handleFilterAndCopy(destStat, src, dest, opts)
function handleFilterAndCopy (destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(src, dest)) return
const destParent = path.dirname(dest)
if (!fs.existsSync(destParent)) mkdirsSync(destParent)
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts)
function startCopy (destStat, src, dest, opts) {
if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(src, dest)) return
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts)
function getStats (destStat, src, dest, opts) {
const statSync = opts.dereference ? fs.statSync : fs.lstatSync
const srcStat = statSync(src)
@ -4699,8 +4688,9 @@ function copyDir (src, dest, opts) {
function copyDirItem (item, src, dest, opts) {
const srcItem = path.join(src, item)
const destItem = path.join(dest, item)
if (opts.filter && !opts.filter(srcItem, destItem)) return
const { destStat } = stat.checkPathsSync(srcItem, destItem, 'copy', opts)
return startCopy(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts)
return getStats(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts)
function onLink (destStat, src, dest, opts) {
@ -4732,7 +4722,7 @@ function onLink (destStat, src, dest, opts) {
// prevent copy if src is a subdir of dest since unlinking
// dest in this case would result in removing src contents
// and therefore a broken symlink would be created.
if (fs.statSync(dest).isDirectory() && stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
if (stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
throw new Error(`Cannot overwrite '${resolvedDest}' with '${resolvedSrc}'.`)
return copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest)
@ -4790,8 +4780,12 @@ function copy (src, dest, opts, cb) {
const { srcStat, destStat } = stats
stat.checkParentPaths(src, srcStat, dest, 'copy', err => {
if (err) return cb(err)
if (opts.filter) return handleFilter(checkParentDir, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
return checkParentDir(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
runFilter(src, dest, opts, (err, include) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
if (!include) return cb()
checkParentDir(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
@ -4808,16 +4802,10 @@ function checkParentDir (destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
function handleFilter (onInclude, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
Promise.resolve(opts.filter(src, dest)).then(include => {
if (include) return onInclude(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
return cb()
}, error => cb(error))
function startCopy (destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (opts.filter) return handleFilter(getStats, destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
return getStats(destStat, src, dest, opts, cb)
function runFilter (src, dest, opts, cb) {
if (!opts.filter) return cb(null, true)
Promise.resolve(opts.filter(src, dest))
.then(include => cb(null, include), error => cb(error))
function getStats (destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
@ -4933,12 +4921,17 @@ function copyDirItems (items, src, dest, opts, cb) {
function copyDirItem (items, item, src, dest, opts, cb) {
const srcItem = path.join(src, item)
const destItem = path.join(dest, item)
stat.checkPaths(srcItem, destItem, 'copy', opts, (err, stats) => {
runFilter(srcItem, destItem, opts, (err, include) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
const { destStat } = stats
startCopy(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts, err => {
if (!include) return copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb)
stat.checkPaths(srcItem, destItem, 'copy', opts, (err, stats) => {
if (err) return cb(err)
return copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb)
const { destStat } = stats
getStats(destStat, srcItem, destItem, opts, err => {
if (err) return cb(err)
return copyDirItems(items, src, dest, opts, cb)
@ -4971,7 +4964,7 @@ function onLink (destStat, src, dest, opts, cb) {
// do not copy if src is a subdir of dest since unlinking
// dest in this case would result in removing src contents
// and therefore a broken symlink would be created.
if (destStat.isDirectory() && stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
if (stat.isSrcSubdir(resolvedDest, resolvedSrc)) {
return cb(new Error(`Cannot overwrite '${resolvedDest}' with '${resolvedSrc}'.`))
return copyLink(resolvedSrc, dest, cb)
@ -5517,8 +5510,7 @@ const api = [
].filter(key => {
// Some commands are not available on some systems. Ex:
// fs.opendir was added in Node.js v12.12.0
// fs.rm was added in Node.js v14.14.0
// fs.cp was added in Node.js v16.7.0
// fs.lchown is not available on at least some Linux
return typeof fs[key] === 'function'
@ -5542,7 +5534,7 @@ exports.exists = function (filename, callback) {
// fs.read(), fs.write(), & fs.writev() need special treatment due to multiple callback args
// fs.read(), fs.write(), fs.readv(), & fs.writev() need special treatment due to multiple callback args
exports.read = function (fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
@ -5574,23 +5566,36 @@ exports.write = function (fd, buffer, ...args) {
// fs.writev only available in Node v12.9.0+
if (typeof fs.writev === 'function') {
// Function signature is
// s.writev(fd, buffers[, position], callback)
// We need to handle the optional arg, so we use ...args
exports.writev = function (fd, buffers, ...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
return fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args, (err, bytesWritten, buffers) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
resolve({ bytesWritten, buffers })
// Function signature is
// s.readv(fd, buffers[, position], callback)
// We need to handle the optional arg, so we use ...args
exports.readv = function (fd, buffers, ...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
return fs.readv(fd, buffers, ...args)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.readv(fd, buffers, ...args, (err, bytesRead, buffers) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
resolve({ bytesRead, buffers })
// Function signature is
// s.writev(fd, buffers[, position], callback)
// We need to handle the optional arg, so we use ...args
exports.writev = function (fd, buffers, ...args) {
if (typeof args[args.length - 1] === 'function') {
return fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fs.writev(fd, buffers, ...args, (err, bytesWritten, buffers) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
resolve({ bytesWritten, buffers })
// fs.realpath.native sometimes not available if fs is monkey-patched
@ -5865,7 +5870,8 @@ function rename (src, dest, overwrite) {
function moveAcrossDevice (src, dest, overwrite) {
const opts = {
errorOnExist: true
errorOnExist: true,
preserveTimestamps: true
copySync(src, dest, opts)
return removeSync(src)
@ -5946,7 +5952,8 @@ function rename (src, dest, overwrite, cb) {
function moveAcrossDevice (src, dest, overwrite, cb) {
const opts = {
errorOnExist: true
errorOnExist: true,
preserveTimestamps: true
copy(src, dest, opts, err => {
if (err) return cb(err)
@ -6035,18 +6042,13 @@ module.exports = {
const fs = __nccwpck_require__(7758)
const u = (__nccwpck_require__(9046).fromCallback)
const rimraf = __nccwpck_require__(8761)
function remove (path, callback) {
// Node 14.14.0+
if (fs.rm) return fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true }, callback)
rimraf(path, callback)
fs.rm(path, { recursive: true, force: true }, callback)
function removeSync (path) {
// Node 14.14.0+
if (fs.rmSync) return fs.rmSync(path, { recursive: true, force: true })
fs.rmSync(path, { recursive: true, force: true })
module.exports = {
@ -6055,316 +6057,6 @@ module.exports = {
/***/ }),
/***/ 8761:
/***/ ((module, __unused_webpack_exports, __nccwpck_require__) => {
"use strict";
const fs = __nccwpck_require__(7758)
const path = __nccwpck_require__(1017)
const assert = __nccwpck_require__(9491)
const isWindows = (process.platform === 'win32')
function defaults (options) {
const methods = [
methods.forEach(m => {
options[m] = options[m] || fs[m]
m = m + 'Sync'
options[m] = options[m] || fs[m]
options.maxBusyTries = options.maxBusyTries || 3
function rimraf (p, options, cb) {
let busyTries = 0
if (typeof options === 'function') {
cb = options
options = {}
assert(p, 'rimraf: missing path')
assert.strictEqual(typeof p, 'string', 'rimraf: path should be a string')
assert.strictEqual(typeof cb, 'function', 'rimraf: callback function required')
assert(options, 'rimraf: invalid options argument provided')
assert.strictEqual(typeof options, 'object', 'rimraf: options should be object')
rimraf_(p, options, function CB (er) {
if (er) {
if ((er.code === 'EBUSY' || er.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' || er.code === 'EPERM') &&
busyTries < options.maxBusyTries) {
const time = busyTries * 100
// try again, with the same exact callback as this one.
return setTimeout(() => rimraf_(p, options, CB), time)
// already gone
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') er = null
// Two possible strategies.
// 1. Assume it's a file. unlink it, then do the dir stuff on EPERM or EISDIR
// 2. Assume it's a directory. readdir, then do the file stuff on ENOTDIR
// Both result in an extra syscall when you guess wrong. However, there
// are likely far more normal files in the world than directories. This
// is based on the assumption that a the average number of files per
// directory is >= 1.
// If anyone ever complains about this, then I guess the strategy could
// be made configurable somehow. But until then, YAGNI.
function rimraf_ (p, options, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === 'function')
// sunos lets the root user unlink directories, which is... weird.
// so we have to lstat here and make sure it's not a dir.
options.lstat(p, (er, st) => {
if (er && er.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb(null)
// Windows can EPERM on stat. Life is suffering.
if (er && er.code === 'EPERM' && isWindows) {
return fixWinEPERM(p, options, er, cb)
if (st && st.isDirectory()) {
return rmdir(p, options, er, cb)
options.unlink(p, er => {
if (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') {
return cb(null)
if (er.code === 'EPERM') {
return (isWindows)
? fixWinEPERM(p, options, er, cb)
: rmdir(p, options, er, cb)
if (er.code === 'EISDIR') {
return rmdir(p, options, er, cb)
return cb(er)
function fixWinEPERM (p, options, er, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === 'function')
options.chmod(p, 0o666, er2 => {
if (er2) {
cb(er2.code === 'ENOENT' ? null : er)
} else {
options.stat(p, (er3, stats) => {
if (er3) {
cb(er3.code === 'ENOENT' ? null : er)
} else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
rmdir(p, options, er, cb)
} else {
options.unlink(p, cb)
function fixWinEPERMSync (p, options, er) {
let stats
try {
options.chmodSync(p, 0o666)
} catch (er2) {
if (er2.code === 'ENOENT') {
} else {
throw er
try {
stats = options.statSync(p)
} catch (er3) {
if (er3.code === 'ENOENT') {
} else {
throw er
if (stats.isDirectory()) {
rmdirSync(p, options, er)
} else {
function rmdir (p, options, originalEr, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === 'function')
// try to rmdir first, and only readdir on ENOTEMPTY or EEXIST (SunOS)
// if we guessed wrong, and it's not a directory, then
// raise the original error.
options.rmdir(p, er => {
if (er && (er.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' || er.code === 'EEXIST' || er.code === 'EPERM')) {
rmkids(p, options, cb)
} else if (er && er.code === 'ENOTDIR') {
} else {
function rmkids (p, options, cb) {
assert(typeof cb === 'function')
options.readdir(p, (er, files) => {
if (er) return cb(er)
let n = files.length
let errState
if (n === 0) return options.rmdir(p, cb)
files.forEach(f => {
rimraf(path.join(p, f), options, er => {
if (errState) {
if (er) return cb(errState = er)
if (--n === 0) {
options.rmdir(p, cb)
// this looks simpler, and is strictly *faster*, but will
// tie up the JavaScript thread and fail on excessively
// deep directory trees.
function rimrafSync (p, options) {
let st
options = options || {}
assert(p, 'rimraf: missing path')
assert.strictEqual(typeof p, 'string', 'rimraf: path should be a string')
assert(options, 'rimraf: missing options')
assert.strictEqual(typeof options, 'object', 'rimraf: options should be object')
try {
st = options.lstatSync(p)
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') {
// Windows can EPERM on stat. Life is suffering.
if (er.code === 'EPERM' && isWindows) {
fixWinEPERMSync(p, options, er)
try {
// sunos lets the root user unlink directories, which is... weird.
if (st && st.isDirectory()) {
rmdirSync(p, options, null)
} else {
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOENT') {
} else if (er.code === 'EPERM') {
return isWindows ? fixWinEPERMSync(p, options, er) : rmdirSync(p, options, er)
} else if (er.code !== 'EISDIR') {
throw er
rmdirSync(p, options, er)
function rmdirSync (p, options, originalEr) {
try {
} catch (er) {
if (er.code === 'ENOTDIR') {
throw originalEr
} else if (er.code === 'ENOTEMPTY' || er.code === 'EEXIST' || er.code === 'EPERM') {
rmkidsSync(p, options)
} else if (er.code !== 'ENOENT') {
throw er
function rmkidsSync (p, options) {
options.readdirSync(p).forEach(f => rimrafSync(path.join(p, f), options))
if (isWindows) {
// We only end up here once we got ENOTEMPTY at least once, and
// at this point, we are guaranteed to have removed all the kids.
// So, we know that it won't be ENOENT or ENOTDIR or anything else.
// try really hard to delete stuff on windows, because it has a
// PROFOUNDLY annoying habit of not closing handles promptly when
// files are deleted, resulting in spurious ENOTEMPTY errors.
const startTime = Date.now()
do {
try {
const ret = options.rmdirSync(p, options)
return ret
} catch {}
} while (Date.now() - startTime < 500) // give up after 500ms
} else {
const ret = options.rmdirSync(p, options)
return ret
module.exports = rimraf
rimraf.sync = rimrafSync
/***/ }),
/***/ 3901:
@ -7280,7 +6972,7 @@ function patch (fs) {
var backoff = 0;
fs$rename(from, to, function CB (er) {
if (er
&& (er.code === "EACCES" || er.code === "EPERM")
&& (er.code === "EACCES" || er.code === "EPERM" || er.code === "EBUSY")
&& Date.now() - start < 60000) {
setTimeout(function() {
fs.stat(to, function (stater, st) {
@ -7683,8 +7375,11 @@ var MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ||
// Max safe segment length for coercion.
// The actual regexps go on exports.re
var re = exports.re = []
var safeRe = exports.safeRe = []
var src = exports.src = []
var t = exports.tokens = {}
var R = 0
@ -7693,6 +7388,31 @@ function tok (n) {
t[n] = R++
var LETTERDASHNUMBER = '[a-zA-Z0-9-]'
// Replace some greedy regex tokens to prevent regex dos issues. These regex are
// used internally via the safeRe object since all inputs in this library get
// normalized first to trim and collapse all extra whitespace. The original
// regexes are exported for userland consumption and lower level usage. A
// future breaking change could export the safer regex only with a note that
// all input should have extra whitespace removed.
var safeRegexReplacements = [
['\\s', 1],
['\\d', MAX_LENGTH],
function makeSafeRe (value) {
for (var i = 0; i < safeRegexReplacements.length; i++) {
var token = safeRegexReplacements[i][0]
var max = safeRegexReplacements[i][1]
value = value
.split(token + '*').join(token + '{0,' + max + '}')
.split(token + '+').join(token + '{1,' + max + '}')
return value
// The following Regular Expressions can be used for tokenizing,
// validating, and parsing SemVer version strings.
@ -7702,14 +7422,14 @@ function tok (n) {
src[t.NUMERICIDENTIFIER] = '0|[1-9]\\d*'
// ## Non-numeric Identifier
// Zero or more digits, followed by a letter or hyphen, and then zero or
// more letters, digits, or hyphens.
src[t.NONNUMERICIDENTIFIER] = '\\d*[a-zA-Z-][a-zA-Z0-9-]*'
// ## Main Version
// Three dot-separated numeric identifiers.
@ -7751,7 +7471,7 @@ src[t.PRERELEASELOOSE] = '(?:-?(' + src[t.PRERELEASEIDENTIFIERLOOSE] +
// Any combination of digits, letters, or hyphens.
src[t.BUILDIDENTIFIER] = '[0-9A-Za-z-]+'
// ## Build Metadata
// Plus sign, followed by one or more period-separated build metadata
@ -7831,6 +7551,7 @@ src[t.COERCE] = '(^|[^\\d])' +
re[t.COERCERTL] = new RegExp(src[t.COERCE], 'g')
safeRe[t.COERCERTL] = new RegExp(makeSafeRe(src[t.COERCE]), 'g')
// Tilde ranges.
// Meaning is "reasonably at or greater than"
@ -7840,6 +7561,7 @@ src[t.LONETILDE] = '(?:~>?)'
src[t.TILDETRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.LONETILDE] + '\\s+'
re[t.TILDETRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.TILDETRIM], 'g')
safeRe[t.TILDETRIM] = new RegExp(makeSafeRe(src[t.TILDETRIM]), 'g')
var tildeTrimReplace = '$1~'
@ -7855,6 +7577,7 @@ src[t.LONECARET] = '(?:\\^)'
src[t.CARETTRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.LONECARET] + '\\s+'
re[t.CARETTRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.CARETTRIM], 'g')
safeRe[t.CARETTRIM] = new RegExp(makeSafeRe(src[t.CARETTRIM]), 'g')
var caretTrimReplace = '$1^'
@ -7876,6 +7599,7 @@ src[t.COMPARATORTRIM] = '(\\s*)' + src[t.GTLT] +
// this one has to use the /g flag
re[t.COMPARATORTRIM] = new RegExp(src[t.COMPARATORTRIM], 'g')
safeRe[t.COMPARATORTRIM] = new RegExp(makeSafeRe(src[t.COMPARATORTRIM]), 'g')
var comparatorTrimReplace = '$1$2$3'
// Something like `1.2.3 - 1.2.4`
@ -7904,6 +7628,14 @@ for (var i = 0; i < R; i++) {
debug(i, src[i])
if (!re[i]) {
re[i] = new RegExp(src[i])
// Replace all greedy whitespace to prevent regex dos issues. These regex are
// used internally via the safeRe object since all inputs in this library get
// normalized first to trim and collapse all extra whitespace. The original
// regexes are exported for userland consumption and lower level usage. A
// future breaking change could export the safer regex only with a note that
// all input should have extra whitespace removed.
safeRe[i] = new RegExp(makeSafeRe(src[i]))
@ -7928,7 +7660,7 @@ function parse (version, options) {
return null
var r = options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL]
var r = options.loose ? safeRe[t.LOOSE] : safeRe[t.FULL]
if (!r.test(version)) {
return null
@ -7983,7 +7715,7 @@ function SemVer (version, options) {
this.options = options
this.loose = !!options.loose
var m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? re[t.LOOSE] : re[t.FULL])
var m = version.trim().match(options.loose ? safeRe[t.LOOSE] : safeRe[t.FULL])
if (!m) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid Version: ' + version)
@ -8428,6 +8160,7 @@ function Comparator (comp, options) {
return new Comparator(comp, options)
comp = comp.trim().split(/\s+/).join(' ')
debug('comparator', comp, options)
this.options = options
this.loose = !!options.loose
@ -8444,7 +8177,7 @@ function Comparator (comp, options) {
var ANY = {}
Comparator.prototype.parse = function (comp) {
var r = this.options.loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]
var r = this.options.loose ? safeRe[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : safeRe[t.COMPARATOR]
var m = comp.match(r)
if (!m) {
@ -8568,9 +8301,16 @@ function Range (range, options) {
this.loose = !!options.loose
this.includePrerelease = !!options.includePrerelease
// First, split based on boolean or ||
// First reduce all whitespace as much as possible so we do not have to rely
// on potentially slow regexes like \s*. This is then stored and used for
// future error messages as well.
this.raw = range
this.set = range.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/).map(function (range) {
.join(' ')
// First, split based on boolean or ||
this.set = this.raw.split('||').map(function (range) {
return this.parseRange(range.trim())
}, this).filter(function (c) {
// throw out any that are not relevant for whatever reason
@ -8578,7 +8318,7 @@ function Range (range, options) {
if (!this.set.length) {
throw new TypeError('Invalid SemVer Range: ' + range)
throw new TypeError('Invalid SemVer Range: ' + this.raw)
@ -8597,20 +8337,19 @@ Range.prototype.toString = function () {
Range.prototype.parseRange = function (range) {
var loose = this.options.loose
range = range.trim()
// `1.2.3 - 1.2.4` => `>=1.2.3 <=1.2.4`
var hr = loose ? re[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : re[t.HYPHENRANGE]
var hr = loose ? safeRe[t.HYPHENRANGELOOSE] : safeRe[t.HYPHENRANGE]
range = range.replace(hr, hyphenReplace)
debug('hyphen replace', range)
// `> 1.2.3 < 1.2.5` => `>1.2.3 <1.2.5`
range = range.replace(re[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace)
debug('comparator trim', range, re[t.COMPARATORTRIM])
range = range.replace(safeRe[t.COMPARATORTRIM], comparatorTrimReplace)
debug('comparator trim', range, safeRe[t.COMPARATORTRIM])
// `~ 1.2.3` => `~1.2.3`
range = range.replace(re[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace)
range = range.replace(safeRe[t.TILDETRIM], tildeTrimReplace)
// `^ 1.2.3` => `^1.2.3`
range = range.replace(re[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace)
range = range.replace(safeRe[t.CARETTRIM], caretTrimReplace)
// normalize spaces
range = range.split(/\s+/).join(' ')
@ -8618,7 +8357,7 @@ Range.prototype.parseRange = function (range) {
// At this point, the range is completely trimmed and
// ready to be split into comparators.
var compRe = loose ? re[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : re[t.COMPARATOR]
var compRe = loose ? safeRe[t.COMPARATORLOOSE] : safeRe[t.COMPARATOR]
var set = range.split(' ').map(function (comp) {
return parseComparator(comp, this.options)
}, this).join(' ').split(/\s+/)
@ -8718,7 +8457,7 @@ function replaceTildes (comp, options) {
function replaceTilde (comp, options) {
var r = options.loose ? re[t.TILDELOOSE] : re[t.TILDE]
var r = options.loose ? safeRe[t.TILDELOOSE] : safeRe[t.TILDE]
return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {
debug('tilde', comp, _, M, m, p, pr)
var ret
@ -8759,7 +8498,7 @@ function replaceCarets (comp, options) {
function replaceCaret (comp, options) {
debug('caret', comp, options)
var r = options.loose ? re[t.CARETLOOSE] : re[t.CARET]
var r = options.loose ? safeRe[t.CARETLOOSE] : safeRe[t.CARET]
return comp.replace(r, function (_, M, m, p, pr) {
debug('caret', comp, _, M, m, p, pr)
var ret
@ -8818,7 +8557,7 @@ function replaceXRanges (comp, options) {
function replaceXRange (comp, options) {
comp = comp.trim()
var r = options.loose ? re[t.XRANGELOOSE] : re[t.XRANGE]
var r = options.loose ? safeRe[t.XRANGELOOSE] : safeRe[t.XRANGE]
return comp.replace(r, function (ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr) {
debug('xRange', comp, ret, gtlt, M, m, p, pr)
var xM = isX(M)
@ -8893,7 +8632,7 @@ function replaceXRange (comp, options) {
function replaceStars (comp, options) {
debug('replaceStars', comp, options)
// Looseness is ignored here. star is always as loose as it gets!
return comp.trim().replace(re[t.STAR], '')
return comp.trim().replace(safeRe[t.STAR], '')
// This function is passed to string.replace(re[t.HYPHENRANGE])
@ -9219,7 +8958,7 @@ function coerce (version, options) {
var match = null
if (!options.rtl) {
match = version.match(re[t.COERCE])
match = version.match(safeRe[t.COERCE])
} else {
// Find the right-most coercible string that does not share
// a terminus with a more left-ward coercible string.
@ -9230,17 +8969,17 @@ function coerce (version, options) {
// Stop when we get a match that ends at the string end, since no
// coercible string can be more right-ward without the same terminus.
var next
while ((next = re[t.COERCERTL].exec(version)) &&
while ((next = safeRe[t.COERCERTL].exec(version)) &&
(!match || match.index + match[0].length !== version.length)
) {
if (!match ||
next.index + next[0].length !== match.index + match[0].length) {
match = next
re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length
safeRe[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = next.index + next[1].length + next[2].length
// leave it in a clean state
re[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1
safeRe[t.COERCERTL].lastIndex = -1
if (match === null) {
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
@ -25,26 +25,26 @@
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