import * as core from '@actions/core' import * as tc from '@actions/tool-cache' import * as exec from '@actions/exec' import * as path from 'path' import * as fs from 'fs' import * as fse from 'fs-extra' import * as os from 'os' const CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION = '3.0' const COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION = '6858069' const COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_WIN_URL = `${COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION}` const COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_MAC_URL = `${COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION}` const COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_LIN_URL = `${COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION}` const HOME = os.homedir() const ANDROID_HOME_DIR = path.join(HOME, '.android') const ANDROID_HOME_SDK_DIR = path.join(ANDROID_HOME_DIR, 'sdk') let ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = process.env['ANDROID_SDK_ROOT'] || ANDROID_HOME_SDK_DIR function getSdkManagerPath(cmdToolsVersion: string): string { return path.join( ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'cmdline-tools', cmdToolsVersion, 'bin', 'sdkmanager' ) } function findPreinstalledSdkManager(): { isFound: boolean isCorrectVersion: boolean exePath: string } { const result = {isFound: false, isCorrectVersion: false, exePath: ''} // First try to find the version defined in CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION result.exePath = getSdkManagerPath(CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION) result.isFound = fs.existsSync(result.exePath) if (result.isFound) { result.isCorrectVersion = true return result } // cmdline-tools could have a 'latest' version, but if it was installed 2 years ago // it may not be 'latest' as of today result.exePath = getSdkManagerPath('latest') result.isFound = fs.existsSync(result.exePath) if (result.isFound) { return result } result.exePath = '' // Find whatever version is available in ANDROID_SDK_ROOT const cmdlineToolsDir = path.join(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'cmdline-tools') const foundVersions: string[] = fs.existsSync(cmdlineToolsDir) ? fs.readdirSync(cmdlineToolsDir) : [] const foundVersionsFiltered: string[] = foundVersions.filter( obj => '.' !== obj && '..' !== obj ) // Sort by desc, to get 2.0 first, before 1.0 const foundVersionsSorted: string[] = foundVersionsFiltered.sort( (a: string, b: string) => (a > b ? -1 : 1) ) for (const version of foundVersionsSorted) { result.exePath = getSdkManagerPath(version) result.isFound = fs.existsSync(result.exePath) if (result.isFound) { return result } } result.exePath = '' return result } async function callSdkManager(sdkManager: string, arg: string): Promise { const acceptBuffer = Buffer.from(Array(10).fill('y').join('\n'), 'utf8') await exec.exec(sdkManager, [arg], { input: acceptBuffer }) } async function installSdkManager(): Promise { fs.mkdirSync(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, {recursive: true}) // touch $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/repositories.cfg fs.closeSync( fs.openSync(path.join(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'repositories.cfg'), 'w') ) const sdkManager = findPreinstalledSdkManager() if (!sdkManager.isFound) { let cmdlineToolsURL if (process.platform === 'linux') { cmdlineToolsURL = COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_LIN_URL } else if (process.platform === 'darwin') { cmdlineToolsURL = COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_MAC_URL } else if (process.platform === 'win32') { cmdlineToolsURL = COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_WIN_URL } else { core.error(`Unsupported platform: ${process.platform}`) return '' } const cmdlineToolsZip = await tc.downloadTool(cmdlineToolsURL) const cmdlineToolsExtractedLocation = await tc.extractZip(cmdlineToolsZip) // Move cmdline-tools to where it would be if it was installed through sdkmanager // Will allow calling sdkmanager without --sdk_root='..' argument const desiredLocation = path.join( ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'cmdline-tools', CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION ) fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(desiredLocation), {recursive: true}) // @TODO: use instead of fs-extra once following issue is resolved: // if (fs.existsSync(desiredLocation)) fse.removeSync(desiredLocation) fse.moveSync( path.join(cmdlineToolsExtractedLocation, 'cmdline-tools'), desiredLocation ) fse.removeSync(cmdlineToolsExtractedLocation) sdkManager.exePath = getSdkManagerPath(CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION) sdkManager.isCorrectVersion = true } if (!sdkManager.isCorrectVersion) { await callSdkManager( sdkManager.exePath, `cmdline-tools;${CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION}` ) sdkManager.exePath = getSdkManagerPath(CMDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION) } return sdkManager.exePath } async function run(): Promise { if ('win16' === process.env['ImageOS']) { if (-1 !== ANDROID_SDK_ROOT.indexOf(' ')) { // On Windows2016, Android SDK is installed to Program Files, // and it doesn't really work.. // C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe /D /S /C ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\cmdline-tools\3.0\bin\sdkmanager.bat" --licenses" // Error: Could not find or load main class Files const newSDKLocation = ANDROID_SDK_ROOT.replace(/\s/gi, '-') core.debug(`moving ${ANDROID_SDK_ROOT} to ${newSDKLocation}`) fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(newSDKLocation), {recursive: true}) // intentionally using fs.renameSync, // because it doesn't move across drives fs.renameSync(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, newSDKLocation) ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = newSDKLocation } } const sdkManager = await installSdkManager() core.debug(`sdkmanager installed to: ${sdkManager}`) await callSdkManager(sdkManager, '--licenses') await callSdkManager(sdkManager, 'tools') await callSdkManager(sdkManager, 'platform-tools') core.setOutput('ANDROID_COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION', COMMANDLINE_TOOLS_VERSION) core.exportVariable('ANDROID_HOME', ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) core.exportVariable('ANDROID_SDK_ROOT', ANDROID_SDK_ROOT) core.addPath(path.dirname(sdkManager)) core.addPath(path.join(ANDROID_SDK_ROOT, 'platform-tools')) core.debug('add matchers') // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`##[add-matcher]${path.join(__dirname, '..', 'matchers.json')}`) } run()